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Post The Orphan
on: November 13, 2004 08:33
Aireleniel was riding peacefully on her way home to Imladris after visiting her friends in Mirkwood. She was homesick and decided to quicken her pace. She was riding through the Gladden fields heading south, but then she stopped.

Her keen ears heard the cries of a child. She was able to discern the direction of the cries and began to ride towards them. The sound came near the edge of the river Anduin. She rode in the direction of the cries, and found their source.

There were five Orcs, who had obviously slain the two adults lying on the ground. The Orcs were surrounding a tree. In the branches of the tree there was a basket which held the crying infant. An Orc was climbing the tree and was only a few branches from the basket. Aireleniel took out her bow, and released an arrow that went right through the head of he Orc. He fell from the tree, and the others ran towards the source of the arrows, but met an unfortunate end. Aireleniel slew them all.

She climbed the tree and retrieved the child who was still crying. She climbed down carefully, and looked inside the basket and there she saw the most angelic face she had ever seen. A blond haired, blue eyed baby boy lay innocently in the basket, unaware of the fate of his parents. She calmed the child and placed the basket on the ground. She then looked at the parents. She said an Elvish prayer quietly, and then placed their bodies in the river. Aireleniel lifted the child carefully from the basket and searched its contents in hopes of finding some clue about this child, like where he came from. There was nothing.

"Well, what am I to do? I cannot leave you here. I guess I will take you with me to Imladris and seek the council of Lord Elrond."
She mounted her horse, and now at a much slower pace, so as not to disturb the baby, she rode on.

Back in Imladris, people began to worry. Aireleniel had not yet returned. Lord Elrond sent out a small party of Elves to find her and return her home.

(Wow that was long. I haven't added Aireleniel to the DB yet, but I will get on it as soon as possible. Everyone is welcome. This thread will remain alive as long as people respond. Please respond.)
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Post RE: The Orphan
on: November 14, 2004 02:33
(Aiya! My character will be an Elf that is sent to find you.)

Valarmir had been riding for days. Him and a few other Elves were sent to find Aireleniel. They were about to cross the
Misty Mountains, when they spotted an Elf with a baby coming down thw slopes. They rode to her. When they arrived, they were releaved to see Aireleniel. "Hello Aireleniel! Welcome back! Why are you carrying a baby?
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Post RE: The Orphan
on: November 14, 2004 09:49
Ooc - Hi people! I hope you don't mind me joining. Now, how can I fit a young, rather mournful ranger lad into all this?

Ic - Denother of Gondor reigned in his mount, dropped hsi eyes and held his fist to his heart in respect as the two bodies floated downriver infront of him. The Orc arrow protruding grotesquely from the man's chest left no doubts as to how the two had met their ends and Den sighed at the aftermath of what was a depressingly common occurence these days.
Clucking his tounge to his horse he continued on his way, dwelling on the Orc attack that had killed his father and sent his mother into the downward spiral of madness that had so consumed her.
Suddenly his horse shied beneath him and foced him back to the present.
Infront of him lay the remains of a camp and five Orcs, all very dead. Curiously he rode further in and cast a glance at the debris strewn across the ground. A shield half buried beneath a befroll caught his eye and he dismounted to get a closer look.
Pulling it from beneath the blanket Den gasped as he recognised the coat of arms it depicted - a sliver lion rampant of a field of black - the arms of one of the most powerful families in Gondor! Racking his brains Den tried to think of who would have been coming this way from that family and why.
"No." Was all he whispered when he realised that it would have been the middle son of three, his wife and newborn babe, if the gossip were true, making their way to Minas Tirith to present the child to the head of the family.
The reason for Den's distress was this: - If the father and mother had been they who he had seen in the river, where was the child?
He abruptly stood and began to turn over the Orcs and debris, searching for the tiny body, but failed to find it. Where could it have got to? By all reports it was too young to crawl, let alone walk far in the time since the attack that by all signs was recent.
Suddenly Den spotted the trail of a lone horse leading away from the river.
"It's as good a lead as any." The young ranger muttered, "Come on Nessa." He swung intot he saddle, "Let's go play nursmaid." And he took off at a fast gallop along the trail.
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Post RE: The Orphan
on: November 14, 2004 01:04
((Hi there! I hope it's all right with me joining as Breyjel - a young thief-maid from Minas Tirith. Please, don't be too harsh with her!))

