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Post RE: The Jewel and the Crown *free!*
on: March 05, 2005 09:32
Felyon smiled to himself as he prepared the bed for her and the couch for himself, He knew where she was going ,"Be very careful Elleth,"he warned. The Sylentor was happy, if Ceinwyn could work her magic his dream would be realised, He needed that dream.
Elboron would wish he had never accompaied him, Felyon, once in enquiring mood could question for hours.
Glyndr jumped at the sound of her voice, he had been deep in thought,lost in the fiery caverns of the embers in the hearth.
He turned to look at her, ice blue eyes glowing like a cat's in the candle and firelight. "Gwenneth", his voice a husky whisper,"you have come", he smiled his familiar half smile,his heart again held hope." I told Eldarion his guards are but simpletons who are useless at their job or you should not have slipped their sights"..the smile widened at the thought.
"I would wish no other to be with me" the captain refilled his crystal glass and poured another for Gwenneth, "Come sit by me at the hearth my flower" Glyndr sat on thethick, warm red hearth rug on the floor in front of the fire, "Come keep me company, one hour I know shall be too short".

[Edited on 6/3/2005 by elflyn]
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Post RE: The Jewel and the Crown *free!*
on: March 05, 2005 11:18
She knelt in front of him at the fire, and accepted the glass of wine. She adjusted her legs so they were curled next to her. "Are you sure you need another glass of wine, my Lord? You seem to have ," she hesitated, "you have had a bit much already, have you not? I mean..." Glyndr reached up and touched her face and stopped her with a kiss.
She kissed him hungrily. She wanted to make him think only of her from now on. He, surprisingly to her, pulled back a bit, and said,"Drink your wine , meleth nin. It is fine wine. Would hate to waste it, love." She sat back a little and drank her wine down quickly. Glyndr sat up and stared at her. "Love, it is not necessary to drink it quite that fast." He refilled her glass and she looked at him.
"How fast did you drink those bottles?" He looked at her and then at the bottles. He reached up and touched her face. "What is wrong, my elleth? You look so sad."
She shook her head and leaned away from him, just far enough to be out of reach. "Nothing is wrong. Why would you think anything is wrong?" Her eyes wandered to the fire.
He leaned forward. "My love, I wanted you to come here in order to spend time with you, not to fight with you. Please tell me if you have something bothering you."
She took another drink of her wine. "The only thing that is wrong is that I seem to have run out of wine again, meleth nin."
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Post RE: The Jewel and the Crown *free!*
on: March 06, 2005 01:16
Prince Eldarion slept uneasily blurred images of Richmond, Gwenneth, Ceinwyn, all merging into one incoherant swarm of colour until shooting up with a hand to his temple, he stared cautiously around the desolate shadow-sleek chamber. Nothing, not a whisper stirred the monotanous silence as he drew the robe about his bare, well muscled shoulders, the same dark green as his trousers. Running a hand through his dark slightly wavy hair, he strode languidly to the staunch air of a summer's night, the balcony bare of the chambers oppresive heat, and full instead of a revitalising peace. The gardens rumpled out in a vast array of neatly trimmed hedgerows and poppy beds, dappled with spots of silver hue. Leaning against the stone balcony, he stared with distant thoughtfulness out to the grey, slightly misted, horizon yet started when he caught the breif flicker of movement from somewhere in the gardens below. The heavily cloaked shadow detatched iself from the veil of silvery black which draped over the castles yet it's steps were awkward, the set of it's shoulders sluggish. Dimly, the brief flash of steel flared in the darkness as the thing dissolved amidst the shadows, a mere apperition or perhaps, something far more deadly. Something far more real. Eldarion immediately tugged a plain white tunic over his lean torso, throwing down the robe in favour of a fur lined cloak, and strode so as not to alarm the residants, with a resolute briskness down to where the Soarian soliders were posted. Gawain met him with a short bow of the head, noting the cool shrewdness the Prince seemed to posses when battle loomed. The true workings of a master tactician. Gawain did as he was requested, sending an elite guard of scouts out into the gardens and then in the murky corners of the stables for any trace of the hunched figure Eldarion had witnessed. Gawain himself stayed by the Prince until his men returned, with nothing save a tattered peice of shawn cloth, frayed and dirted with years of callous misuse." Who do you think it was?" Gawain asked curiously as the Prince merely shrugged, pocketing the wry peice of cloth." They don't know I caught sight of them so let it stay that way...tomorrow we shall see them again. And this time - this time I will be ready for them"
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Post RE: The Jewel and the Crown *free!*
on: March 06, 2005 01:41
Glyndr refilled her glass to the brim",My flower " he arched an eyebrow, "You seem as fond of the wine as I!"
He sat back, ice blue eyes studied her intently, he did not believe her when she said nothing was wrong, her whole bieng told him there was.he said nothing, he did not want to spoil the time they had.
Glyndr threw another log on the low burnt fire, it flamed up, sparks bright redgold flew up the wide chimney.
Turning to her, he took the glass from her hand and set it with his own on the hearth, "Let us not waste the precious time we have" he pulled her to him in a passionate kiss.
"Gwenneth I need ,and desire you more than life,I want you my love", The captain pushed her down gently onto the warm red rug, "Share that time with me in love not in battle"
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Post RE: The Jewel and the Crown *free!*
on: March 06, 2005 02:43
"Well, it is certainly fine wine, my Lord." And certainly strong, she thought. She went to take another drink and Glyndr took the glass from her hand and set it next to his own, and kissed her deeply.

"Gwenneth I need ,and desire you more than life,I want you my love", The captain pushed her down gently onto the warm red rug, "Share that time with me in love not in battle"

The ellon kissed her again, wearing down her resistance bit by bit, with his sweet kisses and soft caresses. She softly spoke his name, and he murmured hers in response. They were so close, and she knew what he sought, but she felt entirely powerless to resist.

The wine, she thought, it was too strong for me.
He had slipped her robe off her shoulders, and her head rolled to one side. He smiled his half-smile. The elleth was going to be his! He could feel it. They would have a bond with each other stronger than the one between most human relationships, one built on the love they had, not mere lustful advances such as his other couplings had been...

He loved her. Completely. His feelings grew so strong for her in the short time that they had been together, and she was different from any other female he had ever been with before, human or elleth. Everything about her and her life mattered to him...

Her thoughts were a jumble. Her emotions swayed from desire to fear. She had so many things she was still hiding from him, things he had every right to know if they were going to be happy together. But how would he react to knowing those things, knowing the truth about the elf that had come to her room?

He pulled away from her suddenly. He had not intended for her to be drunk when they joined with one another. This was not right. It lowered her inhibitions, that much was certain, but he wanted her to give herself freely, not because wine had lowered her resistance to him and his affections. The wine was certainly affecting her, but she seemed to want him as badly as he wanted to be with her.

He was moving in for his last seductive move, when she suddenly stopped him. "My lord, I need to tell you the truth about the elf that came to my room, the whole truth, it is the only way that I will ever be able to fully be yours. Please do not be angry with me." She took a deep breath and started to talk.

"His name is Kenarithil. He has been in love with me for years. He wanted to marry me, but I told him I would not. He was the reason I left my home. He would not stop hounding me. He chased me into the woods where I encountered the woes that stabbed me, and tried to kill me. He killed them with his bow and then told me before he would bring me back to be healed, he was going to have me. I screamed and suddenly he ran off into the woods and then Eldarion was lifting me and putting me on his horse and rushing me to the Houses of Healing." She paused and began to cry.

He gathered her into his arms. He kissed her tears away and told her in whispers that it was okay, he was glad she had told him everything now, and that he loved her and would never let anyone hurt her again.

Their kisses became more heated again, and suddenly the amount of time they were together didn't matter anymore.
He moved to her neck and began nipping at the flesh below her ear, and she shivered.
"Do you love me?" he whispered in her ear.
"Yes, Glyndr, I love you."
"Do you wish to be mine entirely and only mine?"
"Yes, do you?"
"Oh yes, my elleth." This last whispered so softly as they slowly joined with one another.


She was sleeping. He had picked her up and placed her on the bed, and she had smiled as his hand stroked her hair. He hoped she did not wake to any regrets. He loved her, and he wanted nothing more than to make her happy forever.
He sat back and rubbed his temples. Too much wine was giving him a headache. But he did not want to sleep, but rather to watch her as she slept, to protect her. From everything and everyone that could hurt her.

