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Prancing Pony Moderator & Elf Laundry Mistress
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on: November 28, 2013 09:11
Hasn't been yet, Neenime. So good to hear from you. Today is the US Thanksgiving and hopefully those of us from the States have family to spend it with. I have my hubby and we will be going to a friend's home for early dinner. Daughter is in Colorado and cooking up a storm and not sure what my son is doing. Most likely just another day for him. His 26th birthday is about a week away and have to get him something he can use as he has limited space in the barracks. Wishing all my good friends here a warm and wonderful holiday!

p.s. Welcome Gandolorin! Please, pull up a chair and take a mug of warm apple cider as you join our conversation!
Movies Moderator and General Dogsbody
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on: November 28, 2013 04:21
Hi Gandolorin, welcome aboard the Frail Old Fogeys thread.
Mmmm, hot cider and ginger biscuits. Just right for this weather.
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on: November 28, 2013 05:00
BelleBayard said:

p.s. Welcome Gandolorin! Please, pull up a chair and take a mug of warm apple cider as you join our conversation!

WARM apple cider?
Most of the drinkable apple stuff you get in Germany is (non-alcoholic) juices – at least it’s all I tend to notice. Though perhaps those areas with much apple cultivation (especially those closer to France) may also be into cider production. The term I have most often (meaning still rarely) heard / read is the French one cidre.
But still all occasions that I can remember imbibing any form of liquid apple, they were clearly in the category cold drinks!
Ah well, different strokes for different folks!

[Edited on 11/29/2013 by Gandolorin]

[Edited on 11/29/2013 by Gandolorin]
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on: November 28, 2013 05:21
GANDOLORIN:You are most welcome in our little group,it's always a pleasure to have one more to talk to.Talking about liquid apple, here in Québec(Canada)the ''cidre'' is quite popular not only as a drink but some use it for cooking too.

NEENIME:Good to see you.I don't have to worry about winter after the storm we had yesterday,it is here to stay I'm afraid.On the good side I'll start my Christmas cooking and baking this week and always while listening festive music.
I'm in for the Christmas card and I'll send you a message.

Prancing Pony Moderator, Realm Head of Lórien & Grandmother who loves Tolkien
Posts: 3749
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on: November 28, 2013 11:04
Hello Gandolorin and welcome to our group. So do you drink cider? Maybe you prefer hot chocolate and sometimes referred to as hot cocoa. I drink coffee,tea,cider sometimes and hot cocoa. Alcoholic beverages like wine and cocktails. What is your favorite beverage? My great-great grandfather was from Germany and I just found that out two years ago. So small world huh? It is so great to welcome new members.
Neenime I am glad you will get another dog eventually. You are so busy but I think forgiveness is an appropriate topic at this time of year. It is a good choice. We have not had any snow yet but we did have sleet two days ago.
Dimple, how does your dog Bruno like the snow?Dimple when you lose power what do you do? Do you have a generator. My husband bought us one for emergencies. I can just picture you cooking and dancing around your kitchen as you bake cookies.Sindy was in charge of the Christmas card exchange and I would like to participate.I think I have last years but some of our members have moved.
Tarcolan so glad to see you and what kind and considerate neighbors you have that live beside you. You are lucky.
I had a good day today. It was Thanksgiving here in the states and my husband and I spent the day with my youngest daughter and her family. It was a pleasant day. My Eldest granddaughter is very excited to be dressing as an Elf for The Desolation of Smaug premiere. Her dress is velvet burgundy with matching circlet. Now a question. I want to dress as a townsperson of Laketown from The Hobbit any ideas how they would dress.
Well goodnight my friends or good day depending on where you live.

[Edited on 11/29/2013 by awelyn418]
Prancing Pony Moderator, Realm Head of Lórien & Grandmother who loves Tolkien
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on: November 28, 2013 11:12
Belle I am glad you had a good day. If I have left anyone out of this post forgive me hello to all of you.
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on: November 29, 2013 04:30
My, oh my ! Look at this !