An arrow flew past her head, barely missing her. Breyjel gave a small scream and leaned as close as she could to her horse's neck. Terror had frozen her completely. Her hands were holding the saddle in a tight grip, unable to reach the reigns.

One of the men screamed and fell before her eyes. The orc that had just killed him, collapsed with an arrow in its throat.

"Hold the circle!" the Captain of the group of the Guards of Minas Tirith yelled. Breyjel, tied up on her horse in the middle of the circle, shut her eyes in terror, imagining the black arrows flying over the heads of the men and towards her, piercing her...

A multiple clash of swords, yells, curses, screams... All she wanted was to be far away, yet she couldn't even get off her horse, her hands and feet safely bound to the saddle.

Suddenly the horse reared. Breyjel screamed. As the injured animal was falling down, she noticed the Commander fighting the numerous orcs, both his remaining men at his side. They had no chance.

And that meant she was doomed, too. It was bad enough to be in the hands of soldiers, but it was nothing compared to the claws of orcs.

Breyjel's left leg broke as the heavy body of the horse fell on it, her head hit the hard ground, and everything went black.
We still remember, we who dwell In this far land, beneath the trees The starlight on the Western seas...
In the Realm of Ulmo
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Post RE: The Orphan
on: November 14, 2004 02:48
((ooc-here's Fly, one of my absolute fav characters. Hope you don't mind him joining in))
In that moment Fly, the shadow of the forrests, lept down from his tree and into the chaos. he saw the horse rear, and fall upon her. What busines was it of his anyways? Why should he care? They were killing his orcs weren't they? He should be glad. Yet something inside of him (he knew not what) stirred, and he dashed to her side. She was unconcious. He knew there was no time to waste, so he lifted her up from underneath the horse, and carried her back to his tree. He set her upon it, then left.
He saw the elf with the baby. He frowned. that pip squeak was supposed to be dead! He dashed forward with elven speed and snatched the baby, then catlike, he cimbed high into a tree.
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Post RE: The Orphan
on: November 15, 2004 01:20
(Hi everybody. You don't mind me joining, do you? My char is Celebûrion. He is a very quiet Elf, who doesn't like to fight, but enjoys music and poetry and strolls in the gardens. He hates to fight. Yet he was not always so!! If you want to know more he's in the DB.)

Celebûrion was sitting in the gardens of Rivendell beneath his favourite tree. He was reading as so often when he was not working in the healing quaters of the valley. He was just musing over a most interesting part of his lecture when he was disturbed by the sounds of new arrivals. Slightly annoyed he laid aside his book, streched a little and got up to see what the noise was all about.
It seemed that Aireleniel had returned after all along with the armed patrol that had been send out to look for her. He was just about to settle down once more when he saw something curious. Before getting off the horse Aireleniel cautiously handed a small bundle down to one of the patrol, Valarmir if he remembered correctly. What was more the bundle was budging and moving as it was handed over and finally started to cry.
Taken by surprise Celebûrion lifted both eyebrows. Now he was quite sure Aireleniel had had no baby. And he could hardly believe something like that could have escaped his wisdom. After all he *was* the healer. *And* he was careful always to be fully knowledgeable about all the latest gossip.
Puzzled he slowly made is way to Lord Elrond's study for that was surely the place where Aireleniel was headed. Thus it was the place where to find out more. Besides, the Lord might want the babe to be checked over for any sings of injury or illness, a matter Celebûrion might help out with so that the Lord himself could devote himself to other things.
Tied up in those musings Celebûrion left the gardens leaving behind a book underneath his favourite tree.
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Post RE: The Orphan
on: November 15, 2004 10:01
Soon after he left the clearing Den saw, in the distance a group of mounted figures, their lithe movements and the design of the bows strung across their backs marking them as Elves. Muttering to his horse he checked his mad pace and moved slowly closer, attempting to discern if any of these Elves may know something of the child he sought.
When he was no more than a hundred long paces away a slight cry eminated from the group and a she-elf lifted a small bundle close to her lips and seemed to whisper to it. Whatever she said worked for the crying stopped.
"She has him!" Den gleefuly remarked, "come on Nessa!" But before he could speed up to meet the group of Elves, they laid heels to their own mounts and darted off in the Direction of Imladris.
"Hey ho." Den sighed deeply but, giving a wild cry, kicked at Nessa's flanks and darted after them.

