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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part II
on: September 23, 2004 01:22
:wave: Welcome and well met, Ringwearer! I'm glad you decided to stop lurking and come join the fun.

A FoF club in Illinois. *sigh* et: I wish there were something like that around southeastern Nebraska. I feel soooooo lonely sometimes. Oh, well, I guess that gives me reason (as if I NEEDED a reason) to come back here everyday.

Old Tom, your picnic on Saturday sounds just lovely. I'll be there in spirit. Give my best to all. The spousal unit and I are going to a Renaissance Faire right outside of Lincoln that day, so that will be some consolation for missing your good times on the west coast.

Blessed rain today. I know other parts of Middle Earth have had too much of the wet stuff, but we here in Nebraska have been parched this summer.

Good day to you all. The orcs of the Barad Dúr are calling (kind word for work) so I must tip toe away. Blessings on all of you, good friends.
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part II
on: September 23, 2004 07:41
First of all, Welcome to this thread Ringwearer! Good to see ya! I had a friend who had moved to Chicago for a year, but is back in Washington now.
I enjoy fantasy writing of various forms and from various authors. I am even trying my hand to the genre.
RangerNorlin, if I'd a known i'd come down out of the mountains long enough to say hello and share an ale for real. I was going to go to the howard Shore concert, but I didn't for various reasons.
You are on another message board?
I have a confession to make ... I'm a Tolkien messageboard slvt. I've registered at many over the years, but these days, I'm only regular at 3.

Great to see you all Fortierz! Peace man!
*listening to Jefferson Airplane*
Eighth King of Arthedain - It was in battle that I come into this Kingship, and it will be in Battle when I leave it. There is no peace for the Realm of Arnor. Read the last stand of Arthedain in the Darkest of Days.
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part II
on: September 24, 2004 04:59
Aiya and well met everyone!
Glad you found us Ringwearer! :hug:

Tom and Scots56 It sounds like you are both in for some great adventure and good times! Hope you and your loved ones have a wonderful time!:love:

Happy Hobbits Day (late) to Hobbits and NonHobbits alike!:love: I really like the fact that the birthdays and Hobbit day all land at the beginning of Autumn. It's my favorite season, and surprise, surprise, I love Hobbits!:love:

Stay dry Floridians! Blessings to all those experiencing havoc and disaster! Did Jean turn away from you all this time? Haven't caught the news lately. Hope so!

Peace to all! :heart: Shireling
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part II
on: September 24, 2004 09:01
Hello, and Good-Bye, Not much to say. You can see by my sloppy typing I am very tired. I have been trying to catch up with my teenagers and with the new youth novels just out, as well as teaching all day and helping with the farm in small ways ,,,All this after my daily work out.

Do yuo all have days that seem like that. I spent yesterday at such a dead run that I forgot to go to sleep at the end of the day. My body was sleeping but my mind was working in class with my students and talking with my son on the couch. Of course non of it was real. It was just a dream. Now I think I could stay asleep if I could manage to weave Viggo into my dreams.

Later Brandywine.
We gather in MT in 2 days.
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part II
on: September 25, 2004 01:27
ohhh yessss, preciousssss, we has days like that!!!

Mostly now I have the method for getting to sleep and staying that way. A couple of years ago I was taught a routine described as an "Emotional Release Technique" which involves tapping a sequence of points on the "meridians" on your body (mostly around the face and hands, which is convenient if you're lying down trying to sleep ). You then have to do a sequence of eye movements, count a bit, hum a few notes, then tap again. This is supposed to get your left and right brain hemispheres "talking" to each other so that the negative emotions and persistent thoughts get properly processed and filed, so clearing your mind. Unfortunately I don't have a web-link to send for reference, but if you search on "meridians" and "emotional release technique" you might find something. This sounds a bit wild and airy-fairy for a sceptical scientist like me, but in true empirical fashion I tried it and found it worked. It's great for those times when you have an annoying tune in your head as well

Old Tom and scots56 you're probably just getting ready to go off and have fun. Hope you'll have a great time, don't forget to tell all when you get back

Rosarialelven, I forgot to get envious about your "do" in Manchester. *sniff* not possible to get there myself...

