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on: October 24, 2013 09:52
He was carrying Linriel when another Elf, with bow at the ready, came into view. He stopped and recognized the Elf as Thurinlass, the one who helped save his life in Lorien.

"Thurinlass, do you not recognize me? I am Bildarion. You helped me recover from my wounds in Lorien. I kept watch over Linriel during the battle and saw she needed aid so I brought her here, out of harm's way."

Linriel began to stir and Bildarion put her on the ground on a soft pine bough. "Melmenya, wake up. You are safe now." he said to her.

Thurinlass lowered his bow.
My destiny is riding again, rolling in the rain, unwinding in the wind. My destiny is fighting again, secretly unwinding..what it was I was supposed to say...to say to you today.
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on: October 25, 2013 04:27
Adien watched as Iellwen sped off through the trees. He stood and grabbed his sword and told Adonnenneil," I am going to follow her to make sure she doesn't get into any trouble," He began to walk through the trees looking about him for any sign of Iellwen, Linriel, or Thurinlass. He came looked ahead and saw Iellwen's bow and quiver, her boots and leather vest. But Iellwen was not to be found. He looked around for foot steps until he found them. He looked down and saw someone return to the surface of the water for a breath of air. It was Iellwen. He watched her for a moment, swimming with the fish. Then he smiled and ran back to Adonnenneil. " You should see this," he said.
Iellwen rose to the surface and took a deep breath. She floated for a moment, thinking about what she could do. She smiled and swam to the "path" she had created. Running up the pass she stood at the top once more. She knew that she would be fine. the water was very deep and she was skilled at this. She turned and saw Adien and Adonnenneil running towards her. " Iellwen!" cried Adien. Iellwen merely grinned and said," i will be fine," And then she jumped. She flipped once or twice and then readied her self to enter the water. She put her arms in front of her and place her hands together. She saw the water rapidly approaching and when she entered it, she began to swim deeper and deeper. she did not return to the surface for a long while.
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on: October 25, 2013 05:16
Linriel heard someone calling her name but it sounded so far away. That voice! No! It cannot be! She heard another voice. A strong voice. An angry voice. She felt pain in her leg and her thoughts began to return. I was going to help Thurinlass but I fell. My leg! Thurinlass!

She slowly opened her eyes and was stunned when she saw who was looking down at her.

[Edited on 10/25/2013 by Lindarielwen]
My destiny is riding again, rolling in the rain, unwinding in the wind. My destiny is fighting again, secretly unwinding..what it was I was supposed to say...to say to you today.
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on: October 25, 2013 06:44
Ella woke up abruptly making Fili wake up too. Linriel and Thurinlass were missing and Iellwen was going away. What’s happening, for Durin’s sake...? She thought. Adonnenniel was standing there, worried about everyone. Ella looked at the dwarf and he nodded.

Ella went away, running. The only thing that occurred to her was that Linriel might be in danger, and that elf, Thurinlass might have something to do with it. I shouldn’t have trusted him. She followed the majestic elf’s tracks. She was sure it would lead to her. Her shoulder was burning yet she didn’t stop.

Suddenly, she saw Thurinlass in his horse, and someone with Linriel. She remained hidden; she grabbed her bow and an arrow, and waited for something to happen. She was confused when Linriel fell and ran to her. pulling out her dagger. "What's happening, for Durin's sake?

Fili was near Adonnenniel. “Do not worry, my lady.” He smiled and put his hand on her shoulder trying to comfort her.

[Edited on 10/25/2013 by Ella]

[Edited on 10/25/2013 by Ella]
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on: October 25, 2013 07:52
Linriel blinked her eyes, trying to clear her mind. Bildarion! How can this be? Linriel sat up and looked around, confused. She was not losing her mind, it was Bildarion before her! She also saw Thurinlass and Ella! Ella was there holding her dagger. Linriel met Thurinlass' eyes and felt gladness in her heart that he was there, and standing!

