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Lady of the Golden Wood
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Post RE: The Elvish Armoury (free) (keep)
on: November 15, 2003 07:17
"'Ruwen," Elerrina said, "You'll have to give Celebros instructions on where to go... where you saw Quarion last. We'll look for tracks or any other sign of him. Sometimes visiting Elves camp out up here. If we see anyone, we can ask them, too."

She swung up onto Elencara, and checked her bow and quiver were secure. She didn't know quite why, but she felt that she should have them... to the point of walking back to the house to get them.

"All right... ready when you are," Ele said, and they moved out of the barn yard and onto a trail leading toward the hills, Celebros leading and Elerrina following closely or beside them when possible.
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Post RE: The Elvish Armoury (free) (keep)
on: November 16, 2003 05:05
**Elruwen directed them to where she saw Quarion's orb and pointed out the direction in which she saw him run...well the direction in which she saw the orb speed off.**

"...Yes Celebros I am positive he went that way." she says
"Well I had better start looking for tracks then." he replies

[Edited on 11/16/2003 by Tasar_Took_Nualda]
Lady of the Golden Wood
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Post RE: The Elvish Armoury (free) (keep)
on: November 18, 2003 10:18
The tracks weren't hard to find... deep gouges into the dirt marked where Quarion had begun to run, and his tracks reflected the speed at which he had continued.

"Amazing," Elerrina said. "He's not all that tall, but he certainly can take long strides."

Celebros and Elerrina both dismounted and looked for tracks around this area, looking for any clue as to what he'd seen that had possibly frightened him to that degree. There seemed to be nothing on the road, but Ele found the evidence of a fireball on a scorched and wilted tree.

"I wonder if he used the fireball against something else, or if the 'something else' used it on him. I guess we won't know until we find him..."

They remounted their horses and moved along the Drow's tracks, following them until they suddenly cut off the road and up a hill. Following them, Elerrina saw the scorch marks of another fireball on the tree at the crown of the hill.

"Someone must have been very angry or upset... but which one?" Ele remarked.
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Post RE: The Elvish Armoury (free) (keep)
on: November 20, 2003 12:45
"I wish I knew." Celebros replied

"Its a shame that all the magic residues have disipated, I might have been able to tell you from which direction the fireballs were cast." Elruwen said

"Hmmm if I were Quarion and terrified out of my wits where would I go...." Celebros thought out aloud "...he's a drow, drow like the dark...therefore I suggest we look in the cave by the river. Its the only one I know of in these parts."

[Edited on 11/20/2003 by Tasar_Took_Nualda]
Lady of the Golden Wood
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Post RE: The Elvish Armoury (free) (keep)
on: November 22, 2003 12:27
Turning, the two horses and three Elves worked their way through the park-like open land toward the river. The tall grass didn't show tracks well enough to tell what made them, only in which direction the maker was moving... and tracks went in many directions. Near an open pond Elerrina thought she had found more of Quarion's tracks, but the ground was very soft and the tracks deep and filled with water. Keeping her mare out of the worst of it, Elerrina went back to Celebros and Elruwen.

"He may have come this way, I cannot be sure." Elerrina said softly. " I think we should continue to the cave though. He may have gone that way even if these tracks are not his... and we may find more tracks further on."

The trees thickened as they got closer to the river. More brush seemed to bar the horses way, and yet there were pathways through it that the horses followed. In a few minutes they could hear the whisper of the river as it swept its banks. They could hear the river, but there were no other sounds of birds or other animals. Elerrina was edgy with a slight feeling of alarm.

The horses broke out of the trees and onto the gravelly beach. No tales would it tell of any light creature, only a large animal such as a horse would impress its prints, and even then only as a depression.

"Look, there's the opening to the cave... shall we dismount and leave the horses here?" Elerrina asked the others.


[Edited on 23/11/2003 by CarolP]
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Post RE: The Elvish Armoury (free) (keep)
on: November 24, 2003 04:37
"Yes...goodness only knows what state Quarion is in. If I remeber rightly he isn't that keen on horses in the first place. The mere sight of one might scare him even more." Elruwen replied

**Celebros dismounted and gave Elruwen a helping hand**

"I'll go first, see if he's in there."

