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on: August 14, 2013 02:24
Adonnenniel nodded, thankful Ella knew what she was doing. She quickly packed up the bags and got her and Iellwen's horses ready. She kept an eye on Iellwen. How much could this girl take before she couldn't handle it anymore? She had to be strong for the people around her, but she felt like she would fall apart any moment. Just keep walking, she told herself, just keep going.
And I will live to carry Your compassion, to love a world that's broken, to be Your hands and feet, and I will give with the life that I've been given, and go beyond religion to see the world be changed by the power of Your name. ~Lincoln Brewster
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on: August 14, 2013 02:32
Ella noticed something was wrong with Adonnenniel, too, as she mounted Kalin. Adien was in front of her so she could take care of him during the journey. She rode near the elf and looked at her worried. Adonnenniel’s eyes showed she was ready to burst in tears.

“You are being really brave, Adonnenniel.” Ella said smiling. “You are kind and protective. I am really glad you are here.”
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on: August 14, 2013 04:49
Iellwen mounted and looked at Adien. he was pale and she was worried. She could not see her eyes, but if she could, she knew they would be filled with fear. " He has to live. He has to!" she told herself. But every time she said it is sounded more like a hope then a fact. They rode hard and fast. She was hungry, tired and felt strange with the piece of the necklace gone. The felt that part of her was gone and would never be back. But she didn't know what was missing.
Her hair blew out of her face as they galloped. They needed to get to the mines quickly. She chastised herself for not eating more. She felt as though she would faint if she did not get something to eat. but she did not concentrate on her stomach. only Adien.
How could everything be fine and they had made things better and now this? How could everything go wrong in such little time? She knew that she had witnessed things happen quickly, with her father, family, and now Adien. But her father and family had all died. Now Adien was just holding on. She wished he would wake and tell her every thing would be alright and she could stare into his blue eyes again. But she knew that until they reached the Mines, she would not see his blue eyes or hear his calming voice again.
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on: August 14, 2013 05:31
Adonnenniel tried to thank Ella for her kind words, but the words stuck in her throat. "I still see them." Her voice was shaky. She pulled her hood forward as far as she could to hide her face. She was silent but shaking with sobs. She felt like it was just about the worst moment she could have picked to break down, again, she was a wreck, even if she was appreciated.
And I will live to carry Your compassion, to love a world that's broken, to be Your hands and feet, and I will give with the life that I've been given, and go beyond religion to see the world be changed by the power of Your name. ~Lincoln Brewster
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on: August 14, 2013 06:01
Iellwen wanted to comfort Adonnenneil but she could not. She felt as though she was going to cry next. " No, I will not cry. I have cried enough on this journey. I have no reason to cry," they rode long an hard through the night. Iellwen fell asleep in the saddle.
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on: August 14, 2013 06:03
Four days passed and Adien was getting worse. The sun was setting as they passed through the hard trails. Three dwarves who were guarding the West gate of Moria asked “Who’re you and what do you seek here?”

Ella approached alone carefully. She knew they probably could recognize her even if she didn’t know them. They looked at her cluttered. Ella politely introduced herself “I am Ella from Mirkwood, friend of Erebor’s folk.”

The dwarves seemed astonished. They took off their helmets and one of them walked to her. “I’m sorry for your loss. You’re welcome in Khazad-dûm but who’re those?” He pointed to the group. Ella answered “They are friends of mine. We’re travelling together. The human is dying, I need your help.” The guard glanced at them and then to Ella again and made a sign to the other two. They spoke an elvish word and the gate slowly opened.

“I’m not sure if they’re welcome here but there’s one dwarf you can ask.” After the words of the dwarf, Ella made the others a sign to follow her. Two dwarves came out took Adien quickly inside.

They walked into the great entrance. As they moved deeper they could appreciate magnificent paths. After they walked for about one hour in silence, they reached an outstanding hall. More and more dwarves could be seen. One of them with aged hair and a beard with small braids was talking to the guard that leaded them there. He was wearing furs and his garbs were surely from Erebor. As he saw Ella, he walked to her and made a slight bow. She looked at him nostalgic and ran to hug him. He was Kili’s brother, Fíli II. They didn’t say a word for their actions spoke for themselves. Some minutes later, they separated each other and talked very low about the recent events. Then, he spoke for everyone.

“Welcome to Khazad-dûm. Ella’s friends are as welcome as she is. A feast shall be prepared and you shall rest here.” Then he spoke only to Ella “Make yourself at home.”