Soon the gates of Imladris itself came into view and Denother slowed to a trot.
As he passed into the city he was surprised at the bustle of a supposed haven of serenity and learning. Casting a quicl glance around he spotted the Elf with the bundle making towards one of the main paths throughout the city.
Entrusting Nessa to a groom he pushed his way through the crowds, trying to keep up with the she-elf but her lithe movements between the people and her knowledge of the city increased her lead until the young Ranger had lost sight of her totally.
In mounting desparation he held out a hand to stop and Elf passing him.
"Excuse me?"
"I was wondering if you could direct me to Lord Elrond. I have a matter of some urgency to consult him on."

Ooc - Hello Celeburion?
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Post RE: The Orphan
on: November 15, 2004 03:18
Aireleniel was met by Valarmir and a small company who, as Valarmir had explained, had been sent out in search of Aireleniel.

"Aireleniel. Welcome back. Why are you carrying a baby?"

"There is no time to explain. Come we must head to Imladris. There all will be told." Valarmir nodded and they were on there way.

One in Imladris, the child was taken from Aireleniel by an elf-maid an was taken to the Healing Houses. Aireleniel felt a lump in her heart. For some unknown reason she did not want to be parted from the child, but knew that no harm could come to him in this Haven. Valarmir led her to Lord Elrond's study.

"My Lord Elrond." Aireleniel bowed low to Elrond.

"Word has come to me of a child that you have found. Where are his parents?"

"They were slaughtered by a group of Orcs. I could only save the child. There were no others. I could not leave a defenseless child out in the Wild, which is why I brought him here."

"No. You were right to bring him here." Lady Arwen said as she entered her father's study. ", but are you sure there were no others?"

"None, my Lady. He bore no sign of any of the realms of Men. I do not know where his home lies, and I believe he should, with the Lord's permission, remain here."

"Very well, Aireleniel, he will remain here until some family member is found and he could be returned to his loved ones. Until that time, I am placing him under your care."

"Thank you my Lord." Aireleniel bowed to Arwen and Elrond, left the study, and headed towards the Houses of Healing to find the child. At that moment a Ranger ran into Elrond's study wishing to speak with him.
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Post RE: The Orphan
on: November 16, 2004 06:25
Celebûrion had reached the study of the Lord a bit too soon, he decided as he headed to the houses of healing. Aireleniel had not then reached the study and he had been send right to the houses of healing to attend to the baby. So he had not found out anything at all so far.
He sighed deeply. But then again, he thought, someone would come to fetch the chid from him sooner or later. And that someone would certainly be able to cast some light on the recent events.
Reaching the houses of healing a maid momentarily led him the way to the baby. Carefully Celebûrion examined the tiny bundle. "Sorry to wake you dear." He whispered to the child as it cast open icy blue eyes, the colour of his own. "Now aren't we pretty?"
Only after Celebûrion had made absolutely sure the baby was perfectly healthy, he realized he had been babbling to the child the whole time. And of a sudden he also sensed the presence of another person behind him.
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Post RE: The Orphan
on: November 16, 2004 09:16
"On what matter do you come to me in such haste Ranger of the North?"
Den bowed low, the colour rising in his cheeks at the slight rebuk in the comment.
"My Lord. I apologise for any unseemliness in my behavior. I merely wish to enquire, was a human child brought here?"
"Why, yes." The normally unflappable elven Lord showed a slight surprise at the seeming foreknoledge of this human before him. "Why does it concern you? Are you a family member?"
"No My Lord, I am not. I merely came across a clearing in which there had been a battle fought. I hsd seen two bodies some way downstream and thought them to be from that camp. After a moments search to determine if it were anyone I knew or if there were any cleas as to kin who should be notified I found a shield bearing the crest of a high Gondorian family. I knew the son to be coming to the city to present his newborn child but could see no child anywhere. Riding on I saw an Elf maid with a bundle that appeared to be a child. I ask if you could point me to her that I may acertain the child's identity."
"Of course Ranger. The child was taken to our Houses of Healing. It is likely that Aireleniel will eb there with her charge."
"Thankyou My Lord." Den bowed low and backed out of Elrond's study, then turned on his heel and set off at a jog to the Houses.
Inside the corridors were pleasantly darkened and everything bore the characteristic grace of Elven workmanship. But all that mattered not when Den picked up a soft voice singing in one of the rooms. He quietly strode in and found himself behind a male elf who was bent over a crib.
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Post RE: The Orphan
on: November 16, 2004 07:37
(Thanks for responding. If there is ever an Astrix in front of quotation marks that means the character is speaking in Elvish. If the text is italicized the character is speaking telepathically.)