And by the way, may I echo Goldie's recommendation of Nimloth's fan-fiction. She wrote an excellent "ending" to LOTR where we accompany Legolas and Gimli to the Undying Lands. One of her strengths is description of landscape so she is closer to the spirit of Tolkien than some writers. *heads off to read the latest submission*

Oh yes, welcome Ringwearer . I used to lurk, but once I started posting that was it, I was hooked... Now my problem is to fit in what has become another major hobby alongside all the other things I like to do when I'm not working, gardening, reading, playing music, looking after the house, children, etc etc... What was I saying about Emotional Release Technique??? LOL

Enjoy your busy weekends all. :love:
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part II
on: September 25, 2004 02:04
Hello just want to drop in and say Yea, I have been very busy with homework, I am also trying to get a study aboard in England for a year. Every one that was got in the storms I pray that you all are ok. Every one have a wonderful day.

[Edited on 26/9/2004 by faramirgirl]
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part II
on: September 25, 2004 05:13
Old Tom and scots56 you're probably just getting ready to go off and have fun. Hope you'll have a great time, don't forget to tell all when you get back
Well if you insist...

Goldberry and I woke up around 6:30 AM this morning, and pulled out of the driveway around 8:15 AM. We made very good time, arriving at our destination about 2 hours later.

As usual San Francisco was overcast (high fog) in the morning. At our particular location it remained cool and overcast all day long, which is fine by me because Sacramento is hot and dry all summer long and I personally like cooler weather. Anyway, I recall hearing that there are certain portions of San Francisco that seldom get sun, and that must have been one of them because on our drive home we discovered that most of San Francisco enjoyed a beautiful warm sunny day.

There was quite a turnout for the picnic. I think the estimate was about 40 and I'd say we had pretty close to that. A very large percentage of those in attendance wore costume: I'd say 90% or more. There were hobbits, of course, as well as elves and humans. A Nazgûl came, as well as a Numenorian Queen. Gandalf came; he and I had some pleasant discussions and posed for many photographs. Many people complimented Goldberry and I on our costumes. They particularly liked my yellow boots.

I thought the most creative costumes were two young ladies who came dressed as Merry and Pippin after they'd set off the large dragon firework at Bilbo's Party complete with sooty faces, arms, hands, hair, and clothes. I laughed when I saw them posing for photographs with Gandalf down on their knees on either side of him as the wizard tugged on their ears just like in the movie!

Prior to lunch being served we had a few readings/dramatic recitations. Old Tom was the opening act. I read the first poem from a set of Tolkien's poems collectively known as "The Adventures of Tom Bombadil". Actually, that's really only the name of the first poem, the second poem being "Tom Bombadil Goes Boating", and the remainder of the poems having nothing to do with Tom Bombadil whatsoever. I really enjoyed myself, and from the reaction of my audience I gather they enjoyed it to. (In retrospect I feel my performance would have been even better if I’d recited the poem from memory. Although it’s a long and somewhat difficult poem, which dissuaded me from attempting to memorize it in the first place, I think it would be worthwhile to commit it to memory.)

One gentleman, or gentle hobbit I should say, came as Bilbo Baggins himself. He recited from memory Bilbo's birthday greeting complete with listing all of the various hobbit family names and so on. The audience enthusiastically participated yelling "Happy Birthday, Bilbo", etc. at the appropriate occasions.

One young lady, one of the few not in costume, recited from memory Galadriel's prose from the prologue of The Fellowship of the Ring film. The audience particularly loved those moments where she provided sound effects, such as the "whoosh, whoosh" of Sauron's mace as he swept away the armies of the Last Alliance.

For the finale an older gentleman in a green hat and tall black boots read Treebeard's poem, "The Lore of Living Creatures", from The Two Towers. He coached the audience in the chanting of “hroom, hroom” at the appropriate spots.

I would very much have liked to seen more performances and/or heard more readings but some of the hobbits began to clamor for lunch as many of them had missed 'Elevensies' while setting up for the event, so off to eat we went.

As might be expected with any hobbit gathering, there was TONS of food. Lots and lots. There was also a tater cook off with at least a half dozen different entries. We all got to sample them and choose which three we liked best. The winners were awarded prizes.

Following the meal they gave away prizes of all sorts. I believe that in the traditional hobbit birthday celebration everyone gets a present, and these were apparently very traditional hobbits.

Of course we posed for many photographs, and had some very pleasant conversations with some of the other guests. We were even invited to attend a Halloween party in San Francisco in October. We had discussed the possibility of attending RingCon in Seattle for Halloween, but I think we’ll probably end up going to this party instead.

I understand that this was the third time that this event was held. We very much would like to attend the fourth in September 2005.
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part II
on: September 25, 2004 05:28
Hi! :wave: Thought I would poke my nose in and see what's going on.

I read your thread, Old Tom. I am so jealous. I would have loved to have been there. It sounded like a birthday party with Bilbo and the gang right out of the movie. :sob: Too bad you could post some of the pictures. I would have loved to see the one of Gandalf and Merry and Pippin. That would have been a sight to see.