She went to the group and whispered “We can rest for some days here until Adien gets better. It is safe so do not worry.”
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on: August 14, 2013 06:18
" I will go sit with him first," said Iellwen. The group nodded and followed a dwarf who was to be their guide. She soon caught up to the dwarves carrying Adien. she quickened her speed. They went into the room and shut the door, but not before she quickly slipped in. They laid him on a bed and covered him with a blanket up to his neck. They unwrapped the bandage and examined his head. They gave each other grave looks before starting to cleanse the wound.
She stay in the shadows not wanting to be a distraction to the dwarves. When they left, she went and knelt by the bed and held his hand. He was pale and still. His hands were cold to the touch. " please wake up," she whispered. " Please, Adien. Wake up!" She stood there for several minutes before she leaned against the wall and fell asleep.
when she woke, the dwarves had returned. they felt adiens wrist and then bowed their heads. " No, no no!" she said standing. she pushed them out of the way and stroked his hair. " No! Please Adien wake up! You have to! You can leave me!" she screamed.
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on: August 14, 2013 06:53
Linriel barely spoke during the long journey and was relieved when they finally reached Moria. She had heard about the wondrous halls and was anxious to see them for herself. The dwarves certainly knew Ella! How respectful they were to her and Linriel was grateful that Ella was now among her beloved's people.

Taking Meldir by his bridle, she spoke soft words to him and led him down the path, following their dwarf guide.

She watched as the dwarves gently took Adien into a room were he would be looked after and hopefully healed. Adonnenniel, with the two cousins at her side, cautiouly walked behind Ella. Linriel looked with wonder at the high ceilings and magnificently carved pillars.Mithril! she thought. She longed to see how it was mined and hoped the dwarves would allow her a glimpse of the caverns.

She did not see Iellwen and wondered where the child could be.

[Edited on 08/15/2013 by Lindarielwen]
My destiny is riding again, rolling in the rain, unwinding in the wind. My destiny is fighting again, secretly unwinding..what it was I was supposed to say...to say to you today.
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on: August 14, 2013 07:14
Ella apologized to the group and went to Fili so she could explain why the group was there. He nodded looking worried. Then Ella sat near him and lightened her smoking pipe. “Why are you here?” she asked.

He passed his hand through his greyish beard and answered slowly “I was on the Iron Hills when I heard my brother had left to seek you and the jewel. I came as fast as I could and passed here when I found that he…” He lowered his head. Ella put her hand on his shoulder and he continued “I’m sorry, Ella. You should return to Erebor with me.”

The elf looked at him. “No, I can’t… I must recover his axe. Then I shall return.”

The silence remained for some minutes until she leaded him to the rest of the group and introduced him “This is Fíli II, son of Frár, my beloved's brother.” She pointed to each one of them and said their names.

Suddenly, she heard a scream. It was Iellwen. She looked horrified and ran to the room. The dwarves were standing and the girl was leaning on the boy. She talked in dwarvish so the girl couldn’t understand and asked for stronger medicine. As they returned they tell her something she didn’t like. She applied boiling water with a tough smell in the wound and the boy’s body reacted.

“I do not know anything else. Please, help him!” she begged in dwarvish. Fili who had followed her noticed in her voice all the pain she had been through. He tied his hair and went to the boy. He knew what he was doing, so Ella just stood there, hoping for the best.

[Edited on 08/15/2013 by Ella]
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on: August 14, 2013 07:47
Ella pulled Iellwen to her side and wrapped an arm around her shaking body. Tears streamed down her face. A Dwarven man was with her. He went to Adien and began rubbing his hand to get it warm again. " His pulse has quickened to a normal speed," he reported. " He will be fine. I have done all I can. You mayb rest easy, little lass. Your friend will live," Iellwen's eyes were brimmed with tears. She ran to Fili and hugged him. " Thank you," she said composing herself again.

[Edited on 08/15/2013 by Legolas23]
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on: August 14, 2013 08:17
Fili was embarrassed with the girl’s hug. He didn’t know her. When she composed herself again he looked at Ella smiling. “He needs to rest and so do you all. I’ll make sure some chambers will be prepared for you but now you need to eat.”

He leaded them to the rest of the group and continued to a hall with three long tables. Many dwarves were eating and drinking. Some of them noticed the group and whispered each other surprised. They sat near Fili and had a marvelous meal.

