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Post RE: The Elvish Armoury (free) (keep)
on: December 23, 2003 04:38
ooc: I appoligize for my confusion, I had only glaced through the first and last pages. I just read the other 12, and wow, you guys are great storytellers.

The ranger watched the bird come in, and was only partaly startled that it carried with it an elven maiden of great beauty.
"I have a few problems milady," he started, "First off, I was gifted this chain shirt, but it does not fit." Out of some travel stained cloth comes a silver shine. "Its elvish mitheril, and I had hope you might be able to resize it for me" In haste he added, "Its only a little off"
"I... I'm also out of weapons. A longsword, and a few javalins would be mighty useful."
"But before I ask you to do such, I'm afraid I do not have the funds to pay you. If their is something I could trade? I would gladly work to repay you."

After a short pause, he added. "If not, I guess I will go search for gold..." he trailed off in a mumble

[Edited on 12/24/2003 by Tasar_Took_Nualda]
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Post RE: The Elvish Armoury (free) (keep)
on: December 25, 2003 10:00
((OOC: thanks Olvne, I'm glad someone else likes reading our threads )

"Firstly don't milady me, Elruwen will do just nicely. I could give you credit on the items and you repay me bit by bit as and when you can. I's rather that you didn't work here. My son is rather protective over his little space in our workshop, so is his wolf. As for the mithril chain here could I have you measurements please. As for the weapons you require you will find them on the racks around on the walls. The ones closet to the door are the cheapest, they are just basic versions of the weapons and they increase in price as you progress this way. The price difference is due to the spells and such imbued in the blades and the metal they are wrought from. You see the blade which seems blood stained in hue and gives off a slight red glow, thats a fire burst blade and the blued blade next to it is an ice burst. The one that's humming shoots small sparks of lightning on contact. The one oozing green deals aditional acid damage on contact with flesh. The serrated one is a dragonslayer, it always strikes true against dragons. Well enough of my rambling I'll let you choose your blade." she smiled
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Post RE: The Elvish Armoury (free) (keep)
on: December 25, 2003 08:48
"your are truely to kind Mi... Elruwen" Wolf moves to the door to begin looking at weapons. He pulls one off the rack and gives it a test swing. "Your craft exceells even your beauty. Even these 'cheapest' blades are of astonishing bance and workmanship." He selects a mundane blade and four of the most basic throwing spear, with an obvious eye to keep the price down. Placing the items on the counter. He looks for a tape mesure, and asks Elruwen for a slip of parchment. Upon reseveing both, he mesures himself, and places the mesurements upon the mithril shirt. "Your are to far to kind. I will find a way to pay you back, I promise. If you have ever a need for a ranger, do not hesitate to send for me."
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Post RE: The Elvish Armoury (free) (keep)
on: December 26, 2003 02:41
((OOC: its my birthday!))

"Don't worry I'll get a message to you if I need your aid. The mithril chain here should be ready in a few days time so if you want to come back for it then that will be fine. I don't think you have told me your name as yet."
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Post RE: The Elvish Armoury (free) (keep)
on: December 26, 2003 08:29
ooc: happy birthday

"I'm sorry, how rude of me, My proper name is Dindraug*, but I am known simpily as Wolf." He straps on the weapons, testing the placement of each for drawing. "I'll return in three days, and see how it progresses." With that, he moves to leave. Just outside the shop, he draws his sword again, and gives it a few more practice swings.

occ: *In database

[Edited on 26/12/2003 by Olvne_Dunedain]

[Edited on 12/27/2003 by Tasar_Took_Nualda]
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Post RE: The Elvish Armoury (free) (keep)
on: December 27, 2003 07:49
"I'll be waiting and keep yourself out of harm's way until then Wolf." she smiled

~~Elerrina? You awake yet?~~ she messaged her
Lady of the Golden Wood
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Post RE: The Elvish Armoury (free) (keep)
on: December 27, 2003 10:01
~~ Elruwen? Yes... I'm awake; we're both awake... sort of... ~~

She rolled over and looked at Celebros, but even though his eyes were open, he did not look what anyone might call 'awake'.

