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Post RE: All Shall Fade (Still looking for new members. Please PM first.)
on: October 10, 2005 12:21
"Ge' klerin daj tomin plien'a." Zie muttered under her breath in her thick southern tongue as she turned her eyes from the lovers to the castle ahead. The exact translation would be rather rude, the general idea was something to do with privacy and getting "it" out of their systems.

Whey they passed through the gates she looked down at the guard and saw his glance towards her bonds. She gave him a wide smile that was a mixture of innocent devilry. "Well," she said over her shoulder to Callon. "At least you will be enjoying a good dinner at a table. Think of me as I am lead to my cell." She said with a sing-song tone of pretended sweetness.

Here they were at last, she thought as she looked around. Lord Umion would have an easy of enough time taking such a....delicate looking place. If there were guarding forces they must be well hidden within the shelter of the trees. Ah yes, even as she looked deeper she could see people moving about their business here and there, and she became certain that the woods they had ridden through had more than just trees in it as well.

WHen the horses stopped she remained in the saddle as the others dismounted. She was tied into place afterall. Her eyes moved around at those that approached or walked near, trying to discern who their host was and if he would come and meet their arrival. What would they say of her? Her expression turned cold and stoney as she waited.
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Post RE: All Shall Fade (Still looking for new members. Please PM first.)
on: October 10, 2005 12:52
"I wouldn't say that exactly. We're not out of the woods yet. We very well could become cell mates, my friend."
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on: October 10, 2005 12:54
Asëa smiled at Callon's mumbling. She wasn't worried about his safety at the moment for he did not travel with them in a manner that would suggest he was in any way trouble. They rode for a little longer and then stopped.

"Aren't you glad to be back? I didn't realize how much I missed it until just now." she said to Brondil, while trying to dismount. Her dismount lacked any amount of grace, though, as her legs were stiff from riding for so long. She tumbled off Olirra and both she and Brondil, who had been attempting to help her off, fell to the ground on top of each other.

Laughing, she pulled herself up and then pulled her lover up. Brushing off her travel clothes for all the good it would do, she said sarcastically, "That was graceful." She looked around for a moment, taking in the surroundings of her home. How she had missed it.

Someone came to take Zie to a cell until Legolas or someone else could deal with her. Another came to take Haisel and Tyaro to the Healers. Asëa and Brondil walked together to the rooms the each had in the palace already, knowing that everyone would be fine. The remaining travelers were shown where they could wash and were provided with clean clothing.

Leaving Brondil at his door, she continued to her room. Once inside, she washed and dressed in a deep purple dress with silver detailing. Spinning around, she laughed to herself. She had never liked wearing dresses, but she thought now that she could get used to it; it made her feel wonderfully female.

Leaving her room, she made her way towards Brondil's room. When she came to his door, she smiled to herself, forcing the trickle of fear away, and knocked.

[Edited on 10/10/2005 by Aranel_Toroniel]
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Post RE: All Shall Fade (Still looking for new members. Please PM first.)
on: October 10, 2005 03:21
"Ahh, it's really not too bad." Brondil smiled and nodded hello to the elves that seemed to glide past. He jumped off the horse and stretched his sore legs. Holding up his arms to help the struggling Asëa down from the saddle, he tripped and tumbled off balance when she roughly fell of Olirra and onto his chest, almost knocking the wind out of him.

She got up quickly and pulled him up after her. "That was graceful." She said sarcastically. He chuckled and held his arm out to her, accompaning her to her room, and then walking, somewhat stiffly, to his own room. He slipped off his horrid outfit and then turning, and embarrassly trying to cover himself up as he ran to the window to close the curtain. He looked on the bed and smiled, as Legolas had somehow known to have an outfit laid out for him. It consisted of black pants, a white undershirt, a long green form-fitting jacket, and a matching heavy green cloak. He smiled and slipped on everything but the cloak, and secured the jacket, which he found to have tiny silver designs sewn into it, with a silver balt he found had been placed on his dresser. He put on his green boots, and grinned at himself in the mirror, trying as he might to strike a heroic pose.