Aireleniel ran to the Healing Houses. When she got there she found a Healer leaned over the child, examining him, and speaking to him at the same time. There was also a Ranger in the room. This was strange, but Aireleniel's heart told her that this Ranger brought ill news. Aireleniel decided not to take notice of the Ranger and walked over to the child.

"Is he alright?" Aireleniel said as she bent down and picked up the child.

"He is fine. A little scared perhaps but he is perfectly healthy, but what of his parents? Does he have any other family members? What happened Aireleniel?"

"I can answer two of those questions." The Ranger said. Aireleniel, now forced to acknowledge his presence, turned towards him. She knew he had come for the child, but in the short time she had held him in her arms, a strong bond had grown between them. She could not be parted from the child.

"Who are you Ranger and what business brings you here?" Aireleniel asked, a small lump in her throat.
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Post RE: The Orphan
on: November 17, 2004 05:09
Just when Celebûrion felt the presence of someone standing behind him, Aireleniel entered the room. After confirming the boy's health to her, he posed the questions that had burned inside him. But before Aireleniel could answer the presence behind Celebûrion found it's voice. As he turned he faced a weather worn ranger standing a short distance from the door, face stern but not unattractive Celebûrion decided.
Aireleniel, too, had turned to face the stranger. "Who are you Ranger and what business brings you here?" she asked with a cold voice. Celebûrion raised his eyebrows in surprise at this open display of annoyance.

(I know it doesn't push the story further at all, sorry. But I really think this is a situation for the two of you. So I'll just sit back and see what happens. )
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Post RE: The Orphan
on: November 17, 2004 09:10
Den let his face relax into a smile at the obvious tenderness with which the Elf maid held the child and he felt an indecernible sadness for the parting the must surely happen between the two.
"My name is Denother Milady." He placed his fist to his heart and bowed, elven fashion, "I come from Gondor and can answer som questions relating to his parentage." He favoured the child with an almost fatherly glance, "I came upon the scen sometime after you Milady and noticed a shield among the debris of the camp. Fromt he device upon it I guess that the child is the firstborn of a son of a high Gondorian house. His parents were to make the trip to Minas Tirith to present the child to the head of the family. It seems they never made it."
Slowly Den stepped forward until he could see the small face, all that was visible over the blanket.
"He's beautiful, isn't he?"
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Post RE: The Orphan
on: November 17, 2004 10:24
Valarmir left the Lord. He went to find one of his friends, Celebûrion. He is probably in the Healing House, he thought to himself. When he arrived he saw a Ranger, Aireleniel, and
Celebûrion. They were talking, Celebûrion with a hint of annoyance in his voice. So he deceided to wait it out outside.
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Post RE: The Orphan
on: November 17, 2004 07:42
"He's beautiful, isn't he?"

Aireleniel's face softened and she looked at the child in her arms. The piercing blue eyes were like bright stars on a winter's night. He lay there so innocently, smiling at all the faces around him. A tear streaked down Aireleniel's face. The Ranger took a step back. He was taken by surprise by her display of emotion.

"I know why you have come Denethor of Gondor, and though it pains me to do so, I know the child must be returned to his family.'

"I do not wish to cause you grief my Lady, but it is as you have said. He should be with his family."

The child began to cry. He had not eaten in some time and hunger finally caught up with him.

"He yearns for nourishment, but what am I to feed you." Without waiting for a reply, Aireleniel, followed closely by Den,Celebûrion, and Valarmir, headed to the dining hall. There she got a small bowl crumbled up some Lembas bread, poured some warm milk over it, and made a Lembas mash. She sat down and began to spoon feed the baby. The others watched from afar. Lord Elrond then entered the room followed by his two sons.

