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Post RE: The Brandywine Pub (Come on in!! All are welcome!!)
on: February 19, 2004 06:16
"Well there isn't all that much to tell and it is all pretty boring too but if you insist i will tell you some." She said and took another sip of her tea. "My father Beorn, is just a simple man who lives a simple life off the land. we live in a small cabin right outside of Mirkwood along with my brother Grimbeorn. Radagast is a long time friend of my father's and offered to r=train me in shapeshifting, for I wanted to be able to transform into more than just one animal like my father. Radagast is a very nice old wizard and very wise. he communicates with animals and plant life alike and lives off the land too. i was very fortunate to train under him." She stopped speaking and took another sip of her tea and said, "but enough about me, I would like to hear about all of you."


[Edited on 20/2/2004 by eldir]
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Post RE: The Brandywine Pub (Come on in!! All are welcome!!)
on: February 20, 2004 05:39
:blush::blush: "I must say, I haven't had so much attention from a lady since my days at Minas Tirith. When I was a captain of the guard there I was fauned over by most of the queens servents."
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Post RE: The Brandywine Pub (Come on in!! All are welcome!!)
on: February 20, 2004 06:45
Lorien: That sounds like an excellent way to spend a childhood, Camellia, and not a boring tale in the least. There are few that have had the priviledge to make Radagast's aquaintance, not to mention become his student. You are very fortunate. *smiles at Thalianost, her eyes flashing with delight at his blushing* Well, my Lord, I am certainly no servant, and I always give attention where it is due, especially when such a handsome man as yourself has been so good to me. *Leans in closer to him.* Tell me more about Minas Tirith and being Captain of the Guard. If you do, I'll reward you with another kiss. That is if, my Lord, would like such a gift.
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Post RE: The Brandywine Pub (Come on in!! All are welcome!!)
on: February 20, 2004 07:16
Thalianost quickly began regailing his memories of the White City. "Well, I served King Ellesar and his Queen for many years and many the queens maidens in waiting had their eyes on me throughout my time of service. I remember one time I was asked to tell the ladies to prepare a room for a visitor. The ladiesacctually fought over who would prepare the room. 'I'll do it! No I'll do it!' I have never seen such work ethic. Hahaha Any time I was asked to pass on a request to the ladies there was always a fight. Unfortunately not all of my days were so enjoyable. I have fought in many battles and lost many friends."


[Edited on 20/2/2004 by CarolP]
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Post RE: The Brandywine Pub (Come on in!! All are welcome!!)
on: February 20, 2004 07:00
Lorien: *Smiles wickedly. Reaches over and kisses Thalianost on the cheek once again after his tale was finished, this time taking slightly longer with the kiss.* Thank you for sharing your history with me, my Lord. I am truly sorry for your losses. 'Tis always difficult to loose someone dear, whether that be in battle or natural causes take them. I too have felt the sting of death among many of my friends; though, their brave deeds far outlast their shortened life span.
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Post RE: The Brandywine Pub (Come on in!! All are welcome!!)
on: February 20, 2004 07:18
Camellia watched and listened to Thalianost and Lorien for a while and then said, "I too am sorry to hear about your loses. I also have felt the pain of losing someone dear. I have lost many friends in my jouneys, but have also gained many." She remembered the many battles she had been in and thought about the many friends she had lost. She set down her tean and got up and began to pace the floor, deep in thought.


[Edited on 21/2/2004 by eldir]
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Post RE: The Brandywine Pub (Come on in!! All are welcome!!)
on: February 22, 2004 08:16
"Well, in all lives some rain must fall. Would any of you like me to get you something too eat? I think I may have some food myself."
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Post RE: The Brandywine Pub (Come on in!! All are welcome!!)
on: February 22, 2004 03:59
Lorien: *watches Camellia pace for a while* Are you alright? Keep that up much longer, and you'll wear a perfect path in the floor boards. Thalianost, you are indeed a sweet man by my standards; though, I hope you do not view me as terribly forward for giving you two kisses already. *Lorien smiles to herself, blushing only slightly.* Food would be most welcome at this moment. What stores are available?