~~ What's up? Did you want to go to the Butterfly Vale today with Quarion, Celebros and me? Are you still here? You don't seem very close, somehow. It looks like it's going to be a very pretty day... a good day to go there, if Quarion feels up to it after his stressful experience, of course...~~

As she 'talked' to Elruwen, Ele got up, carefully, and got some clothes on.
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Post RE: The Elvish Armoury (free) (keep)
on: December 27, 2003 11:42
"Leaving my side so soon my sweet?" Celebros smiled

~~I'm actually at the armoury. My wardstone went off. I'm quite pleased to say we have a new customer. A kind ranger fellow, goes by the name of Dindraug and Wolf. I'll be back in a moment but I do need to get back this evening I did promise him that I'd have his mithral shirt ready in three days.~~

**Celebros got up, snuck up behind Elerrina and grabbed her around the waist**

"Are you and mother talking again?" he chuckled
Lady of the Golden Wood
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Post RE: The Elvish Armoury (free) (keep)
on: December 27, 2003 08:18
Elerrina turned in Celebros' embrace, "Yes, m'love..." she said, putting her arms around his neck. "She has already gone to the Armoury. A customer set the wardstone off, so she and Hwest went to check on it. A ranger who needs a few things... one of which is a Mithril shirt worked on. She didn't say what for, though... repair doesn't seem likely, does it?" She was listening and passing the information along at the same time.

She paused in talking aloud to 'message' Elruwen...

~~ Oh, you'll be back? Good, then we shouldn't have to put the trip to the Butterfly Vale off, if Quarion does feel up to going. Did you two ever get to your rooms last night? I thought I heard murmuring until nearly dawn. ~~

"It looks like we can still take the trip to the Butterfly Vale, my darling... as soon as your mother gets back and has a chance to eat. ... and us, too! I was going to say Quarion, too, but he doesn't need to eat, does he? Ah, well, whatever... shall I bring you some coffee, love? Or will you be down soon?"

She opened the door and about tripped over Naur, who was lying across the threshold.

~~ Naur! Do you feel up to a short trip today?~~ Elerrina messaged him.
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Post RE: The Elvish Armoury (free) (keep)
on: December 28, 2003 01:23
~~No we didn't, the conversation was far to interesting to end early. I think that Quarion is probably still asleep in the library, you might want to wake him up at some point. See you in a bit.~~

**Celebros yawned**
"I'll be down for coffee in a few moments..." he smiled

~~Owwwww that hurt.....and you said something about a trip...where to?~~ Naur replied
Lady of the Golden Wood
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Post RE: The Elvish Armoury (free) (keep)
on: December 28, 2003 01:20
"Oh, I'm sorry, Naur... but that is not a very good place to lie down, for just that reason." Elerrina said aloud, she proceeded on down the hall and down the stairs, messaging him as she went.

~~ We are thinking of taking a ride or hike up the way to the Butterfly Vale... Quarion is looking for a particular butterfly's cocoon. Whether this is the right kind of butterfly, I do not know, but they come there by the thousands to winter in the trees. I am going to see if the chef has anything for you for breakfast, but you may have to eat it in the dining room. He hasn't said you could return to the kitchen as far as I know... ~~

At the words, 'kitchen' and 'breakfast', Naur scrambled to his feet, and Elerrina could hear his claws clicking on the floors behind her as he hurried to catch up.

~~ Breakfast? Oh, thank you, Elerrina... that would be nice.~~

She popped her head into the library, which still had the drapes drawn closed. In the darkness, she could just make out Quarion's figure stretched out on one of the couches. Rather than startle him completely, she opened the curtains just a bit... then spoke gently...

"Quarion... it's Elerrina... it's morning. Can I bring you anything? Or will you come to the diningroom? Elruwen went to her shop, but she will be back very shortly. We are thinking it might be a nice day to go the the Butterfly Vale, if you'd like to come..."

[Edited on 12/29/2003 by Tasar_Took_Nualda]
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Post RE: The Elvish Armoury (free) (keep)
on: January 01, 2004 08:13
Blair rode up upon the entrance of The Elvish Armory. He had come to replenish his arrows and to look at more bows perhaps...Blair climbed off of the horse and scratched Nar's neck gently, whispering in elvish stay here...Nar..Please.. Blair then entered the Elvish Armory...Looking around he opened his mouth to speak

"Er...Is the proprietress here....?"

He looked around cautiously...

"Er....Elerrina sent me..."