"Aireleniel, we had no idea that you had a child." Elrohir said to her.

"Ti's not my child. I found him and brought him here, but now he must be taken away back to his family."

"Aireleniel you knew this day might come." Lord Elrond said as he knelt before her.

"But I did not think it was to come so soon. For some reason I have grown attached to this child. A child I have known for only a few hours. " She turned to Den. "When will you leave?"

"I know not. Why do you ask?"

"I wish to accompany you on your journey to Gondor. I wish to spend as much time as I can with the child May I come with you?"
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Post RE: The Orphan
on: November 18, 2004 04:42
Lord Elrond slightly pursed his lips at this question. After considering the situation for a moment he turned to Denother: "It might be best not to have you take the journey on your own, after all that has happened to the parents of the child. If you take my advice you will let Aireleniel accompany you as well as one or two soldiers."
Hearing this Celebûrion was about to slowly and cautiously make his way out of the hall. True, the child's wellbeing did concern him surprisingly much, considering the few moments he had spend with him. But the situation seemed settled, and he was the last one to volunteer for a trip like this. Truth be told, he never volunteered for any trips. He had in fact never left the valley since the refuge had been established.
Trying to draw no attention to himself Celebûrion had nearly reached the door, when he felt Lord Elrond's piercing gaze on his back. Frozen to the spot he only turned when the Lord spoke: "Celebûrion, since you were so concerned about the boy's welfare, you should go along as well."
A painful expression on his face, Celebûrion stammered out an answer: "Well, I wish I could M'Lord, but I fear there are some things I need to attend to in the healing quarters."
Now it was on Elrond to lift an eyebrow. "What things?"
"Well. Things you know. Herbs. And... well. Things."
In the small pause that accured nothing but the surpressed chucking of Valarmir was to be heard. Well, thank you, friend! Celebûrion shot over to where Valarmir stood with a frown, then looking back at the Lord he added: "Might not the presence of a soldier on this trip be of higher value then mine?"
Slowly Elrond broke into a slight smile. "Do not worry, Celebûrion. You will be fine."
Bowing slightly Celebûrion accepted his fate. "As you wish, M'Lord."
With that Celebûrion turned to go and fetch his book from under the tree, stompig quite unelfly through the hallways, grumbleing to himself: "Me? I wasn't worried. No, not me!...."
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Post RE: The Orphan
on: November 18, 2004 08:59
Den sat beside the lovely Elf maid as she gently fed the boy.
"Lady, I would not hear of you remaining behind. I am sure his grandparents would wish to thank she who saved him." He fell silent fro a while watching the fracas with Celeburion , as the Healer left the room he chuckled quietly to himself and listened to the contented snuffles issuing from the blanket.
"I know not what his parents were to have called him." He stated softly, "And we cannot continue to call him 'the child'. I think you should name him Lady Aireleniel, you of all people have earned that right."
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Post RE: The Orphan
on: November 19, 2004 02:32
(I finally found a name. I've been looking for one like crazy and Ta-Da)

Aireleniel looked lovingly at the child. She had never before named a living being. The name had to be perfect.

"Anorion. For you are indeed the bright sun in my life. I will love and care for you until I must return you to your loved ones, but until that time comes, you will be my Anorion." She stood and bowed before the Lord Elrond.

"I thank you my Lord for allowing me to travel to Gondor. I will be forever in your debt."

"You may leave whenever Denethor sees fit. I know going to Gondor with Anorion is your heart's greatest desire, but this can only end in tears. This trip will cause you more pain than happiness. For as you draw closer to Gondor, your heart will weep for it will know the time has almost come for you to give up the one whom you love dearly."

