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Post RE: Things that bug me - Mistakes of ROTK
on: January 12, 2005 04:26
I think what annoys me is (This has to do with all the films i guess) that Aragorn gets Anduril in Rotk and not it Fotr...
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Post RE: Things that bug me - Mistakes of ROTK
on: January 13, 2005 05:01
I'd say the appearance of Figwit was unnecessary. It nearly ruined a very good scene with Arwen.
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Post RE: Things that bug me - Mistakes of ROTK
on: January 15, 2005 05:26
The lack of a love development between Faramir and Eowyn, even with the House of Healing scene. It was so... bleh.

Why did they so badly need all the focus to land on Aragorn and Arwen's relationship!?!?! Can't there be OTHER couples!? BAH. Though there was Sam & Rosie; they were a nice touch. But still... too much focus on those two, not enough on everyone else.
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Post RE: Things that bug me - Mistakes of ROTK
on: January 15, 2005 01:34
I agree completely. I mean, they at least quadrupled the amount of time on Aragorn/Arwen as there was in the book... without even really having the wedding (or rather combining that scene with the corronation), while cutting Faramir/Eowyn to about a quarter or the time it had in the books... The A/A story may be a little more important to the plot of the story, but there must be a reason that Tolkien wrote so much more about F/E than about them.
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Post RE: Things that bug me - Mistakes of ROTK
on: January 16, 2005 02:54
The thing that really annoyed me was Saruman's death. It was a great piece of acting and special effects and all that. But when he got impaled (don't know if that's the right word!) on the spike it just didn't fit in with the film. Hey that's just my opinion. What also annoyed me was when all the hobbits are drinking at the end of ROTK, Sam puts down 2 green mugs and 2 brown mugs. Through the entire scene the mugs seem to magically change owner. One minute Sam has a green mug then when they go for the close up he has a brown mug. It really annoys me!!!
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Post RE: Things that bug me - Mistakes of ROTK
on: January 16, 2005 10:14
I was annoyed by the fact that when the Gate of Minas Tirith was broken, a bunch of trolls came in instead of the Witch King. It's not nearly as dramatic.
I would go on endlessly except i have a nuzgul to take care of.
-Lady Anduin
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Post RE: Things that bug me - Mistakes of ROTK
on: January 17, 2005 10:51
Aargh! Agree about the gates of the city, also, the way the orcs just swept thru all the levels, didn't match the tension of the book where all the action was at the main gate. Another gripe, movie made Gandalf, by now this near godlike figure, into a simpering wimp "Oh gee, I don't think Sauron will take the bait" when he was the most confidant of all. Basic change of characters p-ssed me off through the whole series. Eowyn-Faramir relationship was very important, got her off her Aragorn fixation, healed the both of them.
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Post RE: Things that bug me - Mistakes of ROTK
on: January 17, 2005 07:14
I have to say that there was plenty in all three movies where I went running for my books saying "I don't remember that!" Like the entire Aragorn and Arwen relationship. I though maybe i had really misread something until I reread the trilogy. There were hints and allusions bur nothing of that magnitude. Legolas was completly botched from being such a serious downer all the time to the fact that about 75% of the elves didn't have sharp enough features. The hobbits were all too slender and fine featured except Sam, Bilbo and the extras. Over all the effort was great but the character details really bummed me.
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Post RE: Things that bug me - Mistakes of ROTK
on: January 18, 2005 02:19
Like the entire Aragorn and Arwen relationship. I though maybe i had really misread something until I reread the trilogy. There were hints and allusions bur nothing of that magnitude.

Did you also read The Story of Aragorn and Arwen in Appendix A? There's a lot more about their relationship (although much was changed/invented for the movie, that's where it basically comes from).

I think I've posted previously what bugged me in the TE so, here are just my gripes with the EE:

- Legolas shooting Gríma. Completely out of character.
- Gandalf vs the Witch King. Why couldn't the scene end in a stalemate like in the books - it would even have been more efficient that way?
- Aragorn killing the Mouth of Sauron. Completely out of character.