Awleyn that sounds like fun for your granddaughter. My friends and I dressed up for The Hobbit premiere as well and were pleased to see about 15 others do so as well.
“Some believe it is only great power that can hold evil in check. But that is not what I have found. I have found that it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love. " Gandalf
Prancing Pony Moderator & Elf Laundry Mistress
Posts: 3151
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on: November 29, 2013 07:30
Sounds very interesting, Neenime. Hope they put it out on DVD for those of us who don't watch TV much. Thanks for letting us know!
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on: November 29, 2013 11:17
AWELYN: Bruno loves the snow and the rain but doesn't like big winds and comes near us and follows us everywhere when it happens.No we don't have a generator but it will be a very good thing to have one.We have a well and when we loose power it means no water,of course we always have reserve but it is such a nuisance not to be able to function normally,we become so desorganised,we are so used to our comfort!Last year during the winter we lost it for almost 20hrs,we used a camp stove to prepare meals,and a lot of blankets to keep warm and we have a radio transistor to keep in touch of what is going on.But really it is a matter of waiting and being patient,that's all we can do.
Sorry,I don't know how the people in Laketown dressed but maybe I can imagine something in the way of a female hobbit but much less'' hobbity''(is it a word?!!)They live around the lake so maybe it's cooler there so their clothes will be warmer.I don't know it is just a guess,somebody surely knows

NEENIME: Yes I heard about it and I'm hoping like Belle that they'll have a DVD out.

Have a good day
Games Moderator, and Chief Corrupted Weaver of Vairë
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on: November 29, 2013 11:33
Well met, Gandolorin! Nice to have another member of the opposite sex on board. Don't worry about the "domestic" end of things. I'm not exactly a domestic goddess myself. LOL

My paternal grandparents emigrated to Canada from Germany in the early 20th century. My grandfather was from Oldenburg and my grandmother from Bremerhaven. Unfortunately, being a second generation Canadian I flatly refused to learn German .... much to my regret these days.

The weather here is also "off" for this time of year. It's cold and sunny when it's usually warm and wet. It would seem that climates are changing everywhere, which bodes ill for many people. Mind you, I don't mind the cooler temperatures as I'm not a big fan of the hot weather.

I'm slowly wrapping my head around Christmas. I don't actually have to do very much. My big annual debate is whether or not I am going to put up any inside decorations. Since there's just the cat and myself, it seems to be a waste of time, although I love a decorated tree. Actually, I must confess that, the main reason for my hesitancy, is that I will have to clean first .... and everybody know how much I love housework. LOL

Have an awesome weekend!
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on: November 29, 2013 05:39
Evil~Shieldmaiden said:
... My paternal grandparents emigrated to Canada from Germany in the early 20th century. My grandfather was from Oldenburg and my grandmother from Bremerhaven. ...

Have an awesome weekend!

Bremerhafen is easy, that's on the North Sea. For Oldenburg I went to my pocketbook encyclopedia and lo and behold, there are three mentions in two states of Germany. One is a town of not quite ten thousand inhabitants in Schleswig-Holstein (the northernmost German state, bordering on Denmark). Second is a “Kreis” in Lower Saxony, equivalent of a county. In an earlier post, I guessed that “Bezirk” is equivalent to county, but this unit encompasses several counties and is translated as district in the dictionary I read it up in. Third, there is a city in Lower Saxony with about 158 thousand inhabitants. Sooo … all of it is way north (by German standards) of northern Bavaria / Middle Franconia.
My parents and Grandparents all hail from Cologne, so I am considered something of a foreigner by Middle Franconian standards. My paternal grandfather, if I remember correctly, has northern Hessian roots – but then, I am not really much into genealogical research.
As for Christmas decorations, that’s another matter my wife has firm control over. In apartment buildings (not much favored here) balcony decorations are the maximum and rarely overboard. But even in single-family houses, the decorations are very much subdued by (at least excessive, but probably even “normal”) US standards.
Thanks for the weekend wishes and the same to you. As I just returned from evening one of a 31st reunion, to be continued tomorrow, the weekend should truly be joyful for me.
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on: November 29, 2013 09:01
Wowsers! I had to read a bit to get caught up. Novembers are a crazy, crazy time for me, and I usually only come out of hiding at the end of the month.

Gandolorin: Welcome to the FoF. I'm way past the 40 part and circling the drain on the 60s end.I'm a teacher of elflings or sometime orklings. This year it's mainly elflings, so life is good. I teach reading and writing. The spousal unit and I live in the PoG. As retirement nears, I would dearly love to win the lottery so I could live in the Highlands. But as I work too hard for my salary, I rarely buy tickets. I guess that's just a pipe dream.