She looked back at Bildarion. "You! You! What are you doing here? What am I doing here?" She felt anger inside her now. She struggled to stand but Bildarion said, "Lay quietly, Melmenya. You have been injured and I have brought you here to take care of you, but it seems your friends have other thoughts on the matter." He looked at Ella and Thurinlass.

"Your love? You dare to call me your love? How can you say such a thing to me?" Anger filled her as she got to her feet, a little unsteady. "Take care of me? I do not need you to take care of me. This was decided back in Lorien. You left. We had our time together and it is over! Over, do you hear me?" Linriel cried.

She looked at Ella. "Ella, my friend, I will not leave you until we find the axe. We must get back."

"Thurinlass, when last I saw you, I was falling over a tree root." She could not help but smile at the thought.

Linriel turned to Bildarion. "Your intentions might have been good but you should not have taken me away. I gave my promise to help my friends and I will not waiver. I will not have you in my life one moment and out the next."

Bildarion was angry now. "Friends? Your friends left you bleeding on the ground! I have watched your actions from afar, Melmenya. You are brave and strong but I did not wish your life to be ended. I brought you here to help you." he ended, a bit sadly.

She looked at the noble Elf. "Our fate together was decided in Lorien, my lord. It was you who made the choice and I had to abide by your wishes. Hantanyel for helping me, but I will leave now, with my friends. Go back. Go back to what you must do. Nai cuilelya nauva mara. Nai i Valar nauva as elye. Namarie." May your life be good, May the Valar be with you. Farewell.

Turning away from Bildarion, Linriel took Meldir's reins and went to Ella and Thurinlass.

[Edited on 10/27/2013 by Lindarielwen]
My destiny is riding again, rolling in the rain, unwinding in the wind. My destiny is fighting again, secretly unwinding..what it was I was supposed to say...to say to you today.
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on: October 25, 2013 08:21
Adonnenniel followed Adien to the edge is the water and watched Iellwen swim. She sighed, she didn't like to see her being so reckless, but at least things were back to normal. Was that really a good thing though? She didn't know for sure. "Iellwen, please come back to camp." She called. "I'm glad you are having fun, but I'm not sure what is going on, I think we should all stay together."
And I will live to carry Your compassion, to love a world that's broken, to be Your hands and feet, and I will give with the life that I've been given, and go beyond religion to see the world be changed by the power of Your name. ~Lincoln Brewster
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on: October 25, 2013 08:42
Iellwen heard Adonnenneil calling her. She did not want to come back. she wanted to stay this way forever. She felt safe and happy, feelings which she had not felt in a long while. Iellwen was trying to decide what to do when she felt something stir close to her. She yelled," One moment!" and then dove under. She saw nothing. She felt something cool slid across her leg and she looked down to see that her dagger had fallen and was sinking into the depths. she rose and quickly took another breath before diving back under. She could see fine for the water was clean. Deeper and deeper she swam and finally she found it. it was still sinking and she wondered how deep this really was. She grabbed it and swam to the surface quickly so she would not worry Adonnenneil.
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on: October 25, 2013 10:00
Bildarion watched as she walked away. Yes, it was the choice I made, perhaps not the correct one.

He ran after Linriel and pulled her to him. He saw anger and sadness in her eyes. "Yes, yes it was the choice I made and you know that it was my only choice. May the stars and happiness follow you wherever you go. I will always wish you joy, Melme....Linriel."

He looked at Thurinlass. Watch over her

Bildarion mounted his horse and with one more glance, he left the wood.

