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on: February 26, 2014 11:53
Bless you Awelyn! We really needed that. A reminder that all is not lost. Hope you are thoroughly free of the virus now. Stay well.
Movies Moderator and General Dogsbody
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on: February 26, 2014 01:10
Ilkley Moor is burning and that's a sure sign that spring is around the corner, and we never had any snow. We'll probably get it in May. Goosanders on the lake and a cormorant on the river. Very unusual. Lots of snowdrops and crocuses everywhere. Trees will be greening soon. I made a pizza and put the tomato sauce on when it was still frozen, so the dough didn't cook. Stupid. The edges were lovely. Then I made a sort of apple pizza tart with lots of butter and sugar on. Yummy yum. I'll have to walk miles to burn it all off.

Enjoy life and keep well all.
Games Moderator, and Chief Corrupted Weaver of Vairë
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on: March 01, 2014 02:34
Well, I'm glad to see the backside of February. It was a typically strange month here. Only one more week and the clocks change, and three more weeks until it's officially Spring.

I hope everybody has a wonderful weekend.
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on: March 01, 2014 05:34
Our clock change (the one I DON'T like) is last weekend in March, so 29/30 March this year. Three weeks to Spring is for astronomers. Our meteorologists prefer full months, so Spring began yesterday (1:29 AM 02 March here now). And I'll bet the weather is listening to neither bunch of scientists, but just going on with its capricious ways.
Prancing Pony Moderator, Realm Head of Lórien & Grandmother who loves Tolkien
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on: March 02, 2014 11:24
We had weird weather today sleet with thunder. We have had sleet for 10 hours and it has stopped but it is snowing now. Schools have been cancelled and they did not put anything on the roads because I guess they did not believe the forecast. So our roads are treacherous . Cirdaneth feeling so much better thank you. I will be glad when Spring does come but croquis are coming up through the soil I hope the sleet has not killed them. ES I hate daylight savings time myself. But I can't stop it but still I don't like it. Tarcolan the apple pizza tart sounds yummy.Yes,Gandolorin mother nature does what she wants, when she wants and can't be stopped and the forecasters beware. Have a great night and a great Monday.
Prancing Pony Moderator & Elf Laundry Mistress
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on: March 03, 2014 06:37
Rained all weekend here in San Diego area. The ground's so hard from such a dry year most of it ran off, causing huge rivers of water in the streets. Not sure how much will be absorbed. This morning it's chilly and very clear so we're back to that now. Wishing those in the Midwest and East all the best in their cold, snowy conditions.
Prancing Pony Moderator, Realm Head of Lórien & Grandmother who loves Tolkien
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on: March 03, 2014 09:33
Well ,I survived the winter weather and I wish your rain would have absorbed into the ground Belle. Schools closed in my area and I will be glad for Spring but we did have sunny weather today.
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on: March 04, 2014 10:16
Spring,spring spring...everybody is talking about that wonderful time of the year when you can say goodbye to winter.But here it is still winter,just this morning it was -20C and the normal is supposed to be -2C.The sun is there but you can't feel it because of the cold.But like Awelyn said I will survived it,we always do,we have no choice in the matter whether we like it or not.
While I wait for the spring to come,I'm looking at my gardening books to see what new flowers I will plant for my eyes to enjoy and for the birds and the butterflies so they can have a nice meal
Movies Moderator and General Dogsbody
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on: March 04, 2014 02:40
I saw a butterfly yesterday.
Dimple, get some Kafir lilies. They flower late autumn through to January and don't mind the snow.
Prancing Pony Moderator, Realm Head of Lórien & Grandmother who loves Tolkien
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on: March 04, 2014 11:34
Dimple I have croquis coming up but they are under snow now but we are suppose to have warmer temps this weekend. The sun was shining all day and we had blue skies.
Games Moderator, and Chief Corrupted Weaver of Vairë
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on: March 08, 2014 03:21
Well, the snow has definitely melted under the deluge of the first of the spring monsoons. I have a lovely "pond" in the back yard that it's crying out for some ducks. Fortunately, the house sits on a rise so I don't have to worry about flooding. The good news: It's seasonably warm; and, we move to DST tonight.

I hope everybody has a wonderful weekend!

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on: March 09, 2014 10:38
I always laugh at the media's definition of the "Midwest." Uh..Ohio, Illinois, are east of true Midwest. I think the people on the coasts need to figure out where things are past their own lack of geographical knowledge outside of their own region. And yes, the PoG DOES have running water and indoor plumbing. LOL

We got last month's fuel bill. Ouch! I'm hoping it's the last for a month or two before the heat of summer kicks in. We had little snow this year. Bitter temperatures for weeks on end and gloomy skies. I'm ready for sun but not the heat and humidity.

