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Post RE: Rangers in the shire
on: May 12, 2004 10:15
Carrey led the way back to the Laughing Robin, trying to hurry, so that they could get the wounded into beds, and the rangers refreshed.
When they finally got to the inn, Carrey began running around, opening bedrooms, finding sheets for the beds, pillows, and blankets. Then, she found some older sheets that were ok to rip up and use for bandages. These she took to Denother, and asked if they would be ok. He said they would be fine.
After the wounded were in beds, she rushed to the kitchen, grabbing Frodurien on the way. " Would you please start a fire in the stove?" she asked." It would be most appriciated if you would give me a hand in preparing a meal for the Rangers."
Frodurien nodded and began to start the fire, and then began peeling potatoes.
Carrey had told the rangers to sit down at the outdoor tables, and she would bring them something to drink. She placed mugs and ale, wine, and cider in a large basket, and lugged it out to the tables. After handing out the mugs, she put one of each kind of drink on each table. " Supper will be a few minutes, but sit here and rest, and enjoy yourselves."
Carrey scampered back to the kitchen and began assembling a hearty stew, thanks to the vegetables that Frodurien had peled.
While she was preparing a quick-cooking stew, she asked Frodurien to bake some quick bread. " Because the rangers are hungry, and I don't think that they want to wait long to eat."
Leaning closer to Frodurien, she whispered " Niether would I, after fighting those uruks."
After about twenty minutes, the stew was done, and thanks to Frodurien, so was the bread. Carrey poked her head out the door and called to Denother. " Excuse me, Denother, could I get you to carry the kettle outside please? It's just a bit big for me to carry." After he got up, Carrey went back into the kitchen and waited.
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Post RE: Rangers in the shire
on: May 12, 2004 10:47
When Carrey came back into the kitchen waiting for Denethor, Frodurien took the opportunity and grabbed a piece of paper. Taking a quill-pen from the desk she wrote a note to Carrey. Carrey, my jaw hurts. I think it could be sprained, or even broken. I was afraid to tell you this before, because I thought it would hurt to talk. It even hurts when I smile. Can you help? Frodurien ran over to Carrey and gave her the paper, just as Denethor was walking in to carry out the kettle of soup. She watched as Carrey put the paper in her pocket and carried out the bread, following Den outside.

Frodurien didn't know what to do, so she followed them outside. Den asked them to stay and eat with them, so she sat down with Carrey. She watched as Carrey ate her food. Her stomach rumbled, so was so hungry, but the pain was to great. She trembled and turned pale.
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Post RE: Rangers in the shire
on: May 12, 2004 11:59
(I'm baaaaccckkk!!! but sadly...I have to go for 4 days :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: )

Eleyn awoke to find herself staring up at a ceiling of a sick room. She sat up immeaditley and looked around her. All of what had just happened was a blur. Quickly she got out of the covers and ran to the door. Opening it quickly she near about ran into Den. Eleyn gasped and took a step back. "Lord Denother..." She said whilst she curtesyed. When she stood upright again she stared into his eyes. "Where is Ethoner?" She asked, her voice almost breathless, afraid and yet still couraged to here the answer.
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Post RE: Rangers in the shire
on: May 13, 2004 07:41
Denother was just going out toe at witht he other Ranger when he near ran into Elyn as she opened the door of her room.
"Lord Denother... Where is Ethoner?"
Den smiled, "I'm no one's Lord, and Thon's asleep. He took quite a beating but, give him a couple of days and he'll be fine, although I don't think he'll be fit for another three weeks or so." He shook his head and opened his mouth to take his leave of Eleyn but he heard Carrey calling him to take a kettle outside as it was too big for her. "If you'll excuse me Lady Eleyn, I think I'm wanted."
Outside he asked Frodurien and Carrey to stay and eat with them and Carrey tucked in with gusto but Frodurien sat quietly and pushed her food around her plate.
"Frodurien?" He leaned over the table, his face a mask of concern, "Are you alright?" He stood abruptly as she turned white and began to tremble. "I think we'd better get you inside."
So saying he lifted her slight form and ducked back inside.
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Post RE: Rangers in the shire
on: May 13, 2004 09:12
"Frodurien?" Denother leaned over towards her. "Are you alright?" He asked as she started to tremble. "I think we'd better get you inside." Den lifted her small, trembling body and brought her inside the house.