In general, I liked the film; but, there were parts that could have been closer to the book without losing anything.
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Post RE: Things that bug me - Mistakes of ROTK
on: January 21, 2005 05:07
I think what annoys me is (This has to do with all the films i guess) that Aragorn gets Anduril in Rotk and not it Fotr...
I totally agree! It's lame. And what about the oliphant/Legolas scene? Where the heck did P.J. pick that up? I guess he wanted to make the Orlando fan girls swoon or something! Now that I've gone on my rant, the Eowen/Faramir EE scene was a good addition to the movie. Got Eowen off her crazy "I love Aragorn" thing. It was fairly short, but got to the point...speaking of points, Saruman's death was really gross/enjoyable...I dunno how that works.
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Post RE: Things that bug me - Mistakes of ROTK
on: January 22, 2005 09:01


Ya, the mouth of Sauron... A great moment in the book... But here in the EE the mouth lokks a little ridicoulous. Big, long teeth and stupid smiles.
But it is not enough tobring the movie down !!!
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Post RE: Things that bug me - Mistakes of ROTK
on: January 22, 2005 09:04
Sorry guys, forgot to mention that I was quoting...
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Post RE: Things that bug me - Mistakes of ROTK
on: January 24, 2005 02:51
Morwinyoniel Wrote:
[Quote]Gandalf vs the Witch King. Why couldn't the scene end in a stalemate like in the books - it would even have been more efficient that way[/Quote]

I defenitly agree with this one,it seemed more one sided with the Witchking seemingly more powerful,kinda like he was driving and Gandalf was sitting shotgun
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Post RE: Things that bug me - Mistakes of ROTK
on: January 25, 2005 08:58
I don't know if anyone else has noiticed this but here goes...

The Orientation of Barad-dur alters during the three films and it really annoys me.

In FotR, the tower is south facing with the gates and bridge leading down Sauron's Road to Mount Doom. The Outcrop of rock that it is built upon also is the end of the south-western outstretch of the northern mountain border.

In RotK, however, Barad-dur is facing North West - Directly to the Black Gate. It should be facing Mount Doom, a 2000ft tower generally has a great deal of trouble moving round over 90 degrees and around the edge of a promentary.

It bugs me, and now I've had my moan. Thanks for reading.
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Post RE: Things that bug me - Mistakes of ROTK
on: January 26, 2005 07:13
I guess what bugged me most about Return of the King and the other movies, was that all the characters were too despairing. In the book it was a great symbol of good vs. evil or the triumph of Good, but in the movie they turned it into "It's hopeless to go against Sauron/the Uruk-Hai. We'll all DIE!"
Also, there was that scene between Gandalf and the Witchking which bugs me just as much.
The Witch King breaking Gandalf's staff and telling the powerful wizard that he has failed urked me somehow. It never happened in the book--I really think PJ took way too much liberties with that scene.
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Post RE: Things that bug me - Mistakes of ROTK
on: January 26, 2005 06:59
Hi I'm new to the forum and I thought I'd add my two cents in about the movies. As a whole I liked them, especially the extended versions of FOTR and ROTK. TT extended sucked!!! TT theatrical version isn't much better but its bareable. I could nit pick the movies to death. Like I agree the Witchking breaking Gandalf's staff was unneeded. There needed to be more about Denathor, explaining his insanity (using the seeing stone!) The whole deformed orc leader was just ugly. And the dead army could have been more fierce instead of looking like rampaging green glowing ant! My thoughts on the Mouth of Sauron are he was a creepy looking dude and not at all what I expected. He was a little comical despite his violent appearance. I just thought he was a man and that didn't look like he ever was a man. Well I said I wasn't going to rant and there I went. I could say more, but I'm just introducing myself and I have to watch Dom on Lost! Hope to have more conversations with ya all!
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Post RE: Things that bug me - Mistakes of ROTK
on: January 27, 2005 05:12
I noticed something at the very end where ther all in Minas Tirith bowing down to frodo. Theres this one guy in the back who almost falls while getting ready to bow.
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Post RE: Things that bug me - Mistakes of ROTK
on: January 29, 2005 12:06
it thought the movies were great, considering the genious that is lotr(books).

