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Post RE: The Battle for Ithilien
on: December 09, 2008 07:01
Aerdaneth caught her sword easily, though taken slightly off guard. For a moment she stared down at it, weighing it in her hands. It felt warm and familiar, like an old friend. Slowly she strapped it around her waist, listening to Tenuvian's words. With the sword safely on her hip once more, a measure of security returned to her, allowing her to drop a little of her proud distance.

Tenuvian's face was worn with worries and cares.

"I will do as you suggest. The elf lady has been kinder to me than perhaps I deserve. I am sorry for the death of Galdor, though I knew him not. And I am sorry for any inconvenience I have caused you. Go about your work, and end swiftly the remaining traces of Sauron's filth...only," Aerdaneth paused, her voice softening slightly, "...only, forget not to rest. You will only aid the enemy by allowing yourself to be exhausted beyond measure."

With that, Aerdaneth turned and left the tent, purposefully putting her weight on the wounded leg as evenly as the sound one. Pain shivered through her body, but she strode purposefully to the healer's tent.

The ranger's eyes were always on her, she felt them. She ignored them and ducked into the tent. There she found Eowilindë, sitting beside the still form of what appeared to be an ill ranger.

"My lady, I came--"

Aerdaneth's voice dropped off sharply as her eyes focused on the man's face and figure in the dim torchlight. Her gaze flew from the man's face to Eowilindë's and back again. She took a hesitant step closer, and then knelt painfully next to the cot he lay on.

She stared at his young face, seeing now in more detail his features. He slept now, a trace of peace weaving through his face. Still a trace of sorrow clung to the lines around his mouth, and the shadows of his face.

"This is the man," she whispered to Eowilindë, "...this is the brave man who did for his friend what few men in these lands could do."
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Post RE: The Battle for Ithilien
on: December 10, 2008 12:03
Lenar moaned softly as he was again aware of his sore body. But the pain was more dull now and bearable, not sharp as before.

He opened his eyes and saw a figure over him. Vaguely he remembered a strange place, full of shadows. Someone was calling him there. Was it a dream? It was quickly slipping away, he couldn't remember it anymore, only the feeling of it lingered, and an echo of words. Elven words.

"Eowilindë?" he asked but then his vision focused and he saw a swarthy woman with deep black eyes. Her features reminded him on something but he couldn't focus on it now. Confusion flickered in his eyes for he didn't recognize her.

"You called me? Who are you?" he asked and his voice sounded strange to him. "Could you give me... some water please?"
Head Of Oromë
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Post RE: The Battle for Ithilien
on: December 10, 2008 06:08
The she-elf was about to answer Aerdaneth when Lenar's voice broke the silence. Eowilindë was so surprised that she practically jumped from her seat.

Lenar was looking at Aerdaneth; he couldn't exactly see Eowilindë, for she was standing a little to the side.

At his request she quickly went to the tub of water they kept in there and filled a wooden cup half-way.

He's awake. Thank the Valar. she thought as she finished filling it.

She returned to his side and, sitting on the edge of the bed, put the cup up to his lips and let him drink slowly.

"There, now, Lenar, not too fast." she gently scolded as he tried to drink faster. "You've had a difficult time these past few days and rushing anything is not going to help."

She glanced at Aerdaneth. So far she had done nothing but stare. Apparently the recognition was still coming as a slight shock to her.

Eowilindë turned her attentions back to Lenar as he finished the water.
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Post RE: The Battle for Ithilien
on: December 10, 2008 07:51
Tenuvian poured over his maps. According to the scout, things were not looking good. The enemy force was upwards of a thousand, and they were at full battle readiness following Lenar and Galdor's mishap. Catching them unawares would not be much more difficult, and even if he could, he only had about two hundred men at his disposal.

It was getting late, and he had not slept since before the first raid when he had met the elf. Weariness pulled at him, but he needed to finish he planning. He looked over his table again, and continued.

After a few more hours, he made his decision. They would attack the following day in the late afternoon, just before sunset. The attack would be brief, and they would use the nightfall to escape back to their camp without being seen. They would take cover in the perimeter around the enemy encampment, and when the time came, use fire arrows to burn as much of their camp as they could. They would then pull back before the enemy could close the distance to them, and fade into the forest.

He called in his lieutenant, informed him of the plan and told him to brief the men on it, including the elf.

Finally, he lay down on his cot, and let sleep overtake him.
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Post RE: The Battle for Ithilien
on: December 10, 2008 11:21
Aerdaneth shook herself from her trance as Eowilindë helped the poor man drink from a rough wood cup. She knelt still beside the man, watching with pity as the confusion swam on his features. When he had finished drinking, and Eowilindë had stepped back to replace the cup where she found it, Aerdaneth leaned slightly closer so he wouldn't have to strain his eyes so.

"I am Aerdaneth. Though you know it not, our lives have entwined before this moment. I hid among the trees and watched...all that befell you and your companion at the orc camp--"

Aerdaneth's voice trailed off at the look of pain that crossed the young man's face. She hated to bring the awful scene up again. Something inside of her wished to lay a soothing hand on his arm, but she restrained herself and spoke again.

