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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part IV
on: January 05, 2006 04:18
Hi, All!
I spent the first 5 minutes or so this morning traversing my classroom over and over whist emptying the can of Lysol into the air and onto the carpet. Then I lit a jar candle that one of my student's gave me for Christmas. Those two things seemed to do the trick. By the end of the day nary a nasty smell of popcorn was in the air. Now...in the microwave.. that might be another story!

Cooking + Scots = B-A-A-D!

When the spousal unit and I got married oh, so many years ago, I took one whole day off after our wedding to get moved from the folks' to the new apartment. I thought I would be Suzie Homemaker and get up and make breakfast for Mr. Scots. As I was puttering around in the kitchen, he came down to see what I was up to. His comment was..and I quote..."What the H*ll are you doing in *my* kitchen?" I raised my hands palms out in surrender and haven't been back since. If I do venture in, he gets really nervous. Kind of like he gets when I go into *his* yard. I mean, come on! I only weeded the asparagus bed once. (weeding things that shouldn't be weeded seems to be a strength of mine. *giggle*) Man, something like that follows you for the rest of your life. *sheesh*

We had a burn barrel at school for years. One particularly dry fall, we set THREE count 'em THREE grass fires. Small ones to be sure, but the last one almost got away from us. There we were out there in our skirts, hose, and heels trying to stomp it out. With little success I might add. We were on the verge of panicking and running out with little styrofoam glasses of water trying to get it out. Now how pointless was that I ask you? My partner in crime eventually thought of the shovel, and that did the trick in getting it put out. At our next school board meeting we asked for a new burn barrel and a garden hose to connect to the faucet so that when we started another fire we could put it out. Not much was said as they surveyed the remains of our little excitement. The next day, lo and behold, a dumpster arrived. ROFL It's been there ever since.

Awelyn, I'm glad you had better presence of mind than we did during our fire. I hope the puppy dog came through okay.

Well, must go do homework then read. Yay! I'll actually have some time to do that tonight. That's rare.

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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part IV
on: January 05, 2006 05:11
MT returns from the mines of Moria. Quickly brushing the dirt and grime away, she heads to FoF.

It's so very nice to be here! Two days back and I'm swamped with "to do's...and the children haven't been a distraction, as they don't return until Monday. Oh well. Such is the life of an early elementary educator.

Wow awelyn ! I think that I should send you one of our plastic firefighter hats and gold badge for your firefighting abilities! Goes to show that you know how to think on your feet in an emergency. I hope that the neighbor who was so careless was somehow cited for his lack of responsibility in watching his fire. Things could have ended up badly.

Thanks for sharing your customs/traditions neenime. I find them fasinating.

Great story about the nude sleeper and the shoe swabby. There was a manical genius in that group. Surely made me laugh.

So glad that you are feeling better scots. You know, bagged popcorn that's already been popped isn't so bad.

Someone asked about Mardi Gras, about which I am an expert (locally, that is). Mardi Gras is french (I love french things!!) for Fat Tuesday. (origional reference to fatted calf, modern reference to over-eating junk) In my part of the world, the french who came here long ago brought many of their traditions with them. Mardi Gras is a religious-type holiday held 47 days before Easter. It begins on Epiphany (Jan. 6th) and ends the day after Mardi Gras, Ash Wednesday. The idea behing Mardi Gras is to "Whoop it up" before Lent, when you give things up.
The tradition of King cake also comes from 12th century France. They don't bake the bread with the plastic baby inside anymore, as the bakeries don't want to be liable for injuries incurred from snall plastic babies being bitten or swallowed.
Here is a site that you might enjoy: www.loc.gov/bicentennial/propage/AL/al_s_sessions3.html
Notice reference to Michael Krafft, my ancestor.

Sorry about the long history lesson. I'm off to bed, as I have a busy day tomorrow and son's band is at it again tomorrow night and I"M DANCING AGAIN!!! :disco:

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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part IV
on: January 06, 2006 02:37
I have said before that I have A high opinion of all of the FoF "regulars", but I want to add that those of you who are involved in education deserve far more recognition (and pay) than you currently are receiving. Your devotion and self-sacrifice does not go unnoticed by some of us. The shaping of young minds is easily one of the most important jobs in the world.

Do any of you get frustrated with television news? I certainly do. I used to watch A lot of news, but now they all seem to be full of "fluff" and garbage and seem to have lost focus on their primary responsibility of reporting accurate, unbiased news. I get most of news from the internet now. Often I will read A story on the internet, then I will watch television news to see how they report that story, or if they report it at all. In my view, they treat us like mushrooms. Swabby

[Edited on 6/1/2006 by swabby]
Prancing Pony Moderator & Elf Laundry Mistress
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part IV
on: January 06, 2006 04:05
You know, swabby, I've always wondered why it is that professions that help people are so poorly paid. Nurses, teachers, policemen, firefighters...