Frodurien touched her jaw, and just as she did pain shot through her mouth and she winced. A few drops of blood fell from her mouth, most likely started again from when she touched her jaw. Frodurien motioned to Denother and pointed to her jaw. She motioned him closer and whispered in his ear without moving her mouth. "Denother, my jaw, it hurts." She winced again as she said it. He looked at her again, his eyes full of compassion.
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Post RE: Rangers in the shire
on: May 13, 2004 09:33
ooc:mine if i add a bit of Airendil,for those of you who don't know,Faramirs younger sister.

Airendil ran towards where they where in the shire,she finaly reached them and she screamed "Faramir!!" at the top of her lungs.Faramir turned around quickly and grabbed Airendils arms
"what is it?"He asked her,eager to know if there was trouble ahead.
"there are..."she tried to catch her breath "...uruk hai to the north....heading this way."She replied.
"what?! how many?...Airendil?"Faramir asked her
"..about..200...you gotta get out of here"She stated.
"200 Uruk-hai?!..men,take the hobbits,and move out"Faramir instructed.

Airendil looked at Faramir,then at Ethoner,she was'nt quite sure who he was and felt quite shy,but she blushed a bit and smiled at him.
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Post RE: Rangers in the shire
on: May 13, 2004 02:58
Carrey noticed the note that Frodurien had passed her and nodded. She ment to do something after supper.
After they all sat down to eat, she noticed her friend start tremblilng. Denothor picked Frodurien up and carried her inside, she had begun trembling so fearfully.
After insisting that Frodurien be put in her bedroom, as the other rooms were full of wounded rangers. Then, Carrey dashed back to the kitchen to brew some strong tea to help the pain. Grabbing some left over bandages, she went back to her room.
" Frodurien, I have some willow bark tea brewing. It should help with the pain. I also grabbed some bandages for your jaw."
Carrey walked over to her friend and gently bandaged the jaw almost shut.
Turning to Denother, who had stood there watching, she asked " do you have anything else that might help with her pain? " Just then, she heard the tea kettle whistling. " Excuse me, hold that thought. I'll be right back."
Walking to the kitchen, she poured the freshly brewed tea into a large mug, and slipped in a straw, made of reed.
Carefully she made her way back to the bedroom, being cautious not to spill any of the tea.She walked over to the bed and handed the mug to Frodurien.
" Here, this will help with the pain. I also added some honey, which if you can't eat, will help nourish you."
Carrey grinned, knowing how hobbits loved to eat.
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Post RE: Rangers in the shire
on: May 13, 2004 05:29
Frodurien winced as they bandaged her jaw and she nodded a thanks to Carrey as she accepted the tea. She slowly and carefully sipped the tea through the straw. She cold feel the pain growing but she had to have something. At least she didn't feel so hungry anymore. She began to feel warmer, and then she felt tired. Soon It was hard to keep her eyelids open. Her head hit the pillow and she instantly fell asleep.
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Post RE: Rangers in the shire
on: May 14, 2004 06:49

(Ag! Sorry I haven't been on in forever! Computers!=Evil!!! And thanks for dragging my character around at least for a little bit Alsin! lol course I didn't mind- you actually saved me! Little confused as to what is going on, but I guess there's more Uruks! :evil: )


Teveldin wiped his blade with his cloak and returned to the inn with the rangers and hobbits, several of which had been hurt in the fight.

He began to slip it into it's sheath, but as the call passed through the inn that more Uruks were moving in from the north, he thought better of it and shifted it in his grip.

~yada, yada, I really have no idea what to say.... feel free to move Tev around if you need/want to everybody....~
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Post RE: Rangers in the shire
on: May 15, 2004 09:02
Ooc - That's OK Tev, but I'm the one asking for help now, I'm performing a show for the next week and will most likely not be able to post so could various people write bits for my Den and Thon please? Just no killing them while my back's turned!