I hope everyone has good times at the parties they go to. We don't have such a thing as that here in Manitoba. Maybe I should start one. You never know. I might end up having one of the biggest bashes in Canada.

Well, I better go and check out the rest of my mail. Don't want to get too far behind.

See you all later. :wave:
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part II
on: September 26, 2004 02:13
Welcome, Ringwearer! :wave:

Old Tom, I'm really envious. All such events that are arranged at my corner of the world are so far away that I just don't have any chance to participate. You and Goldberry really seem to have had a great time!

Faramirgirl, a year abroad sure will be an unforgettable experience!

But now, I think I'll go and stick my nose outdoors as long as the weather is favourable.
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part II
on: September 26, 2004 09:45
Just dropping in to say "Hello". I'm new here and this thread certainly has the right age group for me. I love all the Tolkien stuff..books probably more than films..but they are great too. In fact I like a lot of fantasy and sci/fi......
Trying to find my way around, but hope it's okay if I post in here again?
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part II
on: September 26, 2004 11:13
Istarnie: you are most welcome to our site.

Tom: sounds like you had a lot of fun. Would like to see pictures if you have any.

Here in my little corner of Idaho I'm one of only a handful of Ringers that I know of. Actually, I know 2 and I am 1 of them. So we have to settle for dressing up on Halloween if we want to.

Hope you are all surviving the storms. We are having lovely weather in Idaho, meaning I have to water and mow the lawn still. I love to do it but once school starts it's nice when fall takes that little job off of my hands. Course then I have to break out the ice pick and shovel for the snow.

I'm really not complaining, just excited for a change of season.

Lady Adanath: Thanks for the sleep tips. It's still not going too well but I'll take your advice. Darn overactive brain anyway.

See you a later.
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part II
on: September 26, 2004 02:21
I just wish I could remember to visit this thread more often.
It seems that my service to other sections of the forum takes so much of my time that I just keep forgetting that many non-youngster fans are roaming COE. I'll try , in the future , to stop in more often.
My fourth grandchild , and first grandson, will be arriving in about 4 1/2 months and I'm really looking forward to it. I've been telling my sons for quite a while that they had to keep having kids until both sexes are represented , but I've announced that the pressure is off now.
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part II
on: September 26, 2004 05:13
:wave: Welcome and well met! Please, post here as often as you can. We're a talkative bunch and are always looking for someone else to join in the discussions.

Lady A,
I tried that thingy you talked about. I did a search and found the technique. It's kind of spooky the way it worked. I have felt much more relaxed this weekend. Loosened up and had a good time. First time in a long time for me. Too much to do and too little time to do it in. I'm going to keep trying it to see if it was just a fluke or not. That's the cynic and scientist in me I guess.

PBHF: Grandchildren. None of those at my doorstep as of yet. I'm glad to be honest; only because my son is only 20. He's not, and I certainly am not, ready for that yet. Some day though.

The spousal unit and I went to a small Renaissance Faire this weekend. It was fun although the advertising for it was nonexistant, so there weren't a lot of people there. Next year we decided we're going to the big one in Kansas City. That should be fun too.

Enough waffeling for now. The alarm goes off earlier and earlier all the time it seems like.

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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part II
on: September 26, 2004 09:28
Thank you for your welcomes... :wave:
I've read through some of your previous posts and see I have more than age in common with some of you folks. I remember all the songs you were writing about on the first few pages, although as Morwinyoniel said...I'm too young for the Beatles and too old for Donny Osmond!
I first read Tolkien when I was a teenager...I resisted it for awhile as I loved the Narnia books as a child, and a friend told me I would no longer enjoy them once I had read LotR......she was right in a way...LotR has to be my favourite book, with the Silmarillion close behind...but I still love Narnia too.!
I live in Southern England and I love the Autumn...Autumn colours that is..not the Autumn term.....yes, I am another teacher!!!
I don't have any children, but my sister's three keep me pretty busy.....they are between 9 and 17 years old...and there are always things going on with at least one of them!
And I like chatting....

[Edited on 27/9/2004 by Istarnie]
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part II
on: September 27, 2004 02:49
Warm greetings to you Istarnie. Lovely to see another British lady.

Old Tom: You day sounded wonderful and the costumes. I do hope you took photographs. :love:

Hope everyone is safe from the weather you have been experiencing. In the UK, well up North anyway, all it has done is rain for weeks and weeks. *sigh*

PBHF: I had to giggle at your comment that
I've been telling my sons for quite a while that they had to keep having kids until both sexes are represented
. Typical man, no concept of what being pregnant is like. *shakes head and smiles*. No offense meant PotBelly, but if men got pregnant, the world population would be much reduced. LOL.