How do put value on what they do? Most of them don't do it for the pay or prestige (um, what prestige?), but because they believe in what they do.

We're people like everyone else, but we often do the jobs others shudder at. My hat's off to teachers. They help to mold the young of our society, put up with all sorts of aggravating and sometimes disgusting behavior (and I'm not always talking about the kids, mind you), and get paid very little for the efforts.

Firefighters and policemen put themselves in harm's way so often I feel for their families, never knowing when they'll get that call. Sure, they have stories about bad policemen, but has anyone ever put themselves in that situation? Hard to say how an "average" person would behave with the knowledge you have a nice target pasted on you in the form of your uniform.

Nurses (well, I know this one all too well) deal with people at their less than best. Bodily substances aside, when people are ill, they are usually cranky and hard to please.

Anyway, off my soapbox.

News. :shudder: It's gotten completely out of control. Depressing... The media can warp things all out of perspective. As for their choosing what to report... That's the networks heavy hand on what makes "good news." Not that it's good, but that it will grip people and make them watch. *sigh*
Prancing Pony Moderator, Realm Head of Lórien & Grandmother who loves Tolkien
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part IV
on: January 06, 2006 04:41
Belle, thanks for the computer info. I have tried other free virus protection programs that I was not pleased with so I might give yours a try. I agree 100 % that teachers and others are paid so poorly . Sean Astin's book There and Back Again he and his father John talk about how much they respect teachers and that it is not fair that they are paid so poorly when actors and sports players are paid so much.

Swabby, the news drives me crazy. I would say 20 years ago they were more reliable and truthful than today. I too do not watch the news.

MTMS, that was me who ask about Mardi Gras. Thanks for the info I found it very interesting. I guess my respect for fire comes from the time I was 7 and set a grass fire with matches. I got a paddling and a stern talking to and I was so scared I never played with matches again

Scots. I am so glad you removed the smell from your school. I love candles. Your burning barrel story was great. You are so lucky that your husband does the cooking and yard work. He is a keeper. I do both but I have to admit I enjoy yard work.
Awelyn 418 It Friday here :disco:
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part IV
on: January 06, 2006 05:28
Good comments regarding teachers and other service professions. The teachers here at FOF seem especially gifted and the children they teach are fortunate indeed. For they seem to be those extra special teachers who enrich their students lives with a magic. Whether wielding a sword, popping corn or gluing hobbit foot hair, they are sure to make learning fun!

News - don't often watch unless hubby has it on. He is more of a news buff and has to read the newspaper every day. Just give me the basics, the important stuff. And some news that makes me smile or brightens the day. Too much war, sadness and all is draining on the spirit. Plus the media reports what they want you to see/what makes them the most $$$ and are often inaccurate. I want to "get" what is going on in the world, understand the big picture but not think about gory details all the time.

Interesting link about the Mardi Gras origins, MT - thanks! Did you happen to see any Rangers about on your journey? Oh wait, never mind, that was my imaginary ranger that left, you know the one with a smile on his face, lol.

Cooking is my thing here. Hubby can cook if he puts his mind to it but creates much chaos and well, plain mess. Usually much easier for me to do it. But he's good with tools....he got some for Christmas and is very eager for any projects or chance to use them. :rolleyes:

The sun is shining today and it looks beautiful and clear over the lake. But very windy, a chilling northerly wind -the water is very choppy.

Still no cigs. :twitch: Think I'll bake some banana bread and warm up the place with good smells. (Will pass around the bread later.) :heart: :hug: :love:
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part IV
on: January 06, 2006 05:37
Hi everyone

It has been very interesting reading all the posts. Teachers aren't that well paid over here either but I suspect the news reporting is better. I am not a hopeless cook but I am nowhere near as good as my Mum but these days when we are together I end up doing most of it (she is 85 she deserves a break).

Re virus software I use zone alarm (I paid for the premium version) and it seems to work well for me. They do have a free version you can download.

Most of what I do on the web when not in shopping sites is LOTR related. I spend a lot of time here and at fan fiction sites.

Perhaps one of you can satisfy my curiosity - my diary says there is a US holiday later on in January - what is it for?

Love to you all and I hope there are no more popcorn or neighbourhood pyrotechnics!

Gallery Admin & Realm Head of Estë
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part IV
on: January 06, 2006 05:50
Awelyn and Belle, F-Secure is another antivirus and firewall program, not as widespread as Norton (at least outside Europe) but a good one according to my experience.

I also agree about teachers, nurses, etc. being paid all too badly. Heck, a paper mill worker who is responsible for machines gets paid almost twice as much as a nurse who is responsible for human health and lives! Not right, IMO.
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part IV
on: January 06, 2006 08:05
Computer security . We use Norton Symantec and it works fine. Doesn't seem to block things we want to get at. I have SpySweeper at work - also very good and not getting in my way.

