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Post RE: KEEP: Time Warp in Wales
on: March 07, 2006 10:21
Erkenwine had been travelling alongside Freond. The snowing had increased and he had drawn his cape firmly over his shoulders and chest. It was warm and water resistant, made by the Imladris elves who had given it to him as a gift many years ago. Their journey was getting more difficult as the snow grew higher on their path. Not long now before they would reach the tunnel. Erkenwine had looked around the landscape to orientate himself on rock formation or groups of trees and any other sign that told him exactly how far or close the goal lay, that they tried to reach. Ciryácano rode up towards them to ask for the distance they had still too cover. "not long now, Ciryácano. We will make it before darkness falls." He together with Freond tried to speed up their horses to make the group move faster to the safety of the tunnel.

It was a difficult ride in the high snow but they reached the tunnel through the mountain peak in time. It was all good. They had still time to inspect the tunnel before the light of the sun dissappeared on the horizon. The tunnel was small, but dry. As Erkenwine marched further into the tunnel with a simple torch he had made of a burning branch he could see no light at the end of the tunnel. He had not expected to see it anyway. The march was long. But half the way in there should be a large cave, which would make it easier for them to breath and feel less inhibited. There was a well trickling down from the wall, around which someone had carved a small basin into the rock that collected the water before it ran to the ground. They could possibly have a stop there again. There was a thin air-shaft as well for fresh air. It narrowed towards the top but oxygene filled the cave at that point. Standing next to Freond and nodding to her he glanced at Cir. "It is as Freond said. It will be narrow path to follow and very dark. We need torched that last. But in the middle of the tunnel we should reach a large spacious cave with a very high ceiling, fresh water and fresh air. It would be perfect should we need to camp one last time and prepare for the exit. The snow-plains can be very tricky and...dangerous."

When the snowing increased Curulindel put his hood up which hung into his face and covered have his eyes. It was not that he did not know snow. He had been caught often enough in it when travelling to Mirkwood or crossing the mountains to Lothlorien. But he was not too keen of it's coldness and would much rather prefer to stay out of it. He heard Ciryácano's horse come up closer to him. He could tell the footsteps of his horse, his elven ears sensitive to every detail. Then he spoke to him about Naruiel, the elven maiden from Edhelond. The south saw little snow, if any at all. There were little unpleasantries to be expected when travelling in the snow, but as long as one travelled in a group, it should not become dangerous. Cir asked him to keep an eye on Naruiel and Curulindel simply nodded. He was not an elf of many words.

A moment later though, the elven maiden appeared right next to him, riding close in his company. He looked over at her pulling up his hood far enough to expose his eyes, when she adressed him. He nodded. "I have been on this path before, in a weather like this. But truthfully speaking, I prefer to travel in the warmer seasons." He would have told more, but when he looked ahead of him, he noticed that they had arrived. Freond and Erkenwine were dissappearing in the tunnel to inspect it. Curulindel slid off his horse after Naruiel had already done so. The snowing was getting worse. Thick sheets of fluffy looking flakes obstructed their sights even to each other. He found himself standing next to the Edhelond elf who wondered, similary to what he had done himself about wood for fire. They would need a fire to warm their frozen limbs. "I can see trees and branches which are wet. But if we use the thicker branches we can cut of the wet bark and burn the dry wood inside." Erkenwine was nodding in agreement. He also used this method when there was nothing else to use for fire. "do you have your special flints with you Curulindel, mellon nîn?" Curulindel smiled and nodded pointing to his leather satchel. "I do." then he glanced returned to the elven maiden Naruiel. "you should enter the tunnel....it's dry there, Hiril nîn."

[Edited on 8/3/2006 by Elebridith]
RPG Moderator & Mistress of the Sea
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Post RE: KEEP: Time Warp in Wales
on: March 13, 2006 11:40
Ciryacáno, Falmiel and Thad had by this time ridden up behind the other four in time to hear the discussion about a fire. Dismounting, he uncovered a small faggot, which he quickly carried inside the tunnel entrance. Brushing snow from his face, he handed the faggot to Freond.

"Here, fortunately I had the foresight to pack this before we left the boughs of the great trees. It should be sufficient to start a good dry fire, upon which we can lay the trimmed branches. But first we find some branches to trim." He gazed out from the opening of the tunnel at the near blizzard conditions, wondering if they would even be able to find wet, or for that matter..any.. branches to trim. Pulling his hood back over his head, he quickly strode back to his horse, where he lifted a nearly frozen Thad from behind his saddle, carrying him into the tunnel. Then just as quickly, wasting no time, he hurried back to Falmiel's side. Reaching up, he grasped her waist and pulled her into his arms, carrying her as well into the cover of the tunnel where he stood her on her feet. He could feel her shivering as he carried her and held her for a moment until her legs were firmly under her weight. Bending down, he kissed her cold cheek under the edge of her hood, saying, "We will soon be warm, love, or as warm as a fire and shelter can make us."

Hurrying back into the snow, he grasped the reins of their two horses and Jordy the pony, and led them into the mouth of the tunnel, where they would be no warmer but much less covered with snow. Erkenwine had lit a small torch and had disappeared deeper into the tunnel, returning in a while to tell them to follow him, that there was a cave further along where they would be out of the wind, where water was available and fresh air as well. The group followed him, each leading their horses behind them until the confining tunnel opened into a large cave with a ceiling so high it was out of sight of their small torch. But Cir could hear the trickle of water and smell the fresh air, though it was very cold.

He shivered as he watched Freond and Erkenwine utilizing his small faggot to begin an equally small fire, well into the darkness of the tunnel and far from the now howling winds and blowing snow. What had he gotten himself and his friends into, he thought? He should have come alone, he thought miserably, should never have brought them. The quest was his. It was in his mind and his heart that he had been driven to find the two Istari. It had never been the worry of these good people. Sighing, he quickly unsaddled the two horses and the pony, removing their packs and laying them near the fire. Pulling a brush from his, he turned to the job of brushing the snow off the horses and currying them as best he could.

Before he had brushed the snow off even the pony, Thad was at his side. "S.s.s.ir C.c.cir, that b.b.b.be my job. I'll t.t.t.take care of all th.th.the horses," he said, his teeth chattering between his words.

"No, Thad, I want you to go get warmed up first. Help Falmiel find a pot and some water, and get it heated for tea for all of us. Go now, I will take care of the horses," Cir gave him a small push. "B.b.but S.s.s.ir....," Thad tried again. "No, Thad, you promised to always do what I told you to do, remember. Those were the terms allowing you to come. Now, go help Falmiel." Cir gave him a harder shove in the direction of Falmiel, watching the lad as he stumbled back into the darkness of the cave to Falmiel's side. Then Cir turned once again to caring for the animals.

While he cared for the horses, he watched Erkenwine and Freond trimming the branches to add them to the growing fire. Curulindel and Naruiel were behind the fire in the darkness at this point and he could only catch fleeting glimpses of their movements but assumed they would be helping Falmiel and Thad to prepare food and drink. When he had all the horses unsaddled and brushed down, he was exhausted and cold. For a passing moment, he longed for his home by the sea. Then Thad appeared at his side, holding a mug of steaming liquid up to him with shaking hands. Cir smiled, thanking the child and ruffling his hair. "I am grateful for this, Thad, were it to be nothing but hot water. But I can smell it's fragrance and know that it is tea. Thank you. Now hurry back to the fire."

Following in Thad's footsteps, Cir made his way back to the fire, sitting down on the cold ground next to Falmiel. Her hood was pushed back now, and her hair glowed bright red in the light of the flames. Putting his arm around her shoulders, he pulled her closer to his side, wrapping the loose end of his own cloak around her. "Ah, love, this is not the way I would have liked to spend our hours together, but I am glad you are here." His free hand found her chin, lifting her face. Gazing into her eyes, he marvelled at her grey green eyes sparkling up at him, even under these circumstances. Gently, he lowered his head until his lips found hers, sharing a deep kiss with her that warmed his heart as nothing else could. "Yes, I am so glad you are here," he repeated, kissing her again.

There they sat, sharing the warmth of the fire and each other until Cir almost drifted into a meditative state, when suddenly a bump next to his other side brought him back to the present. Thad had curled up next to him, still shivering slightly. Cir grinned at Falmiel, and lifted his other arm to wrap around Thad's shoulders as well. The child snuggled closer to the tall elf's side and was asleep almost immediately.

The night was a long one, but the wood that had been gathered seemed to be enough to hold them throughout the dark hours. It was near to the dawning of the day, only noted by the barely discernible lighter darkness at the cave entrance to the tunnel through which they had entered. Cir wondered if it would be snowing when they exited on the other side of the mountain. Cir had taken the last watch of the night and as he was thinking that perhaps it was time to wake the others, he heard an unexpected noise. Standing, he reached for his sword, loosening it from its sheathed bindings. A rough curse, a thumping of a feet, came from the entrance on the other side of the cave, the very part of the tunnel from which they were soon planning to exit. Quietly, he tapped Curulindel's and Erkenwine's shoulders, nodding as they opened their eyes towards the increasingly nearer sounds.

(OOC: I am anticipating another player to join us at this point but as I am not certain, this could just as well be a few stray orcs. Let me get back to you before any of you jump up and slay our newest guest. *grins*)
Life is good! Live it to the fullest. Love well those near and dear. "You cannot step into the same river twice, for the waters are ever flowing on ....." Heraclitus I Aear cân ven na mar
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Post RE: KEEP: Time Warp in Wales
on: March 13, 2006 05:56
He looked over at her pulling up his hood far enough to expose his eyes, when she adressed him. He nodded. "I have been on this path before, in a weather like this. But truthfully speaking, I prefer to travel in the warmer seasons." He would have told more, but when he looked ahead of him, he noticed that they had arrived.

Wearily Naru nodded, and slid off her mare. Dully, she glanced after the two rangers, preferring to stay huddled by Maidhiel's side for whatever shelter her horse could give her.

The snowing was getting worse. Thick sheets of fluffy looking flakes obstructed their sights even to each other. He found himself standing next to the Edhelond elf who wondered, similary to what he had done himself about wood for fire. They would need a fire to warm their frozen limbs. "I can see trees and branches which are wet. But if we use the thicker branches we can cut of the wet bark and burn the dry wood inside." Erkenwine was nodding in agreement. then he glanced returned to the elven maiden Naruiel. "you should enter the tunnel....it's dry there, Hiril nîn."

Murmuring a "Thank you, hîr Curulindel," Naruiel obediently headed inside. It was dark, and still cold, but at least (she thought) they were out of the wind and snow.

Naru helped with getting some food ready, heating water for hot drinks for all of them, mostly, while others took care of the food. She didn't talk much... forming any thought at all seemed an effort... and bundling in her cloak after forcing herself to eat a few bites, sank back against the cave wall and was swiftly asleep.

The night was a long one, but the wood that had been gathered seemed to be enough to hold them throughout the dark hours. It was near to the dawning of the day, only noted by the barely discernible lighter darkness at the cave entrance to the tunnel through which they had entered.

And, so deeply was Naruiel lost in slumber that she never heard Ciryacáno quietly shaking anyone else awake...
"Tolo si, a tiro i cherth Eru" "Come now, and see the works of God"
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Post RE: KEEP: Time Warp in Wales
on: March 13, 2006 11:02
[OOC: Intro for Alatar, I hope it is any good]

Things were going bad in the East... Pallandor, one of the Istari, had betrayed his heritage by joining the Dark Lord Sauron. It wasn't really visible at first and Alatar didn't notice the change until it was too late... From a helpful wizard, who first tried to enlighten the people from Rhun and motivate them to resist against Sauron instead of joining him, he became the High-Priest of their Morgoth-cult, and therefor Sauron-cult, too, and acted as a channel for them with The Dark Lord himself. As their High-Priest, he was one of the most influential people in Rhun. The people from Rhun felt already some allegiance for Sauron, for he was the enemy of Gondor, for which Rhun felt a great wrath and envy. They wanted Gondor's fertile lands and rich iron mines and if t meant fighting for Sauron, why not. With Sauron's aid they could get what they wanted and Sauron even rewarded them with gold and gifts of black magic. Pallandor, as mentioned before, was their link with Sauron and acted as the ruler of Rhun. He started mustering their already well-organised and strong army and sent the first legions to Mordor...

Alatar couldn't stop Pallandor at first, because, while Pallandor always stayed in the Capital of Rhun, Alatar always wandered around, helping and trying to influence the people to resist the Darkness. When he finally found out about Pallandor's betrayal, it was too late an he was taken captive by soldiers. When brought before Pallandor, much was revealed. Pallandor had obtained one of the Palantir, pillaged from the West by Wainriders, more than a thousand years ago. He told Alatar Sauron had a Palantir, too. This was most disturbing news, because in the hands of someone as strong as Sauron or any of the Istari, it could be a great weapon, for it showed the futue and many distant places. Pallandor ensured him Sauron was going to win this time. His armies were larger and much better organised and equipped than at the time of the Last Alliance. Next to that, the Free People of Middle-Earth were divided ad no longer capable of bringing together such a great army as then. Arnor was defeated, the Elves were leaving, Gondor was vulnerable and on the edge of breaking,... They couldn't resist the combined forces of Mordor, Harad, Umbar and Rhun. All Sauron needed for his victory to be complete was the One Ring. Unfortunately, it was found and according to Pallandor, the Nine were already on their way to collect it...

After these revelations. Pallandor tried to persuade Alatar into joining him. "There is no escape, Alatar", he said, "You join us, or die. Against the forces of Darkness, there can no longer be victory. The Valar sent us on a desperate mission. They should have known Middle-earth lacked the strength to resist Sauron once more, after Isildur failed to do the necessary. Soon Sauron will be ruler of Middle-Earth and reward those who aided him. Off course, the ones who resisted him will wish they were never born after he is ready with them. What do you choose my friend? Glory or Death?"
Alatar's response was short: "You are insane..." Much later, Alatar waked up in a dungeon, guarded by Orcs. all he could think of was that he needed to escape and inform the White Council...

Days went by ... days became weeks ... weeks became months ... Then he finally managed to get out and flee to the west. In Erebor and Dale he heard messengers already went to Rivendell with news about Sauron's interference in Mirkwood and the strange demands his messengers made, something abot a Baggings and a lesser Ring. It was obvious to Alatar this must be the One Ring which urged him to hurry even more...

Weeks later, he reached the Misty Mountains. It was already dark and Alatar became tired and hungry. Being Istari didn't mean he was lifted from needs of normal people. He spotted a cave. He thought: well why not make it comfortable for once... then he saw the shining of a fire and a moving of shadows. Hopefully for them, they are weary travellers like me, he thought... He lighted his staff, which would certainly scare them if they were Goblins or Orcs and he pulled out his sword, which didn't glow up (ah a good sign). In case they were Dwarves, Men or Elves, they could probably see from his gray ragged clothes, his hood, his lighting staff and his age that he was a wizard... He entered and noticed three Elves standing ready with swords in their hands. Alatar started to laugh...