im upset about the korny love scenes with aragorn arwen and eowin:heart:
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Post RE: Things that bug me - Mistakes of ROTK
on: January 29, 2005 02:05
i know this is really stupid, but it bugs me near the end, when the hobbits are in the shire in a tavern and they have a toast and same doesn't pick up his mug by the handle. i don't care that much about changes from the book. i know pj has to think of all the ppl who haven't read the book. but if you ask me, there should be 2 versions: one for those who are only interested in the movies, and one for obsessed book people.

other things that bugged me were:
1. maybe its just me, but when frodo gets on the ship he seems to raise his eyebrows and nod a little, and it looks like he's smirking at the other hobbits
2. the infamous leggy/oliphaunt scene: i didn't like the way he got on/off the oliphaunt. a bit show-offy. i don't have a dvd player so i use a PS2, and whenever we get to that part i always pretend to be controlling him .
3. i didn't like most parts that were supposed to be funny. like a lot of gimli's lines. in the EE, after aragorn lops off MoS's head , gimli says "i guess that concludes the negotiations", and when they decide to go attack the black gate, all the certainty of death and what are we waiting for stuff buts me. oh and "an elf goes underground while a dwarf dare not? ooh i'll never hear the end of it". i guess they're too much like stuff we actually say. i love the way LOTR immerses me in another world, but those comments....urgh. the exception is "That still only counts as ONE!!" ahahah. This didn't bug me so much in the fotr and ttt. i haven't watched either of those in a while so i don't know if i've gotten more nitpicky, or if these comments really do occur more in rotk.

also, i don't personally have anything against the length, but it does make it hard to find time to watch it.
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Post RE: Things that bug me - Mistakes of ROTK
on: January 29, 2005 02:46
I understand where all of you are coming from, but I didn't find a part of the movie I didn't like. I watched the fourth disc of the extended rotk, and found out how much they had to accomplish in such little time, and that pj never got to see the movie in its entiredy till its premier. I guess once you understand all that they went through, bustling at 16-18 hour work days, and getting 3 years work done on 3 movies in a little over a year, it kinda makes the little nit picky things seem so miniscule. But this forum isn't titled "Why I appreciate pj and his crew", so i'll say something to topic: i guess it bugged me a bit that...um...the oricional scores had to be edited tons of times over because of the scene cutting....er...something
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Post RE: Things that bug me - Mistakes of ROTK
on: January 30, 2005 06:59
Yeah I remember watching all of that. It was so much work to do in so little time, we have to give them some credit. I believe they said that the average movie has 200 some CGI effects, but RotK had 1400+ .... And by the last month, they had as many CGI effects to do as the entire movie of FotR.

Still, there were some things that were annoying... Mostly the lack of Faramir & Eowyn scenes. Couldn't they have at least kissed?
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Post RE: Things that bug me - Mistakes of ROTK
on: January 31, 2005 03:45
Don't know if this was mentioned in TTT bugs, but when Pippin is looking for Merry in the aftermath of the battle of the Pelannor fields, he finds his cloak and Lorien broach. I only just remembered that one of the hobbits lost theirs when they were captured by the Uruk-hai, yet they both still have a clasp throughout the film. Guess that should go in TTT bugs though :blush:

Not so much a bug as more of a gripe, but some of the dialogue in the last film was pretty corny, though most of it was darned good. The King of the Dead must have been competing with Legolas for stating the obvious with his 'Now you must die' line. And the Witchking too, with his 'Die now' line to Eowyn. :dizzy:
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Post RE: Things that bug me - Mistakes of ROTK
on: January 31, 2005 04:39
Well, Pippin was the one who tore his broach off when he was captured by the Uruk-hai. Aragorn picked it up though, and I just sorta figured that Pip got it back when they saw them again. Of course he doesn't meet Aragorn again til the start of RotK so I don't know how Pip's cloak managed to stay on after that
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Post RE: Things that bug me - Mistakes of ROTK
on: February 02, 2005 08:17
I imagine that he tied it with buttons, Luthien.
what bugs me about ROTK are these various things:

Saruman's death - it didn't need to be so, er, sick. it also meant that there would be no scouring of the shire - even though Galadriel saw it in her mirror in FOTR.