Paying for what we value . I agree with the frustration expressed here. What is so valuable about crotch-grabbing, tobacco-spitting sports stars and glitzy, emotionally confused film stars? How about those people who save and protect lives. Makes me wonder.

News reporting I'm with you on that one , too. The big media have become slaves to the big corporations. That's why in Canada a lot of us value the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corp), equivalent to the BBC and perhaps to PBS (tho' I don't know if PBS is gov't- sponsored). I think the development of "indy media" (independents) is really vital to repairing the damage to democracy caused by the corporate stranglehold on media.

So, these days, I take in only as much news as I can tolerate after a day fo listening to people's fears, heartache and frustrations. Some days, there is no rom on my stress meter for more bad news, even if it is well reported.

On the other hand, it's a unique privilege to walk with people struggling to make their lives better, to see their triumphs and know that I helped. I think it is this personal satisfaction that keeps a lot of helping professionals in the business.
“Some believe it is only great power that can hold evil in check. But that is not what I have found. I have found that it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love. " Gandalf
Prancing Pony Moderator, Realm Head of Lórien & Grandmother who loves Tolkien
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part IV
on: January 06, 2006 08:10
HT ,the only holiday I know of in January is Martin Luther King's birthday January 16th. He is the civil rights leader who said I have a dream and what an inspiring speech that was for me. I still get chills hearing it.

Thank you for the information Morwin.

Mith :cheers: et: :disco: no cigs you go girl! Great job. Hang in there you can do this I know you can. Your lake sounds so peaceful and serene but I bet it can change in a heartbeat to choppy and noisy.
Anyway congrats to you keep up the good work
Awelyn 418
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part IV
on: January 06, 2006 12:31
I second that congrats, Mith. Here's to many smoke free days ahead. What a wonderful thing you are doing for yourself and your family!!! :hug:
Thanks to all of you for the accolades for teachers. I love my job but wish I could concentrate on my children and their needs and not some test scores...and I have yet to see a program designed asessment (based on No Child Left Behind) that is appropriate for young children. Mt gets off her soapbox.

I went to the doctor yesterday for tests and check up stuff that had to be done. My hat's off to the wonderful nurses and techs that I encountered. I know that they also do not receive pay that reflects their true worth in the world. I am so glad that they continue to bless us with their gifts of healing.

Hope you enjoyed the Mardi Gras info, swelyn. There's alot more to it, but that covered the basics. In a nearby city they have a king, queen and court that "rule" during the main Mardi Gras days. I was a member of the "juvenile court" which is just a younger version of the "grown-up court. I was in several parades, rode in a convertible ,wore a lovely handmade gown and was escourted by a handsome young man! Too bad I was only 12.
I think that there should be a senior citizen Mardi Gras court. I coronation would be most interesting, as would be the parade and ball. "Throw me something, Grandpa!" "Ehh?? What did you say, sonny?" as the float passes by.

Gotta go get ready for my night out. Will think of you all as I am moving to the beat.

Prancing Pony Moderator, Realm Head of Lórien & Grandmother who loves Tolkien
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part IV
on: January 06, 2006 01:50
MTMS, did you give me a new version of my name awelyn? My middle name is Sue What's in a name anyway. A rose by any other name would smell as sweet to quote Shakespeare.
When my sister lived in Slidell La. I would visit her at Mardi Gras time and we had a cake with a small plastic baby baked in it. I got the baby in my piece of cake. I was suppose to have good luck or something. The one thing I hated was the chicory coffee. My sister liked it not me and the first thing I did on the way home home was stop in Mississippi and get a cup of coffee . I told the girl behind the counter that was the best cup of coffee that I had had all week.

We were talking about computer programs and my Norton found a worm. I had problems for 2 hours but it is ok now. I was almost panicking what would I do if I could not talk or post FOF. I would be very sad:cry:

Have a safe but a good time MTMS and dance a dance for me.

Awelyn 418:heart:
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part IV
on: January 07, 2006 04:22
If I was in charge of such things, you can bet that school teachers would not only get A pay raise, but they would also be elevated in terms of respectability and worth to society. As Belle pointed out, this world is full of under-appreciated folks who dedicate their lives to serving others. Anyone who has ever been hospitalized knows that it is the nursing staff that does all the heavy lifting.

