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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part V
on: February 21, 2006 04:09
Well, sisters, I share a bit of excitement with you. *looks around room* *lowers voice* Last week... I had the pleasure of speaking ... yes, speaking .... with a certain artistic, poetic Jack Tar. Only briefly, but it was a delightful moment.

Okay, showing ignorance here. Who is this??

Just a short post today. I'm off to the pain clinic again. I will be really glad when this is all over. It's just supposed to be a consultation today though, so we'll see how it turns out. At least I get the morning off! :disco:

As for the first joke, I heard that years and years ago when I was a sophomore in college. Set the scene: college kids sitting around, tipping a few and telling jokes. This one was toward the latter part of the evening when we were "well into our cups." I remember laughing SO hard. Maybe that's why it just cracks me up even though it's a silly joke. The other jokes are not appropriate for a PG-13 site though. :evil:

[Edited on 21/2/2006 by scots56]
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part V
on: February 21, 2006 04:50
I feel very fortunate to know and be known by such wonderful people as you, my FoF friends. A casual visitor to this forum might not understand how it is possible for some of us to have become as close and as intimate as we are when we have only known one another through our written messages. I can only guess that it is because we are unique individuals who share certain qualities, beginning (but not ending) with our mutual love of all things Tolkien.
As Rose has already mentioned, I had the esteemed pleasure of talking to her on the phone last week. It was A short conversation of only about ten or twelve minutes, but it seemed more like two minutes. I know we only scratched the surface with small talk and could have gone on much longer, but not having any idea of what the cost of the call would be, I reluctantly signed off. When I get my phone bill I should know about how long I could talk next time. If any of you are inclined to do so, I highly recommend that you hear her lovely voice speaking with that wonderful Manchester accent. If you do, you will find her even more precious than before.
Just when I thought I could fly no higher, I was blessed with A phone call from Mith. Yes, she called yesterday and we had A right good conversation about our love of Tolkien and family and friends (especially our FoF friends) and cars and just all sorts of things. I found her to be very bright and friendly with A wonderful laugh that she uses frequently. It was A pure joy for me to talk with her, and I hope all of you will be so fortunate as I was and do the same. It is truly amazing how each of us has many differences and come from different walks of life and different geographical areas and yet we share so much, and are the same in many ways.
It is probably not possible for all of us to ever meet face to face, but if we did, it would be A special meeting that none would ever forget. You are all precious to me.:heart: Swabby
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part V
on: February 21, 2006 05:27
This is the artistic, poetic Jack Tar, Scots. Lol!! Sorry. Was it the 'Jack Tar' that threw you. Jack Tar is an English term for a *sailor*. Nudge, nudge, wink, wink, say no moah!! *looks up*. *giggles*

It did go fast, swabs.

We are all definitely fortunate people, as you say, me hearty... oops, falling into pirate speak there. Har Har Har. Shiver me timbers.

What a lovely bunch we are. :love:

Swabby: I had to giggle to myself about your comments regarding the Manchester accent. O-M-G!! *giggles* Still when I think about it ... yes....the *manc* accent is warm and northern. Thanks. It sometimes takes someone to make you appreciate what you have. :hug:

Off again, nearly home time. Saruman is about somewhere. TTFN

Rose xxxx

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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part V
on: February 21, 2006 07:53
Hi everyone.

Took me a little time to read 2 pages worth. Work has me swamped again. Takes a little time to put out 400 price tags on shelves. When I come home I don't want to read anything.

Loved all the jokes, peoples. They were funny.

Who is more honest, men or women?
That is a good question. All depends on how well you know them.
Who makes better cooks?
Men do. I lived with a man for 2 years and he made the best Chinese. Mind you he was Chinese. I learned a lot from him. Especially on how to cook Thailand rice.
Which does A woman find more "desirable", A man's personality or his finances?
I find a man’s personality more desirable but a little money never hurt anybody.
Why do more women tend to like cats than men do?
How about dogs?

I tend to like cats more. They don’t need that much attention and when they get bored they curl up to you. With a dog you have to take it for walks and if it lives outside the you have a lot to clean up. Been there, done that, not nice.
Do you agree or disagree with this statement: In A work setting, an all-female workforce will get along with one another much better if their boss is A strong male, as opposed to having A female boss.
A dominerring male boss is way too much. A dominerring female: too much pms. I don't like strong bosses. As long as they can hold their own then I would get along with them. I have a female boss that I don't care for as a boss. She became pregnant and in her last weeks of work she was off the wall. Did not like that. But we held it up to being pregnant.

swabby" Loved the piece you wrote on the cow chip throwing. It was great. You should write for a newspaper.