"I know this, and I am willing to carry this grief without any regrets." She know turns to Den. "My lord, when shall we depart?"
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Post RE: The Orphan
on: November 20, 2004 08:59
"We can leave whenever everyone is packed and ready. I see no reason to delay." His eyes however told a different story as he looked upon the Elf maid who, though she had barely known the child for a day, still loved him like a mother. His heart went out to the pair stood, so defiantly, in the centre of the room.
"But perhaps," He continued, "It might be prudent to wait. At least until tomorrow."
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Post RE: The Orphan
on: November 20, 2004 12:44
As a new day dawned over Imladris, a small group of Elves, a Ranger and a baby were ready for their travel to Gondor.
Celebûrion left the houses and stepped onto the terrace that overlooked the stream below. Behind him he could still hear the early morning activities of the house, while before him a few horses had already been made ready for them.
He stepped foreward, taking a long calming breath. He had packed and unpacked at least a dozen times last night, and still he could not rid himself of the feeling that he had forgotten something. Something quite important. Again he checked his mental list, but even that would not calm him completely.
Once he had stored his pack on the horse he had chosen to be his - it was the oldest of them and looked somehow tamest to him - there was nothing else for him to do then to wait for the others to arrive, getting more nervous by the minute.
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Post RE: The Orphan
on: November 20, 2004 03:00
Aireleniel awoke happily, but then she remembered the events the day would bring. Today she would depart from Imladris and head towards Gondor, where the family of the child was located. She walked over to the small bassinet that had been found for the child. Anorion was awake inside and smiled at the maiden. She bathed him, and dressed him in fresh garments that Lord Elrond had sent to be made. The bore the emblem of his house. They headed to the dining hall where Den was eating along with Valarmir and the other Elves who were to accompany her.

"Where is Celebûrion? "

"He thinks he has forgotten something and is racking his brain trying to remember. He has never traveled before and is nervous." Valarmir said.

"Aren't we all. Come now let us fill that empty stomach." Aireleniel said sweetly to Anorion. Again she made Lembas mash. The child gobbled it up. She couldn't help but smile. The others in the room smiled along with her, but were secretly sad. They knew the parting would be hard for her. Den rose from the table.

"Shall we go?"
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Post RE: The Orphan
on: November 20, 2004 06:31
(( Hey I hope it is alright if I join my character is Anarion, yes I know it is very close to the babbies name but still. If you wish to read about him go to the Creater Names and choose me then read the first and second entries in the D.B. because I accidently split his infermation.))

Anarion rested in a tree over a group of five Orks and heared there plane to capture a group of Elfs and kill them and take a babby that would be with them. They were five miles away from Imladris and Anarion started to jump from branch to branch of diferrent trees and finally dropped out of a tree onto the back of his waitting horse Shadowfang. He arrived a half-hour latter at Imrildas and quickly found Elrond and said to him " Excuse the intrusion my lord Elrond but were can I find the group of Elves that will be trvelling with the human babby. " Elrond looked at Anarion and said " Anarion my friend what is so urgent? " Anarion responded " There is a large group of Orks preparring to attack them when they get some way away from Imrildas. " Elrond said to him " This is indead terrible news they are eatting breakfeast hurry Anarion this way. " Anarion followed Elrond to were the group was eaing and he said to Anarion " They are in there, Anarion the babbies name. It is Anorion. " and with that he left Anarion. Anarion was supprised to here the name but he walked in and said to the group who hap stood up preparing to leave since they had finneshed eatting. Anarion anouced to them and said " Hello my fello Elves my name is Anarion and I am here to tell you you cannot take the human chiled Anorion from Imrildas because there is a group of Orks waitting some way outside of Imrildas to kill all of you and to take back the chiled. " He looked at the group to see what there reaction to this news would be.
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Post RE: The Orphan
on: November 21, 2004 04:29
Ooc - Hi Dragon rider! I can see this getting very confusing. Anarion - Anorion. Lol!

Ic - "How large is this group?" Den strode to stand infront of the new arrival.
"Five of them Ranger." Anarion responded.
"Five..." Den mused, looking around those who were to go with him. He could fight, as could Valarmir. Aireleniel was out of the question, she had Anorion to think of. They had two Elven soldiers with them and Celeburion, the unknown quantity. "Can Celeburion fight is he needs to?" He asked, so far he had odds of five to four but if he could even them up further he would.
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Post RE: The Orphan
on: November 21, 2004 02:58
Anarion looked at the Ranger and said " Ranger there was five that I heared talking about the attack about twenty-five feet away there was a group of forty to fifty other Orks. Do you picture us finding a way to even out those numbers? " He said this rather sarcasticly and waited to receive a response from one of the members of the group.
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Post RE: The Orphan
on: November 21, 2004 03:17
"Forty five you say? There must be another way to Gondor." Everyone turned to look at Aireleniel. She should have been thankful for this delay, but wanted to press on. She could not understand their stunned looks.