Belle, do you remember Admiral Elmo R. Zumwalt? He took over as the top officer in charge of the Navy,(CNO) as I recall, in 1969. In 1970, he started making changes to "humanize" the Navy which pleased me greatly but angered many of the older guys. He changed many of the grooming standards and allowed us to wear our hair A little bit longer. We were also allowed to wear our sideburns to the bottom of our ears instead of trimming them off at an imaginary line drawn from the eyebrow to where the top of the ear meets the scalp.. In general, many of his changes (issued in the form of "Z-Grams") were aimed at us younger folks and were intended to make our lives better and help us to not "stick out" from the general populace so badly.
That was during an era of great change and I saw Admiral Zumwalt's actions fitting in with all the other changes like civil rights, women's rights, worker's rights and gay rights that were going on at the time. It all seemed "right" to me. It had finally been recognized that large segments of our society had been wronged and mistreated, but now we were going to fix it and make it right.
The Navy had thousands of Filipinos in it's ranks, but they were only allowed to be "Stewards", which was nothing more than nursemaids for the officers. Our female sailors were only allowed to be administrative or medical types. The Admiral changed all that.
Before my retirement from the Navy in 1988, I saw many of Admiral Zumwalt's changes reversed. He was loved by the little people and hated by the big and powerful. I can see now that A segment of our society (in America) has rejected much that was accomplished all those years ago and is now doing A pretty good job of returning us to the bad old days when only the rich and powerful had any rights.
The Professor saw it. Charles Dickens saw it. Martin Luther King Jr saw it. If only everyone could see that A society is strongest and most prosperous when everyone has A piece of the dream. I guess some will now call me "Soapbox Swabby", and rightly so. Have A good weekend my friends.
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part IV
on: January 07, 2006 05:06
Hi everyone

Awelyn thanks for the info re the holiday I know about Martin Luther King but didn't realise that was what the day was for.

Every time we seem to have come some way towards freedom and respect for the individual there are those who would like to put things back the way they were but at least it isn't so easy once people realise what they might be asked to give up. I think it is important to remember that people had to struggle to give us the freedoms we in the west take for granted. There was an interesting f program on the BBC last night - a dramatised account of the life of C S Lewis - of course Professor Tolkien was in it, reading out a small excerpt from Lord of the Rings and the other Inklings told him he needed a Map because no-one knew where the characters were!

Have a good weekend people.


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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part IV
on: January 07, 2006 10:16
Hi, everyone! :wave:

Just dropping in to let you know that I've been in lurk mode the past few days. I made a post the other morning but it seems that it didn't take. I'm not sure how that happened.

I seem to recall saying that I'd happily participate as one of Dorothy's companions in our own FOF version of Oz. I think it would be most fun to play the Cowardly Lion, but I'm not sure whether that would be appropriate. After all, Goldberry says:
He has no fear, Tom Bombadil is Master.

Teachers are definitely underpaid. Of course there are many teachers who don't earn the meager wages they're given, although that could be said of most any profession. I thought that nurses were pretty decently paid? Maybe it depends on what sort of nurse you are and in what region you're employed. Their working conditions is another matter, however.

Old Tom and his pretty lady are celebrating 16 years of wedded bliss this weekend. (Our anniversary was Friday.) We didn't do anything too special yesterday, but we'll be leaving for San Jose shortly where we'll be attending this evening's hockey game between the San Jose Sharks and the Los Angeles Kings.

You don't think a hockey game is an inappropriate event for an anniversary, do you? After all, isn't the traditional gift for one's 16th anniversary vulcanized rubber?
Prancing Pony Moderator & Elf Laundry Mistress
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part IV
on: January 07, 2006 12:25
swabby, I joined the Navy in 1971 so I knew that era very well. My hubby wore a mustache and goatee during that time when he was in (1970-1982). As you say, I fear we are returning to the past. I just found out from a classmate in my online Master's that Indian Health Service (read Bureau of Indian Affairs) has be turned back to the Department of Defense. It had been under the Department of the Interior for a very long time (I think about the 1930's) since the DoD was not really dealing with them well. Now, they have to struggle with the VA and retirees for limited funding due to the Iraq conflict. I don't want to get into politics, but it's very frustrating.

Sometimes I feel like we have too many Saruman's, willing to cut and burn and slash in their efforts to mechanize, yet wanting the masses to remain ignorant and downtrodden. *sigh* I should stop before I get into verboten territory. :cry:

Well, back to the pits of Isengard. Hope everyone has a good weekend.
Prancing Pony Moderator, Realm Head of Lórien & Grandmother who loves Tolkien
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part IV
on: January 07, 2006 12:41
OTB, but after the cowardly lion received his courage he was very brave. The Wizard of Oz was the second fantasy type movie I saw as a little girl. Mary Martin played in the first she was Peter Pan. I remember the part about Tinker bell when she drank the poison and Mary Martin said if you believe she will live and I kept saying I believe,I believe and Tink's light got brighter and I thought I did it . Who would have know that I would eventually make it to LOTR movies from Peter Pan, what a journey. Happy Anniversary OTB to you and Goldberry. Have fun. Hockey how romantic OTB I had a friend in California who was a nurse and she made so much more there than nurses in Mo.
Have you ever visited that attraction that was mentioned in Ringers? It sounds like so much fun. I thought you said something about Hobbitown once.