Sindy: I also love that scene. I love the way they pan the mountains and the music is just awesome. I think I wore out the cd on that music. I love the height that Howard Shore got with the music. It is so powerful.

Someone talked about Billy Connoly? I remember him from a program called "Head of the Class". He taught a group of smart kids and it was great. A lot of misfits.

Well I have the day off. Going to run a few errands and then just might plug in ROTK. I want to see those mountains.


[Edited on 21/2/2006 by balrog]
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part V
on: February 21, 2006 11:22
Jack Tar hey , I got that one! It's part of my Encyclopedia of UFI (Useless #*%@*#& Information). Very handy for playing Jeopardy or Trivial Pursuit. (For our non-Non American friends - Jeopardy = long-running general knowlede game on TV and Trivial Pursuit is a board game about trivia (no, really?) invented by a couple of Canadians)

My contributon to the current humour theme:

I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.

I tried snorting Coke once but nearly choked on the ice cubes.

I'm not a complete idiot - some parts are missing.

I used to have a handle on life, but it broke.

A hangover is the wrath of grapes.

OK, I'll go back to work now. Ta-ta :wave:
“Some believe it is only great power that can hold evil in check. But that is not what I have found. I have found that it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love. " Gandalf
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part V
on: February 21, 2006 02:08
Thank you for the kind words, Swabby. :blush: So you all know, he has the perfect southern gentlemanly qualities. I'll bet Swabby has made many a gals heart flutter. The wonderful southern accent accompanied by his soft spoken voice makes it so easy to talk with him. Our conversation was so easy, as if we'd known each other for quite some time. Anyhow, it was a joy sharing with yet another Tolkien fan and friend!

I think at this point in life we all from time to time feel restless. I think that is why we like LOTR . We are involved with the characters and they are moving and finding adventures and it fulfills a longing that we have for adventure and we get peace from the books and the feeling of travel.

Awelyn, you said that so well. It is so true about the longing for adventure, the peace and the feeling of travel. Sometimes when I've been cooped up in a motel room far from home and put in the movies it gives me those very feelings...of being on an outdoor adventure. And gives my heart peace.

Well must make this short tonight as hubby will be home soon and hungry as a bear. Using leftover chicken breast for open face sandwiches. I toast them and put chicken, a few thin slices of onion and red bell pepper, some bacon and cheese. Use the broiler and it's quick and easy.

Have a great evening all my friends. Hugs to all of you! :hug:
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part V
on: February 22, 2006 02:17
Okay, more humor here:

You say psycho like it's a bad thing!

Silence is golden...duct tape is silver.

Ha! Now you can't see me! *I saw this on a camoflaged t-shirt*

Report from the pain clinic was good. I don't have to go back for two whole months! The doc said that I've responded so well to treatment that he has high hopes that things will heal over and no surgery will be needed. Beings that all the issues are in my neck, all and all I think that's a good thing. Surgery + neck =

RE: Trivial Pursuit and Jeopardy. I have the Lord of the Rings Trivial Pursuit game and love it. The only problem is is that I can't get anyone to play it with me. Maybe it's because I clean anyone's clock who I play with. Hmmmmmm Could that be because I have watched the movies *several* times and the books about a gazillion times? Who knows?

And Jeopardy. Yep, know this game too. I stink at it, but I know it. The spousal unit was watching it quite a bit when Ken Jennings was wiping the floor with everyone who came up against him. I'm not usually home when it comes on in the afternoon, and if I am, then I am ususally trying to decompress from the day and get myself organized. TV watching doesn't happen a lot for me. If I do watch the tube, it's usually a movie for me. Can you guess which one is my top pick????

Have a good Hump Day all!

[Edited on 22/2/2006 by scots56]
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part V
on: February 22, 2006 03:41
TV watching doesn't happen a lot for me. If I do watch the tube, it's usually a movie for me. Can you guess which one is my top pick????

I know what you mean, scots. Most TV is crap these days. The only things I watch are CSI (the original), Bones , ER or Jeopardy. Other than that, it's the History channel and British crime dramas.

I've taken to watching LOTR while I'm on the treadmill. Sure get a longer workout that way as I am not watching the clock or the kilometers crawl by.