After it, they went to another hall where some dwarves were smoking and others playing beautiful instruments and singing in deep voices. Ella sat near Linriel and said “It is quite impressive, isn’t it?” She closed her eyes and smoked hearing the song.
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on: August 14, 2013 08:48
Linriel finished her meal and found it to be quite delicious. She followed Ella into another hall where it seemed to be a room for relaxing. Linriel was glad that Ella came and sat next to her. Hearing the deep voices of the Dwarves as they sang, Linriel closed her eyes and let the wonderful music soothe away the trials of the long day. She tried not to think of anything except the music and the sweet smell of of the smoking.

I must talk to Adonnenniel and tell her how much the young ones looked up to her and enjoyed her caring manner.

Keeping her eyes closed, Linriel thought about what lay ahead. She knew the journey would be frought with danger as she searched for Bildarion. She wondered if she should bring the others into danger.

A smile crossed her face as she heard the strains of a song she loved...Misty Mountains Cold...as only the Dwarves could sing it.

[Edited on 08/15/2013 by Lindarielwen]
My destiny is riding again, rolling in the rain, unwinding in the wind. My destiny is fighting again, secretly unwinding..what it was I was supposed to say...to say to you today.
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on: August 14, 2013 09:13
Adonnenniel was struck by the beauty she saw around her, so exotic to her eyes, she had never seen anything like it. Ella knew some of these dwarves and spoke their language. She saw to Adien's care. Adonnenniel felt shy in the presence of so many people she didn't know. She was not familiar with dwarvish culture and hoped she wouldn't accidentally embarrass Ella.

Ella brought Iellwen out, they looked relieved. Adonnenniel wanted to sit near them. Ella would probably have much to say to her old friends and Iellwen would need someone to talk to, especially after the stress of the last few days. Iellwen hadn't said anything about her breakdown after the orc incident, perhaps she hadn't even noticed, but Adonnenniel felt bad for not being there to support Iellwen, whose personal crisis was in the present, not 50 years past, and she wanted to let her know she had not meant to ignore her.

[Edited on 08/15/2013 by HuldahMaria]
And I will live to carry Your compassion, to love a world that's broken, to be Your hands and feet, and I will give with the life that I've been given, and go beyond religion to see the world be changed by the power of Your name. ~Lincoln Brewster
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on: August 15, 2013 03:57
Meri and Beri, when they heard that Adien was going to be alright, sneaked off to explore the winding passages. They enjoyed the mystery and ancient atmosphere of the place. They quickly became lost, although they had passed dwarves and knew that they would be able to ask for directions.
If anyone had happened to look out of a window on the east side of the palace, they might have noticed two figures in the darkness, dancing in a square bordered by living plants, out of time with the dancers inside but perfectly in time with each other.
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on: August 15, 2013 07:56

Right after the music ended it began another one. With her eyes still closed she whispered to Linriel “When this is all over, you along with your betrothed shall go to the Lonely Mountain and appreciate its magnificence.”

Fili who had sat near them had heard what Ella said. She certainly have Ella’s respect for her to say something like that. He thought.

Ella opened her eyes and saw that Adonnenniel was somewhat lonely and lost. She made signal to her to join them. She wondered where were Meri and Beri but they were safe there and Ella didn't worried.
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on: August 15, 2013 08:13
The song was over and Linriel turned to Ella. "It is wonderful that chance led us to meet each other. Your friendship is very important to me and we will travel this journey together. I would so love to see the Lonely Mountain."

Linriel was glad Adonnenniel came to sit with them. "Join us and let us talk of happy times. How long have you been travelling?"

It was good to be in the company of grown-ups. I hope the young ones are all asleep.

My destiny is riding again, rolling in the rain, unwinding in the wind. My destiny is fighting again, secretly unwinding..what it was I was supposed to say...to say to you today.
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on: August 15, 2013 08:35
"50 years I have travelled, in a sense, more like wandering for one place to another. ". She didn't really want to talk about her past, it was too clouded with grief she didn't want to dwell on. "How did you meet all these people, Ella?" She asked. Ella was one of the most interesting people Adonnenniel had ever met. She knew so many different people and different customs. Adonnenniel hoped to learn from her, she had not previously had the opportunity to get to know dwarves.
And I will live to carry Your compassion, to love a world that's broken, to be Your hands and feet, and I will give with the life that I've been given, and go beyond religion to see the world be changed by the power of Your name. ~Lincoln Brewster
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on: August 15, 2013 09:01
Ella smiled at Linriel as she spoke. Adonnenniel arrived and she hoped she would enjoy her staying. When she was talking, it was clear the grief in her eyes. Ella didn’t mentioned it and when she asked her question she looked away, remembering the far old days.

