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Post RE: Stupid LotR questions you've been asked
on: January 23, 2007 09:54
Wrote something about the scripture itself, or Denethor?!
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Post RE: Stupid LotR questions you've been asked
on: January 23, 2007 12:06
today.me and my sister were reading a merchendise magazine. and they were some LOTR jewellery. mostly the one ring, but there were arens evenstar too. and my sister aftr seeing arwens evenstar : "oh is this from buffy" *lol*

she knows the movies and generally she is not one of those people , but she just confused arwens evenstar with the look of buffys ring :twitch: :dizzy:
but maybe just becaue se was very tired *rofl*
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Post RE: Stupid LotR questions you've been asked
on: January 24, 2007 11:38
Wrote something about the scripture itself, or Denethor?!

I'm pretty sure I underlined the word in my notes and put a after it.
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Post RE: Stupid LotR questions you've been asked
on: January 24, 2007 04:56
Oh that is FUNNY! Kinda thing I'd do. I see habit and read hobbit. My friend said fork, I heard orc. One time, my brother said something, and I heard Legolas.
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Post RE: Stupid LotR questions you've been asked
on: January 25, 2007 11:32
That's happened to me too. One time in 6th grade a guy in my class said "hobbit" instead of "habit" but I didn't get the joke until later.
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Post RE: Stupid LotR questions you've been asked
on: January 26, 2007 08:44
alright, here are some good ones.

My sister and a couple friends are playing against me and my best friend at the LotR trivia game.
The first question was 'What weapon does Gandalf carry out of Edoras that he didn't come in with' or something like that, anyway the answer was the Palantir.

sister:Isn't it that weird bowling ball that zaps Pippin.
me: You mean the Palantir.
sister: yeah that thing.
'Not even the gods above can separate the two of us, no nothing can come between you and I.'
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Post RE: Stupid LotR questions you've been asked
on: January 27, 2007 04:36
Once my friends and I were playing LOTR trivia too (I'm suprised I didn't post this before)

Friend 1: What kind of a creature is Treebeard?
Friend 2: Ummm...A tree?
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Post RE: Stupid LotR questions you've been asked
on: February 01, 2007 03:35
yesterday! OMG :cry:

i currently working on an orc portrait with 5 of my favorite orcs on it.and yesterday in my school (i wasnt there when it happened, but my friends told me that afterwards) someone, said that this orc painting supposed to be a selfportrait of the artist ( -->ME!!) he didnt knew that i did it, but still:

WTF!? :cry: :banghead: :twitch: :dizzy:
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Post RE: Stupid LotR questions you've been asked
on: February 01, 2007 10:08
yesterday! OMG :cry:

i currently working on an orc portrait with 5 of my favorite orcs on it.and yesterday in my school (i wasnt there when it happened, but my friends told me that afterwards) someone, said that this orc painting supposed to be a selfportrait of the artist ( -->ME!!) he didnt knew that i did it, but still:

WTF!? :cry: :banghead: :twitch: :dizzy:

That was just, so.. rotten (if that's the correct word) :nono:
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Post RE: Stupid LotR questions you've been asked
on: February 01, 2007 11:09
Wait... how can you have FAVORITE ORCS?! :twitch:
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Post RE: Stupid LotR questions you've been asked
on: February 01, 2007 11:10
Wait... how can you have FAVORITE ORCS?! :twitch:
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Post RE: Stupid LotR questions you've been asked
on: February 01, 2007 02:03
Well you can have favorite Orcs... the dead ones!
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Post RE: Stupid LotR questions you've been asked
on: February 02, 2007 09:37
True, Linwe lol

All of my friends keep thinking that Bill is called Gandalf, and Gandalf is called Bill :dizzy:
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Post RE: Stupid LotR questions you've been asked
on: February 03, 2007 02:40
Yesterday my LotR loving brother and I were talking about the movies, and I mentioned "Elessar". He was like "Who's Elessar?" UGH!
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Post RE: Stupid LotR questions you've been asked
on: February 03, 2007 05:03
lol yeah I remember that sis. But i remembered in a couple of seconds.
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Post RE: Stupid LotR questions you've been asked
on: February 04, 2007 02:11
Me: I bet you can't even name one member of the Fellowship.
Sister: I can name lots of the Fellowship!
Me: Go on, then.
Sister: Ummm, Frodo, Bilbo, Robomir, Faramir...
Me: No.
Sister: What? No, that's four, there are seven altogether, right...
Me: Sorry, no.
Dad: *to my sister* There are nine hobbits in the Fellowship! Frodo, Potato, Boil'em, Mash'em, Stick'em, Stew...