As Brondil was mid-pose, he was startled by a knock at the door and he sheepishly went to answer it. There stood Asëa, smiling beautifully at him. He grinned handsomely and swept her into his arms. "You look ravishing, my dear." He managed to say before he kissed her. He pulled back and picked her up off the ground, spinning her around.
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Post RE: All Shall Fade (Still looking for new members. Please PM first.)
on: October 10, 2005 04:03
Asëa blushed at the words of her lover, but quickly recovered. "And you, my love, take my breath away. Shall we go?"

Turning, the couple headed towards the Great Hall. As they passed others, she saw frowns directed at them. Her stomach turned. She loved Brondil with everything she had, but she did not wish him to constantly be looked down upon due to who he loved. Deep inside, she feared that he would come to resent her because of such treatment. The closer they came to the Hall, the greater her desire to turn and run became.

At last, they reached the doors. She stopped walking and remained rooted in her spot. She tugged gently at Brondil's hand. Her face was a mask of fear and panic. "Brondil...I-I don't think I can do this."

He took her face gently in his hands and spoke softly to her. "You can. We will do this together, meleth nin." His eyes were full of love and understanding.

Not wishing to disappoint him, she screwed up her courage and again took his hand, partially to take comfort from that small contact with him. When the enormous doors opened and all eyes turned to them, Asëa took a deep breath. She quickly saw that the rest of their strange party had been seated at the far end of the table. Moving her gaze to where she knew Legolas and his friends sat, she pasted a smile on her face. Few would know that it was forced.

Slowly, Brondil led her towards the Prince and his companions.

[Edited on 11/10/2005 by Aranel_Toroniel]
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Post RE: All Shall Fade (Still looking for new members. Please PM first.)
on: October 12, 2005 05:03
Zie’s hands were still bound before her as a tall blonde elf appeared at her side. He asked nothing about her or what was expected, but he did take her by the arm and began to lead her away. She gave Callon a last look with a farewell nod, her expression blank. After a few steps she jerked her arm from the grasp of her escort with a growl and a muttered curse. Another joined them, this one dark haired and she walked between them with her back straight and only a slight limp from stiff limbs. Before disappearing from sight she cast a last glance back over her shoulder and saw the others being led away toward the palace interior. Her eyes went to her horse and saddlebags. With a sigh she hoped that the things inside would not be lost or discarded. All the things she owed that mattered to her were in there…her prayer mat, veil and herb bag….things that wouldn’t mean anything to anyone but her.

The elf behind her gave her shoulder a gentle push to get her moving again. She didn’t realize that she had stopped walking, her gaze moving between her horse and the disappearing backs of the rest of that motley band. At his touch an anger she had been holding deep inside erupted with the suddenness of a volcano and she reacted quickly, lifting her arms and pushing her elbow back in a quick and forceful blow. The blow was aimed to hit either nose or throat depending on the height of her opponent, but the satisfying crunch of either meeting her elbow was not to be hers. The quick and well- trained elf deftly deflected the blow with his forearm. The rest of the walk to the prison cells became a struggle. Strong arms linked through her elbows drawing her arms painfully up and backwards. She grunted and kicked, but was dragged onward amid many curses in her native tongue.

As they made their way down the hall towards a thick iron bound door Zie knew that this was where they would put her, a hole in the wall. As much as she had looked forward to getting out of that saddle, the idea of being tossed away and forgotten was suddenly very disagreeable and she planted her feet and refused to take another step, pulling her weight against the strong hands that held her. She struggled and cursed and snapped her teeth at them until one took her around the legs and another curled his fist in the scarf and thus her long dark hair, pulling it free from her head.