Happy Hump Day to all of you. For me, it's sort of Thursday, because tomorrow is my last day to work this week. Taking Friday off and going across the border into the wilds of the U.S. of A., with my darlin'. Last time we were there was 4 years ago - sat in a hot tub in a hotel and watched the Canadian men's hockey team kick butt. Would that they could do that this time, but it seems a long shot. Very proud of our hockey women. I'm not usually a hockey watcher, more of a figure-skating person. But, hey, watching athletes give their all is very inspiring and I wish them all well.

Any Olympics enthusiaists out there in FoF Land?
“Some believe it is only great power that can hold evil in check. But that is not what I have found. I have found that it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love. " Gandalf
Prancing Pony Moderator, Realm Head of Lórien & Grandmother who loves Tolkien
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part V
on: February 22, 2006 03:42
Scots I would play LOTR trivial pursuit with you if I was there at your POG. You would probably clean my clock since I have only seen the movies 4 times and read the book once. I am reading it again soon but I would still love to play I love Jeopardy and I have played that alot. I love all kinds of board games except Monopoly I stink at that game.
My husband and I when he was home on the weekend would go to friend's homes and play board games. I have not played a game in years I am glad you will probably not need surgery. It is great that you are doing so well.

Mith, I agree about those qualities of one Swabby. If this was a 100 years ago he would be wearing a white suit with hat and with a mint julep in his hand. With a sweeping motion take off his hat with a bow and say good morning ladies.. We would smile behind our fans and curtsy to him and say good morning sir. I think I need more sleep. Thank you I feel like I don't express myself well at times. The chicken sandwich sounded yummy.

Rose BTW I knew who you were talking about when you said Jack Tar.
Well, it rained yesterday and our snow is gone. It is cloudy today. I will watch Lost tonight if it is not a rerun.
Have a great day FOF friends. Hugs and kisses to all.
Prancing Pony Moderator, Realm Head of Lórien & Grandmother who loves Tolkien
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part V
on: February 22, 2006 03:51
Neenime you posted as I was writing. Yes , I am an Olympics fan. I watch every night. I was so upset for the Canadian ice skating dance pair. Who could not participate because of her fall. Winter Olympics are my favorite. I don't like how they let pro's in now when I think the spirit of the Olympics is the amateur 's courage and strength and determination. I just wish they would not allow pro's in the competition.
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part V
on: February 22, 2006 04:55
Most of the stuff on television will rot your brain. I used to watch A lot of news until I realized that it has become A combination of info-tainment and corporate/political propaganda.(Which I blame for America's recent insane voting record) I watch the History Channel, PBS, Discovery, etc. Even some of those are now becoming corrupted. Too serious A subject---let me move on.

I always appreciate the flattering (and often untrue) things that are said about me here, but it is more A testament to the extreme kindness and generosity of you ladies than it is A true statement of my qualities. You might not be so proud of your Swabby if you knew how I often think of women in A way that does not give full consideration to their intellect. Yes, I know it must be shocking, but it's true that my animal desires sometimes dominate my thoughts. I apologize for not being quite the gentleman you thought I was.

Smeagol killed Deagol, and Gollum knows why
I'm A schizophrenic, and so am I.

Hickory dickery dock
The mouse ran up the clock
The clock struck one
and severley injured the little rodent

Little Miss Muffet
sat on her tuffet
eating her curds and whey
along came A spider
and sat down beside her
and she squashed it with her spoon

I just remembered A knock-knock joke that was told on the Captain Kangaroo show almost 50 years ago.

Knock knock, Who's there? Orange juice. Orange juice who? Orange juice sorry you made me cry?

LotR Trivial Pursuit. I always win also, but it's not fair to play with average humans who don't have the Middle Earth gene.

Happy hump-day, all you young ladies!(and one young fella, OT) Swabby
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part V
on: February 22, 2006 05:18
If this was a 100 years ago he would be wearing a white suit with hat and with a mint julep in his hand. With a sweeping motion take off his hat with a bow and say good morning ladies.. We would smile behind our fans and curtsy to him and say good morning sir

You're so right. And Old_Tom would be right there with him, exchanging bits of poesy and winking at the ladies as we strolled by.......*sigh* what a lovely picture.

Oh swabby, swabby , no need ot be apologetic for natural inclinations. Besides, don't imagine for a moment that we ladies don't have similar thoughts about men. You don't REALLLLY think we are Aragorn and Hobbit and Elf fanciers just for their nimble minds and skill at LOTR Trivia, do you? I always tell people, "I'm married, not dead." The rule at our house is "You can look, but don't touch."