Note - This is from the very popular video I forced him to watch To my downfall lol

Me: Sorry, you're all wrong. *names everyone in Fellowship*
Sister: What? What about Faramir?

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Post RE: Stupid LotR questions you've been asked
on: February 04, 2007 05:02
Aww... Poor Bow! What I tend to do is ramble about whatever book I happen to be reading (The trilogy, Hobbit Sil, etc.) then I quiz them without mercy!! :evil:
We must educate this world!
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Post RE: Stupid LotR questions you've been asked
on: February 04, 2007 05:17
We must educate this world!

haha yeah, someone must write a book like "LOTR for dummies"
or atleast create a website *lol*

[Edited on 4/2/2007 by tripple_mmm]
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Post RE: Stupid LotR questions you've been asked
on: February 04, 2007 06:01
haha yeah, someone must write a book like "LOTR for dummies"
or atleast create a website *lol*

Well, there is 'The Origin of Tolkien's Middle-earth for Dummies' by Greg Harvey. I have a copy and it's excellent. Covers everything to do with LotR, Middle-earth and beyond.
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Post RE: Stupid LotR questions you've been asked
on: February 04, 2007 06:19
My father likes the movies (but can't be bothered to read the books), but he must have watched them 5 times already now and I still get questions from time to time about what is going on exactly. And a couple of weeks ago he asked the most stupid question ever. I was screaming "Fool of a Took" for a reason I can't remember now (I do that a lot ) and he already got used to it and just smiled in a "oh, this is just a fase, she'll get over it" way (like that is going to happen ) so he knew it was from lotr, but later he asked "What does Took actually mean?" First I thought I had misunderstood him, so I asked him to repeat the question and he did. Now I heard the same thing and now I just thought he was kidding, but he kept staring at me very seriously and then I just started laughing hysterically and he kept looking at me so serious, not knowing why I was laughing. Ah, well, you guys probably don't think it was that funny, but I really couldn't stop laughing for 5 minutes

[Edited on 4/2/2007 by Scaedura]
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Post RE: Stupid LotR questions you've been asked
on: February 04, 2007 07:39
haha yeah, someone must write a book like "LOTR for dummies"
or atleast create a website *lol*

Well, there is 'The Origin of Tolkien's Middle-earth for Dummies' by Greg Harvey. I have a copy and it's excellent. Covers everything to do with LotR, Middle-earth and beyond.

haha, no really?! *rofl*
thats great, i think thats a great present for my family, for next christmas
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Post RE: Stupid LotR questions you've been asked
on: February 04, 2007 01:39
What I tend to do is ramble about whatever book I happen to be reading (The trilogy, Hobbit Sil, etc.) then I quiz them without mercy!!
We must educate this world!

I do that too!
One thing I really like is to question my mom on battles that happened in the Sil (because then it's really fun to laugh at her:evil
So once I ask her to name me some battles (in the Sil) and she tell's me about the Cormallen and Isildur. (Me: :banghead
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Post RE: Stupid LotR questions you've been asked
on: February 06, 2007 03:57
Ugh... it's horrible watching emotional scenes with my dad...

At Aragorn's coronation...
Dad: So that Ranger guy, he's a king?

When Aragorn sees Arwen at his coronation...
Dad: Awwwwww!!!
then he goes off to find my mom to give her a smootch.

When Frodo is leaving Middle-earth...
Dad: Wait, why is Frodo leaving ?

And when when I complain about my brother's hairy face (my brother calls it a beard and moustache :rolleyes
Dad: But that Aragorn guy hasn't shaved, and you like him.

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Post RE: Stupid LotR questions you've been asked
on: February 11, 2007 06:31
I gave my girlfriend a binder with all the Quenya lessons printed out so she could study it with me. On the front of the binder I wrote "Quenya" using tengwar. When my girlfriend's mom saw the binder and my girlfriend told her what it was, she asked "Are there really elves?" (I wish)
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Post RE: Stupid LotR questions you've been asked
on: February 12, 2007 11:36
Yeah, so do I.
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Post RE: Stupid LotR questions you've been asked
on: February 12, 2007 07:10
I didn't watch any of the movies in the...well...movies, because I only discovered my fascination for LoTR later. Anyway, I was watching one of the movies with my dad and my brothrt. My mom, who was ironing and doesn't like those kinds of movies, kept running out of the room, then coming in ten minutes later and asked 'who the ugly guys running around were anyway' and why two dwarver(dwarves...honestly!) were carrying a ring to an evil mountain.
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Post RE: Stupid LotR questions you've been asked
on: February 14, 2007 06:06
Just a few minutes before I came on this post I printed out a pic of Faramir. My dad was watching and goes,"Oh it's Faramir! Or is it Boromir?" :rolleyes:
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Post RE: Stupid LotR questions you've been asked
on: February 16, 2007 10:29
At least he knew it was one of them My dad would have wondered why i printed out a picture on a guy xD
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Post RE: Stupid LotR questions you've been asked
on: February 17, 2007 02:12
My parents don't really care that my room is covered in LOTR pictures. They're taking over, hehehehe...
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Post RE: Stupid LotR questions you've been asked
on: February 20, 2007 03:58
My dad kept getting Boromir and Aragorn mixed up the first couple times he watched FOTR. He said they looked like brothers. My response: ???

