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Post The High Road, Dangerous Paths to Take(see ooc and post there to join)
on: February 28, 2007 03:34
Ooc: This is a rp using my new character Rodwen Mirfea. She is traveling to Lothlorien to talk with Lady Galadriel about some strange happenings in the area before the Gladden Fields, right on the borders of Lothlorien and Mirkwood. Rodwen knew Galadriel from the days of the Kinslaying and the Flight of the Noldor. She felt that Galadriel would need to know, even though she it has been rumored that she had great knowledge of many things that happened outside of the borders of her lands.

Rodwen rode wearily and slowly towards the Golden wood, Lothlorien, home of The Lady Galadriel. She and Rochar were having a very slow going at the pace they had to travel. The weather had been awful and thsi was the first day it had not rained in almost four days. The road was wet, muddy and very slippery, Rochar had lost his footing a couple of times and nearly went off the path.

SHe turned her head as she heard a noise, her hand resting on Angsereg's hilt, the bright red ruby on the hilt set in an iron taloned claw of an eagle glowing with the sun's rays. She dismissed the noise as nothing more than a rabbit as it dashed across the road. She continued on, Rochar picking his steps slowly and stapping on little occasional tufts of grass. They were coming back from a visit to Mirkwood and Harad, stopping only to rest in Mirkwood.

Some Elves had been captured and The prince had asked her to go as a messenger to The Lady of the Wood. They had become friends and she had listened to him when he needed to talk. He was young and fiery, yet gentle and calm. He held a great love for the outdoors and his family and friends, always wishing to help them in a time of need. That was why she had offered to go the Golden Wood, to return the favor. She sighed and focused on the road, smiling and chuckling to herself at the young prince.

"Ah, Rochar, let us stop for a little rest, hmm?" Her questioned earned a nod and snort from the horse, and he slowed to a stop. She sat down on a log and looked up at the sky, watching the new storm clouds form and grow. "Well Rochar, it looks like we still have some rough going on the road ahead. You rest all you want, you shall need it judging by those clouds." The horse turned his head to the side, his eyes rolled and a look of complete agrravation on his black face.

He was solid black but for a white star and white stockings, his mane and tail were light grey with black woven in. He turned his head back around and took a bite of grass, chewing slowly and then spitting it out. Rodwen's brow furled in confusion, her eyes holding suprise. She rose and went to the grass aorund him, rubbing a blade with her fingers. Blood came off and she rose it to her nose, taking a sniff. Her nose wrinkled up in disgust and she quickly wiped it off.

It wreaked of orc and she got up on Rochar's back, heading back on the road to travel once more. The day became quiet and dark, the clouds breaknig loose and rain poured down. She pulled her cloak around her and went for shelter. She found a little group of trees and she got in them, not having much shelter from the rain.

She tightened her cloak even more around her and Rochar voiced his displeasure with a grunt. She sat there and fell asleep, Rochar standing protechtively in front of her.

[Edited on 1/3/2007 by Elfalas]
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Post RE: The High Road, Dangerous Paths to Take(see ooc and post there to join)
on: March 04, 2007 05:02
Loud, heavy footsteps approached, and Rodwen saw another elf, Rainerudhiel, standing over her.
"Suilad, my friend." she said, her long hair was a disguise for her face, that was white and bore sea blue eyes. "May I ask, are you heading to the Golden Wood?"
Rainerudhiel was covered in mud, yet her long cloak was fairly clean. She looked to Rochar, a calm smile on her face. Rainerudhiel carried a faint smell of orc, and she bore many wounds, but her smile did not fade.
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Post RE: The High Road, Dangerous Paths to Take(see ooc and post there to join)
on: March 04, 2007 12:08
Rodwen looked up and saw the Elf standing over her. She felt a little uneasy at the constant calm smile, but otherwise Rodwen greeted Rainerudhiel wrmly. "Suliad, mellon nin, welcome. Come and sit with me, we can wait this weather out. Yes, I am headed for the Golden Wood with an urgent message to the Lady of the Wood. "

She watched her with mild curiosity, wondering why she smelt so strongly of orc blood. Rochar was uneast with the smell and he shifted nervously, but stayed calm otherwise. HE snorted and moved over some, leaving the two Elvish women alone to talk. Rodwen turned to Rainerudhiel and took out a bit of bread.

" You can have some if you like, it is not much but keeps me going. I am Rodwen Mirfea of Valinor, at least used to be from there. I left during the Flight of the Noldor and the Kinslaying. My instict tells me that I may get to go back one day, in one piece and not to the Halls of Mandos."

She smiled in recollection of those glorious days in the light filled, blissful lands. Then her smile quickly faded as she remembered all the things that happened after she left and all the things concerning Melkor. She went back to her mood and took a small bite of bread, chewing it thoughtfully and slowly. She heard a twig snap and her hand went to her sword hilt instinctively.

She stood and peered out into the drizzle, looking for a source. "Well, what say we go and find the source of disurbance, shall we?" Rodwen turned to her companion and watched her, awaiting an answer.

Rochar came up and nudged Rodwen's shoulder, pushing her forward and he went too, wanting to go on since the rain was slacking off. She turned to her companion and ignored the horse, earning in return a snort of indignance and Rochar walked off, leaving the two alone for now, until he returned.