**Celebros walks up to the cave and tries to walk in but some kind of force field pushed against him, and sent him stumbling backwards. He failed to regain his balence and landed flat on his backside.**

"Okay, what on Middle Earth was that?"
Lady of the Golden Wood
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Post RE: The Elvish Armoury (free) (keep)
on: November 26, 2003 05:38
"It must be Quarion's doing... no one but your mother -- that I know of anyway -- could possibly do that kind of magic. Elruwen... you'll have to go talk to him."

While Elerrina felt Quarion liked her, she knew no one but another mage could impress on him any reason to come out. Well, except for the fact that the cave went underwater when the river flooded... and it was due to rain. Perhaps he would listen to reason.

Celebros dusted his rear and came back to the others. "Mother... your turn!"
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Post RE: The Elvish Armoury (free) (keep)
on: November 26, 2003 11:27
"I will do my best, but i can't promise anything."

**She walked up to the cave mouth, being careful enough to not walk straight into the forcefield.**

"Quarion are you in there?"

**Her voice echoed through the cave.**


"Who goes there??" came a shakey reply


[Edited on 27/11/2003 by CarolP]
Lady of the Golden Wood
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Post RE: The Elvish Armoury (free) (keep)
on: November 30, 2003 05:32
Celebros and Elerrina had told the horses to stay put and had gone back down toward the cave opening. Walking Elf-quiet, they came up behind Elruwen.

"Is he in there?" Elerrina asked.

Celebros nodded as Elruwen answered. "It's Elruwen, Quarion. We were worried about you when you weren't around this morning. We wanted to be sure you were all right."

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Post RE: The Elvish Armoury (free) (keep)
on: December 01, 2003 04:18
"How can I be sure its you at not some spirit wraith or Zin Carla in disguise?" Quarion called out

"Zin Carla? Spirit wraith? What are you talking about Quarion?"

"I know your undead tricks only too well. Who sent you after me, wraith?"

"Quarion its me Elruwen I promise you, I haven't got the foggiest what you are going on about. There are no wraiths or undead of any sort out here."

**Quarion didn't reply**


[Edited on 2/12/2003 by CarolP]
Lady of the Golden Wood
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Post RE: The Elvish Armoury (free) (keep)
on: December 02, 2003 07:43
Elerrina spoke up, hoping her voice would help convince Quarion.

"Quarion, it's Elerrina. I'm here, too, and so is Celebros. It's just us... really. Please come back to my farm. You'll be safe there. Please... if the river rises with the rain, the cave could flood."

Celebros was at a loss for words, not being very familiar with Drows in general and Quarion in particular.
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Post RE: The Elvish Armoury (free) (keep)
on: December 04, 2003 12:33
**Quarion wandered towards the cave mouth, staying close to the shadows, he peered out of the shadows and looked at them, saying nothing. He looked as if he had been attacked quite savagely...his clothes were chared and gennerally far more tattier than they had been previously**

"Sorry for doubting you Elruwen...its just that what ever attacked me last night looked like you and almost sounded like you..." he mumbled quietly
Lady of the Golden Wood
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Post RE: The Elvish Armoury (free) (keep)
on: December 04, 2003 01:52
"Looked like mother?" and "Looked like your mother?" Elerrina and Celebros said at the same time, looking at each other in a very startled manner.

"Well, it could not be so, Quarion.That would simply not be possible." Elerrina spoke firmly, knowing Elruwen well enough to know she would not harm another being unless she had to, and obviously she did not have to. "Elruwen said she saw flashes of light from her window last night, just as she was falling asleep, but all she could see from her window was the flashes and your protective dark ball going up the hill. It was her concern that brought us to look for you."

Elerrina herself had no way of proving Elruwen's innocence, but she knew her friend held Quarion in high regard as a fellow Mage... and she was not the professionally jealous type!

"I'm sure my mother would never do anything like that!" Celebros said rather vehemently. "She holds herself-- and you-- as being in very high positions of responsibility. She takes that very seriously. I know because she taught me the same things!"

Elerrina wanted to give Elruwen and Celebros a few minutes without their presence, so she asked Celebros to go check the horses, and she than walked back herself a few moments later. "I wanted them to be able to speak freely, my love." She told him, then smiled. "Besides, I haven't really said good morning properly to the Elf I love."

