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Post RE: ROTK EE - All Discussion, News, Trailers, etc.
on: January 18, 2004 01:15
I've seen a pic of Aragorn healing Faramir, so I'm sure that will be in the EE, and hopefully more of Eowyn/Faramir as well.

In the final battle Pippin saves the life of Beregond by killing a troll which crushes him, and you're supposed to think he's dead, until Gimli finds him purely because he notices his hobbit foot sticking out from under the troll. I'd like to have seen that in there.

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Post RE: ROTK EE - All Discussion, News, Trailers, etc.
on: January 20, 2004 06:28
Well I'm almost 100% positive they will have the following:

1) The house of healing.
2) Merry pledging his loyalty to Theoden.
3) Faramir and Eowyn's wedding + extra Eowyn/Faramir/Aragorn scenes.
4) Part of Frodo and Sam's journey before they reach Mt. Doom. Ithilien and the Crossroads.
5) Theoden at a war council and various other Theoden/Aragorn/Legolas/Gimli scenes before the battle.
6) A little more Paths of the Dead. That's where that sexy Aragorn/Legolas picture that someone mentioned is from.
7) An added Arwen/Aragorn flashback? *gag*
Extra Pippin in Minas Tirith scenes.
9) Saruman's death, which mean's more Grima.
9) More Witch King.
10) A little more Merry and Pippin being adorable.

I've either seen pics from or heard rumors about all of these scenes. I hope they prove to be correct. xx-Amanda

[Edited on 21/1/2004 by samandfrodoforever]
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Post RE: ROTK EE - All Discussion, News, Trailers, etc.
on: January 20, 2004 11:30
OMG what about the Scouring of the Shire?????????
they just cant leave that out of the ex ed and what about same being mayor of the shire year after year basically all the appendixes.
i cant believe no one else has mentioned the scouring of the shire yet,(sorry if u hav and i just missed it)
i loved that in the book.
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Post RE: ROTK EE - All Discussion, News, Trailers, etc.
on: January 20, 2004 02:33
Well PJ never filmed the scouring of the Shire. He didn't like that part of the book and it wouldn't fit his ending nicely. The only time you can see anything like this is in Galadriel's mirror, there is no more footage. Sorry, xx-Amanda
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Post RE: ROTK EE - All Discussion, News, Trailers, etc.
on: January 20, 2004 02:44
Return of the King – Special Extended Edition.

This is a chronological detailing of what scenes WE KNOW WERE FILMED AND CUT and where they may appear in the extended version.

--- = existing scene [source]
*** = omitted scene [source]

---Prologue: Smeagol to Gollum: No known additions

---Conserving Lembas: No known additions

***The Crossroads: “These lands were once part of the land of Gondor… long ago when there was a king and the West stood strong.” Frodo explains the fallen statue to Sam. [Photoguide]

---Doorwardens of Isengard: No known additions

***Voice of Saruman: Presumably, Saruman will fall from Orthanc carrying the palantir. [PJ interviews] “Theoden, we've been friends of old…'Can we not be friends? Can we not have peace?” ”We will have peace.” Everybody looks at him. “'We will have peace when you pay for the boys whose bodies were hewn as they lay against the gates of the Hornburg. When they are avenged. And then when you hang from a jibbet for the sport of your own crows, we will have peace.'” Then Wormtongue appears and forgives him. “Grima, Grima - come down. You weren't always like this. Once you were a man who served me well. Leave this poison.” [Hill’s CHUD interview]

---Banquet at Edoras: Drinking contest between Gimli & Legolas [PJ interviews] Aragorn comforts Eowyn as she lies, forlorn on a chaise-lounge in Meduseld [Bravo special]

---Gollum’s Plotting: No known additions

---Pippin and the Palantir: No known additions

---Council in Meduseld: “If the ring is destroyed, Sauron will fall and his fall will be so low that none will see his arising ever again… but if Sauron regains the ring, his victory will be swift and complete. Things are now in motion that cannot be undone. Sauron has looked into the face of young Peregrin Took and mistaken him for the Ringbearer.” – [Photoguide, DVD preview] “He has gone unchallenged long enough.” [DVD preview] “The Eye of the Enemy will be turned this way – he will send for Pippin.” [Topps]

---Departure of Pippin: “We shall see the Shire again.” [Trailer]; Merry and Aragorn speak on the turret: “Where are they going?” “Pippin will be alright. Gandalf is taking him to the safest place in all of Middle-Earth, to the city of Minas Tirith. No army of Sauron has ever crossed the Anduin, not while the men of Gondor have held the passage of the river” [Topps, Photoguide]; “He knows not to what end he rides, yet if he knew, he would still go on.” [Visual Companion]. This ambiguous quote is supposed to be concering hobbits – could have been spoken elsewhere in the film.