"There is much I would speak to you about, brave one, but I fear you are too weary to talk of such things now. Know only that your valor went not unseen."
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Post RE: The Battle for Ithilien
on: December 10, 2008 11:46
Lenar drank eagerly, he didn't realize how thirsty he was until now. When finished, he nodded thankful to Eowilindë, who was holding the cup. So it was she who called me... he thought but the memory was fading quickly and by now he couldn't remember if he really heard some voice anymore.

Then the second woman came to his sight again.
"I am Aerdaneth. Though you know it not, our lives have entwined before this moment. I hid among the trees and watched...all that befell you and your companion at the orc camp--"
Her words carried him to the terrible place again. The scene was so vivid before his eyes that he almost cried out to stop the flying arrow. But he realized that it is only a memory. He is lying in a tent and Galdor is dead. It happened already and he cannot change it...
"There is much I would speak to you about, brave one, but I fear you are too weary to talk of such things now. Know only that your valor went not unseen."
He shook his head slightly. Two days ago he would be proud on such words. But not now. Not this way... He felt that he has lost something there at the orc camp. Some part of him died there with Galdor.

"Aerdaneth..." he whispered. "You watched? What ill fate had brought you there in that hour?" he asked bitterly.

He was quiet for a moment, pondering something. Then he spoke again. "Please tell me Aerdaneth, have you seen what happened after... after..." his voice trailed off but he knew that she understands.

[Edited on 11/12/2008 by Mirach]
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Post RE: The Battle for Ithilien
on: December 11, 2008 07:54
Tenuvian awoke in his tent. A few hours had passed, and he was feeling slightly better than when he went to sleep. He got up from his cot, and headed back for his table. All the plans were in order; now all they had to do was wait untill that evening to attack.

Lenar, I had almost forgotten about him.

Tenuvian stood up and left his tent. He hoped Lenar would be awake when he got there. He needed to make sure he was doing alright, and get the full story of what had happened at the enemy camp. He was still somewhat perplexed as to how exactly Galdor had died.

He set off for the tent, but stopped before he reached it to speak with a few of his men. They were tired and bruised from the recent fighting, and he sat and talked with them for a while. For the most part they were in good spirits, despite their setbacks. One asked him of Lenar's condition, and remebering why he left his tent in the first place, got up and headed in the direction of the healer's tent.

[Edited on 12/12/2008 by ToRivendell]
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Post RE: The Battle for Ithilien
on: December 11, 2008 12:05
"Aerdaneth..." he whispered. "You watched? What ill fate had brought you there in that hour?" he asked bitterly.

He was quiet for a moment, pondering something. Then he spoke again. "Please tell me Aerdaneth, have you seen what happened after... after..." his voice trailed off but he knew that she understands.

Aerdaneth understood immediately what the faint ranger could not ask, and immediately spoke.

"Be at ease, friend, the orcs did not defile your brother's body. It was not an ill fate that I came upon you and your friend, nay, as is usually the case, the Valar had their reasons, which only now you will come to understand. I came and I beheld all that happened, but after you fled, I did not sit still to watch the orcs mangle the honorable dead. I snuck in and retrieved the body of your friend, and though there is more to it than I say now, I brought his body back hence to your camp--with the aid of this elf lady. He was not molested, so take from this what peace you can. He lies in the hands of his own people, to be buried soon, I should think..."

Aerdaneth watched the relief break in waves across the young man's face. He reached his hand out weakly and grasped hers, tear shimmering in his deep eyes.

"Thank you, my lady, thank you! You do not know what relief you have brought to me. Your deeds were honorable, and...I thank you."

And Aerdaneth saw in the young ranger's eyes, all the reward she would ever need. She was not an easily moved creature, but to see the peace she had won for this man made her thankful that she had done as she did.

He released her hand, and the weariness returned to his face. He lay silent for many moments before it finally became apparent that he had drifted into a deeper sleep. Aerdaneth stirred, the longing for sleep stealing over her body softly.

Glancing at the she-elf, Aerdaneth moved to the corner of the room and settled herself on the floor. She fought back a yawn as she spoke.

"The captain said you had powers to heal, my lady, and my leg will indeed need tending to. However, I think now you are too tired, and healing this young man has drained you. Your face is pale. Let it wait for the night, only if you could find me a needle and some sort of thread, I will stitch it up so it does not bleed so profusely."

((OOC: Rivendell, I posted thus because of what we were talking about in the OOC, hope you don't mind...>_>...))

[Edited on 11/12/2008 by Adara_Cochava]

[Edited on 11/12/2008 by Adara_Cochava]
Head Of Oromë
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Post RE: The Battle for Ithilien
on: December 12, 2008 11:45
Eowilindë simply nodded to Aerdaneth. She quickly got some thread and a needle; they were easy to find. She handed them to the woman.