Swabby I agree with you 100% and sometimes we have to get on a soapbox for what you believe.

HT ,you are welcome. Oh, I wish I would have seen that it sounded like it was interesting and entertaining.
Awelyn 418

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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part IV
on: January 07, 2006 05:33
Hi everyone!

Mith, congrats on the non-smoking. You go, girl!

Swabby, I agree on the nightly news problem. Sometimes I switch to PBS on TV and NPR on the radio and it is amazing how different the same news story is told. It seems like what used to be "hard news" is so full of who's doing what (or who) in Hollywood or similiar trash.

Too many Sarumans in govt.? Absolutely and it seems that some of them have been taking bribes and maybe using a Palantir to spy on the rest of us?

Le hannon to all who complimented teachers. To illustrate what we deal with daily, on Tuesday (first day back) I got an e-mail from a parent complaining that my grades hadn't been updated on line since Dec. 16...the last day before break. So I guess in her mind I should have spent my break working even though it was have incensed her if I had given her little darling a pile of homework to be done then.

May rain fall where it needs to and the sun shine where it ought!

SindyE Nad dithen carnen an gwend.
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part IV
on: January 07, 2006 05:45
Mith You go, Girl!!! How many days is that now? Keep up the good work, We're all rooting for you.

Old_Tom and Goldberry congratulations on your anniversary. How lovely! May your years of bliss togetherbe as timeless as your namesakes. I toast your health - :cheers:

Belle and Swabby Adm. Zumwalt sounds like a great man. Not afraid that he would lose effectiveness by loosening needlessly restrictive and discriminatory rules. Reminds me of Pope Paul IV, who brought the Catholic Church into the 20th century. Of course, every pope after him has dragged it back into medieval times.

The powerful love power above all else and safeguard it by keeping others in their place. How sad. What a loss of potentially transforming ideas and people in every organization where this backlash takes place..

ON a lighter note, my digestive system is still working its way through much good Christmas food. Two more days of celebrating to go.

Enjoyed seeing some old acquaintances who came to my former church to help us sing the Christmas liturgy. Hardly anyone left in the old church (where my parents still attend), so there weren't many voices for the makeshift choir. Did some impromptu carolling afterward. It was fun.

Tomorrow I live a double life. Leading a pagan service at the Unitarian Church in the morning (delayed Winter Solstice service) and then more Christmas celebration with my family in the evening. Goodness, it's like a religious smorgasbord! But then, I DO like variety.

“Some believe it is only great power that can hold evil in check. But that is not what I have found. I have found that it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love. " Gandalf
Gallery Admin & Realm Head of Estë
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part IV
on: January 08, 2006 02:11
Congratulations for your anniversary, Old Tom! :cheers: Here's for many more years to come!
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part IV
on: January 08, 2006 02:56
Yes, awelyn, you are a rose, no matter what my foggy brain may call you.

I thank God for the Adm. Zumwalts that he places in our midst. There are far too many Sarumans, and like Tolkien, I believe that they didn't start out "bad."...at least maybe not all of them.

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, Old Tom! You surely know the way to a llady's heart! Wishing you romance, fun and lots of love now and in the years to come.

Don't you just love the attitude of some of the parents, SE? I've got a meeting with one this week. I hope that I can discipline myself to say the right thing and not what comes to mind immediately.

I danced for each of you on Friday night. Son's band was in great form and the large crowd was very appreciative. After the set, we went out to eat and chatted for a while. Hubby and I were among a large group of son's friends. They didn't want us to leave...but it was an hour's drive home and old folks must get their rest or they're grouchy.

Spent most of Saturday training a new group of Stephen Ministers at my church. Will be doing so every Tuesday night until May. And so the schedule tightens. When will I find time to get that exercise in? Lord knows, after all that holiday food, I NEED to get active.

I was in a coffee shop the other day and saw what I thought was a raspberry ranger drink. Now that's the one for me, my brain thought. Good thing that I looked at the sign again before I asked for a raspberry ranger. Or maybe I would've gotten one??? Doesn't that sound delicious, HTSE [/b] [b] Mith?

Prancing Pony Moderator, Realm Head of Lórien & Grandmother who loves Tolkien
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part IV
on: January 08, 2006 03:25
MTMS,I am so glad you had a good time. Some parents at our neck of the woods think it is awful that teachers get summers off and still get paid for it. I know at least 50 teachers that work summer school to make ends meet in the summer.

Neenime you are going to be so busy today.

Hi Morwin, and Sindy :wave:
I hope everyone has a great weekend.

Awelyn 418:heart:
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part IV
on: January 08, 2006 03:58
Just in lurking mode myself, Old Tom. Congrats on your wedding anniversary.