---Arwen’s Return: “You have given away your life’s grace. I cannot protect you anymore” [Trailer]; Arwen stands on a bridge [Trailer]; “Give him the sword of the king.” [Trailer]; Arwen reads about the Oathbreakers (she drops the book) and realizes that that is the path Aragorn must take [Set report]

---Minas Tirith: “Gandalf, why are they guarding a dead tree?” Gandalf explains that they guard it in hopes that the waning rule of Gondor may one day flourish again. [Photoguide] “What did they bring, the kings of old, over the Sundered Sea, seven stars and seven stones and one white tree.” [Visual Companion]

---First Meeting With Denethor: No known additions

---Gandalf’s Balcony: “Mordor. This city has ever dwelt in sight of that shadow.” [Visual Companion] “We’ve run out of time!” [TV Spot] “Sauron has hated the West for many ages. It is a hatred that flows from the depths of time and across the deeps of the sea.” [ADR notes]

---Minas Morgul Erupts: “The most fell of all his captains. His own folk quail at him and would slay themselves at his bidding.” [Visual Companion] “That accursed valley fell into evil a very long time ago.” [Visual Companion]

---Gothmog Crosses the Delaware: No known additions

---The War Beacons: No known additions

---Rohan Rallies For Gondor: “I have a sword. I offer you my service, Theoden King.” “Gladly shall I receive it – you shall be Meriadoc, esquire of Rohan and ride with me.” Merry pledges service [Trailer, Photoguide, National Geographic]; Perhaps a scout from Gondor comes to Edoras because this line was originally in: “Say to Denethor that in this hour the King of the Mark himself will come down to the land of Gondor, though he may not ride back.” This could have something to do with Denethor cursing Theoden for betraying him [Visual Companion]; A close-up, slo-mo shot of Legolas and Gimli riding with the Rohirrim [Trailer]

---The White Rider: “Treachery. Treachey I fear of that miserable creature!” Faramir explains to Gandalf that Gollum guides Frodo. [Visual companion]

***On the Prow: There are shots of Gandalf and Pippin overlooking Mordor at night while standing on the very tip of the prow of Minas Tirith. Some of the above dialogue could have taken place during that scene. [Trailer] At Minas Tirith, Gandalf and Pippin look toward the jagged, saw tooth Mountains of Mordor as a great black cloud streams slowly towards the west. “This is not the weather of the world,” Gandalf tells his young friend. “It is some device of Sauron’s malice; some broil of fume from the Mountain of Fire that the Dark Lord sends ahead of his host.” [Topps]

---Planting Seeds of Mistrust on Cirith Ungol: No known additions

---Father and Son: Denethor becomes furious that Faramir let the Ring and Frodo go. “Boromir would have remembered his father’s need. He would have brought me a kingly gift” [Photoguide]; “Boromir was loyal to me and no wizard’s pupil.” [Visual Companion]; “Why is your father so angry; I would help if I could.” “There is nothing you can do.” Faramir and Pippin bond [AICN Set report]; Although their meeting is brief, Pippin and Faramir become friends at Minas Tirith. Impressed with the Hobbit’s loyalty and willingness to fight, Faramir gives him his old armoured uniform, a childhood memento. [Weapons book, Topps]

---Smeagol and Gretel (Bread Crumbs): No known additions

---Faramir’s Charge: "Faramir… Faramir… Your Father’s will has turned to madness and evil. Do not throw your life away so rashly" "Where does my allegiance lie if not here. This is the city of the men of Numenor. I will gladly give my life to defend her beauty, her memory, her wisdom." "Your father loves you Faramir… he’ll remember it before the end" [AICN set report]

---Witch King’s Army Advance on Minas Tirith: “Courage will now be your best defense against the storm that is at hand.” [Visual Companion]

---Encampment at Dunharrow: No known additions

---A Visitor in the Night: Before departing for the Paths of the Dead, Aragorn touches Eowyn’s face [Trailer]; “This is your road. Every path you have trod, through wilderness, through war, has led you to this. Become who you were born to be.” [Trailer]

---Shelob’s Lair: “There is something worse than Gollum about. I feel something looking at us.” [Visual Companion] “Long has she been hungry, lurking in her den.” [Visual Companion] These lines don’t seem to fit, so it might be a late change or come later in the film.

