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Post RE: Stupid LotR questions you've been asked
on: February 26, 2007 11:30
When I try to explain weird LOTR stuff to my friends they wind up staring at me blankly...
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Post RE: Stupid LotR questions you've been asked
on: February 26, 2007 11:40
When I try to explain weird LOTR stuff to my friends they wind up staring at me blankly...

My friends (for the most part) are familiar with it, or else I don't bother explaining it. I *did* attempt to explain FotR (probably in too much detail) to my nine-year-old cousin, who gave me the typical blank stare. The look on her face when I said "Yeah, the main villain is a giant, evil, flaming eyeball" was priceless.
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Post RE: Stupid LotR questions you've been asked
on: February 27, 2007 07:17
My sister was looking at the cover of the FotR DVD. "Who's that?" she asked, pointing at Aragorn.

"That's Aragorn, he's a king," I said patiently.

After watching part of the DVD, she came back to me saying "No, he's called Strider and he's a raider! I thought you knew about Lord and the Kings..." :banghead:
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Post RE: Stupid LotR questions you've been asked
on: February 27, 2007 12:22
It's not a question, per se, but today on the bus I was sitting with a friend of mine who's a Brazilian exchange student.

After running through his entire repertoire of English curse words and other vulgar language (boys...:rolleyes: ) he said, "I also learned another word, but it's not bad. It's 'dwarf'."

Me: "Um...what context was that in? Actual person dwarf, or Gimli dwarf?"

Him: "Gim-what?"

Me: "Never mind. Real dwarfs, or fictional dwarVEs?"

He then went off onto a tangent about leprechauns.

[Edited on 27/2/2007 by Michaela]
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Post RE: Stupid LotR questions you've been asked
on: February 28, 2007 12:34
That's so funny! I had a Brazillian at my school last year, but he was smart. He was hyper and would kill for sugar! Well, back to the subject. No stupid questions, lately, but I got my mom to understand and even like LotR! She hates violence, so it was hard.
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Post RE: Stupid LotR questions you've been asked
on: March 01, 2007 05:38
Wow! My mom still won't sit and watch the movies. She'll wander in and out and she knows the *basic* story, but my dad and my brothers are all LOTR nuts (not as bad as me, not even close) now. A 75% success rate isn't that bad.

Here's one I forgot. I took a journalism class and we got a newspaper every day. My teacher said we'd get extra credit if we found a misspelling.

Me: *reads the back page* *finds article about the New Line vs. Peter Jackson fracas over "The Hobbit"* *notices that "Tolkien" is spelled "Tolkein"* *raises hand*
Mrs. B.: No, I'm pretty sure that's right.
Me: :banghead:

Me: *rambling on about books and EEs* And so in the book there's a cute scene and Faramir and Eowyn get together and they--
Dad: Hold it, hold it. Faramir and Eowyn? Together? Cute?

:banghead: :cry: :banghead: HE'S READ THE BOOKS! Why, why, why do I live with people with leaky heads?

[Edited on 2/3/2007 by Michaela]
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Post RE: Stupid LotR questions you've been asked
on: March 03, 2007 07:23
this isn't really a question but...it's stupid anyway...

Talking about a guy that has long and black hair:
Friend: He looks just like Sauron!
Me: Sauron is a great EYE.
Friend: Well, I meant Saruman...
Me (desperate): Saruman?The wizard with long WHITE hair??
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Post RE: Stupid LotR questions you've been asked
on: March 03, 2007 04:30
Whenever I try explaining LotR to my friends I just get ignored. One time one of them actually listened for 30 seconds and then when I said Denethor caught on fire she interrupted and said " What do you mean, He went over a waterfall in a canoe !! " Ever since then I kind of gave up on explaining it to my friends.
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Post RE: Stupid LotR questions you've been asked
on: March 06, 2007 02:00
Ok I just found this on the Internet. I was browsing for an online dictionary of symbols and came accros one for myths. I click Lord of the Rings and here's part of whar I find:

"It is set in the same world as The Sylmarillion and The Hobbit."