[Edited on 14/3/2006 by CoNFuSeD_Elessar]

[Edited on 14/3/2006 by CoNFuSeD_Elessar]
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Post RE: KEEP: Time Warp in Wales
on: March 16, 2006 09:59
As Freond had worked to build a fire, thankful for the open space they’d found (since she’d been fearing having to sleep in more cramped places) but feeling the cold deeply, she couldn’t help shivering. She said little as she worked with Erkenwine to get the fire blazing. It took too long, to her thinking, and she wondered what they’d do for warmth if they ran out of wood. She could see that Naru and Thad were freezing- and they weren’t the only ones. Everyone was cold…. Even her, who was used to traveling in bad conditions, and was wearing several layers of clothing.

After taking of a small meal Freond sat close to the fire, which also put her close to Erkenwine. She was bundled under her own cloak, watching the others in their discomfort and hoping that the sun would be shining when they left the tunnel. As everyone else settled down to sleep she did so as well, feeling herself growing weary. With a near-whispered goodnight to Erkenwine she rested on the cave floor, letting the warmth of their fire lull her to sleep against the cold air still creeping around behind them all.

When she woke it was to the movement of her ranger-friend, who had been very close to her. Sitting up, she immediately heard the approaching footsteps, and noticed that the cold of the air was still deep. She blinked away her weariness quickly and got to her feet, slowly drawing her sword. Enemies? She wondered… it was a possibility. She truly hoped it wasn’t so…
A light suddenly began burning, preceding whoever-it-was as it moved closer. When the figure came close enough for her to see, Freond noted his appearance- aged, obviously, dressed in ragged clothes, and carrying a staff… the signs of a wizard. As he began to laugh she didn’t let her guard down, remembering the reason for their journey and not knowing if this wizard was a friend or foe. She didn’t speak however, choosing to let the leader of their company do so first, if he chose to.

(its not much… I’m writing at school. Hope its suitable!)
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Post RE: KEEP: Time Warp in Wales
on: March 19, 2006 01:14
As Cir kept his eye on the tunnel, he noticed a bluish light approaching, and his eyes narrowed. Orcs would be carrying torches, which would shine yellow so who...or more importantly...what could be causing this light. He and his companions did not have to wait long, however, as a raggedly robed man finally reached the opening from the tunnel, his hood thrown back from his gray haired head, his staff, with the bluish light, preceding him. He noticed the elves and rangers standing in front of him, their swords unsheathed, their eyes staring at him in surprise.

He laughed.

Cir glanced at his companions, questioning them with his eyes, and receiving no more understanding in theirs, he turned to the old man. "Who are you? And where have you come from?"

As he waited for an answer, he heard the rest of his party awakening to the noise of the voices and laughter. A small tug on his cloak took his eyes off the stranger for a moment as he looked down to find Thad at his side. "Who is he, Sir Cir?" fear in the young lad's eyes. Cir smiled as he noted that Thad had his newly made sword at the ready in his small hand.

"I don't know yet, Thad. I've only just asked him myself but as yet he has not answered. So we shall just have to wait and see what his answer is, won't we?" Turning toward the stranger, he asked again. "You heard my young companion, sir? He would like to know who you are...as would we all. So once again, who are you?" Thankfully, he noticed the light dim in the staff, which hopefully meant the man was no longer threatening, though Cir knew little to nothing about wizards, which is what what he had determined this person to be. He waited for the answer to his questions.
Life is good! Live it to the fullest. Love well those near and dear. "You cannot step into the same river twice, for the waters are ever flowing on ....." Heraclitus I Aear cân ven na mar
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Post RE: KEEP: Time Warp in Wales
on: March 20, 2006 03:50
Cir glanced at his companions, questioning them with his eyes, and receiving no more understanding in theirs, he turned to the old man. "Who are you? And where have you come from?"

As he waited for an answer, he heard the rest of his party awakening to the noise of the voices and laughter. A small tug on his cloak took his eyes off the stranger for a moment as he looked down to find Thad at his side. "Who is he, Sir Cir?" fear in the young lad's eyes. Cir smiled as he noted that Thad had his newly made sword at the ready in his small hand.

"I don't know yet, Thad. I've only just asked him myself but as yet he has not answered. So we shall just have to wait and see what his answer is, won't we?" Turning toward the stranger, he asked again. "You heard my young companion, sir? He would like to know who you are...as would we all. So once again, who are you?" Thankfully, he noticed the light dim in the staff, which hopefully meant the man was no longer threatening, though Cir knew little to nothing about wizards, which is what what he had determined this person to be. He waited for the answer to his questions.

Alatar was glad it weren't Orcs or any other unwanted creatures. He tried to judge them by their looks, which was quite hard actually. He decided he could do best by answering them truthfully, without too many details. Alatar dimmed the light of his staff a bit, but kept his sword at hand. He straightened himself a bit and said: "greetings, wary travellers, I am Alatar, a traveller like yourself."
He paused for a moment and then continued:" I am on my way to Rivendell. I have to bring word to Lord Elrond. The news I must deliver is about the situation in Rhun."
While they were thinking on what he said, Alatar thought he could best warn them of the growing risks of travelling in Mirkwood.
He coughed and said:" I must warn you, if you are travelling east, there are many dangers on the way... bands of Orcs and Wargs are roaming freely through the woods and even the Wilds from here to the edge of the forest are unsafe by night, however well the Beornings protect them. Next to that, you will have a tough job getting access to the realms of the Wood-Elves, Men and dwarves on your way, they are in upper state of alert, seeing that war is approaching..."

Waiting for a reaction, Alatar noticed he had forgotten to ask about a meal and permission to sleep here. They were here first off course, so they "owned" the cave at the moment.
He asked: "May I enjoy your companion for the night and maybe some food? My supplies are running short and I still have several days to travel. Furthermore a nice fire is always comfortable to warm the bones of an old man."

[OOC: Sorry it is so short, but this is going the conversational way. next post will be much longer when I can tell you all about the news out of the East.]

[Edited on 20/3/2006 by CoNFuSeD_Elessar]
RPG Moderator & Mistress of the Sea
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Post RE: KEEP: Time Warp in Wales
on: March 24, 2006 08:23
Ciryacáno stared at the old man, garbed in ragged robes that still showed some of its earlier tints of blue. Alatar? One of the Blue Wizards? Could it be? Could they be so fortunate? Or were they blessed? How did he know that this Alatar was not in truth a peril to them. He wanted to ask the wizard where Pallando was but held his tongue, letting Alatar speak freely.

" I am on my way to Rivendell. I have to bring word to Lord Elrond. The news I must deliver is about the situation in Rhun."

While they were thinking on what he said, Alatar thought he could best warn them of the growing risks of travelling in Mirkwood.

He coughed and said:" I must warn you, if you are travelling east, there are many dangers on the way... bands of Orcs and Wargs are roaming freely through the woods and even the Wilds from here to the edge of the forest are unsafe by night, however well the Beornings protect them. Next to that, you will have a tough job getting access to the realms of the Wood-Elves, Men and dwarves on your way, they are in upper state of alert, seeing that war is approaching..."

Cir had so many questions racing through his mind, he was trying to think of the one to ask first. Before the first one settled in his mind, Alatar spoke again.

He asked: "May I enjoy your companion for the night and maybe some food? My supplies are running short and I still have several days to travel. Furthermore a nice fire is always comfortable to warm the bones of an old man."

"We will not be staying another night," Cir blurted out, before it occurred to him, they may also not be continuing their journey at all. The answer to their quest might be standing here before their fire. "But please, do sit and enjoy breakfast with us, such as it is. We have very little firewood left so it will have to be rather quicker than any of us would like." He pulled his own blanket to the side of the campfire and laid it on the ground, gesturing for Alatar to sit upon it. When the wizard had made himself comfortable, Thad brought him some tea and a small plate with some bacon and bread.

Ciryacáno glanced at his companions, his hand waving them to sit as well. He personally drew Falmiel next to him and then sat on the blanket next to Alatar. He had decided to tell the old man where they were traveling and why.

"Alatar, it is a strange thing that you find us here for we were on our way to find you....and Pallando. Where is your fellow wizard? Why is he not with you? We are aware that darkness grows in the east. Another Fellowship has only shortly past left Imladris heading south to....." Here he hesitated. Best not to share their reasons for traveling as he had yet to determine whose side Alatar was on. He continued, "We are a fellowship on a quest to search for the two of you and to see what is now happening in the East. So tell us, how come you to this cave alone...and without your fellow wizard?"

As he waited for Alatar's response, he grabbed at Thad's arm, whispering to him to search the perimeters of the cave for any more firewood that may have been stored in the past or simply left behind by others. He had a feeling they might be here for longer than he had anticipated.
Life is good! Live it to the fullest. Love well those near and dear. "You cannot step into the same river twice, for the waters are ever flowing on ....." Heraclitus I Aear cân ven na mar
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Post RE: KEEP: Time Warp in Wales
on: March 29, 2006 03:32
Cir glanced at his companions, questioning them with his eyes, and receiving no more understanding in theirs, he turned to the old man. "Who are you? And where have you come from?"

Who is he, Sir Cir?"

Alatar dimmed the light of his staff a bit, but kept his sword at hand. He straightened himself a bit and said: "greetings, wary travellers, I am Alatar, a traveller like yourself."
He paused for a moment and then continued:" I am on my way to Rivendell. I have to bring word to Lord Elrond. The news I must deliver is about the situation in Rhun."
While they were thinking on what he said, Alatar thought he could best warn them of the growing risks of travelling in Mirkwood.
He coughed and said:" I must warn you, if you are travelling east, there are many dangers on the way... bands of Orcs and Wargs are roaming freely through the woods and even the Wilds from here to the edge of the forest are unsafe by night, however well the Beornings protect them. Next to that, you will have a tough job getting access to the realms of the Wood-Elves, Men and dwarves on your way, they are in upper state of alert, seeing that war is approaching..."

Waiting for a reaction, Alatar noticed he had forgotten to ask about a meal and permission to sleep here. They were here first off course, so they "owned" the cave at the moment.
He asked: "May I enjoy your companion for the night and maybe some food? My supplies are running short and I still have several days to travel. Furthermore a nice fire is always comfortable to warm the bones of an old man."

“We will not be staying another night," Cir blurted out, before it occurred to him, they may also not be continuing their journey at all. The answer to their quest might be standing here before their fire. "But please, do sit and enjoy breakfast with us, such as it is. We have very little firewood left so it will have to be rather quicker than any of us would like." He pulled his own blanket to the side of the campfire and laid it on the ground, gesturing for Alatar to sit upon it. When the wizard had made himself comfortable, Thad brought him some tea and a small plate with some bacon and bread.

Ciryacáno glanced at his companions, his hand waving them to sit as well. He personally drew Falmiel next to him and then sat on the blanket next to Alatar. He had decided to tell the old man where they were traveling and why.

"Alatar, it is a strange thing that you find us here for we were on our way to find you....and Pallando. Where is your fellow wizard? Why is he not with you? We are aware that darkness grows in the east. Another Fellowship has only shortly past left Imladris heading south to....." Here he hesitated. Best not to share their reasons for traveling as he had yet to determine whose side Alatar was on. He continued, "We are a fellowship on a quest to search for the two of you and to see what is now happening in the East. So tell us, how come you to this cave alone...and without your fellow wizard?"

Freond was silent through the speaking, though she kept her eyes on the newcomer. Alatar he claimed to be… basically the very person they’d been looking for. A stroke of luck for them, perhaps, to ‘find’ who they’d been seeking so soon into their journey…. But the female ranger had always been doubtful of luck that was seemingly too good to be true. For her part she didn’t very much want to share their fire (which was pitifully small anyway, in her mind) with this stranger…what if he wasn’t who he claimed to be? The fact that he had news on what was happening East piqued her interest, of course, since she’d been on assignment to find out such news herself before her previous return to Rivendell… and he did look weary.

So, when Cir invited Alatar to join them for breakfast she didn’t say anything- and could she, really? It was not her place to tell him what to do. After the ‘wizard’ had been seated and given tea Freond suffered herself to sit down as well, though she didn’t sheath her sword. Instead she left it lying naked at her side as she took some breakfast for herself, brooding quietly. Maybe Alatar really was who he said, and a friend to them with no ill intent- but Freond had learned long ago not to trust anyone easily, especially someone met in the wild where dangerous stirrings were common.

When she saw Erkenwine awake she shared a concerned glance with him, wondering if he shared her thoughts. The others were ‘up’ by now and sitting about the fire, all expectant eyes on the wizard as they waited for his reply to their leader’s question.
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Post RE: KEEP: Time Warp in Wales
on: April 12, 2006 02:21
It was the sound of Cir's laughter that (finally!) brought Naruiel into 'awareness'. Stiff, and cold, she scrambled to her feet, and listened to the stranger's tale - as well as Ciryacáno's questions.

Uncertain, and feeling 'out of her depth', the elleth cautiously moved over to where Falmiel was watching, too. If this was not (in truth) Alatar, one of the Blue Wizards they were seeking - could the combined strengths of the elves and Rangers 'defeat' One who (at least) had 'power' to light a staff in such a manner.

Leaning closer to Ciryacáno's avowed love, Naru softly whispered, "What do you tihnk?" to her new friend, and nervously fingered the hilt of her sword...

((again... not much. *sigh* ))
"Tolo si, a tiro i cherth Eru" "Come now, and see the works of God"
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Post RE: KEEP: Time Warp in Wales
on: April 26, 2006 04:59
[ooc: sorry for my late post, real life stuff was in the way ]

"We will not be staying another night," Cir blurted out, before it occurred to him, they may also not be continuing their journey at all. The answer to their quest might be standing here before their fire. "But please, do sit and enjoy breakfast with us, such as it is. We have very little firewood left so it will have to be rather quicker than any of us would like." He pulled his own blanket to the side of the campfire and laid it on the ground, gesturing for Alatar to sit upon it. When the wizard had made himself comfortable, Thad brought him some tea and a small plate with some bacon and bread.

Ciryacáno glanced at his companions, his hand waving them to sit as well. He personally drew Falmiel next to him and then sat on the blanket next to Alatar. He had decided to tell the old man where they were traveling and why.