Lady_A: Your remedy for relaxing sounds very interesting. I am thankful that sleep is no problem for me. My daughter suffers though, and I feel for anyone who is troubled from sleeplessness or an active mind. I too find my mind working overtime when I go to bed, but find that if I say my Rosary, I'm off. :sleepy:

Keep safe everyone. :love:

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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part II
on: September 27, 2004 10:45
Welcome Istarnie. I'm sure you'll enjoy this site. Nice to welcome someone else from the UK. I love the autumn as well, the change in the colour of the trees. I live in the forest of Dean so really appreciate the autumn. I'm a retired teacher.
Tom B. I so envy you're party. You described it so clearly I could picture you all there, dressed up enjoying the poems and music. I wish something like that was available here. I only know me in this area :cry:
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part II
on: September 27, 2004 01:39
Welcome Istarnie! Hope you enjoy the site! I have read the Narnia books many times too! Love them. I was really thrilled when I found out Tolkein and C.S.Lewis were friends! don't know why, it just seemed "cool!"
And yet another hurricane rolls through Florida!:cry: My utmost sympathies to all in that entire neck of the woods as "Jean" terrorizes the coast yet again.:cry::heart: The sympathies go out to all the countries hit by these storms. Many have suffered more than we can imagine.

On a lighter note, I love Autumn too! I love all the seasons, but Autumn is my favorite! There is such an expectancy in the air, that makes it so exciting. The colors are my favorites too, and the weather associated with it ain't bad either! (That is if you are not in Florida!)

Well, happy Autumn to one and all. Well met new friends and old friends too. Blessings to one and all!

Sérë, Shireling
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part II
on: September 27, 2004 08:34
Thank you for all the further welcomes...
This seems to be quite a busy thread at the moment, which is a good thing! Although I am usually very busy with work and family I like to focus on something else for the odd half hour, and what better or easier way than a good Tolkien site!
The weather here was really hot for a couple of weeks at the beginning of August, then raining, and now a sort of blahhh.....greyish, coolish, wetish....typical!!!! But I am glad I am not in one of the hurricane areas...we have had some high winds, but nothing like I am seeing on the tv at the moment. I feel so sorry for those Islands and Southern States that keep getting a battering. I hope that you folk from the U.S., and your families and friends are all okay.
Kwanli..the Forest of Dean..it sounds lovely! I'm not sure if I have been there!!!! We visited Clearwell Caves and surrounding area a couple of years ago, that is quite close I think. We are overlooking the North Downs...not a bad area..but a little too busy, as the S.E. tends to be. Sometimes I wish I was a retired teacher!!!!!! I love teaching..it is what I always wanted to do...I love the children...most of them!...and I am fortunate in having good colleagues.....but the changes!!!! ..the administration.....uck!
Shireling, I remember being supprised about Tolkien and Lewis too. I am certainly glad that they did work together..the world would be a poorer place without those two. I also liked their idea of writing books because they thought no one was writing the sorts of books they would want to read!
Must get ready for work...I woke up early and couldn't get back to sleep. I will have to read up on this 'sleep technique' you are talking about. Quick look out of the window for Autumn!...no, not there yet!!!
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part II
on: September 28, 2004 01:31
I vote for autumn too! I felt like that long before I knew that it was Frodo and Bilbo's birthday. It's almost fallish here in the midwest. The high is supposed to be 67 degrees today. Not too bad after the 90s we have been having. The trees are just starting to show a hint of change lately. Here in Nebraska beautiful fall colors are kind of a hit-and-miss proposition. If it stays nice, no freezes, then the trees are beautiful. If we get a sudden cold snap (as it is prone to do) then there go the fall colors!

Sometimes I wish I was a retired teacher!!!!!! I love teaching..it is what I always wanted to do...I love the children...most of them!...and I am fortunate in having good colleagues.....but the changes!!!!

For me, it's the assessment nonsense that the Feds and the State are making us do to prove we are teaching correctly. Never mind that the kids in the state of Nebraska rank among the top ten in the nation. N-o-o-o-o-o-o-o. That's not what they're looking for.

*Hobbit takes deep cleansing breath and goes to happy place*

I'll leave that particular rant for now. Have to do that calming technique Lady A. told us about.