Ic - As Carrey sat beside Frodurien and made sure she was drinking the tea Den desperatly went through his mental inventory of his medicine pack.
"Carrey, I'm afraid I don't have anything that doesn't require administration by mouth. But I thought I saw some Athelas in your garden." Seeing her blank look he continued, "Kingsfoil, it's a bit of a cure all really. I'm pretty sure all that'll heal her properly is time and a stiff bandage but a poulitce of Athelas will dull the pain and promote healing. She could be able to eat about a week earlier if we use it."
"Well?" Carrey looked at him, "What are you waiting for?!"
As she chivvied him out of the room to go gardening Den stole a look in at his brother, Thon was sleeping peacefully but his face was still deathly pale and the uncovered would on his arm made an angry red splash against the bed linen.
Den sighed, "You'll live. You're too stubborn not to."
Fifteen minutes and a handful of crushed Athelas later Den finished redressing Frodurien's jaw and sat back on her bed, trying to look dignified with his knees about his ears.

Ooc- And someone else can take him now because I have no idea what to put next.
PS Elijahs~Angel, Thon's unconcious and can't do much to help with an Uruk threat right now!
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Post RE: Rangers in the shire
on: May 17, 2004 11:51
Frodurien's eyes were full of thanks, and she hoped that would satisfy them. At least they had numbed the pain for awhile anyway. It almost felt normal, but everytime she tried to say something, she stopped for the pain would sting worse and worse till the point of no return.
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Post RE: Rangers in the shire
on: May 17, 2004 03:31

Eleyn watched as he went down the hallway. Her eyes filled with tears in relief that Thon was ok. She took in her breath and walked down the hallway. A few minutes later Eleyn saw a room that was light with many candles. In it Thon was sitting on his bead, staring out the window. Eleyn approched slowly. "Lord Ethoner?" She said softly, not wanting to frighten him. She stopped as he turned slowly to face her. She took another step. "Are you all right?" She asked, her eyes filling with tears at the sight of his worn out face. Scratches on his forehead and around his chin. Eleyn sat down next to him and put her hand on his shoulder and looked at him softly.

(( I'm back!! Finally!!!))
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Post RE: Rangers in the shire
on: May 22, 2004 01:30
Ooc - I'm back too! Yay! Hugs to all! :hug:

Ic - Ethoner covered Eleyn's hand with his own and looked into her eyes. Seeing the dampness of unshed tears there he smiled and gently pulled her head down onto his good arm.
"You should be in bed pestering my healer of a brother."
He shifted position and gasped slightly as his wound protested.


Denother took the now empty teacup from Frodurien and placed it on the bedside table.
"Don't speak." He grinned, "You'll be fine in a couple of weeks, but only if you ignore that peculiarly Hobbit penchant for chatter." He tucked the quilt in around Frodurien then stood and ducked out of the low doorway, intent on finding somewhere he could actually straighten up.
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Post RE: Rangers in the shire
on: May 22, 2004 09:11
Frodurien tried to smile and then stopped midway, for her jaw was protesting. She nodded to Denother and fixed her pillow. As soon as Den had gone out into the hall, she was asleep.
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Post RE: Rangers in the shire
on: June 01, 2004 04:34
(((OOC sorry I haven't posted in forever. I've been down at the beach)))