[Edited on 2/23/2004 by Lorien_Greenleaf]
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Post RE: The Brandywine Pub (Come on in!! All are welcome!!)
on: February 22, 2004 04:16
Forward? No, I consider you a lady in all respects. As for food, I have a stew simmering on the stove, mutton joints, bread, cheese, hens, beef steak, sausages, as well as a large assortment of vegetables.


[Edited on 23/2/2004 by CarolP]
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Post RE: The Brandywine Pub (Come on in!! All are welcome!!)
on: February 23, 2004 07:22
Lorien's voice startled Camellia out of the trace like state she had gone into, and she said,faking a smile, "I am fine, just thinking a little." She came back and sat down, but went back into thought once again, something in the back of her mind kept nagging at her and she couldn't remember what. She went so deep into a trance that her eyes began to glow purple and her spirit began to wander back to her home. She leaned on her staff, but her spirit then completely left her body. Her spirit journeyed back to her home, as if it had been called there. She looked upon her home, which was now burning and was unable to find her family anywhere.
back at the in, her body still sat on the chair, leaned against her staff, and eyes glowing a bright purple.
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Post RE: The Brandywine Pub (Come on in!! All are welcome!!)
on: February 23, 2004 07:23
Ah, my Lord, you are very good to me. Stew would be just fine, thank you. Though, may I be awarded your company for supper? I would be most honored to have a gentleman such as yourself at my table. *Lorien looks over in Camellia's direction and sees her body perched upon her staff, eyes aglow.* Camellia! Don't tell me you are alright for your eyes speak a very different story, and they are quite frightful indeed.

[Edited on 2/23/2004 by Lorien_Greenleaf]
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Post RE: The Brandywine Pub (Come on in!! All are welcome!!)
on: February 23, 2004 07:38
"You flatter me, dear lady. The honor would be to dine with such a beutiful lady. I'll be right back." Thalianost went into the kitchen and returned moments later with a tray with two bowls of soup a loaf of bread and a wedge of cheese as well as two table settings. He placed these on a table and prepared two places. "Your table awaits my lady. Would any one else care for some food?"
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Post RE: The Brandywine Pub (Come on in!! All are welcome!!)
on: February 23, 2004 10:31
Camellia's spirit floated through her woods, which was now also on fire, looking for her father. She couldn't findhim anywhere. Then suddenly, a voice shouted in her mind ' you will never seen them again!!! *evil laughter*'. Camellia was then sent crashing back into her body.
Back at the in Camellia suddenly let out a scream and fell of her chair. She lay on the floor, eyes now glowing like a black flame. Her eyes began to go back to normal and she lay on the floor of the in shivering uncontrollably.
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Post RE: The Brandywine Pub (Come on in!! All are welcome!!)
on: February 23, 2004 01:14
Thalianost had just finished setting the table when Camellia screamed. He spun around quickly and pulled a dagger out of seemingly nowhere simply out of reflex. When he saw her lying on the floor hi dropped the dagger and knelt down next to her. He saw a black fire fading from her eyes. "Are you alright, Camellia? What happened?"

(sorry about all the posts. I had a little trouble with my computer)

[Edited on 23/2/2004 by Thalianost]
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Post RE: The Brandywine Pub (Come on in!! All are welcome!!)
on: February 23, 2004 02:19
Lorien: *Smiles sweetly at Thalianost for setting the table, when Camellia screams and collapses. She too grabs one of her daggers from her arsenal.* What in all of Mordor was that?! *Quickly kneels before her and looks deeply into her eyes, whispering an elvish anecdote.* Camellia, im Lorien. Telin le thaed. Lasto beth nîn, tolo dan nan galad.


[Edited on 24/2/2004 by eldir]
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Post RE: The Brandywine Pub (Come on in!! All are welcome!!)
on: February 24, 2004 09:50
Camellia's eyes returned to normal, though she was still shivering. She looked up at Thalianost and Lorien and sat up slowly. She grabbed her staff to support her as she got up. She saw them looking at her with worry in their eyes and said, "I am okay now, but I must go as soon as possible, I fear something has happened to my family....." She trailed off as she sat down on a chair, tears streaming down her face.
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Post RE: The Brandywine Pub (Come on in!! All are welcome!!)
on: February 24, 2004 04:27
Lorien: *still kneeling before her* Camellia, please don't cry. What was it you saw? Must you leave so soon? *tears of her own welling up at the corners of her eyes*