Speaking of romance and such..................... here is a song my hubby used to serenade me with (don't know whether he wrote it or not).

My girlfriend is a Czechoslovakian,
She makes me a nervous wreck.
I took her home to meet my folks,
But my folks just won't accept Czechs (checks).

Bye y'all. Have a good day.

[Edited on 22/2/2006 by Neenime]
“Some believe it is only great power that can hold evil in check. But that is not what I have found. I have found that it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love. " Gandalf
Prancing Pony Moderator, Realm Head of Lórien & Grandmother who loves Tolkien
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part V
on: February 22, 2006 02:33
I picture OTB strolling by with Goldberry on his arm. She would be wearing green of course with a big hat and a parasol. But he would have had the conversation with Swabby before he and Goldberry took their stroll.

Swabby Webster's dictionary defines a gentleman is a polite or courteous man so both you and Tom fit the bill. Gentlewomen are polite too so all the women here fit that description.

I am fixing a stew with corned beef and potatoes and onions. I serve it hot with cornbread. So I need to go serve it. Have a great night. Lost is on tonight I am such a fan. That is the only TV I watch with the exception of History channel and the old movie channel and Animal planet.

[Edited on 23/2/2006 by awelyn418]
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part V
on: February 22, 2006 04:00
I am so with you gals on the desire/need to find adventure in my life. Thank heavens that Tolkien fills that need most of the time. But there are days when I feel like I could take off without a pocket hankerchief (like Bilbo) and go off into the wild (after Strider). Sometimes when I'm driving down well traveled roads, I want to take the interstate and see where I end up. Beware, I may end up in Lick-Skillet, Canada or Ohio.

No one will play LOTR trivial pursuit with me either!! Another reason for us to get together is to have someone to play with!

Love your rhymes, swabby. They're on my (kindergarten) level. I'd best be careful as I may recite them inadvertantly. "What's that crazy teacher telling them now? She brought her sword to school, you know. What kind of education courses did she take? And who is that long haired man on her computer screen?"

Won't accept Chechs, neenime, how funny! Your hubby has a cute sense of humor.

Does anyone else celebrate Mardi Gras? The big day is next Tuesday and I'm having a blow-out weekend that'll run into the begining of next week. Wish that all of you could come along. Know we'd have great fun! :disco:

Swabby's got me thinking. What qualities/traits do you think men have that makes them a gentleman? Would like your ideas on this.
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part V
on: February 23, 2006 02:33
Life got interesting here on the PoG the past few days. Eight employees of a food processing plant here bought lottery tickets that won the biggest jackpot in lottery history. $365 million worth of big! It's been interesting driving to work and passing one of the hotels in town with CNN trucks, and all the big media trucks that you see on TV. Alas, it wasn't me though. :cry: The nearest I came was that I had gone into the convience store that sold the ticket the 6 and a half hours before the winning ticket was sold. I was heading to a workshop on eighth grade math assessments at our educational service unit and had stopped to get an extra large Dr. Pepper to help keep my brain cells functioning during the workshop. I didn't buy a ticke though. I guess that you actually have to *buy* tickets to win. Who knew! rofl The winners did a news conference yesterday morning, and we watched it at school. I was very happy for the winners; they looked to be a group of hard-working individuals. Their co-workers who had decided to opt out of the group buy this go-round (I'd be sick!) said that it couldn't have happened to a nicer bunch of people. So that's the news from the PoG where news generally doesn't happen much.
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part V
on: February 23, 2006 03:23
scots how cool that hard-working folks got that pot of gold. It aways bothrs me when the well-to-do win. I hope they keep their friendships with the opters-out. Sometimes those things get ugly and people start to sue each other about what was promised, etc.

BTW, your disagreement with
you say psycho as if it were a bad thing
is cute. I agree. I am a PSYCHO-therapist and I don't see a proplem with that at all!. Indeed, my clients and friends find my psycho qualities quite charming. Or at least that's what they say to my face........Hmmmmm.............. maybe I shouldn't keep knives and swords in my office (just kidding, I wouldn't do that).
“Some believe it is only great power that can hold evil in check. But that is not what I have found. I have found that it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love. " Gandalf
Prancing Pony Moderator, Realm Head of Lórien & Grandmother who loves Tolkien
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part V
on: February 23, 2006 03:25
MTMS, I have given you Webster's definition but mine is a soft spoken ,and gallant type of man that is courteous and one that makes me feel like a lady. I love someone to open doors for me and let me in first and you know some people think that is old fashioned ideas but that is my definition.