Roughly she was dropped onto a small cot, but before she could regain her feet she heard the band and click of the door being shut and locked. She let out a roar of anger. Thrice did she kick hard at the locked door of her cell even though she knew it was of no use. With each kick she cursed Umion and this job and all her failures. This job had been one failure after another and she blamed the wizard for that. If it had not been for him…. She gave the door another bone jarring kick. Never had she failed in a task so badly. Well, except that once, but she had been young and foolish. She growled again and turned her back on the door she had been venting her frustrations on. That time, so long ago had been different. She had joined a raiding band and they had been overwhelmed when captured. The only thing that had saved her from the block or a noose then was the fact that she was female. Even still, she had not been given even the slightest glimpse of the sun for 4 years.

Turning she looked at her surroundings. Her scarf was gone and her hair fell free around her face, her hands were still bound before her. The small cot sat against the far wall and a table with a single 3 legged stool stood near the door. On the table was a single candle, but it was unlit. Still, the room at least was not dark. A small barred window sat high near the ceiling letting in the evening light.

For a long moment she stood there as her anger cooled into disparity of her failings. She gazed up at that small window, certain that the gods were laughing down at her through that single small opening. Sinking to her knees a mirthless laugh rumbled from her that only grew until the guards outside her cell became certain that the wildcat they held was mad as well.

(Long winded…sorry, I got carried away, but it’s been awhile since I did a long post anywhere and I really needed one.)
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Post RE: All Shall Fade (Still looking for new members. Please PM first.)
on: October 15, 2005 05:41
(OOC-> It's been a few days since anyone has posted, so I figure it's about time for the 'mandatory' worry statement...Frodurien or Lady_Tolwen, one of you need to post, please. Thanks, everyone!)
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Post RE: All Shall Fade (Still looking for new members. Please PM first.)
on: October 18, 2005 11:50
(OOC:Sorry, been pretty busy lately. Lots of tests.)

After a rather refreshing bath, Callon caught up with Brondil and Asëa and quietly walked behind them, though they probably didn't notice him. He spied a good-looking blonde sitting among a group of elves. "Is that Legolas?" he asked simply, and inwardly smiled at their shocked faces to see him so close behind. "We all probably will have a long talk."
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Post RE: All Shall Fade (Still looking for new members. Please PM first.)
on: October 22, 2005 02:51
Brondil jumped slightly at the sound of Callon's voice, almost directly into his ear. He turned and half smiled after a moment. "Yes, yes, that is indeed Legolas." At that very moment Legolas spotted the three and waved them over, smiling good-naturedly. As they approached he noticed a few curious glances from those who were already feasting.

Legolas glanced casually at their hands, but overlooked the matter for his greater purpose. "I plan to talk with you three in a more isolated area about important matters, but that shall wait until after the feast. Now I humbly ask for you to join in the feasting, and I congradulate you for coming home safely. Yes, Callon, you as well. Brondil, I thank you for finding and bringing home these friends of ours held captive by Umion." He said Umion in a way that made Brondil shiver slightly. "Asëa, welcome home." He smiled warmly, and two Elves appeared behind them, leading them to their seats. "It was no trouble, Prince Legolas." Brondil said jokingly. Legolas laughed merrily, "Of course not." He winked, and they were escorted away.
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Post RE: All Shall Fade (Still looking for new members. Please PM first.)
on: October 23, 2005 02:27
Callon accepted the offer to feast with the rest of the group. The food was delicious, the best he had had in a long time. While eyes were averted, he carefully spooned food into a cloth. He had hoped to be able to visit Zie later in an attempt to persuade her to give up her life as Umion's servant and the food was to cheer her up.

Already bored with dinner discussions not relating to the immediate issue and stuffed beyond comfort, Callon waited patently until they could be alone with the Prince.
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Post RE: All Shall Fade (Still looking for new members. Please PM first.)
on: October 23, 2005 03:40
(OOC-> Sorry, I prodded about posting and then took so long myself. Things have been a little crazy with a new job, being sick, and preparing for the hurricane.)

Asëa listened quietly to the idle chit-chat around her. Silently, she watched Callon hiding away food, chuckling inwardly as she knew he thought his actions were unnoticed.

After what seemed an eternity, the feast was over and other forms of entertainment began. Looking up, Asëa caught Legolas' eye and he indicated that they should leave.

