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Post RE: ROTK EE - All Discussion, News, Trailers, etc.
on: April 15, 2004 12:02
Also, it would have been neat to see Halbarad - when I came across the passage where Halbarad dies, I went What?? I don't remember that...

I sniffled, truly.
Yeah, me too. I didn't remember that from the first three times, and the fourth time I read it, I was definetly surprised, and sad.:cry:
They should definetly have included him. And the twins, and Imrahil (he saves two of my favorite charaters, Faramir and Eowyn, so I think he's great!).

And I like your avatar, Evenstar.

[Edited on 15/4/2004 by ethuiliel]
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Post RE: ROTK EE - All Discussion, News, Trailers, etc.
on: May 29, 2004 12:16
Maybe I've missed it but does anyone know when the EE will be released?
And when will the extended trilogy be released?

I hope somebody knows the answers
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Post RE: ROTK EE - All Discussion, News, Trailers, etc.
on: May 30, 2004 01:08
The EE will be released: "Just before Christmas", "Holiday 2004"
Which means either late November or sometime in December.
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Post RE: ROTK EE - All Discussion, News, Trailers, etc.
on: May 30, 2004 02:28
Gandalf i most likely going to encounter the Witchking. Merry will say "We shall see the Shire again" to Pippin right before Pippin and Galdalf leave for Minas Tirith. There will be more converation between Aragorn and Eowyn, Elrong and Arwen, and more things added to Edoras besides the drinking game between Legolas and Gimli. there are going to be many cut scenes with Arwen and Elrond talking.
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Post RE: ROTK EE - All Discussion, News, Trailers, etc.
on: June 22, 2004 04:01

* Who owned Pippin's Gondorian uniform before he did?
A: Faramir

* What Town does Sam become Mayor of?
A: Hobbiton

* Who does Gandalf leave the Palantir with for safekeeping when he goes to Minas Tirith?
A: Aragorn

* What former Fellowship members briefly join the ranks of the Orcs in Mordor?
A: Frodo And Sam

* What's the name of the actor who plays the role of the Mouth of Sauron in The Return of the King?
A: ?????

* What King does Merry swear his service to?
A: Theoden

* Who becomes King of Rohan after The War of the Ring?
A: Eomer

* What object does Aragorn use to communicate with Sauron?
A: Palantir of Orthanc

* What place in Minas Tirith does Faramir remain during the War's last battle?
A: Houses of Healing

* Who peers over the balcony with Saruman after the flooding of Isengard? (guess this could apply to TTT...?)
A: Grima

* Who kills Grima Wormtounge?
A: Legolas

* Who slays Sauron's emmissary at the Black Gate?
A: Aragorn

* Who kills Saruman?
A: Grima

* What creatures smash themselves against the walls of Minas Tirith to topple them?
A: ??????

This is going to be an interesting 6 months:cry:

The "Houses of Healing" scene is the most wished for scene for me!
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Post RE: ROTK EE - All Discussion, News, Trailers, etc.
on: June 22, 2004 05:31
Just like everybody else, I'm hoping, and wishing for the same scenes to be included. Though, I don't have a DVD player, but eventually I'll get one (hopefully). I personally don't think that Arwen's brothers are important, but, well... I have a question. I hope someone can answer this for me... Does Haldir die in the TTT book? Because obviously he dies in the movie. I have a feeling they added that in, but I could be wrong, 'cause I don't remember.

I really hope that they will show us waaaay more scenes with Eowyn and Faramir (that'll be GREAT)

Yay. I'd also love to see more scenes with Arwen and Elrond (I love her)

I'd aslo really love to see The Scouring of the Shire, but I've heard that PJ won't be including that, much to my dismay

The Mouth of Sauron

Oh Yes, and also I'd love to see more of Lothlorien, and of Galadriel. I love that realm. Though I doubt it! lol

And others... you guys have already posted
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Post RE: ROTK EE - All Discussion, News, Trailers, etc.
on: June 23, 2004 05:57
Though, I don't have a DVD player, but eventually I'll get one (hopefully).
I believe I have seen video versions of the Extended version, though they are hard to find. If you don't get a DVD player in time, you could try to get one of those.
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Post RE: ROTK EE - All Discussion, News, Trailers, etc.
on: June 26, 2004 04:04
I've a question about the EE set dvds. Is it real that the dvds will be more differents than the EE dvds which get out in november the last years ?
I will be sad if yes. Because I bought the EE dvds.
What do you think about it, because you're fans ?