"Alatar, it is a strange thing that you find us here for we were on our way to find you....and Pallando. Where is your fellow wizard? Why is he not with you? We are aware that darkness grows in the east. Another Fellowship has only shortly past left Imladris heading south to....." Here he hesitated. Best not to share their reasons for traveling as he had yet to determine whose side Alatar was on. He continued, "We are a fellowship on a quest to search for the two of you and to see what is now happening in the East. So tell us, how come you to this cave alone...and without your fellow wizard?"

Alatar certainly enjoyed his breakfast, but he felt he couldn't let Cir waiting much longer for answers. He judged him and the others, some of them obviously in unease and with their weapons unsheathed. Seeing the number of Elves, it was nearly impossible for them being spies for Sauron, since Elves wouldn't help him under any circumstance... he hoped. Alatar decided to trust them, hoping he could withstand them if his trust seemed misplaced. Maybe i should impress them a bit more, so they won't attack me too easily if they decide to be Evil after all. He poked his staff in the petty fire, which now turned into a large, hot and a bit bluish fire.

"You came to seek me and Pallando you say, well the I can assure you to turn back to Rivendell, since you found me and probably don't want to find nor survive to find Pallando."

He let the meaning of these words sink into them before continuing: "Palando, unfortunately, has fallen for Sauron... He now is High-priest of morgoth in Rhun, meaning he is the unquestioned leader there. He brought together an army of Orcs and other vile creatures and practices a lot of Dark magic to help Sauron getting stronger. He already is sending thousands of soldiers from Rhun and Khand to Mordor. He has become cruel beyond anything you've seen before, enslaving and torturing anyone that doesn't worship him, Morgoth and Sauron. He is doing dark experiments on prisoners turning them into monstrous servants. He is building an army to sweep over Rhovanion. and to equip that army, he is depleting all natural resources, like metals, wood, ... He must be stopped, that is why I must go to Rivendell. The alliance of Men, Dwarves and Elves around Esgaroth won't be enough to withstand him. They need help from the Rivendell, the Blue mountains and the Grey Havens, while Gondor and Rohan must try to destroy Sauron. Sauron is the key person in all this. With him gone, the Orcs and trolls and other dark creatures will become uncontrolable and will flee to hide. This will make Pallando weak enough to be destroyed."

Having briefed them of the short version of the story and of what should be done, he continued his breakfast, while they were too astonished to say something. After his breakfast, he told them: "You have two choices, oh sorry, I mean three choices. The first one being accompanying me back to Rivendell and help me executing whatever is decided there. The second one being continuing your journey and help defending Rhovanion and the third one being to hide and wait for you deaths...
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Post RE: KEEP: Time Warp in Wales
on: May 04, 2006 05:53
From the moment the Blue Wizard had entered the cave, Falmiel had drawn close to Cir, not because she was afraid, but rather to give Cir the silent support he needed to deal with this precarious business. The Wizard had impressed her only to a short extent, since seeing a wizard was nothing new these days and she had seen and talked to Gandalf before he and the rest of the fellowship had left Rivendell.

When Alatar had sat down to share their breakfast, Falmiel had listened calmly and carefully to what he had to say. Even when he told them the story of how Palando had turned evil and was assisting Sauron Falmiel was not sure whether to trust the wizard or not. Wizards it was said were cunning by nature. None of them, not even Cir would be able to tell with any certainty whether Alatar spoke the truth or was deceiving them to put them on the wrong track.

Leaning closer to Ciryacáno's avowed love, Naru softly whispered, "What do you think?" to her new friend, and nervously fingered the hilt of her sword... Falmiel turned to Naru and said, "Well, it is hard to tell - I would still opt for caution, we can never know." Then she turned back to listen to the conversation going on.

(ooc: sorry for my long absence and sorry that this is not much, but there was not much to do for Falmiel at the moment - next post will be more I hope )

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Post RE: KEEP: Time Warp in Wales
on: May 12, 2006 08:03
Ciryacáno sat quietly, waiting for the wizard to finish his breakfast, which he did with a flare..literally. Thad had been searching the outer edges of the cave searching for bits and pieces of any branches or twigs that could be added to the very small, and quickly dying, fire. Alatar caught the group by surprise when his staff gave a boost to the embers, providing them with more warmth than they had felt since leaving Imladris. Ciryacáno, his eyebrow raised, exchanged glances with his fellow travelers.

"You came to seek me and Pallando you say, well the I can assure you to turn back to Rivendell, since you found me and probably don't want to find nor survive to find Pallando."

"That sounds very ominous," said Ciryacáno. "Why should we believe you? Why should we not continue on our search for Pallando...and take you with us?"

"Palando, unfortunately, has fallen for Sauron... He now is High-priest of morgoth in Rhun, meaning he is the unquestioned leader there. He brought together an army of Orcs and other vile creatures and practices a lot of Dark magic to help Sauron getting stronger. He already is sending thousands of soldiers from Rhun and Khand to Mordor. He has become cruel beyond anything you've seen before, enslaving and torturing anyone that doesn't worship him, Morgoth and Sauron. He is doing dark experiments on prisoners turning them into monstrous servants. He is building an army to sweep over Rhovanion. and to equip that army, he is depleting all natural resources, like metals, wood, ... He must be stopped, that is why I must go to Rivendell. The alliance of Men, Dwarves and Elves around Esgaroth won't be enough to withstand him. They need help from the Rivendell, the Blue mountains and the Grey Havens, while Gondor and Rohan must try to destroy Sauron. Sauron is the key person in all this. With him gone, the Orcs and trolls and other dark creatures will become uncontrolable and will flee to hide. This will make Pallando weak enough to be destroyed."

Ciryacáno stared at Alatar, absorbing his words and thinking deeply on what they might mean to the people of Middle Earth. "Will you excuse us for a moment, Alatar. Finish your breakfast. I need to talk to my friends." He rose, pulling Falmiel up with him, and turned to the rest of the group. "Come with me, please," he asked, though it was more an order. He led the group toward the narrow tunnel through which they had traveled to find the cave in the first place. When they were far into the windy, cold and narrow area, and far enough away from the wizard to not be heard, Ciryacáno stopped and gathered the group as close to him as he could, given the space available.

"His words are believable. Elrond has shared with us that it is possible for a wizard to turn to the dark side. Look what has happened with Saruman. Is he not doing very much the same thing in Isengard? What we need to decide is not whether Pallando has become evil but whether Alatar is still on our side...or is he trying to draw us into a contrived trap?" He gazed seriously at his small group, knowing some of them were not warriors, not battle trained, and wondering whether he shouldn't send some of them back to Rivendell. Sighing, he knew Falmiel would never go, and nor would Thad. And he couldn't send Naruiel back alone. "Come, let's go see what more the wizard has to say. Unless any of you want to add anything," he waited for the thoughts and replies of his fellow travelers. When they had all added their ideas, Cirycáno nodded and turned to go back to the fire.

They returned to the welcome warmth of the fire and resumed their seats around the flames. Ciryacáno looked at the wizard and asked, "What do you think we can do to help?" He was curious to know how Alatar would respond, as that might give him a clue as to where the wizard stood.

"You have two choices, oh sorry, I mean three choices. The first one being accompanying me back to Rivendell and help me executing whatever is decided there. The second one being continuing your journey and help defending Rhovanion and the third one being to hide and wait for you deaths...

Very dramatic...but not very helpful, thought Ciryacáno. His eyes surveyed the reactions of his friends, waiting for them to speak.

(OOC: Come on, guys, let's move this along)
Life is good! Live it to the fullest. Love well those near and dear. "You cannot step into the same river twice, for the waters are ever flowing on ....." Heraclitus I Aear cân ven na mar
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Post RE: KEEP: Time Warp in Wales
on: May 25, 2006 03:34
Freond listened to the wizard without speaking, and though his words were believable enough she still had her doubts. The sword she kept unsheathed on the ground at her side, despite the fact that the newcomer talked (and ate) without showing any signs of menace. The woman-ranger just didn’t trust people on a whim- but she didn’t speak against him or interrupt.

When Cir called them all away (and they crowded into the uncomfortably small tunnel) she did voice her opinion, though.
“I think we should tread lightly,” she said, “He may be a friend, but then he may not- wizards can weave webs of deceit easily.”

When they had all added their ideas, Cirycáno nodded and turned to go back to the fire.

They returned to the welcome warmth of the fire and resumed their seats around the flames. Ciryacáno looked at the wizard and asked, "What do you think we can do to help?" He was curious to know how Alatar would respond, as that might give him a clue as to where the wizard stood.
"You have two choices, oh sorry, I mean three choices. The first one being accompanying me back to Rivendell and help me executing whatever is decided there. The second one being continuing your journey and help defending Rhovanion and the third one being to hide and wait for you deaths...

“Hiding is not a choice we are even going to consider,” Freond said (a bit hotly, not liking that it was even suggested for herself), “We were given a task, and as far as I’m concerned it must be completed before anything else. You’ve made it this far- we ran into no large problems on the way from Imladris. I’m sure you’ll find your way quite safely.”

(I’m at a loss…)
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Post RE: KEEP: Time Warp in Wales
on: June 05, 2006 11:43
Ciryacáno sat quietly, waiting for the wizard to finish his breakfast, which he did with a flare..literally. Thad had been searching the outer edges of the cave searching for bits and pieces of any branches or twigs that could be added to the very small, and quickly dying, fire. Alatar caught the group by surprise when his staff gave a boost to the embers, providing them with more warmth than they had felt since leaving Imladris. Ciryacáno, his eyebrow raised, exchanged glances with his fellow travelers.

"You came to seek me and Pallando you say, well the I can assure you to turn back to Rivendell, since you found me and probably don't want to find nor survive to find Pallando."

"That sounds very ominous," said Ciryacáno. "Why should we believe you? Why should we not continue on our search for Pallando...and take you with us?"

'Ominous'? Naruiel thought that was an 'understatement', and glanced at Freond and the others.
Freond listened to the wizard without speaking, and though his words were believable enough she still had her doubts. The sword she kept unsheathed on the ground at her side, despite the fact that the newcomer talked (and ate) without showing any signs of menace.

Well… if the ranger felt uncomfortable enough not to sheathe her weapon, Naru would trust that, and then the Wizard spoke again.
"Palando, unfortunately, has fallen for Sauron... He now is High-priest of morgoth in Rhun, meaning he is the unquestioned leader there. He brought together an army of Orcs and other vile creatures and practices a lot of Dark magic to help Sauron getting stronger. He already is sending thousands of soldiers from Rhun and Khand to Mordor. He has become cruel beyond anything you've seen before, enslaving and torturing anyone that doesn't worship him, Morgoth and Sauron. He is doing dark experiments on prisoners turning them into monstrous servants. He is building an army to sweep over Rhovanion. and to equip that army, he is depleting all natural resources, like metals, wood, ... He must be stopped, that is why I must go to Rivendell. The alliance of Men, Dwarves and Elves around Esgaroth won't be enough to withstand him. They need help from the Rivendell, the Blue mountains and the Grey Havens, while Gondor and Rohan must try to destroy Sauron. Sauron is the key person in all this. With him gone, the Orcs and trolls and other dark creatures will become uncontrolable and will flee to hide. This will make Pallando weak enough to be destroyed."

Ciryacáno stared at Alatar, absorbing his words and thinking deeply on what they might mean to the people of Middle Earth. "Will you excuse us for a moment, Alatar. Finish your breakfast. I need to talk to my friends." He rose, pulling Falmiel up with him, and turned to the rest of the group. "Come with me, please," he asked, though it was more an order. He led the group toward the narrow tunnel through which they had traveled to find the cave in the first place. When they were far into the windy, cold and narrow area, and far enough away from the wizard to not be heard, Ciryacáno stopped and gathered the group as close to him as he could, given the space available.

"His words are believable. Elrond has shared with us that it is possible for a wizard to turn to the dark side. Look what has happened with Saruman. Is he not doing very much the same thing in Isengard? What we need to decide is not whether Pallando has become evil but whether Alatar is still on our side...or is he trying to draw us into a contrived trap?" He gazed seriously at his small group, knowing some of them were not warriors, not battle trained, and wondering whether he shouldn't send some of them back to Rivendell. Sighing, he knew Falmiel would never go, and nor would Thad. And he couldn't send Naruiel back alone. "Come, let's go see what more the wizard has to say. Unless any of you want to add anything," he waited for the thoughts and replies of his fellow travelers.

When Cir called them all away (and they crowded into the uncomfortably small tunnel) she did voice her opinion, though.
“I think we should tread lightly,” she said, “He may be a friend, but then he may not- wizards can weave webs of deceit easily.”

"How can we 'know' if he's truly on our side?" Naruiel asked… she was not used to 'mistrusting' those around her… but Freond was right - wizards were 'different.
When they had all added their ideas, Cirycáno nodded and turned to go back to the fire.

They returned to the welcome warmth of the fire and resumed their seats around the flames. Ciryacáno looked at the wizard and asked, "What do you think we can do to help?" He was curious to know how Alatar would respond, as that might give him a clue as to where the wizard stood.

"You have two choices, oh sorry, I mean three choices. The first one being accompanying me back to Rivendell and help me executing whatever is decided there. The second one being continuing your journey and help defending Rhovanion and the third one being to hide and wait for you deaths...

“Hiding is not a choice we are even going to consider,” Freond said (a bit hotly, not liking that it was even suggested for herself), “We were given a task, and as far as I’m concerned it must be completed before anything else. You’ve made it this far- we ran into no large problems on the way from Imladris. I’m sure you’ll find your way quite safely.”

"I'm not going back to Rivendell!" Naru echoed the woman ranger's reply, and glared at the wizard. "I may not be experienced in traveling," the elleth went on, and smiled briefly at Falmiel for that was something they two shared.

"But," Naruiel then addressed Ciryacáno, "I'm for going on with our Quest!" and raised her chin defiantly at the wizard, "Whether you go with us - or not!"
"Tolo si, a tiro i cherth Eru" "Come now, and see the works of God"
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Post RE: KEEP: Time Warp in Wales
on: June 07, 2006 08:19
"If I weren't on your "side" I wouldn't have been so polite to ask for your hospitality", Alatar said with a tinkle in his eyes. "I may look old and worn, I am still a wizard after all..."

Alatar thought for a moment. They had been sent on a quest to search for him and Pallando and they had spoken of another quest going south. It was likely this was all the help he would be able to get in Rivendell. The Elves weren't so numerous anymore, to send much more help than these few 'warriors'. He guessed he had to try and stop pallando with these few people as help. Maybe he could try and get some troops from Mirkwoord, Dale and the Dwarves...

After having finally finished his breakfast, Alatar spoke again: "Well then, I guess we could depart now. There is much to be done and there is little time left. The longer we linger here, the harder it will be to stop Pallando. Our chances are already low, but we must do something and if I can assist, I will do so..."