Well, off to the mines (of Moria???!!) Wishing all of you a blessed day.
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part II
on: September 28, 2004 05:39
Mae Govannen, mellon nîns :wave:

The trees outside my office window are just turning; mixtures of green, gold, yellow and orange. But it won't stop raining! Little handkerchief sized patches of blue, then back come the clouds and a short deluge. God must have a faulty bath tap! He surely doesn't have to take a bath everday over Manchester! lol.

Autumn/Fall is a beautiful time of year, but a bit of sun to appreciate the colours is good.

I hope the weather in the US is easing up a little for you all and that everyone got through it ok. :hugs:

Kwanli: The Forest of Dean must be a lovely place to be in Autumn.

Istarnie: I'm not to familiar with the North Downs. I'll have to check it out on the map. Although through the years, I have covered most of Britain.

Belain na le. :hugs:

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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part II
on: September 28, 2004 05:54
Greetings my Middle Earth friends!

Welcome to the new folks. It pleases me to see the participation in this thread growing! It's like going to a party and finding people you can talk to and become friends with...

Autumn - - - what a wonderful time of year! It signals the coming of winter and I do so love the earth when it is covered in all that white stuff. The world becomes so quiet and peaceful. Autumn brings to our area a lot of activity. And I try to enjoy as much of it as a possibly can. Typing this just now made me realize I missed one of my favorite events last weekend. A rondevous, a re-enactment of the French and Indians at an old 18th century fort across the river. But the Spoon River Drive is coming up, so I will have to be contented with that.

Our big October celebration is Columbus Day. The whole family gathers in a park in our home town (15 miles across the river to the east of Peoria) where we build a huge bond fire and have a weiner roast and play games and then when dark settles in, we sit around the fire, roast marshmallows and talk and just have a good time.

I wanted to tell you all that the young man who came to our door last Sunday, shot in the back came to see us this past Sunday afternoon. He is doing well and he just wanted to thank us for helping him. He seems like a very nice young man. I hugged him and he cried on my shoulder. We were able to visit for a little while and then he had to go. He still has a long was to go to recover. The .22 caliber bullet is lodges in his right upper arm and he has to see an orthopedic surgeon to have it taken out and the muscle and tendon damage repaired. But he is alive and that is what counts.

I am just feeling so very blessed today that I want to share so much with all of you! My heart is overflowing today. :love: I went to work yesterday for a couple of hours and everyone there expressed how much they have missed me. Made me feel very good. The doctor is letting me return to work next Monday. Yippie. (Never thought I'd ever feel like that!)

Old Tom, thanks for the party discription. Now, where are the snaps?

I will wish you all the Blessings the Valar has to offer...and go before I get long winded.

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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part II
on: September 28, 2004 05:14
Hey! Come derry dol! merry dol my darlings!

And a merry welcome to our new friend Istarnie! :wave:

Yes, Bilbo's birthday party was lots of fun. The River-daughter and I still reveling in the glow of it. We've also been invited to an All Hallowes Eve Frolic in The City (as San Francisco is called in the Bay Area where I grew up) on October 30th so we'll be headed back in a month's time.

Pictures, pictures, everyone wants pictures!! And that's a real shame because not only is Old Tom no weathermaster, he's no photographer, either!

Wait! What's this? It seems there ARE some pictures after all.

1. Head on over to the Bay Area LOTR Picnic website.
2. On the left hand side of the screen you'll see a scroll bar. Go to where it says Pictures of Event.
3. Press the link that says "Zimrahil's Pictures" . (Or you can skip steps 1,2 & 3 and go here.)
4. There's a link to the right of where it says "Download screen resolution". Press the link that says "1.4 mgs" to download the pics. (It only took about 5 minutes on my computer and I have an old computer and pretty slow Internet service.)

I'm featured in two pictures. The first named "tombomb.jpg" is a closeup profile of Old Tom and the fair Goldberry. The second picture, aptly named "tombomb2.jpg" shows me reading "The Adventures of Tom Bombadil". Unfortunately you can't see the cheering throng but, believe me, they're there. You can see the picnic area behind me, though.

As far as the other pictures go, "thehobbits.jpg" features Bilbo, the blown up Merry & Pippin, and an unknown hobbit.

The image named "dolamroth.jpg" features a woman in the regalia of, as you may have guessed, Dol Amroth. I believe she said she was the 2nd wife of Prince Imrahil. I am not familiar enough with his history to tell you her name. Behind her you can see a Nazgul. He kept asking for someone named "Baggins" but we told him that Baggins had moved to Crickhollow.

Queen Beruthiel (and one of her cats) and Ar-Zimraphel (Queen to Ar-Pharazon) are featured in "westernqueens.jpg" and a couple of other similiarly named images. Queen Beruthiel contended that she wasn't evil, just misunderstood.