[Edited on 25/2/2004 by eldir]
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Post RE: The Brandywine Pub (Come on in!! All are welcome!!)
on: February 25, 2004 10:55
Wiping tears from her eyes, she said, "You saw my eyes glowing purple earlier right? Well I had a vision where my spirit actually separtaed from my body and took me back to my home........ which was burning...... I couldn't find my family......" She trailed off and shivered, then continue, "I looked everywhere, until a voice boomed in my head you will never seen them again!!! That voice sent me back into my body." Her voice cracked and tears began to well up in her eyes again, "I have to leave tomorrow morning, I don't know if this has already happened or if it is in the future, but i have to do something."
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Post RE: The Brandywine Pub (Come on in!! All are welcome!!)
on: February 25, 2004 04:22
*Hope you don't mind if I join.*

A hooded figure could be seen not far off from the pub. The stranger was fast when it came to walking that there was no doubt that they could run like the wind. They soon came to the door and entered... their tall outline entered the doorway. The cape appeared to have seen many a hot and dirty trip due to its appearance. The boots proved to have journeyed many a wet day and night. It could be seen quite easily that the stranger did not traveled unarmed: a sword's hilt could be seen at the stranger's left side. But it wasn't really any of that or the strange shape lump on the stranger's back... it was their eyes. The darkest of green you would have thought them to have been carved out of emerald itself. The stranger soon found a seat close to the corner in the back and waited for service...

[Edited on 26/2/2004 by Frodoslover]
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Post RE: The Brandywine Pub (Come on in!! All are welcome!!)
on: February 25, 2004 05:12
"Excuse me ladies, duty calls." Thalianost walked over to the stranger. "Good day sir. I am Thalianost, at your service. Could I get you something to drink or perhaps a hot meal?"
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Post RE: The Brandywine Pub (Come on in!! All are welcome!!)
on: February 25, 2004 05:39
Lorien: *sits beside Camellia rubbing her back gently and trying to console her* Such a vision will surely play on your mind until the truth be known to you. I am truly sorry, my friend. Should you need anything, just tell me. I will do anything within my power to help you. *Hands Camellia a handkerchief and notices the newcomer.* Welcome, newcomer! I am Lorien. *replaces her dagger back in sheath at her thigh* Thalianost, my Lord, I'm afraid I neglected our meal together for Camellia's sake and the food has grown cold. Can you forgive me?
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Post RE: The Brandywine Pub (Come on in!! All are welcome!!)
on: February 26, 2004 03:56
The stranger smiled and nodded at Lorien acknowledging her welcome. They then turned back to Thalianost and spoke, "A hot drink and food will do me good for now." Thalianost seemed a tad taken aback by the stranger's voice... it sounded somewhat feminine...
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Post RE: The Brandywine Pub (Come on in!! All are welcome!!)
on: February 26, 2004 06:44
"Thank you Lorien, you are a good friend, though i have only just met you.' Camellia smiled wiping a tear from her eyes, and noticing the newcomer, she nodded, acknowledging the presense, for she was afraid that if she spoke, she would begin to cry again. After a few minutes of deep thought, she turned to Lorien and said, "I very much want to leave and go find my family, but that voice has been bothering me and I don't kow if i dare travel alone......" She trailed off, remembering that voice again, she shuddered.
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Post RE: The Brandywine Pub (Come on in!! All are welcome!!)
on: February 26, 2004 07:28
Thalianost was somewhat surprised by the strangers feminine voice and felt a little rediculus about calling her sir. "Forgive me madame, I was deceived by the nature of your clothing. I'll get your food right away."

"Think nothing of it Lorien I'm sure we'll have another oppretunity to dine in the future."