She watched him until she saw a glint of silver.
My destiny is riding again, rolling in the rain, unwinding in the wind. My destiny is fighting again, secretly unwinding..what it was I was supposed to say...to say to you today.
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on: October 25, 2013 01:20
Adonnenniel waited, rather impatiently for Iellwen. Thurinlass was also on her mind. She could tell all was not well with him, it hadn't been since he had come back. She didn't thinkriding off like that had been a good idea, but he must have had a reason. She turned to Adien, "I think it would be best if we all went back together and find the others, they may need our help."
And I will live to carry Your compassion, to love a world that's broken, to be Your hands and feet, and I will give with the life that I've been given, and go beyond religion to see the world be changed by the power of Your name. ~Lincoln Brewster
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on: October 25, 2013 03:29
Iellwen reluctantly climbed out of the water and placed her dagger in it's hidden sheath and began to climb up her path. She rung her hair out as she went, watching the water droplets fall to the ground. She slipped and tore her shirt on a rock. "blast it!' she said and continued on her way. She reached the top and laced her boots and vest. " come," she said and led the way back to the camp. She was hungry and was hoping to eat soon. She also wanted to know where Linriel and Thurinlass had been!
They reached the camp and saw that no one had returned. Iellwen went and sat next to a tree and waited for them to come back. She wondered where they had gone and what was taking them so long

(sorry i keep misunderstanding you guys, but I don't think you are making it very clear if you are there, coming back, where you are..or maybe i am just being dumb)

[Edited on 10/26/2013 by Legolas23]
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on: October 25, 2013 06:09
Do not call yourself names. Sorry something was not understood, but I see no mention that we have returned. Perhaps you should read the posts a little more carefully.

Linriel went to Ella and Thurinlass. "I am happy to see you both. This has been a very difficult journey for all of us. It was good of you to come looking for me. Thank you, my friends. Bildarion was the last person I expected to see."

She put her hands on their shoulders. "It seems like we have survived this battle but we have all been wounded in some way. Ella, I think your shoulder will be fine and Thurinlass, I would like to see your wound if I may when we get back to the group."

Smiling at Ella she said, "Let us go and get that axe."

She looked at Thurinlass, her eyes shining with gratitude. "Thank you for defending me against one you thought would cause me harm."

The three of them stood together quietly for a moment.

[Edited on 10/26/2013 by Lindarielwen]
My destiny is riding again, rolling in the rain, unwinding in the wind. My destiny is fighting again, secretly unwinding..what it was I was supposed to say...to say to you today.
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on: October 25, 2013 06:50
Thurinlass bowed to Linriel, grimacing in pain for he had forgotten his wound. He stood not quite erect. "It is my pleasure Herinya." He said in response to her thanks. Then he turned to Ella, "I will follow where you lead." He said unwavering. Thurinlass looked one more time at Bildarion. "One moment he said." Thurinlass waked over to Bildarion and said in parting, "It is a great mistake you have made," Thurinlass started, "But I promise you I will let no harm come to her" Thurinlass bowed then left.

He walked over to the two maids once more then said, "Shall we go? You may use my horse if you desire." He said to the obviously wounded Ella.
The sky is afire with wroth, and the rivers are red with blood.
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on: October 26, 2013 06:32
Ella was totally confused by seeing all the occurrences that happened in that moment. Why was Bildarion there? And why was all that talking? What was happening? Linriel was clearly disturbed and that made Ella angry. ”Elves…And they talk about the dwarves…” She whispered more to herself. However, she didn’t take much long to analyze the situation. Ella smiled to her friend and nodded but she knew she had to have a serious conversation with her later. She also felt ashamed again for doubting Thurinlass again. She nodded to him, as if she was thanking him. After he talked to Bildarion and returned to them she smiled.

“Herunya,” she started making a slight bow. “I am deeply sorry I doubted you.” She looked at his wounds. “There is no need to ride your horse. I will be fine.”

Near to the others, Fili walked to Adonnenniel. “Are you all right?”
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on: October 26, 2013 07:08
Linriel looked at Ella and Thurinlass. "Hantanyel, my friends. Hantanyel, for coming after me." She closed her eyes. "I do not know what brought Bildarion here. The errand he is on does not bring him this way. He was watching the battle from a tree and when it was over, he came down and brought me here to tend to my wound." She looked down at her leg. It no longer bled and it did not hurt.