She tiptoed up to give Celebros a long sweet kiss, and they slipped their arms around each other, and Celebros thought it was such a nice idea, he returned the kiss to her, long and sweet as well...

Elerrina sighed happily. "I wonder what really did happen last night, my darling. We might never find out who did attack Quarion. Perhaps he can shed some light on some other clues."


[Edited on 5/12/2003 by CarolP]
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Post RE: The Elvish Armoury (free) (keep)
on: December 05, 2003 11:11
"Perhaps he might well be able to once he's calmed down a bit. He seems like he's been shaken up rather badly by last night's events. Whatever they happened to be." Celebros replied

"So what exactly happened Quarion?" Elruwen asked

"I will speak of it later, once I have regained myself." he replied

**he dispelled the forcefield and activated his little globe of darkness.**
Lady of the Golden Wood
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Post RE: The Elvish Armoury (free) (keep)
on: December 05, 2003 05:10
It was beginning to rain again, so they hurried their pace back to the main house at Mirvanë. Once home, Elerrina sent the two horses down to the barn. The barn manager would see they got unsaddled, brushed and taken care of.

"Quarion, Elruwen... you should get out of those wet clothes. You, too, love... as I am going to do right now also." They had not really planned on being out in a downpour, but since the river was rising from the rain, they had figured they couldn't just leave Quarion to 'sink or swim' if the cave flooded.

"Quarion, can you swim?" She asked, as they climbed the steps of the porch. "I am just curious."
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Post RE: The Elvish Armoury (free) (keep)
on: December 07, 2003 08:10
"Not particularly well." he replied "I never really needed to most of the lakes were of acid and most of the rivers were too dangerous to swim in back home."

"Lakes of acid???" Celebros exclaimed, "How can that be so?"

"I don't know Celebros, they were just there. Some geological miracle I would asssume."


[Edited on 8/12/2003 by eldir]
Lady of the Golden Wood
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Post RE: The Elvish Armoury (free) (keep)
on: December 08, 2003 07:58
"I have heard of such miracles, Quarion, though most often associated with volcanos like... ah, Mount Doom in Mordor." She lowered her voice at the last part. "I have heard that there can be lakes or pools of boiling water, pools that shoot huge plumes of steam and water into the air, and water that looks clean and clear, but builds big mounding cones of very hard rock. There are even supposed to be pools of bubbling mud, of different colors... tho I find that hard to believe for some reason."

Even though the Dark Lord had been beaten, the names that surrounded him still had an intimidating power. And there were other forces of Evil traveling Middle Earth these days...

Perhaps closer than they thought...
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Post RE: The Elvish Armoury (free) (keep)
on: December 08, 2003 11:35
"I have heard the same stories, but none that relate to the green lakes of acid near my former home. Ah well they are a little out of my league of knowledge. Perhaps the dwarven folk know more about them." Quarion replied


[Edited on 9/12/2003 by eldir]
Lady of the Golden Wood
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Post RE: The Elvish Armoury (free) (keep)
on: December 09, 2003 05:15
They rode along for a while in silent thought, then Ele spoke up.

"You know, you two might want to set up a password of some sort, known only to you, so that no physical impostor can trick either of you again. If some magic let a vengeful wizard look like Elruwen, then the other way could also be done. Elruwen could be fooled into trusting some untruthful vision of you, Quarion..."

Even in his globe of darkness, Quarion still looked rather disheveled and shaken.


[Edited on 10/12/2003 by eldir]
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Post RE: The Elvish Armoury (free) (keep)
on: December 10, 2003 02:07
"It sounds like a good idea to me. What say you Quarion?" Elruwen replied

"I say nothing at the moment. I need to think things through (sp?) first." he replied

"Of course, go ahead I don't need an answer now." she smiles
Lady of the Golden Wood
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Post RE: The Elvish Armoury (free) (keep)
on: December 10, 2003 03:04
(( 'Through' is right ))

"It would probably be a good idea to do something like that... I would certainly advise taking precautions. Quarion, you said the fiend who tried to kill you looked like Elruwen, but did it sound like her, too? Not just her voice, but the manner of speech... and have the kind of knowledge you were exchanging before? It just seems so unlikely that some wizardess (or wizard) would try to emulate her! And do such a good job as to fool YOU! You'd just spent hours talking to her..."
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Post RE: The Elvish Armoury (free) (keep)
on: December 11, 2003 12:36
"I couldn't tell. I didn't stop to listen, I was running for my life. The creature tried to fireball me. I agree with you that setting up a password or something is a good idea but like I said before I need to sort things out in my mind." Quarion replied