“A fair question.” She smiled. “I used to live in Mirkwood but I wanted to know the world outside, so I moved to Dale. After many years, I become close to the dwarves of Erebor.” She looked at Fili with a caring look. “It was your grandfather who welcomed me there. Soon, I moved to the Lonely Mountain where I had the pleasure to know your father. You were not born yet.” She sighed still with a smile in her face. She looked to Adonneniel again “Then, his mother gave birth to three wonderful children. My three best friends. I fell in love with one of them when he grew up and I became officially disturber of the natural life of the dwarves.” She laughed.

Fili looked at her and said in a serious expression “You are still one of us. Whatever happens we will always see you that way, even my father.”
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on: August 15, 2013 10:05
Iellwen listened to the talking. She did not speak, but just listened. She listened to the sweet sounds of the Elves voices and the deep voice of Fili. She leaned against the stone wall with her arms crossed. She was happy, very happy,truly happy, for the first time in a long time. She examined the necklace. she saw where it had been chipped and then let it go again.
she imagined what her father would say if he saw her now. " What did i tell you?" he would say. " You will not be like the other children," she smiled and knew he was right.
she was no longer hungry. the feats the dwarves had prepared was delicious. she could still taste the juicy pork and taste the yummy smoked ham.
she began to wonder, " if my mother was an Elf, then what Elven traits will i have? I don't have pointed ears, but i do have exceptional hearing for a human," then she thought something that she had never realized. " i am not human. nor elf. but something in-between. Elves are immortal, but i will have to choose between being mortal and living forever. i will not decide now. i have too much to worry about as it is," then she heard Ella calling her name. " yes?" she answered coming out of the shadows she was concealed in.
" come and tell us of your adventures," She nodded and thought," I will tell them everything. I trust them all completely," and she began to talk.

[Edited on 08/15/2013 by Legolas23]

[Edited on 08/15/2013 by Legolas23]
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on: August 15, 2013 12:41
Adonnenniel listened to Iewen tell of her adventures. She wondered how the others would respond to her. She was so glad to see the girl relax and enjoy herself, she hoped the dwarves would still accept after hearing what she had done. Moira had proved a far more welcoming place than Adonnenniel had imagined, she wanted it to stay that way, these were such nice people here.
And I will live to carry Your compassion, to love a world that's broken, to be Your hands and feet, and I will give with the life that I've been given, and go beyond religion to see the world be changed by the power of Your name. ~Lincoln Brewster
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on: August 15, 2013 12:53
Ella smiled with so much excitement in the girl’s life. Fili was amazed, too. Slowly the dwarves became vanishing, to the infinite paths and the hall was empty. Ella stood up and looked at the others. “We should rest for tonight.”

Some dwarves appeared to lead them to their rooms. She walked along with Fili to a small chamber with a soft warm bed. “I am glad you came here.” He smiled. Ella returned the smile and wished him a good night. After she layed, her mind was full of memories but her body was tired and she felt asleep.
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on: August 15, 2013 02:19
Iellwen finished her story and was amazed to find the sense of peace that reigned over her. after she had let the story of her father's murder, tracking the men, killing three of them, and the traveling with her friends made her feel like she was not bound to her secrets.
The dwarves lead the group into separate rooms. She closed hr door and flopped on the bed. she rubbed her eyes and then sat up again. There was a small book self on the right side of the room. she went to it and scanned the books. most were in Dwarvish but some were in her native tongue. She decided that she would get some sleep. She crawled under the blankets and closed her eyes.
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on: August 15, 2013 04:50
Linriel looked at Iellwen's face as the girl recounted her story. Such sadness and violence in such a young life and there would be more to come for this girl. Linriel knew there was something left out of the child's story and she feared it would bring disaster to them all.

