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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 05, 2006 11:36
Whoo! *runs and hugs Andy* You're baaaaaaaaaack!!!! Erm, *cough*.

Love both banners, DD. I did a real random image search on google and found this:

Hehehe. Now I wonders where that idea came from...

Anywho, I can't think of anything else to say so cheers!

[Edited on 5/5/2006 by Salkiethia]

[Edited on 6/5/2006 by Salkiethia]
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 05, 2006 01:45
Okay...I am really hoping that it is not too late for this, but elflyn has been applying pressue like MAD and I finally caved. I was a huge fan of Red Dawn, although other commitments and such kept me from joining it, and I have been read EA now since it started , and since I know several of the players, [elflyn, dreamdancer, Andy(glad you took the advice and came back, hon!), and I believe I know Salkiethia), I was kind of hoping that I could join. 'Flyn and I have come up with a character in case it is alright, if not, that's okay, I will simply remain on the sidelines reading along.
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 05, 2006 03:28
Iell-daughter-of-elves! I know you. We were in an RP where some other player had a unicorn. That was the one I wrote out of due to time constraints. Glad to see you. Welcome to the boat.

It's nice to hear that someone is a fan of the writing the RD/EA group does. It makes me want to jump for joy and glow. More members makes a merrier RP and lots more brain cells working on plots and intrigue and stuff like that.
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 05, 2006 03:47
Iell!! *clings* welcome aboard! good to see you

we're growing! woopie! It's been so long since I was in a thread with so many members, I'm having to get used to it again

the codes for the siggies are as follows:

do [img] and then put the URL between, and end it with another [/img and then stick a ] on the end (I have to break it up like that to keep it from trying to code my paragraph XD )

here are the URLS

red mist: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v363/elinmeril/EA1.gif
lense flare

I'm afraid my next post will have to wait until tomorow, unless I'm still awake later tonight but I've been going off only 3 hours of sleep all day, so .... zzzzzzzzzzzz

Lalaith is kicking me, though... she is getting very impatient while waiting for her glyndy. Maybe I'll get one in before bed!

Sal, lol on the Ever After banner I liked that movie (what I saw of it...)

*group hugs and free chocolate for everyone, including glyndr*
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 06, 2006 01:10
Oh my goodness I HATE my time zone!!! >< I need to learn to speed-read.

Wow this group sure is getting larger!

About the banners: I think I like the red-mist one more even if both are so darned good... it looks kind of ominous.

@anduril269: Yay the more the merrier, lol! *waves*

I agree with otter that the threat could have well been downplayed before Ondet's hypothetical final fell swoop, and yes Rivendell *does* seem sort of caught between a rock and a hard place (not only literally. I'm not just talking about the mountains here.)

Oh for some reason I can't *wait* until Glyndr and Hanni get together... *evil grin*

About the rescue attempt/ encountering Amata:

Suggestion 1 - We could have Amata arrive just in time to encounter the patrol setting out on their rescue attempt.

Suggestion 2 - Amata comes back with no idea what is going on, gets captured by Ondet and co., winds up with Narmion and Rolan, and the three get rescued at once (we hope).

Suggestion 3 - Upon seeing the dire straits Imladris is in, Hanni volunteers to go and seek help with a small group. Along the way out they run into Amata.

Also, I think Nimmy's originally-very-random idea on the birds is cool, and could be plausible. I'm thinking along the lines of carrier pigeon/ raptor/ hawk.

Ok I'm going to ruuuunnnn and post!

EDIT: Couldn't resist adding one of DD's excellent banners to my sig!

[Edited on 6/5/2006 by Sirithros_Lirenel]
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 06, 2006 02:38
... I'd recruit too, but the only person I really know on this site beyond all of you guys doesn't have time for RPing any more... although somehow she has time for the school musical. Make sense? Nooo...

Okay, about the birds: I was thinking more about hawks, since they're less likely to get stopped and eaten by something bigger than themselves, being birds of prey and all. Hm... I wonder if Keene got the message or not...