Blair called out to thin air.
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Post RE: The Elvish Armoury (free) (keep)
on: January 02, 2004 03:27
~~Don't save me breakfast, I'll eat down here Elerrina. I have another customer to see to. He says you sent him~~ Elruwen messaged her

"Yes, how can I help you?" Elruwen said as she stepped out of her workshop. Blade in one hand polishing cloth in the other.

"Wha?" **Quarion yawned** "Morning? Already?" **he yawned again, got to his feet and stretched.** "I'll come with you. I have nothing better to do." he smiled

**Celebros had just started to make his way down the stairs and Naur was sitting at the library door waiting patiently for Elerrina.**
Lady of the Golden Wood
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Post RE: The Elvish Armoury (free) (keep)
on: January 02, 2004 06:55
~~ Yes, Blair is an old friend of mine, from during the wars. Though he is not old... he is about 20 or 21 years of Men. I brought him back to Mirivanë last night... and I do not think Celebros cared much for the idea at all! But Blair is simply a friend, and a very dear one. I sent him to you because he said he wanted an Archery Range and some new arrows and such.~~ Elerrina paused and sent a mental smile. ~~ Take good care of him, if he needs anything you can put it on my account... though don't tell him, or he won't buy anything, even if he needs it. ~~

(She continued messaging Elruwen as she went toward the dining room from the library...)

~~ Well, I'll take Quarion and Naur to breakfast, now... and Celebros will be down soon. Will you be back for the trip to the Butterfly Vale? Ask Blair if he'd like to come, too, please...~~

((OOC- since we have 4 threads... I have a scheduling conflict :dizzy: ... how about in THIS thread Quarion, Celebros, Naur, Ele and Elruwen go on to the Butterfly Vale... and Blair can come back with you, 'Ruwen, if he'd like to go, too? Even tho in the other thread [the HH], I'd sent Celebros home to the EA... we'll ignore that, here... ))


[Edited on 1/4/2004 by Tasar_Took_Nualda]
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Post RE: The Elvish Armoury (free) (keep)
on: January 05, 2004 04:19
((OOC: okies that sounds fine))

~~I'll see if I can come, if I can't don't wait for me and yes I'll add his bill to your account~~

"Blair. is that your name? If so Elerrina would like to know if you would like to accompany her, a few others and myself up to the butterfly vale once you have finished here."
Lady of the Golden Wood
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Post RE: The Elvish Armoury (free) (keep)
on: January 05, 2004 09:59
Meanwhile, Elerrina was followed by Quarion and Naur down to the dining room. Elerrina sent word to the Chef to come out for a word with her, and as he did, they stepped away from the others and spoke quietly. "I wasn't quite sure what Nar's status with you was, mellon nin, so before I let him go to the kitchen I wanted to find out. It IS your kitchen," she smiled.

"He has been behaving himself, Madam," the Chef said. "So it would be permissible for him to come in again, as long as he continues to be a gentleman. However, please tell him that if he breaks my rules again, he will be banned permanently. Period."

Elerrina nodded. "That would be fine with me. I'll tell him he's on probation; perhaps that will help keep him in line. You and Celebros may have to work out what he can eat as his tummy seems to be growing more recently. Thank you..." Before she could even get turned back around, Naur was messaging her...

~~ I heard that! But, yes, you are right, I know. I do have a weakness for sweets and rich foods, though meats and some vegetables would be better for this body. I'll be good, I promise... he will be pleased. Thank you, Elerrina... ~~

She watched the black wolf follow the Chef into the kitchen. ~~ You're welcome... I want all my guests to be happy here, Naur; you, too. ~~

She turned back to see Celebros coming in. She patted the seat next to her, looking at him with a smile, and had the serving girl fill his coffee cup, too. "Naur is back in Chef's good graces and promises to be good," she said to him. "And he even agreed to a better diet-- less sweets!"
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Post RE: The Elvish Armoury (free) (keep)
on: January 05, 2004 10:58
((OOC: Blair...where did you go????))

"Naur has agreed to ear less sweets? That has got to be a miracle." he smiled "Naur loves sweets more than anything else, even though they aren't doing his waistline any good."