The rest of the images are either self explanatory or I have no explanation to offer.
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part II
on: September 29, 2004 01:32
Old Tom,
I LOVE those pictures! It makes me even more sad that I couldn't be there. It looks like it was soooooo much fun. The clothing was spectacular. I want to be Elfstan Fairbairn for Halloween at school, but I need to really think about how to do it. The pictures give me some good ideas. I just loved the blown up Hobbits. Too funny!
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part II
on: September 29, 2004 10:06
After three attempts, I finally got the picnic pictures to download. Thanks so much for sending them, Tom.

I especially loved seeing you and those awesome yellow boots of yours. Makes me wish there were activities like this around my area. Maybe I ought to go looking at other sites. I may find something in the Chicago or St. Louis areas.

Happy Day, my lovely Middle Earth Friends.
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part II
on: September 29, 2004 11:20
Well, in a couple of weeks we will have our local SF convention. I plan on going as Celebrian, and my costume is based on Elrond's ceremonial robes. I have an appt. to have my hair braided, and my husband, who is a makeup artist, will apply my eartips. I'll have pix made and post them here. I do hope I look good in it, as opposed to looking like a fat frumpy Middle-aged Elleth that Elrond was happy to have sail West without him....
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part II
on: September 29, 2004 08:23
Old Tom: Those pictures made me feel like I was in Middle Earth at Bilbo's birthday Party. I wish I had been there. Makes me want to live in Middle Earth.

As for Halloween, I think I would like to be Janell, my RP character. I have thought up my costume according to the picture I found of Janell. I may just be that it will be simple to make. Lots of dark colors. I will make sure that I use a light color if I walk the streets so that vehicles see me. I do have a tweety light I can use.

So I better get to bed. It's a long day tomorrow.


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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part II
on: September 29, 2004 10:56
Wow Tom!!!!.....you *do* look like your avie. LOL!!! Lovely pics. It appears everyone was having a great time.

The Convention in Manchester is creeping ever nearer. I have an elvish costume for the evening. There will be a contest. My camera will be at the ready!!

Hallowe'en: I wish it was celebrated more in the UK. I would love to dress up. However, it has caught on a little with the children and I do enjoy seeing their costume efforts when they come to my door.

Keep well everybody. :hug: :love: May your day go well. :love:

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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part II
on: September 30, 2004 05:28
Hello Old Tom..and a merry greeting to yourself and the River daughter,too. :wave:
I had a look at your photo link, looks like great fun, although I don't know who everyone is.
Eldrin, chief astronomer of Imladris..wow, I love the stars so much that I almost joined the Realm of Varda. Although we live near large towns, we are on a hill top and sometimes get a gloroius view of the night sky. I would like to study astronomy more, if I ever get time! I am not so keen on the evenings getting dark earlier now, but the opportunity to star watch does compensate a little.

Saw Autumn colours today...the trees are beginning to turn and quite a few leaves are falling. It is time to break out the hot chocolate!! On my walk to work this morning the air smelt really fresh and clear, it was very still and there were some of those sparkling cobwebs on the bushes....it was good to be outdoors. Does anyone remember that song 'Forever Autumn' from War of the Worlds?

I am not so keen on Hallowe'en as some of you folk sound. I think the dressing up is a great opportunity for fun, but the last few years the evening has been one filled with police sirens. A couple of years ago we had a gang of 20+ teenagers running up and down the streets yelling 'Trick or Treat'..and throwing flour over everything, eggs at windows, putting unpleasent things through letterboxes...and ruining front gardens. Last year a group came down the street kicking cars and demanding money. My sister's house gets 'attacked' every year..broken window etc and a neighbour who is an evangelical Christian and wanted nothing to do with it had a gang try to kick down her front door! A lot of the local old people are scarred to even turn on lights now on Hallowe'en . Personally I have had groups of youngish children turn up and say ' Give us something, or else'...and say 'You must be kidding' to sweets...so I get the ''or else' element!....scratched car! My thoughts are that it could and should be fun, but is an opportunity for bullies and threatening behaviour.. Is it like that in the U.S. ?It used to be fun here when I was a lot younger..apple bobing and all that!!!!!!!

[Edited on 30/9/2004 by Istarnie]

[Edited on 30/9/2004 by Istarnie]
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part II
on: September 30, 2004 08:08
Eldrin, chief astronomer of Imladris..wow, I love the stars so much that I almost joined the Realm of Varda. Although we live near large towns, we are on a hill top and sometimes get a gloroius view of the night sky. I would like to study astronomy more, if I ever get time! I am not so keen on the evenings getting dark earlier now, but the opportunity to star watch does compensate a little.