Anyways, I like Siri's ideas, but ultimately, it's all up to andy in how she wants to incorporate Amata back into the thread.

@Siri: Wouldn't it be caught between a rock and a soft place? The river Bruinen isn't exactly hard... I'm only kidding.

@DD: Thanks for the banners, I go to put one in my siggy as we speak.

Okies. I'll post later this afternoon, after I get home from work and pretend I'm doing my homework.
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 06, 2006 08:15
no problem on the banners ^_^ I've *very* glad ya'll like them!! *gins and prances*

I think it would be cool for Amata to run in with the rescue group, and maybe join it. That would be a pleasant surprise for Narmion

idea; currently the folks in Imladris don't even know where our enemy camp is, or that it even exists. maybe somehow Amata can stumble across it on her way back and avoid capture, then be able to tell our folks in Imadris about it? That way they'd have a pretty good idea of where our poor captives are.

I hope my post is alright... gotta run! another busy day!
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 07, 2006 04:21
:cry: This is probably my last posties before I go into computerless exile.

Please, as I have said , if you need Glyndy to react with your charas please do, I know you will all keep him in chara!

I am so pleased that Iell has joined us.
I have given her my full permission to play any of my Elves while I am away, so if you need anything major from Glyndr, or need to know how he will react to something , please ask her.

Iell has known Glyndy and I for a very long time, so she knows the mad, bad Elfy VERY well.

In fact I think she knows us both better than we know ourselves!

Iell , I hope you don't mind doing this!

Will miss you all :cry: :cry:

See ya next friday or saturday
@flyn and glyn :love:

[Edited on 7/5/2006 by elflyn]
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 07, 2006 05:03
Arg! I love my little sister to death but it is nigh impossible to post while she's here for the weekend. Heh. She is very good at distractions. I am going to start writing as soon as I'm done posting this and we'll see how far I get. Well, she's family, what can I do?

So Anyway, I want to say a mighty hello to Iell since we have never met. You all seem to remember each other from somewhere or have role-played with one another before, so I wanted to offer a "hi" seeing as how I seem to be among the minority who do not know you.

@Andy, thanks alot on the compliments for my writing, I have some pretty high standards to reach when posting with these guys. You all write so wonderfully. I really appreciate feedback though (actually, I live for it!) and it will always make me want to post more. Hehe. As for roleplaying with you before, I don't think I ever have. I'm pretty new to this whole site and this is my first LOtR RPG. The name is a nickname given to me by someone I love very dearly. I look forward to playing with you! :hug:

Okies, all the ideas I heard on here sound great so far and due to my time constraints, I can't comment on them all or I wouldn't have time to try to post and I'm all giddy about getting Hanni into Rivendell! Hehehe. SHe's going to feel sooooo lost. Thank goodness that she has Istale there to keep her company. I hope the poor elf knows what she's getting into, Siri!

Ok...off to go post! Woo!! Oh, and let me know, after I post, if any of the stuff I write needs to be changed (please note, things are going to start getting ugly as Di'shan is given the go ahead. I'll try to keep it.....less than detailed for all veiwing audiences.)
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 07, 2006 10:45
Okies, to post again with the important bits.

Awww, we'll miss you while you're away, 'flyn! No worries, Arato is looking about ready to keel over in shock, so it might take him a *very* long time to answer to Glyndr's request. Have a good time, and relax! That's what vacations/holidays are for! :hug:

@Iell and Autumn: forgive me for being rude! Welcome aboard, both of you! Your characters already seem interesting, can't wait to see what happens with them.

@otter: Yes, *please* keep the gruesome details to a minimum! If Di'shan gets any creepier, I might start walking around, looking over my shoulder to make sure he's not following me... even though he's not real in our world...

No relevance to anything, but has anyone else noticed that DD's banners have gotten bigger as time's gone on? The 'Red Dawnie' one was tiny, and the 'Ever After' one is considerably larger.