After helping Denother bind Frodurien's mouth, Carrey pulled up a chair, and said to Denother" I'll sit with her. You go get some rest before we leave tommorow, to face more uruks."
Gently she shooed him from the room, and then sat back down in her chair. In just a few heartbeats, she was asleep.
Morning came all to soon, and as the sun began to slip over ther horizon, its rays gently carresed Carrey's face, wakeing her up. As she woke up,she closed the curtains, so as not to wake her friend.
After that, she padded silently down the hall, making sure each of the bedroom doors were closed, so that any noise she made wouldn't wake the guests.
Moving into the kitchen, she began kindling a fire in the stove, and then grabbed the bread dough she had set rising the night before, and began mixing up bread for breakfast.
Then, when the bread was in the oven, she took her handbasket and went out to the garden to collect fresh oinions and some potatoes, and some squash. She deposited the potatoes in a pot of water on the stove, and then went back out to the henhouse to collect some eggs. Hoping it would be a while before anyone woke up, she grabbed a smaller basket, put the oinions in it, and went outside to the tables to watch the sun finish rising, while she peeled and chopped.
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Post RE: Rangers in the shire
on: June 01, 2004 05:01
Frodurien awoke to the smell of bread in the kitchen. She completly forgot about her pain and walked into the kitchen. She ran over to Carrey and started to help her. "I'll..." She stopped as pain shot back into her jaw. She winced and cotinued helping silently. How will I be able to eat? She asked herself as she grabbed another onion and started to chop it.
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Post RE: Rangers in the shire
on: June 01, 2004 05:26
Carrey looked up at the sound of footsteps. Frodurien had woken up, despite all her precautions. " Frodurien, what are you doing out of bed?"
Frodurien tried to answer, but apparently, the pain brought her up short. Instead of answering, Frodurien grabbed a peeled oinion and began chopping.
Carrey, seeing that her friend was still in pain, sighed, and got up to brew a pot of tea consisting of the ingredients that Denother had left her.
When it was done, she poured her friend a cup, added a straw so it would be easier to drink, and then gently took the knife away from Frodurien. " You should be in bed resting, not up here helping me. If you like, you may sit in the sun with me, and drink your tea, but nothing more. After you are done, I want you to go back to bed."
Carrey watched her friend nod meekly, and then start to sip her tea. Carrey smiled to herself, thinking that soon Frodurien would be more than ready to go back to bed, thanks to the dreamleaf that she had mixed in with the honey.
After about half an hour, she noticed Frodurien begin to get droopy. While she could still walk, Carrey escorted her back to her room, and helped her into a nightgown. By this time, Frodurien was almost asleep, so she had to finish undressing her, and then boosted her into bed. Gently she covered Frodurien up, and tucked the blanket in around her.
With a final check to make sure that she was sleeping, Carrey slipped back out, closing the door behind her.
All of a sudden, she remembered her bread! Oh dear,I hope I didn't burn the bread..... When she got to the kitchen, she had indeed burned the bread. While it wasn't totaly blackened, it was a darker brown than she would have liked. Pulling the loaves out of the oven, she dashed to begin the oinions and potatoes frying, before everyone was up.
She had just finished chopping the squash for the eggs, when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She jumped and screamed, tossing the bowl of squash up in the air!
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Post RE: Rangers in the shire
on: June 02, 2004 08:14
Ooc - IT LIIIIIVES!!!!! :rolling:

Ic - "Well good morning to you as well Mistress Carrey!" Denother shook bits of squash out of his hair, "I was going to come and ask if you wanted some help with breakfast, now I guess I'll just grab a broom and let you get on with cooking." His bright smile showed that he didn't really mind being plastered with flying vegetables.
When he had finished and put the broom away he began dishing up a few platefuls of food and putting them on a tray.
"And just what do you think you're doing?"
"Taking food to my injured comrades." He grinned again, "Or had you forgotten about them. I just presumed I would be able to do it quicker because I can carry more at a time and it would leave you free to feed the hungry, uninjured mouths I think I hear thundering this way as we speak."
He was right, he was only just in time to avoid the kitchen door being flung open and several Rangers piling through it in a most undignified manner.
"Sorry Captain Denother." The highest ranking panted, "We ended up having a..."
"A pillow fight." Den finished his sentence. "I know, I don't know what it is about this place but it seems to have been the tonic for flagging souls we all needed." So saying he went to discover if the others felt the almost mysical cheering effect of the Shire.
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Post RE: Rangers in the shire
on: June 02, 2004 05:17
Frodurien accepted the tea with great relief and sat outside in the sun with Carrey. A little while later she started to become very clumsy and drowsy. Carrey helped her to her room and Frodurien couldn't keep her eyelids open. She was asleep, and wasn't in bed, instead she was leaning on Carrey. She felt herself become warm and began having pleasant dreams.


Frodurien was frolicking in the feilds until she saw an Oliphant, it looked exactly like Sam had described. It was humongeous, and she gasped. She felt the sudden erge to go pet it, and when she did, it started to purr at her. She smiled and climbed on its back. She rode the Oliphant around until she ran into an orc, the Oliphant saved her from the orc by squishing it. Now everything was wonderful in the world and Oliphants were really wonderful creatures.......

End dream.
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Post RE: Rangers in the shire
on: June 03, 2004 08:13
Ooc - Lovely dream Fro!