All your posts make interesting reading. And soapboxes are good. We need to vent spleens every now and then.

Not much to say myself. Bit of a withdrawal period.

Keep well everyone.

Rose xx
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part IV
on: January 08, 2006 04:43
Admiral Elmo R. Zumwalt Jr was special for his efforts to bring the US Navy into the 20th century, but some of you may have heard of him for another reason. Before he became the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) he commanded all naval forces in Vietnam, and it was he who ordered the spraying of the defoliant, "Agent Orange". His own son was on A river boat (like John Kerry) at the time and developed cancer because of his exposure. After the Admiral retired, he became A champion for those affected by Agent Orange and worked tirelessly to force the US government to own up to it's responsibilities. He was eventually successful in getting medical care and compensation for thousands of US military personnel, but he could not save his son who died from cancer.
I'm sure there are books out there about this special Navy man that would be worth reading. Indicative of the polarized politics of today's America, Admiral Zumwalt was either "the guy who ruined the Navy" or the "guy who tried to save it", depending on who you ask about him.

There certainly are too many "Saruman's" in the world, but at least there are some of us who recognise them for what they are.

I add my words of encouragement to all those who are rooting for Mith's complete and absolute divorce from the evil cigarrette. Just keep in mind, m'lady, that you are A brave Shieldmaiden capable of great feats of heroism, and you will be triumphant!

"Tobbaco free our Mith will be
and from her mouth all stench shall flee
So gleaming white her teeth shall be
that men shall sail from across the sea
to taste her lips so very sweet!"

MT, could you tell us A little more about your son's musical activities? How long has he been playing? What style/styles does he play? What are his influences?

Neenime, good luck to you and your waistline with all that good eating. I'm afraid that my indulgences over the last few months (Halloween candy, Thanksgiving, Christmas and Newyears) has completely ruined my boyish figure. Instead of A "hardbody" I've got more of A "lardbody". Now, who among you will volunteer to put on A skimpy outfit and let me chase after you? (Oh, I forgot to mention that you must know CPR) Later, Swabby

Late note-----Isn't "lurk" A lot like "sneeking"? Rose, don't make me come over there and light A fire under you. I've got A Black cat bone, A mojo hand and some magic beans that I'll use on you if I have to. Now quit that lurking!

[Edited on 8/1/2006 by swabby]
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part IV
on: January 08, 2006 07:43
Hello how is everyone doing? School will be starting up again on the 17th and hopely it is my last semester. I had sit and watch all of the EE DVD of Lord of the Rings the other day.

Had to kick my nephew out of the house because he was bring trouble into my home and I was not going to stand for it. So now he is mad at me, and I really don't care. He was suppose to giving me money to help pay the cell phone bill and he wasn't so I had his phone disconnented and now I am sending his back to get off the family plan and unto a single plan. I was trying to help him and all he was doing was lying to me and using me and he is not my own kid so I decided that I will just stop helping him. Kids want to stay that they are grown but they don't act like it, my kids are the same way and I had kicked them out also. No one wants to help pay bills so I told them all to get out and go and be the grownups they think that they are.

Don't want them getting me so upset that I can do my school work. They all had me stressed out last sememster that I am surprise that I did as well as I did, but I am not going through it this semester.

Hope that everyone is having a wonderful day.

[Edited on 8/1/2006 by faramirgirl]
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part IV
on: January 08, 2006 09:27
Faramirgirl sounds as if you applied a dose of Tough Love. That's hard to do - most parents have a tough time following through with big consequences. But we do people no favours when we let them walk over us and treat us disrespectfully. You're a strong woman!

MT thanks for being the Designated Dancer on Friday. I was busy. They frown on dancing at the church I come from, even thug dance was probably one of the original forms of worship. One reason that I like the Unitarian Church is that it's more open to a variety of spiritual practices. So we pagans had 'em humming (sonic meditation) and dancin' in the aisles as we called the sun back from the dark places.

OPK, tored no from dancing and not much sleeping. Indigestion, some caffeine (suposed to be verboten for me) and hubby's snoring kept me up a good part of the night). Time for Sunday afternoon nap.

*zzzzzz ** snores prodigiously** szzznxtttttphphphhp*

“Some believe it is only great power that can hold evil in check. But that is not what I have found. I have found that it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love. " Gandalf
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part IV
on: January 08, 2006 10:41
You did the right thing in sending that nephew packing, faramirgirl. Hopefully he will learn to be responsible by having the consequences of his behavior happen. So many people don't learn because others in their lives "spare them" from the consequences of their bad decisions. May this semester be less stressful for you.

Yes, I will gladly be the Designated Dancer,Neenime. The sound and lighting were great. Those colored lights "dancing" on the floor were a big encouragement. I didn't care who was watching. Hope you get some rest. My hubby snores also and many times I suffer from sleep deprivation.