~~Shall we just drop the subject for the moment. The poor guy has enough to deal with at present. Maybe we should leave it until later.~~ Celebros messaged them


[Edited on 11/12/2003 by eldir]
Lady of the Golden Wood
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Post RE: The Elvish Armoury (free) (keep)
on: December 11, 2003 04:46
~~ All right, my love... but it is important! And the rest of us might want to do the same thing. It would not do well, if your mother, say, told you to do something or tried to hurt you. She could get close enough to really do you some harm... if it were not your mother at all! ~~

"All right, Quarion," Elerrina said as they rode up the driveway and under the sign that said 'Mirvanë Horse Farm'. "It ought to be time for some meal! All of a sudden, I'm starved!"
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Post RE: The Elvish Armoury (free) (keep)
on: December 12, 2003 02:17
~~I agree with you completely my sweet.~~

"Yes, I'm kind of peckish as well." Elruwen chuckled

"Me to come to think of it." Celebros added "Any idea as to what's on the menu?"


[Edited on 12/12/2003 by eldir]
Lady of the Golden Wood
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Post RE: The Elvish Armoury (free) (keep)
on: December 12, 2003 01:43
"No," Elerrina answered aloud. "I leave that to my chef... but if you want something special, just ask him. He is happy to show off his talents, though it may take a day or two to get your dish prepared."

She rode along quietly until they got to the barn. One of the stable boys came out to take the horses. He sort of shied away from Quarion, who had walked down with them. The boy had never seen a big ball of darkness like that... and he was more skittish than the horses, who had simply ignored it.

"It's all right, Lindor, it's just protection for this person. He has problems with so much light because he lives underground. It won't hurt you, nor will he."

The young man nodded, but still stayed away from Quarion, who obligingly moved a little away. Taking the horses in hand, he went back into the barn.

"Let's go get cleaned up for dinner," Elerrina said as they walked back up to the house.


[Edited on 13/12/2003 by eldir]
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Post RE: The Elvish Armoury (free) (keep)
on: December 15, 2003 04:38
"Well I do like fish and its not often that fish graces the table here." Celebros replied

**Quarion dispelled the orb, seeing that it was causing unease among the stable hands.**
"See Its nothing to worry about young man." he said, squinting in the light.

"Yes, dinner....." Elruwen said, her mind clearly somewhere else
Lady of the Golden Wood
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Post RE: The Elvish Armoury (free) (keep)
on: December 18, 2003 09:35
"Fish? My love... that is easily remedied. I will ask the chef to have fish on the menu at least twice a week when we are here. Would that be enough? Too much? There will be other things on the menu, too, of course. You know... I don't know that I've ever seen a Dwarf eat fish!"

She took his hand, "Shall we go upstairs and ready ourselves for dinner? Or something...?" She said with a smile."I think we have a little while yet."
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Post RE: The Elvish Armoury (free) (keep)
on: December 19, 2003 01:56
**a mischevious little smile crossed Celebros' face briefly and he kissed her ear.**
"Yes, my sweet we shall."
**And so the pair headed upstairs**

**Elruwen and Quarion (ah yes and Naur) headed off to the library where Elruwen set about trying to extract as much information about the previous night's events as possible.**
Lady of the Golden Wood
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Post RE: The Elvish Armoury (free) (keep)
on: December 19, 2003 09:30
Once inside Elerrina's suite of rooms, she slipped her arms around Celebros' neck and pulled him down to kiss her.

"As we were talking to the others, I got to wondering... umm... why we didn't come upstairs for a little private time, now that Naur is busy downstairs for a bit." She looked a little chagrinned, "It's kind of embarrassing to find that the 'pet' you've had around was a lot less pet and more person, than you thought. Our 'private times' weren't very private, were they?"
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Post RE: The Elvish Armoury (free) (keep)
on: December 20, 2003 02:14
"Quite embarrassing really...I hate to think what he's actually heard and remebered and what he's chosen to forget. If I know that wolf as well as I think I do he may have remembered most things so he can embarass us later on at some point, either that or gossip with others that posses the same supernatural abilities as him. Yes I have discovered that Naur is a bit of a gossip pot. He apprently told Hwest all about the blunders I made in the wilds, like falling down a pit trap amd sitting on a tiny and almost unoticeable devil's club plant. not to mention he told Hwest about the little incident in the Hanging Horseman involving Kyran, myself and Quarion's brew."