VERY IMPORTANT to people who don't know Arato well yet. He is not related to Aiden and Eadoin. He is Gondorian, whereas they're both Rohirrim lads. Arato ran away from home at 10 and was taken in by Keene, Aiden and Eadoin's father. Keene *adopted* Arato, so where I refer to them as brothers, I do mean in the literal sense, but in no way does Arato resemble Aiden and Eadoin. Just so everyone knows, and no offense meant to anyone!
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 08, 2006 02:58
I've noticed the same, Nimmy. I think it's just because there's so much more awesomness that DD wants to put into the banners that disappears when they become bite-sized.

Bye, elflyn! We'll all take good care of Glyndr. No worries there.
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 08, 2006 04:10
Just popping in to take a break from nasssssty revision. ><

I know this is a bit late, but RELAX, ELFLYN! There is no point in getting all worked up, lol. It's *supposed* to be a *holiday*.

@ otterling: Ooh can I have the uncensored version of Di'shan's.... interrogation? O.o It's sort of like a good horror movie... you don't really *want* to see more of it for fear you freak out, but at the same time it's just so *terribly* fascinating... Ok better stop before I reveal any psychopathic tendencies I might have... xD

Anyways, I'm not sure Istale is really pleased with Hanni's... uh... interpretation (last I saw of her, she was barricading herself in my wardrobe) but I'm definitely very amused... chickens... So plausibly implausible... Reminds me of those racist jokes when some stumped foreigner can't tell between "fork" and "the f-word".

@ nimmy: Ok! Very Important Information noted!

Nothingness post again! *sighs* Real Life is really catching up. Post for Sakhar is in the works, but not going to post till 've satisfied myself about it.
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 08, 2006 10:25
I just found out a kid who went to my old school died today.
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 08, 2006 12:55
OMG SAL! *huggles fiercely* Death in any school community can be hard to take, even if you don't go to the school anymore. Did you know said kid? If so, you have my deepest sympathy and empathy. If you didn't know him, you still have my sympathy and empathy.

@Siri: I just thought I'd pop in and let you guys know all that stuff, even though I should have mentioned that *much* earlier in the OOC thread.

Anyways, I've got to run, homework, you know!
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 08, 2006 12:59
oh Sal! *many hugs* I'm so sorry!!

I'm holding off on posting for now until otterling gives di-shan something for Narmion to respond to. Methinks the thread will move slower for the next few days with elflyn gone, buit at least that would make it easier for her to catch up.

*more hugs*
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 08, 2006 02:44
Yeah, I knew him. Not very well, but I had classes with him and everything. It's a strange feeling right now, sort of like un-feeling, if you know what I mean...

Yuppers, I think the thread will be moving a bitsy more slow without 'flyn.
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 08, 2006 03:01
@Sal, as I said in my PM, please don't forget to vent if you need to. We will ALL be there for you. :hug:

@Siri, I'm glad you enjoyed the whole interaction with Hanni and Istale. I will also gladly send the full, uncensored version of the torture scene to any who want it, just let me know. Yeah, it's strange, but it IS sort of like a horror movie and I really want to hang on the suspense of it.

@DD, I will post more for Di'shan ASAP. I was sort of waiting till we could both get on-line at the same time (I'm usually on from 8am to 5 pm) so we could do a sort of chat type thing. If that proves to be more difficult than we intended, well, then I'll go ahead and post for Mr. Evil over there *points at Di'shan* and you and Sal (only when she's feeling up to it) can let me know what to change. Di'shan is starting to bug me anyway. He wants to get on with the show and get to the scary stuff. :/ He's whispering all sorts of unpleasant little ideas in my ear....creepy.

I'll also post my reply for Hanni soon so that I don't keep you hanging Siri.

