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Post RE: Any Teen LotR fans?
on: January 06, 2009 05:26
I love Prince Caspian! My cousins and I watched it and we gave a running commentary through the entire movie.

I wish I had the Extended Editions! We don't even have the non-extended ones, we have to borrow from my aunt and uncle. Someday, though.
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Post RE: Any Teen LotR fans?
on: January 07, 2009 12:38
i have the regular ones but alas, i do not have enough money for the extended ones... *weep* *sob* *tear* lol!
Head Of Oromë
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Post RE: Any Teen LotR fans?
on: January 07, 2009 01:44
My brother bought the EE's on Ebay for 40 dollars, a good deal since each one is about 30$ itself. We gave away the regular ones to someone else.

But you should try looking on Ebay or amazon...
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Post RE: Any Teen LotR fans?
on: January 08, 2009 12:19
sweet thanks! i will
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Post RE: Any Teen LotR fans?
on: January 09, 2009 09:03
Yeah, Ebay is good. I've looked there before but my parents don't really want to pay for them and I don't have the money right now. Although I'm trying to babysit more so I can save up...
Head Of Oromë
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Post RE: Any Teen LotR fans?
on: January 10, 2009 08:21
When's your birhtday? maybe you'll get alot of money then! (or you can just say all you want for you b-day is EE!)
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Post RE: Any Teen LotR fans?
on: January 10, 2009 03:20
Next month... :disco: I have it on my list.
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Post RE: Any Teen LotR fans?
on: January 12, 2009 01:58
we wouldn't have the lotr extended editions if they hadn't been on sale at blockbuster for $25 for the whole trilogy...we felt really really lucky and even though we were on a budget my dad said "why not?" but it doesn't have all of the extra discs with the bonus features - i really want to learn more about the actors!!!
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Post RE: Any Teen LotR fans?
on: January 12, 2009 07:47
Mu Uncle bought me the Extend Editions of the Fellowship and Two Towers. Then my dad bought me the Return of the King EE!!!! I was so happy about it.

I usually find myself watching the behind the scenes stuff cause it's so much fun to see them making it and enjoying themselves and having hard times and whatever. :love:
'Not even the gods above can separate the two of us, no nothing can come between you and I.'
Head Of Oromë
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Post RE: Any Teen LotR fans?
on: January 12, 2009 03:20
i usually dont watch alot of special features. I watch a little bit of it, but there was too much for me on the EE's. I still somehow know most of the information on there anyways!
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Post RE: Any Teen LotR fans?
on: January 17, 2009 02:12
We got te EE's all at the same time.
My mother wanted them. Expensive or not.
I didn't find the easteregg yet, but he has to be on one of the disks.
I saw him on youtube, but it's more fun to see it with dutch subtitle, than I'll understand everything, you know
Did you ever read the appendices of LotR?
Tolkien says that the mother of Aragorn's name is Gilraen.
I was all shocked; Woow, I'm the mother of Aragorn ..
But, I was shocked, because I'm DEAD already xD
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Post RE: Any Teen LotR fans?
on: January 17, 2009 07:52
What's the easter egg?

I've read parts of the appendices, mostly the parts about the hobbits. Hmmm...interesting. To find out you're the mother of one of the characters...
Head Of Oromë
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Post RE: Any Teen LotR fans?
on: January 18, 2009 03:25
ya. Aragorn's mom is Gilraen. You didn't know that?

there's am easteregg, but i dont know where it is and i havent looked. I read it at www.moviemistakes.com. just look for LOTR then eastereggs.

I've read some of the appendices. not all of it.

That's awsome you got the EE's!
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Post RE: Any Teen LotR fans?
on: January 18, 2009 10:03
ow I missed a lot here since my last post! sorry I was quite busy with school and stuff, so I didn't have time for checking the forum
I won't quote all posts but just answer them this way

I have seen each movie at least 15 times I went to the premiere when I was nine fell in love with it that day
I also skipped a few parts of the book. For english I had to read the Hobbit in English, but I didn't make it in time, I still had to read 98 pages, but because I had knowlegde of LotR I still a an 8 which is an A in americain marks

I saw we were talking about Prince Caspina? I LOVE HIIIIIIIIIIM .... sorry(a) I went together with GilraenLuinwe.

I don't have the extended version I found out. but I have seen the extended in a marathon at school. it was really cool that my school was organising a LotR- marathon

Sorry for the long post but I had to answer it al
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Post RE: Any Teen LotR fans?
on: January 19, 2009 03:14
Your school had a marathon?! You are so lucky!! *is jealous*

I wish I could have gone to the premiere...except I was only like six so I guess I wouldn't have understood much of it. My mom saw it when it first came out but she was pregnant with my sister so she was kind of distracted most of the time. I asked her how she could have possibly seen it and not been completely addicted from the first second like I was.

Long posts are ok. I have long posts sometimes too.
Head Of Oromë
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Post RE: Any Teen LotR fans?
on: January 19, 2009 05:10
I wish i could go to summtin like England has, the LOTR movie marathons in theatre or whatever. Instead of at my house by poor lonely me....

