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Prancing Pony Moderator & Elf Laundry Mistress
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on: March 27, 2014 05:41
@Dimple - so sorry to hear about your 4 footed boy being so ill. Big dogs often don't last long, but it's still hard to see them get bad off. As for my granddaughter - she has a strong name for strong girl (a Leo) - Fianna Morgaine (not sure about the second spelling) - and it shows in her temper and her strength of will. She may only be 7 going 8, but she knows what she wants. Wow... Your mother is 102! That's amazing. Wishing her a happy birthday!

Finally getting a bit of the wet stuff, but not a lot. Will keep my fingers crossed. Difficult with the snow, I imagine, to get around. My daughter's family is struggling with that in Colorado.
Games Moderator, and Chief Corrupted Weaver of Vairë
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on: March 27, 2014 09:06
@ Dimple: My bully boy was 9 when he died. Unfortunately, the short life span is one of the reasons giant breeds aren't as popular. Mind you, my girl made 12 years, but she was considered a runt, and she was a brindle (for some reason they live longer). A male brindle I fostered at the end of his life was 14 when he crossed over the Rainbow Bridge. My thoughts are with you at this very stressful time.

And, please extend Happy Birthday wishes to your mom! Both my paternal grandparents lived over 100 years. It's very exciting!

We have rain today which is alright. I just ordered over $200 in perennials from Vesey's which are needed to replace the stuff I lost to variety of rural pests. I have ordered delphiniums, peonies and clematis, plus a couple of new ones with which I have little familiarity. Right now the garden is looking pretty barren, although, as usual, the weeds are doing perfectly fine. The next sunny day we have, the old pruning shears come out .... LOL. I adore this time of year!

[Edited on 03/27/2014 by Evil~Shieldmaiden]
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on: March 27, 2014 06:28
For the most part, my life is pretty quiet and predictable. Well, as of today I've ratcheted it up a notch or 10. I applied to teach English in China for six weeks this summer! Holy Buckets! I love to travel but have always done so with my family or my husband. Never on my own. But when this opportunity came along, the spousal unit said I would regret it if I didn't go. Have I ever mentioned how much I love that guy? If not, I do! It's not to say my knees aren't quaking, and this is so far outside my safe box it's not funny, I've decided to become brave and take the plunge. I've been seeing all those quaint little Facebook pictures sayings like "That thing you want to do? Go do it." Well, I'm going to do it. China has been on my bucket list. It's not first. There are other things I have before it, but lists can be changed due to circumstances. Now all I have to do is be accepted. Yikes!!

[Edited on 03/28/2014 by scots56]
Prancing Pony Moderator & Elf Laundry Mistress
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on: March 27, 2014 08:16
Wow, scots! You go, lady! I've heard it's a remarkable experience. Hopefully, you'll be teaching in one of the more rural areas and not in a big city with awful air pollution. Wishing you all the very best.
Prancing Pony Moderator, Realm Head of Lórien & Grandmother who loves Tolkien
Posts: 3749
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on: March 27, 2014 09:51
Oh scots so excited for you. One of my realm members taught English in Japan for years and just loved it. I wish you all the best. My fingers are crossed. What an adventure. You are brave and inspiring. What a hubby indeed.
Es your garden will be beautiful. Yuck on the weeding but it has to be done. Glad you had rain today.
Belle I hope you get enough wet stuff that it helps your area.
Dimple I hope Bruno is comfortable and have a great celebration with your mother.
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on: March 28, 2014 12:54
Wow Scots! You go for it! I'm proud of you ... and God Bless the spousal unit. May he ever thrive!
Games Moderator, and Chief Corrupted Weaver of Vairë
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on: March 28, 2014 09:05
Good for you Scots! It will likely be one of the best experiences of your life. I'm so glad your spousal unit is so supportive. Have a wonderful time soaking up the ambiance and history of the area. Do you know where you will be going?
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on: March 28, 2014 03:29
Oh Scots go for it!!!It will be a marvelous experience.We know a couple they lived there for 4years with their 2 kids and they just loved it,he was working at the Canadian embassy and in his days off,they travel around the country and they especially liked the rural side.People are amazing.Your husband is certainly one of a kind

Thank you for being so supportive about Bruno.He seems to be responding well to the treatment,we'll see how it goes after.

I will tell your best wishes to my mother,and if I have the same genes than her you will have to endure me for a long time....like it or notlol

Have a nice week-end.
Prancing Pony Moderator, Realm Head of Lórien & Grandmother who loves Tolkien
Posts: 3749
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on: March 28, 2014 07:51
Dimple glad Bruno is responding so well to treatment. Endure no it would be a blessing to have you around for that long my friend.
Have a great weekend. My husband and I are going to my daughter's and see her 6 children and her of course. There has been so much sickness in her family that we had to postpone two of her children's birthday parties. So, I can't wait any longer to give those two their presents. One birthday was January 30th the other was February 21.
Prancing Pony Moderator, Realm Head of Lórien & Grandmother who loves Tolkien
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on: April 01, 2014 09:59
First day of April did a prank on my daughter just a small one. It was a pretty Spring day here in Southeast Missouri. My granddaughter did her little stumble run in the backyard today. It was so sunny and warm so I took my granddaughter and we went for a stroller ride. It was fun. Have a good night.
Games Moderator, and Chief Corrupted Weaver of Vairë
Posts: 36021
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on: April 02, 2014 03:33
@ Dimple - How is Bruno doing?

