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Post RE: The Battle for Ithilien
on: December 17, 2008 01:29
"Yes, I am captain Tenuvian. Please, come inside."

He pulled back the tent flap and went inside, the young boy following him in.

He walked across the tent to his table, taking off his greave. A splash of blood fell on the table as he took it off, and he wrapped his wound with a piece of cloth which was lying near his cot. The boy stared at the blood, as if he'd never seen a battle injury before.

"Did you want something?" Asked Tenuvian rather sternly. His day was already interesting enough, and he was becoming impatient with the way things were progressing.
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Post RE: The Battle for Ithilien
on: December 17, 2008 01:55
"I think I left fear rule my heart..." He paused. "Thank you for staying..."

Aerdaneth nodded, her eyes on the entourage of rangers following after Tenuvian--and on the somewhat rattled, pale faced elf maiden that followed him. Her head hung as if she were ashamed. Aerdaneth's curiosity was peaked.

Slowly she turned her gaze back to Lenar when the Captain entered the tent and the rangers dispersed.

"Many welcomes you have from me, Lenar, if my staying has offered you any aid at all. I must admit I am unsure of how to proceed now. My mission seems to be complete...and I wonder now if I can be of any further use to you or your captain..." her voice trailed off as she looked down at Galdor's body.

Some faint trace of longing whispered in her heart. What she would give to feel as if she belonged somewhere again...The sea would always be her home, but she envied the rangers for their close fellowship. For a fraction of a second, she entertained the hopes of becoming, at least for a season, a part of this comraderie.

In that moment, her eyes locked onto Lenar's and, though she did not intend it to, this silent hope flickered in her dark, almond shaped eyes...

[Edited on 17/12/2008 by Adara_Cochava]
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Post RE: The Battle for Ithilien
on: December 17, 2008 03:01
"Many welcomes you have from me, Lenar, if my staying has offered you any aid at all. I must admit I am unsure of how to proceed now. My mission seems to be complete...and I wonder now if I can be of any further use to you or your captain..."
Lenar scowled slightly hearing her words. "Of further use... to me? You don't have to be useful to me, I'm a simple ran..." suddenly he realized he isn't a simple ranger anymore. He wasn't sure what he had to do as a lieutenant and his shoulders slumped a bit as he thought about the responsibility again. "You don't have to be useful to anyone," he finished.

He was looking into her eyes and saw them dull a bit at his words, as if a spark was flickering out that was there before a short while. He didn't know if it were his words that caused it or some sad thought that came to her mind.

"I don't know your purpose in these woods nor the destination of your journey, but..." he was unable to speak for a moment as the memories returned to his mind and they were so vivid... too vivid. The pain of seeing Galdor die and the fear of loosing Tenuvian too... "These woods aren't safe anymore m'lady. I don't want to hinder you in your journey but you shouldn't wander here alone."

A shadow of pain clouded his face for a short while when he imagined what could happen to her if the orcs would catch her somewhere in the wood. He didn't want it to happen to anyone.

"I beg you, don't go alone. Stay with us, at least until we leave these woods..." And maybe longer, if you want... he wanted to add but didn't know how she'd react on such bold words. And he didn't have the right to decide in this. "I can't speak for my Captain but I'm sure he wouldn't let you go alone into the danger."

He averted his gaze slightly. "If you want to be of use to me, then your staying is enough..."

[Edited on 18/12/2008 by Mirach]
Head Of Oromë
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Post RE: The Battle for Ithilien
on: December 17, 2008 05:55
Rhys noticed the blood fall from his arm when the Captain took of his greave. He had no time to contemplate it before the Captain asked,

"Did you want something?"

He saluted. "Sir! Important message from King Elessar. I was given the instruction that you must read it right away!" With this said, Rhys handed the scroll to Tenuvian, who took it.

Rhys then waited patiently.

Eowilindë quickly washed her face and ran her fingers thru her hair. Once she decided she looked alright again, she stepped outside the tent.

She saw Aerdaneth and Lenar sitting by Galdor's body, and walked over to them.

She stated bluntly, "Well. Shall we bury him?"
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Post RE: The Battle for Ithilien
on: December 17, 2008 06:34
Aerdaneth hardly dare admit to herself that disappointment blazed for a moment within her at Lenar's first words. She had not found what she was looking for. There was no invitation, no plea for her continued presence among the rangers.

What was more, Lenar spoke of there being imminent danger to her. This struck at her pride, which she was sure was not his intent. Still, it stung. Her back went stiff suddenly, and her muscles tensed. Something in her gaze changed, and her chin started to come up just a little. She was on the edge of saying something sharp when he spoke again.

"I beg you, don't go alone. Stay with us, at least until we leave these woods..."

"I can't speak for my Captain but I'm sure he wouldn't let you go alone into the danger."

"If you want to be of use to me, then your staying is enough..."

Aerdaneth hesitated, her eyes once more scanning his face. She sought to read his features, the curve of his lips, the flicker in his eyes, the posture of his body. All of these things her father had taught her well to read...and now she read them almost as easily as any rune or letter.

He averted his eyes after his last statement. Perhaps it was because such a statement could be taken to mean so much more than it said. Aerdaneth chose to take it for what it was worth, and allowed it to soothe the sudden rush of pride and indignence.

For a moment she pondered the situation and her options. Then slowly she spoke, her voice low and her eyes sharp.

"Lenar, my friend, I may indeed choose to dwell among your ranger folk for the time being. I am honored that you would think me worthy to join you...However, if your only reason for requesting me to stay is that you fear my demise, I will not stay. I am strong and well trained with a sword. I did not pass through an easy path in coming to Ithilien, and I expect not an easy path ahead. This is life. If I die, for me, I have proven myself unfit for the task. I would deserve death..."

She hesitated a moment.

"However, if your request is of a different nature...If you simply think I may be of aid, or even, I dare suggest, would appreciate my company...for these reasons I would join you and the rangers. We share a common enemy, I have at this point in my life, no purpose or direction...and I would gladly take up the cause of defending Gondor at the side of the rangers of Ithilien..."

Once again her voice faded off, and now it was her turn to utter a softer addition to her speech.

"...And at the side of Lenar, my only friend in Middle Earth."

Before Lenar could respond, the elf emmerged from a nearby tent and strode towards them.

Aerdaneth did not answer her blunt question, but glanced at Lenar.
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Post RE: The Battle for Ithilien
on: December 18, 2008 05:04
Aerdaneth's words were echoing in his mind when Eowilindë approached, asking about Galdor's burial. She was right, he deserved better but they should bury him here - beneath the trees of fair Ithilien. Lenar hoped it will stay fair, that it won't fall to shadows.

But Aerdaneth's words made him uneasy. The images of Galdor's death returned and he frowned. "Yes, I fear your demise! Galdor was strong and well trained with the sword, too! You wasn't there, you haven't seen the orc camp..." his voice trailed off. She was there. She has seen it. She has rescued Galdor's body from there...

He sighed and spoke silently: "I'm sorry my lady. I... I let fear rule my heart again. And I cannot silence it... not so soon after..." his gaze fell on Galdor again. "I know that you are strong and brave. But I fear for you... Like I feared for Tenuvian. Like I fear for someone close to me..." He looked into her eyes, unsure how she will react.

"Your company would be greatly appreciated... to me, and I think to my comrades too, after they'll learn to know you... I'm honored that I can call myself your friend, Aerdaneth of Belfalast, but you shouldn't have only one."

He paused to sort his thoughts a little, he was still shaken from the late experience and not sure about his own feelings.