Scots wow I bet those people are so excited and I wonder if it has actually sunk it or if they feel numb.

If you want to hear my son sing. Use a search engine and type in Brian Holbrook and it will give you his sight. Hi is in Washington state. I suggest you listen to My pretty ones. Okay Swabby I posted it like you said. His type of music is not for everyone.
Have a good day.
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part V
on: February 23, 2006 04:37
I was taught very little about manners when I was growing up, and it was only after I had gone out into the world that I learned about my deficiency. It embarrasses me now to think back to some situations I was in that called for me to have some manners, but I had none.

Awelyn, I make A similar meal with corned beef, except I make everything separate. I simmer the corned beef until it's very tender, then I serve it with boiled potatoes, cabbage, carrots, onions and sometimes cauliflower. Then I make A mustard sauce that is generously poured over all of it. It's A big hit at my house.
I hope you all will check out Awelyn's son on his website. He is very talented and she has every right to be very proud of him. Our children have the ability to either make us the happiest or the saddest people on earth, don't they? I hope Brian will only create happiness for his mother.

Neenime, thank you for your well-qualified comments and you have my approval for your use of the word "y'all". It is really A very good word that I believe will some day be accepted as proper English.

I think our very exuberant MT should be reminded of Bilbo's advice to Frodo and "mind her feet" lest she be carried off to who-knows-where, especially when behind the wheel and those unknown roads up ahead are whispering in her ear "Take me, I lead to adventure!" We all know she is A responsible adult and would not abandone her class and go off chasing butterflies, would she? I mean, she wouldn't go off to the Ozarks and whoop it up with A bunch of hillbillies and dance on tables untill all the cups and dishes flew off in an avalanche would she? Well, would she? (I'd better not tell her about the upcoming butterfly festival on Mount Magazine)

I hope those new millionaires will find happiness, but history has shown us that they might not. Remember the immortal words of Lennon and McCartney in the song "Can't buy me love". (Ignore that other song they wrote that says the opposite) Later, my friends. Swabby

[Edited on 23/2/2006 by swabby]
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part V
on: February 23, 2006 06:15
Well, I'm back from my two days at a theme spa; I've been enjoying soaking in tropically warm pools (and a daily dip into a cold pool) and eating like a Hobbit. Just one disturbance on the trip when yesterday evening, a fire alarm went off at the hotel; fortunately it was a false alarm though, probably some idiot had been smoking in the wrong place... I think that today, I'll get myself to bed quite early; fortunately, there's still tomorrow and the weekend before heading back to work.

Hope you all have a nice day/evening; I'll catch up better with this thread tomorrow.
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part V
on: February 23, 2006 01:36
Have the LOTR Trivial pursuit but no one to play with. Hubby played one game with me about a year ago. My friends say it wouldn't be fair and feel they would not stand a chance of winning. But they probably don't have the Middle Earth gene. (loved that one, Swabby!)

Love the psycho humour. I always joke with people close to me...never claimed to be normal, lol. Reading the posts always makes me smile.

Had lunch with two of my sisters yesterday and was talking to the one (who is a Tokien fan) about FOF. She asked what we talked about and I told her just about everything and added what a wonderful group of people you are. The conversation just seems to flow naturally here as it does between sisters.

Awelyn, your stew and cornbread sound delicious. Do you or Swabby have a good cornbread recipie? That is one thing I've rarely made and never really had a good recipie. Tomorrow I'll have more time and want to look up your son's music, Awelyn. That is really cool he is so talented.

Morwin, that spa sounds heavenly. What a wonderful way to relax the body. And your reference of eating like a Hobbit made me laugh.

MT, to me there are many qualities that make up a gentleman. Of course the obvious ones, like opening doors, manners, kissing our butts (j/k and not intended literally) and such. But to me it is a certain respect for women and others that seems to flow from them. It is not something that makes them less a manly man or weak but rather an unspoken quality that comes from within. And on an unrelated subject, would love for you to show up in Ohio!

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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part V
on: February 23, 2006 03:21
The spa treatment sounds refreshing, morwin. You are lucky to treat yourself to such a luxury. The closest I get to a spa is putting my beach chair at the edge of the surf and letting the waves wash over me, as I sip my drink of choice.

I like those words courtsey and respect that I've heard used to describe a genteman. I echo those thoughts and also believe that gentlemanliness comes from within. Thanks for your thoughts on the matter.