[Edited on 4/3/2007 by Elfalas]
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Post RE: The High Road, Dangerous Paths to Take(see ooc and post there to join)
on: March 05, 2007 05:57
"Indeed." Raineudhiel replied, her fingers caressing the smooth surface of the spear she carried. She longed to once more return to the distant land it was forged in. Another snap came from behind her, and she jumped out of her thoughts. She looked to Rochar and Rodwen, and continued her distant smile as she followed them out to find the source of the noise.
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Post RE: The High Road, Dangerous Paths to Take(see ooc and post there to join)
on: March 05, 2007 10:20
Noranu cursed his carelessness in breaking the twig underfoot. he knew for certain that even the much weaker ears of the woman he had heard speaking a moment ago would have heard it. he decided to abandon all hope of secrecy, and stepped out of the treeline into the open.

"ho there! who dares approach the borders of the Golden Wood? be you friend or foe? speak quickly! if you be friend, i shall allow you passage. if you are in league with the Dark Tower, be assured that my bow will find your heart before you take another step, blind though i may be"
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Post RE: The High Road, Dangerous Paths to Take(see ooc and post there to join)
on: March 05, 2007 10:39
Rodwen raised an eyebrow in curiosity and she stepped foreward until she was in front of Noranu. Her eyes were soft as she gazed at him, almost as if reading him.

"We are friends and I have an urgent message for the Lady of the Wood, who shall remember me if all goes well. I am Rodwen Mirfea of Valinor and Nargothrond. I have also been to Gondolin, but that was close to its fall. If you wish to do so, you can join us."

She looked at Noranu and watched his movements, waiting for a reply. Her tone was soft and calm, much like the summer breeze. Rochar came up behind her and snorted his approval of the new being, particularly because he was an Elf.

The black horse then stepped up to Noranu and sniffed him, making his hair move back and forth. The horse nodded and stepped back, taking his place beside his friend.

"It appears that my horse likes you and approves of your presence, so if you wish, you can travel with us." She inclined her head to the side and watched Noranu, feeling as if she knew him somehow, for he seemed familiar to her.

She dismissed the feelings and looked over at Rainerudhiel, looking for a reaction from her at the new Elf in the clearing. Rodwen felt uneasy, as if something weere going to happen. Rochar moved restlessly and he pawed the earth. She dismissed her feelings but she kept a sharp ear and eye, waiting for something.

She heard a bow twang and she ducked, the arow missing her head by inches. She removed her bow and shot into the dark, hitting her target. They all heard an orc give a gurgled cry and herad a heay thud. She drew another arrow quicker than the eyes and held it ready to shoot.
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Post RE: The High Road, Dangerous Paths to Take(see ooc and post there to join)
on: March 05, 2007 11:37
hearing the sound of the arrow, Noranu drew his bow and listened intently. suddenly he heard the sound of movement off to one side, and fired in the direction of the sound. he was rewarded with the sound of a strangled cry, and then silence. he put aside his bow.

"whoever - or whatever - that was will undoubtedly have company. we must not linger. come. i know the paths of the forest well, and can take you by swift and secret ways to see the Lady. you ought to check the corpse before we go, but be swift!"
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Post RE: The High Road, Dangerous Paths to Take(see ooc and post there to join)
on: March 07, 2007 02:38
Rodwen looked at Noranu and she went to check the body. It had been an orc and she had caught it right in the throat. She smiled at her accuracy and plucked the arrow from the neck, wiping it on the ground.

She placed the arrow in her quiver and went to where her two companions were. Rochar snorted and he nudged her shoulder, wanting to ride. She shook her head slightly at him and placed her pack on his back along with some other items. The horse snorted with indignance at being treated like a pack horse, but he allowed her to do so. She then walked besidee him and Noranu as they walked along, heading for the Golden Wood and the Lady Galadriel.

Rodwen's brow creased and confusion crossed her pale, fair face. Her ears caught a small sound, like footsteps. She grabbed her bow and nocked an arrow, readying for an attack. Her eyes searched the surrounding area, looking for an origin of the sound.

"Noranu, what do you think it is? Tell me your opinion and I shall tell you mine." She smiled even though he could not see her and she stopped, Rochar standing perfectly still. They all tensed and waited, then an arrow flew out of the wood at them.

It caught Rodwen in the shoulder and she gasped in stunned shock. HEr face held confusion when orcs rushed out of the wood. She grabbed the arrow and pulled it out, tossing it at their leader's feet.

"Well, I see you shot without knowing your target, did you not? Ah well, no harm done, tis only a scratch. Now, if you wish to do some real harm, try it now. I will have you all fall dead at my feet. Ai, Elbereth Gilthonel."