A tear rolled down her cheek as she remembered how happy they used to be. How they planned to wed. How they talked about... But that was over now.

"Let us return to the others." she said. They began to walk away, leading the horses instead of riding.
My destiny is riding again, rolling in the rain, unwinding in the wind. My destiny is fighting again, secretly unwinding..what it was I was supposed to say...to say to you today.
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on: October 26, 2013 08:06
Adonnenniel nodded to Fili, "I am fine, it is the others I am concerned about. Iellwen is quite recovered, thanks to her necklace, but the others. Thurinlass went riding off, and he did not seem well. And Ella and Linriel are gone too. I am not sure what is going on now. Perhaps we should fix some food for everyone." Just then they saw the group returning. Adonnenniel looked at them closely to see how they were.
And I will live to carry Your compassion, to love a world that's broken, to be Your hands and feet, and I will give with the life that I've been given, and go beyond religion to see the world be changed by the power of Your name. ~Lincoln Brewster
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on: October 28, 2013 01:53
The elf cousins followed Beri's mice. They had been glad of a reason to leave the battle, where they could have done little good. They walked slowly, and carefully, for they had to be aware of traps and natural pitfalls. They came to an expanse of rock, and here the mice began to chunter softly. They seemed excited, rather than afraid, but they were also wary. The elves had passed the entrance before they noticed the loss of their guides, and turned back. The mice had disappeared into a thin crack in the stone, which ran parallel to a passageway. It was roughly hewn, but hewn all the same, and so must have once been some sort of dwelling place. It smelled of rot and mould, and seemed much more earthy than the tunnels of Moria. The passage was crumbling, and unkept, but seemed to lead to something wider. Yet when it seemed to open out, the mice picked a different path, and they at last caught sight of their goal.
The first thing to be seen was a corpse, not old enough to be a skeleton yet, of a mouse. Beri bowed her head in respect, but Meri moved on to see what lay beyond, for it was this the mice approached. Oh! she thought. Oh! There, in a squeaking bundle, lay three squirming mouse babies, able to open their eyes to take in the dark tunnels, but not able to function without a mother. This was why they had come. Some deep-seated instinct that had told Beri's mice that they were needed.
Midnight inspected the babies, then lay with them to offer her warmth. Meri brought out a scrap of material, and Midnight and Sunlight nudged them onto the material, which Meri gathered up slowly, then carried out of the tunnels with the utmost care. Beri watched Sunlight, who led them back to the site of the battle, and Meri carried the precious bundle of mouse babies, tended to by Midnight.
When they arrived, they knew it was over. There were no more clangs of steel on steel, or grunts and cries of fighters. The only question was which side had triumphed, but this was soon answered. Beri sat down a small distance from Adonnenniel, and gathered up Sunlight. Meri sat with her, and lay the fragile package on the ground. The babies were not happy with the rough journey, but they were still a sweet sight. Death lay all around them, but this tiny blossom of life was like a candle in a dark room. Such innocence had to be preserved, and battles were the only way to protect this.
The cousins looked up as the others drew near.
If anyone had happened to look out of a window on the east side of the palace, they might have noticed two figures in the darkness, dancing in a square bordered by living plants, out of time with the dancers inside but perfectly in time with each other.
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on: October 28, 2013 06:43
The three Elf warriors returned to the battleground and saw goblin corpses scattered about. Weary as they were, they began to stack the dead creatures into a great pile far away from the entrance to the cave. Linriel gave an incredibly ugly goblin a swift kick as she dragged it towards the pile. Thruinlass began to collect arrows from the dead bodies to reuse when the time came...and the time would come.

There was no time to think about their own injuries...the corpses must be dealt with first. Thurinlass lit a torch and threw it onto the pile. "Qualme cotumonyain!" he shouted as the flames began to engulf the disgusting creatures. Death to our foes!

Ella joined Fili and Linriel sat with Thurinlass against a tree, silent.