I finished the National Novel Writer's Month. 50,843 words in 24 days. I may see the end of this novel yet. Then there's the minor matter of editing, beta readers, and professional editing. I hope I make my target date for publication. *fingers crossed*

I hope this finds you all well and ready for the holidays.
Prancing Pony Moderator, Realm Head of Lórien & Grandmother who loves Tolkien
Posts: 3749
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on: November 30, 2013 12:33
Gandolorin,that is very interesting about the Christmas decorations and your heritage.
Scots good for you. I know you could do it. I am well and preparing for the holidays.
Neenime that is very interesting I want to see that too.
Oh Dimple I thought you might have an alternate form of heat such as a fireplace or wood stove. You take care and what kind of cookies are you making this year?
I am off to bed have a good weekend.
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on: November 30, 2013 05:17
Scots:I wish I could have the will to write like you do.Congrats

Awelyn:We used to have a woodstove in the basement but for one reason or another,it never worked properly and the house was always full of smoke.We had woodstove before in other houses and it worked fine,I think it was a chimney problem.This year I will calm myself,last year I baked close to 400 hundred cookies of all kind.Now I think 3 or 4 kinds will do.I like cookies with nuts and dried fruits and of course chocolate ones,so I'll bake those and also orange cookies.At Christmas time my husband thinks I'm crazy and that I'm going really nuts!LOL

Have a good sunday tomorrow
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on: November 30, 2013 08:30
Talk of wood stoves makes me wish that our fireplace wasn't so draughty. I love the smell of wood smoke.

I did manage to get the outside lights, some pine boughs and the tree set up today. Actual decorating of said tree will commence tomorrow. I love decorations, though the more natural-looking ones : greenery, pine cones, berries. I really don't like tinsel much.

I haven't quite decided what to do about Christmas baking. Last 2 years we have been gluten-free, which is requires some adjustment to technique and ingredients. Now we are trying to greatly reduce sugar and starches, though I strongly suspect that we will make an exception for the holidays. I can't imagine Christmas without a few goodies !

Scots congrats on the writing achievement. I hope the publication happens as you hope.
“Some believe it is only great power that can hold evil in check. But that is not what I have found. I have found that it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love. " Gandalf
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on: December 01, 2013 07:40
Fireplaces: we had one in our house on the north shore of Long Island. And we definitely needed it for a few days in the early seventies. A freak ice rain had covered everything (power lines, trees, …) in an armor of ice easily two inches thick. Result was that we had no electricity in the house for several days, so we were sleeping in the living room while keeping a fire going in the fireplace. It had been rain first and then a cold snap, meaning decidedly chilly weather outside.

[Edited on 12/01/2013 by Gandolorin]
Movies Moderator and General Dogsbody
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on: December 01, 2013 09:46
We grew up with a coal fire which is really warm and has the best magic stories in the glowing embers. The rest of the house was freezing but we never seemed bothered, frost patterns on the inside of the windows. Now I feel the cold more. I've got electric storage heaters which use cheap electric at night so I have to second guess what the weather will be the next day. Not so cheap in the end as most of the heat has gone by the evening. I'd love an open fire again, they make better toast.

Saw a mink the other day though my friend says it was a very dark otter. Saw two weasels today and the biggest skein of geese ever. My mum has been given the all clear kidney-wise so that's one less thing for her to worry about. The iron juice transfusions and enzyme replacement jabs(I do them heh heh) are keeping her haemoglob levels up so she's still pottering about ok. Ninety two! And looks about seventy.

Well done scots for finishing your story, bar the proofing, editing, rewrites etc. I write bits and pieces but they never add up to a story. I usually think of great passages just before I go to sleep and can't be bothered to get up and write them down (No, honest, it was this big!).

Look after yourselves all.
Prancing Pony Moderator & Elf Laundry Mistress
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on: December 01, 2013 12:17
Interesting, tarcolan. All of those critters (mink, otter, weasel) are related so sometimes from a distance hard to say. Minks and weasels are usually smaller than otters and don't like water much. However, the are all from the family Mustelidea, which include badgers, wolverines, and ferrets as well. Most are wild only, though ferrets have been domesticated for hundreds of years and are wonderful pets. On another note: So glad to hear your Mum is doing better.

We don't have a fireplace here (it gets chilly, but never cold enough to require one down in the lower parts of Southern California), but definitely need one in our mountain retreat. Temps get pretty low and even bundling up doesn't always help.