---The Siege of Minas Tirith: No known additions

---The Paths of the Dead: No known additions

---Departing Dunharrow: No known additions

---Rallying the Defenders: A baby battering ram is used and orcs using it are slaughtered by archers. Gothmog calls for Grond. [Trailer, Weapons book]

---Going to the Tombs: No known additions

***Pelargir: Aragorn falls to his knees (Legolas comforts him) in disappointment, perhaps he thinks the Dead chose not to follow him. [Trailer]; “The dead are following. I see shapes of men and horses, and pale banners like shreds of cloud, and spears like winter-thickets on a misty night.” [Visual Companion]; There is a confrontation with the Corsairs [PJ interview]

---Grond: No known additions

---The Pyre of Faramir: No known additions

---Sting of Shelob: No known additions

---Choices of Samwise: “I have something to do before the end. I must see it through” [Visual Companion].

---The Afterlife: No known additions

***Confrontation on the Third Level: The Witch King confronts Gandalf and breaks his staff [DVD preview, Weapons book]. “… when Pippin races to the great Wizard for help in thwarting Denethor’s mad plan to burn Faramir alive on a funeral Pyre. Rushing to help Faramir, Gandalf is besieged by the airborne Witch-King. It is a mighty confrontation, one from which the mighty warrior-wizard emerges victorious.” [Topps]

---Rohan Comes to Gondor: Soldiers of Gondor watch in amazement as the Rohirrim charge into the orc ranks [Photoguide]

---The Mumakil Charge: No known additions

---The Fall of Theoden: No known additions

---Landings of Harlond: The banner of the king unfurls. [Cinefex]

---Eowyn versus the Witch King: No known additions

---Battle on the Field: Pippin tries to take Merry to the city, “Come, Merry, up you get. We must get you into the city.” [Photoguide]; Gimli and Aragorn double team and kill Gothmog [ABC Primetime]; Eomer finds his wounded sister and weeps for her [Trailer];

---The Orc Tower: No known additions

---Reaching Gorgoroth: No known additions

***Houses of Healing: “It is said in old lore that the hands of a king are the hands of a healer.” Aragorn heals the wounded heros with help from Ioreth. [Photoguide]; Faramir and Eowyn meet [PJ interview].

---The Last Debate: “He has gone unchallenged long enough.” [DVD preview] “Either Frodo destroys the ring, or we face Sauron’s victory.” [TV Spot] “The ring will come to him sooner or later. Even now he is hunting for it.”[ADR notes] “We’ve run out of time.” [TV spot]

***Aragorn Uses the Palantir: “Sauron will suspect a trap and not take the bait.” “Oh, I think he will” [Script excerpt]; “You alone have the power to wrench it to your will. Sauron will find that hard to endure.” [Topps] Alone in the Hall of Kings, Aragorn approaches the empty throne [DVD preview] and uses the Palantir to distract Sauron and Sauron responds by crushing the Evenstar. In the film, we see a glimpse of the Evenstar shattering on the floor of the Hall of Kings in Aragorn’s Dunharrow dream. This is a scene that may be troublesome to reinsert (according to Selkirk) because it had been reduced and edited into earlier scenes for the theatrical release.

---Departing Minas Tirith: Aragorn is dressed in his kingly armor. [DVD preview]

***Marching with Orcs: Frodo and Sam are recruited by a company of orcs [PJ interview, photoguide];

***Arwens Last Wish: Arwen hugs her father from the ‘sick bed’[Trailer]. This scene is described in the Photoguide as coming near the end (after Sauron crushes the Evenstar). In it she says her lines about “wishing to see him one last time. This scene was broken apart and re-edited into earlier scenes – making reinsertion difficult (as mentioned by Selkirk).