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Post RE: ROTK EE - All Discussion, News, Trailers, etc.
on: June 28, 2004 03:05
Someone may have already said this but the movie left out the Cleansing of the Shire. they ought to have it in the EE because it explains a lot (like what happens to saruman.) I really want to see the EE but my parents won't get a DVD player!
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Post RE: ROTK EE - All Discussion, News, Trailers, etc.
on: July 16, 2004 09:26
I'm almost positive that when they return to Edoras towards the beginning, that there is a part where Legolas and Gimli play a drinking game. To quote Gimli"Last one standing wins"...Legolas begins to take a drink...

I saw this small clip on the special features disc of the ROTK DVD.:love: I can't wait
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Post RE: ROTK EE - All Discussion, News, Trailers, etc.
on: July 28, 2004 01:26
Here's a link for a great site about the EE here

[Edited on 30/7/2004 by Shire~Maiden]
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Post RE: ROTK EE - All Discussion, News, Trailers, etc.
on: July 28, 2004 09:32
That link is really great -- very informative! But unless I'm not mistaken, the list of add-ons/new and extended scenes doesn't mention the Houses of Healing, which were, however, promoted at the Comic Con -- so they must be in there, too. (At least, I do hope so.)

Edited to correct myself (stupid me :banghead: ):

The list to be found under the link does contain a link to the Houses of Healing, after all, but they are only mentioned verbatim on the German side (and not in the English translation). So now let's just hope that all the scenes on the list have actually made it into the SEE -- that would be SO great! Can't wait to see'em all...

[Edited on 29/7/2004 by Aervir]

[Edited on 29/7/2004 by Aervir]
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Post RE: ROTK EE - All Discussion, News, Trailers, etc.
on: July 29, 2004 12:42
I missed this parts:
1. The Scouring of the shire
2. The House of Healing
3. The love story btween Faramir and Eowyn
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Post RE: ROTK EE - All Discussion, News, Trailers, etc.
on: July 30, 2004 03:22
I would love to see Grima throwing the Palantir; Houses of Healing, showing Aragorn healing as well as Faramir & Eowyn romance; more of Frodo & Sam in Mordor, not only more of their journey but more of Sam finding his way to Frodo; the Mouth of Sauron; the Scouring of the Shire and more of Sauraman's demise.

[i][/i]The hands of a king are the hands of a healer.
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Post RE: ROTK EE - All Discussion, News, Trailers, etc.
on: August 19, 2004 05:51
I saw pictures of it, don't know what kind of scene it is: Eowyn in a blue robe on a couch while Aragorn comforts her. No idea if that scene would be good, just curious what it is.

I don't think I've seen this picture, so I wouldn't know, but are you sure it's Aragorn? In the book Eowyn gets a blue cloak from Faramir and wears it in thier love scene.

I saw that scene, and I thought it was when Aragorn came to heal Eowyn and Merry. I could be wrong, but that was my first thought when I saw it.

I looked at that scene again and by the background stuff I think it was in Meduseld (hall of the Rohans) - I think there is a column or two visible that is definitely from there and the floor looks right for that. It may have been a scene that was filmed but rejected for the final cut - I'm glad it was if that was the case because I didn't like the trailers and advertising for the movie because it made more of the love triangle re Aragorn, Arwen and Eowyn that there really was.
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Post RE: ROTK EE - All Discussion, News, Trailers, etc.
on: August 22, 2004 09:41
December 14th is the day!!!!!! We will all be seing the EE ROTK!!! Anyone else planning an EE marathon party??
:disco: :disco:
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Post RE: ROTK EE - All Discussion, News, Trailers, etc.
on: August 23, 2004 01:25
I'd like to see more of the scenery, especially the sky. A lot of the sky scenes were actually from photographs from members of ASWA (Australian Severe Weather Association).