Congrats, scots, on your writing! I've not written anything not related to work in literally years and have lost all my writings when my PC crashed. I had it on 3.5 floppy, but try finding one of those nowadays. Had to just chuck everything. Really depressing. I had a 100k book on one of them I had actually submitted to a publisher many years ago. Always intended to go back and do more revisions, but life got in the way. Now... I don't have energy to redo the entire thing. So much research I put into it.... Ugh. Well, wishing you all the best. If you can't get it published on paper, then try something like Amazon.com for their Kindle. Many people get in "print" that way.
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on: December 01, 2013 01:06
scots56 said:

I finished the National Novel Writer's Month. 50,843 words in 24 days. I may see the end of this novel yet. Then there's the minor matter of editing, beta readers, and professional editing. I hope I make my target date for publication. *fingers crossed*

I add my congratulations to those of others for your accomplishments in writing . Though I am a voracious reader, the writing side is something that intimidates me. When I read the HoME books 6 to 9 about the LotR, I was just dumbfounded at the description of how EVEN JRRT struggled with the book – with plenty of reasons given. Looking at the reasons which slowed him down, I find all too many of them familiar. Then I looked at the resources he had at his disposal to overcome the obstacles – and I drew a total blank .
Taking JRRT (or other authors of deserved repute, not just in the novels section) as a reference point is definitely nutty on my part, but I just don’t seem to be able to get it out my system (for things besides writing, guitar playing being even higher up on the scale). But with no harm coming out of for me, I can shrug it off as a harmless quirk I can live with.
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on: December 01, 2013 04:38
BELLE: I didn't know you were so knowledgeable about those cute little critters.It was interesting reading it.

TARCOLAN:I'm a bit like you except that I don't write them down at all.I imagine them in my head with such exciting scenarios but I never have the courage to do something about it.I have such admiration for people who can make you wonder, dream, fear,laugh,cry with the power of words.It is a special talent.

Nice evening everybody
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on: December 02, 2013 10:21
Hello everyone, and especially to you, our newest member, Gandolorin. At 65, I might be the oldest to still stop by here occasionally. I'll never ask any of the lady's ages, so it's possible I'm wrong. Did you mention guitars? That's an interest of mine, too, in addition to art, writing, motorcycles, and cooking. Truth is, age is taking its toll, and I don't play as well as I used to.
Well, it's not long now until the second movie comes out. Is anyone planning to see it? (That's a joke)
Be well, my friends.
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on: December 02, 2013 02:10
swabbythewhite said:Hello everyone, and especially to you, our newest member, Gandolorin. ... Did you mention guitars? That's an interest of mine, too, ...
Well, it's not long now until the second movie comes out. Is anyone planning to see it? (That's a joke)
Be well, my friends.

Yes, I did mention guitars, but only in the sense of passive listener. I have so much guitar fireworks in my LP /CD / DVD collections that I feel that’s enough for any listener to last more than a lifetime.
Perhaps just one example: I have an LP titled “Friday Night in San Francisco”. 1980, it seems, a live performance. Featuring John McLaughlin, Al Di Meola and Paco De Lucia. I saw them live in Berlin most likely 1983. Mind-boggling does just not do the experience justice. Learn to play guitar? Who needs me, with such Titans around? As I said earlier about writing, taking these Titans for references is decidedly nutty – but it seems I can’t help doing it.
Motorcycles: could be fun, rode in the backseat of one over forty years ago. But with the percentage of nut cases or just inattentive folks driving around with four-wheel thingys here, it does not seem to be an awfully good idea to me. May have made it to the threshold of 58 thanks to that decision.
As for seeing the movie in a cinema, I doubt it very much. Last film we watched in a cinema may very well have been “The Return of the King”, since then we have waited for the DVDs to hit the stores. (And we haven’t graduated to Blu-ray yet, nor do we have a 3D TV, and won’t until our current 42 incher kicks the bucket.)
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on: December 02, 2013 05:08
SWABBY:The eldest only in age my friend,your mind and spirit are as young as a 30 years old with the wisdom as part of your qualities.Take care
Prancing Pony Moderator, Realm Head of Lórien & Grandmother who loves Tolkien
Posts: 3749
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on: December 03, 2013 07:31
Swabby dear friend so glad to see you here. I am going with the ALEP group to a theater not far from Shaker Village. We are all dressing in LOTR costume and doing PR for the movie. I am excited as I am taking my 15 year old twins with me to Shaker Village. I miss you Sam. Are you doing any writing or drawing?