Rodwen looked at the orcs and drew her sowrd, looking out of the corner of her eye at Noranu and Rainerudhiel. She sighed and cut into her first two, hitting both with one stroke.
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Post RE: The High Road, Dangerous Paths to Take(see ooc and post there to join)
on: March 08, 2007 10:52
hearing the sounds of battle, Norannu drew his blade. one of the Orcs rushed him, slashing it's blade at his face, but he ducked and sent a fist crashing into its face, before stabbing it as it fell. he heard two other forms approaching at a run, and knew that he would not be able to take them both.

suddenly there was a ferocious snarling from the trees, and a great form sprang out. it was a wolf, and yet greater in size than most that wwalked the woods and plains still in that age. it leapt at the first Orc, taking it in the throat and killing it instantly, and then turned upon his companion. seeing the dual threat of wolf and Elf before him, and his companions slain, the creature dropped his sword and fled in terror. Norannu calmly drew his bow and sent an arrow speeding between its shoulderblades.

"mae govanen Podroval, Mellon nin." he said, bending to scratch the wolf affectionately between the ears. he then turned to attend to Rodwen's wound.

"this may hurt a little" he said as he gently probed her wound with his fingers. it did not seem to be bleeding too severely, and he felt confident she would recover. he only hoped the arrow had not been poisoned, as was so often the custom among the orcs. he took a strip of linen from his pack and bound the wound tightly to stop the bleeding.

"we must keep moving. the danger to this land is greater than even i had feared. the Lady must be warned, though it would surprise me little if she were not already aware of the situation"
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Post RE: The High Road, Dangerous Paths to Take(see ooc and post there to join)
on: March 15, 2007 09:27
Rodwen simply stayed still and did not show any sign of pain when Noranu helped her wound. She had smiled when she sw the wolf help them along with her horse. It made her smile, but she quickly stopped when the orcs came back into her mind.

She shuddered at the thought of the filthy creatures. She stood up and swayed a little, but caught her balance and she turned to her two compainions. "Well, come on then, you lead the way, Noranu. We need to go now and tell the Lady Galadriel of what has befallen."

She walked behind Noranu, following the Elf into the wood and Rochar followed also, but beside of them instead. He snorted and pawed the ground, uneasy and a little nervous. Rodwen smiled and petted him, thrying to reassure him. The horse calmed down and stayed quiet.
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Post RE: The High Road, Dangerous Paths to Take(see ooc and post there to join)
on: March 15, 2007 01:20
Noranu led the way through the woods. all seemed quiet, andyet he felt uneasy. never before had orcs dared to pass beneath the boughs of the Golden Wood, and this worried him deeply. they needed to reach Caras Galadhon as soon as possible, and it would be getting dark soon. his companion, Podroval, who loped along beside him, keeping on the opposite side to the horse so as not to bother him unnecessarily,could see well in the dark, and Norannu no longer needed his sight to navigate, but he knew that the oercs would grow even bolder after nightfall, and this could not be allowed.

after several hours of walking, Norannu stopped beneath the eaves of a massive Mallorn tree, and gave a piercing birdcall. almost as if by magic, a number of silvan elves rose from the undergrowth and gathered about him

"we come with grave news for the Lady of the Wood. we were attacked as we entered the woods by a group of orcs, bolder than i have ever come across. i fear that, if it were not for my companion here, i would have been overwhelmed. double the watch on the paths behind us, and maake sure no orc is allowed to survive. we must press on now, but do not follow us. we will go swifter with just two" with that, the elves nodded silently and disappeared into the woods behind as slently as they had arrived.
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Post RE: The High Road, Dangerous Paths to Take(see ooc and post there to join)
on: March 16, 2007 09:04
Rodwen inclined her head at the appearance of the Elves. HEr haor was limp from rain and stained with blood, making it even redder than before. She felt self concious now at her appearance, her clothes and face straked with blood.

SHe looked around at the towering Mallorns and she felt homesick, for she had seen these trees for what she thought the last time a long time ago. "Noranu, how did these trees get here? They are wonderful but I thought that I had see nthe last of them for good long ago."

Her voice was quiet, as if too loud a sound would damage the sernity of the wood. SHe admired the trees and the plants, stopping to look at the flowers on the forset floor. Rochar snorted and nudged her foreward into Noranu because she was moving too slowly for him.

Rochar let loose a whinny and pawed the gorund, wanting to reach their destination sooner than the Elves were moving. "Rochar, peace. Stay calm, easy. It is well, we shall reach the Lord and Lady of the Wood soon enough."

She earned another nudge from the horse and was pushed foreward. She let out a frustrated sigh and growl, warning in her tone. The horse quieted down and they continued on.
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Post RE: The High Road, Dangerous Paths to Take(see ooc and post there to join)
on: March 16, 2007 11:43
Rainerudhiel had been keeping quiet, silently learning more about her companions.

"Rochar, peace. Stay calm, easy. It is well, we shall reach the Lord and Lady of the Wood soon enough."

Rainerudhiel smiled at the horse, and then smiled at Rodwen.
"It feels different.." she muttered, remembering this place before. Her voice trailed away, as her mind went elsewhere.
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Post RE: The High Road, Dangerous Paths to Take(see ooc and post there to join)
on: March 17, 2007 12:56
Norannu turned to Rodwen. "i must confess i know not the answer to your question. when i came here from gondolin, the trees were already mighty and strong. few indeed remember how they came here across the sea. i have heard that they grow only here in Lothlorien" he sighed wistfully "alas that i shall never see their beauty with my own eyes"

he then turned to Rainerudhiel. "but you, my friend, have been oddly quiet this whole time. please, tell us more about yourself, and your purpose here"

[Edited on 20/3/2007 by IthilionofMirkwood]
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Post RE: The High Road, Dangerous Paths to Take(see ooc and post there to join)
on: March 19, 2007 11:17
(Sorry it took me so long to post!)