[Edited on 6/3/2005 by Iell-daughter-of-elves]
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Post RE: The Jewel and the Crown *free!*
on: March 06, 2005 07:05
Felyon paced the room for the tenth time, he chewed at his knuckles as he glanced at the candles on the wide, stone mantlepiece over the hearth, They had been lit as new when he returned to wait for Gwenneth, they had now almost burned through,
He became more anxious as each minute passed,anxious for the Elleth, he knew Glyndr too well, and he also knew now ,that the Kellquenti loved her deeply.
The Sylentor poured a glass of fine rose wine, he sat at the fireside and picked up his book, he tried to read , but all the while in the back of his mind he had a growing doubt.a fear.she would not return.
He placed the book on the side table, he could not concentrate,"Glyndr, oh Glyndr what have you done?" he sighed, He knew as the candles spluttered out that Gwenneth would not be coming back to share his room,and that she now shared her Kellquenti lover's room.
Felyon stood slowly, he took his book and his glass of wine to his bed, he was certain that he would now not be sleeping on the couch. "My friend" he said kindly, "Glyndr, I pray that this does not bring you dark trouble"
Glyndr sat on the wide, stone window ledge, his back against the cold stone,It was almost dawn , a faint pink glow on the eastern horizon .
He looked at Gwenneth with eyes that shone with a different light within their ice blue depth, She was beautiful in sleep, the red flower shone ruby fire at her pale throat.
He loved her with a deep powerful love that would live on even beyond death, He had tried, and hoped, that he had been gentle with her,he would never in eternity hurt her deliberately, he loved her too much.
He slid from the window ledge, and walked silently to pour cold water from a pitcher into a bowl, his head still ached,
Glyndr plunged his head under the ice cold water, surfacing to shake the water from his long hair, At least the water seemed to help.
He went quietly to sit at her side on the bed, leaning forward, he kissed her forehead softly, a featherlight kiss, water droplets fell lightly on her skin where they dripped from his soaked hair ,"My Flower" he whispered, "My beautiful Elleth"
Glyndr had never loved with such intensity, No one would ever take her from him, he would kill and be killed for her.
Felyon would have guessed, Glyndr was sure of that. the Sylentor would not say a word, he knew that too.
Glyndr waited , watching her still, until she would wake.
Both Glyndr and Felyon felt yet another fear,their Elven intuition, especially Glyndr's finely honed military senses, told them of an evil, an evil close, too close,one that blended with early mists, one that Eldarion, and they must be very aware of , and ready to face.Glyndr shuddered yet smiled, "Ah you devil, just dare try your evil, Eldarion and I are ready for you!".

[Edited on 6/3/2005 by elflyn]

[Edited on 6/3/2005 by elflyn]
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Post RE: The Jewel and the Crown *free!*
on: March 06, 2005 11:53
Ceinwyn woke bleary eyed the next morning to a staunch summer's morn, the distant twittering of birds merging with the teasing but faint beginnings of a breeze. Swinging her legs languidly over the side of her bed, she threw the same green robe she'd wore on visiting Gwenneth the night before over her slight shoulders. Striding to the desk where a fresh bundle of parchments had been placed sometime during when she slept, she frowned as her eyes darted to the door of her chamers. Open. Why the maids get worse! she cursed inwardly yet even then she knew her chamberwomen were careful to avoid her wrath and therefore, thier diligency in making sure everything was as it should be, was astute. Turning her head slowly from the parted door, she began to dress in a gown of rosy pink, soft against the pale ivory of her skin whilst her hair was bundled in a loose bun at the base of her neck. Bella had left a veil of translusent gold on the trunk at the foot of her bed, a sublte reminder that Gondorian women dressed quite differently to those of her native Soar. Smoothing her palm along the silken material, she twirled it through her fingers before, with a resolute sigh, she pinned it on either side of the back of her head so the majority of the material draped loosely about the bun, a graceful wisp of golden splendour moving with the motions of her head. With one brief glance in the floor length mirror, she strode out towards the picture gallery where Bella and several other ladies were gossiping in a tight bundle in the corner. They stopped abruptly when she entered, smoothing the folds of thier crumpled gowns and bowing thier heads in mute respect. Ceinwyn smiled as she passed, the stern statues as dominering as ever and, once out into the dry heat of morning she started slightly as Gawain almost collided with her, face thoughtfully drawn. Muttering an inaudible apology, he almost ran down the flight of steps which led to the trimmed gardens and disappeared into the valuting corridors of the palace. Ceinwyn frowned with an irritable curiousness after his back, shrugging as if to dismiss his furvative actions; the relative privacy of the gardens were too inviting. The bell tolled after a while as the Princess tore herself reluctantly from the tranquil peace of the open space and walked back towards the main feasting hall where Eldarion once again strode from the oppostie side of the dias entrance, as handsome and attentive as ever. " My Princess" he bowed his dark head with a warm smile as she mirrored the sincerity it held with her own. Resting her palm on his, they sat in quite conversation as the servants began to place bowls of crushed oats on the tables and pitchers of water beside them. Several places at the high table were empty and Eldarion, scanning down the conspicuous absences, noted with wry humour, that Gwenneth and Glyndr were two of them.
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Post RE: The Jewel and the Crown *free!*
on: March 06, 2005 02:12
Gwenneth moaned as she opened her eyes a crack. She raised one hand to her head. She suddenly sat up, and the room spun."Oh!" she said as she fell back against the pillows once more. A goblet of water was offered her, and she took it, drinking from it greedily. She glanced up, and saw Glyndr standing there. She choked, and then recovered herself. "My Lord-" she broke off as she realized it was not her bed she lay in but his.She looked at him and swallowed."I guess I never made it back to my room last night-oh no! Felyon!"
"It's okay, he knows where you are." Glyndr sat on the bed next to her."What do you remember?"
She looked at him, exasperated. "I remember everything, my Lord...until after."
"Well, that might be because you fell asleep, my love."
"Wore me out, did you?" He smiled and she giggled. Suddenly she sat up. "Glyndr, how am I going to leave this room?"
He held his hand up, and said,"Not to worry, my love. Early this morning, I went out to the hall, and told Bella that you had come in last night after hearing a noise, too frightened to sleep in your bed, and that I had given you mine. She has been in every half an hour since to check on you." There was a knock on the door, and Bella opened it. "And there she is! Come in, Bella. Our frightened Lady Gwenneth is awake now, you can aid her in dressing and preparations for the day. I will leave now, and go speak to Eldarion about the noises that were geard in the night." He took her hand and kissed it. "I shall await you in the Dining Hall, my Flower." He left the room, and Bella help her get up and led her to the bathing room. If she saw the small bites and marks on her flesh, she said nothing, merely held out her towel and then her clothing. "Something wrong, Bella?"
She shook her head."No my lady."
"Bella..."Bella looked at her, and then asked in a small voice,"Did the captain..I mean..and you..Did he do anything unseemly to you, my Lady? I mean..."
"Bella!" She managed to look shocked. "I'm sorry my Lady. I meant no offense. it is just that everyone knows the Captain Glyndr desires you, and they say that because he is a Kellquenti elf, that he can get inside your head, and they say that he can make you desire him, and they say that he makes women forget themselves with desire so that he can get them in his bed."
"So in other words, Bella, you fear that Captain Glyndr intends to use some form of Kellquenti witchcraft to seduce me?"
She nodded vigorously. Gwenneth sighed. "Trust me, Bella. Captain Glyndr has not used any form of witchcraft to seduce me, and indeed, the Kellquenti are not witches." Bella finished braiding her hair, and placed the veil on her, a soft lavendar one to complement the deep wine of her dress. "Besides, Bella, the captain would need no witchcraft to win my heart, and he knows that. You girls are all just gossips."
"Oh no, my lady. There are those outside the court that have seen him use his witchcraft..."
"Bella, that's enough!" She spun around and looked at the maiden. "I will not tolerate you speaking of Captain Glyndr in such a manner." She glared at the girl, who dropped her eyes and mumbled,"Yes, my Lady."
Gwenneth went down the corridor and a flight of stairs and went to the Great Hall. She spied Glyndr with an empty chair next to him, and she took a deep breath and swept into the hall, and seated herself next to him.
"My Lord Prince, My Lady Princess," she said by way of greeting them, as she smiled at the serving girl who brought her plate.
"You're late, Gwenneth." Eldarion said rather briskly.
She cast her eyes down. "I am sorry for that, My Lord Prince. 'Twill not happen again."
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Post RE: The Jewel and the Crown *free!*
on: March 07, 2005 03:43
Felyon was already at the table when Glyndr arrived, he looked pointedly at the Kellquenti captain, moss green eyes sharp, Glyndr looked away, a knowing smile twitched at the corners of his mouth.
"My lord, my Lady," Glyndr nodded a bow to Ceinwyn and Eldarion as he took his place next to Felyon, the chair on his other side clearly marked for Gwenneth.
"Headache?" Felyon whispered as he leant to pour himself a glass of buttermilk.he had seen Glyndr massaging the bridge of his nose, "Serves you right!" he said close to Glyndr's ear.
Glyndr narrowed his eyes, ""As a matter of fact yes,I did not rest well last night ,and I felt that something was not right".
"I'll wager you did not sleep, and yes, something is definitely not right!" Felyon smiled smugly.
Glyndr shot him a look that said "One more word and you're dead!".
"My Lord," Glyndr turned his attention to Eldarion,"Last night I felt a presence, all too evil ,in the grounds, and I do not think it shall go away, " he looked uneasy.
Felyon nibbled daintily at a slice of well honied bread, "I too felt the same presence" he added "Glyndr is right, it is evil" he mumbled as he licked honey from his fingers.
Gwenneth arrived before they could discuss the matter further, Glyndr smiled his perfect smile as he held her chair for her. "Good morning my Lady, I hope you slept well" the smile became a wicked grin,Felyon coughed as he nearly choked on his bread and honey.
"My Lord ," Glyndr turned back to Eldarion. "Is there anything you would like me to do with regard to this evil, shall you want me to post some of my Kellquenti guard?"
Felyon recovered enough to whisper to Ceinwyn, "I do not wish to seem impatient, but have you spoken to the prince yet?" He was eager to go home.
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Post RE: The Jewel and the Crown *free!*
on: March 07, 2005 04:51
"I slept quite well, thank you, my Lord," Gwenneth said pleasantly. She looked at Felyon and said ,"I am sorry I could not join you for wine and talk last night, my Lord. I was", she glanced slyly at Glyndr,"unavoidably detained." Felyon choked again, Glyndr smiled smugly behind the rim of his goblet, and Gwenneth had to lower her head and concentrate on eating for several minutes in order to control her giggling.