Once inside her room for the night, Linriel shed her travel worn clothes and slipped on her nightdress. Her clothes were dirty and she hoped she could wash them before they left these great halls. Taking down her hair, Linriel brushed it until it shone like the moonlight it resembled. Sleep came quickly to her and was not disturbed by dreams.
My destiny is riding again, rolling in the rain, unwinding in the wind. My destiny is fighting again, secretly unwinding..what it was I was supposed to say...to say to you today.
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on: August 15, 2013 05:12
Adonneniel went into her room and began brushing her hair. It would be so nice to sleep in a lovely bed after such hard travelling. She was about to undress when she stopped. Iellwen; she talked to her earlier because there were others present, but she didn't want to put this off, she needed to resolution for herself, regardless of how Iellwen felt toward her. She tiptoed silently to Iellwen's door, hoping she was not too late, that Iellwen was not already asleep. She knocked lightly.
And I will live to carry Your compassion, to love a world that's broken, to be Your hands and feet, and I will give with the life that I've been given, and go beyond religion to see the world be changed by the power of Your name. ~Lincoln Brewster
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on: August 15, 2013 08:57
Iellwen woke. She heard a light knock on her door. She quickly jumped out of bed and opened it quietly. Adonnenneil stood in the door way. " Come in," she said. She lead Adonnenneil to the bed and they sat down. she waited for Adonnenneil to speak. She did not want to rush her with anything. she respected adonnenneil and respected her privacy. so she waited.
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on: August 15, 2013 10:44
Adonnenniel sat down on the bed. She felt awkward and foolish, but decided this was better than continuing to think about it. "Four days ago..." she began, then paused. "I am so sorry, I wasn't there for you, I was...in my own world...not fully present. I did not mean to ignore you, I just..." she stopped suddenly, she wouldn't tell Iellwen more unless she asked. Why should Iellwen carry her baggage too? She looked at the floor, "You are in the present, that's where I need to be too." She slowly looked back at Iellwen, her eyes were watery and her lashes wet.
And I will live to carry Your compassion, to love a world that's broken, to be Your hands and feet, and I will give with the life that I've been given, and go beyond religion to see the world be changed by the power of Your name. ~Lincoln Brewster
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on: August 15, 2013 10:45
*oops, double posted*

[Edited on 08/16/2013 by HuldahMaria]
And I will live to carry Your compassion, to love a world that's broken, to be Your hands and feet, and I will give with the life that I've been given, and go beyond religion to see the world be changed by the power of Your name. ~Lincoln Brewster
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on: August 16, 2013 03:17
Meri and Beri had politely refused to leave the tunnels, as they preferred the nature of the stone that almost seemed to hum beneath their fingertips. They had always thought of stone as cold and dead, but instead it proved to be much more welcoming than they had expected. A couple of dwarves brought them blankets, and they slept side by side in the shafts.

(I will not be here for the next couple of days. My characters will just be exploring Moria in that time, unless we choose to leave.)

[Edited on 08/16/2013 by wolfbladequeen]
If anyone had happened to look out of a window on the east side of the palace, they might have noticed two figures in the darkness, dancing in a square bordered by living plants, out of time with the dancers inside but perfectly in time with each other.
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on: August 16, 2013 07:27
Linriel awoke suddenly. She was confused for a moment then remembered where she was. Ah, Moria! Her people had plenty of dealings with the Dwarves and she always found them to be so interesting. All the races of Middle-earth had their own characteristics...some good, some bad...mostly good except for Easterlings and Corsairs. Anger swept through her.

Oh, my beloved, my Bildarion. She saw him in her mind. Hair the colour of the sun in winter, eyes the colour of a new spring leaf. So tall, much taller than she. And so, so brave. He feared nothing. She knew he was alive. Getting out of bed, she picked up his sword and ran her fingers over the jeweled hilt. Yes, she could feel him...