Hooves sucked at the sodden ground as the mahogany stallion plodded along the wet road, his gait a steady trot. His breath formed a smoke-like mist in the air that hung for a moment before disappearing. It was a cold morning, with slanting rain falling from slate grey skies, turning the normally green forest foggy. The rain had been relentlessly pouring throughout the night, causing the elf on the stallion’s back to become soaked to the bone, her thick cloak rendered useless. She clung like a drowned person to the horse’s reins, wanting nothing more to relax in front of a warm fire. But her purpose was not that; it was to see the lady Galadriel. There had been some missing elves, and the rider wanted to see if there was anything that she could do to help. She was a gifted tracker, and she knew the area of Lothlorien rather well, though not as well as Mirkwood. Her relationship with Galadriel was at best formal, but that didn’t mean she wouldn’t do everything in her power to help. The elf had heard of the rumors in an inn in Edoras about three months ago and had decided to make her way to her birthplace. She was long overdo for a visit, especially to her parents’ graves.

Shaking the thoughts of her parents from her head, the elf halted her horse beneath a spreading elm and lowered her hood. Wringing out her chestnut hair, the elf sighed. “And I thought Lorien was the Golden Wood,” she muttered to her horse. “But yet it has been raining for the past three days. Surely the sun will shine soon.” Clucking her tongue softly, she urged the bay on.

Färynel Taurëiel, as the elf was called, continued on throughout the rest of the day, hoping that the rain would slacken off, which it did as the day wore on. Mile after mile she rode, wending her way through the wood toward the city where Galadriel dwelled. But a sudden crash of brush caused her horse, Brethil, to halt and snort in bewilderment. His ears pricked forward and back, his nostrils flaring. Then a horrific smell filled the air. Färynel’s keen eyes caught the movement of a dark object. She took her bow off of her shoulder and notched an arrow into it.

“Halt there!” she cried, aiming the arrow at whatever was coming her way. A guttural sound replied, and an arrow passed by her head, thudding into a nearby tree. Färynel let loose her own arrow and watched it pierce the neck of a large figure. She nudged Brethil forward and saw that the fallen being was an orc, its sightless eyes staring up at her. The sounds of footsteps caught her ears, and Färynel turned her head. More orcs were coming her way. Knowing that if she stayed, she could die, Färynel commanded Brethil forward with a soft word, and the elven horse whinnied and bolted off. Färynel knew that she could deal with the orcs later; she needed to speak with Galadriel first. Brethil whinnied and took off down the almost invisible trail. Another hour would bring her to the elven lady; that much she knew. As for her entrance, she would take care of that there.

(Hope this works as an introduction.)
"There is no such thing as a geek, just those who love things the rest of humanity finds weird."
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Post RE: The High Road, Dangerous Paths to Take(see ooc and post there to join)
on: March 20, 2007 02:17
(OOC: welcome Dinenlasse! i see you are also on your way to Caras Galadhon. we'll meet up with you there ok?)

BIC: Norannu stood for a moment, drinking in the atmosphere of his homeland. he knew he should have felt at peace here, and yet even amongst those he had come to think of as his kin, he was troubled.

"come. we must press on" he said as he started off again down the forest path. the group travelled in thever-growing darkness for several more hours, mercifully shielded from the rain by the forest canopy. after a while the sounds of song and hushed speech could be heard up ahead, and Norannu knew they had arrived at their destination
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Post RE: The High Road, Dangerous Paths to Take(see ooc and post there to join)
on: March 21, 2007 07:02
Rodwen was absorbed in all the beauty of the forest, her eyes watching every living thing that moved. She felt at peace for the first time in her life and she smiled at the thought. She followed Norannu into the center of his home, letting him lead since she had not the smallest idea where they were going exactly. She heard the voices around the same time he did and the singing.

Rochar snorted and whinnied, his hoof stomping the ground. He tossed his black head and his silvery mane, his tail held up in the air. She laughed at the horse, shaking her head at him. "Rochar, peace. You do not have to show off everywhere we go, alright? Come, let your pride go for now, I shall tell you when to become proud and showy, not to mention haughty, again. Understood?"

She earned herself a snort and hit in the back from the horse, knocking her onto the ground. She pushed herself up and ignored the horse from there until they reached their destination.
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Post RE: The High Road, Dangerous Paths to Take(see ooc and post there to join)
on: March 22, 2007 04:28
norannu smirked quietly to himself at that remark. "that must be a very spirited beast you have there" he said. "much like my companion, Podroval." hearing his name, the wolf stopped for a moment and inclined his head, then continued on."i sense that, once they get past their differences, they will get on quite well"
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Post RE: The High Road, Dangerous Paths to Take(see ooc and post there to join)
on: March 22, 2007 12:53
Rodwen laughed lightly at Norannu's remark.