"You are far from home here, milady, and I thought you have some task to fulfill that led you to these woods. I admit I don't understand why you are here without purpose and direction but I'm glad your journey led this way. You are welcomed among the rangers to defend Gondor."

He hesitated for a short while. He didn't want to promise something that he couldn't fulfill. "However, I can speak only for myself. The others won't drove you away but they may see the faces of enemies in your heritage in the beginning. They are good men, you know, but they have been through much during the war and are suspicious in accepting friends. But once they are your friends, they are loyal and faithful... like Galdor..." he added silently.

Then he nodded to Eowilindë. "Yes. We should bury him..." he said and saw that the rangers were already digging graves for the fallen. He sighed and looked at her. "Are you alright?"

[Edited on 18/12/2008 by Mirach]
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Post RE: The Battle for Ithilien
on: December 18, 2008 05:55
Tenuvian took the message that Rhys had brought him and opened it immidiately, sitting down at his table. What he read there greatly disturbed him and filled his already tired mind with dread.

"Captain Faramir,

A new threat has emerged to our newly restored kingdom. A black Numenorian, one of ancient descent, has emerged from the south and has issued a challege against me for the throne of Gondor and Arnor. He is quite crafty, and is already setting plans in motion to claim the crown for himself. I need you and all of your company to return to Minas Tirith with all possible speed as soon a possible. But before you do, there is one task you must complete.

This numenorian has a lieutenant in Ithilien leading the resistance against you. I cannot emphasize how important it is for this man to be destroyed. I am sure he plays a key role in the upstart's plan to seize the rule of Gondor, and we must do everything we can to disrupt him. Eliminate his Lieutenant, and then return here as quickly as possible."

Tenuvian put down the parchment and pondered its meaning for a moment.

New threats were emerging everywhere, and now he had an even more dangerous mission to complete; the assassination of this lieutenant.

He looked up at the boy who was still standing before him. He looked familiar, as if he'd seen him years and years ago. But he had more important things to worry about at the moment.

He stood up and walked towards the boy.

"You will have to stay with us for the time being" said Tenuvian. "It is far too dangerous to send you back on your own, and I can't spare any of my men as an escort."

He walked outside with the boy following him close behind. He found an empty tent and said "This will be your tent for your duration with us. Make yourself comfortable."

With that he left the boy there and found one of his lieutenants whow as busy sharpening his blade.

"Gather up the other lieutentants, along with the elf, and have them meet me at my tent. I'll give the briefing on our mission when everyone arrives."

The ranger nodded and headed off to find them. Tenuvian ran his fingers through his matted hair and turned back towards his tent, trying to come up with some plan that would allow them to pull this off.
Head Of Oromë
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Post RE: The Battle for Ithilien
on: December 18, 2008 12:24
Eowilindë listened to Lenar's and Aerdaneth's conversation. Apparently she had interrupted it. Instead, she watched both faces for signs.

Suddenly, she felt old, being near so young children of men. The elf pondered this for a moment. She had never "felt" her age, for indeed she was very old; she had only acknowledged each passing year. She wondered what humans felt like when they get older. Surely they "felt" it every passing minute, their mortality? This was a subject Eowilindë could not understand.

Her thoughts were broken when Lenar asked her a question. Alright? For the time being, maybe. Though she still was getting over her ordeal in the woods.

She lied. "Yes, of course." She could not deal with talking or even remembering the vision right now. With that said, the small group helped the other rangers bury Galdor, though the others did most of the work.

After that was done, a ranger, who was one of the lieutenants, approached Eowilindë and spoke to her on the side. After he walked away, the elf was left to consider his words. The lieutenant had said the Tenuvian was holding a meeting in his tent. As she walked over there, she wondered what it could be about.

She entered the tent to see a few of the other lieutenants already gathered. She sat down, waiting.

Rhys saw Captian Tenuvian look at him and seemingly try to remember something. Rhys knew his father and Tenuvian knew each other, but it had been so long the captian probably didn't recognize Rhys because he had changed so much. In fact, Rhys really didn't recognize Tenuvian except by name only.

He was ushered to a tent, and then left. Rhys had figured on having to stay with the rangers. He wondered what exactly the message said. He did know the general gist of it.

Rhys sighed. Well, might as well catch up on some sleep. He promptly lay down on the blankets and went to sleep.
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Post RE: The Battle for Ithilien
on: December 18, 2008 01:30
Lenar's words were honest, and on the verge of being very blunt. For a moment Aerdaneth questioned just what he meant by them, but once more she shoved the thought aside.

The boy said what he felt, openly and without hesitation, or apparently much thought.

Aerdaneth nodded, her pride sinking further away from her thoughts.

"You must pardon me, Lenar. If you would learn one thing of me, it is that I am a proud woman. Weakness in myself I despise, although I allow it without distaste in any other. To have others assume weakness of me, is almost as repulsive to me as if it were actually true. But a point you have made, I watched what befell Galdor and yourself...and I know you are...were...both brave and well trained men. Anything, it seems, may happen in these days...and the strong perish alongside the weak."

She turned her gaze to a group of rangers that were murmuring not too far away, their eyes ever on her face.

"Whether or not these rangers will accept me is a different matter entirely. I do hope they will..." her voice grew suddenly more wistful than she had intended it to, "I will not deny that my heart longs to be a part of this comraderie..."

For a moment, her mind flew off to worlds that Lenar could not see or know...but quickly she returned to the present. Her mind quickly read the signs around them, and she spoke now of a different matter to Lenar.

"A burial Galdor soon must have...however, I think there is something of great consequence occurring in the captain's tent...All the lieutenants have gone hence, and I think you should join them..."

She stood slowly and offered a hand to help Lenar to his feet...
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Post RE: The Battle for Ithilien
on: December 18, 2008 02:26
(OOC: Poor Galdor! Eruce buried him and Adara not, so he is with one foot in the grave I think I'll bury him if you don't mind...)

Lenar smiled a little, but his eyes didn't, the pain still fresh in them. Yes, you are a proud woman Aerdaneth. Like a lioness... She didn't have to tell that, he learned it himself in their short conversation.

"Thank you for staying..." he repeated his words, but now they had a deeper meaning then before. "I hope you will find here what you are looking for..."

Then the grave was ready and the rangers took Galdor's body with reverence and lowered it to the grave. Lenar watched silently, too weak to help them. He had no tears left. There was no speech, no long words, only a moment of quiet memories and the cold earth. Such was the way in war, and it didn't change after it. It won't change until there is evil in the land and good men are dying in fight against it.

Lenar saw then that all the lieutenants have gone to the captain's tent but he didn't realize that he should join them. First after Aerdaneth's words he remembered that he is one of them now. He still couldn't get used to the idea. But maybe he should go there, if only to see if Tenuvian didn't change his opinion... or if he remembers the promotion at all, with all the worries he has.

Thankfully he took the offered hand. His head spinned for a moment as he stood up but he steadied himself. With Aerdaneth's help he walked slowly to the captain's tent. It took him a while to reach it, he hoped they aren't waiting for him. Probably they aren't awaiting him at all, he thought but stepped inside.
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Post RE: The Battle for Ithilien
on: December 18, 2008 03:15
Tenuvian waited patiently for everyone to come inside, and with Lenar's arrival, all were present. He stood up from his desk, and began.

"I will be quite honest; we have a very grave problem. I received a message from the King this afternoon, and what is happening back at Minas Tirith is greatly disturbing.

A Black Numenorian of ancient descent is challenging our lord for the throne. The king requires that we return to Minas Tirith with all due haste, but he has one task for us before we depart Ithilien.

