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Search results for: Delta Airlines 800-299-7264 New Flight Booking Number

The Amazing Race (in Fanfiction)

…to the sight of Legolas wringing his hands, the very picture of absolute impatience. “For team number one,” Elrond paused and chuckled at the sight of the people leaning forward…

Decipher Card Trading Game (in Game Articles)

…title, culture (elven, dwarven, etc.), twilight cost, strength number, vitality number, site number, conditions of use and a quote/bit of information on the character. Item cards consist of a title,…

Costumes: Laitaine_Hinnim’s Sewing Without Patterns Course (in Crafts)

…each marked with a letter. Here’s how you find each measurement: A. Measure your waist. Divide the number (in inches) by 4. Then add 2. This is the LOWEST number

Glorfindel of Imladris (in Fanfiction)

…was missing in the world around him. He knew that his home had been so long destroyed that even the ruins he could mourn over were gone. He knew his…

The Patient – Part 6 (in Fanfiction)

…that was left of the family she knew as a child. After Darien and her father had died within a year of each other, Eve knew that she had become…

Legolas’ Inbox: Replies to After Gondor (in Fanfiction)

…First of all, it wasnÂ’t a vacation. You knew we were going to be helping Aragorn. Besides, Elladan and Elrohir only chopped off your beard because you hacked off their…

The Patient – Part Two (in Fanfiction)

…to use hypno therapy, to draw the truth their minds in the dream state. Aaron knew that if Moses’ therapy did not improve he would have to resort to such…

The Bachelorette (in Subject Articles)

…we put them up in Orthanc. Trig: Neither did I. Look at that, something new everyday. Wait a minute, that tower is huge, why do they all have to room…

A Densely Woven Tapestry, Part One: History’s Path (in Fanfiction)

…universe, and have added a few new additions of my own. Chapter One-“The Future As Prologue” Somewhere in Germany-1885 AD, approximately year 880 of the 33rd AA (Ardan Age) The…

Lots of News to report; Heavy Metal Saruman, New Bodleian Library Exhibit, A Look at more ‘Hobbit’ Characters, Newly Released Tolkien Work, Final Scenes Now to be Filmed, Jef Murray Interview and, Comments from Benedict Cumberbatch. (in Posts)

Rate this post Click here to read about Christopher Lee’s new ‘Heavy Metal’ music release. (submitted by BerethEdhellen) Oxford’ Bodleian Library has just opened it’s new summer exhibition, “Magical Books:…