You are so kind to ask about my son, swabby. He plays in 2 bands, one just for kicks. He's written or co/written all the songs that both bands play. Both the lyrics and melodies are very good. He began playing acoustic guitar when he was 7. I've heard him speak of Leonard Cohen, The Beatles and Led Zeppelin as influences in his music. Here's the link to his band where you could read more in the bio section and even listen to some songs. I am mentioned in the lyrics in Sorry go round. skylighthoney.net.

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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part IV
on: January 08, 2006 10:44
Hi everyone! Happy Anniversary to Tom & Goldberry!! I enjoy reading of your adventures and your pics. A truly wonderful and remarkable couple!

Thanks for all your support in my kicking the nasty habit. Your words do help lots! Swabby, never had a special poem before, that was cool, it made me smile and warmed my heart, thank you!

Was a rough day yesterday, craving-wise. Hubby had started out quitting New Years then slowly started back. It didn't bother me much when he smoked a few a day but now he's back to a couple packs and I'm really trying to keep smiling. We had made an agreement earlier that he would go outside after 3 weeks but I really wish he would care enough to do it now. But today he has seemed to be smoking less and a bit more mindful of my presence while he's smoking. And the sun is shining! :rolling:

MT, did you say Ranger and raspberry? A yummy combination. I can totally understand and visualize you seeing it. Too bad we can't actually conjure up those kind of thoughts! Hope the Ranger store was not just one of these kind of visions common to Ranger obsessed shield maidens.

SE, it is great to have you back here. Hope all goes well with you!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend. Love :love: and hugs :hug: And here's to trimmer waistlines for us all! :cheers:
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part IV
on: January 08, 2006 11:33
Neenime and MinasTirithMS thanks for the support of me doing the right thing. I just hope that he don't bother me.

MinasTirithMS what kind of bands is your son in? and what kind of songs does he wirte? You must be so very proud of him.

Miththoliel I know that stop smoking can be hard for I have tried and not been able to yet. I hope that your husband does go otuside to smoke to help you out.
Prancing Pony Moderator, Realm Head of Lórien & Grandmother who loves Tolkien
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part IV
on: January 08, 2006 05:09
Hi everyone. So, Belle you were in the navy. So you and Swabby have one more thing in common. You both have a great sense of humor and you write poems and you were sailors.

Mith, how hard for you to quit smoking with your husband still smoking. I've been there and done that before it is not fun and puts a strain on your will power. So, I am so proud of you. Also if something happens and you give in and smoke a cigarette don't beat yourself up with remorse just say I am not going to start smoking again this was just a little slip and I will stop. I was so guilt ridden I made me sick when I had a slip up when I was quitting that habit. Also go to your health food store and get something to help get that out of your system . Maybe a cleansing herb.Something too detoxify your system.

FG I am so sorry you are having this stress in your life. Going to school is hard enough without the added stress. Tough love is very hard but sometimes you have to be firm. When my 18 year old was drinking and driving and getting drunk and using drugs we had enough. We gave him choices and he chose to leave. He came back but would not abide by our rules and my husband kicked him out. That was the saddest day of my life with the exception of the death of my mother. He lived with friends until his money ran out and then he slept on school roofs and did not eat for days and finally he came home. Happiest day of my life and he joined the Army. He is a responsible adult today and thanks me over and over for my love and patience. He is married and has 2 children. So, FG I know what you are going through but there is hope.

Neenime, I hope you woke up feeling refreshed. did not get to take a nap today I usually do so I will retire early tonight.

Have a great night and a great Monday FOF friends.
Awelyn 418
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part IV
on: January 09, 2006 02:37
Mornin' All

So today is another start to another week. How many days until school's out?? Not really feeling like school should be out though. I do have great kids that are a joy to teach. Now, I didn't say that they aren't challenges...they definately are. I never thought I'd be a special education teacher, but here I am doing just that. Life takes you in strange directions taht you hadn't planned on doesn't it? It's best just to hold on and enjoy the ride as much as possible.

Faramir Girl: I'm so sorry to hear about your nephew. I hope he gets his head straightened out and back in place. My nephew is doing something of the same thing although he's living on his own. He's taken the path down to drugs..pot from what I hear...and it's just sad. They have to make their own decisions and live with the consequences. Too often I see adults not letting the consequences fall upon their kids, and the kids just go wild. *jumps off that particular soapbox*

Only a four-day week for me this week. Tomorrow I "get* to go to pain clinic to see if they are going to do cortisone injections in my neck. Now I'm feeling much better due to the physical therapy and Aleve, but we shall see what they want to do. I vote for the least invasive procedure possible myself.