She turned to Brondil and leaning close to his ear, whispered, "Meleth nin, Legolas is ready to talk to us. We must go." She then spent a brief moment nibbling his ear before he laughingly swatted her away and half-heartedly scolded her.

The three companions rose from their seats and made their way towards the golden prince. When they finally reached him, he said, "Let us find a more private place to talk."

With that, Asëa and Brondil followed him, hand in hand, with Callon close behind. After a few minutes of walking they came to and were admitted into a study, where they could converse without any interuptions.

She looked at Legolas and spoke directly to him. "Though I am sure I am wrong, I sincerely hope that your 'important matters' do not involve Umion." She shuddered visibly and struggled to force his name. "And how did you know about Callon?"

She watched the man she thought of as a brother carefully. Though most would never notice it, she saw worry and strain in his eyes. She also saw curiosity when he skimmed his gaze over her hand joined with Brondil's.

[Edited on 24/10/2005 by Aranel_Toroniel]
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Post RE: All Shall Fade (Still looking for new members. Please PM first.)
on: October 24, 2005 12:05
Callon was anxious to begin discussing "important matters". There was much talking to be done. "Asëa, Most people who have heard of Umion know of me. He has often sent me on missions to recruit homeless, sick, injured, or outcasts to join him. It's not surprising that His Royal Highness has heard of me."

Umion was not surprised learn of his troopes defeat and the capturing of the Southerling girl. But he was not pleased either, nor could he allow incompetence. He ordered the leader to be beaten, then executed for his failure.

Back in his private chambers, Umion praised Callon. He didn't believe Callon had truly betrayed, not after all he had done for him. "That's it, Callon. Keep gaining their trust. And then you will lead them to me."
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Post RE: All Shall Fade (Still looking for new members. Please PM first.)
on: October 24, 2005 05:07
Zie sat in the silence of her cell thinking of nothing. Her manical laughter had long since faded to a mirthless chuckle and then to silence. She watched as the light from the window faded and her cell became dark.

Someone had entered as the last of the light faded. She had heard the click of the lock and two sets of feet. Also she had heard the scrape of a platter on the small table. Whatever was there had little scent. Likely cold bread, cheese, dried meat and water. She did not know. When they had entered she had not moved from where she was kneeling, nor had she moved since their departure. In silent repose did she kneel there on the hard floor, her still bound hands in her lap. They had not even unbound her. Perhaps they thought her too dangerous to even light the candle. As the room grew darker she allowed her shoulders to slump and her eyes to close.
As she sunk into a light sleep she hoped she would not dream.

(OOC: *Gives everyone a kick in the shins* Where are you guys?)

[Edited on 28/10/2005 by Leighlia]
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Post RE: All Shall Fade (Still looking for new members. Please PM first.)
on: October 28, 2005 04:21
(OOC:I'm here! *waves* I'm waiting for someone *cough,Legolas,cough* to answer.)
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Post RE: All Shall Fade (Still looking for new members. Please PM first.)
on: October 30, 2005 02:32
(OOC-> I was hoping that Frodurien could play Legolas. She seems to have an idea of what the 'important matters' are. Hopefully, she will post soon. Otherwise, I will PM her to see what's up....)
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Post RE: All Shall Fade (Still looking for new members. Please PM first.)
on: November 03, 2005 04:33
"Ah, yes I have indeed heard of you Callon, and not in pleasant ways, but those shall not be discussed. What we must discuss, much to your displeasure, Asëa, is Umion. I need Callon here to know as much about his castle, guards and any power he has. Callon, I assume since you were his right hand man, he intrusted you with much knowledge. Though I am sure he did not tell you every secret, as many great evils have learned not too in the days of old. I require you to tell us about his army, how many beings, what their weapons are, the castle and its weak points. Also when and where he plans to attack, and any powers or special abilities he or any of his followers have." Legolas sat back in his chair and looked expectantly at Callon, waiting for him to speak. But before he did, Legolas spoke once again. "I am sorry, may I offer you any of the chairs or benches around the table, this may take a bit of time."
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Post RE: All Shall Fade (Still looking for new members. Please PM first.)
on: November 06, 2005 06:14
Callon chuckled as he took a seat. "That's quite a bit of information you ask for, but necessary none the less.