Ic - Den quietly kicked open the door to Thon's sick room and hoppen trough while desperatly trying to keep everything on his tray there.
He softly whistled to get his brother's attention, seeing his till sleeping form the younger man deposited his tray, sat on the edge of the bed and brushed a stray strand of hair away from Ethoner's face.
"Storm Cloud. Wake up. It's breakfast time."
Thon stirred slightly, the use of his mother's nickname for him seeping through his sleep fogged mind.
"Breakfast, if you're up to it."
"Mmm." He graoned as he leaved himself up on his good arm, "Me? Refusing food? You must havee ha a crack on the head to believe that young feller-me-lad!"
Den swapped places with the tray and ended up perched on a bedside table.
"So, how'd you sleep." Ethoner motioned a 'not bad' as he ate ravenously.
"That's good. The others all made it back with no real damage done, but I think the re-run of our little battle yesterday morning got played without us!"
"That's not fair! Who?"
"oh, just some of the lads that can still walk. They're out dining with the lovely Mistress Carrey as we speak."
"Lovely eh? You'd best be careful or I'm going to have to start chaperoning you again!"
Den aimed a playful swipe at his brother them stood, made his goodbyes and went outside to find a breakfast of his own.

[Edited on 6/4/2004 by Diva]
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Post RE: Rangers in the shire
on: June 06, 2004 07:31
((LOL, I thought it was funny. Nice pillow-fight statement, thats so cool! I :love: it))

Next dream:

AHHHHH! Frodurien screamed as she saw a spider, a huge, fat spider. She hated them, they always were they scariest part of Bilbo's stories. Anyway, the spider slowly came closer and closer until she was directly under it, for some reason it completly skipped over her and ran straight into the wall. She quietly ran over to the door and left the small room. She ran down the hallway and entered a room on the right. Almost immediatly, a larger spider charged at her and stabbed her in the jaw with it's fangs.

End dream.

Frodurien jumped out of bed and landed on the floor, her jaw-pain was almost unbearable, something must have hit her when she was asleep. She ran out of her room and down the hallway. As she turned outside, she ran straight into Denother and fell.
"Sorry." She whispered and avoided his gaze. She ran over to the garden before he had a chance to say anything and sat down with the vegetables. I can't harm anything here, I am alone. She thought. Then she hed the sudden urge to cry, so she quickly put her hands over her face and cried to herself.
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Post RE: Rangers in the shire
on: June 06, 2004 09:20
Den looked in surprise at Frodurien's retreating back. Shaking his head he qickly looked in her room to see if anything obvious had caused her to up and run. A spot of blood by the bedside table told him she had probably hit her jaw on it in the night, that was the only part of her that was likely to bleed anyway, he hoped.
Hw went outside, torn with indesicion. should he go after her and see what was wrong or leave her be and get his breakfast.
He decided to eat, he could always find her later and she hadn't seemed inclined to talk when they had met.
As he sat Carrey and a couple of the Rangers shot him qusetioning glances but he signalled ignorance of what was going through the little Hobbit's mind.
He settled back with a bacon butty in one hand and a tankard of ale in the other and enjoyed the birdsong.

Soon however a sound from the cabbage patch caught his attention. Den dropped his chair back onto all four legs and listened harder. The sound soon resolved itself into quiet sobs.
Silently he stood and went to investigate.
Through the runner beans and sweet peas he could see Frodurien, her head on her knees, crying softly to herself. His heart went out to her and the tall Ranger sat beside the young Hobbit, took her in his arms as one might a child and sat silently, trying to be comforting.
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Post RE: Rangers in the shire
on: June 06, 2004 09:30

Eleyn slowly walked around the hallways. She hadn'ts seen Ethoner since the night she had found him in his room. Eleyn quietly opened a door and smiled at the empty room. So peaceful it was. Eleyn continued to walk and then found Ethoner sitting outside on a rock, skipping rocks in the pond nearby. Eleyn picked up a rock herself and threw into the water next to him. She watched it skip twice and smiled as he looked up startled.

"How is your arm?" She asked, almost breathless as he smiled up at her. She was happy to see his lovely face again. She studied his eyes and his hands. His eyes were the greatest she had ever seen. She was happy that he was still alive. Happy that he was here with her at this moment.