---The Black Gate: No known additions

---Treking Mordor: “I’ll be an orc no more and I’ll bear no weapon, fair or foul.” [Photoguide]

***Mouth of Sauron: “His name is remembered in no tale.” [Visual Companion]; Gandalf despairs at seeing the Mithril coat and Aragorn slays the Mouth of Sauron [Set reports and Weapons book]

---Only Death Will Break Him: No known additions

---Stand, Men of the West: No known additions

---Gollum Attacks: “Wicked Baggins mustn’t go that way! Mustn’t hurt precious!” [Visual Companion]

---For Frodo: No known additions

---Sammath Nuar: No known additions

---The Eagles: No known additions

---It Is Mine: “I have made my choice.” [Visual Companion]

---The Fall of Sauron: Pippin holds Merry as they both weep for Frodo. [Trailer] Tens of thousands of orcs plummet from Barad-dur. [Cinefex]

---The End of All Things: No known additions

---Reunion: No known additions

***Mt Mindolluin: A scene where Gandalf advises Aragorn on the future of his kingdom [Cinefex]

---Coronation: No known additions

***Galadriel’s Epilogue: Galadriel would mention the fate of the heroes at the end of the age [DVD commentary]. Gimli founds a dwarf colony at helm’s deep. Faramir is made prince of ithilien and weds Eowyn. Eomer takes of the seat in Meduseld, etc. [Weapons book]

---Return to Hobbiton: No known additions

---The Gray Havens: No known additions

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Post RE: ROTK EE - All Discussion, News, Trailers, etc.
on: January 21, 2004 11:22
I saw people were interested in the freaky Frodo pics, here's the explaination: That scene where Frodo is all Gollumified was supposed to be in the TT. During the scene where Faramir tries to take the ring from Frodo, Faramir is supposed to see flashes of what Frodo would become if he held on to the One ring. It was not added to the TT EE because PJ changed his mind about it, but it was in fact shot. I do not think it will be in the EE ROTK because it wouldn't really have a place, and if it was indeed part of a scene with Faramir it really wouldn't make sense would it? But who knows, in the final EE package they may include scenes that were trashed and never even made it into the EE versions. I am adding a lot of pics from scenes that weren't included in ROTK to that gallery, those Frodo ones shouldn't even be there. Oh and they may look scary, but if you watch the behind the scenes in the EE TT, Lij acts really cute when he gets done up. xx-Amanda
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Post RE: ROTK EE - All Discussion, News, Trailers, etc.
on: January 22, 2004 08:16
This I know won´t be in the EE but still...how I wish it would have.

The Dunedain with Elladan and Elrohir joining Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli on the path of the dead. And then fighting at the field of Pellenor (without all of them dying, like the elfs at Helms deep).

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Post RE: ROTK EE - All Discussion, News, Trailers, etc.
on: January 22, 2004 09:48
Besides everything mentioned before, if they do put in more Faramir/Denethor parts, I would really like to see Faramir sway and lean on his father's chair like he does in the books. I know it seems like a small little thing, but I always thought that was a powerful image and would love to see how the actors potray their reactions.
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Post RE: ROTK EE - All Discussion, News, Trailers, etc.
on: February 01, 2004 05:40
*I would like a lot more Fara-Denny as the book, indeed* But, well.
So far, there´s no hint of any scenes about Denethor having the palantir, but how they explain Denethor´s prophecies and white tower overlook in the movie?
Actually, movie needs more Faramir-Denny explanation than others situation we already saw and understood clearly in RotK TV.
Anyway, what it´s done it´s done, if they didn´t shoot any of this, there will not be in EE

[Edited on 1/2/2004 by Gilwen_the_Sorceress]
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Post RE: ROTK EE - All Discussion, News, Trailers, etc.
on: February 08, 2004 09:48
I can't wait until the EE comes out this next November (I is believe it is). I walked out of the second time seeing RoTK saying that to my daughter. We're going to buy both (theatrical and EE), one for our kids, too, but definitely the EE for me. We're going to buy the early release because I don't think I could wait until November to have a copy of ROTK!

I hope they add in the storyline with Éowyn and Faramir and more information about that entire series with Aragorn entering the city, Imrahil, etc. The list goes on and on. You know what I'm talking about.

I'm just excited they made live-action movies out of the books, instead of only having the animated versions that had made been to date.

Go PJ!!
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Post RE: ROTK EE - All Discussion, News, Trailers, etc.
on: February 09, 2004 05:52
* Definitely the fates of Sauruman and Wormtongue.
* Battle at Bywater.
* ANYTHING Peter Jackson cut from the Theater version. It's all good!

