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Post RE: Before the Moon lit up the Sky (See OOC)
on: February 05, 2005 01:41
(ooc: welcome nelenata!)

From amid the croud of elves, Eruanna heard the cry "Orcs!" And recognized the voice of Celaireth. Eruanna's father, Rio, immediately sprang towards the cries, as Eruanna and her mother grabbed her two young brothers, Onon and Caldo, to protect them. The fierce howls and cries from the orcs frightened Eruanna, who was just past childhood and had had few encounters with the evil creatures in her short life.

When the sounds died down, she rushed through the crowd, hoping that her father and friends were alright. She arrived and found her father wiping blood from his long sword. "Just a rabble of inferior orcs. We slew them easily." He grinned. "You did not worry, did you?"

Eruanna sighed. "You know I always worry. The orcs frighten me very much." Then, looking about, she asked, "Have you seen Celaireth? I heard her shout." Rio shook his head.

Eruanna searched, and found Celaireth just in time to see her collapse in Aquilla's arms.
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Post RE: Before the Moon lit up the Sky (See OOC)
on: February 05, 2005 07:09
At Celaireth's shout of orcs Aquilla spun around drawing his sword at he did. Everything seemed to go so slowly. He killed the first orc that raced at him and he saw the blood of the creature coming from out of it's mouth as the hilt of the sword hit the creatures body. He pushed the creature away and drew out his sword just as Rio came sword in hand. Celaireth stood with Aquilla and only then did all the sounds of the battle come to Aquilla's ears. Celaireth swung at an orc slicing it's chest open spraying it's blood across Aquilla. There were more of his kinsmen with swords than Aquilla had expected and as quickly as it started it seemed to end. The bodies of the creatures were strewn about the ground. They were horrid to look upon and the smell was foul. The horn of Oromë sounded and quickly he arrived and looked upon the dead with loathing then turned without a word and rode into the forest.

Celaireth stood beside Aquilla and when he turned to say something to her she fell as if she were dead. "Celaireth!" Aquilla shouted as he reached out and just managed to catch her. "Celaireth." Aquilla said more tenderly as he laid her down. He quickly took of his bloody shirt and laid it under her head. "Water, bring me some water quickly." He shouts. "Here you are." a familiar said. Aquilla looked up and saw it was Mîrion. "Thank you." Aquilla took some water and poured on her neck and a with a piece of wet cloth cooled her brow. "Is she hurt?" Someone asked. "No I don't think so,… just the shock of it all." Aquilla comments. "Celaireth" Aquilla calls softly as he wipes her face with a cool cloth. Slowly she begins to move and moan softly and then she opens her eyes. Celaireth looks up at Aquilla for a moment with a confused look. "You fainted my love, but you'll be fine in a moment." Aquilla tells her as he helps her to sit. "Here rest for a moment." He tells her as he draws her back against him. "Were there any of our people wounded?" Aquilla asks with out looking at anyone directly. "No nothing but a few scratches." Mîrion tells him. "Make sure the scratches are well cleaned, these creatures are foul and their poison seems to get into any small scratch. We have been fortunate this time." Aquilla sits with Celaireth until she feels strong enough to stand they then both walk to the water edge and clean the blood from themselves and their clothing.
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Post RE: Before the Moon lit up the Sky (See OOC)
on: February 14, 2005 03:49
The hosts of elves kept marching, and soon Eruanna became used to the travel. The spirit of adventure quickly took hold of her, and she was eager to see new sights. But in her heart she would always carry the memory of Cuivienen, with the calm waters flowing peacefully under the starlight heavens.

The elves were nearing the Mountains of Mist. As the hosts of elves made camp after a long time of travel, Eruanna and her little brother Onon climbed a hill not far from the camp and scanned the dark horizon. Underneath the lighter, starry skies, there was a deep black line on the horizon that stretched from the north the the south, as far as the eye could see.

"That must the be great mountain range that the leaders spoke of," Eruanna said to Onon. Onon wrinkled his nose. "It doesn't look very tall to me."

Eruanna laughed. "That's because we are so far away, silly boy," she said, ruffling his pale hair. She looked back at the faint mountain range, far away. "We'll be there sooner than you think."

Onon looked curious. "And then what?" He asked impatiently. Eruanna shook her head slowly. "And then, I-I don't know. Whatever fate brings, I suppose."
A twig snapped in the trees behind them. Eruanna drew a protective arm around Onon's shoulders. "Well, enough sight-seeing. We had better return to camp." Brother and sister walked back down the hill towards the valley where the massive host was resting.
Illusionary Heart
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Post RE: Before the Moon lit up the Sky (See OOC)
on: February 20, 2005 02:05
Mîrion lay lazily by one of the logs with his eyes closed. The thoughts of Aman crossed his mind once again. What scents did it possess? How brightly did the Two Trees shine in their never-ending bliss? Even in his dreams he could never fully account for what he'd seen, it bothered him slightly. The anticipation drove him to insanity, in a couple rare instances; for most part, he worried about what was happening at the present, or what could happen in the near future.

Mîrion sat up, hunched over and observed the surroundings at the camp. The camp was indeed massive, but despite the large host of Elves, it wasn exceptionally quiet. He gazed at a couple of younger Elves. They stood face-to-face, with their hands connecting them. Mîrion smiled to himself and looked away quickly.