Yes, I am tired. Eowilindë went to a tent that had been designated for her use. She had no doubt that Aerdaneth would end up sharing it with her, if she decided to stay.

She entered the tent and quickly took a rag-bath. She then went outside to the bare edges of the camp, maybe a foot or two away from it. Not to far to get in trouble, and to alert the others if needed.

She began to slowly walk with her hands behind her back, and thought about Aerdaneth's and Lenar's conversation. True, she had not been next to them, but her elven hearing allowed her to hear every word with crystal clarity.

Lenar will bear that knowledge for the rest of his life. It has changed him. But for better or worse, remains to be seen. she sighed.

Later, Eowilindë could be seen walking around the camp, sometimes stopping; sleeping in the way of the elves, with eyes open; softly singing in the night.
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Post RE: The Battle for Ithilien
on: December 12, 2008 12:16
Aerdaneth accepted the needle and thread silently, with a nod that showed some semblance of thankfulness. She waited until the elf parted the tent flaps and departed before turning her full attention to the wound.

Rustling through the tent, she found some water and a few scraps of cloth that would do for binding her wound up again.

Slowly she unwrapped the wound and examined its sticky, dark surface. Wincing, she began to wipe it clean. When she had finished this, she took a long shaking breath and cast a quick look around. No one was present, but for the sleeping Lenar...

...And he was not conscious enough to see the tears that forced their way out of her iron grasp as she slowly pulled the needle in and out of her skin...

An hour it took her to complete the tedious, painful task, and when she had finished, she was exhausted and sweaty. Her body trembled as she lowered herself to the floor and pulled her cloak tight around her. The nights here were chilly. Her leg was still throbbing.

She wiped the tears from her face before drifting off into a dreamless sleep...
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Post RE: The Battle for Ithilien
on: December 12, 2008 04:51
Tenuvian reached the healer's tent and pulled back the flap. Inside Lenar and the newcomer were asleep, and he decided not to wake either of them. He let the flap slide back, and turned back to the camp.

He saw the elf walking around the camp, slowly, and pausing sometimes. A faint trace of song drifted towards him from her amoungst the trees, and it comforted him slightly. He decided not to bother her either. Everyone needed their rest.

His purpose lost, he went back to his tent and lay down, determined to finally get some decent sleep.
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Post RE: The Battle for Ithilien
on: December 13, 2008 11:26
Lenar's sleep was deep and peaceful, for the first time since his unfortunate adventure he was able to rest without the images of Galdor's defiled body chasing him.

He waked refreshed, feeling much better now and saw the woman that brought him this peace, sleeping in the same tent. The sun-rays were streaming to the tent and he saw now what her features were remaining him on. The Haradrim... She looked like them, but not entirely.

As a boy he was hearing stories about the people of Harad, depicting them as cruel and evil and saw them in the war as such, but at the sight of this sleeping lady he couldn't think this way. She rescued Galdor's body from defiling... And he knew that it couldn't be so easy as she has spoken about it, he saw the orc camp.

Suddenly he felt a strong urge to see it, to see Galdor's face for one last time and bid him farewell. Slowly he tried to rise from the cot, wincing as his shoulder made known about itself at the movement and suppressing a moan for he didn't want to wake the lady.

He managed to stand up, swaying on his feet slightly but finding his balance. He got out of the tent and walked through the camp with unsteady steps, looking for his dead friend... or his grave.
Head Of Oromë
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Post RE: The Battle for Ithilien
on: December 14, 2008 10:06
A horse cantered through the forest. The boy riding it wanted to go faster, for his message was urgent, but the density of the forest would not allow him.

Rhys, for that was his name, had traveled many days over many miles to deliver a message from King Elessar to Captain Faramir, or less specifically, Faramir's second-in-command.

The sun was setting; shadows were growing. Rhys dared his horse to go faster.

He saw darker shadows flit in and out of trees behind and around him.

He was being followed.


Eowilindë woke with the morning sun. She stretched and yawned. It was early yet.

She looked around to see many rangers already rising. Living in the wild, one got up with the sun and went to bed with it. Use your light wisely, the saying went.

After standing there for a minute more, Eowilindë decided to check up on Lenar and Aerdaneth. She began to walk in the direction of the healer's tent.

Instead, she saw Lenar himself walking away from it! She hurried to his side, afraid that he was still too weak to be walking around and might fall.

"Lenar, you should be taking it easy, not running marathons!" she joked.
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Post RE: The Battle for Ithilien
on: December 14, 2008 01:51
The walking was exhausting for Lenar, he wasn't sure if it was such a good idea now. But he needed to see Galdor's body. He saw the she-elf approaching and his feelings were confused: he wanted to be alone but one part of him was glad to have company in this.
"Lenar, you should be taking it easy, not running marathons!"
She said it in joke but Lenar's face was serious. "I... I must see Galdor." A lump formed in his throat as he was speaking this. "I didn't have time to say farewell to him..."

He swayed on his feet again and would fall this time but a pair of slender hands steadied him. He looked thankfully at the she-elf supporting him but after regaining his balance took a next determined step.

