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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VI
on: May 04, 2006 05:54
Hi again everyone!

Mt I did forget to mention Rangers chocolate and the like how could I. I also wasn't paying attention and it has taken me till now to realise that this talk about the castle is on the lump of rock on one side of my favourite shopping street! Being born and bred here I tend to forget how spectacular it all must seem to visitors although we get plenty of them. It is super that everyone wants to come here but if you are working in the town centre as I was for a while getting home in the rush hour could be a nightmare.I haven't been to the castle or up Arthur's seat for years but I must play tourist in my own town sometime soon. I think I mentioned this before but there is a shop in town called Rohan they don't have any nice horsemen though. I also pass through an area where there is a deli going under the name of Vigo (close enough MT?).
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VI
on: May 04, 2006 09:08
Hi everyone.

Just to let you all know that I still live. I have survived making sandwiches for the deli. Right now we're getting ready for the Signature Sandwich Program that will be here in a few weeks. I'm the only one trained right now so they are looking for guidance from me. I am there for them.

On a lighter note: neenime, nice review. I read it and it felt that I was right there with you.

scots: I was a volunteer at a hospital with Alzheimer's patients and it scared the living daylights out of me. One patient grabbed me and wouldn't let go. I never volunteered on that floor again. I went to doing computer work for the volunteer coordinator. Bet you can't wait for either trip: seeing Howard Shore and going to Idaho.

Welcome vicarcat. You will definitely have some fun here. We have all kinds of stories, especially of rangers and chocolates. We have a grand old time here. This is OUR LOTR FAMILY.

Nice pics of the castle Morwinyoniel. I agree that Arthur's Seat does look like Weathertop. I can picture Frodo getting stabbed there.

callë: I agree with you about moving. I hate it. I hope this is the last place I move to. I'm happy here.

HeriTavaril: If you want, I could come and work at the deli there and keep an eye out for any rangers for you. I might even spy a Hobbit or two. We could take a trip to Arthur's Seat and see what happens. OH well, I guess I could dream.

Well, I should go and clean up my act. I have a hair appointment later. My hat don't fit and when it don't fit that means I need a haircut.

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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VI
on: May 04, 2006 10:03
*sounds of grunting, knees cracking, paper rustling* Ooof!! Hi, I'm here...*struggles out from under a pile of discarded scrunched up paper*. I've been busy producing some Invitation cards and name tags for my bosses. The Practice is 18 years old this year and we are having a party!! I had to open my big mouth and say I could do graphic work...lol!!

*cricks neck and straightens back* Well, they are almost done, just a bit of tweaking, and seem to pass muster.

Hi vicarcat :wave:. Good to see another face. Come and make yourself comfortable. We are mostly female here, but have the company of two endearing males to brighten our day. :love: *looks around for swabby and OTB*

Neenime: Your review was par excellence. I am soooo hoping that the production comes to the UK. There are murmurings ... so fingers crossed. That is a definite must on my list of things to see.

Scots: A bit late, but I'm so sorry about Jared. He must have been so disappointed.

Edinburgh Castle: What an imposing place it is. An Uncle of mine was in the Gordon Highlanders and was based there for a while, so we would visit him and got to see a bit more of the inside. He was also at Fort William at one end of Loch Ness. Such wonderful countryside, but my Scottish ancestry kind of makes be biased.

Hi everyone else :hug: Hope you are tickety-boo. We had a really warm day today. Too warm in work though as our office is covered by a glass roof.... phewww!!

Take care, my friends. :hug:
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VI
on: May 04, 2006 01:30
Your review of the LOTR stage production was very interesting neenime. I appreciate your criticisms and accolades. Wish I could be lucky enough to have a "peek" at it myself, but now I feel as if I have had just a timy one, thanks to you.

Yes, Edinburg castle does remind me of Minas Tirith-where I belong with my ranger/king.:heart: Saw a tab entitled Edinburg tatoo and I thought of something applied on the skin with ink, but it wasn't so. Thanks for the link, morwin. You've helped me to add another item to my list of places I want to go before I get too old.

Be careful over there in tornado alley, awelyn. Hunker down when you have to. Too bad you don't have an Ara-baby to "nestle down" with. He sure helped me during hurricane season. Hope he's up to it again this year.
Hope your husband gets good news from the ortho doc.

Got an idea, HT! Perhaps we should open a deli (balrog could help us run it) near the castle, the Ranger's Deli. A "Gimli special" could be salted pork on cram, side dish of "Gollum's precious taters", Samwise desert of strawberries and cream, Legolas' lembas, along with Merry and Pippin's fried mushrooms for appetizers. Now "what say you", my dear?

Howdy Rose. Don't let the work completely bury you underneath. Climb out in time to have a wonderful weekend. I'm off to the Georgia Renaissance festival this weekend. May see Treebeard. He was there last year. Now if Aragorn shows up....I won't be coming back!!!:love:

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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VI
on: May 04, 2006 03:46
Hi Everyone!