I'll try to "mind my feet", swabby, but I feel the need for some adventure. Maybe this weekend will help cure my wanderlust. The Gulf Coast Ren Faire is next weekend. Maybe I'll run off with the ren faire (instead of the circus). I could be the "sword girl" for the jousters. I could possibly end up in Ohio, Mith.

Speaking of Ohio, I remember traveling to Detroit each summer to visit my fraternal grandparents. We'd drive through Tuledo, where my dad always got "turned around". As a driver's education teacher and "Mr. Perfect", this drove him crazy. :cry: Now, Tuledo makes me smile and think of dad. Dad spent part of his youth in Powhattan (worst time of his life, he said). I know there must be SOMETHING good about Ohio!!
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part V
on: February 23, 2006 04:23
Ooooh, spa! Maybe I'll look for one when we go away this weekend. Hubby and I are off to do some photography and R+R across the border tomorrow. Looking forward to a long weekend to celebrate my birthday. He woke me today with a singing candle stuck in a pastry! Co-workers had a cake for me and a lovely card. I had a nice, easy day and just felt good to be alive the whole time. It's good to be 49 and next year will be even better, by golly.

also believe that gentlemanliness comes from within.

MTMS - ditto for me. Some gentlemen (or ladies, for that matter) may seem to act according to courtly rules but their intentions are not honourable at all. A true gentleman has it in his heart to treat others kindly and nobly . The specific manners and behaviours emanate from there.

MTMS I confess that I am nowhere near as adventurous as you. Wow - you're an inspiration. I still do a lot of my exploration in the world of interesting ideas. I'm less of an action person and yet, as I grow older, I seem to be looking to balance my life:
* Befriending my emotions, not just living through thinking
* Taking risks and action, not just dreaming of possibilities
* Not letting others' opinions (or my imaginings of them) run my life.
* Living what the Spirit moves me to love and not just being controlled by the daily grind.

Ah yes, maturity. Well, as long as I don't take myself too seriously I should be OK. Hanging about with you lot balanced my life nicely - wisdom and wackiness in the same place, often in the same person. Thanks again for being yourselves and sharing your presence here at FoF. And thanks to Belle for keeping us in line! Scurvy lot that we are!!!

Love to all. - I'll be out of touch until Sunday, unless we get an Internet connection at the hotel. TTFN:wave:
“Some believe it is only great power that can hold evil in check. But that is not what I have found. I have found that it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love. " Gandalf
Prancing Pony Moderator, Realm Head of Lórien & Grandmother who loves Tolkien
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part V
on: February 23, 2006 05:17
Happy birthday Neenime
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part V
on: February 24, 2006 02:24
I hope you have A good time across the border, Neenime. Also, I couldn't agree more with what you said about being A gentleman. My idea of A true "gentleman" should apply to both sexes, and should be A person who is kind and courteous to all.

I used to lay in mud puddles. Wouldn't that be A little bit like A spa? Does "Eating like A Hobbit" mean you have six meals per day?

Are your sisters as nice and entertaining as you are, Mith? It's great that you are able to see one another like that.
Butt-kissing. I saw A lot of the figurative kind in the Navy, but I never participated, which hampered my career opportunities.
The literal kind is something entirely different, and I have no objections to it.

I've never been to Ohio, but I knew A lot of people from that state when I was in the Navy. I know it's called the "Buckeye" state.

Which is the greater achievement for A woman, bringing children into the world and raising them or her "personal" achievements, like getting an education, having A successful career, landing A "prize" husband, becoming A best-selling author or winning A beauty contest, etc? Another way of putting it would be to say, "For which should she get the most recognition?"

Have A wonderful weekend, all you gals and guy. Swabby
Prancing Pony Moderator & Elf Laundry Mistress
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part V
on: February 24, 2006 03:51
Me? Keep you all in line? Um... LOL... Heh...

Have an awesome birthday, Neenime!

Well, it's official. I'll be a grandmother in August, about mid-month. My daughter called me Sunday to give me the news. Seems she's a fertile Myrtle like her mom. LOL... She'll be visiting near the end of March. It's hard when one's chicks move away so far from the nest.

swabby, I'd have to say that's a very individual thing. Being a mother isn't for everyone (just as being a father isn't). Oh, one can have the equipment, but that doesn't always mean the temperment exists. For some folks its the having kids and raising them that spells achievement and that's fine. For others it's being at the top of whatever profession he or she has chosen. Some are able to do both. Doesn't make one better or wiser, just shows that we have free will.