"Please... where is he?" he asked with a trace of despair in his voice.
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Post RE: The Battle for Ithilien
on: December 14, 2008 02:48
Tenuvian awoke in his tent, feeling a great deal better than when he went to sleep. He swung himself off his cot and stood up, shaking the last traces of sleep from him.

He needed to tie up a few loose ends before the attack. First he needed to visit Lenar, if only to see his condition, and to get the whole story from him as to what happened to Galdor. After that he needed to figure out what was going to happen to the woman from Harad. He'd freed her to do as she wished, but he needed to know if she was remaining with them or heading her own way. Then, finally, he had to survive this raid and get as many of his men out alive as he could.

Tenuvian pushed back his tent flap and shielded his eyes from the rising sun with his forearm. After they had adjusted he walked out into the camp, heading for the healers tent. As he approached though, he waw Lenar out and walking, supported by the elf. He was slighty taken aback by this sight, but continued on and gradually drew up behind the pair.

Lenar looked tired, but determined. His spirit seemed to be anything but gone. The lady herself looked the same as ever; fair and beautiful. It finally struck Tenuvian just how beautiful she really was. He'd only seen her before while exhausted or fighting for his life, and he took a moment now to consider her fully. Somehow she and her clothing were immaculate, while his own were still spattered with grime and blood. He felt a bit unkempt when standing near to her.

He shook off his momentary trance and walked up behind the pair.

"Lenar!" He called out.

The pair paused and Lenar turned back to face him.

'Lenar, how are you feeling?"
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Post RE: The Battle for Ithilien
on: December 14, 2008 03:54
Lenar turned at Tenuvian's voice but glimpsed something ahead with the corner of his eye. He didn't hear the question. All the images and sounds ceased to exist except that one. A body, lying cold and pale on the ground, with hands crossed on his chest. Galdor...

Lenar unconsciously jerked free from the she-elf and rushed there, forgetting about his weakness. He fell to his knees at Galdor's side.

There was a stain of dried blood on the front of his tunic but someone has removed the arrow already and Lenar was thankful for that. His face was noble in death and he looked like sleeping. Lenar touched hid brow gently. So cold... But there was no trace of pain, that would distort his features if the orcs have captured him. Lenar sighed.

"I'm sorry Galdor. There are many things I should have done differently... but I didn't. Forgive me my friend. You have taught me much. Farewell..." he spoke silently, looking at the pale face.

He remained kneeling there for a moment, irresponsible to the outer world. First after a while he realized that Tenuvian was there, and the she-elf, too and Tenuvian's question came to him.

He looked at his captain and smiled sadly. "Thank you. I'm better now." But he didn't mean his wound, not the physical one.

Head Of Oromë
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Post RE: The Battle for Ithilien
on: December 14, 2008 05:24
Eowilindë was surprised at Lenar's sudden reaction, but she quickly realized why. She could only stand and watch him run to Galdor's side; her arms hanging limply at her sides.

Suddenly she gasped; the image brought back a memory she didn't want to remember.

A body, dead and mutilated; face covered.

A hand, guiding her unwillingly to its side.

Her hand being forced to uncover the face; her eyes looking reluctantly.

No recognition, but knowing who it was.

Her heart screaming in agony, but her face being cold as stone.

Emptiness; her soul dead.

She stood staring at nothing, then suddenly stifled a cry as the vision escalated emotionally. Tears started flowing, and Eowilindë could not stop.

She realized she was in the middle of camp, and fled into the forest. She could not deal with it, no, not right now. She ran, undaunted and oblivious to what was around her. She had to get away; she had to run as fast as she could to get away from the horrible image of her dead husband's face.

Amorfiwiel! she screamed, but no sound came out.

Her foot caught a root, and she tripped and fell. She simply lay there in a heap; her sobs racking her body.


Rhys slowed his horse down to a trot and looked beind him. It was completly dark except for some light from the sliver of the moon. The shadows had followed, but now they were gone.

He breather heavily, having travelled all day and now being uptight and nervous. He consulted his map, squinting to see the writing in the dim light.

It should be close around here....somewhere.... Rhys desperatly hoped it wouldn't be too hard to find. But unfortunatly, you could never get complete bearings for a ranger camp, only estimates. It might take him a few days, or even weeks, to track down this band. Rangers, though, didn't always want to be found, and they never made it easy.

He sighed. He must move on; no, he wouldn't stop, not with these mysterious followers.

[Edited on 12/15/2008 by Erucenindë]
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Post RE: The Battle for Ithilien
on: December 15, 2008 04:23
Two things happened in quick succession that utterly confused Tenuvian.

First, Lenar turned from him without a word and rushed over to the collection of bodies that lay in a row. Then, the elf sprinted off into the words without so much as a sound and disappeared.

What on earth just happened? he thought to himself.

Lenar turned and spoke, and Tenuvian finally hoped he could get some answers.