---By the way: Has anyone heard of a release date for the EE?
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Post RE: ROTK EE - All Discussion, News, Trailers, etc.
on: February 09, 2004 09:40
I read that Gamling dies at Pelennor and that the person Eomer's holding in the ROTK trailer is NOT Eowyn or Theoden, but gamling.

I REALLY hope to see a scene between Legolas and Aragorn. You know that picture where Legolas has a hand on Aragorns shoulder right? I hope that is in the EE.

The White Rider vs. The Witchking.

More scenes inside Parts of the Death... Right after Aragorn says "What say you?" to the death king, in the usal version it turns over to another scene, but in EE there will be some running away from the death! Aaaaaarrrrrrggg That's cool!

I HOPE to see Sam with his dear BILL the Pony... I was SO dissapointed that that wasn't in the movie!

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Post RE: ROTK EE - All Discussion, News, Trailers, etc.
on: February 10, 2004 12:34
I reckon it will have the breaking of Saruman's staff and the bit when Grima throws out the Palantiri. When I saw the film you can tell that bit has been cut. Also there was all stuff about Christopher Lee falling out with PJ because he had cut him from the film
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Post RE: ROTK EE - All Discussion, News, Trailers, etc.
on: February 10, 2004 04:27
I HOPE to see Sam with his dear BILL the Pony... I was SO dissapointed that that wasn't in the movie!

I looked closely at my last viewing of RotK -- I'm fairly certain that it's Bill that Sam is riding into the Shire, when the Hobbits come back from Minas Tirith in their nice clothes. All you see is his behind, and his tail, but it's the right color for Bill I agree, though, I hope they show a reunion scene with him, LOL.
"We have done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
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Post RE: ROTK EE - All Discussion, News, Trailers, etc.
on: February 10, 2004 06:45
Hi all,

I'm new to this board, and in my first post I thought that I'd reply to this post.

Things that I want to see in the ROTK EE:

-First and foremost, the confrontation between Gandalf and Saruman. I still can't quite fathom why it was left out of the theatrical version, or why is wasn't it TTT for that matter.

-More Galadriel (Cate Blanchett). I don't particularly care how it's shown or who she's with, but more Galadriel. Cate Blanchett does Galadrield SO well.

-The scene between Gandalf and the Witch King. It was alluded to early in the film that the WK would specifically target Gandalf, and I saw something close to it in the trailer, but it wasn't in the film.

-Aragorn as he first enters Minas Tirith and approaches the throne. I saw a couple of seconds of it in a trailer, but not in the film.

-Something establishing that Denethor's madness was due to him touching the Seeing Stone. I think that most people who didn't know this would probably have just put a big question mark over his character when they saw him in the film.

-Merry pledging his loyalty to Theoden.

-Something showing the fact that Eomer took up the throne of Rohan would have been nice. It wasn't really shown in the movie.

-A scene showing the aftereffects of Aragorn touching the Palantir.

-A little more footage after the destruction of the Ring would have been nice. Something that establishes the fate of all the members of the Fellowship. I'm not an expert on the book, but I believe that the Hobbits went back to Rivendell, and they also went back to Bree, where Sam was reunited with Bill.

-I'd also like to see something between Aragorn and Faramir, just a bit of a meeting, something discussing Boromir would probably work out nicely. Maybe Aragorn would show him that he took Boromir's vambraces after he died, for various reasons.

But that's just my two cents. I hope I haven't broken any board rules or anything.
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Post RE: ROTK EE - All Discussion, News, Trailers, etc.
on: February 10, 2004 11:28
When Faramir saw Gandalf for the first time in Minas Tirith (I loved the way he called him Mithrandir - you could tell they had history), and said he had seen Sam and Frodo, you didn't see him telling Gandalf that they were with Gollum.

That wouldn't have taken a few seconds, and I hope it's in the EE.

I also hope they show the relaltionship between Faramir and Pippin - they really bonded, which is why Pip named his son Faramir.

[Edited on 11/2/2004 by RosieT]
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Post RE: ROTK EE - All Discussion, News, Trailers, etc.
on: February 12, 2004 04:50

***Mt Mindolluin: A scene where Gandalf advises Aragorn on the future of his kingdom [Cinefex]

I know this probably wasn't filmed but it would have been nice if they showed Aragorn finding the White Tree seedling on Mt. Mindolluin and show him replanting it in the court in Minas Tirith.