My brother: So which one's Merry, and which one's Pippin?
Me: *rolls eyes, because I figured this out ages ago* Merry has the yellow vest, Pippin has the Scottish accent.

We were watching ROTK and we were at the end...my other brother, Brother Number Two, kept bugging me with "Why does Frodo leave? Where's he going?" So I had to explain everything

Me: Pop quiz! Who is the Lord of the Rings?
Brother Number Two: Um...Frodo
Me: NO, you eejit! SAURON!

Just now (in the middle of this post) my dad was looking at my calendar pages. My brothers and I divided the pages from last year's LOTR calendar, and I got Barad-Dur, Helm's Deep/thumbnails, and Merry and Pippin/Gandalf. I had Merry and Pippin on my closet door.

Dad: So you got the cousins? They are cousins, right? Merry and Pippin?
Me: Yes (thinking: DUHHH! Of course! They're FIRST cousins!)
Dad: Fool of a Took. What's the other last name? Took and...
Me: Brandybuck.
Dad: Of course.

Brother Number Two: What's Tumor-Head's real name?

And to cap it off:

I was at a family Easter party last year, and I wandered into the basement of the house I was at and my brother (Brother Number Two) was watching FotR. It was at the scene where Arwen is taking Frodo back to Rivendell, and our hobbit friend...um, didn't look so great. My six-year-old cousin came up behind me.

Cousin: What are you watching?
Me: Lord of the Rings. Sssh.
Cousin: *watches Frodo with a look of confusion on his face* Is he...dead?

Keep in mind that said cousin did the exact same thing when we saw "The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe"--but that was in a theater, during a period of dead silence.
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Post RE: Stupid LotR questions you've been asked
on: February 25, 2007 07:26
Man, I feel really guilty now - when I first read LOTR (admittedly, I was only eight at the time) I actually asked my dad the eagle question. My bad

The funniest, or rather most annoying, question I've overheard was at a local cinema, asked by a man with two young toddlers. It was the night after FOTR had first come to the cinema;
Man: This movie is child-friendly, right?
(he didn't get an answer, but there was a lot of eye-rolling and sighing amongst the rest of us. He should have taken the hint.)
Three hours later, once the movie had finished;
Man: (very angry, carrying his two crying children) I thought that film was supposed to be for kids! It was full of blood and fighting and stuff!
Me: *doing the slow, sarcastic hand-clapping thing* Oh, well done sir. The fact that it was rated PG-13 didn't give you a clue? No? Well, never mind, you're really going to enjoy the next one...

Sorry, that was slightly off on a tangent, but it really was rather funny at the time
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Post RE: Stupid LotR questions you've been asked
on: February 25, 2007 09:39
That takes the cake as the stupidest thing anyone's ever done at the movies!
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Post RE: Stupid LotR questions you've been asked
on: February 25, 2007 03:35
Oh, wow, that IS stupid.

I had to explain who Faramir was about four times when we first saw the movies...they couldn't keep it straight that he was Boromir's little brother. I don't know why.

Tonight at dinner, I got "Who IS Isildur, anyway?" My brother just doesn't pay attention...

And when my grandma watched the movies, she got really confused when Haldir got clobbered in the back of the head. "I thought Elves were immortal...?"

[Edited on 26/2/2007 by Michaela]
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Post RE: Stupid LotR questions you've been asked
on: February 25, 2007 03:48
Dad: *to my sister* There are nine hobbits in the Fellowship! Frodo, Potato, Boil'em, Mash'em, Stick'em, Stew...

Note - This is from the very popular video I forced him to watch To my downfall lol


Ooooooooooh, poor you! I did the same stupid thing. Sent it to my brother, and it spread like oozing pestilence (sorry, I just had to say that) through the house. We can't eat ANYTHING without potato references. I have half a mind to memorize the passage from the book and start reciting it whenever they sing.
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Post RE: Stupid LotR questions you've been asked
on: February 26, 2007 07:27
Maybe it is best for me to keep LotR stuff to myself - anything I try to explain goes wrong
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