As many of you already know, there is another numenorian leading the enemy forces here in Ithilien. Our task is to eliminate him so as to disrupt whatever part he has to play in his leader's scheme. Obviously, this is not going to be easy, but we have a plan.

Tonight's ambush will go forward as planned, but with a few alterations. First, we will not surround the camp, but place all our forces on one side. They will bombard the camp with fire arrows untill it is all ablaze, drawing the enemy to the side they are attacking from. Then, a select group of us will sneak into the enemy camp from the opposite side, find the Numenorian, destroy him, and sneak back out again once he is dead. This group is going to consist of myself, Eowilinde, and two of you. Lenar will be in charge of making sure camp is broken and we are ready to leave as soon as our task is complete. We will be departing for Minas Tirith as soon as our job is done."

He looked around the room, noting the stern faces of his men. Eowilide showed the faintest hint of surprise on her features as being chosen, but Tenuvian knew she would be perfect for this mission. She was silent when she wanted to be, but also an excellent warrior. If direct combat failed he may need her to kill the Numenorian from range, and he knew she wouldn't miss.

"Any questions?"
Head Of Oromë
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Post RE: The Battle for Ithilien
on: December 18, 2008 05:44
((OCC~ Haha! goodness alive! well, he got buried, that's what counts! ))

She was surprised, in fact, she blushed faintly when Tenuvian said who would consist of the special group. Why would he pick me? she thought at first. Suddenly it dawned on her why the Captian would want her. Because I'm an elf, and can move more silently than men, and have a true shot. This revelation made her embarressed, but at the same time feel good about herself for once.

"Any questions?"

"Captain, wouldn't they suspect a trap? All of us attacking at one side would look suspicious, don't you agree? It will be dark. Perhaps we could divide up our forces and attack from all sides, useing fire arrows. If we do it right, it will appear as if there are more of us than there really is. Your group, Captain, would then sneak in the way least expected, then find and kill this Black Numenorean."
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Post RE: The Battle for Ithilien
on: December 19, 2008 04:35
((OOC: Oops...>_> sorry 'bout that guys...Also, not sure if Aerda was supposed to join the meeting or not, but...))

Aerdaneth had helped Lenar to the captain's tent. Every step was painful for him; his body was still weak from loss of blood and exhaustion. He leaned heavily on her arm at times, his face every now and again close to hers. She walked still straight and proud beside the ranger, leading him to the tent with something like affection glowing in her chest. This feeling, however, did not pass to her exterior.

Her face was solemn and thoughtful as they slipped into the tent. Lenar stepped forward among his brethren, but Aerdaneth stood toward the back, unnoticed as every eye focused on Tenuvian.

The air was charged with an electric tension. Every mind worked over the plan they were told and every heart yearned to slay more of the wicked creatures that had polluted their lands and slain their fathers. Aerdaneth gazed at the faces around her. Some were nervous. A few younger ones trembled. A few had burning eyes and a fierce look on their noble faces.

All were ready to fight this battle. All wanted to see the enemy devastated for the glory of Gondor.

Something within Aerdaneth stirred, awakened by such valor. She could fight along side these men. These were men worth dying beside, this, more importantly, was a cause worth dying for. And Lenar...Lenar was a man who she was sure in the days to come, would become a closer friend and truer ally than any she had ever known.

Tenuvian paused between describing the plan and asking for questions, and Aerdaneth was propelled forward through the crowd by some inner fire. She could not contain herself any longer. She wove her way forward until she stood next to the captain, and before the lieutenants. She felt their eyes upon her, but she did not shrink under their gazes.

Her dark eyes blazed with passion as she addressed the captain.

"I want to fight beside you and your men, Captain," she said simply, and then continued, "I have not long been among this camp, or even in Ithilien, but I have seen here a valor and a brotherhood that I respect and admire. My purposes for coming to Ithilien were none...I wandered because I found no peace in Belfalas. But I think perhaps I have found a purpose. I would fight with you, for you, for Gondor and for the good and pure things in this world. You mistrust me because of the blood of the Haradrim that flows in my veins, but so does the blood of the princes of Dol Amroth. Let me fight beside you, captain, and you will have yet another furious foe to the forces of this Black Numenorean..."

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Post RE: The Battle for Ithilien
on: December 19, 2008 09:59
Lenar realized they had been waiting for him. He blushed a little, embarrassed that he was late. The other lieutenants were looking at him, some of them surprised to see him here, some smiling reassuringly. He met Tenuvian's gaze. He trusts me... He didn't want do disappoint him but he was afraid that he isn't strong enough, that he isn't as strong as Tenuvian thinks. He feared that he will make a mistake again...

He felt that he won't endure on his feet much longer and sank to the ground, trying to listen to Tenuvian's words. It took a while until he understood the full extent of what he was saying - he couldn't believe first that someone would challenge king Elessar for his throne. Is it even possible, after so many centuries when Gondor had no king? Lenar's eyes gained a determined look despite the weariness in his face. No, this can't happen. We will fight for our King...

He shook his head and payed attention to Tenuvian's plan again. The mention of the or camp made him feel uneasy, he shuddered at the thought that he should see it again. At the sound of his name he looked up, surprised that he was given a role in the plan. But as he thought about the role, he realized that it's something he should be able to do and was thankful to Tenuvian for such a task.
"Any questions?"
Lenar shook his head slightly. He trusted the plan of his captain and didn't really think that the question is intended for him - there were many that were more experienced in strategy, the she-elf among them, with centuries of experience.

Then Aerdaneth stepped forward and Lenar nearly forgot to shut his mouth. He didn't realize she is in the tent and was surprised by her blunt words in front of all men. He admired her braveness - he wasn't sure if he would be able to find the proper words if it was he in front of all the lieutenants. But after the initial shock of her appearance passed, he smiled a little. The lioness... He shouldn't await anything different from her. He hoped that Tenuvian will see her as the valuable ally that she was.
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Post RE: The Battle for Ithilien
on: December 19, 2008 04:19
Tenuvian listened intently to Eowilinde's question, and pondered it for a moment.

Before he could respond however, Aerdaneth stepped forward and spoke. Tenuvian was impressed by her words, and by her boldness and coming forward from a group of what were undisputidly some of Gondor's finest leaders.

"Very well," he said. "You're with us, at least for the time being. You will help with the barrage during the attack, which leads me to my next point.

Eowilinde, I do not believe the orcs will suspect a trap. They've dealt us several severe blows over the past day and a half, and will be thirsty to kill more of us. They are not nearly intelligent enough to know what will be occuring. I thank you for your suggestion, but I must reject it. The attack will go forward as planned."

Tenuvian looked around the tent at all of his left-tenants. They were all able leaders, and he trusted all of them. They looked prepared, stern, and ready for the battle to come."

"Dismissed. Aerdaneth, stay for a moment if you will. I need a word with you."
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Post RE: The Battle for Ithilien
on: December 19, 2008 06:29
Aerdaneth caught a flicker of admiration flicker on Tenuvian's face, it danced for a fraction of a second in his sharp eyes, and then vanished. It was, however, all the reward she needed.

She stood quietly while he addressed Eowilinde, her gaze darted down to where Lenar sat crosslegged on the floor. His face still appeared a trace pale, but he was looking somewhat better. She shot him a quick smile--probably the first smile that she had allowed to cross her dark face since her arrival at the camp.

"Dismissed. Aerdaneth, stay for a moment if you will. I need a word with you."