[Edited on 10/29/2013 by Lindarielwen]
My destiny is riding again, rolling in the rain, unwinding in the wind. My destiny is fighting again, secretly unwinding..what it was I was supposed to say...to say to you today.
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on: October 30, 2013 07:02
Adonnenniel quietly approached Linriel. She was hesitant to disturb them, but she had noticed that Linriel's leg was bandaged and wanted to know what she needed. She kept glancing at Thurinlass, who also seemed to be injured, but he seemed to be in his own world and she was afraid to interrupt his thoughts.
And I will live to carry Your compassion, to love a world that's broken, to be Your hands and feet, and I will give with the life that I've been given, and go beyond religion to see the world be changed by the power of Your name. ~Lincoln Brewster
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on: October 30, 2013 08:28
The stench of burning orc bodies was slowly going away but Linriel knew more battles were yet to come. Leaning against the tree, she looked at Thurinlass. She smiled as she thought how quickly he drew his bow against Bildarion. Bildarion! What brought him here? She shook her head at the thought. There is nothing between us anymore.

Linriel saw Adonnenniel approaching and raised her hand in greeting. "It is good to see you, Adonnenniel. How are you faring? Is Iellwen alright? And Adien?" She saw Adonnenniel looking at the wrapping on her leg. "It was just a wound from an orc blade but it is fine. I must get some athelas water to put on Thurinlass' wound." Linriel stood up, a bit unsteady. "Will you help me get some from my pack?"

[Edited on 10/31/2013 by Lindarielwen]
My destiny is riding again, rolling in the rain, unwinding in the wind. My destiny is fighting again, secretly unwinding..what it was I was supposed to say...to say to you today.
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on: October 30, 2013 09:18
Adonnenniel took Linriel's arm to help her to her pack. "Adien seems to be alright, Iellwen is fine on the outside at least. I...I am tired of this road, tired of danger, tired of fighting. One of these days our luck will run out. Even if I learned to fight well enough to be of some use, i can't save her from herself. I don't even really know what is going on with her." She glanced back at Thurinlass. "Is he going to be alright? I saw him ride off, he looked like he shouldn't have been doing that. I'm sure he had a reason." She paused for a moment. "Sometimes I just want to find some safe, hidden place and build a nice home for us all and just live and be a family."
And I will live to carry Your compassion, to love a world that's broken, to be Your hands and feet, and I will give with the life that I've been given, and go beyond religion to see the world be changed by the power of Your name. ~Lincoln Brewster
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on: October 30, 2013 10:13
Linriel looked back at Thurinlass. "He came after me. He thought I was in harm's way but it was Bildarion who took me. Ella came as well. It is over now. Bildarion went back to what he should be doing."

"I have never turned away from a battle but I know how you feel about all this fighting. I agree with you...how long can our luck last? We fight on the side of good and I believe the Valar will protect us but we have all been wounded in some way from this battle. I am not sure what I will do or where I will go once Ella gets the axe back to Erebor. I have longed to see Erebor but after that, I do not know where my path will take me."

Linriel put her hand on Adonnenniel's shoulder. "It would be wonderful to find a safe place to make a home. I know you long for this, my friend. Perhaps that will happen. Iellwen is so fortunate to have you but she is an impulsive child and there is the matter of that necklace. I fear that necklace is evil. But what of Adien?"