"Lenar, I hate to ask you this, but I need to know exactly how Galdor died. We never got that far in our previous conversation, and I need to know exactly what transpired out by the enemy camp."

He waited for a response, rather impatient as he wanted to go after the elf to see what had caused her to run off into the forest.
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Post RE: The Battle for Ithilien
on: December 15, 2008 06:30
Lenar saw Eowilindë run away and he suspected the reason but Tenuvian's question brought him to other thoughts. Yes, he had the right to know how Galdor died. His family had the right to know it. All his comrades had the right... And they had the right to accuse him for what he has done. So be it! He didn't want to live in lies. It wasn't worth Galdor.

He took a deep breath before answering the question and spoke so silently, that Tenuvian had to come closer to hear his words.

"We split at the orc camp. I followed two men that were speaking about the ambush. They left in Galdor's direction and I wasn't in time to warn him..." He paused for a moment, the words bringing fresh pain to his soul but cleansing in the same time. He realized that he needed to say it to someone, not holding it inside any longer.

"They took him captive. I thought he is dead, but he wasn't. He was alive and they were dragging him to the camp... I couldn't let it happen..." his voice trailed off and tears shimmered in his eyes. "It was my arrow that... that killed him."

He looked Tenuvian into the eyes. "I killed Galdor, Captain. Punish me as you find proper. But tell his family the truth, he would want them to know it."

Then he remembered the she-elf and bowed his head. He thought he knew what happened - he felt connected to her by the feelings of loss that they both experienced, although she was many centuries older. "And Captain... Please, help Eowilindë... She told me her husband died at the hands of orcs. I didn't understand her feelings then. Now I do..."

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Post RE: The Battle for Ithilien
on: December 15, 2008 10:23
Her pain had receded to merely a dull throb through the night. Aerdaneth awoke later than she had intended, to find the tent empty.

The young ranger was gone.

She sat up slowly, her eyes scanning the room. She realized suddenly that she did not know the man's name.

For many moments she sat still on the floor, staring at her leg without really seeing the stitched up wound. Her mind was on the future, pondering her options and plans.

She had come to Ithilien with no real purpose. Once there had been a day when the sea had been all she ever needed. The smell of the salt water, and sound of the crashing waves, and the sight of glittering blue stretching on for eternity...were all part of a perfect peace the ocean had afforded her. She loved the sea, and loved to be near it.

But when her father died, something changed, something she did not quite understand. The sea had not lost its attraction, no, even as she sat in the rangers' tent, she felt its pull on her heart.

No, the sea had not lost its attraction. It had, however, lost its peace. When her father had left her and gone to somewhere only the Valar knew, the sea had become restless to Aerdaneth--as restless as her aching heart.

So Aerdaneth had set off, after many months of mourning. The pain in her chest was dull now, but still present. What was worse than the pain was the restlessness. She needed now some sort of purpose for her life...and that is why she had traveled to Ithilien.

In hopes that she would find some meaning for her life.

She wondered now if she had found meaning...in this small band of rangers, perhaps she had found what she was always meant to do?

She shook her head slightly to herself. She still wasn't certain.

As she pondered these things, she methodically let lose her long dark hair, combed it as best she could with her fingers, and pulled it back up into a neat bun at the nape of her neck.

Slowly Aerdaneth climbed to her feet, testing her left leg carefully before leaving the tent. She emerged into the sunlight and was glad of its warmth. For a moment she stood there, eyes traveling slowly over the ranger camp.

And then she spotted the young ranger, with Tenuvian...and Galdor's body. She headed their way, purposely avoiding limping as she did so...
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Post RE: The Battle for Ithilien
on: December 15, 2008 01:13
Tenuvian was stunned after hearing Lenar's account of what had happened to Galdor. He paused for a moment before speaking, well aware that what he said next would certainly have profound effects on the young Ranger.

After processing all that he had said, he took a deep breath, and began.

"I will not be punishing you for what you did, Lenar. Rather, I will be rewarding you. What you did took exceptional bravery and strength of heart. Killing enemies is easy, but taking the life of someone we know, that is near impossible. I do not know if I could have done what you did. You spared Galdor from torture and death, and granted his family and friends the opportunity to bury him. For this, I'm promoting you. You will take Galdor's former position as my lef-tenant, and assume all of his former responsibilites. Congratulations, though I think we both wish this event had come under different circumstances."

The youth looked stunned, but Tenuvian didn't have time to stand there and wait for him to say something. He nodded at the ranger, and strode off into the woods after the elf, hoping to catch up to her.
Head Of Oromë
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Post RE: The Battle for Ithilien
on: December 15, 2008 01:35
It seemed like it had been hours since she had tripped. Eowilindë had finally stopped crying, but the scene was still too real for comfort. She glumly looked around and didn't recognize anything, but she didn't care.

The she-elf crawled to a near-by tree and drew her knees close to her body. She felt miserable.

And look, you even ran out without any weapons..how smart! ,chided a voice in her head.

"I don't CARE." she responded.