Aerdaneth nodded to the captain, and watched the lieutenants file out of the tent. She wondered what they thought concerning her joining of the ranger's party. She did not, however, have long to ponder these things, before she was alone in the tent with the stern captain.

"What is it you would speak with me about, Captain?"
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Post RE: The Battle for Ithilien
on: December 20, 2008 10:57
Lenar still wasn't sure about his standing. Once already he accepted a task that was above his skills and payed for it bitterly. Now he considered staying after the meeting to tell Tenuvian to choose someone other, more experienced for the position.

But when Aerdaneth was standing before Tenuvian, their gazes met and Aerdaneth smiled, her face brightening for a moment. She just stepped before unknown men that could despise her because of her heritage and offered them her sword. For Gondor and for the good and pure things in this world... How could I deny the responsibility to the men that I know and are my friends? No, he can't. He returned her smile. Lenar was glad that Tenuvian accepted her noble offer. And he knew that he will accept Tenuvian's offer, too.
"Dismissed. Aerdaneth, stay for a moment if you will. I need a word with you."
The other lieutenants were already leaving the tent. They forgot about him, having more important worries about the news from Minas Tirith and the on-coming attack. He didn't want to draw their attention and so he struggled to his feet with clenched teeth. He managed to stand up and was the last who left the captain's tent.

Once outside, he leaned against the tent support, his legs shivering. The dull throbbing in his shoulder was getting more painful again and he realized he needs to rest if he wants to be able to fulfill his task in the evening. But the distance to the healer's tent seemed insurmountable to him. He decided to head for the nearest tent. With unsteady steps he managed to reach it and stepped inside.

But the tent wasn't empty - someone was sleeping there, a boy, even younger then Lenar. He knew all the rangers but he hasn't seen him among them before. He didn't want to disturb but was too tired to look for another tent. He sank to the second cot and closed his eyes, even too tired to wonder who the boy was.
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Post RE: The Battle for Ithilien
on: December 21, 2008 03:09
"What is it you would speak with me about, Captain?"

Tenuvian turned and looked Aerdenath right in the eye. He was deadly serious about this matter, and she had put him off balance by approaching him in front of everyone about joining the company. He obviously couldn't turn down aid in front of all of his lef-tenants, not when they were so outnumbered. She had cornered him and forced him to make concessions he had not wanted to.

"I'll make this very plain, milady. I'm letting you join our group because we are outnumbered four to one and need all the help we can get. Captain Faramir is not coming with reinforcements, and we are on our own out here. It will take more than bold words to impress me, and even bolder actions to earn my trust. I've seen too many of my bretheren killed to just let you join our company out of the blue. You are Eowilinde are here for the moment as our need is pressing, but your continued presence will be decided once we are out of this mess, if we make it out at all. Is that understood?"
Head Of Oromë
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Post RE: The Battle for Ithilien
on: December 21, 2008 05:30
Eowilindë thought that Aerdaneth's interjection was rather bold...too bold. She needs to learn her place. Perhaps too prideful. the elf thought. She pushed these thoughts out of her head when Tenuvian spoke to her.

Eowilinde, I do not believe the orcs will suspect a trap. They've dealt us several severe blows over the past day and a half, and will be thirsty to kill more of us. They are not nearly intelligent enough to know what will be occuring. I thank you for your suggestion, but I must reject it. The attack will go forward as planned."

In response she nodded. It was his decision. It didn't matter that she was a couple thousand years older than him; he was the captain, and had the last say in things. Honestly Eowilindë didn't mind the decision. His original plan did sound good; she just liked to make double sure and think of other alternetives - think at different angles. In fact, that was the smart thing to do in battle. Always analyze your plan from all angles.

The meeting ended, and the elf left with the other leiutenents and such. Surely this attack will happen soon. I must get ready. She headed for her tent and started to gather her measly things, as well as start preparing herself for the ambush.

It must have been several hours later. For all he knew, it could be several days later.

Rhys woke up slowly, knowing he needed to get up but at the same time not wanted to get out of his warm, makeshift bed. He sat up, rubbed his eyes clear of sleep, and at last shook his head quickly.

He happened to look over, and saw a ranger asleep in the cot next to him. Ok, he wasn't there last I looked. Then, Rhys thought with some alarm, I hope this wasn't his tent! He felt kind of bad that this might be the other's tent, and secretly hoped the ranger didn't mind. But, didn't the Captain direct me here? Maybe I was just temporarily sharing. he thought.

Rhys quietly got up and exited the tent. As soon as he stepped outside he could tell the rangers were preparing for something big. Everyone was rushing around like busy ants. He briefly looked at the position of the sun to tell the time. About an hour and a half before dusk. I wonder what's going on?

He spotted a nearby ranger who didn't look extremely busy. "Excuse me, what's going on?"

The ranger looked annoyed. "A planned ambush, boy, now please, run along and stay out of the way. We're in a hurry." With that, the ranger quickly got up and left to go do something else.

Rhsy just stood there. He seriously doubted he would go into battle with them. Probably will be made to guard camp with a few others, I reckon.

He sighed and sat down next to a neglected fire and tended it. Now he was hungry. He helped himself to the food storage and started cooking a small piece of meat. [/i]So if they're getting ready for an attack, then why is that ranger in there sleeping? Must be either wounded or is going to guard this place[/i]. Rhys shrugged and concentrated on cooking the meat.
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Post RE: The Battle for Ithilien
on: December 22, 2008 05:36
"I'll make this very plain, milady. I'm letting you join our group because we are outnumbered four to one and need all the help we can get. Captain Faramir is not coming with reinforcements, and we are on our own out here. It will take more than bold words to impress me, and even bolder actions to earn my trust. I've seen too many of my bretheren killed to just let you join our company out of the blue. You are Eowilinde are here for the moment as our need is pressing, but your continued presence will be decided once we are out of this mess, if we make it out at all. Is that understood?"

There was a sharp edge in the captain's voice, like a point of steel placed against her neck. Aerdaneth did not flinch under the firm determination that faced her, did not turn her gaze from the flinty one that stared right back into her eyes.

His words awakened an ancient pride that had begun long before her birth into Middle Earth. A flame crept into her eyes, and when she responded, her voice dripped with icy wrath.

"What is understood, Captain," she growled, "is that my presence is not wanted here. This I accept. Only know this: I do not feel the need or inclination to prove myself to you. I am come and will fight, but not for you. I fight for Gondor, and for the free peoples of Middle Earth--and I do not think that you should so lightly repulse one who would be a great ally and friend. It may well be that you will never fully trust me, and for the color of my skin, and the blood that courses through these veins, but since when must a person be of a certain color or blood to fight for what is right? You err, sir. I go now to prepare for this battle, and maybe in the end I shall prove myself the clean soul that I am."

With that, Aerdaneth spun on her heel and stormed out of the tent. Her normally dark face had grown two shades darker, like clouds that ripple over the horizon and bring darkest shadows.

Into the sunshine she moved, and to a nearby tree. Her leg throbbed slightly, and she cast a stormy glare at it. Drawing her sword, she stood watching it glitter in the light for a moment. She pulled a soft black cloth from her pocket and began wiping the blade until it reflected the sun with an even more pure light.

"I will not remain where I am unwanted, " she murmured to herself, "when all is done, and should I live through this battle, I will drift away as softly as I came. Unless this arrogant man sees the error in his ways, but I do not think this shall be..."
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Post RE: The Battle for Ithilien
on: December 22, 2008 08:09
Aerdaneth spun on her heel and left. Tenuvian's words had clearly upset her, but he was not particularly worried about it. If anything, her anger would make her fight with more fierceness in the coming battle. He didn't trust her, but he didn't need too, at least for the moment.