Just a few short weeks and I can spend the summer in the pool, doing my scribblings about our favorite ranger and his friends, and actually cleaning my house! (Trade secret: teachers really only clean their houses in the summer and on Christmas break. The rest of the time we use 40 watt light bulbs! )

Awelyn, I, like your hubby, would have been hanging on to the porch post watching for a tornado. I have a secret desire to go storm chasing and in my next life, I'm going to Norman, OK and getting a meterological degree.

Scots and MTMS, I think it is wonderful you take your kids to the nursing home. Our service club and chorus go at Christmas time to the local one. I think many of the kids don't realize what the twilight if life can hold for some and get a real appreciation for older people.

I have got to go off to the nursery (read Home Depot) and get some flowers for my porch pots. I think shades of purple, pink, and white impatiens would be good...maybe with a few marigolds. I need to plant some perennials in my "Middle Earth" garden (which currently is a weed patch). Where is Sam Gamgee when you need him? I want a garden that looks like Sam and Rosie's front yard---not likely to happen unless the elves show up and create it one night.

Speaking of night creatures, I have a opossum the size (I swear!) of a cocker spaniel. He lives under my neighbor's deck and I cross paths with him usually on wet weekend mornings when I go out for the paper. Going to start taking my sword! It was bad enough when we were running the skunk motel under the front porch! We have Canadian geese with goslings, mallards with duckings, racoons, giant hopping rabbits, and tree-rats (oh, I mean squirrels). One summer morning I was sitting on my patio and a white-tail deer strolled around the corner of the house...and Swabby wonders why I keep a sword and bow handy. This is suburbia! I bet they have oliphants father out in the country!

A pleasant evening to all!

SindyE Nad dithen carnen an gwend.
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VI
on: May 04, 2006 05:53
Hi everyone and thanks for the welcome...
as for the art degree that is totaly self defense on my part!
I am one of those crafters that seems to do most work passably well but
can't seem to decide which one I want to focus on...

Angels, Books, Elves, Forests, and Maiar [they huant my dreams].

Bows, Chocolate, Coffee, Chainmaille, Dance, Fencing, Horses, Leather
anything, Legolas, Music, Rivendell, Silverleaf aka Peregrine, Swords
and other sharp things, Willows and other trees.

Millet Peanuts and Soy all of which I am alergic to...
Closed minds and bragarts...
and people who want to fit me into their preconcieved notion of what
priest means..

Unity in Diversity espescially in religion... need I say more?

I hope things go better for everyone! :love:

As for how I got here I just let my pony have her way...

[Edited on 5/5/2006 by vicarcat]
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VI
on: May 05, 2006 01:25
After spending long hours sitting in this mallorn tree (naked of course) and observing the goings on below, I have decided that this "Vicarcat" person is "A-OK", although I really doubt that is her real name. Furthermore, her likes, dislikes and world view are perfectly in keeping with the FoF creedo and other unknown standards of acceptability, some of which only I, Captain Swabby, am privy to know.
So, Vicarcat, I offer you A hardy "Welcome shipmate!" and hope that you don't mind your sailors bein' A little rough (Well, maybe A lotta rough) around the edges, 'cause I ain't exactly A model of good behavior, if ye know what I mean. Oh, I don't always act like A sailor. Sometimes I'm some other kind of skallywag. Swabby
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VI
on: May 05, 2006 02:35
Alrighty, another shieldmaiden to add to the fellowship. You'll fit in just fine vicarcat. Glad to have you among us.

Have fun on that new motorcycle swabby. I'm wishing I could "throw my leg over" one and go for a ride, Perhaps there'll be a cycle-ryding ranger at the renfest this weekend.

I'm sneaking back to work, as I am at school, without duties to attend to at this moment...but the orclings will be surrounding me at any momnet.

Have a great weekend, all!!

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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VI
on: May 05, 2006 07:59
:rolleyes: Tum-tee-tum-dum-dee Just sitting here at school with *nothin'* to do. I only have three kids this afternoon. My 5th graders are at Pioneer Day, and one of my 7th graders is at a track meet. So I've taught everything in my plans, and everything is graded. I guess I could go and make the promotion certificate that I'll need for next week for my 8th grader. I always bemoaned the fact that I seemed to be chasing my tail all this year. Now that I have time to just sit, I'm bored. I think I much prefer being busy. Do you suppose the kids would notice if I put my feet up on my desk and read LotR?? Hmmmmmmmmm
Gallery Admin & Realm Head of Estë
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VI
on: May 05, 2006 09:43
Neenime, your review was great! BTW, everybody whose reviews I've read seem to think that, the actor playing Gandalf was miscast!

HT, I think that some of my friends found that "Rohan" shop.

Woo hoo, it's Friday! Have a great weekend, everybody! :wave:
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VI
on: May 05, 2006 05:04
Let's hear it for vicarcat :disco: Sounds like he fits right in. That's a fine list of craving and obsessions, by golly.