[Edited on 8/6/2006 by CoNFuSeD_Elessar]
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Post RE: KEEP: Time Warp in Wales
on: June 11, 2006 03:13
Ciryacáno had listened to his companions and now listened to the wizard, trying to judge whether Alatar was truly pleading for their help and aid .. or was he trying to draw them into their doom. His eyes locked with the wizard's, and he searched for the truth. Finding a twinkle of amusement but also integrity, Ciryacáno nodded his head once and then called for Thad.

"I'm right here, Sir Cir, what can I do for ya?" the young lad appeared from right behind the tall elf. Ciryacáno looked down at the boy, ruffling his hair. "Thad, how many times must I tell you..." "I know sir, don't call you Sir," the boy laughed. "Right, Thad, now...can you round up the horses and let's get them saddled." Turning to a now reduced group that consisted of Naruiel, Freond, Thad and Falmiel, he asked, "Did anyone see what happen to notice where Curulindel and Erkenwine have gotten themselves to?"

Thad tugged Ciryacáno's sleeve until the elf squatted down. "What is it, Thad?" "I forgot to tell you, Si....Cir. They had to leave early this morning before we woke...somethin' about somethin' they had to check on. They said they'd follow you later if they could. Sorry, sir, I forgot."

Ciryacáno looked up at the ceiling, despair written on his face. How was he, with only the help three women and one small boy, expected to bring down a mighty, evil wizard. They should go back to Imladris...this was more than they could handle. Bringing his eyes down, they met Alatar's. Staring at the wizard, he knew he should say something...anything...explain why they couldn't help him but he could not bring himself to say the words. Finally, he blurted out what his concerns were. "You see before you five people...three elves, a ranger and a lad. I will ask you...with your help, can we accomplish anything of worth? Can we do anything to stop him, to bring him down?"
Life is good! Live it to the fullest. Love well those near and dear. "You cannot step into the same river twice, for the waters are ever flowing on ....." Heraclitus I Aear cân ven na mar
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Post RE: KEEP: Time Warp in Wales
on: June 12, 2006 04:20
Ciryacáno looked up at the ceiling, despair written on his face. How was he, with only the help three women and one small boy, expected to bring down a mighty, evil wizard. They should go back to Imladris...this was more than they could handle. Bringing his eyes down, they met Alatar's. Staring at the wizard, he knew he should say something...anything...explain why they couldn't help him but he could not bring himself to say the words. Finally, he blurted out what his concerns were. "You see before you five people...three elves, a ranger and a lad. I will ask you...with your help, can we accomplish anything of worth? Can we do anything to stop him, to bring him down?"

Seeing the despair on the Elves face made Alatar hesitate to give him the obvious answer. Was this really all that the White Council could send...? Even if Pallando hadn't gone evil, sending just a couple of warriors to Rhun was suicidal. Things must be quite desperate, especially in the South. Yet, the mention of this other group sent out, meant that at least there was not much more that could be done to help Gondor. He hoped Gandalf was with the other group. They were facing something even more horrible than he and these few people would be facing...

Allthough his face was emotionless while thinking this, his silence must have nerved the others. He broke the silence by telling them the truth: "Given the circumstances, I don't think it matters if there were another 1000 warriors in your company. Our chances are almost zero, but we must try to stop Pallando, since it will certainly relieve some of the pressure on the South. Maybe our small number is even better, since we might avoid detection. On the other hand, there is the risk that once discovered, we will be certainly overrun..."

The truth might hurt them, but it was necessary that he had told them how it was. Alatar blamed himself for staying so long in Rhun, while he should have returned here immediately after seeing that Rhun would never turn to their side. Instead, he had stayed there for 300 years, trying to change something that could hardly be changed, especially since Pallando had chosen their side, recently...

"If we can reach Pallando's palace undetected, we might be able to do something, for a wizard can't defend him against both steel and magic at the same time..." It was the best he could do for giving them hope...
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Post RE: KEEP: Time Warp in Wales
on: June 12, 2006 09:08
Falmiel had listened calmly to everything Alatar had said and although she was still suspicious about the wizard's motives, she saw no other way but to take his word for the moment. No matter what happened though, she did not consider going back to Rivendell an option then, she noticed that Curulindel and Erkenwine were missing. To be precise she had not seen them since early this morning. Thad's explanation soon solved the riddle, but then she noticed Cir.

Ciryacáno looked up at the ceiling, despair written on his face. Instinctively she moved closer, took his hand again and gave it a light squeeze, letting him know that she was there and would be there no matter what his decision would be. Finally, he blurted out, "You see before you five people...three elves, a ranger and a lad. I will ask you...with your help, can we accomplish anything of worth? Can we do anything to stop him, to bring him down?"

Falmiel could see why he was concerned, yet something rebellious started to come into her mind. Why did he not have more faith in her and the others - women might be at a disadvantage in a direct test of strength, but fighting a wizard they were all at a disadvantage - unless they managed to be cleverer than he.

Then Alatar spoke again and Falmiel forced herself to listen, trying to be more certain what to tell Cir when he asked her opinion.

"Given the circumstances, I don't think it matters if there were another 1000 warriors in your company. Our chances are almost zero, but we must try to stop Pallando, since it will certainly relieve some of the pressure on the South. Maybe our small number is even better, since we might avoid detection. On the other hand, there is the risk that once discovered, we will be certainly overrun...If we can reach Pallando's palace undetected, we might be able to do something, for a wizard can't defend him against both steel and magic at the same time..." It was the best he could do for giving them hope...

Falmiel turned to Cir, looked deep into his eyes and said calmly, "You know we don't really have a choice, love. We have to try or else all may fail - think about the other group, trying to solve a quest much more difficult than what we are going to face, and they are not going to give up either. I say no matter who or how many we are, we will not let him win by giving up now. Let us see this to the end, no matter what the end might be - at least we tried!"
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Post RE: KEEP: Time Warp in Wales
on: June 13, 2006 02:24
"Given the circumstances, I don't think it matters if there were another 1000 warriors in your company. Our chances are almost zero, but we must try to stop Pallando, since it will certainly relieve some of the pressure on the South. Maybe our small number is even better, since we might avoid detection. On the other hand, there is the risk that once discovered, we will be certainly overrun..."

"If we can reach Pallando's palace undetected, we might be able to do something, for a wizard can't defend him against both steel and magic at the same time..." It was the best he could do for giving them hope...

The more Naruiel listened, the angrier and more defiant she became. She saw the despair on Ciryacáno's face... but for herself, the elleth was resolved to continue.
Falmiel turned to Cir, looked deep into his eyes and said calmly, "You know we don't really have a choice, love. We have to try or else all may fail - think about the other group, trying to solve a quest much more difficult than what we are going to face, and they are not going to give up either. I say no matter who or how many we are, we will not let him win by giving up now. Let us see this to the end, no matter what the end might be - at least we tried!"

"My words exactly!" Naru agreed, sending a glare toward the Wizard. "If more 'politely' stated," she added, and made a 'point' of sheathing her sword. "I will go on, no matter what, Cir," Naruiel stated bluntly.

"Freond, are you with us?" the elleth inquired. "For me, I say we move on now - it matters not the 'hour' in this tunnel, with Day as dark as Night. Have we enough torches?"

And, turning again to the Wizard, "Is there enough room for our horses throughout?" Naruiel asked him. "If not, I will set my mare free to roam..."

((meh, but something.))
"Tolo si, a tiro i cherth Eru" "Come now, and see the works of God"
RPG Moderator & Mistress of the Sea
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Post RE: KEEP: Time Warp in Wales
on: June 28, 2006 04:45
Cir listened to Alatar, hearing his words but trying to think beyond them. Three elves, one ranger, one lad, and one wizard. He wondered what could have been so important that Curulindel and Erkenwine had had to leave so suddenly .. and without word .. and it did leave their small group even smaller but............ When Falmiel took his arm, he looked down into her beautiful loving eyes.

Falmiel turned to Cir, looked deep into his eyes and said calmly, "You know we don't really have a choice, love. We have to try or else all may fail - think about the other group, trying to solve a quest much more difficult than what we are going to face, and they are not going to give up either. I say no matter who or how many we are, we will not let him win by giving up now. Let us see this to the end, no matter what the end might be - at least we tried!"

He looked at the other two, particularly the relatively inexperienced elleth, but one who had used her sword. He recalled how she had needed it repaired when she arrived in Imladris. When she spoke, he listened carefully.

"I will go on, no matter what, Cir," Naruiel stated bluntly.

There had been no response yet from Freond, but Ciryacano expected that she too would agree to go. When Naruiel asked about the horses, Cir smiled. "Naruiel, this tunnel has been used for generations by both elf and dwarf. We can take the horses with us. In fact, I know we will need them as we still have a long journey before us." Turning to Alatar, he said, "We will go if you will come with us. We do not have an extra horse, but you can ride with me until we reach Dale. I think we can pick one up for you there." Turning, he looked around the cave. "Thad, are the horses ready?"

"Yes, sir. All ready to go. And I packed all our belongings too. Anytime you're ready, the horses are ready, too."

Cir smiled. "Well, my friends," and glancing down at Falmiel, "and you, my love....let us begin. The sooner we start, the sooner we reach our goal." When they had all mounted their respective steeds, with Alatar riding behind Ciryacano, Cir headed for the tunnel on the east end of the cave. They proceeded through the darkened tunnel with no problem, emerging on the east side of the Misty Mountains with the trail dropping down the vale where Beorn lived. Cir knew they would be traveling through areas overrun with orcs and he hoped they could travel quietly, and quickly, by day through the area, knowing the sunlight would keep the orcs deep in their caves. Elrond had told them about Beorn and should they need help, he might be willing to offer it. But then again, he might ignore their presence entirely. Most importantly, though, was reaching the bottom of the foothills and out of orc territory.

He looked over his shoulder at the others past Alatar's head. "We must make fast time with no stopping." Glancing at Falmiel, he quietly said, "I love you..never forget that." Then he nudged his horse forward and they began to cantor down the long trail towards the great forest where the Sylvan elves resided.
Life is good! Live it to the fullest. Love well those near and dear. "You cannot step into the same river twice, for the waters are ever flowing on ....." Heraclitus I Aear cân ven na mar
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Post RE: KEEP: Time Warp in Wales
on: June 29, 2006 07:12
"I'm not going back to Rivendell!" Naru echoed the woman ranger's reply, and glared at the wizard. "I may not be experienced in traveling," the elleth went on, and smiled briefly at Falmiel for that was something they two shared.

"But," Naruiel then addressed Ciryacáno, "I'm for going on with our Quest!" and raised her chin defiantly at the wizard, "Whether you go with us - or not!"

"If I weren't on your "side" I wouldn't have been so polite to ask for your hospitality", Alatar said with a tinkle in his eyes. "I may look old and worn, I am still a wizard after all..."

After having finally finished his breakfast, Alatar spoke again: "Well then, I guess we could depart now. There is much to be done and there is little time left. The longer we linger here, the harder it will be to stop Pallando. Our chances are already low, but we must do something and if I can assist, I will do so..."

Ciryacáno nodded his head once and then called for Thad.

"I'm right here, Sir Cir, what can I do for ya?" the young lad appeared from right behind the tall elf. Ciryacáno looked down at the boy, ruffling his hair. "Thad, how many times must I tell you..." "I know sir, don't call you Sir," the boy laughed. "Right, Thad, now...can you round up the horses and let's get them saddled." Turning to a now reduced group that consisted of Naruiel, Freond, Thad and Falmiel, he asked, "Did anyone see what happen to notice where Curulindel and Erkenwine have gotten themselves to?"

Thad tugged Ciryacáno's sleeve until the elf squatted down. "What is it, Thad?" "I forgot to tell you, Si....Cir. They had to leave early this morning before we woke...somethin' about somethin' they had to check on. They said they'd follow you later if they could. Sorry, sir, I forgot."

Ciryacáno looked up at the ceiling, despair written on his face. How was he, with only the help three women and one small boy, expected to bring down a mighty, evil wizard. They should go back to Imladris...this was more than they could handle. Bringing his eyes down, they met Alatar's. Staring at the wizard, he knew he should say something...anything...explain why they couldn't help him but he could not bring himself to say the words. Finally, he blurted out what his concerns were. "You see before you five people...three elves, a ranger and a lad. I will ask you...with your help, can we accomplish anything of worth? Can we do anything to stop him, to bring him down?"

Freond was staying quiet, watching the wizard with hard eyes. Everyone else seemed willing now to trust him. She supposed she should just go along with that, but she couldn’t help her misgivings… she was just not a people person, and she never trusted anyone on a whim. She was also annoyed that Erkenwine and Curulindel had abandoned them- whatever reason, they had given themselves to this task. But to each his own…

As Cir asked the wizard seriously about what chance they had to defeat their enemy the woman ranger turned her eyes on him, waiting also for an answer.

Allthough his face was emotionless while thinking this, his silence must have nerved the others. He broke the silence by telling them the truth: "Given the circumstances, I don't think it matters if there were another 1000 warriors in your company. Our chances are almost zero, but we must try to stop Pallando, since it will certainly relieve some of the pressure on the South. Maybe our small number is even better, since we might avoid detection. On the other hand, there is the risk that once discovered, we will be certainly overrun... "If we can reach Pallando's palace undetected, we might be able to do something, for a wizard can't defend him against both steel and magic at the same time..." It was the best he could do for giving them hope...

Well, that was anything but heartening. She’d suspected as much- especially now that two of their able warriors were gone. Sighing, she sat back and studied the ground. At least Alatar was not sugar coating anything… perhaps he could be trusted after all. She heard Falmial’s voice and looked up to see the elleth meeting Cir’s gaze.

[quote[, "You know we don't really have a choice, love. We have to try or else all may fail - think about the other group, trying to solve a quest much more difficult than what we are going to face, and they are not going to give up either. I say no matter who or how many we are, we will not let him win by giving up now. Let us see this to the end, no matter what the end might be - at least we tried!"

"My words exactly!" Naru agreed, sending a glare toward the Wizard. "If more 'politely' stated," she added, and made a 'point' of sheathing her sword. "I will go on, no matter what, Cir," Naruiel stated bluntly.

"Freond, are you with us?" the elleth inquired. "For me, I say we move on now - it matters not the 'hour' in this tunnel, with Day as dark as Night. Have we enough torches?"

And, turning again to the Wizard, "Is there enough room for our horses throughout?" Naruiel asked him. "If not, I will set my mare free to roam..."

Of course Freond would go- but before she had a chance to answer the elleth turned away. Without speaking the woman nodded resolutely to herself. She would see this thing to the end no matter what- even if they did allow the wizard to join their travels.