Tenuvian turned his mind to other more pressing issues, such as the coming battle. He went back to his gear and inspected it. It was ready for the coming fight, but he didn't need all of it. He strapped on his sword but left his bow where it was, only taking an Ithilien short blade in addition to his usual weapon. He needed to be carrying as little as possible during this fight.

Eowilinde. I need to tell her the role she will be playing.

Tenuvian left the tent and found the elf preparing her gear. She had recovered from the earlier incident in the forest, and looked her usual self again. He was glad of it. The elves were supposed to be some of the calmest and most serene warriors in existence, and seeing her rattled made him somewhat uneasy.

He tapped the elf on the shoulder and she looked up.

"Milady, I must apologize for not informing you of your role in this before the briefing. You and I, along with two of my leftenants, will be secretly entering the camp together. I chose you because you are just as quiet, if not quieter, than any of my rangers, and can remain unseen easily. Additionally, I will need you to carry your bow with you. My leftenants and I will engage the Numenorian directly, but if we fail we will need you to shoot him from range. I know your aim is true, and trust you will make the shot should it come to that."

"Do you have any questions?"
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Post RE: The Battle for Ithilien
on: December 23, 2008 01:25
(OOC: Evening)

Lenar opened his eyes slowly. It took him a while to realize all that transpired before. He looked to the second cot, but the boy was gone. He couldn't tell now if he was there at all, maybe it was only a deceit of his weary mind.

Suddenly Lenar rose from the cot, realizing with panic about the planned attack. What time is it? How long did I sleep? A sting in the left shoulder remembered him that he should avoid sudden movements for a while. But his feet didn't shake anymore and he was thankful for it because he has his task to do in the evening, albeit small compared to the importance of the attack.

He rushed from the tent. The sun was standing low in the sky and he realized that he has slept for the most of the day. He saw the rangers already leaving, determined look on their faces. He tried to perceive each face for a short while, to see each of his fellow rangers, of his comrades and remember the name and the man behind it. He tried to remember them all how they were in this while - strong and proud, the low sun shining at their faces. He knew that he sees many of them for the last time...

Long has he looked after them, until the woods of Ithilien hided them from his sight. Then he awerted his gaze and sighed. The memories of the orc camp were still painful, but despite this, he longed to go with them, to fight at their side. Again he was condemned to waiting.

Slowly he turned to face the abandoned camp. Only a few man stayed there, some of them wounded, some appointed to guard the camp. Now to his task...

He steadied himself and cleared his throat. He was going to give his first command... "Pack the tents and prepare for leaving!" he said loudly and hoped that his voice didn't shake.

He looked for a while but he was still too weak to help them and couldn't move his left arm without a sting of pain. Then he smelled the scent of meal and realized how hungry he is. He went in the direction where it was coming from and saw a figure cooking something at the fireplace. When he looked better he recognized the boy he saw before in the tent.

He approached him. "Hello. I apologize for sleeping in your tent." He blushed a little. "It was the nearest and I was too tired to look for another..."

Scrutinizingly he studied the boy's face. No, he hasn't seen him before. "I'm Lenar. You don't belong to this group of rangers. Who might you be?" The scent of cooked meat was stronger now. "And... would you mind if I join you in the meal?"

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Post RE: The Battle for Ithilien
on: December 23, 2008 07:29
Eowilindë looked up to the tap. She showed no surprise when she saw who it was.

She thought about what Tenuvian said. She had already guessed that, for she was not slow in mind. But it was good to hear it confirmed.

"My Captian, what is the code? Leave no man behind? Or....." she left the other option unsaid, knowing that Tenuvian would know that she meant 'Continue no matter what happens'.

She looked up to him and said, "I will ensure this man is killed, no matter the circumstances."

In the background, the cry to move out could be heard.
((OCC~ again, set a little later))

My tent? Rhys was confused as he listened to the other ranger talk. He noted that this "Lenar" person did not seem that much older than himself.

"Excuse me, sir. I thought I was sleeping in your tent. No apology needed." Rhys briefly smiled. He looked back down to his supper, then said, "My name's Rhys. I am a messenger for the King Elessar. I think the meat's almost done, and then we can share."

Rhys was about to say something else when he looked up and saw nearly all the rangers leaving for the attack. He was surprised to see a she-elf, and he thought he glimpsed another woman. "Elves? You must be blessed indeed to have elves fighting alongside you. I thought they all set sail?" He did not know there was only one elf. And two women. This must be desperate times indeed. he thought this but did not say it out loud.

He looked to Lenar, who seemed to be staring longingly toward the leaving group.
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Post RE: The Battle for Ithilien
on: December 23, 2008 05:02
The sun was beginning its long, burning descent, soaking the sky with its dying light. The rangers were readying themselves, saddling horses and murmuring quietly amongst each other. Some wiped their blades nervously, others checked that their bows were strung tight and their quivers full of deadly arrows.

Aerdaneth stood beside the dancing bay horse. She had found the beast tied among the other animals. Someone had cleaned him up, brushing his silky hide until it gleamed, and untangling his dark mane and tail.

Aerdaneth tightened the cinch on the saddle, her gaze traveling over its foreign make. Symbols of the Haradrim were burned into its deep leather surface.

Suddenly Aerdaneth stopped tightening the saddle and frowned at the markings. She did not like to go into battle bearing the markings of the enemy. Making a split second decision, she loosed the straps and heaved the saddle of the beast's back. The animal snorted uneasily as she cast the tack with added passion to the ground. She removed the blanket as well.

It was then that the order sounded. Aerdaneth swung aboard the beast and reached for the reins, laying a comforting hand on the beast's neck.

Her anger had faded. For the moment. It was replaced by a silent and cold gaze. She noted clearly how far apart the others stood from her, but she chose not to make a scene about it. This was the way it would be, perhaps until the end of her days.

She sighed slightly, her mind turning suddenly to Lenar. She would not be able to tell the young ranger farewell. Who knew whether she would see him again? A twinge of regret shot through her at this thought, but she did not have time for such thoughts. Soon the rangers were on the move, and she among them. To battle they went--hard faced and stout hearted.

How many of them would never return?
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Post RE: The Battle for Ithilien
on: December 24, 2008 06:52
Tenuvian looked about the camp with anticipation. All were ready and with dusk settling in, it was time to move out. He spotted Eowilinde and his two lieutenants already gathered together towards the front of the column. He swung up onto his horse and rode up to them. He gave a curt nod to the elf, and then turned back towards his men.

"Fall in! Two tactical columns until we are 200 yards away from the camp. Then we break to positions."

He ordered his scouts ahead to check for an ambush and to mark the position where they would need to stop and tie their horses during the attack.

'Move out!"

Slowly the columns gained momentum, and they procedeed into the forest.
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Post RE: The Battle for Ithilien
on: December 30, 2008 12:49
So it wasn’t the other’s tent! What is more, the lad thought the same about Lenar. He wanted to laugh at the comicality of the situation but something inside him recoiled. He couldn’t laugh. Not now. He didn’t know if he’ll be able to laugh anymore… Instead, he smiled slightly.