"My Lord Prince, I don't know if you had a chance to look through the vast number of parchments and messages that have arrived over the last several days, but after breakfast, I can show you the ones that require immediate responses. I divided the stacks for you the other day." Eldarion nodded. She took another bite of breakfast, and Glyndr passed her some fruit. She smiled at him softly, and then said,"Also, my Lord, some of the maids of the court have been talking about an archery contest to be held. Is this true?"
Glyndr was sitting back looking at Gwenneth, and fingering the silk veil on her head. He leaned over and said something to her, and she blushed. She tried to look at Prince Eldarion, but found it nearly impossible not to giggle.
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Post RE: The Jewel and the Crown *free!*
on: March 07, 2005 06:48
Ceinwyn bowed her honey gold head slightly as Feylon leaned over to talk to her. Staring briefly at the quiet frown of thought on her betrothed's finely boned face, she smiled with an infinate softness before turning back towards Feylon, resting a palm on his own. Her voice was the gentlest of whispers as she spoke, infused with an earnest warmth for the desire of a friend she could so relate to. " The Prince has given you his blessing to go to your home and yes" she added with a short stare towards where Elboron strode blightily in past the veiled entrance to the dias, clapping his hands with a brisk eagerness at the crushed oats awaiting him. " The young Prince of Ithilen will accompany you. You have my blessing also my friend...I hope it is all you expect" she smiled softly before turning as Eldarion blinked his reveire of thought away, pouring two goblets of water from the pitcher at his right. The Prince handed one into the creamy palm of his betrothed before easing back into his chair with a sidelong curious stare at the giggling Gwenneth. " You have heard no lies" he nodded " there is an archery contest this afternoon...I thought perhaps the Lady Ceinwyn would relish the challenge to face men at something which her countrywomen are renowed for" he grinned wolfishly whilst the Jewel's own lips curved into a teasing smile. " Ah but surely you would not wish to beaten in front of all your people my Lord? For if we are as famed as you say then how can their be any other outcome?" she challenged with a playful stoutness, Eldarion returning it with a small shrug. " I shall take my chances I think. May the best Royal win" he lifted his goblet in salute, the glint of mischief prevelant in the blue depths of his eyes. Ceinwyn returned it likewise, infused with a palpable delight at the thought of being able to exercise her notable skill in the freedom of Gondor's feilds. To show her new people what the blood of a native Soarian meant when it ran through the youthful veins of a Princess. Sipping her water, her eyes drifted to Glydr with a rueful wink, sliding back to Eldarion as he stretched his feet idly under the table, folding his arms behind his head. Letting them rest on him for the briefest of moments, she turned away, running a finger along the smooth surface of the gem at her throat. " Lord Glyndr if you would have the grace to find me later - perhaps when we're out in the feilds for the archery I'd be most obliged. There is something which we must discuss" he noted pointedly, refering to the topic of conversation which had been cut short on Gwenneth's arrival.
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Post RE: The Jewel and the Crown *free!*
on: March 07, 2005 07:58
The Sylentor squeezed Ceinwyn's hand briefly, "Oh my Lady, thank you !" he said with deep emotion in his voice, green eyes glistened again with tears that he tried hard not to show in front of the others,"I shall go now and speak with prince Elboron of it," he smiled the warmest smile ,"I owe you much my Lady, If ever I can do anything, and I mean anything for you in return, please tell me, I shall thank prince Eldarion myself as soon as I can,"
Felyon found Elboron ,who sat enjoying the company and the food,"My Lord",Felyon bowed, "We have not been formally introduced",the Sylentor seated himself beside Elboron,"I am Felyon", he said as he pushed his pale gold braids back over his shoulders, "I am brought to court as artist and musician to the Royalty".
Felyon smiled ,unable to keep his happiness hidden, "I have been given one day's leave to visit my homeland ,as you must know, I am greatly honoured that you shall accompany me", moss green eyes looked at Elboron ,bright emerald, pleading and anxious, "Pray, tell me when we may set forth?"
Glyndr watched with an ice cold stare as Felyon spoke to the young prince, he was extremely fearful of Felyon traveling with the exhuberant young mortal, he hated the idea, the lands were not safe and he did not trust Elboron to be able to protect his soulmate,
The Kellquenti was brought back sharply when he heard Gwenneth mention an archery competition. "Archery is a sport I have little interest in , give me a sword any day" he looked at Gwenneth, "If the princess is bold enough to enter why don't you?" I shall be there to watch with great interest!"
Glyndr was relieved when Eldarion asked that he meet him to discuss the problem, the Elf captain was impatient to seek out the evil that stalked the grounds "Yes my Lord" he nodded a bow,"I shall be only too eager to discuss the matter".
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Post RE: The Jewel and the Crown *free!*
on: March 07, 2005 08:26
"Yes perhaps I will enter, just to make things a little more competitive for Princess Ceinwyn, after all, I am sure that she could beat any one of the men on the field." She gave a brief nod to the Princess and then turned to Glyndr. "I need to speak with you soon, my Lord, there is something that needs to be discussed of importance between us as well. An issue that was brought to my attention this morning. That is part of the reason I was late to breakfast."
She looked at Eldarion and said, "My Lord Prince, whenever you have need of me today, I shall be available. Now, if you will all excuse me, I have a few things I should like to take care of before the contest this afternoon. My Lord Prince, My Lady Princess." Glyndr rose and pulled out her chair, and asked if she would like an escort back to her room. "No, thank you. Perhaps you and My Lord Prince-she caught the look and rolled eyes he gave her out of the corner of her eye-"could discuss your business now, so that both your minds will be free to enjoy the competition later."
She swept out of the dining hall, and chuckled to herself. She knew why Eldarion was giving her that look and rolling his eyes. It had taken him nearly a year to break her of the habit of referrring to him in that manner when she first arrived. He had told her that as his friend, she could address him as Eldarion or Prince Eldarion, because he did not want her to feel she was just another servant to him. Now she had returned to using the hated means of addressing him. She was not doing it to be spiteful, but as she had told the Princess, she had only the intention to serve; what she had not told Ceinwyn was that she no longer felt she deserved their friendship.
She turned a corner and heard the words "he has her under some strange Kellquenti witchcraft spell...I know he seduced her last night using his spells and charms." She pushed open the door that the voice was coming from and confronted just about every maid in the palace. "Well, it seems our little talk this morning did not sink in, Bella."
"My lady, we are only concerned for you. He will do evil things to you. Make you desire him, and then throw you away."
"Well, considering I desired him the first time I ever laid eyes on him over a year ago, Bella, I hardly think him doing witchcraft is going to do much to alter that. I will be speaking to Prince Eldarion today about having you removed for spreading vicious lies about Captain Glyndr." She turned and went to her room, slamming the door behind her. She pulled open her wardrobe and began looking for an appropriate archery outfit.