[Edited on 04/15/2014 by Lindarielwen]
My destiny is riding again, rolling in the rain, unwinding in the wind. My destiny is fighting again, secretly unwinding..what it was I was supposed to say...to say to you today.
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on: August 16, 2013 07:56
Iellwen squeezed Adonnenneil's hand. " It is alright," she said. " I did not feel as though you were ignoring me. i know that you did as much as you could. Now, finish what you were saying," she said kindly.
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on: August 16, 2013 08:36
Adonnenniel hesitated, Iellwen was 14, but she had already seen much. "When the orcs came, it was like I was back in time. I just wanted to take you and Adien into a tree, high up till the folliage hid us, but it was too late already, we were already seen. Then, when I saw Adien, everything came back, once I stopped running around. It's like looking at the world through a lense of images from the past, and reality seems less real, like I am disconnected from it. I saw my family Iellwen, dead, my sister dying, I won't tell you what they did to her." she paused. "Who would have thought, after 50 years, it has faded so little, only put away for a time, but still there." As she spoke she seemed to become more distant, as if part of herself stepped away so as not to fully engage the meaning of what she was saying. She looked at Iellwen tenderly, "I hope I have not spoiled your night."
And I will live to carry Your compassion, to love a world that's broken, to be Your hands and feet, and I will give with the life that I've been given, and go beyond religion to see the world be changed by the power of Your name. ~Lincoln Brewster
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on: August 16, 2013 12:57
She knew the feeling Adonnenneil felt. She layer a hand on Adonnenneil's shoulder. " Nothing in the world you could do could run my night," she said smiling. " You had so much built up inside that you just needed to let it all out. I know how you feel. Trust me, I do," she said. " You look tired. Why don't you go on to bed and we can talk more in the morning. It must be late, but who could tell in this place? it all looks the same!" she said laughing.
Adonnenneil left and Iellwen lay down in bed again. She thought of what Adonnenneil had said. She was so worried that Adonnenneil would think she was angry with her. She truly wasn't. She did not even think that Adonnenneil had not been there for her. she covered herself in the blankets and fell asleep.
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on: August 16, 2013 02:25
On the following morning, Ella woke up in a soft warm bed. She looked around trying to figure where she was. Ah Khazad-dûm! She thought smiling. When she stood up, a towel and some clothes were in a chair. Fili, my boy!

She grabbed the garbs and the towel and moved to a little door. After a long refreshing bath, she dressed up a beautiful crimson dress with golden trappings. It was long and wide, made by dwarves for sure. She combed her long dark hair and made two small braids around her head.

Fili knocked and entered the room. He had a coat on his hands and quickly gave it to the Elf. It was dark brown with a neckpiece made with a lighter brown fur. Ella examined it carefully, she already had seen it. “It was his. I thought you might like to keep it.” Fili said. She smiled and put a hand on his shoulder. She was really glad he was there.

He sat in a chair a looked at her. His eyes were like when he was young. She walked to her and began unbraiding his long grayish hair and combed it. After it, she made all the small braids again. Her eyes were wet as he gave her a strong hug. “Like the old times.” She said. “Aye… Âkmînruk.” (Thank you)

They walked out and Ella moved to the room where Adien was resting. As she entered, she saw the boy was awake. She smiled “How are you feeling, lad?”
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on: August 16, 2013 06:15
I am hungry and would like to clean up. Maybe I can rinse my clothes as well.

Linriel went to her pack and pulled out fresh garments. She chose a plain dark blue dress with a bit of silver trim around the neck and the long sleeves. She quickly plaited her hair and wound it around her head. She thought to go to Ella's room which was next to hers. After fixing the bed linens, she gathered up her riding clothes and went to knock on Ella's door.

She tapped lightly on the door, not knowing if Ella was awake. There was no answer but Linriel noticed a door that was ajar down the hall. She walked to the door and peeked in.

There was Ella, looking so beautiful, in a richly coloured crimson dress trimmed in gold. Linriel had never seen anything like it. It was as if Ella truly belonged here among these courageous people of Moria. Ella was talking to the boy, Adien. She is so kind yet so fearless.

Not wishing to disturb them, Linriel backed away thinking to find someone to take her to a wash basin and then to the dining area where she could have some breakfast.
My destiny is riding again, rolling in the rain, unwinding in the wind. My destiny is fighting again, secretly unwinding..what it was I was supposed to say...to say to you today.
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on: August 16, 2013 07:14
Adonnenniel slept better than she had in many long days. When she awoke and remembered where she was, she studied the room with great interest for a moment. She thought it likely she would never see anything like it again and wanted to remember every beautiful detail. She carefully tidied up the room before leaving, not wanting to leave a mess for their gracious hosts. She moved rather slowly, giving herself time to think. She was greatly relieved that Iellwen knew what had been going on inside her. She deserved an explanation for what must have otherwise seemed odd in Adonnenniel's behavior, and she took it very well. After gathering her thoughts she went out into the hall to meet the others and find out what they were going to be doing that today.
And I will live to carry Your compassion, to love a world that's broken, to be Your hands and feet, and I will give with the life that I've been given, and go beyond religion to see the world be changed by the power of Your name. ~Lincoln Brewster
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