“So you are the messenger that brought the alarming news from Minas Tirith… I suppose you’re staying with us until we return there, right?” For a moment he looked again in the direction where his comrades vanished in the thick canopy of the Ithilien forest, and with them Eowilindë the she-elf and the proud Aerdaneth of Belfalast.
"Elves? You must be blessed indeed to have elves fighting alongside you. I thought they all set sail?"
“I don’t know much about the she-elf. She joined us only recently. I think she has some reason to stay when her kinsmen are leaving and the reason brought her here and made her fight at our side against the foul servants of Sauron.” No wonder that Rhys was so surprised to see an elf among the rangers. He remembered how stunned he was when he pushed aside the branches and saw… her. When was it? It was yesterday… or the day before? It could be in another age of the world, so much changed since then. He changed…

He smiled at Rhys. “Thank you for the offer. I must admit I didn’t eat since yesterday lunch. Please save me a bit of it, I must see to other things now. The camp must be prepared to leave immediately after they return.” If they return… an unbidden thought came to him as he imagined the orc camp. But he pushed such thoughts aside and went to look for a certain person.

He saw the healer in the same moment as the man saw him. Both of them changed direction and headed to the other. “Cleoborn, are you prepared…” Lenar began but was interrupted by the man’s angry words.

“So finally you’ve shown yourself! How do you imagine that, young one, to disappear from my tent?! The whole day I’ve been looking for you!”

Lieutenant or not, Lenar blushed and stuttered: “Uh, I’m… I’m sorry about that. I didn’t mean…”

“What you meant doesn’t interest me! You should have stayed there and rest!” Lenar wanted to say that he did, in another tent, but the man didn’t give him time to answer. “Sit down. Now! I must examine the wound before you can hurt yourself more by running around.”

Lenar saved the argument that he’s in charge for the breaking of the camp now and obediently took a seat on a fallen log. He hissed as the bandages were unwrapped from the wound but the healer’s expression softened a bit.

“Well, it’s not so bad…” he said. “It doesn’t bleed anymore.” He took clean bandages and some herbs from the bag that he carried with him all the time and dressed the wound again. His touch was gentle but Lenar tried not to wince every time he touched the wound. “You shouldn’t move that arm much, to prevent it from re-opening,” the healer said and fastened a loose sling above his arm.

Lenar waited patiently until the healer will be ready with him. “Thank you, Cleoborn.” He said. “I wanted to ask if you have your things prepared. We’ll be leaving in haste but maybe we’ll have time to tend to the wounded before.” He knew there will be wounded. He hoped that they’ll be lucky enough to come out of it with wounded only.

The healer made an almost offended look and Lenar felt ashamed that he wanted to say the more experienced man what to do. How many times did he wait for the return of the men from fight like this? He wondered. But then the offended look changed to smile. “Hey, you’re in charge now, aren’t you? I’ve heard Tenuvian to say something like that but didn’t pay him much attention. Just don’t strain yourself too much, right?”

Lenar smiled and nodded. Then his face grew serious again. “What about the wounded that we have now? Will they endure the ride to Minas Tirith?”

Cleoborn thought for a moment, as if considering the condition of every man in his care. “Yes. It won’t do them much good but they should handle it. Once we are in Minas Tirith some of them should stay in the Houses of Healing for a while. And when we’re speaking about this, riding won’t do much good to you, either.”

Lenar sighed but said nothing to the matter. “Thank you. Be prepared, they can return every while.” The healer nodded and Lenar went to check the horses. He didn’t want to forget about anything – he didn’t want to make a mistake again. When he assured that they are saddled and prepared for leaving, the churning in his stomach made him remember Rhys. He hoped that the messenger saved some meat for him as he promised, the ‘talk’ with the healer took him longer then he expected.

He found the lad where he had left him. “What about your cooking experiment? Is there something left?” he asked as he sank to the ground near Rhys wearily.
Head Of Oromë
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Post RE: The Battle for Ithilien
on: December 30, 2008 06:10
The call rang out, and she hurredly found the horse set aside for her. Eowilindë stopped and stared at the saddle and bit the patient horse bore.

No, this won't do.

She tore the tack of quickly and shoved it into the unexpecting arms of the man who had been holding the horse.

"Milady! That mare has never been ridden bareback!"

She ignored his plea except to ask, "What is her name?"


With that said, she jumped up onto Ides' back with elven grace, and pressed her heels into the mare's side. "Suilad, Ides, mellon nin." *Greetings, Ides, my friend*

Eowilindë had no trouble with the mare, for that is the way of the elves. She quickly caught up with the rest of the group, who was quickly leaving. Sitting straight and tall astride her horse, the she-elf tried to peer into the forest to see their destination, but the forest was too thick, even for elven eyes.

They rode for 15 miles, at first trotting, then walking, for the rangers did not want others to be alert to their presence. Eowilindë knew they would have to dismount and leave the horses sometime, but she did not know when, for she was not sure of the exact location of the fortress. As the hours passed, she could sense the presence of evil grow larger and ever present; the horses could sense it too, for they were getting nervous.

Rhys listened to what Lenar had to say, then, when Lenar left, he turned his attentions back to the meat.

He seems like a nice guy....I kinda like him.

Rhys looked at the cooking meat, and truthfully, there wasn't quite enough for the both of them.

He made sure Lenar got a little more. Besides, it looked like Lenar needed it. He's the wounded one who hasn't ate for a day. His stomach growled in protest but he ignored it.

Lenar was taking awhile, so Rhys went ahead and ate his portion.

When Lenar came back, Rhys gave the plate of meat to Lenar. To his question he answered, " Yes, I left you some. It's not much, but it was all they could spare me."

He thought for a minute then said, "I will be staying with you until we return to Minis Tirith. Though I will gladly help you pack." After a moment, he continued. "Are you good friends with the Captain?"
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Post RE: The Battle for Ithilien
on: December 30, 2008 04:57
They rode for several hours into the forest. Slowly the light began to dim more and more as evening came on. Then, at last, one of Tenuvian's scouts emerged from the forest. They were 200 yards from the camp.

Tenuvian gave he signal to halt and the columns ground to a stop. From this point on they would maintain silence until the attack. Tenuvian gave a second signal and the columns broke off into the forest. He glanced at his lieutenants and Eowilinde, and dismounted. They followed suit and they headed off to flank the camp.

They soon arrived at the opposite side of the camp, moving in absolute silence and remaining unseen. The camp was large, and filled with orcs. Torches glowed amoungst the tents, illuminating groups of the enemy. It was up to his other lieutenants to launch the attack now.

They group waited patiently for seveal minutes, and then it started. A volley of arrows appeared out of nowhere and ignited half the camp. A second followed quickly, and then a third. The orcs fell into chaos, trying to find who was attacking them. They ran about madly, but to no avail. They fell by the dozens under the arrows that were now raining down on them.

Tenuvian turned his head back towards the group and drew his sword.

"Lets go."
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Post RE: The Battle for Ithilien
on: January 01, 2009 01:25
The rangers stood in two long columns, running parallel to the east side of the orc encampment. Fifteen minutes prior to this moment, they had left their horses behind. Slowly, carefully they had moved through the trees, drawing closer and closer to the orc camp. Now they were there, on the verge of their surprise attack. Behind the two columns of men and, a fire blazed--but the lines of the rangers effectively kept the blaze from being sighted by orc scouts.

Aerdaneth stood in the middle of the front most line, her bow drawn, and a burning arrow fitted to it. The order to light their arrows had already been sounded.

Tension wove through the lines.

Every soul was caught up in that one breathless moment before the battle begins. Their hearts thundered inside their chests, the blood raced through sinewy arms and strong, straight backs. Expert hands defied the urge to tremble--the new and the young fought it hard.

Aerdaneth waited, her eyes on the orcs before them. In reality it was only a fraction of a second that had passed, but it seemed an eternity since the lieutenant had called for them to light the arrows.