Dimple I grew up with wood heat. We had a wood stove and I just love fireplaces. Now I have electric heat but would like a fireplace. Your stove sounds like it might be a flue problem. I watch a video of a fireplace fire flickering every Christmas. Brings back good memories. Your cookies sound delicious.
I am a reader and I don't write either but Scots I am so proud of you. I have been reading more since retirement.
Belle I love to watch otters they make me smile. That is so awful that you lost all that work.
Tarcolan glad your mom is better last night I took my dog out before bed and heard Canadian geese flying overhead.we are suppose to have winter weather Thursday. Freezing rain and snow 100% chance. So, that is a good chance we will have inclement weather.
Neenime I am decorating a little each day so my granddaughter will have something new every day to see at my house. Happy baking.
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on: December 04, 2013 09:22
Dimple, that is very kind, or perhaps "generous" to say such a thing. Age really is descending, making me forgetful, easily confused, and rusting up my joints. My hair, though--I've still got my hair!
Gondolorin, how interesting that you mention that album, as it's long been a favorite of mine, too. The tune, "Mediterranean Sundance", is especially impressive and was released on an Al Di Meola album previous to his teaming up with McLaughlin and De Lucia.
People are so rude these days that I'm reluctant to go to a movie theater, but will have to make an exception with "The Desolation of Smaug". Motorcycles--I know what you mean about the nuts who whizz around on them like maniacs. I began motorizing my bicycles when I was eleven, so it might be in my blood. I drove like a maniac, too, when young, but now am slow and cautious.
Awelyn, I miss talking to my friends, especially since I barely have any. It sounds like you're going to have fun at Shaker Village! I'll probably just go see the movie at the small theater in Van Buren. Tommy will probably go with me. I've written a good bit in the last year or so, but have slowed down recently. Maybe if Turiel came and tickled my neck, I'd go do some artwork. I'm trying, but the old man in me increasingly wants to spend his days napping.
Take care, all.
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on: December 04, 2013 03:11
AWELYN: I missed the fire place that we used to have in the other houses,especially during Christmas time.I remember hanging the stockings above it and the Christmas cards too.It was a nice and warm atmosphere.Today I baked 72 orange and almond cookies and 48 chocolate and vanille spirals cookies.Here have someWhen are you going to Shaker village it must be close now.Will you be in a Christmas play this year?

SWABBY: It is not generous at all,I'm not that generous lol!It is just what I think.Talking about napping,you're not alone in this,I didn't use to take a nap in the afternoon but now come 2 o'clock and I'm yawning and my eyes are looking only for the couch where I could loose myself in that wonderful temporary coma
Most of the time it's only half an hour but I feel good and I'm ready to go for the rest of the day.

Nice evening all
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on: December 04, 2013 03:47
swabbythewhite said:... Motorcycles--I know what you mean about the nuts who whizz around on them like maniacs. I began motorizing my bicycles when I was eleven, so it might be in my blood. I drove like a maniac, too, when young, but now am slow and cautious...

Yeah, it's probably a very good thing that I stayed away from motorcycles when in my teens up to my early thirties – ah, thirty-three, for example?
But even with defensive driving, you’re still liable to be overlooked by inattentive people – never mind the maniacs on four wheels, make me want to buy a Hummer ore something more massive.
As the old saying goes, the weakest part of a car is the nut behind the wheel …
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on: December 04, 2013 04:50
Gandolorin- I used to think of myself as immature fr being so fascinated with science fiction and fantasy and all things Tolkien. Meeting the wonderful folks here and my Tolkien friends in my own city has made me feel much less of an oddball. It's so delightful to connect with like-minded folks.

Dimple, that'
s a lot of baking. I have no idea when I will get to mine. First we have my husband's 65th birthday to celebrate and I have Christmas cards and a little more decorating to do. All in good time, I suppose.

We are having a snow storm here today. he all is said and done , we will likely have a foot of snow. It's the gusty winds and poor visibility that make it so nasty. Our youngest is supposed to fly out early tomorrow for a conference, I am just thankful that he arrived safely after a 3 1/2 hr drive through this stuff, from the town where he is doing a clinical placement this year. He's the one in his 3rd yr or medical school.

We have a delightful new addition to the family. Trooper, a 5 yr old American Cocker spaniel joined us n Monday. His owners gave him up to the Humane Society for their own health reasons. He's a little bundle of energy and very affectionate. So far, he is fitting in just fine. If I ever figure out how to post a photo here, I will share it.

Maybe someone can help me. The only instructions that I can find, describe inserting a url between the two [IMG] "things" , but my photo is not on a website. Does this mean I have to upload it to Gallery first and THEN supply the url ???? Needing some Dwarvish ingenuity here.