Had a funny incident happen Saturday as I was out driving with the spousal unit. Here on the PoG, our license plates have three letters followed by three numbers. We pulled into the parking lot at the grocery store for our weekly "night out". I happened to glance at the license plate of the car next to us and it began with POG. I just about choked! I started laughing and laughing. The spousal unit looked at me like I had lost something important between my ears. When I finally mastered myself, I told him about the PoG. He just looked at me like, "Okay, if we move VERY SLOWLY around her, it won't set her off again." He just didn't understand the humor of it. I knew you guys would though. At least I found it highly amusing but then I have a slightly twisted sense of humor.

Well, off to the Mines of Moria. Those orklings need some educatin' today. Have a good one.
Prancing Pony Moderator, Realm Head of Lórien & Grandmother who loves Tolkien
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part IV
on: January 09, 2006 03:43
Scots, how funny and what would the odds be that you would be parked by this car. I do hope your trip to the pain clinic will be a helpful one. Have a good Monday and are you off next Monday.
We don't have school next Monday.

Well, I am feeling a little under the weather today so, I am calling in sick and going back to bed, did I say crawling that is what I feel like doing. :dizzy:
Rose it was so good to hear from you lurking or not
Anyone hear from Nenya lately?

Awelyn 418
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part IV
on: January 09, 2006 09:03
Does anyone of you remember the Boomtown Rats song "I Don't Like Mondays"? That one could have been my theme song today.

First, in the morning, my younger daughter's school transport was late, and for some reason, we couldn't get through to their office; the phone gave the "busy" signal for a few times, and then the line broke off altogether. Fortunately, I had stayed to wait with her, and could take her to school; a bit later, the transport driver had called my hubby that his car had broken, so it was good that I did that. Then, one of our customers called me and was quite pissed off; according to him, one of his customers had called to us about some analysis results, and got quite different information from what he and I had said in our reports. I used quite a part of my day trying to solve who might have answered that call, because that person sure didn't speak with me! :banghead: Finally, I and our customer were wondering if that person had actually lied about that call because the analysis results had not been what they expected. :angry:

Faramirgirl, I also think that you did the right thing with your nephew. Some time ago, someone I know from another site was in a similar situation; in that case, it was about that person's own daughter.

Neenime and MTMS, for your comfort: Mr Morwin and I have slept for quite a time in separate rooms, because he tends to snore and I'm a light sleeper. Both of us get a better rest - and, nothing prevents us from paying a visit to each other when we feel like that...

Scots, that licence plate incident was just funny!

Awelyn, get well soon! :hug:

:wave: to all the FoF:s!
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part IV
on: January 09, 2006 05:02

Happy Monday! Don't you just love them?

Scots, aren't we all special education teachers these days? I found out at a staff meeting tonight that we now need to document interventions that we use when trying to get a student to pass our classes...what's the intervention for "I ain't doing it and you can't make me"? Oh, yes, corporeal punishment...we can't do that any more.:cry:

Mondays are worse without caffeine...no high test coffee since surgery...OMG!!!!

Mith, I'm thinking of you! No Smokes! Suck in some of Lake Erie air instead!

Heading to bed---night, night!

SindyE Nad dithen carnen an gwend.
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part IV
on: January 09, 2006 05:25
So glad that you are feeling better, scots. Hopefully you can get by with the least invasive option.
I laughed out loud at your POG license tag story. Priceless!

Sorry that you are feeling under the weather, awelyn. Do whatever you need to do to make yourself comfortable. I'm sending virtual chicken soup and whiskey with honey to drink. Those are my dad's cure-alls and "he ain't dead yet!"

I may have to have my own sleeping area, Morwin. I am a very light sleeper and menopause has me waking up during the night even more often. The breathe rite strips don't help Mr. MT anymore, and I need my rest.

I hope that your cravings for cigs turn into cravings for raspberry rangers, Mith. I am so proud of you! Keep up the good work. You are worth it!!

Thanks for asking about my son, faramirgirl. I actually have 2 sons, one is in the Netherlands with his family and the eldest is stateside, nearby dear old mom and dad. Eldest plays rock and roll. Ive heard others describe their sound as "Beetle-ish". I think it's got a little more "kick" to it than the Beetles. I'm very proud of eldest, especially since his paying job is as an architect. He'll begin working with a new firm in a few weeks. He's hoping to become one of the partners in this firm.

You are right, SE. We are all special education teachers. I have a child who is identified as developmentally delayed. With No Child Left Behind (and No Teacher Left Sane), I am to have this same child on grade level at the end of the year. I also have a child who will probably test out with learning disabilities that I am to have on grade level as well. Both the children and I have worked our tails off, but they're just not making the scores they should on the asessments. To top iit off, I will be evaluated by my student's scores, not on improvements they've made. Things like that are what make me want to work at Wal-mart. (End of rant, please forgive)

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