She rested her chin on her knees, and wrapped her arms around them as well. No more tears would come, and she just stared out into nothingness.

She closed her eyes momentarily, and, to her surprise, a far off yet familiar voice spoke to her through her memory.

"I love you, Eowlie, and forever will for the rest of eternity. Do not worry, I'll come back. Just you wait and see."

Amorfiwiel's last words.

Once again a tear rolled down Eowilindë's cheek.
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Post RE: The Battle for Ithilien
on: December 15, 2008 03:00
Lenar didn't believe what he heard first. He thought Tenuvian will see him as a kinslayer. And instead...

He wanted to earn Captain's respect since he has joined the rangers. Now he did, at last. But... he didn't want it anymore. If he could be marked as a coward and Galdor could live, he'd accept it gladly.

Tenuvian wanted to comfort him, but unknowingly he added to the burden on his shoulders. Lenar wasn't sure if he could take the responsibility of a lieutenant after what happened when he had the responsibility last time.

But... if the position meant he will be able to prevent other good men to meet such a fate, then... yes, he will accept it. For them, not for his pride - for it died there at the orc camp.

But in one thing Tenuvian wasn't right. It wasn't he, who granted Galdor's family and friends the opportunity to bury him. It was Aerdaneth who saved his body. And just as he was thinking about her, he saw her approaching. He'd stand up to greet her, but his legs wouldn't support him anymore so he remained kneeling at Galdor's body.

Wiping his tears away, he said: "Good morning my lady." He didn't know much about her yet, except her braveness. "May I ask where do you come from and... where are you going?" He hoped his question wasn't too intruding.
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Post RE: The Battle for Ithilien
on: December 15, 2008 04:54
Tenuvian strode through the woods carefully, trying his best not to lose the trail of the elf, not that it was difficult. She had clearly not been trying to hide her steps; she had been running quickly, blindly.

As he went deeper and deeper into the woods, he grew more cautious. If his recent experiences had tought him anything, it was that danger could be anywhere in Ithilien right now. He drew his blade, and continued on into the forest.

Then, something else caught his attention. A growl, but not an animal growl, reached his ears. He stopped his movement immidiately and listened. He could sense them now; two orcs were blundering through the underbrush towards him. They cut through the bushes next to him before he could gather their position and hide himself. They stopped, surprised by what they had stumbled upon, and for a moment neither part moved. Then Tenuvian swung.

His blade arced, and met the orc sword in mid-air. Hopefully the clang of metal on metal would alert his men, but they were some distance away. He swung again, and was again deflected. The other orc jumped in, and the fight began.
Head Of Oromë
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Post RE: The Battle for Ithilien
on: December 15, 2008 06:47
The sound of metal clanking together brought her out of her thoughts. Eowilinde quickly jumped to her feet. The sounds were far, but near enough not to be coming from the camp.

You idiot, no weapons! You must go warn the others! Her sorrow forgotten, she started racing back in the direction of the camp.

Suddenly an orc jumped out in front of her. She barely screamed before a hand cut her off, and she was dragged the opposite direction.

No! Elbereth, protect me! She was their captive.

Rhys hoped he was close. He had searched all day, and still not found them.

Perhaps they're near the river.

He turned his horse towards the river, and urged it into a canter.
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Post RE: The Battle for Ithilien
on: December 15, 2008 07:09
Wiping his tears away, he said: "Good morning my lady." He didn't know much about her yet, except her braveness. "May I ask where do you come from and... where are you going?" He hoped his question wasn't too intruding.

Aerdaneth stepped softly to the young man's side, her eyes resting a moment on Galdor's face before flying back to the young ranger's. He had wept recently, the tracks of all too familiar tears lay still fresh on his face. Aerdaneth seated herself slowly in the grass beside him.

For a second she was silent, her dark eyes studying the ranger. He was young, and sorrow was fresh in his mind, but she sensed there was some strength in him that was yet undiscovered--the world did not yet apprehend it, and perhaps he himself did not yet know his strength.

He had an honest face, open eyes. A very likable face.

She watched his face carefully as she spoke, alert to any signs of disapproval or revulsion.

"You ask from whence I come, my friend, yet this question has so many possible answers. Could it be you wish to know the region which I call home? Or perhaps you wonder at the dark hue of my skin and features? Do you question my heritage? Such a question has so many answers. Yet I will answer all in few words. I call the coasts of Belfalas my home, for therein was I born and it is to those seas that my heart is forever bound..."

For a moment she paused, a vivid picture of the swirling oceans arising in her mind. She could almost feel the cool, sharp breeze streaming off the ocean and tugging at her cloak. She could almost taste the salt spray on her lips.

She shook her head slightly and looked back at the young ranger, more alert now than before as she continued.

"But my heritage is of an entirely different nature. My mother was one of the Haradrim of the South. The blood of the Harad flows in these veins, but it is blended with the blood of a Gondorian man who had more heart and insight than many men in these days..."