[Edited on 6/1/2004 by eldir]
Lady of the Golden Wood
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Post RE: The Elvish Armoury (free) (keep)
on: January 07, 2004 02:08
((OOC- he's not been online at all for couple days now. I hope he doesn't have the flu, or he'll be down for a week or more. Shall we go on without him? If he pops up we can edit... that, at least, is 'free'... ))

"You know, I think our rather harsh stance with Naur, while not fun for any of us, was necessary." Elerrina said, as Celebros sat down. "Since he's not 'just a wolf', even a smart one, he is in a wolf's body and has to realize that there are responsibilities for being in that character, that body. Of course, now we can actually talk about things with him, too. And that helps a great deal... except when I think of his being around at night... with us... in our room." Elerrina blushed slightly. "Oh, well, that's water under the Buckleberry Bridge... gone."

She rose to get some breakfast, stopping by Quarion's chair to see if he needed anything. It wasn't too very far a walk up to the Butterfly Vale, but once there, most people wanted to stay and enjoy the rather hushed majesty of the trees sheathed in several species of butterflies, each species staying with it's own kind, in the large bowl-shaped depression. They would certainly be gone several hours, perhaps longer... long enough to want to be not hungry when they started out, anyway.

Celebros followed her to the big table where many dishes of food were set out to choose from. "Ummmm..." he said. After so many years out in the Wild, he still had a hard time adjusting to a lot of choices for what to eat. He looked over all the choices, then selected his favorites.


[Edited on 8/1/2004 by eldir]
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Post RE: The Elvish Armoury (free) (keep)
on: January 08, 2004 09:42
((erm we can work on the farm part of the thread and then come back to the armoury part later I suppose))

"We are taking Naur with us aren't we?" Celebros asks

"I hope so, his nose should be able to sniff out what I'm looking for." Quarion added
Lady of the Golden Wood
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Post RE: The Elvish Armoury (free) (keep)
on: January 08, 2004 05:22
"As long as it's cookies or desserts..." Elerrina mumbled under her breath. Celebros, next to her grinned. "Umm, yes, that's so, he does have a good nose..." she said in a louder voice. "But how will you show him the scent of what you need to find, Quarion? Do you have one of the cocoons to show him and let him smell?"

Just then Naur came out of the kitchen area. Someone had helped him wash his face, because his muzzle and much of his neck ruff was damp. ~~ Umm, hotcakes and sausages. Very nice, Elerrina, though the Chef would not allow me to have much syrup or butter. I love sourdough hotcakes. Or buckwheat... or crepes... ~~ Naur sighed happily and laid down at Celebros' feet, ready for a short snooze, but Elerrina, Quarion and Celebros got up.

"It wouldn't hurt for everyone to have a jacket, just in case it rains. The weather can change pretty fast up there, and once you're in the Vale, you can't see what's coming. Why don't we go get anything we might need and meet on the front steps in about 10 minutes?"

~~ Elruwen, are you nearly here? We'll be ready to go in about 10 minutes or so. ~~

~~ Oh, we're going already? ~~ Naur messaged Celebros.
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Post RE: The Elvish Armoury (free) (keep)
on: January 09, 2004 10:55
"Yes I have a fragment of one." Quarion replied

~~Start off without me, I'll meet you up there~~ Elruwen messaged in reply

"We certainly are Naur so don't even think about napping just yet." he laughed in reply


[Edited on 10/1/2004 by CarolP]
Lady of the Golden Wood
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Post RE: The Elvish Armoury (free) (keep)
on: January 09, 2004 10:38
So the group split up for a few minutes to get any last minute chores done and collect any items they needed to bring...

Ten minutes later, Celebros and Ele are sitting in the swing, holding hands, and waiting on the others. Naur is lying nearby, trying to get even a few extra winks to let that big breakfast settle...

As the sun is quickly brightening, Quarion decided he must don his protective globe of darkness. As he stepped off the porch, Naur saw it and decided it would be a good place to sleep... except he bounced off the outside of it.

~~ Oh, please, Quarion, my friend... just a few minutes of darkness and quiet... *he yawned* please... ~~


[Edited on 10/1/2004 by eldir]
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Post RE: The Elvish Armoury (free) (keep)
on: January 11, 2004 11:26
"What the?.....Naur can talk?!" Quarion exclaimed, somewhat stunned and confused

"I'm sorry but I'm afraid I can't let you into the orb Naur, I well tweeked the original version of the spell so that it suited my needs and that was to form an orb which both absorbs light, creating darkness within and deflects some magics."

"Yes Naur can communicate telepathically, it can as a shock to us as well when he revealed he was no ordinary wolf." Celebros replied

"That would probably explain why he bounced of the orb. He could be what is termed as a magic beast. As in he posses some abilities that his common wolf bretherin do not."