Hugs to all my FoF friends.
Prancing Pony Moderator, Realm Head of Lórien & Grandmother who loves Tolkien
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part V
on: February 24, 2006 04:07
Swabby what a difficult question. My children have fulfilled me in ways that my work could never even begin or bring that kind of fulfillment. But I know from working with families especially moms that work can be very fulfilling and that some women as Belle stated are not cut out to be mothers. I love being a mom more than anything else on earth but I have also found contentment and satisfaction in my work.
My friend is African-American and her dad died when she was 12. Her mom had 15 kids to raise on her own. She never went on welfare and even though she could not read very well she made sure her children received a education. The older children would read to the younger. She loves being a mom but her work is more important to her than me. So, I think there are many factors to consider. Your culture, your background and even your religion would factor in to that situation. I have never put another woman down if she did not want to have kids and preferred working or whatever. I agree with Belle that we all have that freedom of choice and should be happy with our choice. That is what is important.

Congratulations Belle that is great!
Have a great day I have to eat breakfast and run.
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part V
on: February 24, 2006 06:01
Hi again all! I've had a busy week. Nothing special, but with half term and my son being home from school, we got out a little more and then with his computer being 'in bytes 'n pc's', he keeps taking mine, which leaves me little time to check in.
Looks like i checked in just in time to wish Neenime a very happy birthday! and...Belle! a grandmother! oh thats fantastic!!

I have sooo gone through that restless middle age stuff. I think thats why I just upheaveled my whole family and left my job to go back to my birthplace. Last autumn we left Florida to come back to the UK. Bless them. they knew how important it was for me.

Swabby, the way you seem to care about all the ladies here is a true reflection of being a gentleman.
Awelyn, I am going to have a listen to your son when I get back to my pc again this evening.

Raising four kids myself, I would say its the hardest job I have ever done.! but having said that I have so much respect as well for people I know that forgo having children to work in the areas of work involving the elderly or handicapped children. They are really a strong bunch in my opinion.

I could really enjoy a nice relaxing spa...ahhh! But back to work! will catch up with you all later.
wishing you all a nice day!! my new friends.....thanks guys!
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part V
on: February 24, 2006 06:58
Happy Birthday, Neenime! That was so sweet and thoughtful of your hubby to wake you with the candle in the pastry. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Swabby, I have 3 sisters, all younger but we were all born in a 5 year time span. (Kept Mom busy!) We can be very much alike at times yet so different. And yes, I believe you would find us all quite entertaining, lol!

That was a difficult question, indeed, Swabby. Everyone is rather unique and each of us have our own talents. So I would say recognition would be deserved by doing our best on whatever we choose to do with our lives. Personally, I would choose spiritual path as the most important but not for recognition.

That is wonderful news that you will be a grandmother, Belle! It is such a joy being a grandma. My daughter called yesterday to tell me she is pregnant (2nd child) and due October 22. (Two days after Viggo's birthday, MT!)

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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part V
on: February 24, 2006 08:50
Happy Birthday, Neenime.


And congratulations, Belle.
Prancing Pony Moderator & Elf Laundry Mistress
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part V
on: February 24, 2006 08:58
Thanks, everyone! Very excited as this is the first. She miscarried back in November (was oops from wrong BCP and she kept telling them something was wrong). Was going to go back on them once her body cleared of the hormones, but... Ooops again! LOL... That's okay. She's almost 23, not too young and they have a more stable income and place to live now so I'm very happy for them. Just wish I was closer. sigh Wanna move to Colorado! LOL... Maybe when I finally really retire. Yeah, right. snerk

Time to go back to work. Maybe a nice relaxing massage this weekend. Mmm...
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part V
on: February 24, 2006 03:07
Happy Birthday Neenime :cheers: and many congratulations to grandmothers to be Belle and Miththoliel :love:

Hope everyone has a good weekend. It was snowing here this morning and now it's really windy. On Monday I start my extended break from work, I've still loads of paperwork to do but once that's sorted I can get down to some me time. Have a trilogy weekend, work my way through a photoshop course get fit. so much to do and so little time to do it in!
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part V
on: February 25, 2006 02:35
Hi everyone

Happy Birthday Neemie and Congratulations Belle.

Greatest achievements Swabby? I haven't had kids and I am not likely to get a rich husband or win any beauty contests! I think it would depend on the individual person and perhaps when you asked them. I suppose one of the best things anyone can do is to treat others as they would want to be treated, i.e. with consideration and respect.