[Edited on 7/3/2005 by Iell-daughter-of-elves]
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Post RE: The Jewel and the Crown *free!*
on: March 07, 2005 09:39
Glyndr watched as Gwenneth left the room, he was intrigued yet worried at her words, what did she want to see him for?, what new obstacle had she found to put in their way? when at last,now he truly felt that they were bound in a love that held no fears or mistrust.
He glanced towards Felyon, the Sylentor was engaged in an obviously private conversation with the prince Elboron,
The Kellquenti stood, he nodded a bow to Ceinwyn and Eldarion, "Excuse me my Lady, my Lord , I have matters to attend to at the barracks, I shall meet you later on the fields".
The Elf strode to Felyon and Elboron,"My Lord, " he nodded a bow to Elboron, "Forgive me but I must speak with Felyon for one moment"
Glyndr turned to the Sylentor "Felyon , please do not forget the arrangement we have to meet in an hour " he emphasised every word before sweeping out of the room in a flurry of raven hair and a black and silver cloak(his last, the ladies had the other two).
He left an astonished Elboron and Felyon to continue their conversation.Glyndr was determined to warn Felyon of the dangers.
The Elf strode the corridors with purpose, he must know what the one who meant everything to him in his life wanted.
He swept past a gaggle of maids, Bella included, the ice blue stare that he fixed them with, enough to freeze their blood and take their souls.
He pushed open Gwennneth's door, kicking it closed behind him, "My flower, tell me now, I must know what it is that you must speak with me so urgently". Ice blue diamonds held her emerald green.
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Post RE: The Jewel and the Crown *free!*
on: March 07, 2005 10:19
"Well, that was certainly an entrance. Which of these do you think would look better on the archery field?" In one hand she held a set of close fitting calfskin leggings and vest, and in the other a simple dress. "I am thinking the leggings, they might distract the male compet-" She stopped as he ripped both of the outfits from her hands and threw them to the floor. She bent and picked them up and tossed them o the bed and looked at him."Was that necessary?"
"Elleth, I want to know what it is you wish to discuss with me, and I wish to know now."
There was a tone to his voice that meant this was not a time to be going on about trivial matters or making jokes. She heard it distinctly and read it in his eyes as well.
"Well, all I wanted to tell you was that there are rumors now circulating about you being involved in witchcraft. From what I have been hearing, you have woven spells over many women, human and elleth alike, and that you have used these spells to take what you want from them and then leave them. I was warned about it this morning, that you are working witchcraft on me, and mean to do evil harm to me." She stood up and put her arms round him. "I wanted to warn you, because I know what an allegation like that could do to someone in your position, as well as what it could do to the Prince to have the rumor spread that the Captain of the Guard is working evil, and that apparently he has the consent of the Prince, especially with the superstitious nature of people." She leaned forward to kiss him , but he pulled back from her. She stepped back, surprised and hurt. He stared at her and then asked her quietly, "And what of you? Do you believe these things you have heard? Do you believe I am working a spell on you?"
She shook her head vehemently. "No, my love. Why would you? I consented to you last night because I desired to. Not because of some silly spell, I know that."
The expression on his face didn't change, but there was a cold flicker in his eyes she had never seen before. He reached out and grabbed her arms and pulled her close. He kissed her lips then her neck and then the hollow of her throat, and as he made his way back up to her neck again, he whispered huskily," Who said these things, my flower? Who has been trying to poison our love? Tell me the name." He was purring silkily into her ear now, and as his kisses moved to her ear lobe and just behind her ear, he whispered again,"Tell me the name, Elleth." He pulled her tighter to him, and stroked her face with one hand, while holding her with the other one.
He slowly moved her over to the bed, and pushed her down to a lying position, and continued to kiss her. She was enjoying it far too much, she was not going to tell him. So he grabbed her face in both hands and demanded,"Who was it?"
Something she saw in his eyes frightened her, because she said, "Bella."
"Now see," he said as he kissed her roughly on the mouth, "that wasn't so bad, was it?"

[Edited on 7/3/2005 by Iell-daughter-of-elves]

[Edited on 7/3/2005 by Iell-daughter-of-elves]
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Post RE: The Jewel and the Crown *free!*
on: March 07, 2005 11:43
Bella, The damned, cursed woman, she had stirred gossip amongst the Royal household ,and spread rumour in the taverns,she was determined, he knew ,to have the charge of witchcraft brought against him. Cursed creature, she would rue the day.
"Gwenneth", the cold gleam melted, "My love , forgive me, I have again caused you fear,The fear that some harpy's vile words could drive you from me, drove me to madness, my love ,please understand, I have given you my heart and soul to keep, a trust I give to no one but you and Felyon, that fact alone proves my devotion my gods, forgive me my love",
Bella, he cursed her name, "Oh you shall regret your witterings, your superstitious ramblings, Glyndr would find the woman and demand her silence.
"Gwenneth" Glyndr returned to the sultry , seductive Kellquenti that loved her beyond reason,
"My love, I have frightened you, forgive me, I feared that a simple, foul mouthed, superstitious peasant would turn you against me" he silkily became the Kellquenti lover, whose whole life depended on her in a vulnerability too dangerous to his soul.one he kept hidden from all but a sensitive Sylentor.
"Flower I have no urgent engagements for an hour or so, neither do you" he slid closer onto her,"let us not waste that time" his whisper a hypnotic purr of desire,"My elleth, give yourself again to me and pleasure" all cold fire had gone from his eyes, yet it lingered still in his heart "Bella!"
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Post RE: The Jewel and the Crown *free!*
on: March 07, 2005 12:11
Gwenneth was frightened when she was face to face with him and saw that unfamiliar flickering gleam in his eyes. His lips had been rough on her mouth again, leaving the tingle that was familiar from the night under the willow.
Then his cooing had begun again, the soft silk of his words stroking her as agilely as his fingers did when they played with her hair or followed the curve of her jaw. Her heart had skipped a beat when she had been pinned beneath him, but now it was slipping back into the steady rhythm of twin heartbeats with Glyndr's. She could feel his desire for her in the words he spoke, in the lithe movement of his body sliding up next to hers, see it in the glow of his iceblue eyes.
She was giving in again, she could feel it. His kisses caressed her, his words, spoken so softly and seductively, were breaking down her will. She let his mouth meet hers and let herself fall into his seduction yet again.

She rolled to her side and looked at her Kellquenti lover stretched out next to her like a cat. One arm was bent at the elbow behind his head, the other resting at his side.
His eyes were halfclosed, and he appeared to be asleep. She turned slowly and went to get off the bed, and his hand shot across his body and gripped her wrist. "Leaving me, Flower?" his voice soft, but demanding an honest answer.
"Just getting some water." He looked at her and then relinquished his hold on her wrist, and she got up. She poured a goblet of water, drank it, and then offered him some. He smiled and took the goblet, draining it quickly.
Then he watched her form as she walked around the room, and said, "The leggings."
"What?" She stopped and looked at him confused.
"Wear the leggings. Your lovely form will better distract the male shooters that way."
"And you wish me to have that much attention?" she said teasingly.
"Of course. You belong to me, elleth. They can look all they want."
He rose from the bed and kissed her, and said, "Make sure you wear the flower, Flower."
"I always do, my love."
"Good." he was already dressed and ready to go out the door, but he waited until she was safely in the bathing room before opening the door and stalking out.
She quickly bathed and dressed, wearing a long tunic shirt partially tucked in under the vest, which was too loose to wear with nothing underneath it. She braided her hair into two braids, and pulled them up so they crossed at the back of her head and wound around the sides. She recovered her bow and her quiver that had gone unused for sometime now, and headed out to do some target practice, fingering the ruby glow at her throat as she left her room.

[Edited on 7/3/2005 by Iell-daughter-of-elves]

[Edited on 7/3/2005 by Iell-daughter-of-elves]
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Post RE: The Jewel and the Crown *free!*
on: March 08, 2005 06:03
Ceinwyn rolled her eyes in exasperated slightly, wistful boredom as the maids twittered about her, Bella's face unusually drawn - almost haggard. As she unpinned the golden veil from the Princess's head and set it carefully over the back of the high dresser chair, her mouth drew into a tight frown at Ceinwyn's carelessly soft question. " What is the matter with you? Your barely uttering a word!" she noted whilst Bella turned her face away, voice barely above a whisper. " I am not well that is all...I think I have drank too much in the celebrations of late "she made a vague attempt at a giggle, bustling with the white linen gown she handed to Ceinwyn as the Princess slid the rosy pink dress from her shoulders, tugging the white one over in it's place. The fabric was gathered up slightly at her shoulders so the pale creamyness of her arms were evident, the leather tight fitting breastplate moulding about her figure with perfect clarity.