Intrigued by what you said about not being fit into a priestly mold. I take it you are of the liberal persuasion in your Christian views. If so, there are many like you, but it is hard for their voices to be heard. May you be blessed with support and inspiration in your spiritual work.:love:

Oh yeah, and you have a really smart pony! Related to Bill the Pony is she?

OK, beddie-bye time for me. Just watched GOOD NIGHT AND GOOD LUCK. A seemingly dry rendition, but tense and thought-provoking stuff. McCarthy was a scary guy. Actually, his tactics remind me very much of those used by Stalin and the Communists in their heyday. Not such a big spurprise. A martinet is a martinet, no matter what side of the political spectrum he connives on. (Well. martinets may not be known for conniving exactly, but you get my drift. Besides it's Friday night, I'm tired and the Glenfiddich is wokring.....) :sleepy: :sleepy: :sleepy:
“Some believe it is only great power that can hold evil in check. But that is not what I have found. I have found that it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love. " Gandalf
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VI
on: May 06, 2006 03:21
Earlier in the week the weatherman had cast his chicken bones in the dirt and predicted this weekend would be rain-free, causing this owner of A new motorcycle to plan accordingly. Now it seems that all the rain we didn't get for the last two years has apparently been collecting in A very large bucket somewhere high-up in the atmosphere where it was secure and leak-free untill now. Thinking about it, I do believe this drought started about the same time I sold my last motorcycle and decided to quit riding. What do you suppose would happen if I quit eating chocolate or listening to classic rock or flushing the toilet? I don't even want to think about it.
Neenime, I also watched that movie A while back and made mention of it here. It seems that the dark malevolence called "McCarthyism" in that chapter of history has always been with us. It was prominent in the Salem witch hunts, and is alive and well today, dressed in respectable clothing and calling itself "conservatism". I once wrote in one of my many" letters to the editor" that if the "good Samaritan" had been A modern day republican, he would have rendered no aid and walked on by. Greed and cold-heartedness is not one of God's qualities.
Now, for something completely different, I'm wondering if there might be some connection between the missing Entwives and the never-seen Dwarf women. Do you think they may have had A mutual disgust for the male creature and banded together? Perhaps they live on some small island where they sit around and watch Julia Roberts movies and make jokes about whose husband had the longest toe nails, scraggliest roots or most tangled beard. Ya know, there could be A story there..... Have A groovy weekend, all my chocolate-loving, Ranger-craving, sword-wielding friends. Swabby
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VI
on: May 06, 2006 04:48
After a windy and rainy night, the waves on the lake are still churning. Maybe it came up from Arkansas. Anyhow, looks like the flowers just bought survived and the sun is trying to shine through the clouds.

Ummm, a motorcycle ride...sure sounds wonderful. Made me think of this quote (Gandalph) from the Hobbit, which I will dedicate to Swabby in the hopes that the winds lift the clouds and carry the rain away and put those chicken bones in place:

"May the wind under your wings carry you where the sun sails and the moon walks."

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend! :love::heart: :hug:

Prancing Pony Moderator, Realm Head of Lórien & Grandmother who loves Tolkien
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VI
on: May 06, 2006 06:19
Hey Swabby don't lump all the Republicans in that pile. I am one but I don't agree with all the party issues. Matter of fact I personally vote for the man or woman whatever the party. I would help the beaten man. I thought they did see the dwarf women but it was hard to tell them from the men. I am glad you are back I missed you.
I went to my favorite Mexican Restaurant and celebrated Cinco De Mayo last night. They gave his beads and we listened to a Mariachi band. We had fun.

We have had some rain this week. I will be glad to see the sun myself. Oh, I think I see the sun. Yippee.

Mith even with choppy waves your lake sounds wonderful. You have a great weekend.

Hi Morwin and scots.
Everyone have a great weekend
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VI
on: May 06, 2006 08:19
Quote :Got an idea, HT! Perhaps we should open a deli (balrog could help us run it) near the castle, the Ranger's Deli. A "Gimli special" could be salted pork on cram, side dish of "Gollum's precious taters", Samwise desert of strawberries and cream, Legolas' lembas, along with Merry and Pippin's fried mushrooms for appetizers. Now "what say you", my dear?

Hi everyone

MT and Balrog and everyone else.

I would be delighted to see you in an Edinburgh Deli whatever the name of the place. I am afraid I haven't found anywhere that does chocolate covered rangers or elves although there is a company that does chocolate kittens and bunnies. We have been fortunate on the east coast of Scotland to miss the Mediterranean type lightening storms that hit the west this week. The picture in the paper looked like something from the battle at Helms Deep.

Have a great weekend guys and gals!

love and hugs


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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VI
on: May 06, 2006 09:44
Hey Swabby don't lump all the Republicans in that pile. I am one but I don't agree with all the party issues. Matter of fact I personally vote for the man or woman whatever the party. I would help the beaten man.

That would descirbe me as well. I look at myself as a dyed-in-the-wool moderate. I hope that I treat all with kindness, charity, and understanding (even when I truly don't understand). I look always to improve myself when dealing with others. Have a long way to go but look forward to the journey.