(missa back ))
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Post RE: Rangers in the shire
on: June 06, 2004 03:04
Frodurien was sobbing in the garden when Denother came up to her. He took her up in his arms and silently rocked her back and forth. She looked up in his eyes and saw kindness, and she cried silently onto his chest. Frodurien felt better as he comforted her and soon she stopped crying. She looked up at him and smiled, hugging him a thank you. Then he stood up and placed her on her feet.

Frodurien let Den leed her to the table and sat down next to him. He continued his meal and she watched him, silently drinking a new cup of tea the Carrey had quickly made for her. After she finished her tea she realized she was still in her nightgown and ran to her room, putting on a fresh dress. Then she went back outside, and saw all of the rangers had finished their breakfasts and were now busy talking to each other.

Frodurien noticed Den smile and wave at her. She ran over to him and listened to their conversation. They were all in a heated debate over what was to be done about the orcs, and how they would do it. She smiled and waved a hello to the rangers that noticed her and said hello.

"Are you feeling any better?" Den asked her. Frodurien nodded a yes and touched her chin. Carrey must have put something in my tea. She thought to herself as she noticed that it hadn't been hurting her as much.
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Post RE: Rangers in the shire
on: June 07, 2004 08:17
Ooc - Hugs to Lily! Hugs to all for that matter!

Den sat Fro on a chair beside him and smiled as she signalled that her jaw was feeling better.
"Then how about I..." Suddenly his attention snapped to a Ranger sat opposite him, "Quentin you fool! That would never work. Orcs are stupid, but they aren't that stupid. SHEEP aren't that stupid!" He shook his head and turned back to Fro, "As I was saying. Why don't I change your dressing later and we can see how it's doing. With any luck you'll have just another week or so of drinking nothing but tea!" He grinned as she aimed a playful swipe at his arm.
He returned to the debate for now, with an idea of his own, "Mistress Carrey, Is there anywhere around here we could bottle up a large force of orcs?"


Ethoner sat skimming stones, lost in his own thoughts. He'd just managed to skim a six when another stone came, seemingly out of nowhere and landed just where his had.
Spinning on his rock he was surprised and pleased in equal amounts to see Eleyn walking towards him down the river bank.
"How is your arm?" She asked, slightly breathlessly it seemed to the Dark Ranger.
"All the better for seeing you." He grinned ruefully, "Sorry, I can't resist cheesy chat up lines. Den says they're my one true weakness." He patted the ground beside him, "Wont you come and sit for a while? The water is lovely and the birds seem in fine voice."
He watched as Eleyn lowered her willowy form down beside him, he longed to reach out and touch her hair, to lose himself in her eyes and arms, but he had to content himself with settling back and stating, "I thought you were here for our dear Captain Faramir."
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Post RE: Rangers in the shire
on: June 07, 2004 09:09
"As I was saying. Why don't I change your dressing later and we can see how it's doing. With any luck you'll have just another week or so of drinking nothing but tea!" Den said. Frodurien aimed a small punch at his arm. she giggled at him when he jumped, he certianly wasn't expecting it.

"Mistress Carrey, Is there anywhere around here we could bottle up a large force of orcs?" Den asked Carrey. Frodurien nodded her head excitedly, but then realized the reason she wasn't asked, ws because she couldn't communicate. She shrugged and listened to Carrey's answer.
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Post RE: Rangers in the shire
on: June 09, 2004 09:13
((Can any of you (or all) move Frodurien around? I can't post for I have to catch a plane now. I am leaving for London and I shan't be back till the 17th. Thanks! Bye!))
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Post RE: Rangers in the shire
on: June 09, 2004 05:19

Eleyn stared at his eyes for awhile. Pleased to see his face smiling up at her.
"All the better for seeing you!"
Eleyn blushed slightly at his grin. She smiled at his comments. "I think they are beautiful." Eleyn whispered slightly at his comment of cheesy chat up lines.
"Come and sit for awhile, the water is lovely and the birds seem in fine voice."