"Oh, if only you could see how he carries himself, with such pride and grace as if he himself were a prince of the Noldor. Rochar is very haughty and fiery, always ready to pound whoever messes with myself or him. He is solid black except for a white star on his forehead and white markings upon his legs. His eyes are a dark green and his mane and tail are a medium grey. He carries his tail very high in the air and is very muscular, he also never misses a chance to show off when he can."

She laughed again as Rochar snorted in indignance, his tail flicking with an irritated air. She patted his rump and sent him ahead a little ways, letting him stretch his long legs and get some space. Rodwen turned to Norannu and she sighed.

" What is it like living here all the time? Is it always this peaceful? I have heard many stories concerning the Golden Wood and I had hoped to travel here someday, but under different cercumstances. One of my friends that I made while in Mirkwood was captured, and I hope to save him before something happens to him."

She became silent, one silver tear slid down her cheek, followe by a few more. Her vision became blurred and she hastily wiped them away, but they kept coming. SHe licked her lips and tasted the salt from the tears and felt the hot drops slide down her face. She wiped them away again and walked up ahead to Rochar, then rode him beside Norannu, watching Podroval walk silently in the leaves.

She admired the wolf and silently wished that her friend, Gaurwen, was with her. The poor wolf had met an untimely end not too long ago thanks to a spider and a few orcs.
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Post RE: The High Road, Dangerous Paths to Take(see ooc and post there to join)
on: March 22, 2007 01:25
hearing her story, Norannu was much saddened. "i weep for your loss, mellon nin" he said aloud "and i make this promise to you. once we have spoken with the Lady Galadriel, i swear by Elbereth and Gilthoniel that i will not rest until your companion is found, alive and well if the Valar should wish it. if not, then know that every drop of your friend's blood shall be avenged a hundredfold." he turned away solemnly.

"but let our thoughts turn now to happier things. you asked what it is like to live here among the elves of the Greenwood. words cannot truly describe such an experience. i have lived here for many lives of Men, and so i take many things for granted, and yet even i cannot help but be awed by the serenity i find here. we are kept separate from the world, and it's cruelties, and yyet are more a part of it than any others who walk the land." he paused, lost in thought for a moment, and then continued "i must leave you now, for i have much business to attend to. the Lady will wish to see me and, i do not doubt, you others as well. stay here and i will return for you as soon as may be managed" with that he sprang up one of the ladders leading to the flets high above and was lost to the sight of his companions.

[Edited on 22/3/2007 by IthilionofMirkwood]

[Edited on 23/3/2007 by IthilionofMirkwood]
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Post RE: The High Road, Dangerous Paths to Take(see ooc and post there to join)
on: March 23, 2007 09:30
She thanked Norannu right before he jumped into the flets, but her words were lost to him. Rodwen sat down on the ground and looked down at herself, grimacing. Her dress was ripped, muddy, and stained with blood. Her face had blood and mud on it, and her hair was streaked with blood. She looked at one of the guards near her and got up, walking to their side.

"Can you point me to a place where I can clean up some, I feel that I am horribly grimy and I wish to get this stuff off of me." The guard looked at her and pointed away to the woods. She thanked him and walked in the way he pointed her, Rochar following behind her.

Rodwen peeled her clothing off and submerged herself in the water, working her fingers through her hair to clean it. She scrubbed at her skin and washed her shoulder off, cleaning it and then bandaging it. She put her dress on, it was a spare one she had brought with her.

it was a dark blue, nearly black and had silver scroll work on the sleeves and collar. IT shimmered in the moonlight of the evening and she went back to her companions and sat on Rochar, his black coat glistening and her red brown hair caught the moonlight. SHe felt better and sat on his back, waiting for Norannu's return.
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Post RE: The High Road, Dangerous Paths to Take(see ooc and post there to join)
on: March 23, 2007 01:53
Norannu heard the splashing of water as he came back down the ladder a short while later. not wanting to intrude, lest he cause ebarassment, he waited until the sounds of splashing stopped, and then he waited awhile longer. when he deemed enough time to have passed, he climbed to the ground and approached Rodwen.

"are you refreshed, milady? the Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn wish to see us. come with me"

he led Rodwen and Färynel through the ciity of Caras Galadhon, as swiftly and surely as any sighted elf might. after a while the party came to a large hall. seemingly carved from the very trunk of the Mallorn on which it stood, and yet the tree stood proud and tall as ever. a radiant light came from within.Norannu could not se it, buthe could feel its warmth on his skin. he announced himself and his companions, and entered. there in the center of the round hall stood the Lord and lady, Galadriel and Celeborn.

(OOC. does anyone want to take their parts for a bit? i could do Celeborn for a while, but i don't feel i would do him the justice he deserves, and double-parting for a couple of posts seems more sensible than recruiting new folks for only a couple of days. also, we should think about if we want our party to be bigger - i tink 3 is enough for now. where are you Marnalossiel!?! i miss you...)

[Edited on 23/3/2007 by IthilionofMirkwood]
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Post RE: The High Road, Dangerous Paths to Take(see ooc and post there to join)
on: March 24, 2007 11:00
(Ithilion, you can go ahead and post with Celeborn if you wish, I think I shall try my hand at Galadriel.)