Cir smiled. "Naruiel, this tunnel has been used for generations by both elf and dwarf. We can take the horses with us. In fact, I know we will need them as we still have a long journey before us." Turning to Alatar, he said, "We will go if you will come with us. We do not have an extra horse, but you can ride with me until we reach Dale. I think we can pick one up for you there." Turning, he looked around the cave. "Thad, are the horses ready?"

"Yes, sir. All ready to go. And I packed all our belongings too. Anytime you're ready, the horses are ready, too."

Cir smiled. "Well, my friends," and glancing down at Falmiel, "and you, my love....let us begin. The sooner we start, the sooner we reach our goal."

“That is the truth,” she said, and after she’d mounted (assuring the horse they would soon leave the tunnel behind) she accompanied the others through the darkness, going only by orange torchlight. Despite that it was a cheerless task they emerged safely and without any sign of danger. She knew also, though, that they were entering dangerous lands. Gravely she wondered how well they would hold up against an orc attack- which seemed likely to occur. Certainly a wizard would be of help- sighing to herself the ranger looked about her, loosening her sword in the sheath just incase. They needed to keep their pace steady and try to avoid drawing any attention… and she was sure she didn’t need to tell anyone that. The very air seemed tense- they were on dangerous ground.

He looked over his shoulder at the others past Alatar's head. "We must make fast time with no stopping." Glancing at Falmiel, he quietly said, "I love you..never forget that." Then he nudged his horse forward and they began to cantor down the long trail towards the great forest where the Sylvan elves resided.

Freond agreed with his decision, and kept her own pace steady as was possible. The going wasn’t *too* difficult and the ground wasn’t impossibly steep- even so, she dismounted to lead Sirn from time to time. They traveled until evening’s darkness began creeping into the sky. Freond took it upon herself to locate a camp-site… they couldn’t keep going through the night- especially with the cold- but they needed a hidden place to rest because of the unsafe territory they traversed.

The next day was much the same; they went on in relative silence, slowly making their way toward safer ground. Freond was constantly looking this way and that for danger, despite that the sun shone overhead. She didn’t have elven senses, but her own were attuned to her surroundings and she couldn’t help being on her guard. Night fell the same as before, and though they passed it anxiously- with someone constantly on the watch- they remained unbothered.

Two more weary days went the same way, Freond getting a scare once or twice when she feared that their rag-tag group’s hidden campsites had been noticed- but her watches went without any more event. When the fifth day dawned the woman ranger was tense and unencouraged by the luck they had had so far. Despite that they’d been finding good hiding places she felt that they couldn’t go forever without being found out by orcs. With any luck, though, they would make it to the foothills before then.

Since she’d had the last watch Freond sat preparing breakfast for the others who were now waking. Since Alatar hadn’t deserted them or tried to kill them she now trusted him for the most part- and as her companions roused one by one she greeted them with a smile that didn’t reach her eyes.

“Have a bite,” she offered, “We mustn’t tarry too long before heading out again.”

She wondered what this day of travel would bring, and if it would be a turn for the better or for worse.

RPG Moderator & Mistress of the Sea
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Post RE: KEEP: Time Warp in Wales
on: July 06, 2006 06:24
The day began quietly, with Cir rising to the smell of bacon cooking.

“Have a bite,” she offered, “We mustn’t tarry too long before heading out again.”

"Thank you, Freond," he said, picking up a piece of bread and some bacon. Taking a bite, he chewed thoughtfully, staring out from their hidden campsite. "I agree with you. There is something in the air today that lies uneasily in my heart. We should move along."

As the rest of their small group began to stir, Cir quietly hurried them to ready themselves to continue. They were not far from the valley of Beorn and thus closer to the entrance to the great forest. He wanted to get the group into the shelter of the forest, though the path through there was hardly safer than where they were. He woke Falmiel first, with a morning kiss and a whispered, "Good morning, love. Time to get up," and then searched out Thad, who was curled up in a blanket near the horses. "Thad! Come on, lad. It's time to move. Freond has some breakfast ready." When the boy had begun to move, grumbling that it was 'too early', Cir went to Naruiel's blankets, squatting at her side and touching her shoulder. "Naruiel, breakfast is ready." When her eyes opened staring blankly at him, he stood and wandered to the side of the wizard, Alatar, who was sitting next to his small pack, his staff in his hand, seemingly awake and ready to go. However, when Cir spoke to him, the wizard continued to stare off into the distance. Waving his hand before Alatar's eyes, Cir received no answering awareness. Bending down, Cir shook his shoulder and with a jerk, Alatar lifted his head and stared at Cir, recognition in his eyes. Cir smiled and suggested that Alatar make the best of the time to eat some breakfast.

When they had all had a bite to eat, and Cir and Freond had covered any sign of their campsite, Thad, who had saddled, watered and fed the horses, brought them to each of the group. As they mounted up one at a time, Cir sat stiffly on his saddle, feeling tense and vaguely worried, about what however, he had no idea. As Alatar mounted up behind him, he barely noticed. His eyes searched the scrubby trees growing among the rocks and boulders endlessly, looking for any movement, any sign of life. When he was satisfied there was nothing out there, he looked over his shoulder at his small group, nodding his head, then nudging his horse forward. The group followed behind in single file, with Alatar clinging to his belt. They plodded along for some time when Cir became aware of the silence of the forest...the total silence. No birds, no frogs, no crickets, no sign of rabbits or quails. He stopped, looking over his shoulder at Alatar behind him, questioning with his eyes. He had barely turned his head back to the trail when the raucous, harsh cries of orcs filled the air.

"Ready your swords, stay on your horses as long as you can," he managed to cry out before the rocks around them erupted with a dozen orcs. Throwing his leg over the front of the saddle and sliding off, he stood next to his horse knowing he would be unable to fight with Alatar right behind him. He stood his ground until two of the foul beasts turned up in front of him. He was able to take one down immediately but the second one swung his black hooked sword at his leg as he did so. He managed to jump aside and then their swords clashed. Cir could not look at how his group was doing as yet another orc ran towards him. But he could hear the clashing of weapons behind him and the cries of battle. It was the women's voices he listened for, especially Falmiel's Ai, Eru, what had he exposed his love to? He felt the pain of a slash on his shoulder as one of the orcs managed to get past his defenses but fortunately it was not his sword arm.

He heard Thad cry out and then an angry bellow by the young lad, followed by a crashing sound. Cir wanted to turn and help the boy but two more orcs appeared in front of him. He pulled his dagger from his waist and began to battle the monsters with two hands, though his left arm was feeling the pain of the gash and weakening rapidly with the loss of blood.

Thad sat on his pony, his newly forged sword swinging madly at the orc that was trying to grab at Jordy. No one was going to hurt Jordy, he thought, as he brought the sword down on the orcs neck. The orc began to fall but his grip on Jordy's bridle was strong and as he fell, he dragged Jordy down with him, with Thad still on his back. The resounding crash could be heard for miles, he thought. But he pulled himself up as soon as they hit the ground, pulling Jordy to his feet with him. "Are you alright, Jordy," he asked, hurriedly checking the pony for wounds. But he was on the ground now and he was, after all, but a small boy. The next orc that approached him had his sword raised, ready to bring it down, when a sword cut across, blocking it. Another swing of this sword brought the orc down and Thad stood looking up into the face of his savior, who smiled down at him and asked if he was alright. Thad simply stood there, his mouth hanging open in surprise.
Life is good! Live it to the fullest. Love well those near and dear. "You cannot step into the same river twice, for the waters are ever flowing on ....." Heraclitus I Aear cân ven na mar
Accounts Admin, Sindarin Mod & Head Stargazer of Varda
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Post RE: KEEP: Time Warp in Wales
on: July 25, 2006 09:02
Back-to-back with Freond, Naruiel slashed at the attacking orcs. She wasn't the *best* with her sword, but good enough to be confident in her moves. And, the elleth was aware that her new ranger-friend had her own skill, too.

But, she'd no time to 'check' on any of the others... and only hoped that Cir could take care of Falmiel. - Or, that Falmiel could stay a-horseback for her own safety.

Yet... suddenly, another figure emerged from the forest... and almost, Naru didn't see him coming. Like a 'shadow' he was... dark of hair and eye, and he battled through the crowd of orcs with an intensity and 'purposefulness' that was almost frightening...


Thad sat on his pony, his newly forged sword swinging madly at the orc that was trying to grab at Jordy. No one was going to hurt Jordy, he thought, as he brought the sword down on the orcs neck. The orc began to fall but his grip on Jordy's bridle was strong and as he fell, he dragged Jordy down with him, with Thad still on his back. The resounding crash could be heard for miles, he thought. But he pulled himself up as soon as they hit the ground, pulling Jordy to his feet with him. "Are you alright, Jordy," he asked, hurriedly checking the pony for wounds. But he was on the ground now and he was, after all, but a small boy. The next orc that approached him had his sword raised, ready to bring it down, when a sword cut across, blocking it. Another swing of this sword brought the orc down and Thad stood looking up into the face of his savior, who smiled down at him and asked if he was alright. Thad simply stood there, his mouth hanging open in surprise.

The 'smile' was 'wan'... and the Voice (though 'soft') held a 'harshness' - as if it had long been 'unused'. - Yet... assured that the youth was all right, the slim figure of his 'rescuer' turned, and waded back into the fray...


The morning had been the same as a hundred hundred. A breakfast barely touched; clothes ragged from long wear dragged on; a bow and quiver, sword and two knives all kept in immaculate condition strapped on... and then dark eyes that 'burned' from so many emotions to speak of, began the daily search for their most-hated enemy.


Thiadvain *hated* orcs.

He hated them with every bone in his body... and had since he'd been a small child.

Orcs had killed his parents... slaughtered them before his child's eyes... though he'd been so well-hidden they'd not known of his presence behind a copse of thick bushes.

But... the experience had 'formed' Thiadvain... and it had become his overwhelming aim: to rid Middle Earth of *every* orc he ever came across...


By the time the last orc had fallen, the strange elf with the dark-brown hair and eyes... the slim, muscular figure - unmindful of a number of slices and wounds and bruises, ignored the small party of fighters, and carefully cleaned his sword and knives before resheathing them... and fetched the bow he'd dropped upon hearing, and reaching this site.

And then, turning to them... suddenly 'nervous' and tense - for more than an Elven Age it had been since he'd spoken to another soul, the elf bowed slightly... and then looked keenly (if sadly) at the small group. "You should watch more carefully," he told them curtly - if politely. "Orcs are everywhere," and then prepared to leave.

Called back by the elf who appeared to be the 'leader' of the strange group, he turned around again. To the question... "My name is Thiadvain," the ellon said quietly... "And... unless you call the 'wilds' my home, I suppose one could 'say' I am from Mithlond..."

[Edited on 25/7/2006 by gwendeth]
"Tolo si, a tiro i cherth Eru" "Come now, and see the works of God"
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Post RE: KEEP: Time Warp in Wales
on: July 28, 2006 12:30
Cir checked on his small group, seeing that everyone had made it through, though all had minor injuries, then ran to Thad's side. "Are you and Jordy alright?" he asked.

Thad was still standing in awe but managed to answer, "Yes, sir Cir, but only 'cause of that man. I'd have been dead if it weren't for him." Cir turned and looked at the stranger....an elf without doubt but one who looked as though he had long spent his time in the wilderness. There was something tattered and careworn about him...and an aura of 'aloneness' that was strange. Cir watched him as he calmly cleaned his blade and resheathed it, disappearing into the underbrush but returning with an ancient but beautiful bow.

keenly (if sadly) at the small group. "You should watch more carefully," he told them curtly - if politely. "Orcs are everywhere," and then prepared to leave.

Cir called out to him. "Wait! Please. Thank you. I don't know where you came from but without you, well...I..I don't know if we could all have survived. Thank you." Peering at the elf, Cir asked, "What is your name? Where are you from? You do not look as though you are from Imladris."

To the question... "My name is Thiadvain," the ellon said quietly... "And... unless you call the 'wilds' my home, I suppose one could 'say' I am from Mithlond..."

Cir stared at him for a moment, then said, "We are recently left Imladris on a mission for Lord Elrond. With me here are," and waving to each person as he named them, "Falmiel, my betrothed....Naruiel from Edhellond...Freond, a ranger who roams much like you do I would imagine....Thad, a young lad from Bree...and....Alatar, one of the pair of Blue Wizards. Another ranger and elf there were but they were called off on another task." He gazed at the ground around him, covered now with the slain bodies of orcs, and asked Thiadvain, "Do you know any safe...or at least nearly safe...place where we could re-group? My party could use some drink and food ..and time to rest and bandage our cuts. And, well, I would like to speak with you further, if you wouldn't mind spending some time with us."

Cir was thinking of a way to persuade Thiadvain to accompany them though he decided it would be a difficult task. This elf was a 'loner' and Cir could not see him as be overjoyed to join their small band, but his skill as a warrior would be of much use to them now that Curulindel and Erkenwine were no longer with them. Yet, the elf seemed to have a determined hatred for orcs and if Cir told him where they were going and why, perhaps he would be willing to aid them.

Thus he waited for Thiadvain's answers.
Life is good! Live it to the fullest. Love well those near and dear. "You cannot step into the same river twice, for the waters are ever flowing on ....." Heraclitus I Aear cân ven na mar
CoE Volunteer
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Post RE: KEEP: Time Warp in Wales
on: July 31, 2006 06:39
“Thank you, Freond," he said, picking up a piece of bread and some bacon. Taking a bite, he chewed thoughtfully, staring out from their hidden campsite. "I agree with you. There is something in the air today that lies uneasily in my heart. We should move along."

‘Something’ wasn’t right… and, seeing as how they’d been worrying about being waylaid by enemies since they’d emerged from the tunnel, she was even more concerned that the elf shared her feelings. But, the woman ranger ate in silence as everyone else stirred, Cir waking most of them himself. Her thoughts were brooding and troubled and she didn’t really speak to anyone more than to say ‘good morning.

When the time came she aided their company’s leader to erase the signs that they’d had a camp in the area. When Thad brought her horse she thanked him, still thinking it hadn’t been a good idea to bring the child with them. What if they did have to fight? Would they be able to look out for the boy? As they set their mounts on again she sighed, wishing that the troubled feeling would leave her. It was only worse when she noticed the lack of noise in the woods. When it became clear to her she gritted her teeth and glanced around, able now to sense that the entire forest around them was uneasy… and it wasn’t long before she finally learned why. The uncouth, harsh voices of orcs came from ahead of them at once, and she cursed under her breath.