Swabby, we've missed the rain here today but had some yesterday. Enough that when I drove the country roads to my school, there was enough mud stuck in the wheel wells of my car to extend the land mass of North America just a bit. So while taking Mom on her Saturday morning go-rounds, one of the required trips was to the car wash. My car made interesting noises as it turned the corners due to the caked mud.

And while riding your motorbike, Swabby, I do hope that you protect that wonderful noggin of yours with a helmet. No head bumps please!

Well, off I go to deal with the dreaded phone company. Life holds such joys at times.
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VI
on: May 06, 2006 02:19
The political pendulum in America has swung so far to the extreme right that even those in the middle may appear to some to be "lefties", and the very word "liberal" has been demonized to the point of making it seem poison to those who don't know any better, when in reality it is A very good word that implies admirable qualities. I could find common ground with the "conservatives" of 50 years ago, but I can find no redeeming value at all in today's version. There is no doubt that our beloved professor would be given the Dixie Chick treatment for his views if he was alive today. Fox News would brand him A "tree-hugger" for not wanting to burn all the trees and fill the skies with smoke. Rush Limbaugh would call him "pro-terrorist" for not loving war and preferring negotiation over annihilation. His acceptance of dwarves and hobbits and elves would cause some to suspect him of hating his own kind and wanting to destroy the culture of man. When he had Bilbo show mercy to Gollum and not "kill him when he had the chance", today's right-wingers would say he was "soft on crime". In today's world, having A mind of metal and wheels will possibly get you A 400 million dollar retirement package. I used to think I was A moderate, but the more I come to understand those on the right and the roles they have played throughout history, the more distance I want between us. I will take the side of the poor, the downtrodden and the disenfranchised every time and I will choose the health of the planet and it's inhabitants over corporate profits as well. I will not judge others who are different from me or tell anyone that they aren't going to heaven because that is God's job, not mine. If that makes me A liberal, then I'm damned proud to be one. Swabby
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VI
on: May 06, 2006 03:27
Swabby, your sounding like one of those disgrunteled Sea Elves when they
have Landlubbing Humans sailing in their waters... :dizzy:

Oh and I am quite female...
I did post my full name on another part of the forum I think under
"facts about us" or something like that...

So here it is again...

Catherine Anne Colchan Leslie-Faye.

Vicar General Holy Order of the Sword of Light of the Archangel Michael.

Eccleastical Rank;

So If I get uppity tag me for it!

As for Rogues, Rascals, and Renigades, that constitutes about half the order... the rest look like Saints and Angels with lots of scars and bruises.
Oh and we don't discriminate; we take Dragons Vampires and Werewolves
if they give their oaths to God and survive the swearing in process then
we figure they have the ok from On High!
I don't ask how they survive their missions I just give them hugs if it won't
hurt them to much! :love:

No they are not cold pricklys that is just their armor,
get it off them and you have warm fuzzys in need of r&r.

Sorry I fazed into a BOC moment like in Sole Survivor...

Ok enough of my middling brain wanderings...

I hope everyones weekend is good! I spent most of today doing choir at St Agathas out in Sellwood.... will be there tomorrow morning too...

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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VI
on: May 06, 2006 06:50
Hi everyone.

Just to let you know that I SURVIVED 2/8 HOUR SHIFTS. I was so exhausted last night when I got off work, that I could not sleep. Then today, it was easier. But not much. I have a sore throat, my neck is sore and I will not get into how sore my feet are now. I also have a headache. I seldom get headaches.

Welcome, vicarcat. This balrog does not bite or shot flames. I give hugs freely, (this is for you):hug: easy to get along with and an all around nice gal. But don't get me mad or I will shot some fire at you. Maybe just a little to singe the hair (HA HA).

Nice to see everyone. Summer is here in the North. When I went to bed late last night: 4:15 A.M. there was a robin singing outside my window. I wanted to shut it up, but within a few minutes its song put me to sleep. Nice to hear them.

Well, I am going to finish my ice tea and go to bed. Maybe get rid of this headache. Might listen to LOTR cd's.


Prancing Pony Moderator, Realm Head of Lórien & Grandmother who loves Tolkien
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VI
on: May 07, 2006 03:20
Hi everyone,
It is very cool and cloudy here today. It rained for hours yesterday. My dogs hate it.

Scots I hope you won with the phone company. It is getting closer to your last days at your little school. You must be feeling a myriad of emotions.

Balrog, my goodness you must be so tired. Maybe it was a stress headache I hope you are feeling better today.

Swabby, you have a good day as well. Did you have any of the flooding of this week in your area?
Swabby is a cook Vicarcat he does all the cooking at his house. He is an artist of great talent in my opinion. You can see his work at the gallery along with other FOFer's.We have poets ,teachers,doctors,therapists for body and mind. We have authors and we are just a great bunch and so talented. We have things in common as well such as our love of reading and all things Tolkien.So, I am so glad to be a part of this fine bunch.
Have a good day.