Only ten more weeks of school. Yikes! Where did the year go? I've had a good group of kids and will miss them. Last year's crowd sucked the life out of us and are doing the same for the 6th grade teachers. I've found two kids I desperately want to take home. Like now. If I could take all those home who needed a good home, my house would be stuffed.

Today is my grandson's 3rd birthday party. I'll be participating via Skype as they live 1500 miles away. I hate they live so far away. Some of my cherished moments were with my grandmother who lived just across the street from us. I loved having her there and the ability to visit whenever I wanted to escape the madness that was our house. Seven kids, dogs, cats, hamsters you know. LOL It was a good life growing up. I didn't understand how different my formative years were from others I knew. I cherish that.

Well, I've waffled on long enough. It's time for the party and the opening of presents.
Take good care,

[Edited on 03/09/2014 by scots56]
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on: March 10, 2014 12:23
TARCOLAN: A butterfly...NO WAY!!!!!!lol. Kafir lilies,I don't know those kinds but I will found out if it can live a normal lilies-of-life here

AWELYN: I envy your crocuses.we still have a fair amount of snow but the sun is warmer so that would help.

EVIL-SHIELDMAIDEN:Some of us have everything: a very mild winter without snow,early flowers,a pond, the warmth etc,etc...

SCOTS:you were lucky, I didn't know any of my grand-parents and a part of me missed it.
Prancing Pony Moderator, Realm Head of Lórien & Grandmother who loves Tolkien
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on: March 13, 2014 09:46
Scots I am glad you have a great bunch of students this year.I have had Skype before and have trouble getting it in now for some reason. I know that Midwest thing cracks me up every time. Our heating bill has been higher too. I hope you had a great time. My grandmother on my mom's side died when I was 6 and I did not get to know her but from cards and letters. My grandmother on my dad's side I have lasting memories of her when my brother and I would spend 2 weeks in the summer at her house.
ES had a great weekend and we are having warmer temps also. How was your weekend?
Tarcolan I have not seen a butterfly yet.
Dimple I also have hyacyniths coming up and the birds that are coming to my feeders. Juncos and Cardinals,Sparrows and Woodpeckers,Bluejays and Finches. and grey little doves with a black ring around their neck they are my favorites.
Where are our missing people Gandolorin and cirdaneth and the others I miss them.
Movies Moderator and General Dogsbody
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on: March 15, 2014 02:29
scots, our lad was lucky enough to live just down the road from my parents. He was always going up there being spoiled rotten. My mum's dad died when she was 12 and my dad's parents lived the other end of the country so I never really knew them.

Dumbledores and skylarks out the other day, but now it's gone cold again.
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on: March 16, 2014 07:52
Greetings to all. I see talk of Spring, butterflies, crocuses and hyacinths. Oh my ! Although it's -20 this morning, it will be only a few degrees way from freezing by this afternoon. Spring is definitely on its way.

I grumble about the muddy road because our dog has paws like snowshoes and he will track in lots of dirt. I try to wipe them off as we enter, but he's quite resistant. We bought a long runner (rug) to put down in the kitchen area that will at least control the dirt a bit.Even so, I am happy that the sun is stronger and life is slowly returning to the land.

Events in Ukraine continue to be frightening. I am happy to see that the EU and some nations are standing up for law and order. Today's illegal vote is an utter farce, with non-voters being accosted by police on the street and forced to vote then and there. Worrisome, indeed.

On a personal note, we were happy to establish phone and Skype contact with my father's family in Western Ukraine. They are, for the moment, removed from all this nonsense and watching it unfold. Reservists have been called up, though, which may include my cousin Myroslav. I hope they are not needed.

On a happier note, my friends and I are preparing for a Tolkien Fair next Sunday. We were not able to find a venue for Reading Day itself, but this will have to do. Are the teachers among you honouring the day in your classrooms ?

Wishing you a blessed Sunday and a good week ahead.
“Some believe it is only great power that can hold evil in check. But that is not what I have found. I have found that it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love. " Gandalf
Prancing Pony Moderator & Elf Laundry Mistress
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on: March 17, 2014 05:33
Greetings, all. Weather positively summer-like yesterday, which is scary considering the lack of rain we've had in the winter. To those of you still having cold weather, but without precipitation, that's not a lot better! Yes, the cost of electricity and heating oil is prohibitive. We have a bit of green on the ground after the rain a few weeks ago, but the seasonal creek near our property is dry as a bone. Makes me worry about fire hazard being sky high this year for far longer than usual.

Neenime, the situation in the Ukraine worries a lot of people. Sadly, just because the USSR fell doesn't mean things are optimal in Mother Russia and the lands that made up the USSR. Breaks my heart that they are going through this, but I worry if we get involved what will happen.