I know they showed the White Tree in bloom during the Coronation but that wasn't enough for me. I thought it was a very powerful and important momment in the book and it would have been nice if it had made it to the big screen.
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Post RE: ROTK EE - All Discussion, News, Trailers, etc.
on: February 13, 2004 05:04
I hope to see:
Gandalf vs. Witch King-Will be in I really want to know how the Witch King breaks his staff.
I also really want to see the MoS that should be cool.
The HoH will be there 2.
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Post RE: ROTK EE - All Discussion, News, Trailers, etc.
on: February 13, 2004 06:16
I just read an interview with Dom and Billy and they asked Dom what he's looking forward to seeing in the EE ROTK. He said something like 12 scenes with Merry that were cut. I think he was exagerating! But from that comment I think we can expect more Merry and Pippin. He also said with all the scenes the movie was 5 and a half hours. I hope they don't leave any missing scenes out, I want it to be filled to the brim with extras... :drool: xx-Amanda

[Edited on 13/2/2004 by samandfrodoforever]
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Post RE: ROTK EE - All Discussion, News, Trailers, etc.
on: February 13, 2004 11:10
I think there will be scenes of Arwen dying too...
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Post RE: ROTK EE - All Discussion, News, Trailers, etc.
on: February 13, 2004 11:14
The relationship between Denethor, Faramir, and Gandalf, is as much a menage a trois as Aragorn, Eowyn and Arwen!

Denethor's wife didn't die in childbirth as some have suggested for his rejection of Faramir.

This part of the book explains it:

Faramir has talked about releasing Frodo and Sam.

"I hope that I have not done ill?" He looked at his father.

"Ill?" cried Denethor, and his eyes flashed suddenly. "Why do you ask? The men were under your command. Or do you ask for my judgement on all your deeds? Your bearing is lowly in my presence, yet it is long now since you turned from your own way at my counsel. See, you have spoken skilfully, as ever; but I, have I not seen your eye fixed on Mithrandir, seeking whether you said well or too much? He has long had your heart in his keeping".

I hope the EE will show this.

TTT did a great job with its EE, so I hope ROTK will be the same. Altho the Denethor-Boromir-Faramir scene was fabricated, it was, I think, still true to the book, depicting the relationship between the three, as detailed in the Appendices.

"So time drew on to the War of the Ring, and the sons of Denethor grew to manhood. Boromir, five years the elder, beloved by his father, was like him in face and pride, but in little else. Rather he was a man after the sort of King Earnur of old, taking no wife and delighting chiefly in arms; fearless and strong, but caring little for lore, save the tales of old battles. Faramir the younger was like him in looks but otherwise in mind. He read the hearts of men as shrewdly as his father, but what he read moved him sooner to pity than to scorn. He was gentle in bearing, and a lover of lore and of music, and therefore by many in those days his courage was judged less than his brother's. But it was not so, except that he did not seek glory to danger without a purpose. He welcomed Gandalf at such times as he came to the City, and he learned what he could from his wisdom; and in this as in many other matters he displeased his father.

Yet between the brothers there was great love, and had been since childhood, when Boromir was the helper and protector of Faramir. No jealousy or rivalry had arisen between them since, for their father's favour or for the praise of men. It did not seem possible to Faramir that any one in Gondor could rival Boromir, heir of Denethor, Captain of the White Tower, and of like mind was Boromir".

So I think it's without question that the reason for Denethor's treatment of Faramir was his relationship with Gandalf, as borne out in those parts of the book. Denethor blamed Gandalf for his son's gentleness and of love of books and music, and he was most probably jealous of Faramir's love and respect for Gandalf.

It's really important imo, that the EE explains Denethor's behaviour both in this respect and with regard to the palantir.

[Edited on 14/2/2004 by RosieT]
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Post RE: ROTK EE - All Discussion, News, Trailers, etc.
on: February 14, 2004 03:56
*blinks* ShadowofAngmar, that list is... fantastic. And completely comprehensive. Nice work!

Now, I don't know if I missed something here (my eyes are kinda fuzzyfrom staring at the screen...) but did anyone mention anything about Denethor and the Palantir? He has this line in ROTK that goes something like "I have seen more than you (i.e. Gandalf) know". Does this means it's possible that we may hear/see something of Denethor and the Palantir? I don't mean actuially see him with it, but somehow have it explained that that's how he knows so much? Also, at one point - just as the beacons are being lit - we see Denethor look angrily out of a tower window. Does this point to palantir stuff?