"Ready your swords, stay on your horses as long as you can," he managed to cry out before the rocks around them erupted with a dozen orcs

Freond’s sword had already been in her hand when the orcs swarmed around them, and as best as she could she wielded it with one hand, hacking and slashing at the beasts as they came near. She’d noticed Cir dismounting, and she saw the others locked in combat, but she couldn’t break away to go to anyone’s aid- her own situation was perilous enough. A particularly large orc had gotten a mind to dispose of her, and the thing was very fast- she whirled her blade for its head but didn’t do more than nick its ear, and then she felt its hooked blade catch her lower leg. Grunting in pain she tried again, this time managing to deliver a nasty wound to the orc’s shoulder- but still it didn’t fall. Instead it gave a wicked, garbled cry and jumped at the horse, pounding its crooked fist into his nose! Her mount reared in fright and pain and the young woman was tossed back, out of the saddle. The impact with the ground was painful but didn’t do more than shake her, but even as she scrambled to her feet she had to bring up her blade to ward off an attack. The orc had succeeded in bringing her down to its level- and now it was determined to finish her off.

The wound across her leg was burning and aching, and it was with difficulty she fought, trying to avoid being run through and yet trying to get an advantage. Finally she saw one, and slammed her sword’s blade as hard as she could into the orc’s neck. The head was only half-severed, but even as the thing’s body dropped the ranger stood to her full height and turned to face the onslaught of another orc, and found herself back-to-back with Naru. It was a relief to have the help, and together they fought off the orcs who attacked. Freond noticed when a newcomer appeared, diving into the battle with a ferocity seemingly born of raging fire…

And when the last orc fell Freond dropped wearily to sit on the ground, breathing heavily and looking around at the aftermath of their battle. Everyone was alive, if injured- even the boy. Cir checked on his love and then ran to Thad’s side, and Freond looked at Naru, silently observing her for wounds. She noticed the dark-headed elf-stranger who had saved them, now cleaning his weapons and acting as though he had no business with them at all. Well, he was obviously a friend.. of sorts… so, the ranger looked at her leg. The cut ran along the left side of her left leg, above the calf. With annoyance she noted that it needed stitching, but it showed no signs of being infected by orcish poison. Other than that, she had mostly just scrapes and bruises. Her attention she turned on the new elf…

" And then, turning to them... suddenly 'nervous' and tense - for more than an Elven Age it had been since he'd spoken to another soul, the elf bowed slightly... and then looked keenly (if sadly) at the small group. "You should watch more carefully," he told them curtly - if politely. "Orcs are everywhere," and then prepared to leave.

Cir called out to him. "Wait! Please. Thank you. I don't know where you came from but without you, well...I..I don't know if we could all have survived. Thank you." Peering at the elf, Cir asked, "What is your name? Where are you from? You do not look as though you are from Imladris."
To the question... "My name is Thiadvain," the ellon said quietly... "And... unless you call the 'wilds' my home, I suppose one could 'say' I am from Mithlond..."

Cir stared at him for a moment, then said, "We are recently left Imladris on a mission for Lord Elrond. With me here are," and waving to each person as he named them, "Falmiel, my betrothed....Naruiel from Edhellond...Freond, a ranger who roams much like you do I would imagine....Thad, a young lad from Bree...and....Alatar, one of the pair of Blue Wizards. Another ranger and elf there were but they were called off on another task." He gazed at the ground around him, covered now with the slain bodies of orcs, and asked Thiadvain, "Do you know any safe...or at least nearly safe...place where we could re-group? My party could use some drink and food ..and time to rest and bandage our cuts. And, well, I would like to speak with you further, if you wouldn't mind spending some time with us."

Freond was wondering about this ‘Thiadvain from Mithlond’ as she nodded when Cir introduced her. From looking at him, she *would* call the wilds his home. But, she could identify with such… the only places she ever stayed longer than a week or two were Osgiliath and Imladris- and there had been times in her life when she’d looked almost as weatherworn and ‘homeless’ as this fellow. He was a mighty warrior, without a doubt, but his voice was quiet and calm, if firm. She was thinking along the same wavelength as Cir- if they could convince Thiadvain to join their small group somehow, it would be a great addition. His skills would certainly be helpful to their mission (hopefully). Maybe they could atleast convince him to stay with him until they’d made it to Mirkwood…

“Please,” Freond added, grunting with the effort as she got to her feet, “Your aid would certainly be appreciated, Thiadvain- it is already much appreciated! You can see we are a small company. In this state we definitely wouldn’t be able to survive another attack, possibly even with your help… we must find a safe place to rest and tend our hurts.”

She didn’t mention that she wanted badly to try and ease her own pain… her concern was for the whole company. She waited silently and solemnly for the elf’s answers, and as she waited she limped over to her mount and began checking him for cuts and scrapes…
Accounts Admin, Sindarin Mod & Head Stargazer of Varda
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Post RE: KEEP: Time Warp in Wales
on: August 01, 2006 10:45
Cir stared at him for a moment, then said, "We are recently left Imladris on a mission for Lord Elrond. With me here are," and waving to each person as he named them, "Falmiel, my betrothed....Naruiel from Edhellond...Freond, a ranger who roams much like you do I would imagine....Thad, a young lad from Bree...and....Alatar, one of the pair of Blue Wizards. Another ranger and elf there were but they were called off on another task." He gazed at the ground around him, covered now with the slain bodies of orcs, and asked Thiadvain, "Do you know any safe...or at least nearly safe...place where we could re-group? My party could use some drink and food ..and time to rest and bandage our cuts. And, well, I would like to speak with you further, if you wouldn't mind spending some time with us."

Inwardly, Thiadvain 'winced'… he knew of such a place, aye, but… and then one of the others, the ranger 'echoed' the other ellon's request.
“Please,” Freond added, grunting with the effort as she got to her feet, “Your aid would certainly be appreciated, Thiadvain- it is already much appreciated! You can see we are a small company. In this state we definitely wouldn’t be able to survive another attack, possibly even with your help… we must find a safe place to rest and tend our hurts.”

Naruiel was watching hopefully… but stayed silent as she waited for Thiadvain to reply. There wasn't 'much' she could add to Cir's and Freond's comments, anyway.

For another long moment, Thiadvain didn't speak, and then nodded slowly. "Aye," he said quietly, "Come," and then waited for the group to gather themselves before heading off. 'Humble' his dwelling was... 'simple', but still 'large' enough, and amongst the wood-carvings he'd made (to pass the time) Thiadvain had bandages and herbs that would ease these people's wounds...

They were a 'curious' party… and (despite he'd 'chosen' the lonely life he led) Thiadvain found himself wishing he could think of something to 'say'. - But, it had been so long… almost, the ellon felt he'd 'forgotten' the Art of Conversation.

Before long, though, he'd taken them into the dark depths of Mirkwood Forest… and exchanging a glance with Freond, Naruiel had the 'impression' that - if he'd so 'chosen', Thiadvain could have 'melted' into the trees any time he wanted, and disappeared from sight. - And, what kind of 'elf' could do such? she wondered, but again - Naru said 'nothing', for he'd certainly overhear her words.

But… soon, Thiadvain came to a halt, and nodded toward a point between the trees. Looking carefully, Naruiel's green eyes widened. For… in front of them was a small shelter… 'rude' in make, and so well-hidden that unless one was 'trained' to find such, it would be difficult to spot. "Look at that!" Naru whispered to Freond, and glanced at Cir. Had the others 'noticed' the hut before it had been shown them? - Though… both Ciryácano and the Human woman were 'trained' for that… while *she* was not. - And… of course, who knew what the Wizard might be thinking, either?

Yet, Thiadvain led the way to the door… unlocking it (for it was 'cleverly' sealed against unwanted 'intruders'), and then waving them inside. Unmindful of his own hurts, and from the doorway, "You are welcome to what I have," the dark-haired elf told them, his soft voice 'strained'-sounding. "The water is fresh," Thiadvain added, and, "I will be back soon," and unslinging his bow, went in search of something 'decently-sized' to feed so many. - And, when he returned, and had a deer roasting over a small fire, it was… 'nervously' that the ellon then spoke.

"If… you do not mind my 'asking'," Thiadvain diffidently asked, "Where are you headed?"
"Tolo si, a tiro i cherth Eru" "Come now, and see the works of God"
RPG Moderator & Mistress of the Sea
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Post RE: KEEP: Time Warp in Wales
on: August 02, 2006 09:21
(anyone seen Confused Elessar lately?)

They had been just above the vale of Beorn in the eastern foothills of the Misty Mountains when they had met with the orcs, and when the battle was over, besides introducing his group to the stranger, had been told the elf's name was Thiadvain. Asking the elf if he knew anywhere that the group could rest and tend their wounds, he was told to follow the stranger. Thus the group found itself rapidly crossing the vale of Beorn towards the dark forest of Mirkwood. The weather was already much improved from the top of the Misty Mountains, where there had already been snow and the winds were cold. But here, the weather still held the mildness of late autumn and though the trek to shelter was longer than Cir had hoped for...in fact it took the greater part of the day...it was still pleasant enough to make the traveling easier.

When Thiadvain had led the party into the darkness of the forest it was not long before the elf came to a halt, nodding towards the trees. At first all Cir saw was trees, trees, and more trees until his eye espied what was not actually a building but not just a group of underbrush either. More a hut, the shelter was cunningly hidden and unless one was looking for it and directly on top of it, it would be easily missed. Cir's eyebrow raised as he smiled at Thiadvain, "Tricky!"

Yet, Thiadvain led the way to the door… unlocking it (for it was 'cleverly' sealed against unwanted 'intruders'), and then waving them inside. Unmindful of his own hurts, and from the doorway, "You are welcome to what I have," the dark-haired elf told them, his soft voice 'strained'-sounding. "The water is fresh," Thiadvain added, and, "I will be back soon," and unslinging his bow, went in search of something 'decently-sized' to feed so many. - And, when he returned, and had a deer roasting over a small fire, it was… 'nervously' that the ellon then spoke.

While Thiadvain was gone, the small party began finally to repair the after affects of their run in with the orcs. Cir had several cuts and bruises but his first concern was Falmiel and Thad, who he checked out carefully. Finding that Thad had little more than a bruise from falling off Jordy, Cir was amazed. "Thad, you should never have come along, though I realize you would have followed behind anyway. But you are one lucky lad, I will say that. Are you alright to tend to the horses, do you think?"

"Of course, Sir Cir. And yer right. I woulda come anyway...you need me, Sir. Now, you take care of the others and I'll take care of the horses." With that, he slipped out of the door and rounded up the horses who were grazing randomly. Unsaddling all of them, he brushed them down, found enough water available in a small spring behind the hidden shelter to water them all, then brought them all further into the shelter of the trees, where he quickly entwined vines and branches to form a meager pen to contain them...and hide them as well. By the time he had completed his work, he could smell the aroma of meat roasting over a fire. Hurrying back to the shelter, he was more than pleased to find fresh venison for dinner. He reported to Cir what he had done and turned to Thiadvain, thanking him for the good food as, "I am right starvin' "

The group sat somewhat crowded in the small shelter but comfortable in their closeness. Cir sat with his back against the wall with Falmiel enclosed in his arm, which he had placed around her shoulder. Freond and Naruiel sat next to each other and Alatar sat next to Thad, who had plunked himself down next to the wizard. He was fascinated by the staff that could begin a small fire without flints and there was something old and wise about the wizard that comforted him. When they had all finished eating as much as they could and filled their bellies beyond comfort, Thiadvain tentatively spoke.

"If… you do not mind my 'asking'," Thiadvain diffidently asked, "Where are you headed?"

Cir and Alatar exchanged a glance and the wizard nodded to Cir so the ellon began to speak. It took him some time to explain how they had followed on the heels of the first Fellowship that was heading south, while they were heading into the east towards Rhûn. Alatar shared the discussion as they described the current situation regarding the second wizard, Pallando. Cir told Thiadvain of the loss of the elf Curulindel, the ranger Erkenwine, who had been called off to another task, and then the additional loss of Cir's best friend, who had returned to Rivendell. Cir smiled ruefully, "This is why you see us as we are now, three women, one wizard, one lad of young age and me. We all agreed to travel on regardless, especially now that Alatar has found us, though we are none of us, other than Freond, adept at fighting...as you have already seen." Eyeing the lone elf, and allowing his eyes to travel around the inside of the shelter, noting the various carvings sitting on small shelves, he hesitantly asked, "I don't suppose you would be interested in aiding our quest, would you? I fear we will be encountering a good many more orcs than we did recently and we could use your skills."
Life is good! Live it to the fullest. Love well those near and dear. "You cannot step into the same river twice, for the waters are ever flowing on ....." Heraclitus I Aear cân ven na mar
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Post RE: KEEP: Time Warp in Wales
on: August 07, 2006 05:22
For another long moment, Thiadvain didn't speak, and then nodded slowly. "Aye," he said quietly, "Come," and then waited for the group to gather themselves before heading off

Freond was relieved. She’d not really believed the elf would turn them away… but she’d wondered if he had indeed known of a safe place. Sighing to herself she gave her horse an encouraging pat and – once everyone was in readiness- she mounted, somewhat painfully. They pushed onward, soon entering Mirkwood Forest. The air was a bit thick beneath the trees but the woman was glad of the shelter- they were shielded from unfriendly eyes. Plus, she preferred forests to open plains. The travel wasn’t always easier, but usually more pleasant.

But… soon, Thiadvain came to a halt, and nodded toward a point between the trees. Freond blinked for a moment, seeing nothing but the forest surrounding them… but, shortly thereafter she noticed a ‘hut’ of sorts, wedged comfortably between the trees. It was so well camouflaged that she hadn’t seen it at first glance – and she often noticed such things quickly.

"Look at that!" Naru whispered to Freond, and glanced at Cir

“I see,” Freond said in a soft voice. She could imagine how difficult it was to show such a secret place to others- and her respect for Thiadvain went up considerably. He put their need above his own desires to be hidden. She wondered what had driven him to such a life- tucked away in the shadows, no part of any realm. She could identify with him, and she wondered if she’d get a chance to speak to him alone. There were many things she was curious about.

Yet, Thiadvain led the way to the door… unlocking it (for it was 'cleverly' sealed against unwanted 'intruders'), and then waving them inside. Unmindful of his own hurts, and from the doorway, "You are welcome to what I have," the dark-haired elf told them, his soft voice 'strained'-sounding. "The water is fresh," Thiadvain added, and, "I will be back soon," and unslinging his bow, went in search of something 'decently-sized' to feed so many

Had her leg not been throbbing so, Freond would have offered to help the elf in his hunting- which is what he obviously was going to do. But, she shed her cloak and sat herself down within the shelter, mostly silent as she tended to her hurts, and then to Naru’s. She listened as Cir checked on Falmiel and Thad, and she smiled fondly when the lad slipped out to care for the horses. Yes, it might have been best for him to stay behind… but, he was certainly eager to help.