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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VI
on: May 07, 2006 05:57
You are probably right, Vicarcat, and I do sound like A disgruntled sea-elf. I think I'm the only FoF regular who grew up in poverty, so I'm especially sensitive about government that caters to the rich and neglects the poor. As you well know, the Bible has much to say on this subject, and for good reasons. I know for A fact that many wealthy people vote for their wallets and look down upon the poor, who they consider lazy. Everyone in my family worked very hard, but we were still poor. I was selling pop bottles and scrap metal for extra money by the time I was ten. I remember one very cold Saturday when I spent the day scratching in alleys looking for scrap iron and copper. By the end of the day I had 85 lbs in my gunney sack and I only weighed about 80 lbs. I think I got about 50 cents for all of it. In addition to being incompetent, our current government is the most greedy in my lifetime.

Thanks for your concerns about my noggin, Scots. I usually do wear A helmet, but I'm also very cautious. I was putting engines on my bicycles when I was twelve, (another result of being poor---I had to make my own motorbikes) so I've been riding for A very long time.

Have any of you ever taken up A collection at work for someone who'd been in an accident or their house had burned, etc? I have, and it didn't take long for me to discover that those who had the least were often the most generous, and those with the most were generally the tightest. Very revealing, don't you think?

I have heard that one of our Ranger-loving shieldmaidens has found A place to visit this weekend that is just full of armor-clad hunks and swords and all manner of middle earth type goings on. I do hope she doesn't get carried away and end up clanking swords with some other shieldmaiden. She might get A chip.

Thankyou, Awelyn, for your many flattering words, especially since I've been so grumpy. I really must have A heart-to-heart talk with you before the next election, however.

Mith, I can't remember what you wrote in your last post, but I know it was sweet and thoughtful, just like you.

Balrog, I'm sorry you're having to work so hard. At least you've got robins and (hopefully) Spring flowers to perk you up.

While counting my toes
A question arose
something is missing
that teapot was hissing
what could it be that's missing here?
Oh now I know, (I pulled on my ear)
the Manchester Rose with her dragons ablaze
has not come around here for several days
It's time to come back Dracella/Rose
and write us some of your beautiful prose


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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VI
on: May 07, 2006 08:02
Maybe the FoF should start a "Swabby for President" campaign?

Most ordinary supporters of any political party would probably help those in need, but don't make me start about political leaders and their yes-men who seem to be completely detached from reality... :angry:

HT, good to hear that the storms didn't get your way. A couple of my friends live in Glasgow, and they told that the storms caused a lot of damage around there. BTW, a Ranger's Deli somewhere near the castle would be great...

Balrog, I can well imagine how exhausted you must have been after such workdays. Hope you'll get a proper sleep now.

We've had a gorgeous weekend - sunny and warm like in deep summer! The spring was late, but now, everything has just exploded green.

Have a nice Sunday, everybody! :hug:
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VI
on: May 07, 2006 03:38
Swabby, did you hear what the Exxon president said the day after he received his multi-Billion (yes, BILLION) dollar bonus when asked how working people could afford $3 a gallon gas?

"They ought to be glad it's not higher."

Isn't that equivalent to "Let them eat cake?" and you know where that got her. :rolling:

I was following two cyclists today. They made me think of Swabby. They were riding Harleys: I could tell by the sound, and one kept fiddling with something down behind his left knee. It seemed related to shifting. I thought the shift mechanism was on the handlebars. So Swabby, I'm curious.

Scots, when do you close the doors for the last time? You have been quiet about this but I am sad in sympathy for you.
Enjoy the last few days with your orklings.


SindyE Nad dithen carnen an gwend.
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VI
on: May 07, 2006 05:26
Me A politician? Surely you jest, Morwin. I would be terrible. I'm too much of A hot-head. They'd probably call me senator Fist-to-Cuffs.

You're very observant, Sindy. It sounds like that biker had what they call A "jocky-shift", which is A really primative shifting arrangement that is normally found on very old Harleys, although some newer ones could be modified to work that way. Harleys from the 30's and 40's had A foot-operated clutch on the left side of the bike and A hand-shift on the left side of the gas tank. Some people would remove the shifter and linkage and put A shift lever directly on the transmission. Why, I don't know. It was A horrible and dangerous setup, but I guess you looked "cool" when you shifted gears. Come to think of it, there might be one reason that some guys liked it. If you had A lady on behind you, you could "accidentally" grab her leg instead of the gearshift. It was the same thing with cars that had floor-shifters, especially the older ones like I drove as A teenager that also had A bench seat. If your girl was sitting real close to you in your '51 Ford coupe and you had changed it from the original column shift to A floor shifter, you could easily get A little feel of them purdy legs when you reached for the shifter. I always preferred A floor shift. On bikes, however, I'll take the modern arrangement. Hand clutch and toe-shift. Swabby
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VI
on: May 07, 2006 05:46
Sigh... it's raining here and was raining yesterday...
The Mass went well today at St. Agathas, surpirsing how much people like
to have a choir in the church. :blush:
It's Anne Hensleys doing as she knows how to make us sound like angels!