Legolas killing Grima. did he do that out of spite because Gimli killed more orcs at Helm's Deep? besides, i like Grima and don't think he deserved to die anyway.

Denethor. i felt sorry for Denethor in the book, but i absolutely detested him in the movies. what for Eru's sake did PJ do to him? Denethor was portrayed as almost wholly evil rather than just plain zonked in the mind - and he looked too much like Ozzy Osbourne, to boot. the films even missed out the reason why he went mad - he had a palantir and had been playing mind games with Sauron.

Arwen's ethereal claptrap gets annoying after a while. why doesn't she just speak with a normal voice?

Gandalf and WiKi - i would have preferred it if they had met at the doors of Minas Morgul rather than Minas Tirith - when Gandalf is in a hurry to get to poor Faramir before he gets barbequed. what the heck - i'm a purist.

too much A/A not enough E/F. I would imagine that was the fault of pro - Arwen scriptwriter Fran Walsh. i heard that she even wanted to get Arwen to kill WiKi instead of Eowyn. (Purists all pass out on the floor). the HOH and Steward and the King are my favourite chapters of ROTK. why did they have to cut those? and even in the EE there still wasn't enough to show that E/F were actually in love - they just appeared to be good friends. also, they missed out on Faramir's healing scene, which send pity twinges off like crazy in my stomach when i read it in the book. *sob* poor Faramir!

there were about seven different endings. the conclusions could have done with running a little more smoothly.

Arwen's Eru - Awful green thing that she wears for her coronation. it doesn't really go with the dark hair. oh well, better than Eowyn's hideous blue and Brown thing in TTT.
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Post RE: Things that bug me - Mistakes of ROTK
on: February 02, 2005 10:50
Gandalf and WiKi - i would have preferred it if they had met at the doors of Minas Morgul rather than Minas Tirith - when Gandalf is in a hurry to get to poor Faramir before he gets barbequed. what the heck - i'm a purist.

I'm a little confused by this statement. Are you suggesting that in the books, Gandalf and the Witch-king met and confronted one another at Minas Morgul?

Because that is not the case as far as I know it. They met at the gates of Minas Tirith, right after Grond broke through. There sat the WK atop his horse, and Gandalf atop Shadowfax, they had a confrontation and then the WK fled at the arrival of the Rohirrim. Maybe I misunderstood?

Some of the other things you have pointed out though, I completely agree with, especially concerning poor Denethor.
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Post RE: Things that bug me - Mistakes of ROTK
on: February 02, 2005 11:45
Because that is not the case as far as I know it. They met at the gates of Minas Tirith, right after Grond broke through. There sat the WK atop his horse, and Gandalf atop Shadowfax, they had a confrontation and then the WK fled at the arrival of the Rohirrim. Maybe I misunderstood?

No you didn't. I clearly remember Gandalf meeting the Witch King at the gates of Minas Tirith. I read that chapter recently when I was trying to see if Gandalf's staff broke in the books, which it didn't.

Oh, and Arwen_Firanor_Estilamir, I was mostly talking about how the cloak stayed on when he ripped the broach off with his teeth and while he was under the captivity of the Uruk-hai.
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Post RE: Things that bug me - Mistakes of ROTK
on: February 02, 2005 06:23
Denethor. i felt sorry for Denethor in the book, but i absolutely detested him in the movies. what for Eru's sake did PJ do to him? Denethor was portrayed as almost wholly evil rather than just plain zonked in the mind - and he looked too much like Ozzy Osbourne, to boot. the films even missed out the reason why he went mad - he had a palantir and had been playing mind games with Sauron.
I totally agree. I don't particularly like Denethor, because of how he treated my favorite character (guess who ) But in the book, it was a mixture of dislike and pity, with the pity winning. Sort of like with Gollum. In the movie, I basically hated the guy. And if they had to portray him as such an evil evil man they could at least have been a little less harsh on him by showing WHY he became so "evil." It wouldn't have been that much longer, and would have given Denethor much more credit. At least in the EE they acknowledge the existence of the Palantir, though even then they don't show that it's why Denethor acted that way.