~~I what??~~ It was now Naur's turn to look confused

[Edited on 12/1/2004 by Elruwen]
Lady of the Golden Wood
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Post RE: The Elvish Armoury (free) (keep)
on: January 12, 2004 08:53
Elerrina started to giggle, and about slid out of the swing laughing... tears were coming down her cheeks... Celebros gave her a very strange look, but her laughter was contagious; he started chuckling at her helpless laughter...

"Oh my..." she gasped, "I know one ability that Naur has, that his wolf bretheren don't have... he can put away more hotcakes and sausages than two full-grown Men can!! Then there's his ability to sweet-talk a very perfectionistic chef into letting him back into the kitchen, and yes, he can be telepathic, too. And, come to think of it, didn't we figure that Naur was moving the boxes we used to use to get into your loft room? So he can use telekinesis, too... " She looked at Naur with a big grin.

"I guess my question would be not so much how is he different than his wolf bretheren, but what ways are they similar other than in simply form?" She paused a minute to catch her breath, and then smiled at Naur. "Naur, I'm not making fun of you... the question just struck me as sooo funny. You are the least wolf-like wolf I have ever seen..."
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Post RE: The Elvish Armoury (free) (keep)
on: January 13, 2004 01:48
"That is a different way to put it I suppose I'd have to study him and his behavior closely, subject him to a few spells and such...from the number of things you are saying I'm starting to doubt that he is even a wolf. I'm starting to think that he could well be a soul from say an elf or a man that has been trapped in a wolf's body thorugh some sort of necromancy. A rather far fetched theory but is slowly becoming more and more viable." Quarion replied

~~Wha????~~ Naur messaged the three

"So you think that Naur isn't really a wolf yes?" Celebros asked

"I'm not sure but it is possible." Quarion replied
Lady of the Golden Wood
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Post RE: The Elvish Armoury (free) (keep)
on: January 13, 2004 05:19
((OOC- Oh, cool, 'Ruwen!! ))

"I know Naur would find a way to speak out for himself..." Elerrina said, "but you cannot 'subject him' to anything without his permission. I don't know what species he'd rather be, or even if you could return him to a former species, but it must be his choice. He's been Celebros' friend for many years, and now mine and Elruwen's too."

She looked at Naur, and it looked to her that he was feeling a bit panicky. He had begun to pant and roll his eyes.

~~ Calm down, my friend, no one will make you do anything... ~~ She messaged Naur.
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Post RE: The Elvish Armoury (free) (keep)
on: January 14, 2004 12:19
**Quarion knelt down infront of the wolf. His hand extended from the globe and he ruffled the fur on Naur's head.**

"Don't worry Naur, I'll tell you what the process involves and then I'll let you decide what you want to do about it, You can take your time over it as well. There is no hurry. I'm sorry if I scared you." Quarion said

~~What do you think of Quarion's idea?~~ Celebros messaged the wolf

~~I don't know, I'm scared and that is all I'm going to say at the moment.~~ Naur replied

Lady of the Golden Wood
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Post RE: The Elvish Armoury (free) (keep)
on: January 14, 2004 06:27
Elerrina could sense Naur's relief, probably they all could.

~~ Whatever you do is fine, Naur. You've been a good friend to us as a wolf, I can't see why your being anything else would change that. And like Quarion said, you don't have to make up your mind in a hurry. ~~ Elerrina messaged him.

"Celebros, Quarion? Naur? How about we start the walk up to the Vale? Elruwen said she'd catch up with us if we left before she could leave the shop... and we don't want to be too late getting back this afternoon." She tied her own light jacket around her waist, over the little waistpack of 'essentials' she always carried when she went out. "I think I'm all ready..."

She started down the front steps of the big house.


[Edited on 15/1/2004 by eldir]
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Post RE: The Elvish Armoury (free) (keep)
on: January 15, 2004 07:42
~~I know~~ Naur replied

"Yes, lets head off...and stop walking off ahead." Celebros laughed

**Naur trotted along behind at Celebros' heals

**Quarion followed along behind them**
Lady of the Golden Wood
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Post RE: The Elvish Armoury (free) (keep)
on: January 15, 2004 06:14
Laughing, Elerrina paused and let the others catch up with her, "I'm the only one who knows where the place is though," she said, still smiling. "But I suppose I could let you walk with me."