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Post RE: ROTK EE - All Discussion, News, Trailers, etc.
on: February 14, 2004 06:01
On the topic of Saruman, there is going to be more with him in EE ROTK, mostly attoward the begining though
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Post RE: ROTK EE - All Discussion, News, Trailers, etc.
on: February 14, 2004 11:47
Now, I don't know if I missed something here (my eyes are kinda fuzzyfrom staring at the screen...) but did anyone mention anything about Denethor and the Palantir?

It's really important imo, that the EE explains Denethor's behaviour both in this respect and with regard to the palantir.

[Edited on 14/2/2004 by RosieT]

Yes, me. Albeit briefly.
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Post RE: ROTK EE - All Discussion, News, Trailers, etc.
on: February 15, 2004 07:54
Definately the situation with Denethor.
I also hope they have a little something between Pippin and the guard's son who shows Pippin around Minus Tirith. That was such a cute scene. It's like "aww Pippin has a big person friend." Though it was an easy part to cut I hope they find someway to get it in there, even if it isn't exact.
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Post RE: ROTK EE - All Discussion, News, Trailers, etc.
on: February 24, 2004 10:25
I really wish they would have included Elledan and Elrohir. They are intriguing characters.
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Post RE: ROTK EE - All Discussion, News, Trailers, etc.
on: February 25, 2004 12:22
It doesn't look as if we'll ever see Elrond's sons or the Dunedain (is that how you spell it?). They seem to have been completely taken out, just as Bergerond and his son have at Minas Tirith. And didn't the sons and rangers follow Aragorn into the paths of the dead?
Talking of the paths of the dead, I hope you see more of the confrontation, their march south and hopefully their attack of the corsairs that led to them sailing to the Pellanor Fields.
And one thing about the Gandalf and Witch King supposed duel. If, (and I really hope they do!) show the Witch King I think he must have given Gandalf a run for his money. In the clip everyone's seen, Gandalf and Pippin are confronted by the Wirch King (supposedly as they race to save Faramir as in the book) and Gandalf has his staff. Yet when he gets to Denethor and the pyre Gandalf doesn't have his staff and grabs a spear instead to knock Denethor aside.
Does this mean the Witch king breaks Gandalf's staff?
Because isn't the staff supposed to be the source of a wizard's power...in which case the Witch King must have had the upper hand and only been distracted away (again as in the book) by the charge of Theoden's forces.
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Post RE: ROTK EE - All Discussion, News, Trailers, etc.
on: March 17, 2004 02:14
*SPOILER ALERT*If you don't want to know what happened to Saruman,don't read this.

I heard they will have the chapter "The Voice of Saruman" and in it Saruman falls out of the window and lands on a piece of his own machinery,which kills him.I have even seen a pic of it!(It's in the ROTK EE gallery.)My guess is Grima pushes him.:evil:
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Post RE: ROTK EE - All Discussion, News, Trailers, etc.
on: April 07, 2004 11:39
I have a really cool pic of the Mouth of Sauron from ROTK EE from www.arwen-undomiel.com, you can view it at www.arwen-undomiel.com. Go to the gallery, go under "other", and it's on page two. It's like a blue head.

[Edited on 7/4/2004 by Vanya]
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Post RE: ROTK EE - All Discussion, News, Trailers, etc.
on: April 09, 2004 03:26
Just got artist John Howe's newsletter where he describes the EE of ROTK as 'spectacular'. Sadly he will give no details, such a tease. Seems like he saw it on a recent trip to London.

[Edited on 10/4/2004 by Roheryn]
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Post RE: ROTK EE - All Discussion, News, Trailers, etc.
on: April 10, 2004 03:48

Not sure how much fact is here, but I have the LOTR Trivial Pursuit (which is based on the movies) and they have quite a lot of questions from the SE DVD's. Even the ROTK SE!
If you have not read the books there will be spoilers here...
Even if you have read the books!

* Who owned Pippin's Gondorian uniform before he did?

* What Town does Sam become Mayor of?

* Who does Gandalf leave the Palantir with for safekeeping when he goes to Minas Tirith?

* What former Fellowship members briefly join the ranks of the Orcs in Mordor?

* What's the name of the actor who plays the role of the Mouth of Sauron in The Return of the King?

* What King does Merry swear his service to?

* Who becomes King of Rohan after The War of the Ring?