"Well, seeing as I recruited most of his army, I'd say about two or three thousand, though there won't be that many at the castle. A good deal of them are scattered throughout the land performing various commands.

" The weapons we use are mostly swords and bows and arrows, but Umion has had inventors trying to create a new weapon, a type of mechanic bow. There are only two or three prototypes, but they are deadly and I'd hate to think of the destruction they would cause once they became standard issue.

" As for the castles weak points, they are to complicated to tell by word alone, I'll have to draw a diagram. And the prisoner we captured, Zie, could tell you better about the abilities his followers have. I only recruit men, she spends everyday with them."

Callon paused, thinking. "Perhaps I can try and persuade her to join us? Having her a an ally would be much more helpful than having her as an enemy."
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Post RE: All Shall Fade (Still looking for new members. Please PM first.)
on: November 11, 2005 11:54
Hiredu was wary as he walked to the castle of the elves. He did not like elves, and mistrusted them, especially the sort in Mirkwood. He left his steed by a tree, and walked into the castle. He had been hired by Umion, for a high price, to retake an elf named Asea. He had specific instructions not to kill her, which made his job more difficult.

He was not tall, but had a thick, strong body. His boots and jacket were green and muddied, and he wore an undyed shirt and red wrap. His hair was dark and long; though his face was young, his hair was streaked with silver. A sling, a swordbreaker, and a short sword were visible, though more weapons were hidden; perfect for the role he was about to play. On his right hand, he already wore his spiked gauntlet, just in case.

Hiredu was surprised at how he was trusted by most of the elves when he asked for Asea’s whereabouts. He simply said that he was going to protect her, and they pointed him in the right direction. He eventually found his way to where she was, and bowed to her.

“M’lady,” he said in a tenor voice, “I am here to protect you, by order of Lady Galadriel, who has seen your peril. Please accept the service which I offer.”
He remained bowed until she replied. If any saw through his act, his hand was ready to slash their face open.
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Post RE: All Shall Fade (Still looking for new members. Please PM first.)
on: November 11, 2005 02:29
(Sorry, everyone. I haven't quite figured out how to balance work with...well, with life yet.)

When Hiredu entered the room, all conversation stopped. Asëa looked at the strange man, blinked, and looked about at the men around her. As though he could sense her discomfort, Brondil wrapped an arm around her in both a protective and a possesive manner.

"I was unaware that Her Ladyship knew of my...problem." She glanced questioningly at Legolas, who shrugged almost imperceptably. "Tell us what you are here to do and what you know." Then almost as an afterthought, "Please." Asëa moved a little closer to Brondil. She knew this stranger had seen it and she thought she saw barely disguised disgust in his eyes. Legolas and Callon eyed him curiously.
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Post RE: All Shall Fade (Still looking for new members. Please PM first.)
on: November 12, 2005 02:28
Hiredu was aware of the attention focused upon him, but paid no attention to it. He took note of the relationship between Asea and Brondil, hoping it would be useful later on.

"The Lady Galadriel saw your problem many weeks ago, and sent me to protect you from whomever wishes to harm you," Hiredu replied to Asea, "I travel the wilderness of Middle-earth, and I know the ways of many weapons. I wish only to keep you from fell hands. That is all the Lady deemed to tell before she sent me swiftly here."

Hiredu remained in a submissive posture, though it was beginning to hurt his back. Such posturing was not something he was used to.
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Post RE: All Shall Fade (Still looking for new members. Please PM first.)
on: November 12, 2005 05:12
Asëa was silent for a moment. When no one else made any indication that they were going to speak, she spoke again, her voice very soft.