"And now I must ask leave to question you, my friend. Does this news deter you? Do you think ill of me now because you know the origin of my birth? And what of you? I do not even know your name, but must simply call you friend...if my friend you indeed wish to be."
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Post RE: The Battle for Ithilien
on: December 16, 2008 02:28
Lenar averted his gaze and blushed a little. "Yes, you reminded me on the Southerners and I was wondering... well, I was curious about that." he finished awkwardly. His gaze fell on the body of Galdor. How could he be deterred by her heritage after what she has done for him? "But don't interpret wrong my curiosity. The deed you have done speaks louder than the hue of your skin."

For a moment he paused, studying her exotic features. She was the first woman with the blood of Haradrim he saw - only men fought in the war as enemies of Gondor - and there was a strange beauty in her face, different from the pale beauty of Gondorian women. She reminded him on the dance of flames in a deep night. He realized he is staring at her and shook his head.

"Oh, and I apologize. I wasn't sure if I told you my name before. It's a bit... blurred. I'm Lenareth from Minas Tirith." he said with a slight bow of his head. "But friends call me Lenar. Well, everyone calls me Lenar. And being your friend would be a great honor for me, my lady. May I ask if you are planning to stay with us?"

Suddenly a clang of steel sounded in the distance - in the direction where Eowilindë and Tenuvian went. Lenar's eyes widened in horror and frosty fingers clenched his heart. "Tenuvian..." he whispered, his voice shaking. The last time when he heard this sound, he was late. And now he could do even less - he was too weak to run, noway near fighting. Honestly, he had difficulties to stand up - the wound was painful still and the little walk through the camp exhausted him. But he managed to rise and saw that the other rangers heard the sound too, and are rushing in that direction. He sank again. All he could do was waiting and it was unbearable.

[Edited on 16/12/2008 by Mirach]
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Post RE: The Battle for Ithilien
on: December 16, 2008 05:59
Tenuvian was fighting a losing battle. The orcs had the advantage here, and he was trying desperately to maintain his stance amid their assaults. Finally he scored a blow and took the hand off of one, but at the expense of his gaurd. The other orc's blade came slicing across his forearm. His greave took most of the blow, but he felt the sting of the blade cutting his skin. He let out a cry of pain and struck back, cutting the orc deep across the chest.

The orc missing a hand tried to flee, but another ranger appeared out of the trees and cut it down before it got more than ten paces. Several more followed him into the small clearing. Tenuvian turned his attention to the orc dying on the ground and put his blade through its chest, before attending to himself.

Tenuvian looked down at his arm and the small patch of blood where the orc had cut him. The wound was not serious by any means, but he'd have to address it later. Then his thoughts jumped to why he was out in the woods in the first place.

"Find the elf!" he shouted at his men, and they fanned out into the woods in search of her. Tenuvian plunged into the trees, looking franticly for the woman. He needed to find her, and fast. If there were more of these orcs around, she would be in serious trouble.

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Post RE: The Battle for Ithilien
on: December 16, 2008 11:19
Sunlight flickered down through the trees, weaving its way down and dancing on Aerdaneth's face. Her dark eyes glittered with something akin to amusement as she watched the young ranger stare at her. Her face, however, showed no sign of emotion, and she felt no self-conscious impulse under the intensity of his gaze.

She found it hard not to let loose a fit of soft laughter when he seemed to suddenly come to himself and realize that he had been staring quite openly at her dark features.

Instead, she smiled gently. Something in this young ranger brought out a softer side of herself, a side few saw while her father was yet living, and even less after his death. Perhaps it was the complete openness and honesty that burned in his young face. There was something so innocent and friendly in his gaze that put her at ease quite at once.

She had no need for straight-backed pride or cold indifference with this one.

She was about to answer his last question when the sounds of steel on steel sounded in the distant forest. Aerdaneth saw the color drain instantly from Lenar's face, caught the wild thrashing so similar to that of a deer seeking escape, and watched him settle back into the grass in defeat. His eyes were focused on the forest, his hand laying limply on the hilt of his sword.

Aerdaneth hesitated.

"Many rangers run now to the aid of your friend, Lenar...Do not let fear rule your heart."

Yet Aerdaneth did not move to rise to the aid of the captain. Something in her bid her stay, under a soft whisper of suspicion that danger could soon come for Lenar. It was not wise to leave one still so fragile on his own...

So she sat beside him, and gazed off toward the sound of the battle.
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Post RE: The Battle for Ithilien
on: December 16, 2008 03:55
Tenuvian pushed his way through the trees, hoping against everything that he would find the elf before something happened to her. He found a small trail on the ground, leading deeper into the forest. Something, or someone, had been dragged through here.

He picked up his pace and followed the trail through the trees. Soon enough he heard the sound of something being pulled along the ground, crunching the leaves as it moved. As he drew closer he saw an extremely large orc dragging Eowilinde, his overwhelming strength pulling her and holding her mouth shut.

