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DĂșnadan of the North (in Fanfiction)

——————————— Three months later, in the latter days of September, when the days were shortened, and the shadows were deepened, the Dúnedain of the North set forth from the Bay…

Chapter Nineteen (in Fanfiction)

Ela showed up at GlordinelÂ’s early the next morning. She showed no signs of upset at staying behind as the others rode north. She saw them off, and made her…

Chapter 12: Changes (in Fanfiction)

…the soldiers. “Get the phone! Get the phone! Don’t you know what that is? Get it!” The Greta turned and ran. The soldiers raised their weapons, but Liam and Aaron…

Nov. 7th update; Meet the Dwarves, and a Problem with Opening Night Tickets (in Posts)

…stood in line for hours to buy tickets for the Movie’s New Zealand Premiere, only to find out that all of the tickets had been secretly sold weeks ago? To…

Smaug’s Solution (in Fanfiction)

…there. Galadriel: Bug off. Aragorn: (goes to the phone and dials Smaug’s number, looks around to see if anyone is watching, but Legolas and Boromir have everyone’s attention as they…

Gandalf Gets Promoted (in Fanfiction)

…and Rosie is still on the floor, unconcious. Pippin: Oh, my cell phone! (He answers it) Hello? Yes, this is he. Oh, boy! (He hangs up his cell phone.) Merry:…

Queer Eye for the Straight Guy… REVERSED: Chapter Four (in Fanfiction)

phone away from Arwen, but she clung tighter. “NO, THIS IS MY FAVORITE PART!” she yelled, but Sam had clicked off her cell phone. Arwen sobbed, hysterically. “How could you…

22 Dual number (in Language Readings)

Dual number We already know three forms in which a noun can appear: singular, plural and partitive plural. Quenya however still has a fourth form: the dual. The dual number

Number 3 Bagshot Row (in Fanfiction)

…the final chapter. Enjoy! Chapter four: Number 3 Bagshot Row Frodo bounded from the cart along with two elder hobbits who knew the Gamgees. He met them at the inn…

AGM – Chapter 7, From darkness below to darkness within (in Fanfiction)

…“Yes, number! All orcs in Barad-Dûr have a number! What is your? Answer!” “I-I-I h-have no n-number..” Erishnak whimpered. The human warriors looked at each other. “What are you doing…