Shaking her hair free of its bounds, it rippled in loose honey gold curls down her back so that when she strode out to meet Eldarion garbed in his regal finery, he couldn't help but stare at the careless, wild pride which made her laugh spirited; melodic. Sliding her arm through his with a brazen smile, his dark features acted as a perfect foil , such a clash of cultures - of looks, of personality. And yet, hoisting themselves up to thier mounts and galloping recklessly in a rush of swishing horse tails, the bond which was slowly forging was one of an infinate trust. Thier laughs merged with the rushing of the wind as they surged out through the cobbled streets, heedless of royal ettiquette and behaving for once, as the spirited youths they were. The locals shook thier heads with a rueful fondess as the pair dissolved into a vague blur, riding into the rougher outskirts of the provinces where a wide feild was decked out with simple squares of cloth either end. Infront of a line of murky evergreens there were a rank of round arrow targets, each rim of leather dyed a different colour to mark it's proximity to the centre. Only a select few of the Princes closest companions were chosen to ride with the royal couple that day - Eldarion valued Ceinwyn as such that he intended to sheild her from the prying eyes of gossips. This pursuit she treasured as a brief memory of her fading past and for that, he'd keep all and any to give her at least an ounce of privacy. The other courtiers began to arrive in a short, dribbling line, caught of guard by the abrupt departure of Eldarion and Ceinwyn who were now paused before the stacks of arrows, choosing a few for thier own bows.
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Post RE: The Jewel and the Crown *free!*
on: March 08, 2005 07:24
Glyndr moved silently through the corridors, a predator on the hunt for its prey.
It was easy, he found his prey exactly where he thought it would be. In Ceinwyn's bedroom.
He threw open the door with a crash, "Oh heavens save us!"Bella shrieked, she put her hands to her face in terror. the other maid with her stared in horror at the dark Elf, dangerous in the doorway.
"Get out now!!" he ordered sharply, The two maids ran for the door as he stood aside, "Not you", Glyndr grabbed Bella and pushed her roughly back towards the wall, kicking the door closed firmly behind him.
"So my little viper," Glyndr held her by the throat,"you have been telling wicked lies and saying evil of me have you?"
Glyndr closed in on the terrified maid , pushing her so she was trapped against the wall.
"No oh no I only repeated what others said, I only wanted the Ladies to be safe" the maid gabbled ,unable to think clearly in her fear."Don't hurt me please don't hurt me " she begged , she shook uncontrollably,
"Hurt you?" the Elf smiled softly, "No , you little gossip" he fixed her with his ice cold stare, the cold ice blue flicker glittering deep in frost blue eyes,
"No" she wailed "Please do not put a hex on me I beg you".
"There you go again, tell any more of those lies and spread anymore vicious rumours and I shall know of it" Glyndr stroked her face with one finger,"then we shall see if those accusations and lies of yours are in reality the truth" .
The Kellquenti captain threw her on the bed "Remember my words", he warned as he left to find Felyon ,and then he wanted to scout the grounds before his meeting with Eldarion.he would look for tiny clues, ones that the mortals may have missed.
Glyndr was eager for the challenge , Gondor had been too quiet of late,
He waited eagerly for the afternoon's competition,It would prove to be very interesting with the two Ladies entered. "Perhaps I shall make a wager with Felyon and that Elboron on the outcome" he thought with a wicked smile, "I think it shall be a very close run thing".

[Edited on 8/3/2005 by elflyn]
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Post RE: The Jewel and the Crown *free!*
on: March 08, 2005 07:49
Gwenneth arrived with a small box in her hand. She slid from her horse and quietly observed Ceinwyn for a moment, wondering whether or not the Princess would accept her gift, or if she would think Gwenneth was up to something again.
Shaking her head, the elleth turned away and went to practice. As she did so, she slid the box into her saddlebag, and distanced herself as far from the Prince and Princess as she could get. They're happy now. she thought. Good. They will have fine strong children one day, and will rule together with justice and fairness. She still felt badly about all the things that had happened especially the incident with the Prince, but she would have to get over thinking about it and move on. She had Glyndr, and even if he was a bit rough with her from time to time, and left a small bruise here and there, he had at least thankfully never mentioned his desire for Ceinwyn again.
She drew back on her bow, and felt a tingling in her drawing arm. She looked over at her arm and saw a bruise there she had not noticed before. Damn him, she thought.
One of the men near her noticed the bruise as well, considering it was black and blue, it was not easy to miss. He made a comment to the man next to him about Lord Glyndr's habits getting rougher, and turned again to find the elleth staring at him, her bow aimed rather pointedly at his lower anatomy. He uttered a hasty apology, and the elleth pivoted and fired, hitting the center of the target. She drew down again, and again hit with almost perfect accuracy. After several minutes, the tingle became more than that, moving into the category of an ache, so she stopped firing and went and retrieved her arrows from the target. When she came back, one of the men had pulled an arrow from her quiver and was complaining about it to the other men. It was an elven made arrow, different than the ones they were using, and he accused her of attempting to cheat. She tried to snatch the arrow from him, and he grabbed her bruised arm. She cried out in pain, and one of the men made a comment about whether she sounded like that when whoring for Glyndr. She put him to the ground with a very well-placed kick and the man holding her suddenly let go when he was warned he had garnered both the Prince and Princess's attention. Gwenneth went over and sat down, rubbing her arm where the bruise was and trying to keep her temper down. She glanced up when a shadow fell over her, and Eldarion asked what had just happened. "Nothing, it was nothing." she said, rubbing her arm and trying to get the feeling back.
He looked at the bruise and then looked over at the men. "It wasn'r them," she said pointedly, and Eldarion raised an eyebrow and said "I see" when he grasped the meaning of her words.
"My lord, I am withdrawing from the competition. I cannot draw back with this pain in my arm, and the men accused me of cheating, for using elven arrows lighter than the ones they have." She walked over to her horse and returned with the box. "Could you give this to Ceinwyn for me, I mean, the Princess Ceinwyn, " she corrected herself. I made them for her as a gift when I first learned she was coming here, and I had heard stories of the pleasure archery gave her. I couldn't finish them until recently, because I needed to be sure of the size of her hands.You can look at them, if you want. " Eldarion opened the box and took out two leather gloves, both made for the same hand. "They are drawing gloves, so her hand doesn't get the tiny cuts a bowstring tends to leave." One was embroidered with the colors of Soar on the back of it, the other with the colors of the Kingdom of Gondor, and both had her name painstakingly embroidered in gold.
She rose and went back to her horse, and mounted up, smiled at the men, and said haughtily, "You still have no chance at winning, even should I leave," and galloped off, back toward the palace.

"You did WHAT?"
She found him just after he had located Felyon in his studio, already talking the ear off Elberon.
She bit her lip and looked past him at Felyon and Elboron before repeating herself. "I withdrew from the competition."

[Edited on 8/3/2005 by Iell-daughter-of-elves]

[Edited on 8/3/2005 by Iell-daughter-of-elves]

[Edited on 9/3/2005 by Iell-daughter-of-elves]
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Post RE: The Jewel and the Crown *free!*
on: March 08, 2005 08:20
Eldarion returned to Ceinwyn's side with his spirits dampened slightly, marred by the apparent roughness with which Glyndr treated Gwenneth, something he was astounded that the elleth even tolerated. Well, he thought with a curt scoff, that is one toleration I will not lower my guard too..." Lord Prince? You are staring into space. Am I so very boring?" she teased wolfishly, prodding her slender finger gently into his shoulder whilst the Prince offered her a smile of sober thoughtfulness." the Lady Gwenneth has made you a gift - or rather made it before you arrived. Here" he handed her the wooden box and watched with a simple delight as her features broke into a delicate smile, one of a gentle respect at the fine handiwork of the embroidary. Slipping one onto her creamy palm, she flexed her fingers, tongue wedged with the corner of her mouth. " She has a fine hand for stitching - but an even finer one I should think for archery. Where is the elleth?" she frowned, looking breifly to the far distance as her eyes snapped bluntly to the men whom had earlier grabbed her arm. " She is being treated with less respect then she deserves and she bears it with not a word of rebuke" she noted coldly, drawing an arrow so quick that the brute barely had time to blink as one of her feather tipped arrows plunged in the ground mere inches from his feet. Arching her brow in a pointed gesture of warning, her smile was bitter, barbed with the bristling fury beneath. " Let them dare My Prince. Let them dare" she sighed quietly, before bowing her head to the box at her feet. Pulling the glove off her hand, the one with the emblem of Soar, she tugged the Gondorian colours on instead, turning to Eldarion with a smile as earnest as her words.