I wonder what makes a Balrog mad is it the same as makes a Swabby mad?

Cat backing away from politics with arched back and hisses!

On the poverty thing:
I remember Mom saying how Dads check was $1000 a month and the
monthly bills were $1050 and how she always paid all the bills but never
knew how she did it... that was four of us in 79 ...
Now I pay $600 worth of monthly bills on $538 Silverleaf gets ...
and Dad wonders how I and feed and house two people on so little money.
Ah but Swabby knows how it goes.

Scots I hope things go better...
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VI
on: May 08, 2006 01:40
Life is what it is, and you learn to adapt with what cards the Valar deem to deal you.

Our last day with orklings is Friday. :disco: So think of me at 12:01 p.m. CST. I'll be doin' the "Happy Dance". The forced consolidation will occur on June 16th at 12:01 a.m. We are having a celebration of our little school on the 11th. A cake has been ordered, ads in the local papers are being made up, and hopefully lots of people will come to give Valley View a good send off. One of the former board members called me on Friday so excited. He had found amidst all the other board stuff, the original book that had the minutes of the very first annual meeting. Wow! The document was 133 years old! Now *that's* a historical document. The handwriting was amazing! Such a lost art.

We will be having school for one more year, or part of a year at least; it's just that we won't be our own district. We'll be an "attendance center" for the larger system. They are doing that because there's still the vote on the issue in November. Our merging district wisely thought it would be nonsense to dismantle us only to have to possibly put us back together again. But, alas, I don't think even a repeal of the law would save us. We are basically hemmoraging kids. We have lost 6 in the past few months. Parents look at the whole situation and think the school is going to close anyway, so why wait? The consequence of that is that we will only have 7 kids next year. The school is going to have to close as it's just not possible to run with that few children. Part of me wonders if that wasn't the plan behind all of it anyway. Scare the parents into taking their kids out by the looming threat of closure, then the small schools have to close anyway. Ahh, the minds of politicians work in mysterious ways. :evil:

As for me; I'll have a job thankfully. It will just be with the larger school system. At least that's what the superintendent keeps telling us. I am supposed to have a meeting with him sometime in the next two weeks to discuss where I'll be and what I'll be teaching. I think I will feel a lot better once that's said and done. It's the not knowing that's the most difficult.

Wow. Looking back it seems as if I'm really depressed. Sorry if I gave that impression. While saddened, I am a person who chooses to roll with the punches and find the positive in what happens. Which is to say while I am greatly saddened by the shortsightedness of our legislature, there are new challenges awaiting me. Life is always in a constant state of flux, and we'd be foolish to think otherwise. So I pick up my bits and boxes and move on. I'm not so old yet to not look forward to a new challenge.

Take good care, all. I need to clear my car of the boxes of stuff I moved on Friday and have neglected to get out of my car. LOL
Prancing Pony Moderator, Realm Head of Lórien & Grandmother who loves Tolkien
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VI
on: May 08, 2006 03:08
Scots, I am glad you can look at this with such a wise and positive attitude. I will have to call you Gandalf for your wisdom. Don't strain your back lifting boxes now

Vicarcat sorry about the rain. Your Sundays must be so busy. I to came from a poverty level type of home. But we has a large supply of love. I was never starving and I had clothes and a roof over my head. So, I consider myself lucky.

Swabby a politician never but Harley expert I think that might fit.I was aware of the shift thing with boys and I was very careful as to how close I would sit.

Sindy,it drives me crazy how big business does not care but we are the ones who helped make them successful.
I remember reading a story about some representatives in the 1800's trying to get through a crowd shouting move we are the representatives of the people and the crowd shouting back wait your turn we are the people. I wish they would remember that now.

Morwin I am glad you had a good weekend.

Now where is OTB? I hope he is okay.

It is foggy but sunny here today. I hope we have a nice day. This is my last week to see people and their children. The rest of the time is paperwork and screening and putting things away. So, I am ready for this vacation and time to really put into the wedding preparation. My pastor announced my daughter's engagement at church yesterday . My daughter and fiancee did appear a little nervous. I bought them both a ball cap , hers is white with a veil and his has a tux on it. It was a gag gift but they said they would wear them at the rehearsal.:love: I will be glad when MTMS gets back and Mith and Rose and Calle and Brandywine and Belle . It is the teachers who are so busy at this time. Hi Neenime and HT,Balrog and if I have left you out sorry hi to every FOF person.
Have a good day /night. I am off to work.
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VI
on: May 08, 2006 07:04
HI All. Hope you've had a good weekend. Sorry for bnthose of you kept in by bad weather. I hope you folks in Tornado Alley are managing to stay safe and sound.

Balrog sorry about your rough and long shift. I'll bet you have the tenacity of a Baggins, though. Sure hope the headache went away quickly.

Vicarcat that's an awesome name for your order. Is it part of a mainstream church or something new? I love the images that the name conjures up. Feel free to ignore or Private Message me if you prefer not to discuss more publicly. I'm just curious.