Well...I AM an astronomer, by education and profession. I am, quite literally, one of those rocket scientists you hear about so much. I've worked for the last 20 years in the civilian and military space programs, including quite a number of Shuttle missions, and also Space Station. I had a friend aboard Columbia when she went down. That was hard.

I chose my elven name, Eldirn, to denote what I am.
El = star
Dirn = watcher

I am in a roleplaying thread in Realm of Varda, as Eldirn, Chief Astronomer of Imladris, and counsellor to Elrond Peredhel. Hence the title. Besides, there hadda be one, ya know?

I have a Q&A thread topped over in the Realm of Varda. I suppose, if there were interest, we could start one here too...
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part II
on: September 30, 2004 08:29
Hello Eldirn, nice to meet you.

Your profession sounds fascinating. Sorry to hear of your friend...I know we were all very upset at what happened, but it must have been very hard for you.

I totally agree that there had to be a chief astronomer in Imladris....with the elven love of stars, devotion to Ellbereth and Imladris being a place of knowledge as well as other things. Sounds like you have an interesting roleplaying thread on the Realm of Varda.
I am interested in astronomy. I wanted to study astronomy at school when I was a lot younger, but was generally discouraged from doing so by my senior teachers. Sad to say, I followed their advice. My knowledge is limited and now very rusty....but the love of stars is still there, even though it is mostly limited to the NASA website.
It would be wonderful to have someone to ask advice and information of on occasions.
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part II
on: September 30, 2004 08:45
Well, perhaps let's see if anyone else is interested, and we might start a Q&A thread here, too, then. I suppose we should ask permission of the mods...?
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part II
on: September 30, 2004 01:41
Ah, Eldrin, Do you suppose you'd be up to some Q and A's from a teacher sort? My kids tend to stump me with the astronomy questions. In my own defense, I teach literally EVERYTHING from 4th grade to 8th grade, so I do tend to get a little stretched. I am always on the lookout for a helpful resource, so I don't look quite so stupid.

Istarnie: I'm so sorry to hear about your Halloween! I just got home from school where I spent the afternoon decorating for Halloween. It's been a good time where I live for the most part. Yes, we do have the juvenile delinquents to deal with, but they cause trouble year round, not just Halloween and fortunately, that aspect is very minor.. The spousal unit and I have always had such a good time with it. Of course, it helps that my birthday is almost Halloween. One year when we decorated, we have over 1000 trick-or-treaters. The police had to come and direct traffic, and we made the local television news and newspaper. No troubles at all either. Everyone was there for just good times. So I guess that is really depends on where you are and the kinds of people you have around you.
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part II
on: September 30, 2004 05:53
Aiya Everybody!

Tom! Your pictures are great and it looks like you all had a wonderful time! I think the real characters and especially Tom B. from the books would have been proud of all of you! I can just see them all in the woods nearby, chuckling, laughing and smiling warmly and affectionately at the lot of you!:love:

Istarnie, I absolutely LOVED:heart: the song Forever Autumn! Used to play it over and over! One of my all time favorites.
"The autumn leaves are fading as the year grows old,
And darker days are drawing near,
The winter winds will be much colder,
Now you're not here"... Wonder where that record is?

I feel really bad for those who have such "real" gremlins on Halloween! Pranks are not unusual, but that kind of violence and vandalism and rudeness, is just plain ridiculous! It's usually pretty calm around here (knock wood!) Most the kids go to a "trunk or treat" at the local church where they have chili and donuts after. It's a great way to do it. I don't like the truly horrible gruesome costumes, personally. I much prefer the cute little ones, creative ones, and run of the mill ghosties and witches. No Freddy Krugers or the like. But thats just a personal opinion. Scots56! 1000 people!!!! Isn't that about half of Nebraska?? I'd love to see your set-up!

As to stars, hey, I'm with Scots56! I love stars, wish I'd taken astronomy, and always have kids asking me questions about them. I've read "Cosmos" and found it fascinating, though I'm not even going to try to say I totally understood it all! Still fascinating, none the less! We use to get the "Star Lab" every year and set it up for all the classes to tour. I was the tour guide and loved every minute. It was super pointing out the constellations and a few stars, planets and galaxies. When they tore the old auditorium down, I quit getting it. It was a loaner from the local college museum, and the star field drum was getting in pretty smeared shape! It was well used by many schools around the area. It also had drums for Greek constellations, Native American Constellations, cell reproduction, and techtonic plates. It was a whole lot of fun, and the kids loved it! We finally got a chance to experience it again this year. Anyway I'd love to have a QA for astronomy thread here. Or at least someone ask when those inevitable questions arise.