* What object does Aragorn use to communicate with Sauron?

* What place in Minas Tirith does Faramir remain during the War's last battle?

* Who peers over the balcony with Saruman after the flooding of Isengard? (guess this could apply to TTT...?)

* Who kills Grima Wormtounge?

* Who slays Sauron's emmissary at the Black Gate?

* Who kills Saruman?

* What creatures smash themselves against the walls of Minas Tirith to topple them?

I have not put the answers because I am sure most of you know already. But if you want, I can post them here.
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Post RE: ROTK EE - All Discussion, News, Trailers, etc.
on: April 13, 2004 08:49
Boy, I don't know what I would like to see in the EE.

I heard though in some interview somewhere, that there will be more scenes from the Paths of the Dead. I would really like to see the scene with Legolas and Aragorn where Leggy has his hand on Aragorn's shoulder in a comforting way, I love that pic.

I hope there will be more of the Farimir/Eowyn romance.

The Houses of Healing

I would love to see Legolas getting his first look at the sea, because that is just too great, though this is kinda wishful thinking.

One part in the movie that kinda bugged me was that it was never made very clear that Gandalf was a Ringbearer to like in the book...I know that it showed the ring on his finger, but if you haven't read the book, it would not have meant anything. So I kinda hope there is more about the last three Ringbearers, because either Elrond or Galadriel say something about it at the Grey Havens, but it still is not expained very well. PLEASE LET THERE BE MORE ON THAT.
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Post RE: ROTK EE - All Discussion, News, Trailers, etc.
on: April 14, 2004 07:15
* Who owned Pippin's Gondorian uniform before he did?

* What Town does Sam become Mayor of?

* Who does Gandalf leave the Palantir with for safekeeping when he goes to Minas Tirith?

* What former Fellowship members briefly join the ranks of the Orcs in Mordor?

* What's the name of the actor who plays the role of the Mouth of Sauron in The Return of the King?

* What King does Merry swear his service to?

* Who becomes King of Rohan after The War of the Ring?

* What object does Aragorn use to communicate with Sauron?

* What place in Minas Tirith does Faramir remain during the War's last battle?

* Who peers over the balcony with Saruman after the flooding of Isengard? (guess this could apply to TTT...?)

* Who kills Grima Wormtounge?

* Who slays Sauron's emmissary at the Black Gate?

* Who kills Saruman?

* What creatures smash themselves against the walls of Minas Tirith to topple them?

I can answer some of those questions:

* It was either a kid's armor or it was custome built

* Dunno

* Aragorn

* Dunno

* Dunno

* Theoden of Rohan

* Eomer of Rohan

* He doesn't

* The Houses of Healing

* Grima Wormtounge

* Hobbiton Archers

* Dunno

* Grima Wormtounge

* Cave Trolls most likely or Fell Beasts
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Post RE: ROTK EE - All Discussion, News, Trailers, etc.
on: April 14, 2004 08:22
* Who owned Pippin's Gondorian uniform before he did?


* What Town does Sam become Mayor of?

Michel Delving?

* Who does Gandalf leave the Palantir with for safekeeping when he goes to Minas Tirith?

Don't know. Aragorn?

* What former Fellowship members briefly join the ranks of the Orcs in Mordor?

Frodo and Sam

* What's the name of the actor who plays the role of the Mouth of Sauron in The Return of the King?

Bruce Spence

* What King does Merry swear his service to?


* Who becomes King of Rohan after The War of the Ring?


* What object does Aragorn use to communicate with Sauron?


* What place in Minas Tirith does Faramir remain during the War's last battle?

Houses of Healing

* Who peers over the balcony with Saruman after the flooding of Isengard? (guess this could apply to TTT...?)


* Who kills Grima Wormtounge?

Can't remember

* Who slays Sauron's emmissary at the Black Gate?

Can't remember

* Who kills Saruman?


* What creatures smash themselves against the walls of Minas Tirith to topple them?

Don't know. Mumaks? Trolls?

[Edited on 16/4/2004 by RosieT]
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Post RE: ROTK EE - All Discussion, News, Trailers, etc.
on: April 15, 2004 11:39
I really wish they would have included Elledan and Elrohir. They are intriguing characters.

You and me both, Menegroth. Also, it would have been neat to see Halbarad - when I came across the passage where Halbarad dies, I went What?? I don't remember that...

I sniffled, truly.

Anyhow, back to topic...
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