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Council of Elrond - Your Fanfiction

The History of Taurea by legolas_thranduilion500 (PG) [Add Chapter]
Summary: This is my first story. Okay, there is this completely new culture named the Ennedi (a human culture hidden within the northern wastes) and an Ennedi man weds an Elven wife and this is what happens after.
Characters: Other, | Genre: Action | Chapters: 1
Category: Lord of the Rings Book Fanfiction
Date Added: 2004-06-09 15:22:58 | Date Updated: 2004-06-09 15:22:58
Some Wounds Go Too Deep by Eowyn_of_England (G) [Add Chapter]
Summary: From Frodo's point of view. About when Frodo leaves Middle Earth, leaving Sam behind.
Characters: Frodo, Sam, | Genre: Poetry | Chapters: 1
Category: Poetry
Date Added: 2004-06-09 14:30:25 | Date Updated: 2004-06-09 14:30:25
A Love To Die For by Eyborg (PG) [Add Chapter]
Summary: In Aragorn's and Arwen's wedding, Merry gets a chance to have a little chat with Arwen about life, death, love and sacrifices. This was written for OSA's "And if they'd had a chat?" challenge.
Characters: Arwen, Merry, | Genre: Drama | Chapters: 1
Category: Lord of the Rings Book Fanfiction
Date Added: 2004-06-09 12:44:52 | Date Updated: 2004-06-09 12:44:52
Mrs Sauron by CloakMaker (PG) [Add Chapter]
Summary: Ever wonder what it was that made Sauron so persistant? Who it was that kept things going after the Dark Lord had turned into a pile of ash?
Characters: Other, Sauron, | Genre: Humor | Chapters: 1
Category: Non-canon/AU/Crossover
Date Added: 2004-06-09 09:23:30 | Date Updated: 2004-06-09 09:23:30
The Ebb of the Tide by Lindir (G) [Add Chapter]
Summary: Just a small gap-filler... On the corsair ship, Aragorn has forbodings about his decision to bring Legolas with him over the stretch of sea, concerned that he may be responsible for awakening a certain yearning in his friend's soul...
Characters: Aragorn, Legolas, | Genre: Drama | Chapters: 1
Category: Lord of the Rings Movie Fanfiction
Date Added: 2004-06-09 07:01:31 | Date Updated: 2004-06-09 07:01:31