" I am proud to wear them now..even if it was not so from the start". The Prince took her bare palm to his lips, letting it rest there for a moment as the wind stirred his hair slightly. " The pride is all mine..I swear it..." The morning passed in languid idleness, for the most part Ceinwyn and Eldarion were segregated from the rest as their friendship blossomed, the women's prowess startling the warriors with the astute skill - an astute skill which came, they whispered, from a woman of myth. Eldarion was sprawled on bare grass sometime in late afternoon, his lean and well musceled figure causing a stir within the few women who had come, wife's of the generals but not gossips like the common maids of the palace. Ceinwyn was amidst them, noticeable from the sheer exuberance of her spirit, her laughter - the deep gold of her hair. My she really is a jewel, Eldarion noted wistfully, such a precious thing - and yet....so feirce. How can I ever have hoped to contend with a will as strong as her's? What an injustice I did to her..,breifly, almost so small that he didn't bare much notice, the targets at the far end of the feild seemed to have moved backwards ever so slightly from the last time he'd looked. Strange, he mused curiously, hitching himself up to his elbow and peering at the horizon with a growing alarm, until with an instinctual leap to his feet, he whistled to the large form of his stallion. The shadow he'd seen earlier was limping on the farthest right hand side of the targets, the set of it's shoulders sluggish. Pausing beside one of the rings, the Prince watched as the thing thrust a knife into the leather surface, a tattered peice of parchment fluttering slightly in the breeze and then, without a second to act on the impulse which flared in the Prince's eyes, the shadow dissolved. Into the deep whispers of the forest.
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Post RE: The Jewel and the Crown *free!*
on: March 08, 2005 08:49
The Kellquenti captain stared in disbelief , surprise and annoyance, "Gwenneth!" he moved swiftly to her,"Why did you do such a thing!? he chose his words carefully , afraid that he may say something rash, he had just wagered two hundred with Felyon and Elboron that Gwenneth would win.
"Flower", he gripped her shoulders," tell me why, when you have a good a chance as the princess?"
He frowned as she pulled away wincing with the pain "Gwenneth" he went to grab her arm, he was stopped by a slender hand pulling him back sharply,
"Stop it Glyndr!" Felyon placed himself between Glyndr and Gwenneth, "She has every right to withdraw if she so wishes ,
do not force her"
Glyndr glared "Keep out of this Sylentor"
"Captain" Elboron's presence calmed the tension, "Felyon is right the Lady may do as she wishes, leave her" he leant close to Glyndr's ear"Now that means that you owe Felyon and myself two hundred each!" he grinned."bad luck"
Glyndr spun round and it was only the fear that flooring a royal prince would secure his fate of the lash and the dungeons for definite.that stopped him from flattening Elberon.
The Elf took a deep breath to calm himself, his evil temper was getting the better of him today.
Turning to Gwenneth, he smiled",Flower please reconsider, forget I have a wager on you, I want you to win,for you, for me".
Glyndr's smile grew softer, "Come back with us to the fields, I must speak with Eldarion, come Flower join us and prove your skills".

[Edited on 8/3/2005 by elflyn]

[Edited on 8/3/2005 by elflyn]
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Post RE: The Jewel and the Crown *free!*
on: March 08, 2005 11:36
ooc:*Since it has already been established that Gwenneth has met the Prince Elboron once before, I inserted the remarks at the end of the first part. Perhaps he will remark to Eldarion about her unusual behavior*

Her arm hurt, and she tried rubbing at it without showing the bruise. As she looked at her arm, she felt the soft leather of Glyndr's glove cup her chin and she looked at him. "Please Gwenneth, come with, show your skills."
She glance at Felyon and Elboron and said,"Excuse us." She pulled Glyndr from the room and into the corridor. "Meleth nin, I cannot draw back on the bowstring as tightly as I should. Your rough play left a bruise." She showed him her arm.
He took her arm and began massaging it, his fingers deftly working loose the knot that had formed where the bruise was.
"My poor little elleth, I am sorry, but I will fix it. See the pain is already lessened." He dropped her arm, and stroked her face, forcing her to look at him. "Now Gwenneth, you will come, and tell the Prince you have changed your mind and will compete after all, won't you?" The slight inflection in his voice would have been missed by most, but for Gwenneth, the meaning was clear. She nodded her head, and reentered the room. "My Lord Felyon, my Lord Prince Elboron. I hope you bring your money to the competition." She then smiled at them and turned and walked out of the room, Glyndr taking her hand and following.
"Hmm." Elboron said as they left.
Felyon turned to him and asked," Yes, Prince?"
Elboron shook his head and remarked, "That has to be the most submissive elleth I have ever seen. Funny, I don't remember her being quite that sedate the last time I saw her with Eldarion."
She excused herself from Glyndr for a moment to run to her room for a moment. She was placing her quiver in the closet when she heard a soft sobbing. She turned and went to the sound, coming from her bathing room. Bella was there, crying and shaking. "Bella?" She crouched next to her. "Bella, are you alright?"
"He wants to kill me, my lady, I am sure of it. He is angry I told you about him."
"Bella, what are you talking about?"
"Lord Glyndr. He is angry that I told you of his evil workings. He wants to keep you under his spell so that he will always have a position of power. If he is with you, the Prince will not send him away, nor replace him as Captain of the Kellquenti Guard."
"Bella..." she began, and then heard Glyndr's voice,"My flower, what is taking so long?" His voice was coming closer and Bella screamed and ran from the room , barely getting through the door and past him before he could block her way. He looked at Gwenneth, confused.
Gwenneth shook her head and said,"She was sobbing and babbling when I came in here." She went over and closed the door to her closet and heard a lock snap. She looked at Glyndr, and said,"Meleth nin?"
"What was she babbling about?" His voice was cool and silky as he stepped toward her.
Gwenneth took an involuntary step backwards. "Are you suddenly afraid of me, my love? You need not be. I will never harm you." He had backed her into a corner. He leaned over and softly kissed her neck. "I was just wanting to know what might have caused her hysterics, and to have a little time to ourselves again. That's why I locked the door."
She gasped as his lips grazed softly against her flesh. "She thinks someone is out to kill her.That she made someone angry and that they are going to take her life."
He pulled his head back and looked at her. Deeply he stared into her eyes. She felt a mild pang in her head, like the beginnings of a headache, and then he smiled and kissed her. "Thank you." He whispered in her ear, which he then softly kissed. He stepped back again and was now his normal self."Come we must go to the practice fields, for I need to speak to Eldarion."
The whole way back to the fields, and even as Glyndr slid down and approached Eldarion, as she was setting up to practice again, she wondered what in the world he had been thanking her for.
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Post RE: The Jewel and the Crown *free!*
on: March 08, 2005 12:49
Glyndr snarled under his breath as Bella rushed past him,What evil had the spiteful tongued harpy tried to poison Gwenneth's mind with? The superstitious little peasant could ruin him. If Eldarion even remotely believed her vile accusations, it would be the end for him.
Eldarion would have him banished from court and position, publicly flogged then incarcerated in a damp, airless dungeon with no sunlight or warmth for two weeks before having his royal guard take him to the furthest reaches of Gondor's borders, thento abandon him to his own fate. Glyndr could not face that, the fear tore at his soul. No, Bella's lies must never be heard in the royal court.he would make sure of that.
Reaching the fields, Elboron found Eldarion first, "Ah my friend I am well pleased that I have found you before the Kellquenti," He pullled Eldarion to one side, "The Elleth Gwenneth, is there anything amiss? she seems as one so submissive, so easily persuaded, not the Gwenneth that I know, The Kellquenti , is there anything between them ? she seems so servile in his power" He slapped Eldarion on the back"Ah ,my imagination I expect, I shall now go to find the artist," he smiled "we have become great friends and are to leave in two days for his homeland, I do not mean to alarm you about the Elleth, just an observation" Elboron left to find Felyon.
Glyndr passed him on his way to speak with Eldarion, he acknowledged the prince with a nod, he did not like the look the prince gave him.
"My Lord" Glyndr bowed to Eldarion, "you wished to speak with me?"