The weather here has turned wonderful, although the breeze still has a bit of a nip to it, and there have been some light overnight frosts.

I have been planning out my garden, and have ordered a ton of stuff from Vesey's catalogue; although it's still a bit early for planting. I am also replacing my flower boxes as they have pretty much rotted out. I will be making larger ones that will go around the outside of my deck, rather than on it. This will give me a lot more space for "stuff". LOL

Otherwise, things have been pretty quiet. Not that I'm complaining mind you. I'm enjoying it.

Have a great day!

P.S. Just playing with the colour coding, hence the brown font.
Movies Moderator and General Dogsbody
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on: April 02, 2014 03:56
Great to hear you're getting out walking more awelyn.
I hope Bruno is comfy Dimple. I looked after a rotty called Bella for a while, not a happy doggie. Old and bad arthritis. Eventually the vet gave her something (I strongly suspect is was some sort of cocaine derivative) and for a short time she bounded about like a puppy. We used to go for long walks and stick fetching, it was great to see her so happy. Then one day she dropped dead, sad but a lovely way to go.

I must be getting old. I had a money off voucher for the supermarket but had to spend over a certain amount. I was going around desperately trying to findf things to buy. I caught myself thinking "How will I save any money when everything's so cheap." Duh! They got me good, didn't they.

Lovely day yesterday, went for a walk to enjoy the sounds of spring. Birds singing, ice cream vans playing and jet planes off to sunny climes. Now it's cold and foggy. Dust from the Sahara mixed with pollution from Europe. Nice.

P.S. I just got called out by the panic button people, my mum had pressed the button but wasn't answering. False alarm, she'd pressed it in bed by accident... again. It's not doing my blood pressure any good.

[Edited on 04/02/2014 by tarcolan]
Prancing Pony Moderator, Realm Head of Lórien & Grandmother who loves Tolkien
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on: April 03, 2014 10:41
tarcolan I bet that did make your blood pressure go up how scary. I love the sounds of Spring. Yes, I love to walk with my little Lily.
ES your garden and your flower boxes sound lovely . I hope you will put some photos up here for us to see.
Had awful storms tonight. Two tornadoes came through my neighborhood. I was in a downstairs bathroom with my 4 dogs for 3 and a half hours. We had tornadoes all around and in my state of Missouri and the states that are around me. That is one thing about Spring I do not like. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow to see what caused a episode I had last week. I will keep you informed. Prayers or positive energy would be appreciated. Have a good night /day/afternoon.
Prancing Pony Moderator & Elf Laundry Mistress
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on: April 04, 2014 07:14
Very chilly for us and windy as well. Rainy yesterday, but just brrr... this morning. Okay, so nothing like the midwest and East coast are having (or Canada), but for California not the norm.

awelyn, sending all sorts of good vibes to you and yours in your state and those around you!
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on: April 05, 2014 08:45
I came back home from my week-end in Montreal one day later than I was supposed to because of a snowstorm last sunday.My mom had nice flowers from the staff where she lived,she's one of the oldest,I think there is another person older than her.She was pleased to have so much attention.

Bruno is doing fine with his meds. his urine is as yellow as the sun now but he's not eating a lot and beside eating snow he doesn't drink water a whole lot.It will not do if he keeps going like this ,almost no food and no drink.I try some tricks to make him eat like a small cookie in his food,I know it's not good but I want him to eat so bad, every little bit counts.

We're having right now another snowfall,since yesterday about a foot has fallen.It's a heavy kind a snow mixed with a little bit of rain very hard to shovel or snowblowing...grrrrr

AWELYN:Send you the most positive energy and prayers.

TARCOLAN:I would prefer Bruno to go quick as Bella did instead of him suffering.
Glad your mom is fine but it's a lot of stress when accident like this happened,our imagination goes wild.

ES:There is a real pleasure in planning a garden,have fun.

Have a good week-end
Prancing Pony Moderator, Realm Head of Lórien & Grandmother who loves Tolkien
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on: April 05, 2014 08:38
Belle it has been chilly here too and thanks for the vibes.
Dimple aw poor Bruno I am going to pray for him. Such a sweet dog he is and I hope he does not suffer. I had a good report from the doctor. I had had dental work on my mouth and did not eat or drink enough and I take blood pressure medicine and a diuretic pill so I was dehydrated and my blood sugar was low that made me almost faint and very weak and dizzy with a fast heart rate. So I will make sure that does not happen again. Have a great weekend.
Prancing Pony Moderator & Elf Laundry Mistress
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on: April 06, 2014 09:24
We're over 600 posts now. Time for a new thread. Closing this one and opening a new one.

Dimple, that is really sad about Bruno. Hard to see them waste away.

awelyn... Yikes, that's not good at all! The fast heart rate probably came from the dehydration, as did some of the other, but low blood sugar makes one feel VERY bad, too! Hope that never happens again!

Take care!
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