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Post The Brandywine Pub (Come on in!! All are welcome!!)
on: February 08, 2004 04:47
Welcome to the Brandywine Pub! I am your host Thalianost barkeep and man of many trades. All are welcome, any race, any age, whether form LotR or not. No need to pm or sign up, just walk right in and have an ale. Don't get too roudy though, or I'll have to throw you out on your ear. Anyhow, let's get things started.


Thalianost opened the doors to the Brandywine pub and breathed the fresh air. "Ahh, opening day, and a fine one it is at that!" He went back into the pub and began wiping down the bar while he waited for his first costumer
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Post RE: The Brandywine Pub (Come on in!! All are welcome!!)
on: February 08, 2004 05:45
OoC :: Hello! Phae's profile is in the database.

Ic :: A bed wasn't much use to Phae, seeing that Elves did little in the way of sleeping. However, a roof over her head and some basic comforts would be seen as a welcomed change from where she had spent the three previous nights. It appeared that she was the first visiter of the day, seeing most of the chairs were still overturned atop the tables.

"A good day to you then, Master Thalianost." Phae said with a cheerful smile as she approached the bar. "I suppose it is still early in the day for a drink, but still..." She was a fairly regular customer in the Brandywine, seeing it was right off her main trading route. She nodded a thankyou as he handed her a full mug. She took a sip and placed it back down. "How has business been since my last visit?"

Phae was occupying her usual space at the bar right near the bottom of the stairs, content to simply watch at the comings and goings of the people in the pub around her for the rest of the day. People held much fascination with her. She had been around a fair share of them in her travels, but there was always some aspect of human behavior that surprised her.
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Post RE: The Brandywine Pub (Come on in!! All are welcome!!)
on: February 08, 2004 06:04
Good Morning, my lady, enchanted to see you as always.
(handing Phae a mug of ale): Never too early for a drink. Especially for elves, such as yourself, who need not sleep off a long enjoyable night.
Business is business. When you oun a pub you always have plenty of customers.
How is your business by the way?
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Post RE: The Brandywine Pub (Come on in!! All are welcome!!)
on: February 08, 2004 07:09
*A tall slender elf walks into the pub dressed in the garb of Rivendell.* {OOC: You guessed it. The profile's in the characters list. }

Lorien: Good day, my Lord. This is indeed a quaint place you have here. Might I too inquire about a drink? *Her green eyes flash as she smiles at Thalianost.*

[Edited on 2/9/2004 by Lorien_Greenleaf]
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Post RE: The Brandywine Pub (Come on in!! All are welcome!!)
on: February 09, 2004 06:02
My dear lady, I am always pleased to serve the fairer folk. Please have a seat. I would be happy to bring you anything you wish. What could I bring such a fair maiden?
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Post RE: The Brandywine Pub (Come on in!! All are welcome!!)
on: February 09, 2004 06:35
Lorien: Anything I wish? *smiles coyly* Well, then might you bring me a red wine and the pleasure of your company, my Lord? Tell me of yourself and your travels whilst I rest from my own.
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Post RE: The Brandywine Pub (Come on in!! All are welcome!!)
on: February 09, 2004 06:45
(Handing Lorien a glass of wine): Well I don't have much time for travel. Running a pub is a full time job. The only news of the outside world I hear comes from travelers and traders such as Phae here. Besides I doubt a beuty like yourself would want to hear the troubles of a poor barkeep.
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Post RE: The Brandywine Pub (Come on in!! All are welcome!!)
on: February 09, 2004 06:56
(ooc: my character is in the database too)
Just then a tall, slender woman dressed in a long crimson red dress with raven black hair and wearing a smile walked in. She scanned the inn and saw two elves and the bartender. ' Hmm not many people yet. Well no matter.' She thought to herself as she walked up to the bar. Her emerald green eyes glittered as she spoke, "Any interesting news as of late?" She asked. She had never been in this particular inn before but enjoyed travelling to different inns to hear the news of that particular area.
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Post RE: The Brandywine Pub (Come on in!! All are welcome!!)
on: February 09, 2004 07:36
"Wonderful! Always nice to hear that business is treating you well." Phae took another sip. She couldn't explain why, but the ale at the Brandywine was the best she had ever had - outside the fine drinks of her people.