Surely they would soon be spotted.

Aerdaneth thought her heart was crash through her skin if they waited much longer. Sweat beaded on her forehead, rolling slowly down her face and dripping from her nose.

And then, the signal came.

As if drawn and released by one hand, the burning arrows pierced the darkness all at the same moment.

All eyes were cast to the sky, watching the arrows rise and then fall directly into the camp. Rough tents were ignited, a few orcs dropped to the ground in burning agony, snarls, grunts and orcish screams erupted in the night.

"Move now! Column one to the back, light your arrows and return. Column two, follow suit!" roared the lieutenant, spurring the rangers into action.

Aerdaneth whirled and raced toward the fire. She pushed in along side the other rangers, their faces all close to hers. Her arrow she held in the flames for a long moment. It ignited, and she raced back. The rangers were all around her, beside her, in front of her.

Column one fell into place, as column two lit their arrows.

"Column one, fire!"

Aerdaneth aimed carefully and released her second arrow. A thrill of electric excitement shot through her body when she watched another tent ignite.

However, she had no time to gloat. The lieutenant was ordering the same procedure. It was absolutely imperative that the rangers launch as many volleys as possible while the orcs were still in limbo.

Aerdaneth raced back to the fire again, as column two aimed and fired once again...

[Edited on 5/1/2009 by Adara_Cochava]
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Post RE: The Battle for Ithilien
on: January 04, 2009 12:05
Lenar accepted the meal with a thankful nod and fell on it immediately. It was good… although his definition of ‘good’ in this moment was ‘eatable’. And it was finished too quickly for his taste but he didn’t complain; he knew that without the lad he would stay hungry – all the provisions were already packed.

“Thank you. That’s much better.” He said as he returned the bowl. He was still a bit hungry but felt some of his strength returning with the meager meal.
I will be staying with you until we return to Minis Tirith. Though I will gladly help you pack."
Lenar looked around at the camp. The last tents were torn down at the moment. Soon only the lodged grass will be the only sign that the rangers camped here. When establishing fireplaces, they put the removed divot aside – upside down so that it doesn’t dry. Now they used it to cover the fireplaces again – after a few rains nobody will be able to tell that somebody camped here at all. Only one fireplace was left – the one that he was sitting at. “If you’ll extinguish this fireplace and pack the dishes, then everything is prepared to leave already, I think.”
"Are you good friends with the Captain?"
Rhys’ question surprised him. He looked into his eyes to see if there isn’t some hidden meaning behind the question. He saw none and he decided to be honest. “I don’t really know…” he began. “Sometimes I have the feeling that he cares for me and sometimes it’s like he’d be overseeing me.” For a moment he thought about various situations when he was with Tenuvian. “I know that he’s a captain. A good captain… He has much to do but cares for all his men. I’m one of them. Maybe I’m foolish to expect something more. From my side, I am his friend. I think…” he softened his voice “I would die for him…”

Until now, he didn’t think about death much, he knew it’s a possibility in the fight but he felt immortal, like everyone that’s young. Now it entered his life and touched him. He knew he can die – today, tomorrow or in fifty years. And he knew he would give his life to save Tenuvian’s. He realized it here, in this very moment and the knowledge struck him. He was quiet for a while, looking in the direction where his Captain disappeared in the forest – in the direction of the orc camp.

He realized he told the lad whom he barely knew much more then he intended. To change the subject, he said: “Thank you for the meal again. Once we are in Minas Tirith, I invite you for a supper in ‘The King’s Hands’,” he smiled slightly but his smile froze as he remembered the news from Minas Tirith. “How does it look like there? I mean… if the King needs us there immediately… what should I expect when we return?” His mother lived there – in the third circle of the city. For a moment an image of the burning city was before his eyes. He has seen it during the war and didn’t want to see it again.

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Post RE: The Battle for Ithilien
on: January 05, 2009 04:16
Tenuvian and his group slid steathily into the enemy camp. Almost all of the orcs and haradrim had been drawn to the opposite side of the camp in an attempt to reach the attacking rangers. Embers fell around them from burning tents, casting strange, flickering shadows across everything. The four figures were nothing more than a shade to anyone who looked at them.

Tenuvian soon spotted what had to be the commanders tent. It was the largest one around, with several rooms branching off the main chamber. The commander would likely be inside. The enemy leaders were never found at the front with their troops like Gondorian Camptains. The cowards always stayed behind, leading their men from the rear. He signaled his group to move in. They would have to enter quietly, or risk losing their surprise.

The group stacked up against the side of the tent, and Tenuvian listened intently. He heard two voices inside. One was obviously an orc, and the other was sharp, like a hiss. They were discussing the ongoing attack and what to do about it. It had to be the Black Numenorian. Tenuvian pulled out his boot knife and quickly cut a line down the tent fabric, and darted inside, blade ready. The rest of the group quickly followed.

Once inside Tenuvian found himself staring at a horrific figure. A tall man, robed all in black, and as pale as death itself. His hollowed, black eyes stared back at Tenuvian, trying to comprehend how an enemy had made it inside his tent. The other figure was an extremely large orc, obviously one of the leaders. Hot rage flared in its eyes at it perceived its foes.

"Intruders!" hissed the Numenorian as he drew his longblade.

Tenuvian raised his own sword and rushed forward.

"Die, you miserable traitor!"
Head Of Oromë
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Post RE: The Battle for Ithilien
on: January 05, 2009 08:40
Eowilindë silently crept though the forest, then throught the camp as only elves could. True, the rangers were well skilled in walking silently, but even then her ears could pick up faint sounds.

As the went along, she looked around carefully to make sure their movements were not observed. At one point, an unfortunate orc who was passing through spotted them, but, with a quick release of her arrow, Eowilindë made sure the orc never told his story.

It wasn't hard to find the tent where this Black Numenorean resided. Stealth was now at the upmost importance.

With a quick slice, Tenuvian cut the tent open and jumped in. She and the other two rangers quickly followed in order to ensure Tenuvian was not alone, no matter what they encountered.

The she-elf took many things in very quickly. First, the Black Numenorian captian himself, who had an intimidating look. Second was the orc next to him. I cannot let that orc get away! she thought. Tenuvian was fighting hand to hand combat with the commmander, and the other two rangers were helping him. Faster than the eye could blink, Eowilindë drew and arrow, fitted it to the bow, and released the arrow, where it promptly thudded into the orc's chest. Unfortunatly, the orc let out a squeal.

As she was turning towards the Numenorian, her ears picked up a sound behind her, so she continued to spin in a circle in order to meet whatever it was behind her. Orcs met her. Where did these come from? She had no time to ponder the question. She threw an arrow into the throat of one, then hit another one on the head with her bow. More just kept coming.

"There are too many of them!" she cried, hoping the other three would hear her. At that time an orc blade found her leg, leaving a deep wound. As she fell to her knees, she released another arrow, but too late as something hit the back of her head and all went black.

Rhys studied Lenar as best as he could. No, he wasn't very good at it, but he tried anyways.

At Lenar's request (or order, rather), Rhys started to kick out the fire and put up the eating utensils. Lenar talked while he cleaned up.

The young Leiutenant's answer about Tenuvian was slightly surpriseing to the boy. He had asked, simply because his father had known Tenuvian, but this information Rhys did not tell Lenar.

“How does it look like there? I mean… if the King needs us there immediately… what should I expect when we return?”