On a more lightheaded topic - Skype! I love it! Only have done it once with my daughter and granddaughter, but it was wonderful! I, too, live far to far away from them. My mother's mother was very close to us and I had wonderful times with her. My dad's mother lived farther away, but have memories of her as well. Hopefully, my little Fianna will have good ones of us. Ah, she and my daughter have been chosen for parts in Sound of Music in Colorado! My daughter's going to be one of the nuns and my granddaughter is playing the youngest of the Trapp children.

Hoping you all have a good week!
Prancing Pony Moderator, Realm Head of Lórien & Grandmother who loves Tolkien
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on: March 17, 2014 09:59
Oh Belle that is wonderful about your daughter and granddaughter is she in a community theater group? We are having cold temps but it is suppose to be 70 Friday and that is crazy. You have a good week too how is your jaw?
Neenime I worry about Ukraine too. My dogs get my floors muddy too when it rains. It drives me crazy. But since I read Belle's post I will be thankful for my rain. I saw a robin yesterday so Spring is just around the corner.
Hello tarcolan.
I went this weekend to my daughter's and we saw a St. Patrick's Day parade with one lone bagpiper . Oh how I love the sound of a bagpipe. We left the parade and had a picnic at a nature reserve where my daughter is a member. It was so much fun with her and the grandkids. I had to leave early because they were suppose to have severe winter weather. Happy St. Patrick's Day to all who celebrate.
Prancing Pony Moderator, Realm Head of Lórien & Grandmother who loves Tolkien
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on: March 18, 2014 10:38
Hello all and I hope you are having a great week.
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on: March 19, 2014 03:55
We have more snow coming, so it seems that winter is not quite done with us yet. I worry about the dry spell on the West coast. Very dangerous for drinking water, crops, soil erosion and fire hazard. Let's hope for improvement. FOr me, it's also a motivator to be more environmentally conscious, as I do believe that human behaviour has been a major factor in creating this problem.

Belle - how nice that your daughter and grand-daughter are in the musical. I hope that someone records it so that you can see them.

Wishing all a wonderful day.
“Some believe it is only great power that can hold evil in check. But that is not what I have found. I have found that it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love. " Gandalf
Prancing Pony Moderator & Elf Laundry Mistress
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on: March 19, 2014 05:26
Thanks! Yes, my son-in-law is even now recording some of the rehearsals. It's still very warm during the day with a bit of a nip at night, but I worry about it. Too many people in desert-like conditions. I'm just waiting for them to come out with water rationing - it's happened in the past. Few people in my neighborhood have lawns, either just dirt or xeroscaping with drought hardy plants. Just isn't practical. Not many pools either - too much water and too much maintenance. Our gardening attempts are in a raised bed and have drip irrigation to cut down on waste. Even the one person on our block with a lawn doesn't water as frequently.

Ah well... perhaps this weekend I can Skype with my daughter and her family again! So much fun!
Prancing Pony Moderator, Realm Head of Lórien & Grandmother who loves Tolkien
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on: March 19, 2014 08:59
Neenime snow oh no. I to worry about them. Have a great day.
Belle that is great that you can watch the video it would better if they could have somehow Skyped it. My brother and sister in-law could not attend a granddaughter's wedding and were so upset that I suggested to their son to skype it and they did at the wedding and it was wonderful the bride was so happy that her papa and mimi were there. It made me teary eyed when I saw photos. Have a good day Belle.
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on: March 21, 2014 07:55
Hello Everyone! If I may, I would like to ask if anyone has heard from Evil~Shieldmaiden? She is our Games Moderator and we have not seen her in quite a while. Any news on her would be much appreciated. Thank you.
My destiny is riding again, rolling in the rain, unwinding in the wind. My destiny is fighting again, secretly unwinding..what it was I was supposed to say...to say to you today.
Prancing Pony Moderator & Elf Laundry Mistress
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on: March 22, 2014 08:27
No, and we're concerned about her as well, Lindarielwen. I don't know who lives near her, but the mods will try to see if we can contact.
Games Moderator, and Chief Corrupted Weaver of Vairë
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on: March 23, 2014 04:51
I have been really ill with a flu virus which finally has made its way through my system. I don't know why but it seems the viruses that arrive around spring are much worse than the ones in the winter .... mutations perhaps? Anyway, it laid me low for about 5 days and I've only just begun to feel myself again.
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on: March 23, 2014 05:19
Oh, how good it is to see you back! So many of us were worried about you. Take Vitamin C and Echinacea......Good Health to you!

My destiny is riding again, rolling in the rain, unwinding in the wind. My destiny is fighting again, secretly unwinding..what it was I was supposed to say...to say to you today.
Prancing Pony Moderator, Realm Head of Lórien & Grandmother who loves Tolkien
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on: March 23, 2014 10:51
ES I agree the Spring ones do seem so much worse. The virus I had was awful and it just hung on for at least two weeks with the cough and then bronchitis hit. So grand total I was ill five weeks know how you feel. I am so glad you are on the mend.