"What is your name and what do you know of my...problem? Only that someone wishes to harm me? I should think that Lady Galadriel would think me safe enough in the care of these men here. I do not believe that they would let any harm come to me."

She wrapped her arms around Brondil's closest arm and laid her head on his shoulder. Her gaze, however, did not leave the man Galadriel had sent. She wasn't sure how she felt about him. With Callon, she had sensed that he wished to change and that there was good in him, but with this man she was unsure about him. Deep down, in her heart, there was a drop of fear towards him.
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Post RE: All Shall Fade (Still looking for new members. Please PM first.)
on: November 12, 2005 07:31
((Gil!!! I love you girl!))

Brondil held Asëa tightly, and stared unblinkingly at the man in front of her. He was curious about him, as he wasn't an elf, and why would Galadriel send someone to protect Asëa in the first place? It didn't add up to him.

"Sir, I doubt there is a real need for your services, although it is very kind for you to offer them. We would gladly welcome you, if there was a problem, however we have it all sorted out at this time. Legolas?" Brondil looked to the elven Prince for advice. He felt very vulnerable as he was without his sword and dagger. Luckily, however, he was holding firmly to his staff, and it brought him comfort.

"Yes, I quite agree, at this time we have everything under--" There was two sharp knocks at the door, and Brondil went to open it. He had barely opened the door when Haisel pushed his way inside, almost shoving Brondil out of the way.

"Your Highness, I am sorry to interrupt, but Verya is slipping in and out of consiousness. She is beyond my power to heal, I beleive the infection has spread throughout her body. We need your best doctors immediately."

Brondil almost jumped out of his skin, "Is there anything I can do to help?"
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Post RE: All Shall Fade (Still looking for new members. Please PM first.)
on: November 13, 2005 04:01
"What is your name and what do you know of my...problem? Only that someone wishes to harm me? I should think that Lady Galadriel would think me safe enough in the care of these men here. I do not believe that they would let any harm come to me," Asea said to Hiredu.

Before he could answer, the wizard began to speak. Then, as events took the focus off of him, Hiredu whispered to Asea, "I am Hiredu. I know that before this is all over, you will need my help. The Lady sees things you do not. What will happen to you when these men have been destroyed by Umion?"

Hiredu backed away again, staring at Asea. For a moment he panicked, thinking he may have told too much, but it passed just as quickly.

"I may also be of assistance in this matter," Hiredu addressed Brondil.
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Post RE: All Shall Fade (Still looking for new members. Please PM first.)
on: November 13, 2005 05:46
"What will happen to you when these men have been destroyed by Umion?"

Those words echoed in Asëa's head. The men she loved, her 'brother' and her lover. They could not die.

Looking at Hiredu through the panic rising in her, she stood and asked, "Did the Lady tell you they will die?" She saw Legolas follow Haisel and leave the room. Then in a voice pitched high with fear, she said, "Umion cannot win! He will never destroy them!"

She sat back down on the little couch and went silent, leaning on Brondil for some sort fo comfort. Anger and fear coursed through her.
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Post RE: All Shall Fade (Still looking for new members. Please PM first.)
on: November 13, 2005 07:35
Callon was surprised when he saw someone introducing himself as Hiredu. Hiredu. Why did that name sound familiar? He sat quietly for some time.Then it hit him! He had hired him!

"What do you really want, Hiredu? I think I know your true motive. And your walking on thin ice, so anwer carefully."
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Post RE: All Shall Fade (Still looking for new members. Please PM first.)
on: November 14, 2005 12:43
"My motive is to protect Asea," Hiredu answered Callon coldly, "I believe your motives should be the ones in doubt. I was sent by Galadriel, and it was mere luck that you hired me."

He did not wait for Calon to answer before turning to Asea and saying, "It is a possibility that she saw."
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on: November 14, 2005 01:09
"Do not speak in half truths and riddles, Hiredu. The truth will be known. It always becomes known."

