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Chapter 20: Many Meetings (in Fanfiction)

…about ten oÂ’clock, until the phone woke him. He fumbled around the bed for a moment before he found the table with the phone on it. “Hello?” “Mr. Baggins?” a…

Lord of the Rings… present day! Part 2 (in Fanfiction)

…his belt and looked down at the number. Then he turned and dashed back into the hospital. When he arrived in the room, it was pure chaos. Nurses and doctors…

The Fellowship of the Ring’s Destruction (in Subject Articles)

…ofeth Moria. LEGOLAS: Moria. That was my ex— FELLOWSHIP: Don’t you DARE, Legolas! GANDALF: He is dead then. GLARWENOLAS: Yeah. It’s kind of OBVIOUS! *************************************************************** 31. HOW IT HAPPENED GLARWENOLAS:

Chapter Nine: Dead Man’s Party (in Fanfiction)

…she had studied the maps of ThingolÂ’s numerous times. She had never seen it before with her own two eyes. That entire area seemed to be covered in mist or…

Kill Leggie vol 2 (in Fanfiction)

…against a pillar. “I can still fight,” protested Legolas. Frodo and Sam extricated themselves from the thickest of the fight and came to support Legolas from either side. “ThatÂ’s a…

The Patient – Part Two (in Fanfiction)

…“Is this sorcery Legolas?” Elladan asked after a moment. “I know of only seeing stones that can produce visions like this.” “It could be,” Legolas hesitated to respond. “Yet they…

Legolas’ Inbox (in Fanfiction)

From: [email protected] Subject: Marry me! Legolas, Legolas, Legolas! Just hearing your name makes me smile and my heart skips a beat. I love you, in case you haven’t noticed. Please…

Legolas’ Inbox: Legolas’ Replies to Trouble Brews (in Fanfiction)

[email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: CALL ME!!!! LEGOLAS YOU ARE SO SEXY! GO OUT WITH ME! MY PHONE NUMBER IS 817-302-4114! CALL ME! Love, Alexandria P.S. I LOVE YOU! Legolas doesnÂ’t…

LotR4: Attack of the Spammers (in Fanfiction)

…fire-walls on our computers to stop the Viral Spam from being accepted by our inboxes?” “That’s a good idea!” says Gandalf, “Does anyone have an e-mail address or phone number

Hobbit Names and Naming Conventions (in Literature Articles)

…I could. For instance: I have translated Hamanullas by Lobelia, because although I do not know precisely what flower is intended, hamanullas appears to have been usually small and blue…