Eleyn didn't need to be asked twice. She fixed her dress and lowered herself and the rock next to him. Eleyn smiled at his smooth textures and please look in his eyes.
"I thought you were here for our dear Captain Faramir."
Eleyn looked out into the distant at his words, staring at the sparkling water from the lowering sun. "I am here to help him see to a few things, nothing more." She replied, looking back at him she reached out and brushed her fingers against his hand. "At this time, I have come to see you.' Her eyes raised up to his face. Hard to tell his expressions. Eleyn smiled slightly and lowered her gaze to his hand hence she was running her fingers against.
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Post RE: Rangers in the shire
on: June 10, 2004 08:18
Ethoner placed his hand atop hers, "And I am glad of it." His eyes held none of their usual flippancy yet a smile was still on his lips, "The sun seems clearer when you are near and pain holds no meaning." A laughed, "There I go again! Chat up lines straight out of The Randy Ranger back home!" He took her hand in both of his and became srious for a moment, "But it's true. Eleyn, you are beautiful and are becoming more so by the day. I could become quite fond of you." Well, as serious as Thon could ever get.


Carrey had gone strangely quiet and Den was impatient for an answer.
"Frodurien?" She looked enquiring, "You seemed to know a place." She nooded emphatically, "Well, how about I go get you a slate and chalk, and you tell me where it is?" Fro grinned as Den darted inside and came out clutcing the slate usually used for writing the shopping list on. He gave it to the young Hobbit and waited while she scribbled industriously away.
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Post RE: Rangers in the shire
on: June 11, 2004 06:31

Eleyn tilted her head a bit and smiled. His touch was more than just a feeling upon a hand. It was a feeling of something stronger.
"and i'm glad of it." She heard him say, his smile still as broad as it ever could be. "The sun seems clearer when you are near and pain holds no meaning." Eleyn looked up as a laugh reached her ears. "There I go again! Chat up lines straight out of the Randy Rangers back home!"

Eleyn blushed slightly. "Your chat up lines, in my opinion, are the best I have ever heard." She said, staring back up into his eyes, a slight twinkle apearing in her eyes. She watched as he grew serious and took her hand in his. "But it's true. Eleyn, you are beautiful and are becoming more so by the day. I could become quite fond of you."

Thon had no joke in his eyes. Elen looked down and then back up at Thon. "I have already grown fond of you, Thon, You are most amazing." Her smile broadened and put her free hand to his face and ran her fingers down his cheek. Her eyes sparkled like a thousand seas and her smile through a thousand worlds.

((lol, Sorry Alsin! I would of posted earlier but i was grounded off the computer yesterday. Quote: You go on it too much, go on tommorow. today your off of it!" love the bonding relationship though! Go Thon!! lol ))
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Post RE: Rangers in the shire
on: June 11, 2004 08:01
Ooc - Aww! So cute!

Ic - Ethoner said nothing but sighed slightly as he moved his hands, one in the small of Eleyn's back, the other around her shoulders. He pulled her into him and kissed her deeply feeling all his cares and fears burning away like so much mist before the sun.
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Post RE: Rangers in the shire
on: June 11, 2004 08:37

Ooc: Finally!! I'm not the one who starts the kiss

Ic: Eleyn leaned into his touch, feeling his hands move to her back and one moving to her shoulder. Eleyn was moved but not surprised by his kiss. His kiss was intense and caring. When they pulled back Eleyn stared into his eyes and smiled. "Im melleth le." She whispered slightly as she pulled him into a hug, kissing his cheek along the way.

ooc-I was caught again...Don't no where to stop
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Post RE: Rangers in the shire
on: June 11, 2004 03:11
Carrey thought over the question, then ran to get a local map of Hobbiton. She began tracing her finger down a back road, then came to a cross-roads.
" This road backs up to the Brandywine River. the river bends here, and it's deep enough that nobody can cross it, over thirty feet deep. If we can drive the orcs into this bend, there is no way they can get out. If you like, I'll mark this place, and another one. The other place where you could create a trap is this hill range. There are some rather large, rocky hills there, and you could stand on the top and shoot arrows down on them, and toss boulders down. If you follow the curve of the canyon, it comes to a dead end into a cul-de-sac with sheer cliff walls and the Brandywine river, fourty ells deep."
Carrey put the map on table, and then walked over to her business desk and grabbed a jar of red ink and a quill pen then walked back over to the table and circled the two spots on the map.
" Here are the two places. Let me know when you plan to attack. I want to be there when you attack those uruks. I want payback for Frodurien."
Carrey sat back with a determined look in her eyes.
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Post RE: Rangers in the shire
on: June 13, 2004 07:43
Ooc - This sucks! I just wrote the longest post ever, and then my browser goes AWOL and doesn't post the f*****g thing!
I'll try again.