Phae nodded a cheerfull greeting to the two that had entered the pub after her, motioning for them to join her. She was always one for gossip, and more than happy to exchange hers for others. One can get a bit fuzzy on news when staying in the wild for weeks at a time.

"Well," she said to no one really in particular "I heard passing through the village of Deerbourne not two days ago that there's been quite the rash of robberies along the paths as of the last month or so. No one seems to be able to catch 'em."
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Post RE: The Brandywine Pub (Come on in!! All are welcome!!)
on: February 09, 2004 08:57
"Hmmm, that is interesting news indeed." Camellia said as she sat down. "Have you heard about any happenings near Rohan or Gondor as of late?" She asked thoughtfully. She leaned her long golden staff against the table.
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Post RE: The Brandywine Pub (Come on in!! All are welcome!!)
on: February 09, 2004 09:39
Lorien: Phae, it is good to meet a fellow kinswoman! That is horrible news indeed. Oh! Please forgive my rudeness, all of you, for my lack of introductions. I am Lorien of Rivendell. I have no news as interesting as your's, Phae, and I'm sorry I have none to offer on Gondor or Rohan either. However, the leaves of Lothlorien are beautiful this time of year, and the waters of Rivendell have been chattering endlessly about strange movements in the northern lands. *Lorien turns back to Thalianost.* Now, my Lord, do not pass yourself off so wrecklessly as a "poor barkeep." I am positive a handsome man such as yourself could peek my interest for quite a long time. *sips her wine*

[Edited on 2/9/2004 by Lorien_Greenleaf]
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Post RE: The Brandywine Pub (Come on in!! All are welcome!!)
on: February 09, 2004 02:20
(To Camellia): Greetings my lady. Please have a seat. Is there anything I can get you at all?

(To Phae): Robberies!?!? Good lord, you don't think the theives will be heading in this direction do you? I should probably lock up extra tight tonight.

(To Camellia): Would you like me to take your staff in the back for safe keeping miss? I have a safe room where I keep the expensive belongings of my guests.

(To Lorien): Thank you for your kind words miss but I daresay these two ladies could probably hold your attention far better than I ever could.
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Post RE: The Brandywine Pub (Come on in!! All are welcome!!)
on: February 10, 2004 06:25
"No." Camellia said quickly, grabbing her staff. Then she gained her composure and added, "I prefer to keep it safe myself. But thank you for asking."
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Post RE: The Brandywine Pub (Come on in!! All are welcome!!)
on: February 10, 2004 10:26
Phae smiled and patted Lorien on her shoulder. "Indeed, Lorien. It is always nice to be with those of the Eldar. I cannot even remember the last time I visited the beauty of Rivendell. I'm afraid my travels have kept me closer to the Mountains in the West." She played a bit with the handle of her mug as she spoke. "Master Thalianost and Lorien already know me, but I am Phae of Mirkwood." she said with a polite nod to Camellia.

"As for the thieves, Master Thalianost, I do not know where they will appear next. They have been quite random in their choices. If it eases you at all, I can stay around here while I'm in town for the next few days."
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Post RE: The Brandywine Pub (Come on in!! All are welcome!!)
on: February 10, 2004 11:34
(To Camellia): Very well, no harm intended. It just looked like something a common theif would readily take when one's eyes are turned.

(To Phae): Thank you for your generous offer, my dear but I would not want you to keep you from any business you may have elsewhere. I think I can manage to hold my own here.

(Ooc: If you wish you can learn more about my character in the database.)
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Post RE: The Brandywine Pub (Come on in!! All are welcome!!)
on: February 10, 2004 02:44
Lorien: *her green eyes sparkle at the mention of the mountains* Phae, if you please, would you tell me of those mountains? It has been many seasons since last my eyes beheld their beauty. *Smiles at Camellia.* You seem very attached to that staff. Is there a great history attached to it? My Lord Thalianost, as I have said before, do not pass judgement about your company so quickly. *She looks in wonder at his eyes.* You indeed have fair eyes, could you be of Numenorean decent?