Rhys looked up from his cleaning. "Well.....the White City looked like it ever has when I left...I mean, in it's renewed glory since King Elessar took the throne. But if you mean the people, unrest and uncertainty has seemed to taken hold. No one is sure what will happen." He looked up to Lenar. "I am afraid of what will happen. What if this man takes our blessed throne? He may have more right when it comes to lineage, but I do not think he deserves it!"
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Post RE: The Battle for Ithilien
on: January 05, 2009 12:01
The orc camp was in complete chaos for the moment. Flames swallowed their tents whole with a greedy blaze, casting an eerie light on the orcs and even the faces of the rangers some distance off.

However, a leader soon emerged among the orcs as the rangers continued to shoot volleys of deadly burning arrows into the camp. The rangers began to take aim at specific orcs as the filthy creatures began to find some sense of order.

Aerdaneth dropped what appeared to be some form of orc captain who had been attempting to arrange a group of the bow legged creatures toward the rangers right.

The orcs began to race forward now, the more timid finding courage in the brash orcs' roars. The rangers, and Aerdaneth turned their gazes to the Lieutenant. He seemed to hesitate a moment, and then ordered column two to shoot the arrows they had already strung.

This kept the orc wave back a moment longer--but they were almost upon them. A few dark, poison tipped arrows flew into the columns. One young lad fell heavily to the ground, an arrow sticking out of his forehead. Aerdaneth's heart leaped at the sight, but she had no time to contemplate the horrors of death.

"Retreat! Move, men, move!" yelled the Lieutenant.

The columns turned sharply to the left, and raced back through the woods. They began a weaving pattern as the orcs launched more arrows toward them. Aerdaneth wove among the trees, keeping her eyes on the three rangers at the front of the columns. Back to the horses the rangers raced, quickly leaving behind the orcs.

Haste was still of utmost necessity. Aerdaneth gritted her teeth against the pain shooting up her leg at the intense exercise of the limb. It felt like the wound was reopening. She could only hope it wasn't--she must race through these woods, or she would quickly find herself surrounded by the filthy orcs.

They were nearing the horses, and then they would easily be able to outpace the orcs from there.
In the dead of the night, when all good and decent things sleep, the most deadly of creatures stirs, and plots, and stares at the cold, white moon.

It was such a night, dark, and with a sinister feeling pervading the air. Mists arose in the mountains, and wove their way down into valleys. And in Umbar, there stood a forest darker than most. It was haunted by no ghosts, or orcs, or Uruks--no, it was the dwelling place of one more evil, more in tune with the ancient darkness of the world.

This was Dûrnaur. He stood in a clearing in this forest, his pale face shining in the light of the moon. He was cloaked in a scarlet robe which hid every trace of skin but for his face, and gave to him the appearance of having more bulk and weight than was actually true.

A messenger had been sent to Dûrnaur, and stood trembling at the edge of the clearing. Dûrnaur appeared to the man like some ancient specter, hungry for his soul.

Dûrnaur knew of the presence of this peasant messenger, whether because he had heard the faintest whisper of his cloak, or because he had felt it through some darker source.

"You had best pray that your message is worthy of disturbing the silence, snaga. I fear your life will become infinitely shorter than you would have wished it to if this is not the case..." the Black Numenorean hissed.

All at once, several things happened.

The messenger took a shuddering step forward.

Dûrnaur's chilling blue eyes flew open, nailing the man of Harad with a piercing gaze that paralyzed him.

And the messenger fell hard on his knees.

The messenger gripped both sides of his head and began to writhe in the grass. Dûrnaur stared blankly forward, obtaining all the information he sought from the dense mind of the messenger--and leaving the man in a nearly catatonic state in the process.

Having found all that he sought, Dûrnaur released the man. The messenger lay still in the grass, his sides heaving as he sucked in huge gulps of air.

A sick grin twisted Dûrnaur's thin lips. His face looked as gaunt and grotesque then as any dead man's face ever did. There was some sort of grim satisfaction glittering in his milky eyes.

Minas Tirith was stunned by the word he had sent them. Uncertainty ran rampant in the streets. Faces were clouded, hearts filled with a whispering fear.

Chaos was next.

After that, the victory.

[Edited on 5/1/2009 by Adara_Cochava]
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Post RE: The Battle for Ithilien
on: January 06, 2009 03:24
Tenuvian heard the orc beside the commander crey out as Eowilide's arrow buried itself in him. He knew what that meant, and moments later orcs started pouring into the tent, more then the elf could handle. He had to finish the commander quickly.

Their blades flashed and Tenuvian spun to avoid a potentially fatal blow from the Numenorian. His opponant's blade buried itself in the ground a few inches away from his leg. He took advantage of the temporary situation and struck hard. His sword cleaved into his opponants leg guard, but his chainmail stopped the blow from causing serious damage. The Numeorian kicked up and his armored leg caught Tenuvian in the chest, knocking the wind out of him and throwing him backwards.

Tenuvian recovered his footing and struggled to parry the next blows from the numenorian. Breathing heavily, he again saw an opening. The Numenorian meant to finish his, and raised his blade over his head in an attempt to break Tenuvian's guard. He struck quickly, and this time his blade hit flesh, finding a space between the Nuemorian's plate mail. His enemy reeled, and Tenuvian followed up to finish his opponant. He swung again, and this sword buring itself halfway into the Numenorian's neck. His enemy stared blankly at him, and then sank to his knees and toppled over.

Tenuvian turned and saw Eowilinde on the ground, her leg bleeding badly. She appeared unconscious, and the situation was getting worse. His two lieutenants were fighting hard, but the odds were against them. They had to get out of their now.

Tenuvian raced over and picked up Eowilinde, fending off two orcs as he did. He hefted her over his shoulder and stood back up.

"Get out of here, now!" he shouted at his men, and they headed for the opposite side of the tent. Tenuvian cut a second slit, and the trio left the tent in a rush. Things outside however, were not any better. They were completely surrounded, as many orcs had been attracted to the commotion in the tent. Fighting wouldn't do much at this point, but Tenuvian refused to be taken easily. He dropped Eowilinde (He'd apolofize for that if they made it out alive), and took the head off the first orc. Five more lept on him though, and dragged him to the ground. The same fate befell his men, and a large orc, obviously some sort of leader approachd.

"Bind them."
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Post RE: The Battle for Ithilien
on: January 06, 2009 09:21
Lenar was glad that Rhys didn't press the question further, his answer surprised himself, too. But now he felt the weight of the news from Minas Tirith again.
"Well.....the White City looked like it ever has when I left...I mean, in it's renewed glory since King Elessar took the throne. But if you mean the people, unrest and uncertainty has seemed to taken hold. No one is sure what will happen. I am afraid of what will happen. What if this man takes our blessed throne? He may have more right when it comes to lineage, but I do not think he deserves it!"
"He won't take the throne." Lenar said with more confidence then he felt. "Not while we are true to our King."

He looked at Rhys. "I've seen him. I don't mean at the coronation and holidays... Before. When the City was besieged and there was the big battle on the field, I looked from the walls for a moment and saw a man fighting many enemies and his sword was shining like a flame. I wanted to be such a good fighter as him. Later, at the coronation, I recognized him. It was King Elessar." He smiled. "I don't think I'll ever be such a good fighter..."

He paused for a moment, thinking. "Do you think that the people would accept this Númenorean just because his blood is closer to... to... whichever king it might be? I wonder if the blood is so important." He shook his head. "Well, I don't know much about history or politics. I just like our King."

Then he remembered his task again. "Your horse has a long way behind it. Is it rested and able to carry you for a next day? If not, we have some spare horses that you could use. I haven't seen you with the rangers before. Which group do you ride with?"
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