Rodwen mumbled something inaudible to Norannus' question and she did feel better, but only now her shoulder ached with pain from the shot taken earlier. She gasped when they reached the flet and saw the view it held of the wood. When she saw Galadriel and Celbelorn, she bowed gracefully to them and her head inclined to the side.

"My lady, it has been long since we last met, but I come now with a request not only from myself, but the Prince of Mirkwood as well. Some Elves have been taken from Mirkwood and the path between the two woods. My friend was taken as well as a few of your guard that was to arrive in the palace three weeks ago, who still have not made it there. I was sent to tell you and warn you in case of an attack."

rodwen raised her head and looked Galadriel in the eyes waiting for a reply. "Rodwen Mirfea, it has been long since I saw you last. I felt that you had dissappeared on the crossing, but I see you are indeed well and thriving. I am saddened by your words, and rest assured that we shall increase the patrol and I will warn all who venture out of the lands here to keep a wary eye watchful at all times."

Galadriel returned Rodwn's gaze and held it for several moments. Rodwen, It has been soo long since I saw you last. Tell me, why did you not come and find me, I would have welcomed you at any moment if you had passed through the Wood. I am sorry about your friend, but what I can tell you is that all of captured are being held in a dark, suffocatingly evil place. If you wish to save them, you and your companions shall need to act swiftly. My vision shows me that there is not much time for them if you wait too long, but they will hold out for a fortnight and one half, if you wish to stay and rest here.

Rodwen looked at Galadriel and inclined her head in thanks. My lady, I am ever in your debt and you have my thanks. I never came because I never really thought of your land, much less recieved word of where it lie. I am glad to se that you accept me with open arms and I appriciate your support. If I can ever come back, look for me for I shall come back if I can. You say they are being held in a horrible place. Well, there are only two such places that I know of in these lands. So, which of the two is it?

Galadriel looked at Rodwen and smiled a sad, sympathetic smile. My dear Rodwen, just because such places of evil are known to some, does not mean that there are others that few know about. Come tonight to my garden and I shall await you there, I shall show you what you wish to know.

Ai, mellon nin, you once again leave me with more questions than answers. Very well, if that is what you wish I shall come, at midnight when everyone else shall be sleeping. Perhaps we can then remenice about the past and talk about what has befallen since then to us, to the lands, and to your wood here.

THe same for me, mellon nin. Rodwen, we shall converse and reflect on the past. Right now, go and rest, sleep for you no doubt need it after traveling for so long. and since when have you known me to give a striahgt answerl.

With that Galadriel bowed gently and Rodwen did the same, then held her hand out from her heart, bowing as she did so in a sign of thanks and respect. Galadriel inlcined her head in acceptance and then bowed also to Rodwen, showing respect as well.

(Let me know if I do Galadriel any justice, and if this makes since.)

[Edited on 24/3/2007 by Elfalas]
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Post RE: The High Road, Dangerous Paths to Take(see ooc and post there to join)
on: March 26, 2007 10:37
(actually, you do a pretty good Galadriel Elfalas! just so i know, when you use Italic fonts, are you and Galadriel being telepathic, or are you just showing speech. oh well, here goes my attempt at Celeborn... ps. i might slip into elvish quite a bit at times, and i'll leave translations so you know what i'm saying)

Norannu approached the Lord and Lady and bowed deeply before each in turn. "Suilad, Brannonn nîn. Suilad, Brennil nîn. Guren linna le cened (Greetings, my Lord. Greetings, my Lady. my heart sings to see you). I have returned as fast as i could, and yet i fear it has been too long for my liking. how has the Realm fared in my absense?

then the Lord Celeborn spoke for the first time. "thing are not as they were when you left these lands. a great evil is stirring in the land. the Orcs have multiplied in number, and grown bolder - though i surmise from your companion's injuries..." Norannu was faintly surprised at the word, as he only remembered Rodwen being hurt once during the attacks on their party "... that you were already aware of this. i fear that something terrible is stirring. you must leave these lands soon and stop it. take whatever you will, but spare no time for rest if you can help it. many lives may depend upon your haste." Norannu nodded in acknowledgement. "it shall be as you say, My Lord." with that he bowed again, and the Lord and Lady followed suit. "No i raid gîn gelin a i ‘waew adel gen (may your paths be green and the breeze behind you)". with that, Norannu, followed by Rodwen and Färynel, turned and walked into the night. the rain had stopped by now, and the night was fresh and cool.

(whoa! long post! i'm going home for easter at the end of the week, and won't have easy access to a computer for about a fortnight. i'll try to post here if i can, but i'm afraid i can't make any promises)

[Edited on 27/3/2007 by IthilionofMirkwood]
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Post RE: The High Road, Dangerous Paths to Take(see ooc and post there to join)
on: March 28, 2007 11:14
The rain finally slackened to a dull drizzle as Brethil entered the clearing to where the inhabitants of Lorien resided in Caras Galadhon. Having not been there in a long while, Färynel took stock of her surroundings before wending her way to the place she knew Galadriel resided with Celeborn. Her birthplace was here in the Golden Wood, but the elf felt no real loyalty to the rulers. The only reason she had returned was to tell the pair about the gathering darkness that had slowly been creeping throughout the land. Färynel felt no fear, indeed, she was afraid of nothing, but apprehension about the increasing chill in the air had caused her a great sense of foreboding.