[Edited on 2/11/2004 by Lorien_Greenleaf]
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Post RE: The Brandywine Pub (Come on in!! All are welcome!!)
on: February 10, 2004 03:17
It has indeed been suggested though I am not entirely certain of my lineage. I was adopted by a family in the far off land of Ironwood. My real parents are a mystery to me.

By the way Phae, didn't you have a dog when you last came here? I haven't seen him today. Is he outside?

[Edited on 11/2/2004 by Thalianost]

[Edited on 2/11/2004 by Tasar_Took_Nualda]
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Post RE: The Brandywine Pub (Come on in!! All are welcome!!)
on: February 11, 2004 09:44
Camellia looked at her staff, then at Lorien and said, "Well as a matter of fact, it does have very great importance to me, which I am sure you will find out soon enough." She smiled at Phae and said, "It is very nice to meet you Phae. I am sorry for my rudness, but i have not introduced my self, I am Camellia, daughter of Beorn." Camellia said lightly, green eyes flashing. Then turning to Thalianost she said, "I have actually been looking for some thieves, myself and if they come here you can bet that I will take care of them before they can take anything else of importance to anyone." She had a slight tone of annoyance at the thieve in her voice.
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Post RE: The Brandywine Pub (Come on in!! All are welcome!!)
on: February 11, 2004 01:41
Well I would imagine that a theif would be daft to show his face here with you ladies about. It seems you can care for yourselves. Perhaps I'll take the night off and let you three care for the pub. (haha)
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Post RE: The Brandywine Pub (Come on in!! All are welcome!!)
on: February 11, 2004 04:38
Lorien: Camellia, it is good to meet you! I would dearly love to hear your tale whenever you wish, and as for the thief you speak of...may death find him quickly rather than meet with the likes of you. Alright, if we are dearmouring, allow me to get more comfortable. *Removes the elven daggers attached to her right calf and thigh, the long sword at her left hip, and the full quiver and Lothlorien longbow from her back, placing them all on the table before her.* Ah. Much better. Oh wait! One more. *Pulls a delicate knife from her bustier.* Now, I may truly relax in the company of newfound friends. *Lorien sips her wine, sighing at the arsenal in front of her.*

[Edited on 2/12/2004 by Lorien_Greenleaf]
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Post RE: The Brandywine Pub (Come on in!! All are welcome!!)
on: February 11, 2004 05:22
"My, my that is quite an arsenal you have there, Lorien!" Camellia said, slightly suprised. "All I have is my simple staff and my magic to protect me." She said smiling. Then she turned to Thalianost and asked, smiling sweetly, "Would you mind getting me a cup of green tea, please?"
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Post RE: The Brandywine Pub (Come on in!! All are welcome!!)
on: February 11, 2004 07:46
(To Lorien): An arsenal indeed!! Eru help the man who crosses you!

(To Camellia): Not at all, anything for a lady. (goes in the back and returns with a hot cup of tea) Careful now, it's hotter than a balrog's wip. Not many people ask for tea around here. But I always keep a little around. Helps me sleep.


[Edited on 12/2/2004 by eldir]
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Post RE: The Brandywine Pub (Come on in!! All are welcome!!)
on: February 16, 2004 07:40
Lorien: *smiles sweetly* What? A girl's got to protect herself out in the wild....and against certain kinds of men. Camellia, your staff is beautiful, though, and quite lethal I'm sure in the hands of a skilled wielder such as yourself. Thalianost, how did you become such a good man and gentle host?
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Post RE: The Brandywine Pub (Come on in!! All are welcome!!)
on: February 16, 2004 01:32
Well, I've had my share of travels in my time. I have learned that if I am courtious to others it is likely that I will gain more friendships. It is well known that friends are a very important in all aspects of life. I try to be more of a friend than a host, it makes my job more injoyable and keeps people coming back.
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Post RE: The Brandywine Pub (Come on in!! All are welcome!!)
on: February 16, 2004 02:20
"Yes my staff can be lethal, but not alone. It only serves as a conductor for my powers." Camellia said, taking a sip of her tea, "This tea is very good, thank you." She added.