Callon didn't know what games this man was playing, but he didn't like it. And he definitely was not sent by Galadriel, that much was clear to him. The people of Lorien wore silver, blue, and white; the rangers marchwardens were known to wear light browns and grey-greens, not the dark forest green this man wore. And last he checked, Lorien didn't traditionally wear deep red, Haradrim red that he was so familiar with.

And if one looked closely, one would be able to see that the man was Human. Why would Galadriel, the Lady of Light, send a mere mortal to protect one of the Firstborn?

But he would wait before he made his move. Hopefully the others would see through his disguise.

"Well, if you don't object, Your Royal Highness, I shall go and see about converting Zie while you get materials to draw blueprints with."

He didn't know if that was proper protocol, but then again, when did he care about things like that? As he passed Asëa, he spoke telepathically, "Be careful if you are alone with Hiredu,Asëa. I don't trust him and neither should you....If you value your life."

And with that, he was gone.
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on: November 14, 2005 01:40
Hiredu now knew that his premiere obstacle in getting to Asea would be Callon. After him would be Brondil, and then, perhaps, the others. He knew Callon recognized his clothing, but Hiredu would have dressed differently if he were not ready to answer questions. It was also obvious to him that he would need to make an effort to stay away from direct contact with Asea if he would gain their trust. He therefore stood in a corner across from, but no longer near, Asea. He watched the environment, but never directly watched her. It crossed his mind that perhaps, if he ever finished this job, he would have to raise the price. He had been told there would not be so many elves, and it wan an unpleasant twist.
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Post RE: All Shall Fade (Still looking for new members. Please PM first.)
on: November 14, 2005 03:26
Asëa anxiously watched the confrontation between Hiredu and Callon.

"Be careful if you are alone with Hiredu,Asëa. I don't trust him and neither should you....If you value your life." Those words made her nervous.

"What reasons does Callon have not to trust you? He helped free me. His motives are no longer in question, Hiredu. What did he hire you for?" She stopped for a moment to study the mans face. "I wonder why you where red...That is not the color of Lorien...Marchwardens or rangers." The color was familiar, but she could not remember why. "And why would the Lady of Light send a human? I do not believe there are any humans in Lorien..."
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Post RE: All Shall Fade (Still looking for new members. Please PM first.)
on: November 15, 2005 03:56
"Hmm, you are mistaken about that m'lady," Hiredu said calmly, "There are few humans who visit Lothlorien regularly, and I am one of them. Lady Galadriel is familiar with my experience in battle, and I posess skills that may be useful here. I am afraid I can not tell you what they are, but you must trust me. My tunic is Haradrim, where I stayed as a child. And Callon does not trust me because, before he began to help you, he hired me to take you back to Umion. I do not doubt that he was sent to you for the same reason. I am here to protect you and your comrades, on behalf of the Lady Galadriel. Please believe that."

He spoke with as much sincerity as he had, and even began to convince himself that it was true. He had been looking her in the eye, but now he watched their surroundings again.
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Post RE: All Shall Fade (Still looking for new members. Please PM first.)
on: November 15, 2005 05:27
Brondil was still not very sure of this strange man, but he wanted to trust him. He did seem sincere, and how could he have gotten this far into Mirkwood if he wasn't good? Still, he noticed that when around him, his hand gripped his staff a little tighter than usual. Which seemed odd, and he decided never to be weaponless around this fellow. He studied him carefully. "Good sir, do speak with Prince Legolas about getting yourself a room in the castle. I hope you are comfortable, but if you don't mind, I wish to talk with Asëa, privately. Nice meeting you, Hiredu." Brondil said and held Asëa firmly by the waste and escorted her out of the room. He lead her to his chambers and shut and locked the door behind them.