I'm really chuffed with the Aussie-New Zealand connection... just a shame some of the scenes couldn't have been filmed here too.
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Post RE: ROTK EE - All Discussion, News, Trailers, etc.
on: September 08, 2004 07:08
I cannot wait! We are planning on having a LotR weekend after it comes out, with recipes from Middle-earth that I've found on this site (staple being Lembas). Can't wait for it to come out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why so long? Why, why, why? (please don't answer this question, already know it was because they had to go all over to get the actors again)
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Post RE: ROTK EE - All Discussion, News, Trailers, etc.
on: September 29, 2004 12:55
I can't wait for the EE to come out either :disco: There is supposedly an extra 50 minutes of footage on the EE. :drool:

And I've just read of a very interesting scene where Gimli does something to make Legolas misfire his arrow and he kills PJ!
I know PJ has a cameo appearance on one of the Corsair ships, so I'm wondering if it happens when Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli overtake the corsairs with the Dead.
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Post RE: ROTK EE - All Discussion, News, Trailers, etc.
on: October 03, 2004 08:14
I can't wait until it comes out too, all the extra scenes, all the extras....
And, when it does, we're going to have a movie night where we see all three extended editions (we, are the cultural club at my High School which I'm member of!)
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Post RE: ROTK EE - All Discussion, News, Trailers, etc.
on: October 05, 2004 11:10
I think that the part where Frodo and Sam get overtaken by some Orcs and start marching to the Black Gate was originally in the film. At any rate, that part is in the Visual Companion and not the film (how annoying!).

Oh dear god i hope that bit makes it in to the EE i missed it soooooooooo much and i hope that there are also more parts with Legolas and Gimli's competition
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Post RE: ROTK EE - All Discussion, News, Trailers, etc.
on: October 13, 2004 04:42
I remember around summer 2003 hearing that Liv Tyler had recorded a song singing in Elvish to be in RotK. I thought this was going to be the song for RotK but luckily that went to Annie Lennox.

I've recently heard this might be in RotK EE of Arwen singing at her wedding?!

So now Aragorns had his sing song at Minas Tirith is it Arwens turn?

[Edited on 13/10/2004 by ElavielEvenstar]
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Post RE: ROTK EE - All Discussion, News, Trailers, etc.
on: October 14, 2004 06:43

* What's the name of the actor who plays the role of the Mouth of Sauron in The Return of the King?
A: ?????

I think the answer to that question (and I'm not sure of the spelling) is Laurence Makore (an actor from N. Zealand who also played Lurtz).

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Post RE: ROTK EE - All Discussion, News, Trailers, etc.
on: October 16, 2004 12:18
The trailer for the ROTK: EE DVD (Quick Time video) is online at the official site.
Behold Aragorn and the Palantír, the Mouth of Sauron, Saruman, Éowyn and Faramir in the Houses of Healing as well as more of the Witch-King -- and rejoice!
:disco: :love: :disco: :love: :disco: :love: :disco: :love: :disco:
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Post RE: ROTK EE - All Discussion, News, Trailers, etc.
on: October 16, 2004 05:41
I haven't been able to watch the sneak preview for the EE yet because my computer doesn't have quicktime. Does anyone know if there is a site that uses windows media or something? It would be much appreciated if someone could tell me of one. Thanks!
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Post RE: ROTK EE - All Discussion, News, Trailers, etc.
on: October 16, 2004 05:59
Just saw it an MAN! that bit with Saruman looks awful. Very disappointed.