"Their aim is to kill the child. They will not move on until they have done so. Anorion has to go back to his family even though it pains me. Is there another road we could take? I do not wish to face such terrible odds unless need drives me to do so. Perhaps we could cross the Misty Mountains and come to the Golden Wood."

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Post RE: The Orphan
on: November 22, 2004 02:32
It seemed to Celebûrion as though he had been waiting for ages, when finally the other members of the group emerged from the house. For some reason they looked nearly as tense as he was.
Shrugging his shoulders he mounted his horse, while the others stored their belongings in their saddle bags. Watching them do so Celebûrion made out a new face among them. He was just about to ask the others what had occured, when the others had made ready and Valarmir gave the sign to set off.
Suddenly Celebûrion's attention was roughly brought back to the fact of leaving the security of Imladris behind. Crossing the bridge his hands started trembleing slightly and as his heart pounded against his chest his breath went in short and unsteady intervals. "Panic." the rational part of his mind analyzed the situation.
Taking one deep breath he tried to ready himself for the travel ahead.
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Post RE: The Orphan
on: November 22, 2004 09:47
Den glowered at the sarcastic tone in Anarion's voice but nodded curtly when Aireleniel suggested an alternative route over the Misty Mountains.
"If Anorion would be up to it I see no reason why not."
Soon the group were mounted and moving out of Imladris.
Slowly Den urged his horse up beside Celeburion's placid mount, his face creased in concern at the apparent difficulty the Elf was having.
"Master Celeburion?" He asked, placing a hand on the other's leather gauntlet, "Are you alright?" The Elf's face was pale and, depite apparent attempts to calm himself, his breath was ragged, "No matter what Elrond says, if you feel unable to make this journey you can go back with no dishonour."
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Post RE: The Orphan
on: November 22, 2004 02:04
Aireleniel overheard Den and Celeburion talking and she slowed down her mare until she, Celeburion, and Den were riding side by side.

"Having skill with a blade is not always the most important thing, my Lord. Sometimes a gentle hand can do so much more than a sharp blade. I will need your help on this journey most of all. You are greatly skilled in the eternal art of healing. The cold of the Misty Mountains might prove to be too much for Anorion, but it's the only way across. He might become ill, and if that were to happen, I would appreciate the hand of a Healer more than that of a warrior. Do not fear. If there is enough time, I could show you a few things." She spurred her mare forward. Anorion had fallen asleep, and there was a great silence about them, as if some danger approached.
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Post RE: The Orphan
on: November 23, 2004 09:47
Unconciously Den found himself sticking close to Aireleniel, his hand on his sword, as thoughts chased themselves around his mind.
Why would Orcs want Anorion dead? He's barely seen six months and he's got a price on his head? What could his parent's or hsi house have done to deserve such treatment? They always sounded like a firm but fair lot when I was back home, have they changed so much that a young family should be wiped out?
Suddenly Den was aware of a voice speaking to him.
"I was saying," Aireleniel looked at him from beneath a raised eyebrow, "Listen."
Den cocked his head to one side and strained his senses.
"I hear nothing."
"Exactly. Nothing. No birds, no wind in the trees. It's as if the mountains were holding their breath."
Now she siad it Den could feel the opressive atomosphere all around them and did not like it one bit. However he shook his head and smiled jovially, "Whatever it is we'll weather it Milady."
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Post RE: The Orphan
on: November 23, 2004 12:06
Anarion rode up fast to Aireleniel and Den and said to Aireleniel " My lady, I suggest you keep the child close and safe, there is something strange about this quiet and also the air is getting tighter around us, I seens something very unnerving is about to happen or something evel is about to be appone us, I'm not sure which one it is though, so protect the child with your life, I seens he more important than anyone here knows. " He waited to hear her response.