**He pulled her in tight against him and kissed her.**

**Meanwhile Naur was trying to get back into the cook's good books by whining and generally making it known that he was truely sorry about putting his feet up on the counter.**

**Quarion on the other hand was now telling the entire story after Elruwen reassured him that any information he didn't want her to pass onto the others would stay between her and him.**
Lady of the Golden Wood
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Post RE: The Elvish Armoury (free) (keep)
on: December 20, 2003 10:31
With a sigh, Elerrina relaxed in Celebros' embrace. He reached back behind her and locked the door.

"No Naur tonight, though, my love..." Celebros whispered.


Ahem... no peeking...


The next day dawned even brighter than the one before... and Elerrina awoke to the smell of fresh coffee wafting upstairs from the kitchen...

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Post RE: The Elvish Armoury (free) (keep)
on: December 21, 2003 07:21
**Celebros stirred a little and woke up.**
"Good morning my sweet." he yawned, threading his arms around her

**Naur was sleeping outside their door, acting as a drought excluder**

**Quarion and Elruwen woke up to, they had spent most of the night talking in the library and by the end of their conversation both were far too tired to drag themselves off to bed.**

[Edited on 12/22/2003 by Tasar_Took_Nualda]
Lady of the Golden Wood
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Post RE: The Elvish Armoury (free) (keep)
on: December 23, 2003 08:02
Elerrina stretched inside Celebros' embrace and put her arms around him, too, kissing his neck... which was all she could reach at the moment. They snuggled for few more minutes... enjoying the feeling of not having to jump right up.

"Good morning, my love..." she responded. Glancing toward the window, she saw blue sky and sunshine. The rain was gone. "Oh, look, it's a beautiful day! I think it might be just the day for our trip to the Butterfly Vale with Quarion. What do you think?"

Celebros smiled at her. He did have some work waiting at the Armoury: some armour to repair, a blade to reforge. They were from customers in no hurry, though, so he thought he could take one more day off. He'd be back at the Armoury tomorrow...

(( OOC- this thread is so long, I forget the details... :blush: we never made the trip to the Butterfly Vale did we?))
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Post RE: The Elvish Armoury (free) (keep)
on: December 23, 2003 11:11
At some time the next morning, a tired and ragged looking ranger shyly knocked on the door of the Elvish Armory. He was all the more tired and ragged from having just waited at the abandoned weapons shop somewhere else in middle-earth. He had waited quite a while, in fact, until a Silver Moon archer had informed him of its abandonment.
He had been somewhat confused by the glows and orbs of darkness that had originated from the building the night before. He just passed them off as part of their arcane crafting process, and thought of it only as a mystery of the elves.
He hoped he had come to the right place. Well, were ever this was, it was better then being out in the downpour of a storm.

He looked with interest and slight embarisment upon his entery to the building. "Hello," he started, "um... is this the Elvish Armory?"
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Post RE: The Elvish Armoury (free) (keep)
on: December 23, 2003 03:26
((OOC: no we didn't))
OOC2: Olvne, i know it sounds confusing but the armoury (where you are) and Elerrina's horse farm (where everyone else is) are two seperate places, quite a way apart so soz about any confusion))

**Elruwen felt the ward stone burn in her pocket and she woke up. Without a word she and Hwest had gone, and a few moments later they landed outside the armoury.**

~~I'll be back later Elerrina, I have a customer waiting at the Armoury, the ward stone's been activated.~~

"Good morning good sir, I'm sorry If I've kept you waiting for longer than is comfortable." she said as she and the giant eagle landed.

**She dismounted Hwest and he flapped up to his perch on the roof of the building. Elruwen set about deactivating the wards and locks**

"This is indeed the Elvish Armoury, how may I help you? Are you after a bow, a sword, magically enhanced and imbued weapons, magic items, potions, scrolls, Ioun Stones?...Well don't just stand there sir, please come in and have a look around." She smiled as she opened the door.
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