But, Éowyn & Faramir looks great!
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Post RE: ROTK EE - All Discussion, News, Trailers, etc.
on: October 16, 2004 06:10

That bit with Saruman looks awful. Very disappointed.

Apparently, PJ seems to be unable to imagine magic without wandwaving and kindling fire. The awesome powers of Saruman's seductive voice always struck me as one of the most important aspects of his character in the books -- and Christopher Lee is a fine actor: he could have played the Voice of Saruman very convincingly, methinks. But I do like the Witch-King and the Palantír, whereas the Mouth of Sauron just looks a tad too cheesy for me. You aren't able to recognize that he's actually a descendent of Númenot, just like his "fellow" Gondorians. The Houses of Healing, however, impressed me very much by the serene atmosphere and the emotional content (euphemism for: reduced me to a puddle of drool because I am a sentimental sucker for romance deep down at heart. :love: )

[Edited on 16/10/2004 by Aervir]
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Post RE: ROTK EE - All Discussion, News, Trailers, etc.
on: October 16, 2004 06:12
Ahh! I loved the bit with Eowyn and Faramir! I cannot wait until December!
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Post RE: ROTK EE - All Discussion, News, Trailers, etc.
on: October 16, 2004 07:30
Ooooh!! Thank you so much for that trailer!! Saruman and the MoS look a bit disappointing, but the rest of it looks awesome!

:disco: :disco: :disco: :disco: :disco: :disco:
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Post RE: ROTK EE - All Discussion, News, Trailers, etc.
on: October 16, 2004 07:33

That bit with Saruman looks awful. Very disappointed.

Apparently, PJ seems to be unable to imagine magic without wandwaving and kindling fire. The awesome powers of Saruman's seductive voice always struck me as one of the most important aspects of his character in the books -- and Christopher Lee is a fine actor: he could have played the Voice of Saruman very convincingly, methinks. But I do like the Witch-King and the Palantír, whereas the Mouth of Sauron just looks a tad too cheesy for me. You aren't able to recognize that he's actually a descendent of Númenot, just like his "fellow" Gondorians.

Um, just my opinion, but don't you think it's kind of unfair to be judging something you haven't even seen yet? There were about two seconds of the Mouth of Sauron, and about five seconds of Saruman. IMHO, I don't think that's nearly enough time to decide whether you are disappointed in that part or not. In December, I think the hate for certain sequences will be more justified. But that's just my opinion.
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Post RE: ROTK EE - All Discussion, News, Trailers, etc.
on: October 16, 2004 09:52
Just saw the sneak preview! It looks awesome! I can't wait 'til December. Especially for the Eowyn and Faramir romance :love:

[Edited on 2/1/2005 by LadyLathril]
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Post RE: ROTK EE - All Discussion, News, Trailers, etc.
on: October 16, 2004 02:06
I disagree, again, with Aragorn holding Saruman´s Palantir at the Denethor´s throne and all that instead of denethor burning in his pyre with his Palantir.
I don´t like overrated characters
And, by the way, I wonder why is Faramir going to meet Eowyn, it should be Eowyn looking for Faramir.
Grrrrrrr with those changes.
Elvellon ar Pethdan
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Post RE: ROTK EE - All Discussion, News, Trailers, etc.
on: October 16, 2004 02:10
I wonder why is Faramir going to meet Eowyn, it should be Eowyn looking for Faramir.

Well first we don't know how far this is into their relationship. It was only a few second clip . Second I'm not sure why it should be Eowyn looking for Faramir...

It is interesting how PJ moved the Aragorn/Palantir scene to Minas Tirith AFTER the paths of the dead.
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Post RE: ROTK EE - All Discussion, News, Trailers, etc.
on: October 16, 2004 04:57
lol, I just watched it... and is it just me, or does the Mouth of Sauron look something like a Knight who says 'Ni'?
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Post RE: ROTK EE - All Discussion, News, Trailers, etc.
on: October 16, 2004 07:03
I watched it... it was rather short, but what I did see looked good.
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