She took Celebros' hand as he caught up with her, and laughed again. "Quarion," she said, "have you ever seen a butterfly hibernation area before? They form a nearly solid covering over parts of the trees. They don't look like they really are sleeping to me, but that's what they call it. Individual butterflies are always moving around, though, so sometimes the air is also full of fluttering wings. They are almost dizzying to watch." She paused to check her directions, then they walked on up a narrow path that took off from the main trail.

"They'll stay here until very early spring, then follow the blooming milkweek north, laying eggs along the way. By midsummer, it seems like most are dead, then the eggs hatch and the young catapillars feed on the milkweed until they need to cocoon. Once the butterflies hatch from there, they will work their way back here again before winter to repeat the cycle."

They had climbed a steep bank, and Elerrina paused so everyone could catch their breaths. Naur struggled up the last bit a couple minutes later. ~~ Elerrina, could you walk a little slower? You long-legged Elves can walk much faster than this old body is capable of anymore.~~

~~ Oh, I'm sorry, Naur. I'll try to slow up a bit. You haven't been out for a while either. There is a stream ahead, perhaps you'd like some water? ~~

"Different varieties of butterfly eat different varieties of plants, of course. And there are at least four main varieties which winter over here."

They walked on...


[Edited on 16/1/2004 by eldir]
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Post RE: The Elvish Armoury (free) (keep)
on: January 17, 2004 02:40
"You may be the only one who knows the way but if you charge of on ahead without us how are we ment to follow?" Celebros laughed

"No, I haven't see one. it must be a sight to see." Quarion replied

~~ Please, If you don't mind stopping that is.~~ Naur replied


[Edited on 17/1/2004 by eldir]
Lady of the Golden Wood
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Post RE: The Elvish Armoury (free) (keep)
on: January 19, 2004 11:16
The group walked on up the trail a bit more, with Celebros keeping hold of Elerrina's hand so she didn't walk so fast. The trees had grown larger and more beautiful as they had climbed away from the lower, flatter lands, and the deciduous trees had changed onto conifers.

"Oh, the stream is just up here in those trees, for whoever wants a drink. The water is very good..." Elerrina said.

Being thirsty, Naur was trying to walk ahead a little, and he turned toward the streambanks. ~~ What a nice spot, Elerrina. Yes, the water looks quite inviting.~~ He messaged back to the group.

As everyone was getting a drink from the gurgling waters, Elerrina looked at the landmarks and commented, "I think it's about half a mile from here, once we're back on the trail again."


[Edited on 20/1/2004 by CarolP]
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Post RE: The Elvish Armoury (free) (keep)
on: January 20, 2004 06:06
"Its quite a way from the farm then isn't it?" Celebros said "Not that it bothers me."

**Naur continued to drink**
Lady of the Golden Wood
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Post RE: The Elvish Armoury (free) (keep)
on: January 20, 2004 01:16
Elerrina smiled, "Define 'quite a ways'..." she smiled at Celebros. "I think it's about 2 miles (a tad over 3 Km.), not really far, but we did do some climbing, and there is one more steep place yet to go."

She looked at Naur, and offered, "Naur, we can stop on the way back down, too. If you drink too much the climb will be even harder."

They set off again, and sure enough, the trail turned between two steep cliffs, and they had to make their way up a steep dry gully, dry at the moment. Everyone was panting again when they reached the top. The sides of the cliffs continued on around them, forming a huge bowl, protected from winters wind and cold, though the sun could shine in.

Walking into the Vale was like walking into a spiritual place, it had a still feeling, closed off from the rest of Middle Earth. The trees towered around them, the sun heated their backs although the air itself was cool. There was an open corridor in the trees and they walked down it... until it made a larger opening in the center of the 'bowl'.

Hushed as the woods were, you could almost feel the fluttering of the thousands and thousands of butterflies, even before you saw them. Some were flying, but most were simply clinging to the warm trees. And the trees were orange with them... orange and yellow, with touches of gold and blue and white, and even green too, as lesser numbers of other varieties founded their own communities.

"My friends... the Butterfly Vale..." she said in hushed tones.


[Edited on 21/1/2004 by Gilraen]
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Post RE: The Elvish Armoury (free) (keep)
on: January 23, 2004 07:17
"Its beautiful..." Celebros murmered. "I've never seen anything like it."

"My.....that is quite a sight to behold." Quarion whispered
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