[Edited on 8/3/2005 by elflyn]

[Edited on 8/3/2005 by elflyn]
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Post RE: The Jewel and the Crown *free!*
on: March 08, 2005 01:32
Gwenneth had retrieved a quiver of the same arrows being used by the men and was lining up her first shot, when she happened to catch Prince Elberon coming near her. She shook her head and took the shot.
"Excellent!" She turned and looked at him. "Thank you, my lord Prince. Although I would prefer to use my own elven arrows, some of the men complained about them, they fly faster and farther than their own."
"Jealousy, that's all." He smiled down at her and said softly,"I should like to speak with you sometime in the next couple of days, before I leave here with the artist. We have not spoken in sometime, and I tend to worry much about a poor elleth stuck in Eldarion's court." She laughed with him, her silvery laughter reaching the ears of Glyndr, who turned and looked at them with displeasure before turning his attention back to Eldarion.
"I think I should enjoy speaking with you very much. It has been rather a long time,"she glanced down and then looked back up at him through her long lashes. "But now I must practice."
"Go ahead, I will watch a few shots."
She giggled and said, "In order for me to practice, Prince Elberon, you will need to relinquish my bow." She giggled again as he looked down and saw his hand resting on the top of the bow. He grinned and pushed his hair back as he let it go. "Sorry about that," as he flashed her that bright smile of his.
She turned her back to him and lined up another shot. She took it, and as she reached for another arrow, she saw the look on Glyndr's face.
He was not happy.
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Post RE: The Jewel and the Crown *free!*
on: March 09, 2005 05:02
Eldarion brushed Glynde dismissivly aside, hoisting himself into the leather worked saddle, tugging sharply on the reigns as he galloped down the farthest target on the flank of the line. Yanking the knife from the wooden target, he flipped it over in him palm, the hilt worked with molten gold in the shape of a coiled snake, ruby jewelled eyes with it's tongue stretching down into the middle of the blade. Frowning with dubious unease at the weapon, he wrapped it carefully in a frayed peice of cloth before sliding in under his belt. The warriors far back behind him were as doltishly careless as ever in the lull of merrymaking, oblivious to thier Prince as he plucked the peice of parchment from the target and held it up to his eyes; almost choking with the inscription wrote there.

' even a rose must wilt..even a rose has thorns. Watch your finger lest it prick; death to the Prince'

Stuffing it hastily inside the pocket of his tunic he made a show of checking the studded rims of leather on the round target before turning with almost an instinctual pull towards the impenetrable forest, draped with the sultry confines of shadow. The murky whispers of court were nothing to the vague curses muttered of the foliage, a taboo subject rarely spoken of in open conversation for these forests were the very ones where only years earlier a rebellion against Lord Aragorn had been quashed; remnants of Denethor's depleted bodyguards loyal even to thier master's ashes. Eldarion's curiosity prickled with a brief recklessness as he took a step towards the lull of the shadows before, pausing at the sound of Ceinwyn's voice, he turned, grey blue eyes resting for a moment on the willowy Princess running down the gentle slope to meet him. " Come Lord Prince they are calling for you" she urged breathlessly whilst Eldarion took a short glance back at the bent branches stirring slightly in the breeze, and took her offered hand. " I am with you" he smiled with the perfect ease of a courtier yet inwardly the small tug of curious but marred anxiety was distilling any warmth left in this day.

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Post RE: The Jewel and the Crown *free!*
on: March 09, 2005 05:38
The Kellquenti captain glared indignantly after the prince, "snub me would you?" he growled, eyes ice daggers, no one not even the prince would not feel Glyndr's anger at bieng snubbed "more fool you, for I shall not offer my , or the help of my guard again you can fight this alone"
He turned, throwing his long hair back over his shoulders in an indignant toss of his head, the Elf strode across the grass effortlessly in his feline manner, head held high , a proud ,angry Kellquenti, his target Gwenneth.
"My Lord", Glyndr acknowledged elboron with a curt nod "The Elleth has some skill with a bow does she not? , he did not wait for a reply before he turned to Gwenneth , pulling her to him, his arm possessively around her.
"You shoot well my Flower" he leant to kiss her cheek,"Do not make a fool of yourself with another" he hissed close to her ear,"Remember, you are mine!" he bit the ear sharply before standing back with a bright ice blue smile,that hid the possessive jealousy he felt.
"My Lord prince,Felyon" the Sylentor had just joined them,
"I hope you have the money with you"
Glyndr's sharp military trained eye had watched Eldarion and Ceinwny's every move with interest,the mystery became deeper, he was secretly please.d
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Post RE: The Jewel and the Crown *free!*
on: March 09, 2005 05:56
Gwenneth saw his approach and inside felt a lump of fear in her stomach. She knew he was angry, and she knew why. She belonged to him. He had reminded her of this earlier that day. But Elberon is just a friend, a dear friend I have not seen in a long time, she thought, surely he cannot be jealous of that? Not when he has admitted lusting for his friend the Princess.
When he arrived by her side, his cursory greeting to Prince Elberon told her everything she needed to know. His sweetness changed to the venom of a viper in her ear, and the bite was enough to make her flinch.
Elberon looked at her with concern, and she smiled a shaky smile at him and Felyon and then said softly, "My Lord, I need to go collect my arrows from the target." He nuzzled her ear and said wickedly, "Kiss me first, then I will let you go." She turned her face and kissed him, a very sweet and loving kiss, one that was discreet and at the same time programmed to inform everyone whose property she was. He let go of her and she went to the target and removed the arrows, and when she was on her way back, she happened upon the prince and Princess. She turned her head to say something to Eldarion, and Ceinwyn noticed the tiny bit of blood on her ear.
She told them they were going to head over to the refreshment tent , as none had eaten much all that day. She returned the arrows to her quiver and picked up it and her bow and they headed to the tent. Glyndr kept his arm seemingly protectively around her waist as they walked but to Elberon it looked more like a possessive hold, almost as if he were saying, "Look what I have got for myself." It made him nearly ill.
The Gweneth he knew was an independent, strong, willful elleth, one that never allowed herself to be pushed around. He shook his head, trying to figure out what had happened to his friend, how she had gotten mixed up with the damnable Kellquenti.
That same Kellquenti was now directing her to take a seat,and he and Felyon were gathering the drinks and food. He looked over hisshoulder at Elberon and said in a snarling tone, "Hope you don't plan on sitting next to her, that seat is already taken." Elberon walked over to the table and sat across from her, looking at her with the unasked questions in his eyes.

[Edited on 9/3/2005 by Iell-daughter-of-elves]
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Post RE: The Jewel and the Crown *free!*
on: March 09, 2005 09:50
Glyndr was seething, angry, Eldarion's snub had fired the dark demon in him ,"Oh prince, watch to your soul and your luck for I shall take both", he snarled, Glyndr would work his magic, Eldarion would rue the day that he caused the Kellquenti to spurn him.
Glyndr already felt hunted, hounded by gossip , and accusations by creatures like Bella, oh, that woman must take care! or he would have her.
Both he and his mother held the craft, sacred, secret, to their race, yet revered by all Kellquenti..
A craft that held them apart from other Kellquenti, one that if discovered would kill them, Witch hunters could earn a fortune in their terrible persicution. Not even Felyon knew of Glyndr's precious, rare craft,
Gwenneth was his, he had not felt or desierd a female so passionately, he guarded her with a jealous, fiery , passion that would lead him to killl for her.
Glyndr read and saw Elboron's disgust and fear for Gwenneth,The mortal knew nothing, Felyon did.
Felyon laughed as he sat next to Elboron, "I cannot wait for the competition, Gwenneth, how do you feel?, I know that you can beat any Gondorian" he looked towards Glyndr, Felyon was afraid, the Elf sat silent, He knew his Gwenneth would win. She must.
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Post RE: The Jewel and the Crown *free!*
on: March 09, 2005 10:07
Gwenneth smiled at Felyon. "I feel very good about the competition today, thank you, Lord Felyon. My bow has been singing most of the morning, and it is a sweet sound to be sure."
Elberon was staring intently at her arm. The linen shirt she wore could not cover the bruise well at all. The black and blue mark showed up dark against the white of the shirt. "What happened to your arm, Gwnneth? I can see the bruise through your shirt."
Before she had a chance to speak, the Kellquenti smiled and said, "Things got a little heated last night, and well, we both came out of it a little more sore than we went in to it." He stared at Elberon, almost daring him to challenge him with another question or comment. Always one for a challenge, he looked sideways at the raven haired elf, and said, "Gwenneth, open your mouth please." She opened her mouth, not sure why. Elberon looked inside and said, "Yep, that's what i thought. You can close your mouth now." He turned to Glyndr and said in a no-nonsense tone,"She has a tongue in her mouth still. The next time I ask the Lady Gwenneth a question, that means I want an answer from her, not you. What happened, you forgot to have her memorize appropriate responses?" The Kellquenti shoved backwards, as did Elberon. The two stood on either side of the table, looking like they were about to rip each other to shreds, when Gwenneth stood up."That is enough."