Alas, swabby your unhappiness with the current political climate in the US (and no doubt other places) rings far too true. I can only hope that many think as you (and many FoFers) do, with their hearts and not just their old Mammalian brains.( all about who's top dog and how many bones everyone has). At the grassroots level there is still much kindness and there are active social justice groups all around us. We won't give up the fight for Good!
“Some believe it is only great power that can hold evil in check. But that is not what I have found. I have found that it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love. " Gandalf
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VI
on: May 08, 2006 09:29
Thanks for your supportive words, Neenime. I know that politics is A radioactive subject and anyone who talks about it is taking A risk. The problem is, as I see it, that our world is about to come crashing down around us and over half the people are in A coma. They sit in their cocoons feeling fat, dumb and happy, oblivious to all the signs. Complacency reigns.

As I write this I'm listening to Neil Young's new album, "Living with War". (He's one of my favorite Canadians, Neenime) He put it out on the internet for everybody to hear, placing his concern for mankind above his concern for his wallet. Bless him. Just do A search for "free Neil Young" and you're sure to find it. In the song "restless consumer" you hear the words "don't need no more lies!". I especially like "Let's impeach the President for lyin'". It's good rock and roll from the man who brought us "Four dead in Ohio" and "Southern Man". Swabby
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VI
on: May 08, 2006 03:58
Hi everyone. Interesting posts with politics and all. I like what you said, Neenime, about the fight for Good. If only life were that simple, the fight between Good and Evil instead of being so complicated. Makes me long for a "Middle Earth" type world. What you said, Swabby, about the complacency also rang true. So many get caught up in all the details of everyday busy life and are in their own little world. Sad, but everything seems to revolve around the almighty dollar these days. It is refreshing to be a part of this forum and know there are others who care about what is right and true and want to make a difference in this world.

And on a similar note, Hubby has been dealing with health care providers and insurance issues. Quite a bit of frustration there. :banghead: Between the escalating costs of health care and the lack of knowledge of said personnel, he has been at his wits end. It is easier to get affordable health care here if you are in the country illegally or not working. An in-law got a hot tub paid for by his insurance company yet I know of others who go without proper care because it is unaffordable even with insurance. Something is so wrong there.

My parents never had much money but always managed to feed us well and keep us loved and clean. Of course soap was cheap in those days. Mom took in ironing and we gladly accepted and wore second-hand clothes. And I can remember babysitting for 4 kids, ages 4-8, for only 50 cents an hour. And cooking their dinner, cleaning up, bathing the kids and getting them to bed. We lived in the country and I was thrilled when they called because that little bit of money meant something.

Anyhow, on a lighter note...shifting gears here....pun intended ...I do miss shifting gears in the car. And yes, there is something rather ummm, well let's just say a Rangerish appeal about it. What say you, MT...Ara-baby near the gearshift?

Awelyn, I liked the ball cap thing. It adds a touch of lightness and fun to a busy and what can be stressful time. You are so sweet and thoughtful.

Scots, can picture you already doing your happy dance. Did not think of you as depressed but just a bit sad. It seems life always is changing and it can be sad letting go of what was. You have a great attitude and will certainly make a difference wherever the waves of life carry you.

Well enough rambling here. Wish you all life's joy and peace and hope and most important - love! :love::heart: :hug:
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VI
on: May 08, 2006 04:10
Scots aka Barbara: can you post that part of the email I sent you regarding HOSOL here so Neenime can read the info about the order that you have...
[as I can't get to the info in my email..] Please!
Then if folks want more they can either post it here or pm me.

As for politics I really do despise the games they play with "we the people":evil: .
That being said I get off the soapbox...

Oh anyone know where the half-elven went to?
Thought I saw a few round here... could have been seeing things again... :dizzy:

I'm hoping everyones week goes well especilly the orklings's days....
OK so their cute but what do I feed them? I mean will they survive eating
those Keebler elf cookies...[cat's bad joke]

Prancing Pony Moderator & Elf Laundry Mistress
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VI
on: May 08, 2006 05:38
Might it have been me? Heh... I've had this avatar almost as long as I've been on CoE. I loved Elrond in books and in the movie (though I didn't agree necessarily with the way PJ had him react to Arwen at times).

Don't get me started on politics. My blood pressure's already not doing well and that just makes my blood boil. *sigh*
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VI
on: May 09, 2006 01:58
Cat: Here is what you pm-ed me about your order:
as for the order it is part of The Gothic Church aka Gothic Rite Byzantine Catholic... very old established between 326 and 366 CE and reformed in 893 CE under the Saxons Holy Roman Emperor of the Germanies [Otto1 I think]... Byzantine politics still confuse me a bit [something about the marriage of a Saxon King and the grand-niece of the Byzantine Emperor]. HOSOL is under the Modified Rule of St James, same as the original rule for Ordre de Santiago.

I'm still a bit on the confused side about the Modified Rule of St. James and the original rule for Ordre de Santiago, but I've been doing some research on line about it. Fascinating stuff I must say.