How can someone even do that???!!!! :banghead:
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Post RE: Stupid LotR questions you've been asked
on: March 06, 2007 04:05
This was a long time ago...

Me: So, I'm reading "The Lord of the Rings" right now. It's really good.
My grandfather: Oh, I've heard of that.
Me: It's good! Have you ever read it?
Him: No. I've heard of it, though.
Me: It's a grand adventure story. I think you'd like it.
Him: No, I don't really like medieval stories.
Me: :twitch: Um...medieval?
Him: "Lord of the Rings"... That's about the Middle Ages, right?
Me: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

[Edited on 7/3/2007 by Michaela]
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Post RE: Stupid LotR questions you've been asked
on: March 07, 2007 10:19
Lol! Maybe he got Middle-earth mixed up with middle ages
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Post RE: Stupid LotR questions you've been asked
on: March 07, 2007 12:52
Lol! Maybe he got Middle-earth mixed up with middle ages

That's exactly what he did...it's annoying!
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Post RE: Stupid LotR questions you've been asked
on: March 12, 2007 01:11
A new one, from dinner.

My dad [to my brother]: Take a napkin, John. You've got food running down your face to the point where you look like Denethor.
Me: *starts laughing uncontrollably*
John: Hey! Not nice not nice not nice!
My mother: Who's Denethor?

For a while there was a guy on my dad's favorite football team whose first name was Samkon, so my dad would call Samwise Samkon and the Samkon guy Samwise. Annoying much!!
My best friend's "inventive" spellings: Eowen/Eyowen, Merri, Pippen, Gimili/Gimilee/Gimlee, Legalos, Borimir, Farimir, Rosy/Rosey...

[Edited on 12/3/2007 by Michaela]
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Post RE: Stupid LotR questions you've been asked
on: March 13, 2007 10:37
Lol about the Denethor thing...

We used to quote the "Of Herbs and Stewed Rabbit" scene whenever we had potatoes for dinner. It was funny.
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Post RE: Stupid LotR questions you've been asked
on: March 14, 2007 11:20
The Brazilian exchange student again...

Him: You're still wearing the key?

[I usually wear a large silver key on a chain around my neck.]

Me: Yes, I havent found the volcano yet.

Him: Volcano?

Me: Mount Doom...?

Him: ???

Me: :twitch: :banghead: :twitch:
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Post RE: Stupid LotR questions you've been asked
on: March 15, 2007 10:58
lol!! I stuck pics of Legolas Haldir and Elrond all over my homework diary:
Sister: Who's that (pointing to Legolas)
Me: Legolas
Sister: He hasn't got legs?
Me: *groan*
Other sister: (Pointing to Legolas) Is that Legally Blonde?
Me: ?
I feel I should mention that my other sister is only 7!!!
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Post RE: Stupid LotR questions you've been asked
on: March 16, 2007 07:50
Haha my friends would yell at me if I stuck Legolas all over my binder, they all hate Orlando Bloom... :cry:
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Post RE: Stupid LotR questions you've been asked
on: March 16, 2007 10:06
Haha my friends would yell at me if I stuck Legolas all over my binder, they all hate Orlando Bloom... :cry:

I have a friend like that, she hates Orlando's guts. For no apparent reason. Very weird.

My brother asked me the most confusing question one day. "What's the name of Faramir's son?" So I went on a search through the appendices and turned up nada before he realized that he hadn't meant Faramir's son, he was trying to ask me the name of Denethor's other son--meaning Faramir. I seriously don't get how he managed to do that.

My other brother has seen the movies many times, and yesterday he asked me, "So the Wraiths are the guys who had the Rings?" He'd never realized that...:twitch:


Same brother: She's got problems.
Me: Arwen? Problems?
Brother: Yes. Problems. She just threatened her boyfriend with a sword. If that's not 'problems', I don't know what is.

[Edited on 17/3/2007 by Michaela]
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Post RE: Stupid LotR questions you've been asked
on: March 22, 2007 04:02
The name Gandalf came up in conversation with my dear husband only the other day and he said, "Who's that? What's that a reference to?"