[Edited on 9/3/2005 by Iell-daughter-of-elves]
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Post RE: The Jewel and the Crown *free!*
on: March 09, 2005 10:49
"Quiet Elleth!" Glyndr forcibly threw her back into her chair."sit down and be quiet!"
"Damn you you insolent mortal" Glyndr snarled, He flew across the table in a sinuous, cat like leap,Grabbing Elboron by the throat, He pushed him roughly against the fabric of the tent "Do not ever dare to try me" the silver frost flicker drove deep into the Prince's soul.deep magic only just restrained.
"The Elleth chooses her own path" the grip tightened at Elboron's throat, "She chooses to be with me"
The Elf threw the prince backwards, "So I suggest you keep your juvenile remarks to yourself".
Felyon ran forward, "Gwenneth", he held tightly to her hand, " Please do not try to stop them, " Felyon knew that at any moment , both would launch themselves into a fight , and that the Elleth may get hurt if she tried to stop them,Felyon knew that even he could not stop Glyndr if he was intent on battle, he hoped Elboron could calm the situation,and not take up the challenge, "Gwenneth" Felyon's moss green eyes held hers "leave them please"
The Sylentor prayed to his gods that It would not end in a brawl, "Oh Gwenneth what can we do?"
Too late, Glyndr sprang at Elboron a cat on a mouse,"No!" Felyon leapt towards them,"Stop this now!"

[Edited on 9/3/2005 by elflyn]
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Post RE: The Jewel and the Crown *free!*
on: March 09, 2005 12:05
Gwenneth screamed as Glyndr sprang at Elboron. She shoved her way past Felyon. Glyndr and Elboron each had their hands clamped around each other's throats, choking the life out of each other. She grabbed each ogf them by the arm and began pulling.
"Elleth, back away!" hissed Glyndr.
"Gwenneth step back," Elboron said through gritted teeth.
"NO!" She forcibly wedged herself between them, trying to force them to break their holds on each other.
"Oh Gwenneth!" Felyon cried out "Gwenneth you are going to get hurt!"
Someone shouted something about going to find Prince Eldarion, and that peaked both combatants' attention, but neither one was willing to relinquish their hold first.
"Let go, Kellquenti slime."
"No, you let go, dirty human."
Gwenneth was getting crushed between the two of them. Still she refused to wiggle back out. She looked at Glyndr and said, "Please, meleth nin, let go of him. He is only a friend to me, not interested in me at all. Please, Glyndr, please, I beg you, let go." He snarled at her, and took his foot and shoved her out by the hip. "Stay out of my way!" He was offbalance for only a second, but it was long enough for Elberon to pick him up and slam him into a table.
Suddenly it was Ceinwyn's voice that rang out,"Halt this nonsense immediately!" and Eldarion was standing there yanking the two of them apart.
"What in the name of the Valar is going on here?" He roared.
"It's my fault, my Lord Prince," she said getting to her feet.
"No it isn't", Elberon said quietly. "It is my fault, Eldarion." I pushed an issue I knew the elf would be sensitive about, namely Gwenneth."
"I want to see all three of you after the archery competition. In my chambers at the palace."

[Edited on 9/3/2005 by Iell-daughter-of-elves]
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Post RE: The Jewel and the Crown *free!*
on: March 09, 2005 10:25
Felyon stood he shook and turned paler, if that was possible,"Oh dear gods no, oh Glyndr why must you always act before thinking?" the Sylentor whispered under his breath.
Glyndr eased himself slowly and painfully off the table, the prince had slammed him against the hard wood with force.his back agony.
He walked to stand at Gwenneth's side, he faced Eldarion,"I too must take much of the blame", the Elf dared again to look Eldarion inthe eye, He nodded a bow "It was I who made the first attack," he shot Elboron an ice dagger look, "The young puppy needed a lesson".
Felyon dug his friend hard in the ribs with his elbow"say no more", the Sylentor's voice only audible to Glyndr,"you are in enough trouble, do not make it worse!".
Glyndr glared at Felyon before he turned to Gwenneth. he took her chin gently in his hand, his look unreadable"Flower,as you so obviously wish to speak with your old friend" he emphasised the words coldly, "Stay then" the captain kissed her, then turned, "I shall see you on the fields"
Without even waiting for Eldarion to dismiss him, he left.
Felyon turned to Gwenneth, "My Lady I must go to him" the Sylentor stood back he nodded a bow to Elboron ,"Keep the Lady company, tell her of those wonderful things that you told me of"
Felyon bowed low to Ceinwyn and Eldarion,"My Lord, my Lady"
The Sylentor left, he knew where to find the Kellquenti.
He found him at the river's edge, staring deep into the water,
"Glyndr" the Sylentor placed a slender hand on his friend's shoulder, Glyndr shook him off, "Leave me alone!"he walked away to sit on a fallen tree, his head down resting on his knees, Felyon walked to him, he sat at Glyndr's side,"Glyndr", he said again," Glyndr look at me", the captain did not move.
Felyon put his arm across Glyndr's back, he leant close, his pale gold head just touching Glyndr's dark raven. The Sylentor spoke quietly to Glyndr for a while,before both sat up, Glyndr wiped the back of his hand across his eyes, "I know my friend,and I shall try".
Felyon stood, he held out his hand, Glyndr took the offered hand as Felyon pulled him up.
"To a contest my friend" Felyon smiled his warm smile "And may the best woman er or Elleth win!"
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Post RE: The Jewel and the Crown *free!*
on: March 09, 2005 11:56
She bent her head in shame and sorrow as she turned to Ceinwyn and Eldarion and made her apologies. "I am so sorry this happened. I don't even know what happened, everything was fine one minute and then the next..."
"The fault lies not with you, Gwenneth, but with myself and the Kellquenti. We both should have curbed our tempers and not allowed anger to best us."Elberon put his hand on hers as she sat at one of the tables. "Gwenneth , you seem such a shadow of your former self. The way he speaks to you, the bruises , those are things that I could never have imagined you to tolerate. What has happened to you."he questioned softly.
"Why does everyone want to think there is something wrong with me? I am fine. I need to be alone, so I can prepare for my match." She squeezesd Elberon's hand and curtsy-bowed to the royal couple and went to seek her solitude for a few minyutes to help her stop shaking.
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Post RE: The Jewel and the Crown *free!*
on: March 10, 2005 06:00
Eldarion's mouth drew into a dour scowl as he paced the now tattered hut, his mood seeming to muffle the careless laughter seeming so distant, from the groups outside the tent. With a ferocity Ceinwyn barely thought him capable of, he kicked the nearest solid object next to him, the small stool spinning akwardly through the air, before landing with a soft thump several paces away from the Princess. " What idiots you have become over nothing! If you cannot hold your temper brethran then I will ensure your packed of so far from here, you'll have no choice to! That extends to the elf too" he added acidly " I will not have braggets and fools for courtiers...dam you Elboron what came over you? Fighting like a common scoundrel?" he demanded furiously when, waving the Prince's defence aside, he shook his dark head. " What's the use. Your all as foul as each other. Be gone - we will speak of this later in my chambers. And be sure will we speak of everything and sort it for once. Go" he tilted his head curtly to the flap of the tent where the subdued Prince of Ithilen offered Ceinwyn a brief smile, and left. " Ah that woman!" Eldarion cursed with an irritable sigh. " It seems every dam man in this castle is in love with her! Love" he scoffed recklessly " what use is it but to cause grief among friends..for I am afraid my brethran may be falling under her spell; I cannot deduce whether she feels for him also. Only that for Glyndr she cannot - will not - tear herself away from" he scowled before turning to the Princess as if only just realising she was present. The delicate features of her face were drawn into an unreadable mask, eyes staring quite listlessly over his shoulder until, shaking her head of loose honey curls, she arched a puzzled brow. " So what do you suggest? Banish them all? Come Lord Prince, that would hardly solve this ridiculous tiff now would it" she noted stiffly, the cold sheen of Soar acting as a barricade to what lay beneath. " Let them fling thier curses all they like tonight and that will be the end of it. I'll speak to Glyndr personally" she added with such a firm bluntess, the Prince couldn't doubt her words would be as harsh as the temper boiling in her very veins. For a moment they stood as once they had been, forgien strangers of distant lands...royals destined to be lovers. " Elboron did speak some truth though Eldarion - I saw blood on her ear earlier. No" she snapped as he made a start forwards, her hand resting on his chest. " I said I will speak to him; do you not trust me?" she challenged with a bold sourness until the Prince's face contorted with such a look of earnest gravity; laying a palm gently to cheek in the most intimate gesture they'd shared in private yet, he smiled wistfully. " I think you out of many are the one person that I can trust" he answered honestly, before the pair were once more out in the boyant press of courtiers and Ladies, as amiable and carelessly charming as before. Yet in them both forged a stern fury which only later that day, would be purely stemmed.
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