Linriel walked slowly back to Thurinlass with the athelas water. She lifted his tunic and poured some of the healing water on the wound. It was an old wound on his back from long long ago that reopened from the battle. "This will help, Herunya. It will be fine." she whispered to him as she leaned against the tree once again.
My destiny is riding again, rolling in the rain, unwinding in the wind. My destiny is fighting again, secretly unwinding..what it was I was supposed to say...to say to you today.
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on: November 03, 2013 06:29
They had no milk, but Meri set out some water in a cupped piece of bark. There were plenty of nuts around, so the young elf collected some of them, and placed them near the baby mice. One of the mice, Sunlight, she thought, went straight for the nuts, and seemed to be intent on devouring them all, but then it became clear that she was only biting pieces off, and carrying them to the babies.
Beri smiled to herself. She thought about when they had found Midnight and Sunlight. They had seen the smoke first, then heard the crackle of fire as they ran closer. The source of the fire had not been clear. They had seen no people or large animals; on the whole the house had seemed to be abandoned. But little creatures, mice and rats and scuttling beetles, had all been fleeing the flames. There did not appear to be anything they could do to help anyone, or indeed any need to prevent the fire from carrying out it's mission.
Then she had noticed two creatures that were not running away. Two little mice, probably not any older than a month. One was hurt, limping slowly away, squeaking desperately. The fire was not far behind, and stepping in to save them would have endangered her own life. However, the other mouse was perfectly healthy, and still remained beside her friend. The injured mouse tried to nudge her away, but she would not leave. It was this loyalty that made up her mind.
She had run towards them, keeping low to avoid the worst of the smoke. She had not run directly towards them, but at an angle, so that after scooping them up she could run away again immediately.
Afterwards, she had tended to the injured mouse, whom she had named 'Sunlight' because of a tiny patch of white on her black tummy, and her pink tail, which always looked to her as if it had bands of sun across it. Sunlight had a tiny splinter embedded in her hind leg, and it was this that had caused her pain and restricted her movement. The other mouse, who would not leave her friends side, she had named 'Midnight', due to her completely black fur, and the eyes that sparkled like stars. Sunlight had soon recovered, but when she had let them go out into the world, they had come back to her, and she found herself reluctant to leave them, so she took them with her, carried in her pocket, or nestled on her shoulders, hidden by a curtain of hair.
If anyone had happened to look out of a window on the east side of the palace, they might have noticed two figures in the darkness, dancing in a square bordered by living plants, out of time with the dancers inside but perfectly in time with each other.
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on: November 03, 2013 05:20
Iellwen stood and went to Thurinlass. She handed him her necklace and said,"Here, you need it more than I do at the moment," When he hesitated, Iellwen sighed and said," Please Thurinlass! You need to heal quickly just in case there is another attack,"
Adien went to Fili and sat down beside him. They sat in silence for a few moments. " How is Ella?" he asked finally not thinking of anything else to say.

(Hey guys! i just wanted to say that i can not log in at my house. so if i post i am at my mamaws or the library! but i contacted the mods last time i was on and i haven't heard anything back from them yet. i will tell everyone when it has been resolved! )
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on: November 04, 2013 06:52
Ella already rested the time she needed and now she was restless to find that axe. She walked to a lake nearby, letting Fili with Adien. Anyone, except maybe Linriel, knew much about her previous life. They only knew she was a friend of the dwarves, she lived in Erebor, her beloved and her son were also dwarves and they were there when they died. Looking at her reflection on the water she saw how stupid she looked. She was just an elf trying to be a dwarf, with no place to return with no identity. A strong bond had grown in her heart with everyone from the group yet she knew it would be a time when their crossed paths would lead them to different ones. She put a hand on her head and confused. She didn’t want to face Fili and Kili’s father. However, she would do it for Kili and Frerin memory.

Finally, she stood up. Her shoulder was not hurting anymore. She returned to the others.

Fili saw Ella coming with a sad expression. He answered to Adien “She will be alright, laddie. Dwarves can be stubborn and she knows it better than anyone, even if not for the best reasons. When this fight is over, she will regain her life.”

Ella walked to Linriel and told her “I must get going. I need to enter their cave before they know and run.” She began packing her clothes and her weapons and preparing to leave.
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on: November 04, 2013 10:21
Linriel saw Ella looking at her reflection in the water. She knew how much Ella was torn between her own kind and the Dwarves. She must follow her heart. That will be the path to choose.