Thalianost went into the kitchen and returned with a bowl of soup and some tea. "Here you are miss."
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Post RE: The Brandywine Pub (Come on in!! All are welcome!!)
on: February 26, 2004 08:13
Thalianost placed the food in front of the stranger. As Thalianost rose he came face to face with stranger... her hair was that of blood, her slightly fair complection showed that she walked many a sunny day with a small rounded nose and a petite yet beautiful smile. Her eyes once again shined as if two emerald jewels laid before him as she smiled and spoke, "Thank you. Your name is... Thalianost, right?"
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Post RE: The Brandywine Pub (Come on in!! All are welcome!!)
on: February 26, 2004 08:16
Lorien: *smiles at Thalianost and kisses his cheek when he returned* You are indeed good to me, my Lord. I promise that we will dine together soon. Camellia, what is it then, you wish of me?

[Edited on 2/26/2004 by Lorien_Greenleaf]
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Post RE: The Brandywine Pub (Come on in!! All are welcome!!)
on: February 26, 2004 11:12
Thalianost smiled when Lorien kissed him on the cheek.:blush: Then placed the food in front of the stranger. "Yes, my lady that is my name. Is there anything else I can do for you?"
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Post RE: The Brandywine Pub (Come on in!! All are welcome!!)
on: February 26, 2004 01:43
"Well I--- I was hoping that someone might travel with me....." She said looking down at the table. She didn't feel right asking this and felt a little embaressed


[Edited on 27/2/2004 by Gilraen]
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Post RE: The Brandywine Pub (Come on in!! All are welcome!!)
on: February 27, 2004 03:14
Lorien: *smiles coyly at Thalianost* My Lord, you are indeed cute when you blush. Camellia, if it is a companion you wish for on your journey, than you shall have no better friend than I. *Replaces the elven daggers in their sheaths attached to her right calf and thigh, the long sword at her left hip, and the full quiver and Lothlorien longbow onto her back.* Whenever you are ready to depart, my friend, I shall accompany you. *smiles wickedly and whispers into Thalianost's ear* Upon my return, my Lord, may we finally share that meal together? And if you're an extra good boy, I'll even let you de-armour me. *Places the last delicate knife into the sheath inside her bustier.*


[Edited on 27/2/2004 by eldir]
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Post RE: The Brandywine Pub (Come on in!! All are welcome!!)
on: February 27, 2004 05:21
Camellia looked up at Lorien and said, "Thank you so much, Lorien. Do you mind if we leave in about an hour?"
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Post RE: The Brandywine Pub (Come on in!! All are welcome!!)
on: February 27, 2004 05:54
:blush::blush::blush: "I would enjoynothing more than to spend time with you my lady, but I actually intend to go with the two of you. Camellia considered us good enough friends to show us her powers, I think that means I'm a good enough friend to help her when her family is in danger. Besides I haven't gone on an adventure in a long time and I think it's time I brought out my sword again."

Thalianost goes in the back and opens up a chest and pulls out his sword and his travel pack. He then went to a cage full of pigeons, tied a note to one of them and let it fly out the window. He then grabed his things and some food and went back into the bar area. "I sent a message to a friend of mine who will come and look after the pub while I'm gone. Is there anything else you think we need?"
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Post RE: The Brandywine Pub (Come on in!! All are welcome!!)
on: February 27, 2004 08:57
The stranger continued to sip her soup as she listened to the conversation. 'So... an adventure is it? Sounds intriguing...', she thought to herself. She finished her soup and was now sipping her drink...
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Post RE: The Brandywine Pub (Come on in!! All are welcome!!)
on: February 27, 2004 09:17
Lorien: *smiling broadly, a twinkle in her eye about the new adventure* Whenever you would like, Camellia, is fine with me. I'm ready, willing, and able. My Lord Thalianost, I wouldn't have it any other way than for you to join us. Stranger, I understand you just arrived and are likely weary from your travels, but should your heart ache for adventure, I'm sure Camellia wouldn't mind you coming along as well.
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Post RE: The Brandywine Pub (Come on in!! All are welcome!!)
on: February 27, 2004 12:01
"Of course I would not mind her coming along, Lorien. Thalianost, thank you for coming along too." She leaned over an kissed his cheek as a thank you. Then she stood up and grabbed her staff, "Do you all have horses or should i round some up?" She asked as she headed for the door.
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Post RE: The Brandywine Pub (Come on in!! All are welcome!!)
on: February 27, 2004 12:05
:blush:"I don't have a horse. If you could find one I would be most greatful."Image

[Edited on 27/2/2004 by PotbellyHairyfoot]
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