[Edited on 17/2/2004 by CarolP]
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Post RE: The Brandywine Pub (Come on in!! All are welcome!!)
on: February 17, 2004 07:40
Lorien: Well, Thalianost, you have indeed earned my friendship. *Smiles at Camellia.* Remind me not to irritate you in any way, my friend, for I would hate to be on the receiving end of those powers.


[Edited on 17/2/2004 by Gilraen]
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Post RE: The Brandywine Pub (Come on in!! All are welcome!!)
on: February 17, 2004 09:01
Camellia smiled and said, "I don't think you would have to worry about that, Lorien, I consider you a friend." She touched her staff slightly and then said, "Would you like to see my most famous power that not many get to see?" She felt that she could trust these people.
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Post RE: The Brandywine Pub (Come on in!! All are welcome!!)
on: February 17, 2004 11:18
I'm sure we would be delighted to see what you are capable of. But please try not to break anything.


[Edited on 18/2/2004 by eldir]
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Post RE: The Brandywine Pub (Come on in!! All are welcome!!)
on: February 18, 2004 09:44
"Don't you worry about me breaking anything." Camellia said with a smile. She took up her staff and went to the middle of the floor so nothing would obstruct her and lifted her staff high above her head. She whispered some words in a strange tongue, never heard outside of Beorn's forest. Her golden staff began to glow and the jewels in it turned a bright crimson red, matching her dress. Camellia's eyes began to glow a crimson red also and her long black hair stood up almost straight, like there was a strong wind blowing up on it. She let the staff fall and as it touched the ground, there was a bright flash and in the place of Camellia and her staff, was a small white kitten with red glowing eyes. The eyes turned to a soft pale green with in a few seconds and the cat hopped up on the counter.
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Post RE: The Brandywine Pub (Come on in!! All are welcome!!)
on: February 18, 2004 01:28
"Wonderful!" Thalianost said, very amused and impressed by Camellia's powers. "I assume you can transform into far more dangerous things too. Now that I think about it I am familiar with your father, Beorn was it? Yes, I have heard of him from the dwarves of the Lonely Mountain. But, as I recall he turned into a bear, not a cat."


[Edited on 18/2/2004 by CarolP]
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Post RE: The Brandywine Pub (Come on in!! All are welcome!!)
on: February 18, 2004 02:07
Camellia, still in cat form, laughed. Then transforming back into her true form she said, "Well yes he does transform into a bear, but he never gained full control over his powers. I studied under Radagast the Brown and was able to gain full control over my powers. I can transform into almost any animal." She smiled and sipped her tea again. She thought to herself as she watched the others, ' but they have not seen the full extent of my powers.'
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Post RE: The Brandywine Pub (Come on in!! All are welcome!!)
on: February 18, 2004 05:03
*Lorien's jaw hung open as she watched Camellia's display of power. Then, realizing how rude she must appear, she shut her mouth with her hand and sipped her wine once again.*

Lorien: I believe I am actually speechless, Camellia, which is a difficult thing to achieve indeed! Fantastic! I feel so ordinary now with only my weaponry and wit. Thalianost, come make me feel better, my handsome friend.


[Edited on 19/2/2004 by eldir]
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Post RE: The Brandywine Pub (Come on in!! All are welcome!!)
on: February 19, 2004 05:59
:blush: How may I be of service my dear lady? What could a humble barkeep such as myself possibly offer to a lady of such beuty and grace?
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Post RE: The Brandywine Pub (Come on in!! All are welcome!!)
on: February 19, 2004 07:28
Camellia smiled again and said, "I prefer to use the weapons that nature gave the animals, rather than man or dwarf or elvish made weapons. Just think of it like that and I won't seem so extraordinary, i hope."


[Edited on 20/2/2004 by Gilraen]
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Post RE: The Brandywine Pub (Come on in!! All are welcome!!)
on: February 19, 2004 06:04
Lorien: *smiles sweetly and kisses Thalianost on the cheek* You have more power than you know, my handsome friend, for your gentle words have raised my spirits once again. Ah but, Camellia, you still astound me by your sheer possession and incredible control of such powerful magic. Tell us more of Radagast and Beorn, if you may.
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