Linirel knew the time has come to enter the cave and was going to start making ready to leave when she saw Iellwen approaching, holding something in her hand. That necklace! Iellwen was holding the necklace and wanted Thurinlass to take it! Linriel cast herself between Thurinlass and Iellwen and drew her sword. "Begone with that evil necklace, girl." screamed Linriel. "No one here has need of it! It is evil that you have brought with you and you best take it away or I will shatter it in a thousand pieces!" Linriel's eyes glistened with anger and she held her sword, ready to strike.

My destiny is riding again, rolling in the rain, unwinding in the wind. My destiny is fighting again, secretly unwinding..what it was I was supposed to say...to say to you today.
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on: November 04, 2013 02:39
Iellwen was shocked by Linriel's reaction. She was only trying to help Thurinlass. Iellwen set her jaw and said," Fine! You are right! I should have left long ago," Iellwen went and retrieved her bags and weapons. She looked at Adien and embraced him tightly. " I will see you again. I promise!" " How do I know that you will return?" he asked. " I will," Iellwen moved on to Adonnennil and embraced her. " You have been the best aunt I could have asked for. Take care of the others. Especially Adien. I will return,"
Then she went to her horse and mouted, glancing at Adien one more time. Then she rode off into the woods. " Adonnenneil gave him a look that said," Where is she going,?!" " Mordor," he responsed aloud.
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on: November 04, 2013 10:13
Adonnenniel held on to Iellwen tightly, she didn't want to let her go, but it was no use, she couldn't change her mind. She looked at Adien, then back to Linriel, then she looked down suddenly, ashamed of herself for blaming Linriel, even for a moment. Then the world seemed to disconnect from her and reality blurred like a dream. She stared into the distance and whispered "Why?" but no one could answer her.
And I will live to carry Your compassion, to love a world that's broken, to be Your hands and feet, and I will give with the life that I've been given, and go beyond religion to see the world be changed by the power of Your name. ~Lincoln Brewster
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on: November 05, 2013 04:56
Iellwen was certain that they would try to follow her, so she went quickly to her destination. She thought," One day, the Dark Lord will be over thrown. One day, I will be freed of this necklace and the curse. I just have to live long enough to prevail,"
Adien stood there watching her shadow fade. He looked at the ground and said to Adonnenneil," She will come back. She is strong and creative. I just don't know why she would go back. Why would she return? She could have gone back to Lothlorien or Gondor,"
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on: November 05, 2013 09:22
Adonnenniel slowly turned to Adien. She didn't really believe either Iellwen's or Adien's assertions that Iellwen would return. It seemed impossible that she could ever escape such evil again, they would make sure she couldn't. Maybe she was the best Iellwen could have asked for, but she didn't feel good enough, she couldn't change Iellwen's mind, she couldn't keep her safe, and now she had just let her go. Her eyes spoke volumes.
"How can she ever hope to escape there?" she asked, not really expecting an answer. She moved closer to him, but she didn't know what to do. How could she take care of him? She was overwhelmed and numb and afraid she might shatter at the slightest touch.
And I will live to carry Your compassion, to love a world that's broken, to be Your hands and feet, and I will give with the life that I've been given, and go beyond religion to see the world be changed by the power of Your name. ~Lincoln Brewster
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on: November 05, 2013 10:00
Iellwen rode fast. She rode fast and hard all day. As she came closer to Mordor, she felt strange. She felt hatred for many people boil, a sudden urge to fight. Sweat began to run down her face. She could feel the necklace growing warmer on her skin. That is when she decided to stop for the night. She found a clearing near a stream and let her horse drink long. She sat down by a tree and closed her eyes. she wondered if she had made the right choice by leaving. it was beginning to grow dark and cold. she lit a fire and sat close to it, staring into it's depths.
Adien looked at Adonnenneil and said, " She has before. But now I think the curse has become stronger. It draws her back to Mordor. This time, I think the torture will be worse," He squeezed her hand and smiled weakly. " she will come back," He turned to Linriel and said," You did not have to do that you know,"
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on: November 06, 2013 05:38
Linriel looked at Adien. "Do what? Speak the truth? She cares about no one but herelf and her leaving like this proves it. You are her friend, why don't you go after her? She will not tell us anything about that acursed necklace yet she is eager for us to use it."