By the time Thiadvain returned with a deer (of impressive size) Freond’s pain was eased. She *did* help him then, with skinning it and preparing it for eating. Once it was roasting, and they were simply waiting for it to cook, the elf finally ‘spoke’ again.

"If… you do not mind my 'asking'," Thiadvain diffidently asked, "Where are you headed?"

Cir and Alatar exchanged a glance and the wizard nodded to Cir so the ellon began to speak. It took him some time to explain how they had followed on the heels of the first Fellowship that was heading south, while they were heading into the east towards Rhûn. Alatar shared the discussion as they described the current situation regarding the second wizard, Pallando. Cir told Thiadvain of the loss of the elf Curulindel, the ranger Erkenwine, who had been called off to another task, and then the additional loss of Cir's best friend, who had returned to Rivendell. Cir smiled ruefully, "This is why you see us as we are now, three women, one wizard, one lad of young age and me. We all agreed to travel on regardless, especially now that Alatar has found us, though we are none of us, other than Freond, adept at fighting...as you have already seen." Eyeing the lone elf, and allowing his eyes to travel around the inside of the shelter, noting the various carvings sitting on small shelves, he hesitantly asked, "I don't suppose you would be interested in aiding our quest, would you? I fear we will be encountering a good many more orcs than we did recently and we could use your skills."

“Doubtless,” Freond said, meaning running in with orcs. She’d thought the others had done pretty well in fighting… they were all alive, weren’t they? But, Cir was right… they *needed* Thiadvain. She wondered if it was fate that had let him find them in their peril. Watching him keenly from her place near the cooking meal, she waited for his reply. The food was smelling wonderful after their long day, and they were all tired enough to sleep. She was, anyway… but, like Cir, she eagerly awaited their savior’s response to the request to join them. She hoped that he would agree…


Renion walked through the forest of Mirkwood, going stealthily as he continued the patrol that was taking him to the furthest reaches of Thranduil's realm. There were others, but all had gone in different directions. The elf would have liked to have more scouts with him- it was apparent simply from the news going through the woods by tree and beast that all was not well. Parts of Mirkwood were now terribly perilous, and ever there was the fear of evil creeping across the borders of their elven realm. Everyone was unsettled… the king’s son had gone with a small party to Rivendell to take news of Gollum’s escape, and had not returned by the time that Renion had set out on his patrol. Neither had word come… had Legolas reached Imladris safely? He was bothered by it, and he only hoped that when he returned he would find the prince at home, or at least a message from him.

Renion was tall and slender, but well built, and he moved silently and gracefully through the trees. Rumor had reached him in his camp of a disturbance, and he was expecting to spot orcs any moment. What he found, however, was not orcs- he came across what appeared to be a trail left by many travelers, headed deep into the wood. The elf knelt and studied the ground closely, rubbing his long thumb along his chin as he read the tracks left behind. There were at least three horses, and one of the travelers appeared to be on foot, though those marks were so faint it was difficult to tell if they were really there. Who were they? Did they come with ill purpose?

Standing to his full height the scout unslung his bow and set an arrow loosely in the string as he turned to follow the trail. He would find them, whoever they were, and find out why they were here. They wouldn’t be orcs… no horse alive would let an orc upon its back… but, men? If someone had come from Imladris then they were far off the mark of the Halls of Thranduil.

After some good bit of travel, following the trail that seemed to vanish from time to time, he did come upon an odd sight. He didn’t see it, at first, actually. He *heard* it- the sounds of horses. For a moment he just stood still, looking this way and that… but presently he spotted movement, and circled around. Ah, there they were… five mounts, grazing in a make-shift corral. They seemed pleasant beasts, though some of them bore small scrapes… and then, Renion caught sight of the hut. His eyes narrowed and he pulled the arrow back taught, flustered that he hadn’t noticed it right away. From the look of it the structure had been there for many years… but Renion certainly knew of no one living this far out in the forest! Just barely he could hear voices coming from inside… and, very cautiously he crept forward, prepared to retaliate with his arrow should he be challenged, as he tried to hear what was being said…

(well, there’s Renion! Hope this is ok. Feel free to come out and throw something at him for eavesdropping…)

[Edited on 7/8/2006 by dreamdancer]
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Post RE: KEEP: Time Warp in Wales
on: August 08, 2006 06:14
After having travelled safely through the "realm" of Beorn and reaching the edges of Mirkwood, Alatar's tension started to lower a bit, just enough to feel the discomfort caused by sitting behind Cir's back on one and the same horse. They strode onto the shadowy and narrow path that entered Mirkwood, flanhked by high and old trees, that could hide any sort of danger for the small fellowship... After a bit, they were indeed ambushed by Orcs, outnumbering their group many times. As Cir jumped of the horse to get more space for moving, Alatar started reigning the horse with his legs only, as experienced riders can do, using his right hand to wield his staff and with the left one, he pulled his sword. His sword was of a rather simple design, and fit for using both one and two handed, with the corresponding length of blade.

Though he had the body of an old man, he had the vitality of a 40-year-old veteran soldier, as do all of the Five Wizards. Yet for all his magic and veterancy in weapon skills, his body was as fragile as of any other human, especially without any form of armor... and he already felt a stitch of pain rising from his leg, were an Orc scratched him in a near-miss. He raised his staff and knocked it in the Orc's face, accompanied by a vast number of sparks. He swirled his sword and staff around, wounding another Orc and driving them a bit back, so he had enough time to lighten his staff with a bright and strong light, which made the Orcs quite uncomfortable as they couldn't stand much light. Those few who dared approach him, he could fend off, but he wasn't capable to reach the young boy, who was being attacked by some Orcs as well. Suddenly a strange elf saved the boy and helped them drive back and kill the remaining Orcs...

When the others were talking to the Elf, Thiadvain, Alatar observed him closely, trying to decide if he was made of what was needed to complete their quest. He certainly had enough skill as a warrior to be of much use in tight situations, but on the other hand, he was a loner and that could mean in the times it would be hard and they would need him the most, he could simply walk out...

Eyeing the lone elf, and allowing his eyes to travel around the inside of the shelter, noting the various carvings sitting on small shelves, he hesitantly asked, "I don't suppose you would be interested in aiding our quest, would you? I fear we will be encountering a good many more orcs than we did recently and we could use your skills."

"Not only will we be facing Orcs, but fouler and stronger creatures, unknown to you all", Alatar added, "Not to mention the soldiers of Rhun themselves. They are cruel and merciless and as well trained as Gondor's finest, being only inferior to them because they lack Iron and steel to make decent armor. If it hadn't been for that, they would probably be able to overtake Middle-Earth without Sauron's or Pallando's help.
It is essential they are stopped, or else Gondor and the Realms of Dale, Erebor and Mirkwood are doomed...
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Post RE: KEEP: Time Warp in Wales
on: August 10, 2006 04:13
((Ok... I've been 'fighting' with this post for 2 days. If I need to edit/change anything, please let me know!!))

Thiadvain had inquired as to their path… and Naruiel could only take that as a 'positive' response for the strange, reclusive elf, and as she listened, wearily leaned against the wall next to one of the windows cut into the small, wooden shelter.
Cir and Alatar exchanged a glance and the wizard nodded to Cir so the ellon began to speak. It took him some time to explain how they had followed on the heels of the first Fellowship that was heading south, while they were heading into the east towards Rhûn. Alatar shared the discussion as they described the current situation regarding the second wizard, Pallando. Cir told Thiadvain of the loss of the elf Curulindel, the ranger Erkenwine, who had been called off to another task, and then the additional loss of Cir's best friend, who had returned to Rivendell. Cir smiled ruefully, "This is why you see us as we are now, three women, one wizard, one lad of young age and me. We all agreed to travel on regardless, especially now that Alatar has found us, though we are none of us, other than Freond, adept at fighting...as you have already seen." Eyeing the lone elf, and allowing his eyes to travel around the inside of the shelter, noting the various carvings sitting on small shelves, he hesitantly asked, "I don't suppose you would be interested in aiding our quest, would you? I fear we will be encountering a good many more orcs than we did recently and we could use your skills."

“Doubtless,” Freond said, meaning running in with orcs.

Dark eyes flickered toward the woman ranger, and then back to Cir, yet Thiadvain said nothing. Aye, the chance to kill *any* orc was a 'strong' one… but he'd been 'alone' for so long, that what - besides his warrior-skills - could he 'offer' to this strange group?
"Not only will we be facing Orcs, but fouler and stronger creatures, unknown to you all", Alatar added, "Not to mention the soldiers of Rhun themselves. They are cruel and merciless and as well trained as Gondor's finest, being only inferior to them because they lack Iron and steel to make decent armor. If it hadn't been for that, they would probably be able to overtake Middle-Earth without Sauron's or Pallando's help.
It is essential they are stopped, or else Gondor and the Realms of Dale, Erebor and Mirkwood are doomed...

It wasn't that Thiadvain didn't 'care'… but he'd been so single-minded in his Hunt for orcs, that… well… as the Wizard spoke, the dark-haired elf sighed inwardly. Even if he didn't aid these people, his centuries-old 'home' was a 'secret' no longer… and no longer could he 'stay' just here.

And… it seemed… he was 'needed'. Not that he hadn't *chosen* the life he now led… or… well? and with a slow nod, Thiadvain answered. "I will come," he said quietly, "When you feel you are rested enough."

Herself breathing a sigh of relief, Naruiel smiled wanly at the others, and turned to gaze out of the window… and gasped and stepped back when she came face-to-face with the point of an arrow. An armed elf was without… with sandy-blond hair… but all the elleth could 'do' was hope the stranger would not let 'fly' with his weapon.

Swiftly, Thiadvain and several others were there, to… and though the dark-haired ellon was 'tense', and one of his ivory-handled belt-knives was (with elven-swiftness) in hand, the group's 'host' spoke again as he deliberately re-sheathed it.

"There is no 'need' for your bow," Thiadvain said calmly, and cautiously observing the newcomer... who had swung around, and the arrow was now aimed directly at the dwelling's owner's heart. "You are welcome to come inside," Thiadvain added, sadly, and with a 'pained' tone to his quiet voice. "There is naught here but 'friend'…"
"Tolo si, a tiro i cherth Eru" "Come now, and see the works of God"
RPG Moderator & Mistress of the Sea
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Post RE: KEEP: Time Warp in Wales
on: August 20, 2006 10:52
(OOC: Something to move us forward....an inch. LOL)

Cir and Alatar had been speaking for some time to Thiadvain about their expedition, trying to persuade him of their need for him and his ability to offer aid to them. Ciryacano was aware of some reluctance in the elf's demeanor, though it was not from fear. Cir judged that this elf had spent many years in silent loneness and it was being unaccustomed to the company of others that was making his decision all the more difficult. He held up his hand to Alatar, begging him silently to say no more and rose to get himself some tea in order to give the elf time to think on his own.

And… it seemed… he was 'needed'. Not that he hadn't *chosen* the life he now led… or… well? and with a slow nod, Thiadvain answered. "I will come," he said quietly, "When you feel you are rested enough."

Ciryacano breathed a small sigh of relief and gratitude, but all he gave was a nod of his head as he offered a second cup of tea to Thiadvain, a slight smile on his face. "Your company will be much appreciated," he said when he heard a sudden gasp from Naruiel, who was standing at the small window cut into the wall of the hut.

Cir stepped directly behind her, pulling her aside to face what she had faced, an elf with his arrow nocked and pointed directly at him. Thiadvain however slipped out the door, his knife swiftly in his hand.

"There is no 'need' for your bow," Thiadvain said calmly, and cautiously observing the newcomer... who had swung around, and the arrow was now aimed directly at the dwelling's owner's heart. "You are welcome to come inside," Thiadvain added, sadly, and with a 'pained' tone to his quiet voice. "There is naught here but 'friend'…"

As soon as the arrow turned swiftly to point at Thiadvain, Cir went through the door to stand at Thiadvain's side, facing the newcomer. What he saw was another elf, tall, slender and fair of face, a look of surprise now on his face as he slowly lowered his bow. Ciryacano stepped forward, his hand over his heart as he bowed. "We are most sorry to have caused you any concern. My name is Ciryacano of Mithlond. Allow me to introduce you to the rest of my party," he said, as Falmiel joined him at one side and Thad clung to his tunic on his other side. "This is Falmiel and this young lad is Thad. He is our horse keeper. Your host here is Thiadvain. Our Ranger's name is Freond and the elleth next to her is called Naruiel. And last, but certainly not least, this dusty-robed man is Alatar, one of the Blue Wizards." Having named his entire party to the stranger, he then asked, "And what might your name be?"

When Renion had offered his name, Ciryacano glanced at Thiadvain, saying, "Welcome Renion. I'm sure Thiadvain would not begrudge you a cup of tea. Will you not join us? As he has said, we are all friend here."

They all reentered the hut, which was truly becoming too crowded to move in, and Ciryacano poured another cup of tea, handing it to Renion. "You are probably wondering why we are here, deep in the heart of Mirkwood. Please, sit, while we share with you our tale." Looking around at the crowded space, he smiled warmly, suggesting, "Though perhaps we should all sit outside," leading them all out to sit under the dark wood where a slight breeze was tossing the very tops of the trees but barely making a mark on the ground below, yet still it was cooler than the inside of the small hut. As they all sat on the ground, Cir, occasionally sipping from his cup of tea, began to explain to Renion their presence here in this dark forest.
Life is good! Live it to the fullest. Love well those near and dear. "You cannot step into the same river twice, for the waters are ever flowing on ....." Heraclitus I Aear cân ven na mar
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Post RE: KEEP: Time Warp in Wales
on: August 23, 2006 03:01
Freond was listening intently, hoping that Thiadvain would agree to go with them. The tea she was sipping was from some that had been in the packs of her group- the loner elf hadn’t had anything but old herbs, but even Freond had brought some tea leaves with them from Rivendell. It was refreshing and soothing, but she was mostly just anxious for an answer.

"I will come," he said quietly, "When you feel you are rested enough."

Herself breathing a sigh of relief, Naruiel smiled wanly at the others, and turned to gaze out of the window… and gasped and stepped back when she came face-to-face with the point of an arrow.

Freond was on her feet in an instant, her relief turned again into anxiety. She was unable to see who was without from her place - but she followed Thiadvain as he went outside, drawing her own sword but keeping it lowered. They came out and she could see the newcomer- an ellon with sandy hair and piercing eyes. He whirled to point the arrow at the one who had saved them from defeat against the orcs.