[Edited on 23/11/2004 by dark_strider_dragon_rider]
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Post RE: The Orphan
on: November 23, 2004 12:07
(May I join? I know I'm a little late, :blush: Lúthiel is in the DB)

A young elf-maiden was riding her horse across the Misty Mountains. The Elf-maiden's name was Lúthiel. Lúthiel was moving slowly having run into a group of orcs earlier in the day. She had escaped from them after killing 5 of the 10 of them. Now as she moved through the woods, she was paying attention to any noices she heard near her. She had been riding for 5 mins when she heard a group of horses. Lúthiel moved forward toward the sound. When she could see who it was, she saw a ranger, a elf-maiden carrying a bundle, and a small group of elf-guards. "Suilad, Lúthiel i eneth nín." (Greetings, my name is Lúthiel.)
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Post RE: The Orphan
on: November 23, 2004 02:33
(OOC. Yeah everyone is writing. Sorry about the names. Anorion/Anarion. lol. In this post I am going to take on another character. She will explain why the Orcs and the Wild Men, who I am planning to introduce here, are trying to kill Anorion. I have an idea about why, but it's not very good. If you have any suggestions, PM me.)

"Suilad, Lúthiel i eneth nín." (Greetings, my name is Lúthiel.)

No one answered the greeting. Aireleniel and the company were listening intently. The sound of a horse loomed far off, but it was the sound of branches breaking that caught their attention. Orcs had somehow found them and were approaching.

"Someone on horse approaches from the same direction, and I have never known of an Orc who rode a horse." Everyone turned to face Celeburion. The one person who had never left Imladris knew of the behavior of Orcs. Someone emerged from the shadows. The company, even Luthiel, drew swords and stood in front of Aireleniel, who had also drawn her sword. A woman came out from beneath the branches. She rode a beautiful silver horse and had a great gash on her head. She stopped right before her horse ran over Valarmir.

"I am Gailiel. We must flee. There is a band of Orcs and Wild Men behind me. We cannot fight them. Ride out." Without waiting for a response Gailiel rode in the opposite direction. Arrows could be heard whizzing through the air. They were now under attack.

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Post RE: The Orphan
on: November 23, 2004 06:25
(hope ya dont mind another joining!! my character is in the DB)

Elwyn heard the sound of startled voices, she pushed her horse forward riding harder. Noticing the nearer sound of a band of orcs and wildmen, busy in trying to ambush the hapless party ahead. She took a shortcut through the trees and the undergrowth, her horse jumping gracefully out of the darkness of their surroundings. The group stood before her, looking at her in confusion..she looked to them and yelled "Go!" urging them to ride away as fast as possible. A row of arrows being fired rang out through the air, and she quickly brought out her sheild thrusting it forward, felling the first attempt at attack. She looked back and noticed that everyone rode away, and after firing a few of her own arrows took off after them...finally catching up to them a few miles down the roadway.

[Edited on 24/11/2004 by ElwynSilverleaf]
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Post RE: The Orphan
on: November 24, 2004 02:18
((Actually Celebûrion has *not* always lived in Imladris. Sorry for the confusion. I'll explain it in the post a litte. He has a quite long history you know...))

As Denothor rode up beside him, Celebûrion at first did not realize he was there. Though he did not manage a proper reply, he managed a weak smile. No he would go along. Something told him that he had hid himself from the outside world long enough... Eversince his father had been killed and he had joined the host of Lord Elrond, who established Imladris as a refuge from the hordes of Sauron. He was happy that they would take the route over the mountains, since he did not wish to see the remains of his former home. Just as he did not wish to fight. Aireleniel's words were there much a comfort to him.
As time passed Celebûrion even managed to calm himself a bit, even though the increasing silence about them seemed to highten the tension of the whole group.
Suddenly things started to happen at a much faster pace than was to his liking, as three Elfmaidens seemed to appear from out of nowhere. All that reached his confused mind was the information that they were persued by Orcs.
The horses were pacing down the path to escape their hunters. Only after a few miles did they stop to consider the new situation they were now confronted with.
To his own surprise Celebûrion was the first person to speak up: "Is anybody hurt?"
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Post RE: The Orphan
on: November 24, 2004 05:43
Lúthiel looked at the Elf that had asked if anyone was hurt. She had a slash on her arm from a Orc blade, but other than that, she had gotten past the group of Orcs unscathed.
"I just have a cut on my arm, but no other wounds." She looked to the other two Elf-maidens that had been behind her.
"I ran into a group of ten Orcs earlier. How many have you run into?"
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