Linriel looked at Adonnenniel and said, "And you have given her so much love and have tried to reason with her but to no avail. You want to make a home with her and Adien, and she cares not. That necklace has some hold and her yet she will not tell even you, her own family."

Linriel saw the strange gleam in Iellwen's eyes when the girl approached Thurinlass with the necklace.

Linriel looked at Adien, "If she cared about any of us, especially you and Adonnenniel, nothing anyone said to her would have made a difference. We have all helped her and now, when we need her, she leaves."

"After Ella does what she has set out to do, perhaps we can all put our lives in greater danger and go after Iellwen." Or perhaps not.
My destiny is riding again, rolling in the rain, unwinding in the wind. My destiny is fighting again, secretly unwinding..what it was I was supposed to say...to say to you today.
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on: November 06, 2013 08:25
" You are wrong Linriel. The reason she left was so you all would not be killed! She knew they were coming for her. She can sense it. She left to protect you. Yes, sometimes she can get out of hand, but that is not her fault! Can you not see she has no choice over some things she does? She cares about each one of you. And as you said, i am her friend, meaning i know her better than any of you here! She only stayed this long because she wanted to help Ella find the axe. She has nothing left to do here. She knew that she couldn't take me or Adonnenneil or any of us with her, so she left alone. She went somewhere you and i would not dare to step foot in. And this is the second time she has done so. I believe that Iellwen, was the bravest one among us. We just couldn't see it until now. She could have killed herself instead of carrying the curse. But she didn't. She stayed so she could help you. She was a spy for our armies when she was only 12! She has endured torture from Sauron himself and yet she has lived through it! And when we find this axe, I am going to go after her. i doubt that she will still be out of mordor, but i can try,"
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on: November 06, 2013 04:23
Linriel and Adien were both angry. Adonnenniel knew Adien was hurt and scared, whatever his words might say. But the energy of their anger seems to fly in her face and crush her. She walked away from them and began to get out food, then put it back, realizing it was not meal time yet. She tried to think what to do, she was supposed to take care of these people but she didn't feel up to it. She slipped behind a tree and cried till she had no more tears and she was exhausted and shivering.
And I will live to carry Your compassion, to love a world that's broken, to be Your hands and feet, and I will give with the life that I've been given, and go beyond religion to see the world be changed by the power of Your name. ~Lincoln Brewster
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on: November 08, 2013 03:31
Ella saw everything happening without saying anything. She was really tired of all those problems. She made a decision. She looked at Linriel and then at the others. “Go, follow her. I am serious. Even if she is being brave, she is just throwing her life away. Even if staying with us might put our lives in danger, going there can be worse. She must not do it. Go, before it is too late. However, I cannot wait anymore.”

She looked at Fili who was with a serious expression. He nodded, and they rode her horse. “Farewell, my friends. I truly hope we meet again. If not, may the Valar and the Ancestors of Durin be with you.”
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on: November 08, 2013 08:16
Linriel spoke to Adien. "Brave? Being foolish is not brave. She left us when we needed her most. And look what she has done to her aunt. She only cares about herself. You speak of torture? Seems to me that girl has a death wish and I will have no part of it. I will not go after her. If she would have given us just something of what makes her do such things, but no, she says nothing."

Linriel saw Adonnenniel and clearly the Elf was distraught. "I am sorry Adonnenniel, but I will not go after Iellwen. She said she will be back and maybe that is so. For your sake, I hope it is."

A sharp whistle brought Meldir to Linriel's side. She spoke in Elvish to him and then gave a nod to Ella. Thurinlass said nothing.
My destiny is riding again, rolling in the rain, unwinding in the wind. My destiny is fighting again, secretly unwinding..what it was I was supposed to say...to say to you today.
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