"My dear, I cannot fully trust this fellow, and therefore you are never to be around him by yourself. Please do this for me. If I were you, I would arm myself with some sort of elvish dagger or sword from now on. I will keep my weapons on me, and keep my staff by my side at all times. I am going to be beside you as much as I can, for protections sake. And loves. I do not want this to be a trick, I want you safe forever more, my love. But we must tread carefully around this Hiredu." He looked into her eyes as he said this, but now he wrapped his arms around her and breathed in the soft scent of her hair. "I love you, and I don't want to lose you. And I don't want you hurt, be careful, alright, darling?"
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Post RE: All Shall Fade (Still looking for new members. Please PM first.)
on: November 15, 2005 07:45
With her chin to her chest Zie slept, still kneeling in the center of her cell as before. Moonlight moved in heavy shadows on the wall. Once she sighed and then flinched mumbling as she slept, her brows knitting together. “Faro.” She whispered softly.

For a while she was still and the only sound in the cell was her soft breathing. “Faro.” Again came from her louder this time and her bound hands lifted, finger reaching before falling heavily back into her lap again.

“Vek! Faro! Loru'men vek!” Her voice echoed in the chamber around her and again she lifted her bound hands as if attempting to push something heavy away from her. Her breathing became heavy, harsh as if panting. Finally her movements upset her balance and toppled her from her knees. The floor striking her shoulder was enough to wake her. Blinking she looked into the darkness.

Her body felt stiff and the cloth from Callons cloak that was around her wrists was beginning to chafe. Slowly she pushed herself up. Standing slowly, muscles complaining, she cursed…and cursed….and cursed herself and her situation.

(Since there is no documentation that I can find on the languages of the Southern lands, I have endevored to make it up as I go. Vek=no or not, depending. Loru'men=please. Faro is one of her brothers. Thanks.)

[Edited on 16/11/2005 by Leighlia]
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Post RE: All Shall Fade (Still looking for new members. Please PM first.)
on: November 16, 2005 12:36
((Where is Legolas, by the way? I'm going to assume he's helping that person that needed helping.))

Hiredu nodded as Brondil left with Asea; trust was hard to come by these days. He left to follow wherever it was the Prince had gone. Again, he was asking passersby if they had knew where he would be. They again pointed the way, and one elf even escorted him to the room. Hiredu thanked him as he entered the room.

He immediately saw that much attention was being focused upon this woman, whose name he had forgotten. While he could offer aid, at this point he would only get in the way while catching up on her condition. So he waited by a wall until the energy in the room calmed.
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Post RE: All Shall Fade (Still looking for new members. Please PM first.)
on: November 16, 2005 01:13
Callon was greeted to much Southerling curses when he entered the cell. He took out his bundle of food he and hidden from the evening meal. "Here," he said. "I doubt prison food is better than this."

He gave her the food and watched as she munched on it. "So, have you thought of starting over? I'm sure the prince would be most helpful in return for your help."
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Post RE: All Shall Fade (Still looking for new members. Please PM first.)
on: November 17, 2005 07:40
When the door creaked open she did not look up until the flare of light filled the room. A guard entered and lit the candle on the small table and stepped forward to slice a thin blade through the bonds that held her hands. Wadding up the cloth in her hands she threw it at the back of the guard as he left. “I’ll have my scarf back!” She shouted at him.

When she pushed her hair back out of her face and attempted to tuck it behind an ear that would not hold it, she saw Callon standing there and she frowned. Before she could say anything he pulled a bundle from his pocket and handed it to her. "Here," he said. "I doubt prison food is better than this."

The scent of the fresh bread and succulent meats made her mouth water, but she took her time eating it, popping small morsels into her mouth at a time, as if she had all the time in the world.

He gave her the food and watched as she munched on it. "So, have you thought of starting over? I'm sure the prince would be most helpful in return for your help."

She swallowed and looked up at him with a dark expression. “Have they sent you to offer the prisoner a boon? What could the ‘Prince’ offer me? Is he so overwhelmingly kind as to overlook the fact that I am here to take her back?” She laughed at him. “What reason would I have for helping any of you? I am certain that Umion has heard of my failure by now. Rest assured, I am not the only one that will be sent looking for her. ” She shook a crust of bread at him. “You know as well as I that any others that come are going to be far more persistent and ruthless.” She cast the bread aside. “Where as I,” She held her arms wide. “am just biding my time, as you are.”
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