It looked as if Mîrion was alone; Calaireth, Aquilla, Eruanna, Lastamo and Calassë were all preoccupied with their business. He looked up at the night sky, and all the stars shining subtly against some of the clouds and found himself tiring quickly. The battle against the orcs earlier had drained away some of his energy, and Mîrion hadn't had anything to eat for hours.
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Post RE: Before the Moon lit up the Sky (See OOC)
on: February 20, 2005 03:56
Aquilla and Celaireth dried themselves as best they could but before they went to sit by the fire. Aquilla reached over and place one hand on Celaireth's shoulder and with the other he lifted her head with a finger under her chin. He made as though he was examining her. "What are you doing?" She asked him. "Oh just making sure my future bride is undamaged." He replies trying to keep from laughing. With her right hand she knocks his hand away and growls at him and just as quick he has his muscular arms around her holding her close. "Your sword is nearly as beautiful as you my love and you wield it well. I hope our strength will not be tested again so quickly, though I'm sure they were surprised by our ability and to do so with such strength. Be careful my love I could not bear the thought of you being injured." The two of them move in closer to the fire and relax in its warmth almost dosing off.

The sound of twigs snapping and rustling in the forest bring mainly the men who are armed to the front of the others ready for what ever may come out of the woods. The sound of Oromë's horn lets them know that it is he who stomps about in the dark forest. He comes into the clearing and sees the men standing ready. "They have been driven off and most shall no longer trouble us. We will not tarry to long for I desire you to see the wonders that lay ahead in the hill we faintly see. We shall again journey when next I blow the horn." Oromë rode down the column shouting out the same instructions to those further ahead. "Don't get to comfortable Celaireth." Aquilla said not sounding to happy about it. He saw Mîrion sitting on his own staring off into the sky.

Aquilla reached into his pack and pulled out some bread and dried fruit which he handed to Celaireth. Then he took some again and stood. "I'm going to check on Mîrion to see if everything's alright." He tells Celaireth. He makes his way through those still sitting and comes up to his friend and hands him the bread and fruit. "You're alright Mîrion?" Aquilla asks him as he hands him the food. Aquilla sits beside his friend who seems unusually quiet. "Is something troubling you Mîrion?" Aquilla asks concerned for his friend. "I can see there is something my friend, can I help you?"
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Post RE: Before the Moon lit up the Sky (See OOC)
on: February 21, 2005 09:00
Celaireth did not eat the food she was given, but put it in her own pack instead.

"I might need it more some other time," she decided, "Or someone else might."

Celaireth absent-mindedly stroked the hilt of her sword. Shuddering, she drew her hand away.

"I fear I've grown to fond of the power it gives me," she murmured.

Sighing, she sat down to wait for Aquilla to return.
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Post RE: Before the Moon lit up the Sky (See OOC)
on: February 24, 2005 04:22
Lastamo sat towards the edge of the group of elves, recovering from the attack. She had never had to fight before. Sure, she'd learned defense tactics and the like, but her life had never defended on protecting herself. It had scared her.

When they'd atacked, she'd done the first thing that came to her mind--hide. Unfortunately, one of the beasts had seen her retreat and had followed her. Fortunately for her, though, he'd been shot when he was trying to reach her. Never had she felt more ashamed--she'd been a total waste, while other's had risked their lives to save the group. Maybe she wasn't fit for this. What if it wasn't worth all this?

Muddled thoughts of confusion flooded her brain, and she drifted slowly away from reality, as her mind was flooded with her pensive thoughts.

[Edited on 2/28/2005 by Elessar_2]
Illusionary Heart
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Post RE: Before the Moon lit up the Sky (See OOC)
on: March 05, 2005 05:04
Mîrion gazed at the earthen ground for several moments and gathered his thoughts. "It's been a long day, Aquilla. Draining. Tiresome. I worry about those who have experienced this for the first time...the women, the children." Mîrion's tone was serious now, as he continued to speak, "I predict over time the attacks will worsen, and we won't be as fortunate as we were today. I only want to get to Valinor in haste."

"But, we too will grow in strength and endurance, Mîrion. We ourselves will be able to fend off the orcs as our skill in battle improves." Aquilla said.

Mîrion looked up at Aquilla and stared at him for a second. "You're right, Aquilla." He said with a tiny smile on his face. "I should not doubt the resiliency of our people. Thank you." In silence, Mîrion sighed. There were some things you kept to yourself, some things you would not confide with your friends.
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Post RE: Before the Moon lit up the Sky (See OOC)
on: April 17, 2005 08:56
((Sorry about kinda 'killing' the thread. Trying to revive it))

Celaireth realized with a jolt she had fallen asleep. None of that, she chastised herself. She wondered if she were truly tired, or just bored. She nearly giggled at that thought. This was supposed to be a grand adventure, danger lurking around every turn! And here she was... bored. Bored is safe, Celaireth reminded herself.

True, she agreed, but not very fun. Are you just going to keep talking to yourself? she asked. Yes, Celaireth answered, if it keeps me amused. Internal silence followed. "I'm going crazy," she said aloud, "Completey and totally crazy." Celaireth poked a patch of grass with a strick. A slender, furry animal emerged, shrieking shrilly. "I apologize," Celaireth said, smiling, "I did not mean to disturb your nap."

Satisfied, the critter scurried off. I hope Aquilla comes back soon, Celaireth thought, then settled back down on the grass.
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