Okay, *rolls up sleeves and prepares to navigate the mine fields...*

:twitch: Politicians: EEUUWWW! I don't think highly of them at all. They seem to be concerned only for themselves and their careers rather than those who elected them. See also: term limits fight on the PoG. Now *that's* an interesting subject here.

:dizzy: Ultra-whatevers on *both* sides: Who died and left them in control of our personal values and lives?

:cry: And last but not least...Whining: This is personally something that irritates me the most about people. I for one see no use in whining and pointing the finger of blame at anyone. It is my firm belief that we are in control of our own destinies, and it's up to us to affect change therein. I have real issues with big business, so my way of dealing with it is to not patronize those businesses that I feel do not further the greater good. I also gently encourage those whom I may have some influence over to do the same. I try and affect change in things that I feel need to be changed. Whining, finger pointing, and apportioning blame won't change most things...only action does. Action that helps, not hurts I might add. Not that it always works, but I do keep plugging away at it. It's my humble version of **** or get off the pot!

I so wish for Aragorn to come and save us from ourselves. What was the song? I Need a Hero? Our poor world does for sure. We are our own worst enemies I'm afraid.

*jumps down from soapbox* Okay, I'm done ranting now.

A week from today I have my meeting with my new superintendent. *shiver* In my 25+ years of teaching, I have always dealt directly with school boards. I've never really had a principal or superintendent to deal with. Boy, I feel like that's a mine field in and of itself. On the bright side, I've known the superintendent for years. He was the elementary principal when my son was in elementary school oh, so many years ago.
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VI
on: May 09, 2006 02:28
Scots no worries about a mere superintendant. You are a Shieldmaiden, Defender of the Orklings, Navigator of Ethereal Minefields. Hold your imaginary sword proudly, stand (or sit) tall and speak from your 25 years of wisdom.

Byzantine, eh? Cooool. My former church was sometimes designated Byzantine Catholic, as we adopted our religion from teh Greeks, via 2 monks, Cyril and Methodius, in the 10th century. So the rites and music are more like Greek or Russian Orthodox than like our Roman Catholic brethren and sisters. Fascinating. Wouldn't mind a hint or two from vicarcat and/or scots about any useful web sites or books.

I'd offer to help dig, but I have an article that I am working on for a web site on the new spirituality. And our sacred dance group has a recital coming up, which means some rehearsal time in the upcoming weeks. Not to mention my poor neglected garden. Sam would slap my fingers!

Belle - Lord Elrond was not my first choice for heartthrob. Even so, there is something ver-r-r-r-r-y appealing about a man several centuries old who can wield a sword as well as a book, who has a soft spot for his daughter and cracks an indulgent smile when interrupted by Hobbits. Sort of an archetypal father-figure, perhaps.

Mith I agree about the apparent simplicity of Middle Earth. perhaps that is part of the appeal of fantasy stories or even fiction i general. The plot and conflicts are defined within a limited universe and we watch them play out to a satisfactory conclusion. Not like the complexity of our multi-layered lives. :dizzy:
“Some believe it is only great power that can hold evil in check. But that is not what I have found. I have found that it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love. " Gandalf
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VI
on: May 09, 2006 04:10
In the interest of peace, I could let this dog lie, but it would be an uneasy peace, for me at least, and I would also be betraying my ideals.
My dictionary defines "whine" as A painful cry or utterance. This is A word that I'm pretty familiar with since it seems to be A favorite of the right. I have received hate mail before that accused me of "whining" because of my letters to the editor in which I defended the poor and attacked republican "pro-wealthy" policies. When the right derides the left it is called "leadership", but when the left does it, it is called "whining". It's A word game, you see, like changing "prisoner of war" to "enemy combatant" so you don't have to afford them the protections of the Geneva Convention. If you really, really want to get your butt out of A jam and find some wmd's, you might need to pull A few fingernails out, you see. Be sure to look very stern and serious when you say "conservative" or "republican", but roll your eyes and grin when you say "liberal" or "democrat".
Perhaps if the passengers on the Titanic had whined about the shortage of lifeboats or the hazardous course they were on or the speed at which they were traveling, their destinies may have turned out differently.
We are in charge of ourselves, of course, and we can influence our destinies to an extent, but we cannot change the hand that life deals us. The prospects for A happy and successful life are quite different for A black person born in the American south or A jew that was born in Nazi Germany and someone who was born into A solid middle-class family in middle-America. Walk A mile in the other person's shoes before you decide what they can or cannot do.
I would like to think that I would hold the same views as I do now if I had been born into A middle-class or well to do family that was used to success and was intolerant of failure, but of course I'll never know.
Some of you may think that I advocate all liberalism all the time, but I don't. Excessive anything is bad. America is best served by A government that has checks and balances and ends up somewhere near the middle, but slightly to the left, so I believe.
Now, if I have gone too far and made A nuisance of myself here at FoF, I will say "farewell", but I will not appoligise standing up for the things I believe in. Swabby
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