[Edited on 03/25/2014 by awelyn418]
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on: March 23, 2014 11:54
Well, we're all very relieved to hear from you, ES, and glad you are on the mend. As for the bugs, I woke up this morning with a throat like broken glass. My first cold for almost two years, so I think you may be right.
Prancing Pony Moderator & Elf Laundry Mistress
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on: March 24, 2014 02:43
Oh you poor thing! Ugh, I hate viruses because there is no way to make them go away faster. Just rest, plenty of fluids, Tylenol as needed for the fever and aches and pains and the tincture of time. Take care, ES and get well soon. We've missed you!
Prancing Pony Moderator, Realm Head of Lórien & Grandmother who loves Tolkien
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on: March 24, 2014 08:33
Yes we have ES and cirdaneth you take care but two years is a great record you healthy woman. I hope you feel better soon.
Tolkien Reading Day March 25th read a chapter from your favorite Tolkien book.
Some of my friends in Kentucky are getting snow now and another friend from Kentucky has lost her mother. Circle of Life but enough sadness have a good night or day and those that are ill get better and those missing in action come back we miss you. We have not heard from Dimple in a bit I hope she is ok.
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on: March 25, 2014 10:55
AWELYN:I'm ok,thanks.I was just busy shoveling ans snow blowing.Since last week we had snow every two days 10cm and more.I was so tire,aching from every part of my body.And we had to do several trips to the vet.Bruno is not well.His urine was very bloody.he had a urine test plus a blood work.The vet said and it is her specific words that he has an ''invasion of bacteria''.it was an emergency she was afraid that the bacteria went into the bloodstream.She gave him zeniquin for 2weeks and possibly for another 2weeks if it doesn't work the first time.The blood work reveals a possibility of cancer.We will take care of him as much as we can.It is very painful to see our friend so sick.It makes ma so sad.
There is no robins here,it looks just like january with all the snow and cold weather,it is depressing really,people are fed up,and tomorrow we have more snow coming....take me away please somebody!!!!But I'm glad it looks like spring your way

BELLE:That is fantastic that your daughter and Fianna,what a pretty name!,have been chosen, a wonderful experience.Good luck to them.Too much dryness is worrisome,I wish you rain soon.

EVIL-SHIELDMAIDEN: I'm glad your on the way of recovery,take care
Games Moderator, and Chief Corrupted Weaver of Vairë
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on: March 25, 2014 12:03
@ Awelyn: So sorry to hear about your dog. I think it's something every pet owner dreads. I've found that once you get a definitive diagnosis it actually makes things easier to take. Waiting to find out what's wrong is so hard. How old is Bruno?

@ Belle: How exciting! Good luck to your daughter and granddaughter!

Thanks to everybody for their good wishes. I must say this virus is the worst one I've had in years. Hopefully, I'm done for this year. As far as colds go, I honestly can't remember when I had the last one. It's been at least 3 or 4 years.

Prancing Pony Moderator, Realm Head of Lórien & Grandmother who loves Tolkien
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on: March 25, 2014 08:22
ES it is Dimple's dog Bruno she was writing to me but you are right every dog owner dreads this and Bruno is such a sweet and loving dog. I am glad you are on the mend.
Dimple I am so sorry to hear about the snow and especially about dear Bruno. Please keep us updated on his condition and I will say a prayer for you. Also be careful with all that shoveling. No falling please.
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on: March 26, 2014 08:05
EVIL-SHIELDMAIDEN;Bruno will be 9years old in may.The vet said that usually the mastif type average life span is 8years old.

AWELYN:I'll keep you updated for sure.He has medication but it is hard to give it to him.I have to put a little bit of peanut butter on the pill it is the only way he'll take it.Every little bit help.Thanks for the prayer my friend.Don't worry I'll be careful with the shoveling.The good news is that we won't have the snowstorm they were forecasting for today here,the Maritimes will have the pleasure to have it,poor Maritimers,I feel so bad for them.

This is my mother's bithday today,she is 102years old.This week-end I'm going to Montreal to see her and we will have a big dinner party for her with all the family.

I'm making salmon pies today mmmm!

Have a nice day
Prancing Pony Moderator, Realm Head of Lórien & Grandmother who loves Tolkien
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on: March 26, 2014 07:51
Dimple. How wonderful for your mother what a long life she has lived and have fun at her celebration. I am glad you did not get the snow and sorry for those that did. We had yellow finches here today. They are so pretty. At my feeder today I had Cardinals,Finches,Sparrows,Ring Necked Doves,Grackles,Blue Jays,Tufted Tit Mice,Flicker and a Woodpecker. Lily loves watching them eat. Have a great week my friend.
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