[Edited on 12/05/2013 by Neenime]
“Some believe it is only great power that can hold evil in check. But that is not what I have found. I have found that it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love. " Gandalf
Movies Moderator and General Dogsbody
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on: December 04, 2013 06:08
Hi Neenime, there really ought to be a FAQ about images. It's no longer possible to upload images directly into posts, you have to use an image hosting website. I use one called postimage.org which provides an easy way to grab the code and paste it into a post directly. It needs to be the BB code for forums. Make sure it's the one with square brackets.

You should also make sure the image is less than about 1000 pixels in any direction. It gets re-sized by people's browsers when the page loads but if it's huge it can take ages.
There are other sites but I found that one the easiest.
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Post Christmas Card List
on: December 04, 2013 07:38
Hi Folks,

Do you want to do the card list this year? Barb reminded me IO had the master list so if anyone wants to add their name and address or change their address, let me know at [email protected]. I then think I posted the list under mail...help me out here! Yes?
SindyE Nad dithen carnen an gwend.
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on: December 04, 2013 07:53
I've been away from the peace of this valley too long; I've forgotten my paths and even the trees seem unfamiliar!!!
SindyE Nad dithen carnen an gwend.
Games Moderator, and Chief Corrupted Weaver of Vairë
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on: December 05, 2013 12:44
For Oldenburg I went to my pocketbook encyclopedia and lo and behold, there are three mentions in two states of Germany. One is a town of not quite ten thousand inhabitants in Schleswig-Holstein ....
... my grandfather was born in Oldenburg in Schleswig-Holstein. Both of my great-grandfathers were Prussian cavalry officers.

Right now, I'm watching the snow coming down Fortunately, it doesn't tend to last very long here, as the weather quickly warms up and the rain starts falling. I must admit that it looks very pretty and I do like snow for the winter holiday season. I suppose I'm far more mellow about it now that I'm retired and I don't actually have to drive in it unless absolutely necessary.

Movies Moderator and General Dogsbody
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on: December 05, 2013 02:05
Very strong winds last night, in Scotland gusts of 140mph (~200Kph). Very scary. Now it's really cold. I prefer snow to rain if I'm out walking; not so wet.
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on: December 05, 2013 03:42
Neenime said:Gandolorin- I used to think of myself as immature fr being so fascinated with science fiction and fantasy and all things Tolkien. Meeting the wonderful folks here and my Tolkien friends in my own city has made me feel much less of an oddball. It's so delightful to connect with like-minded folks.

After reading Tom Shippey's "Author of the Century" and the Joseph Pearce’s “Tolkien, Man and Myth” chapter 1, which Shippey quotes in abridged form, my respect for critics opposed to Tolkien has plummeted close to negative infinity . To say, “that is not the kind of book I enjoy reading” would have been one thing, but too many of the early hostile critics went into a dogmatic, rabies mode of “this is unbelievable trash and anyone who disagrees with me is an infinite moron” .
Some of the (even then) older ones had earlier on unfortunately (for them) made some very much humbler general statements on the limits to criticism. In their later criticisms on the LotR they “broke their own laws” to a degree that it should have been a death sentence to their credibility as critics. Apparently age had transformed them into such insufferably arrogant dogmatic snobs that they were incapable to recognize this. Also, the may have been “avant-garde” in the nineteen thirties, but had become old hat twenty years later – an intolerable thought to former “avant-gardes” .
And some of them may not even have read the book they were criticizing. I love taking such morons on – with occasional short-lived pity on them for being so pathetic, short-lived because they are so incapable of critical self-reflection .
OK, such biting cynicism is not for everybody, but just think that they deserve it, hopefully that should help.

[Edited on 12/05/2013 by Gandolorin]
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on: December 05, 2013 04:11
[b]Evil~Shieldmaiden said:
Right now, I'm watching the snow coming down

No snow here yet, but it may be on the way. There's a storm named Xaver that is giving northern Germany some vicious winds, probably the British Isles, Netherlands and southern Scandinavia too. Temperatures are currently (just before midnight) 5 C / 41 F, it is very windy here but not stormy yet. Forecast is for a tendency towards longer periods of snowfall, temperatures a bit above freezing, wind gusts up to storm strength and snow drifts due to this in areas prone to them. Weekend with lessening of snow and wind, temperatures not changing much.
Unfortunately, I have to drive to two appointments tomorrow, but at least I have the winter tires mounted. And I can avoid rush hour - unless that expands towards noon (winter surprises a lot of people every *BLEEP* year!!!)
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