too much A/A not enough E/F. I would imagine that was the fault of pro - Arwen scriptwriter Fran Walsh. i heard that she even wanted to get Arwen to kill WiKi instead of Eowyn. (Purists all pass out on the floor). the HOH and Steward and the King are my favourite chapters of ROTK. why did they have to cut those? and even in the EE there still wasn't enough to show that E/F were actually in love - they just appeared to be good friends. also, they missed out on Faramir's healing scene, which send pity twinges off like crazy in my stomach when i read it in the book. *sob* poor Faramir!
I agree. Of course E/F is my favorite couple by far, but seriously, which one is actually mentioned in the book? And I don't mean a couple hints here and there, a wedding without any warning, and some explaination in the appendix. And as for Faramir's healing... they can't just leave us hanging like that. One minute he's dying, the next he's up and walking around. Even if I wasn't a purist, and even if he wasn't my favorite character I'd complain about that. Too close to being a plot hole.

[Edited on 2/3/2005 by ethuiliel]
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Post RE: Things that bug me - Mistakes of ROTK
on: February 03, 2005 02:49
did anyone else notice in the extend rotk that gandalf's staff magically appears after his fight with the nazgul? whats up with that?
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Post RE: Things that bug me - Mistakes of ROTK
on: February 08, 2005 01:24
where the heck was elrond's sons???????????????? :angry: i wanted to see them fight!!!!!!! and what was with the seperation between frodo and sam??????
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Post RE: Things that bug me - Mistakes of ROTK
on: February 08, 2005 01:29
did i forgot to add that they forgot the scouring of the shire
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Post RE: Things that bug me - Mistakes of ROTK
on: February 11, 2005 01:38
did i forgot to add that they forgot the scouring of the shire

that would have ruined the film. to anti-climax.

i've just seen the film agian and i noticed that when they're outside the black gated; one minute they're on horse and then the next they're not! where'd the horses go?
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Post RE: Things that bug me - Mistakes of ROTK
on: February 12, 2005 11:14
What annoyed me:

Frodo telling Sam to leave (didn't happen in the book.)

The goodbye scene at the end was too long.

But other than that, it was a great movie.


Ignoring Puppet Faramir:angry::angry:

What is puppet Faramir supposed to mean?
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Post RE: Things that bug me - Mistakes of ROTK
on: February 12, 2005 04:10
This may seem pretty small but I was so dissappointed that Frodo& Sam didn't see Barad-dur collapse! I mean, it was fantastic in the movie (the dialogue was greatly improved) but I can't get over that..... after coming all that way...... and to not be able to see it! BOO HOO!!!!
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Post RE: Things that bug me - Mistakes of ROTK
on: February 15, 2005 06:32
I agree with most of your opinions. But I was reading a few entries on page four about Eomer not finding his sister after battling the Witch King, but in the extended version he does. There were a couple of other comments made about PJ not adding things into the ROTK but if you watch the extended version(which probably didn't come out let when the other entries were released!) they are in there! But what I didn't like was in the extended version was when they were in the Houses of Healing, I didn't think that the music should have been playing so loud, it kind of ruined it.Oh yeah! I think that the reason PJ made Sam and Frodo get seperated was so Sam could have a dramatic and heroic return. BUT, I LOVED the movie anyway! :feedback:
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Post RE: Things that bug me - Mistakes of ROTK
on: February 17, 2005 07:55
Ok, the main thing that I was unhappy with in ROTK was the speeches that Aragorn gave to the Dead, and the army at the Black Gate. There was so much more that he could have said. Those two times are suposed to be important speeches but the speech that Theoden gave to the Rohirrim was much better.
I also really wish that they could have put in the Scourging of the Shire chapter. That would have been very good.
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