Brethil whickered as he plodded slowly into the glade, rain dripping from the spreading canopy of leaves above them. Färynel reined in her mahogany stallion and dismounted. She led him to a shelter, untacked him, and dried him off before putting him into a stall for the time being. Taking her staff from the pack on the saddle, Färynel made her way to Celeborn and Galadriel’s dwelling. Fortunately, Färynel hadn’t encountered any more enemies as she had traveled, but there was no telling when they would come or when she would see them again.

A guard halted her with a harsh word, but Färynel replied levelly, “You would deny me entrance to this place when the safety of all who inhabit this place is in danger?” The guard scowled. “It is imperative that I see Galadriel and Celeborn. If weapons are an issue, then I will leave them here, but otherwise, let me in.” The guard looked over the slight figure and relented, stepping to the side and letting Färynel pass.

Färynel went to the throne room with another that she had acquainted herself with previously and had let the other do all the speaking, saving herself to speak with the lady when there was a time that they could be alone.

[Edited on 4/13/2007 by Dinenlasse]

[Edited on 4/13/2007 by Dinenlasse]
"There is no such thing as a geek, just those who love things the rest of humanity finds weird."
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Post RE: The High Road, Dangerous Paths to Take(see ooc and post there to join)
on: March 30, 2007 10:58
OOC: dinenlasse, wasn't farynel with me when we were speaking with Galadriel? i'm confused... :dizzy:

BIC: Norannu led his companions through the city, until they came to a small house set in one of the Mallorns near to the palace.

"this is my home. it is modest, but i'm sure it will meet your needs. we will sleep here tonight, but tomorrow we must press on. i am to meet alone with lord Celeborn at first light to recieve instructions."

with a polite bow, he stepped aside to allow his guests inside, then followed them
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Post RE: The High Road, Dangerous Paths to Take(see ooc and post there to join)
on: March 30, 2007 11:06
Rodwen smiled gratefully at Norannu and then walked inside. She looked around and admired the view his home had. She watched the others with her and then she went outside, finding a nice branch and perching herslef on it to rest. HEr eyes slipped halfway closed and she fell into a very light sleep, being tired from her long jouney to the Golden Wood. As she rested in sleep, she felt for the first time at ease and peaceful.
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Post RE: The High Road, Dangerous Paths to Take(see ooc and post there to join)
on: March 30, 2007 11:43
Norannu heard Rodwen leave the house, but did not hear her come back in again. he went outside to investigate, and, after some careful fumbling, found her asleep. feeling that the night was groowing colder, and becoming concerned for her, he lifted her, ever so delicately so as not to wake her and carried her inside. he took her into a room near to his own, and placed her gently on the bed. he covered her with a blanket, then left. he did not bother to change out of his travelling clothes, but instead simply removed his boots and sword-belt, and placed his bow and quiver by his door. then he fell onto his bed and immediately sank into a dreamless sleep

[Edited on 30/3/2007 by IthilionofMirkwood]
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Post RE: The High Road, Dangerous Paths to Take(see ooc and post there to join)
on: March 30, 2007 12:31
(hey Ithilion, could you post in How did it come to this so we can get the love/hate thing started between Mirelwen&Bainion Thanks

Rodwen was vaguely aware of someone lifting her up and carrying her to a room. SHe did not protest but simply laid there until she felt a bed under her. She lightly rolled over and rested her head on the pillow, her hand covering her face. She fell into sleep again and dreamed of the Kinslaying and the trechery afterward that took place.

She then fell into nightmareish dreams, her body tossing fitfully and her eyes restless. She laid there, feeling an icy chill as the nights were on the ice when they crossed into these lands. she shivered and gave a quiet moan in her nightmares, unable to wake heself up. She suddenly jolted awake with a blur of motion that set her in the floor. She shook her head and got back into the bed, trying for a pleasant sleep again.
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Post RE: The High Road, Dangerous Paths to Take(see ooc and post there to join)
on: March 30, 2007 01:20
the next day, Norannu awoke bright and early, and went to see the Lady Galadriel. when he returned, there was no sound of movement from Rodwen's bedroom. he went to her door and knocked gently.

"good morning my lady. i trust you slept well? it is time we prepared to leave."