Ya I'm watching Caspian right now.

Pregnant? LOTR? LOTR comes first....
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Post RE: Any Teen LotR fans?
on: January 20, 2009 09:13
It was quite amazed cause my school never organises things that way so I was very glad they did. I was smiling constantly that day I was like in a sort of trance I was not even able to talk properly anymore. I was talking dutch, english and elfish at the same time(a) one of my best friends really though I'd gone nuts or something

My brother was six too when he saw LotR he was completely overruled by it too, though he didn't understand it really but now I'm the only hardcore fan at home, though I'm more passive now, my active time was slightly too exagerated.

I think I'm not even going to try to write short posts anymore I can't do that anyway
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Post RE: Any Teen LotR fans?
on: January 20, 2009 09:40
I was nearly eight when the first LOTR movie came out...so I was one of the babies of that time too!! I first saw LOTR when I was 10, almost 11, and even then I didn't understand it, especially what was going on with Aragorn and Arwen (now I understand, and I sigh and pray my life will go that way someday whenever I watch their scenes...ha ha). Galadriel scared me more than any of the orcs, goblins, trolls or nasty creatures!! She really freaked me out! But now I'm completely obsessed. Loving Tolkien books runs in my family (my dad is English but my mom is American & I live in America, so yeah...), and when I was a baby I was baptized in the same font as Tolkien was so my family considers that a sign...

I would also love to go to some LOTR marathon, but they just don't seem to be into that kind of thing...oh well. I'm still planning on pulling an all-nighter to watch all 3 movies with my friends this summer!! Can't wait! I have a friend who loves The Strangers but has never seen LOTR before, so I'm planning to pull the Liv Tyler excuse...

And Feressiel_Leralondë, if you did go nuts, it would have been my kind of going nuts!! Nuts for LOTR? amazing
Head Of Oromë
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Post RE: Any Teen LotR fans?
on: January 20, 2009 02:43
Liv Tyler excuse! lol! anything to make em watch LOTR!

At first i didnt understand about the thing that elves were immortal....i didnt get that. I thought Galadriel was AWESOME!
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Post RE: Any Teen LotR fans?
on: January 20, 2009 05:16
heck yeah- anything to get them to watch LOTR!!! i was like, you will watch this movie where she gets hacked apart with knives after being terrified to death? you need a mood lightener - watch LOTR with me!! she's much prettier!! and better!!! in fact, arwen kicks everything else!!

I think Galadriel is awesome now tho...haha.
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Post RE: Any Teen LotR fans?
on: January 21, 2009 09:39
So you both are Americain or part English? cool!! I've never talked to someone that far away
Do you need excuses when you want you friends to watch it? I don't all of my friends seemed to be LotR fan too, even before I met them exept my two best friends.. one has become addicted because of me, and the other has not even seen the movie:O:O:O:O She thinks they're taking too much time:S
ChefArwen94... are you really baptized in the same font as Tolkien:O:O wow that's awesome!! than your baptized with dubble holy water

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Post RE: Any Teen LotR fans?
on: January 21, 2009 07:28
That is so cool, ChefArwen! Baptized in the same font...wow!
My friends think I'm insane. Literally. Kind of sad, actually. Most of them said they fell asleep watching LotR.
Galadriel freaked me out the first time I saw her too. It's really weird because she's one of my favorite characters but I don't actually like her that much. But this is the way my brain works.
Head Of Oromë
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Post RE: Any Teen LotR fans?
on: January 22, 2009 06:50
ok, West....ya...

I'm American, Feressiel. I might have a tad English in me somewhere, but i'm predominatly Irish and Scottish. (tad of German too)

Ya, alot of my friends aren't into the "fantasy" thing, so they wouldnt wathc LOTR.
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Post RE: Any Teen LotR fans?
on: January 23, 2009 08:19
A lot of people who I know would love LotR if they gave it a chance think it's a geek thing...sadly. But I know better than that!! Then I have friends who are perfectly popular with everyone in my class who adore LotR, It's a very weird trade-off!

The thing is, when I get people addicted to something like LOTR, they're really passionate about it for a while but then they lose it quickly. Especially if their parents aren't into violence or anything like battle scenes, etc. in movies... you know what I mean? Sometimes I feel like I just have weird interests. But if I do, I can always come here and talk to you people!!

Go Irish and Scottish!!! My mom's parents are 100% Scottish, and I love Irish music *Celtic Thunder & Damian McGinty*.

I hate calling LotR fantasy, for some reason...when I think fantasy, I usually think anime or something like that, which is not LotR AT ALL.
Head Of Oromë
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Post RE: Any Teen LotR fans?
on: January 23, 2009 09:31
I agree. I dont think LOTR really is a fantasy either. When one thinks of fantasy, we think dragons, wizards, magic, faeries...etc. And yes, LOTR has some of that, but it's nothing like the fantasy you think of. It's....better than that.