Well tis getting late, and other duties call.
Warm Hugs to one and all!
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part II
on: September 30, 2004 08:33
Wow Tom!!!!.....you *do* look like your avie. LOL!!! Lovely pics. It appears everyone was having a great time.
You thought I was kidding when I said I look like Tom!

I'd love to be able to dress up as an elf, but I'm short and stocky and wear a beard so I really couldn't pass for one. Tom Bombadil, however, suits me to a "T". I like to sing (I have a bachelor of music degree in vocal performance) and make people laugh, and can be pretty silly. I suppose if I were shorter I could be a dwarf, but I don't have a dwarven personality. Besides, my wife says I'm too handsome to be a dwarf. :love: What really makes this work is that my wife is blonde, so the two of us make a pretty good Tom and Goldberry.

Tom! Your pictures are great and it looks like you all had a wonderful time! I think the real characters and especially Tom B. from the books would have been proud of all of you! I can just see them all in the woods nearby, chuckling, laughing and smiling warmly and affectionately at the lot of you.
That's very nice of you to say, Shireling. I'm not certain if Master Bilbo felt this way, although I have a notion that he probably did, but I feel that for a short period of time I become Tom, or at least have moments where I do.

I asked my wife what she was thinking about as she saw me read, and perform if you will, "The Adventures of Tom Bombadil". She said that she was thinking that I was truly in my element, meaning that I was doing what I love to do and, just maybe, what I do best. Usually when I perform I feel at least a little nervous, but I didn't feel nervous at all for some strange reason. I felt really good and had a great time.

I confess that I love to make people laugh by being silly and clever. My wife has observed that I'm doing it to entertain myself as much as entertain others, and I think there's a lot of truth in that. Don't you think that Robin Williams is entertaining himself as well as others when he gets outrageously funny? I'm certain he is.

There's also a real energy shared between performers and their audience, and my fellow Tolkien enthusiasts were a fantastic audience. They laughed at just about everything I did, even the couple of times I flubbed a little. Because of their love for Tolkien, the poetry, and perhaps even the character of Tom Bombadil, they really understood what I was doing and seemed to pick up on all the subtle gestures and facial expressions.

What makes me really excited was that this was the first time I did this, and that future performances (I'm hopeful that there will be more) will be all the better as I become more familiar with the poetry and will have worked even more things into it. For instance, I adopted different voices for Goldberry (they really laughed at my falsetto), Old Man Willow, Badger-brock, the Barrow-wight, and, of course, Tom. The last few days as I've working on memorizing the poem I've developed a new voice for the Willow-man so it's more differentiated from the Barrow-wight. It's more like an crotchety old man's voice filled with a bit of malice than a deep sinister voice. Experimenting is fun.

Istarnie, I'm very sorry that your neighborhood becomes so hellish on All Hallows Eve. Can the local authorities do nothing about this?

I understand that there are places in the U.S. where things get pretty bad, although I think it's mostly in the innercity. I hear that more and more folks have Halloween parties for their kids rather than go Trick or Treating like we all did as kids.

My neighborhood seems pretty good, and there seems to be a pretty strong neighborhood watch program, but we do get young people from the other side of the tracks (literally) that is less good. I had a plastic skeleton stolen from my porch last year, but that was the worst of it. It was too cool for some kid to pass up, I guess. This year all the decorations will be inside the windows with the exception of our jack-o-lantern.
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part II
on: September 30, 2004 09:51
Thanks for your comments on Hallowe'en, folks. My husband, who travels to the U.S. reasonably often says none of his colleagues there have any real trouble..so your views sort of confirm that. My problem is that we don't have any trouble any other time..we live in a quiet neighbourhood. It is only on Hallowe'en that we get that type of behaviour. I did phone the police the year the larger gang visited..but they said they were inundated with calls and would take over an hour to respond.
We do occasionally get someone fall over drunk in the street on New Year's Eve........well, it happened once!
Glad that some of the rest of you are interested in astronomy. I must admit that my mind is working on how I can incorporate more star watching into my teaching.
Shireling..thank you for the reminder of the words of 'Forever Autumn'..I played it repreatedly at a certain age. I liked some of the rest of the music from 'War of the Worlds',...I remember the Martian..''ooouuuulaaa' bit! But 'Forever Autumn' is my favourite.
Old Tom..it is great to hear that you love to make people laugh..and your performance of 'The Adventures of Tom Bombadil' sound a hoot.....I'd love to see that!

Must go to work...must go to work......
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