(do we have any idea where we're going to end up? i would like to have my character discuss the journey with Rodwen, but i don't know myself where we're going! if you like, i can pick a location myself and use that)

[Edited on 4/4/2007 by IthilionofMirkwood]
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Post RE: The High Road, Dangerous Paths to Take(see ooc and post there to join)
on: April 02, 2007 11:54
I'm sorry! I was confused on my own part as well...how do we want to tackle this? I can delete the post and figure out something else to put otherwise maybe my charrie could have left the main party and is still talking with Galadriel...I dunno. What do you want to do?
"There is no such thing as a geek, just those who love things the rest of humanity finds weird."
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Post RE: The High Road, Dangerous Paths to Take(see ooc and post there to join)
on: April 06, 2007 05:42
that's ok. i reckon the most useful thing would be to go back and edit your post, since we've already got quite a narative going beyond the meeting with Galadriel
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Post RE: The High Road, Dangerous Paths to Take(see ooc and post there to join)
on: April 09, 2007 04:30
Ooc: We are going to end up somewhere up north, perhaps in the NOrthern waste. Or we could possibly go in some other direction, like to Harad, or in the East to the home of the Easterlings. let me know what sounds good to you!

bic: rodwen hear Norannu at her door and she groaned as she pushed herself up. HEr shoulder throbbed and as she peeled the bandage back she saw it was infected and discoloured around the wound. She growled in frustration and got up, putting on a tunic and leggings she had stowed away in her bag.

Once changed, she put her cloak on and she also put her bracers and mail shirt on, since they were travelling far. Only then did she remember Galadriel's words to her and she shut her eyes. She had forgotten to go and meet her in the garden. Rodwen got up and walked outside, ignoring all else as she went to the pool of water.

She washed her wound and packed it with Athelas, hoping that would slow the poison, for she had no time to make an atidote for it. That done, she went to Galadriel and sought her out, finding that she was in her garden that morning. Rodwen walked to her and listened as she told her where to go, and what to look for along the path. Rodwen bowed to her and then wnet back to Norannu's flet.

"I am terribly sorry if I left in a rush, but I needed to clean my wound for it is poisoned and infected, I needed to find Galadriel and talk with her, and I had to take care of Rochar, who was angry with me at leaving him with strangers. The stubborn spirited thing would not even let me touch him at all. I now need to eat something and yes, I slept well, at least when I did sleep during the night. Very well, as soon as you are ready and I have eaten something, we can go," she said irritably.

The lack of sleep that she had gotten over the past two weeks was getting to her, she sighed heavily and turned to Norannu. "I am sorry I got upset, it is jsut that I have slept little over the past two weeks and rode hard from Mirkwood. I also have not slept since my friend was taken, for that is what I was doing as was he. We were hunting together and when we fell asleep, he dissappeared for when I woke, her was gone and signs of struggle were all over. The slightest sound can wake me and that is what worries me, for I would have heard it, i know it," she said worriedly and her voice took on an alarmed state as she spoke.

She sighed heavily and collapsed onto the branch, sitting there. Rodwen was weary, tired, and haggard to no end. She took a bite of the Elven waybread that Galadriel had given her before she had departed from her in the garden. It made her feel better and she felt new strength. rodwen got up and turned to NOrannu.

"If you are ready as well as our companions, then meet me at the base of this tree in no later then one half the hour. I must go get on better terms with Rochar so that he may carry me and some packs as well," and she turned and was gone. She went to where the horse was and at frist he ignored her until she held an apple under his nose. The horse looked at her warily, then took the food as a sign of peace. He nudged her and followed her to the tree.
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Post RE: The High Road, Dangerous Paths to Take(see ooc and post there to join)
on: April 09, 2007 06:17
Norannu heard the strain in Rodwen's voice and was concerned for her, but deccided not to press the matter with her too far. "as you wish, mellon nin. when you return, we must discuss what route we are to take on our journey. i have been left with instruction, but those matters will wait until you return."

when Rodwen had gone, Norannu donned a clean tunic and cape, the tunic of green, and the cloak of the depest blue, almost black. his hose were brown, like those he had worn the previous day. he strapped his sword to his side, slung his bow across his shoulders and slipped an ornate dagger into his boot. this accomplished, he began to pack his satchel for the jourley. taking only the bare essentials, he packed a spare tunic and hose, several packets of Lembas bread, and a whetstone and cloth for his sword. almost as an afterthought, he went to his chest and brought out a pouch of athelas and a roll of linen, as well as a small earthenware pot. it would not do for Rodwen's wound to worsen suddenly when the journey had but begun. his task completed, he left the house, taking an apple to eat as he went. he climbed down the ladder and gave a whistle. after a while he heard the padding of four soft feet and a panting breath approaching him, and knew that Podroval had arrived. now there was no more to do than wait for Rodwen's return
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Post RE: The High Road, Dangerous Paths to Take(see ooc and post there to join)
on: April 10, 2007 03:30
Rodwen walked up quietly and sat down beside Norannu, while Rochar sniffed Podroval. The black horse sniffed the wolf, his head nosing the wolf along its back. Rochar seemed satisfied and trotted to Rodwen, nosing her shoulder. Then Rochar went to Norannu and stared at him also, sniffing. He nodded as if satisfied, then he stood quietly off to the side.

"Forgive me for my horse's behaviour, but he when we travel with someone, if ever we do, then he wishes to know them and understand them. He has accepted your wolf easily because I had a wolf until here recently, Gaurwen. She was an excellent companion and sorely missed, but I can move on. Rochar and she used to romp, even though he was much bigger and could have crushed her, they were still lcose friends. I think we should find our companions and make ready to leave, what do you think?," she asked softly.

She stood and went to Rochar, who stood calmly as she put a pack and blanket on him to carry. He shook his head and snorted, eager to get going once again.
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