The weird thing is that when we got married *cough* years ago and amalgamated all our books, I found he had a copy of "The Hobbit" and naively assumed he'd read it. He says he hasn't (which I believe - we have loads of books he's bought and never read) and also denies that the copy is his. But it's certainly not mine - because mine has a different cover and I know it like an old and trusted friend!
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Post RE: Stupid LotR questions you've been asked
on: March 23, 2007 04:26
These are all so funny! My mother (despite seeing the movies several times) always seems to ask very odd questions like:

So that Isildur guy is Aragorns father?
Boromir and Aragorn are cousins?
So these tree walker guys don't like things that can move around?
How can Sauron be a firey eye and a wizard iin that black tower at the same time? (thinking Sauruman and Sauron were the same entity)

My best friend who never even finished watching the movies asks me:
So I heard all the elves are gay in this movie, how do they pro-create?
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Post RE: Stupid LotR questions you've been asked
on: March 23, 2007 08:32
These are all so funny! My mother (despite seeing the movies several times) always seems to ask very odd questions like:

So that Isildur guy is Aragorns father?
Boromir and Aragorn are cousins?
So these tree walker guys don't like things that can move around?
How can Sauron be a firey eye and a wizard iin that black tower at the same time? (thinking Sauruman and Sauron were the same entity)

My best friend who never even finished watching the movies asks me:
So I heard all the elves are gay in this movie, how do they pro-create?

Wow...these sound like the questions I've gotten! I got "Are Boromir and Aragorn brothers?" once, even. :banghead:
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Post RE: Stupid LotR questions you've been asked
on: March 29, 2007 04:21
I think the most fun I've had is watching people trying to pronounce The Silmarillion. I mean, seriously, how do you get 'Simarin' out of 'Silmarillion'? And I can't count how many times I've had to explain the 'Death Clause' in the Elves' immortality...Gandalf's resurrection also poses a problem to non-LOTR fans...some people just don't understand
But yeah, this is my favourite question of all time:
"Aragorn and that elf chick are COUSINS?!?!? Ewwww!"
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Post RE: Stupid LotR questions you've been asked
on: April 01, 2007 07:59
OK, I've got a new one!

This absolutely takes the cake for T-H-E stupidest LotR question anyone has ever asked me. *drum roll*...

While on vacation in London, my 9-year-old brother turned to me and asked, "Do they have Lord of the Rings here?"

:twitch: Well, no, they don't. The fact that the author was British notwithstanding--


My response was something like:

:twitch: *long pause* "Um, yeah, they do..."

Brother: "Why?"

Me: :banghead: :twitch: "Well, for one thing, Tolkien was British. And for another, the movies are pretty much ubiquitous.

And--get this--this was AFTER my other brother had pointed out big posters for the LotR musical on the Underground.

[Edited on 1/4/2007 by Michaela]
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Post RE: Stupid LotR questions you've been asked
on: April 01, 2007 09:43
*Laughs hysterically*

Thank you for posting that, I've been kind of depressed today....
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Post RE: Stupid LotR questions you've been asked
on: April 01, 2007 10:14
*Laughs hysterically*

Thank you for posting that, I've been kind of depressed today....

You're welcome. It's always nice to make someone laugh. I still can't believe he asked that...

Another random incident, but not as funny.

Same vacation, at the ruins of Corfe Castle in Dorset:

My brother (same one as before): I want to go up the stairs!
My dad: You can't.
Me: It's shut off.
My dad: The way is shut.
Me: It was made by those who are dead. And the dead keep it!

My brother: I wanted to go up the staircase!
My mom: You did?
My dad: He couldn't.
Me: The way is shut. It was made by those who are dead. And the dead keep it!
My mom: I don't get it.
Me: :rolleyes: That's because you won't watch Lord of the Rings.