He pulled a knife from his boot and hurled it at the orc with all the strength he could muster. The orc still hadn't noticed him amoungst the trees, and it had no idea what hit it. The knife flew and buried itself in the orc's shoulder, causing him to drop the elf. The orc raged in pain and looked around franticly for its attacker Tenuvian lept out of the trees and plunged his sword through its throat before it could react, and it slumped to the ground with a gurgle.

Eowilinde stood up, brushing herself off as she did, and Tenuvian turned to address her.

"Milady, are you alright?"
Head Of Oromë
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Post RE: The Battle for Ithilien
on: December 16, 2008 04:39
Eowilindë was more than grateful to Tenuvian, but blushed at herself for being so stupid.

"Yes yes, thank you, I am alright. I...." she paused, as if to say more. "I'm alright."

She didn't look him in the eyes, she felt too unworthy to be rescued. After all, she was the one who let her emotions take over and run off without weapons.

She nervously brushed her hand through her hair. She said nothing about why she had run off.

"Shall we go back, then?" she asked. Then added, " Why did such few of them attack? A scouting party, perhaps?"

Rhys brought his horse to a walk. Maybe they'll be around here somewhere...

"Halt! Who goes there?" shouted a ranger who suddenly materialized.

Rhys gripped his sword and said, "I am a messenger of King Elessar. I bring urgent news to Captian Faramir! Can you tell me where he is to be found?"

The ranger eyed Rhys, then saw the Gondor banner. "Captain Faramir has left for reinforcments. However, his second-in-command, Captain Tenuvian, is near here with his group of rangers, which I am a part. I will take you there."

Rhys sighed with relief. He had finally found them.

He dismounted and followed the ranger a few hundred feet, then a camp came into view. They got to the front of a tent, and then the ranger instructed Rhys to stay there. He then went inside the tent. The ranger came back out, but didn't say anything. Instead, he went to another ranger and quietly talked to him.

Rhys wondered what this meant.
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Post RE: The Battle for Ithilien
on: December 17, 2008 02:12
Lenar buried his face in his hands. He hated every second of this waiting. He was still trying to cope with the death of Galdor and if he'd loose Tenuvian too... he didn't know if he'd be able to cope with that.

Aerdneth stayed with him and Lenar wanted to cry out that he doesn't need protection, that his captain... his friend... is in danger! But he didn't. He realized he is thankful for not being alone in this horrible waiting.

The clang of steel ceased suddenly. Tha battle was over, but what was the result? Who will come out of the wood? Tenuvian with rangers... or orcs? Lenar's fingers clunched on the hilt of his sword so fast that they went white. He watched the border of wood and waited...
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Post RE: The Battle for Ithilien
on: December 17, 2008 05:55
"Yes, we'll go back," said Tenuvian. "Though I doubt this was a scouting party. It's more likely these are orcs who got lost in the woods after our last attack. The orc camp is in the other direction. They'd have to have come right past us to get up here."

Tenuvian sheathed his sword and looked the elf over. She looked flustered, though that was probably because she had just been dragged through the forest by a rather large orc, but she was not hurt. He turned and headed back toward the camp, the elf following behind him.

As they walked a thought crossed his mind, and he glanced back at the elf.

Why did she sprint of into the forest like that?

He decided not to trouble her at the moment as things had taken a rather dramatic turn, and turned his attention forward again.

Soon they were back at the camp, and Tenuvian pushed through the woodline out into the clearing of the encampment. One of his men approached and stopped him.

"Captain, a messenger from the King has arrived and wishes to see you."

'Who is it?" asked Tenuvian.

"Some boy, not more than seventeen years old. I nearly shot him in the forest, so he may be a little rattled. He awaites you at your tent"

"Thank you." Replied Tenuvian, and he made quickly for his tent. Once there he would speak to the messenger and dress his arm, which had not stopped bleeding yet.
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Post RE: The Battle for Ithilien
on: December 17, 2008 09:58
It was long ago when the sounds of battle in the forest subsided. Too long ago, thought Lenar. He perceived the time differently in these moments - in truth it was not even five minutes ago. His hands trembled.

Finally he heard the sound of steps approaching from the forest. He held his breath when the figures came to sight. No, it weren't orcs. Relief washed over him as he saw the familiar figure of Tenuvian, followed by the she-elf and other rangers.

He sighed deeply and, closing his eyes, sank into a lying position, exhausted by the suspense. After a while he looked around. Aerdaneth was still beside him. He smiled weakly. "I think I left fear rule my heart..." He paused. "Thank you for staying..."
Head Of Oromë
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Post RE: The Battle for Ithilien
on: December 17, 2008 11:13
Eowilindë felt guilty and embarressed. She hung her head when they came back into the camp.

But the vision was so real.... Thinking about it almost made her cry again. What a mess she must look.

She glanced at Tenuvian. I'm sorry. Don't hate me. silently she pleaded. Instead, she walked to her tent, where she went inside.

Rhys stood impatiently. Didn't I tell these rangers it was urgent?

Finally, he saw a ranger stride toward him, with others walking behind and to the side of him.

"Captain Tenuvian?"

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