Oh boy, when I'm around people who dont care for LOTR, you probably wouldn't know i was a geek. but if you hint or show that you like it too(or i ask by asking what fav movies and i have to say LOTR)....watch out! cuz i'll talk your head off! (well, nearly)

Me and my parents are stricter about movies, and LOTR really isn't that bad about violence. yes, it does have battle scenes, but one thing i love about it is that it isn't gory, which i dont like. 10 more points for it!

I've heard Celtic THunder once, it was pretty good.
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Post RE: Any Teen LotR fans?
on: January 23, 2009 10:06
Ok...wow. I have so much I could say right now, but I would probably confuse you to death. I have this kind of vision of "fantasy", a feeling more than an image or idea. I sometimes catch it listening to certain songs, or reading certain books, or seeing certain pictures/paintings, stuff like that. I know it's weird. But anyway, I think of LotR as fantasy because honestly, it's the closest thing I've ever found to that feeling that I have. Which is a big deal, because it's really hard to get words to have that feeling. That is really the main reason that I haven't gotten tired of LotR like I do most things. So, if you aren't thoroughly confused by all of that...

I'm considered a geek by most people even without my LotR obsession. People have learned not to talk to me about it because once I get started I can never stop. Even though I normally don't talk that much.

My parents are pretty strict about most movies too. I don't usually mind gory, but I'm glad LotR's not. It would take so much away from the beauty.

[Edited on 24/1/2009 by WestoftheMoon58]
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Post RE: Any Teen LotR fans?
on: January 24, 2009 11:49
Well, i am sorta considered a geek cuz of my LOTR obsession but then again, there are some popular guys at my school (i dont know any other girls at my school who like LOTR! ) who also love it!
I do consider LOTR a fantasy but i agree, it is much better than a fantasy
My parents are also REALLY strict on what I watch but they do let me watch LOTR (FORTUNATELY!! I would die without it!! lol, ok maybe not literally..) I do like gory movies but I agree, Im glad LOTR is not because its true, it would very much take away from its beauty!!
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Post RE: Any Teen LotR fans?
on: January 25, 2009 03:22
Regarding fantasy, I agree with EstelwenJesusFreak. (What a mouth full! )
I believe that it is very much a fantasy, however it has so many better things about it that other fantasy stories leave out.
Me and one of my friends really like it but most of them don't... a different friend was telling me how weird I was for liking movies like LOTR's. (I think she is the the weird one if she doesn't like LOTR.)
LOTR obsession

I don't have a "obsession" for LOTR's as such, but I really do love it. :love:
However i'm sure on this site I am one of many fans of LOTR's, that's why this website is here (mostly).
Head Of Oromë
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Post RE: Any Teen LotR fans?
on: January 25, 2009 09:22
of course. this site is for the any LOTR fans taht cant get enough LOTR, and to have some friends who like it. for some of us, anyways. I'm always glad to hear those of yall that can say you have some friends who love it too.
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Post RE: Any Teen LotR fans?
on: January 25, 2009 11:37
I'm very glad I found this site. I love having somewhere to go where I don't sound weird talking about LotR.

We watched the first half of FotR Extended Edition with the cast commentary last night. The hobbits are hilarious. I love the part about Tig.
Head Of Oromë
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Post RE: Any Teen LotR fans?
on: January 25, 2009 12:54
I have never watched the commentaries...but i always wondered where the dumb tig and tog came from...couldnt figure it out. now i know. :rolleyes:
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Post RE: Any Teen LotR fans?
on: January 25, 2009 05:46
Lol... "No Elijah, you can't Tag on a tog, you can't tag on a tig, you have to do an elephant impression if you're gonna tig Billy, if Billy's gonna tig you back you have to get on your knees and pull your trousers down..." *dies laughing* Sorry, I'm really tired right now...
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Post RE: Any Teen LotR fans?
on: January 25, 2009 11:43

Well, I must say... this has been a very interesting conversation! :rolling:
I've never watched the commentaries either. Most commentaries aren't good with many movies, so I took no interest in watching them... I might take a look at them now!
Sorry, I'm really tired right now...

( This is completely irrelevant: )
I tent to go spastic when I’m tired, but I can't really tell how tired I am RIGHT now.
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Post RE: Any Teen LotR fans?
on: January 28, 2009 10:27
Hiya ChefArwen94,

I was just looking through the forums when I saw your topic. I'm 16 and LOVED LotR for ages now. I first wtched the FotR when I was 11 and the next day I saw TTT and the day after that it was the RotK! My fav Charactors are Sam, Boromir and Eoywn and Farimir. I love the music too but I only have the Cd's with 18/19 tracks per film...I have seen the sound track for sale...but just one (say the fellowship of the ring). Is £68.00! Do you know any site's where they are sold...at fair prises. I do however have the box set of the extended editions of the film. I have read books 1 & 2 and have listed to the third by story CD. its huge....16 CDs just for the RotK. I also enjoy drawing LotR picturs and I am starting too make short LotR movies.
The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever. - Psalm 23
Head Of Oromë
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Post RE: Any Teen LotR fans?
on: January 28, 2009 04:47
You should look on Ebay and Amazon. They would probably have some cds on there for some good prices. Jsut watch out when you buy used, make sure their in good condition.
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