[Edited on 1/4/2007 by Michaela]
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Post RE: Stupid LotR questions you've been asked
on: April 02, 2007 11:28
I'm feeling a little better now, thanks! That story was funny, it sounds like something my sister and I would do, while our parents look at us weirdly.
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Post RE: Stupid LotR questions you've been asked
on: April 02, 2007 12:38
Okay, I have one. I was reading The Silmaillion the other day and my cousin asked me what I was reading.
My sister told him it was written by the guy who did the movies I like so well. My cousin was confused, so I had to set them all straight.

I was reading Eragon.
Friend: what book is that?
Me: eragon
Friend: isn't that the guy who helped the Frodo dude destroy the ring?
Me:...:banghead: :twitch:
I then gave him an hour and one half long lecture.
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Post RE: Stupid LotR questions you've been asked
on: April 02, 2007 01:30
Okay, I have one. I was reading The Silmaillion the other day and my cousin asked me what I was reading.
My sister told him it was written by the guy who did the movies I like so well. My cousin was confused, so I had to set them all straight.

I was reading Eragon.
Friend: what book is that?
Me: eragon
Friend: isn't that the guy who helped the Frodo dude destroy the ring?
Me:...:banghead: :twitch:
I then gave him an hour and one half long lecture.

*bursts out laughing* Oh, no. I'd give him a lecture too.

I read half of Eragon, except I didn't pronounce it erraGUN, I pronounced it eRAGun, because pronouncing it erraGUN made it sound too much like Aragorn. Then my brother got mad at me.
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Post RE: Stupid LotR questions you've been asked
on: April 03, 2007 10:24
I loved Eragon, that was a great book. Except the movie for Eldest is going to be even worse... :sob:
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Post RE: Stupid LotR questions you've been asked
on: April 04, 2007 03:41
My dad: "So, Arwen is sneaking off to war with the Riders."
Me: "It's Eowyn, Dad. Arwen is Aragorn's girlfriend. The dark-haired elf. You know?"
My dad: "I have more things to worry abut than to keep the names of Elves straight."
Me: "Eowyn's not an Elf."
My dad: "Elves and women, then."

My dad: "And Arwen...Eowyn...oh, forget it. The blonde one."
Me: "You mean Eowyn, then."

Then there was the time when I kept up a running commentary about hobbit social classes throughout FotR...my brother nearly killed me...

But I still think that "The Wraiths are the guys who had the Rings?" after seeing the movie 8 times is worse...second worst to the "Do they have LotR here?" question.
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Post RE: Stupid LotR questions you've been asked
on: April 10, 2007 12:24
wow, i've been asked so many just plain stupid things i can't even remember all of them, but one i got asked just yesterday was:
"what was the little gnome with the blue eyes called again?"

oh the stupid ppl in this world!
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Post RE: Stupid LotR questions you've been asked
on: April 10, 2007 03:10
wow, i've been asked so many just plain stupid things i can't even remember all of them, but one i got asked just yesterday was:
"what was the little gnome with the blue eyes called again?"

oh the stupid ppl in this world!

Poor you! :hug: I see that we get the same kind of thing!

So yesterday, I downloaded the part of "The Steward of Gondor" where Pippin is actually singing off the Internet, and today I made my friend listen to it. We both started laughing, and then she asked "Who would sit down and do this?" :twitch: She didn't realize that it was the song from the movie that Pippin/Billy was singing...
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Post RE: Stupid LotR questions you've been asked
on: April 19, 2007 01:39
I have one.

Friend: Who acted in Lord of the Rings?
I quickly said the actors names, and then went into why they should watch it.
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Post RE: Stupid LotR questions you've been asked
on: April 23, 2007 02:17
At dinner, Lord of the Rings came up in passing.

Jake: Yeah, some guy, his username was Faramir, so of course he liked Lord of the Rings.
Mom: Who's Faramir?
Me: He's from Lord of the Rings.
Mom: Oh. *pauses* Is Faramir a good guy or a bad guy?
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Post RE: Stupid LotR questions you've been asked
on: April 25, 2007 10:32
:banghead: Poor Faramir...
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