Ic - "Im melleth le." Eleyn whispered and pulled Thon into her soft embrace.
"And I you melleth nin." He replied softly as he ran his fingers through her hair, it smelt of the air after rain and was just as soft. "And I you."


Den sat thoughtfully staring at the map infront of him, "You know," He said after a second, "this might just work."
"Yes Quentin?"
"After we bottle them up, i think that would be a perfect time to..."
"NO! I've told you already, a cave troll with a headcold wouldn't fall for that one. They'd just... Oo! Good point." He reached out and added antoher red ink circle to the two already on the map, right infront of the entrance to the box canyon they would be using, "We need a force to keep them in there."
Fro sat looking slighty huffy that Carrey had beaten her to telling the Rangers about a good attack point. Den smiled at her and looked over at her slate. "Well, you've got the same thing, plus the men at the entrance. That's very good." He sighed, "Anyway, let's get that dressing changed now, shall we?"
"But... Aren't we going to attack the orcs?" Carrey looked confused and slightly angry.
"No. I've got seven good men unfit for service at the moment. From what I've seen and heard, these Orcs are going to stay here for a few more days and I want those men to be fighting beside me when we do go in. I can afford another day for them to recuperate." Den's tone softened, "Carrey, I know you want revenge for Fro, so do I, but if we go in with a smaller force than we need then all of that force are going to die and no one is going to get vengeance for anyone else. Do you understand?" Carrey nodded. The young soldier turned to fro, "Now, I want you to go and get bandages, some water and a cloth OK?" Frodurien nodded emphatically, "And I will go questing for more Athelas."
He stood and made a beeline for the nearby river where some was sure to grow.

So intent was he upon his task he didn't hear the low voices until it was too late. He stumbled onto the river bank and saw Thon sat on the ground holding Eleyn close to him, their heads together, her lips slightly parted, his fingers in her hair.
"Woah!" Den spun away from the pair. thon's head jerked up at the unexpexted exclaimation.
"Den!" He let go of Eleyn and stood.
"I didn't mean to! Honest!" Den had his hands over his eyes and his back turned.
"I don't care if you meant to or not!" Thon grabbed his younger brother and spun him round so the two were face to face, "You did! What were you thinking?! We weren't being that quiet!"
"I was concentrating."
"On what?"
"Finding Athelas."
"What for? All the men are healign nicely, they'll be practicing again tomorrow."
"It's not for the men."
"Well then who is it for?!"
"And who on earth is she?"
Den shook his head in disgust and turned slightly away, "I don't belive you. I really don't believe you."
"What are you talking about?"
"You don'y know?! If they're not a Human or an Elf you treat them like just another burden, not worthy of a name."
"No! You did it at that pub in Ithillien, every human barmaid or Elven barman was remembered without a second telling but the Hobbits, they were always 'You!' or 'the one in the green dress'."
"Den, calm down."
"NO! I'll have you know that Frodurien saved lives in that last battle and you can't even deign to remember that she exists. A wound on the arm can't addle your memory, don't try that old chestnut." Den went quiet but turned further away from his brother. He spotted a clump of Athelas and bent to cut a handful, "I'll go now," He spat the words, "Have fun." And he stalked away without a backwards glance.
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Post RE: Rangers in the shire
on: June 15, 2004 01:49

Eleyn stared over at Den who had, by then, turned around and started apologizing. Eleyn stood up as Thon started argueing with him. She could make out Den's words as he started walking away. "I'll go now, Have fun!"

Eleyn stopped next to Ethoner. Seeing that his face was blank as he watched his brother go. Slowly pressing her fingers against his cheek she turned his blank face towards hers. "Your brother is angry, melleth nin, talk to him." She advised, pulling him into a kiss. "He needs reassurence from his older brother, talk to him, melleth nin, for his sake and yours."

Stepping back, she told him to go now and talk to him. Turning around she walked back over to the river and sat on the grass. Thinking deeply and admiring the scene of the sun set and the shimmering water.
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