Renion hadn’t expected to be noticed- and he hadn’t wanted to threaten the elleth he’d been able to see through the window (she was very lovely, he’d thought). When the other elf came outside he’d turned on him, tense, ready to kill him if it was needed. The dark headed elf had a strange look about him. The woman behind him had her sword out and was glaring at him intently- a mortal woman, in Mirkwood Forest?

"There is no 'need' for your bow," Thiadvain said calmly, and cautiously observing the newcomer... who had swung around, and the arrow was now aimed directly at the dwelling's owner's heart. "You are welcome to come inside," Thiadvain added, sadly, and with a 'pained' tone to his quiet voice. "There is naught here but 'friend'…"

The stranger had resheathed his weapon… so, still feeling uneasy, Renion slowly lowered his bow as another elf came outside, and then more. He noticed a child among them and was confused further.

Ciryacano stepped forward, his hand over his heart as he bowed. "We are most sorry to have caused you any concern. My name is Ciryacano of Mithlond. Allow me to introduce you to the rest of my party," he said, as Falmiel joined him at one side and Thad clung to his tunic on his other side. "This is Falmiel and this young lad is Thad. He is our horse keeper. Your host here is Thiadvain. Our Ranger's name is Freond and the elleth next to her is called Naruiel. And last, but certainly not least, this dusty-robed man is Alatar, one of the Blue Wizards." Having named his entire party to the stranger, he then asked, "And what might your name be?"

“Renion, of Mirkwood,” the hunter answered, eyeing them all keenly. One of the Blue Wizards? And Naruiel… he truly hoped he hadn’t frightened her. Falmiel and Thiadvain… the latter obviously the owner of the strange little hut- and a child, how strange to bring a boy out into the wilderness. He noticed that the ranger woman’s sword was still out, though now she held it loosely. He couldn’t blame her… he had been the intruder into their meeting.

When Renion had offered his name, Ciryacano glanced at Thiadvain, saying, "Welcome Renion. I'm sure Thiadvain would not begrudge you a cup of tea. Will you not join us? As he has said, we are all friend here."

“Thank-you,” Renion said, though he really wasn’t in the mood for tea. He rather wanted to know what they were doing here- but, he followed them inside. It was very crowded and the place had a distinct scent. It didn’t stink, but it smelled ‘aged’. The hunter remained by the door.

Freond reclaimed her former spot, unwilling to give her trust to the stranger. He was an elf, which was a good sign- a friend in Mirkwood would be helpful- but she couldn’t help being doubtful. She glanced at Naru, wondering what her friend thought of this ‘Renion’.

"You are probably wondering why we are here, deep in the heart of Mirkwood. Please, sit, while we share with you our tale." Looking around at the crowded space, he smiled warmly, suggesting, "Though perhaps we should all sit outside," leading them all out to sit under the dark wood where a slight breeze was tossing the very tops of the trees but barely making a mark on the ground below, yet still it was cooler than the inside of the small hut. As they all sat on the ground, Cir, occasionally sipping from his cup of tea, began to explain to Renion their presence here in this dark forest.

Renion listened closely as the tale began and unfolded… and, when it ended his brow was furrowed. At least now his curiosity about where Mirkwood’s prince had gone was sated- he’d left with the fellowship from Rivendell. Had word of this come to Thranduil yet? Hopefully so… but even so it would be best to hurry back.

“If you seek the Halls of Thranduil, I can lead you there,” he said, glad of the excuse to return home, “You will go easier with a guide who knows the way well.”

For a moment he was silent, looking down at the tea. Then he looked up, “Forgive me for the manner of our first meeting,” he said, “Things have grown darker and more dangerous in Mirkwood of late, and I was not sure who- or what- you were.”
Here he looked straight at Naruiel and offered her a smile.
“I am sorry if I frightened you, my lady. I hope you all will allow me to guide you back to my home, where you may find as many days of rest- in safety- as you need. The king will be curious about your task as well, I am sure.”

Freond thought it was a good idea, even though she wasn’t completely sure about Renion. That had been their plan anyway, hadn’t it? And having someone who knew the way would make things much easier…
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Post RE: KEEP: Time Warp in Wales
on: August 27, 2006 12:03
Renion listened closely as the tale began and unfolded… and, when it ended his brow was furrowed.

“If you seek the Halls of Thranduil, I can lead you there,” he said, glad of the excuse to return home, “You will go easier with a guide who knows the way well.”

For a moment he was silent, looking down at the tea. Then he looked up, “Forgive me for the manner of our first meeting,” he said, “Things have grown darker and more dangerous in Mirkwood of late, and I was not sure who- or what- you were.”

Here he looked straight at Naruiel and offered her a smile. “I am sorry if I frightened you, my lady. I hope you all will allow me to guide you back to my home, where you may find as many days of rest- in safety- as you need. The king will be curious about your task as well, I am sure.”

Ciryacano could see that Renion had not heard yet of the Fellowship that had set out from Rivendell, and included the young prince of Mirkwood. And as much as he would like to rest in the halls of Thranduil's realm, it was Renion's next words that followed that caught his attention. "Much as we would we like...and could probably use...the hospitality of your king, I fear we must continue eastward as soon as possible. Going north to your home would only delay us. You tell us that the darkness is growing here in Mirkwood, which only confirms this. But if you would be willing to carry the purpose of our quest back to Thranduil, it may help us in the future, should we be in need of help."

Ciryacano sipped his tea then looked up at Renion, a glint of mischief in his eye. "That is, unless you would be more interested in joining us on our venture. Perhaps we could find another of your sentinels to carry the word back to Thranduil along the way," he said, smiling, yet hoping that Renion would be willing to join them. His eyes scanned the group, realizing that just with the addition of Thiadvain to their party, their chances had improved greatly. And with another fighting elf in Renion along with them, they would increase even more. He sadly thought of the loss of his closest friend, Val, and also Curulindel and Erkenwine. Their departures had left a vast hole in the group's ability to succeed.

Thad appeared at his side, saying, "Sir Cir, the horses are alright for the night....unless we're leaving soon, that is. Are we?" his eyes looking hopeful. Cir smiled at the boy's enthusiasm but glancing at Thiadvain asked first, "Would you mind if we camped behind your home, Thiadvain? I think we would be better starting off in the morning as the hour is now getting late."
Life is good! Live it to the fullest. Love well those near and dear. "You cannot step into the same river twice, for the waters are ever flowing on ....." Heraclitus I Aear cân ven na mar
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Post RE: KEEP: Time Warp in Wales
on: August 31, 2006 12:35
They made ready to ride and Falmiel sighed a small sigh of relief. She knew that the recent losses had been hard on her beloved, especially when his dearest friend had decided to go back to Rivendell. Cir glanced at her and said quietly, “I love you… never forget that.” She smiled at him. As if she ever could. When Cir nudged his horse forward, Falmiel followed, praying silently that she had advised Cir in the right way.

The way through the tunnel seemed endless, only the orange light of torches keeping the darkness at bay. Falmiel saw their shadows dance upon the wall and shivered. She knew that she would encounter more cruel and more frightening things on this journey than mere shadows, but things seemed to be lurking behind the tunnel walls and she actually dreaded reaching the end of it. But despite her feelings they emerged out of the tunnel without any sign of danger and Falmiel felt much relieved, although the feeling of tenseness never left her.

Days went by and nothing happened. But instead of feeling reassured Falmiel could not help her sense of foreboding. She never slept easy at night, always silently listening for noises, even if it was not her turn to take a watch. The hiding places they had found so far for the night seemed to be good and relatively safe, but Falmiel observed the others closely and judging their behavior and trusting her own senses she was prepared for an attack at any moment.

And one day it happened. The very air carried that special silence, a silence that screamed with warning. It happened very fast. Cir was able to cry out “Ready your swords, stay on your horses as long as you can,” before the rocks around them erupted with a dozen orcs. Falmiel reacted on instinct, knowing she would not be able to match the orcs when fighting with a sword and on horseback, she quickly urged her horse a little away form the fight, hoping that she would not immediately be recognized. Then she dismounted and with some quick motions readied her bow and arrows.

Not a moment to soon as it proved. She barely had the first arrow on her bow when two orcs came running towards her. In quick succession she fired two arrows, each of which hit their target effortlessly and the orcs fell before they came even close to her. Having a pause for the time being, Falmiel tried to see where Cir and Thad were and if anybody needed her help. When she finally spotted Cir, she could see how his shoulder was slashed. She gasped and did not think about anything but that she had to help. Luckily she had grabbed her saddlebag, containing her herbal medicines and some bandage material. She slung the bag across her shoulder and began to run towards Cir, shooting orcs when necessary.

She could see the wound bleeding and in her mind already rehearsed what she had to do, when she could suddenly see from the corner of her eye that a shadow emerged from the forest and began battling through the crowd of orcs. And before she knew it, the last orc had fallen. She ran to Cir’s side and after they had checked on Thad, she insisted on treating Cir’s wound at once. She also told the others that she would take care of them in a few minutes. She did not notice the small cuts and bruises on her own body as she started to clean and sow up the deep gash on Cir’s shoulder.

Nonetheless she was aware of the strange elf, the shadow she had seen earlier, introducing himself
"My name is Thiadvain," the ellon said quietly... "And... unless you call the 'wilds' my home, I suppose one could 'say' I am from Mithlond..."
Struggling with Cir to get him to hold still at least until she had finished the stitches, she only subconsciously was aware of Cir and Thiadvain talking. Once she was finished with Cir’s shoulder she moved around, treating the other members of their small group in a similar fashion for most had smaller or deeper cuts. She was just looking at Freond’s leg wound, when she heard Thiadvain speak again. "Aye," he said quietly, "Come."
The elf led them into the depth of Mirkwood until they came to what was supposedly his home. He opened the door for them and then left, obviously looking for some food. Falmiel did not bother to think about what would happen further. The healer in her took over and she immediately saw to Freond’s leg. She felt sorry for the ranger, because the leg must have been hurting a great deal while they were traveling and all she had managed to do before was to bandage it up. After she was finished and had treated that wound to satisfaction, she had a look at Cir’s shoulder, which seemed to be doing considerable well.

The group sat somewhat crowded in the small shelter but comfortable in their closeness. Cir sat with his back against the wall with Falmiel enclosed in his arm, which he had placed around her shoulder. Freond and Naruiel sat next to each other and Alatar sat next to Thad, who had plunked himself down next to the wizard. He was fascinated by the staff that could begin a small fire without flints and there was something old and wise about the wizard that comforted him. When they had all finished eating as much as they could and filled their bellies beyond comfort, Thiadvain tentatively spoke. "If… you do not mind my 'asking'," Thiadvain diffidently asked, "Where are you headed?"
Cir and Alatar exchanged a glance and the wizard nodded to Cir so the ellon began to speak. It took him some time to explain how they had followed on the heels of the first Fellowship that was heading south, while they were heading into the east towards Rhûn. Alatar shared the discussion as they described the current situation regarding the second wizard, Pallando. Cir told Thiadvain of the loss of the elf Curulindel, the ranger Erkenwine, who had been called off to another task, and then the additional loss of Cir's best friend, who had returned to Rivendell. Cir smiled ruefully, "This is why you see us as we are now, three women, one wizard, one lad of young age and me. We all agreed to travel on regardless, especially now that Alatar has found us, though we are none of us, other than Freond, adept at fighting...as you have already seen." Eying the lone elf, and allowing his eyes to travel around the inside of the shelter, noting the various carvings sitting on small shelves, he hesitantly asked, "I don't suppose you would be interested in aiding our quest, would you? I fear we will be encountering a good many more orcs than we did recently and we could use your skills."

To Falmiel it seemed like ages before Thiadvain answered. "I will come," he said quietly, "When you feel you are rested enough." Falmiel silently thanked him for his decision. She knew how Cir felt about it and she was also aware that they needed more able fighters if they wanted to accomplish their task.

But before she could think much further, Naru, Thiadvain and Cir had discovered a ‘visitor’, who appeared to be another elf. Ciryacano stepped forward, his hand over his heart as he bowed. "We are most sorry to have caused you any concern. My name is Ciryacano of Mithlond. Allow me to introduce you to the rest of my party," he said, as Falmiel joined him at one side and Thad clung to his tunic on his other side. "This is Falmiel and this young lad is Thad. He is our horse keeper. Your host here is Thiadvain. Our Ranger's name is Freond and the elleth next to her is called Naruiel. And last, but certainly not least, this dusty-robed man is Alatar, one of the Blue Wizards." Having named his entire party to the stranger, he then asked, "And what might your name be?"

When Renion had offered his name, Ciryacano glanced at Thiadvain, saying, "Welcome Renion. I'm sure Thiadvain would not begrudge you a cup of tea. Will you not join us? As he has said, we are all friend here."

They all reentered the hut, which was truly becoming too crowded to move in, and Ciryacano poured another cup of tea, handing it to Renion. "You are probably wondering why we are here, deep in the heart of Mirkwood. Please, sit, while we share with you our tale." Looking around at the crowded space, he smiled warmly, suggesting, "Though perhaps we should all sit outside," leading them all out to sit under the dark wood where a slight breeze was tossing the very tops of the trees but barely making a mark on the ground below, yet still it was cooler than the inside of the small hut. As they all sat on the ground, Cir, occasionally sipping from his cup of tea, began to explain to Renion their presence here in this dark forest.
Ciryacano could see that Renion had not heard yet of the Fellowship that had set out from Rivendell, and included the young prince of Mirkwood. And as much as he would like to rest in the halls of Thranduil's realm, it was Renion's next words that followed that caught his attention. "Much as we would we like...and could probably use...the hospitality of your king, I fear we must continue eastward as soon as possible. Going north to your home would only delay us. You tell us that the darkness is growing here in Mirkwood, which only confirms this. But if you would be willing to carry the purpose of our quest back to Thranduil, it may help us in the future, should we be in need of help."

Ciryacano sipped his tea then looked up at Renion, a glint of mischief in his eye. "That is, unless you would be more interested in joining us on our venture. Perhaps we could find another of your sentinels to carry the word back to Thranduil along the way," he said, smiling, yet hoping that Renion would be willing to join them. His eyes scanned the group, realizing that just with the addition of Thiadvain to their party, their chances had improved greatly. And with another fighting elf in Renion along with them, they would increase even more. He sadly thought of the loss of his closest friend, Val, and also Curulindel and Erkenwine. Their departures had left a vast hole in the group's ability to succeed.

Falmiel eyed the stranger, who introduced himself as Renion. Just by looking at him she knew that Cir would ask him to accompany them. And she also saw the potential of their re – strengthened group. She just hoped they would stay until the end.

(I hope this was ok – I tried to get Falmiel involved again without interrupting the flow…. If I need to edit something, please tell me J )
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