The snowdrops are through and the crocuses are beginning to come out! spring is on the way! I love to see the first snowdrops they always give me hope. I have incorporated that into a longer fan fiction I am writing and revising. Whether or not I ever post it somewhere is a different matter I tend to enjoy writing these things for myself as much as anything. Its almost like I haven't heard any of it before when I read it back - does that sound weird?

Hope everyone is well
- Old Tom seems a bit quiet at the moment but I am sure he will pop up again soon.

Love to all - your are wonderful people.

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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part V
on: February 25, 2006 04:11
HAPPY BIRTHDAY neenime!! Hope that you celebrate with abandon! I've learned to take more riks in my life and have found that is where most of the fun is.

Laying down in mud puddles, swabby? You were getting a "mud pack" treatment. Was your skin more radiant afterwards?
As for accomplishments to be remembered for, when I am gone to glory I want it to be said of me that she loved others deeply. I try to be the best person I can be..the one God wants me to be, using the gifts and talents that he has given me. It's a wonderful side benefit to have children that have grown up to be wonderful people (thank you, Lord) I am blessed.

What wonderful news, Belle! Being a grandmother is a fantastic thing once you get over the shock that you are one. It's the relationship with your grandchild that makes being thought of as "older" not a thing to worry about. Congrats!!

Listened to your son's music, awelyn. He's quite talented and very cerative. I know you must be proud of him. Now here's another thing we have in common: musical sons.

You have 4 kids Calle? Bless you, my dear! There were times that I wondered if I could make it with my two. Hats off to you, gal. Sending positive energies your way.

Went to the MOJ (Maids of Jubilee) parade last night with cousin. We caught lots of beads, cups and a few trinkets. Those bags of roasted peanuts hurt when they hit your head or back. Danced in the crowd as the bands passed by, yelled at the maskers on the floats and scrambled on the ground. Almost had to wrestle a "snowbird" from Wisconsin for a stuffed bear for my grandchildren. That guy just kept jumping in front of me to grab what the gals were obviously throwing to ME. Someone needs to educate him in "Mardi Gras etiquette." No worries, tonight the men parade (Shadow Barons) and we usually get more stuff from them. Whoo hoo! This kind of fun shouldn't be legal or fat free. :disco:

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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part V
on: February 25, 2006 05:34
I also offer my congrats to Belle for her approaching grandmother-hood. I know that she will lose none of her hot chick aura or man-melting abilities in the process. I know I didn't. (Especially since I never had any of that in the first place) I've only got the one little grandaughter, but I'd sure like to have more. If any of you happen to have an extra female person lying around that likes guys but is too lazy or too shy to go out and meet any, I've got A 36 yo son who would be A perfect match for her. About the only way he's going to get A woman is if one falls from the sky and lands on him.

It's good to hear from you, HT, but I'm not sure what A snowdrop or A crocus is, but I'm assuming they're flowers. Here we have daffodils, and they were seen sticking up through the snow A few days ago. Sorry my question didn't exactly fit. I was just trying to stimulate some conversation. I look forward to reading your latest work when it's ready.

As usual, the feisty MT is getting in the middle of the action. Now this is A little delicate but, don't you have to show your boobs to get those beads? I've never been to one of those Mardis Gras things but that's what I've gathered in some of those, uhh uhh, educational films I've seen. They've tried to get some Mardi Gras celebrations going around here, but without the boobs, nobody shows up.
Now, I don't like to hear about our girls getting hit with things or pushed around. If MT has to liberate somebody from one of their arms (or some other apendage) in order to restore peace and civility, then her actions are warranted and she has my complete approval. If I'd been there, I would've knocked that guy's block off with A frozen cowpatty.

To answer your question about my skin after lying in A mud puddle, MT, I'd have to say yes, it did make my skin more radiant. I distinctly recall how my body had A nice brown color with no viens showing and super elasticity. Now my legs are so white that I would be arrested if I went out in public wearing shorts, and little kids ask why I've got A map of NYC tattooed on my skinny bird legs. My skin no longer has any elasticity at all and I look like the Pilsbury dough boy after running through A hail storm.

Have A great weekend everybody. I'm going to go lay in A mud puddle. Swabby

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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part V
on: February 25, 2006 06:23
Happy Birthday, Neenime! :cheers:

Congratulations for your family news, Belle and Mith!

As for swabby's question this time, I think it's neither just having and raising kids nor just making a great career that someone should be praised for; rather, it is all about putting one's heart in whatever one chooses to do, whether it is raising a family of ten or trying to find a cure for AIDS.

Have a nice weekend, everybody! :wave:
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