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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 08, 2006 04:18

I'm so sorry, Sal!... must feel strange, to say the least... My sympathies! It's so unreal when someone passes on young, not to say if you knew him... *hugs*

I think it's sort of a good thing that the thread will move more slowly without elflyn, so's she can keep up when she gets back. Anyway, do take your time, Otterling! I'm quite busy this week - valar-cursed exams... ><

Ok must run... not even *supposed* to be here. Ahem. Physics teacher is giving me funny looks already. eheh.

[Edited on 9/5/2006 by Sirithros_Lirenel]
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 08, 2006 10:54
Oh goodness Sal! I'm so sorry! >.< It's so hard to imagine someone so young passing away...

@otterling: That was one freaky post for Di'shan. How on earth do you come up with such things?! Incidentally, can I, like Siri, request for the full, horrifying accounts of his doings? Thank you!
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 09, 2006 03:16
@Autumn_winds, thank you. I was aiming for creepy. I wanted Di'shan to be psychotic as opposed to just violent. I will gladly send you a copy of the more...uh, vicious version as soon it is written. As for where I get these ideas for what he should do, strange as it sounds, I did research on torture methods used throughout history and simply adapted some of them to fit the setting. I know that sounds really rather scary (and I DID shudder quite often while researching) but it seems to be paying off in making the character as eerie as he's supposed to be.

@Siri, good luck on your exams! Take your time in replying. I am trying to get one good post in each day if I can but I don't want to risk posting something not worth reading, know what I mean? You are all way to much fun to RP with! Hehe
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 09, 2006 11:17
Holy Toledo, otter! O_O SCARY! *slinks off and hides in her closet* Save me from the scary Di'shan before he comes after me x_x *faints*

*peeks out from her closet* As strange as this may sound, could you send me, somehow, the vicious version of this post? I got a sort of high from the fact that my stomach was doing flips when I read that post at lunch... yes, it's strange, and I can't explain it myself.

Anyhoo, off to read the most recent post and do my homework before my parents discover me being the procrasinator I was born to be.
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 09, 2006 11:34
Just nipping in for a few seconds before school - tired or not, that was a *really* good post, otter! Di'shan is one psychomaniac, lol! *Someone*'s been doing homework... It was all so plausible and cringe-worthy, I shudder to think of what happens next...

Anyways, apologies to otter if I'm holding things up, but the post is *almost* done if I neglect Sakhar till my exams are over (he's sort of sulking in the darkest recesses of the storeroom and I'm not really sure what to do with him for the time being, eheh. Chemistry and Biology combined does wonders to fry your brains.) so I *should* be able to post this afternoon. Sorries! ><
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 09, 2006 01:42
*cackles madly* Hehehehehe. I'm having WAAAAY too much fun with these Di'shan posts. My congrats to DD for a wonderful post that has me just itching to post more. I am also, I would like to add, thoroughly enjoying my interaction with Istale (mustn't forget the good guys!!) and can't wait for more of that.

@Nimeneth, I will happily send the un-edited version of any posts to anyone who requests one. The next post I do is simply going to have to be edited as it will be a bit violent and unhappy. I will keep the original on my computer and send it to any who ask for it.

@Sal, I am enjoying our interactions thus far and can't wait to see how Rolan deals with the next series of posts. You play his ever so wonderfully (I can't pull off writing an accent to save my life) and I only hope I don't do too much harm to your sweet charrie. PM me at your earliest convenience (only when you feel up to it, hon) and let me know to what extent you would like poor Rolan harmed. I can keep it within the bounds of anything you ask, so just let me know. If you want to keep his boyish looks but don't mind a little scarring of his body, then I can easily work around that too.

To everyone else who is enjoying the terror of Di'shan, he says thank you. I am certainly looking forward to the next posts from everyone (Poor Glydy) and you've all got me checking the boards far too often.
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 09, 2006 02:16
I'm working on my next post, however it's on my word processor. I was spending far too much time staring at the Random Block rather than writing... *sigh*

Your contribution to DD's post gave me the queasy feeling in my stomach again, otter. That'll make sure I write something in reply.

Please, Di'shan! *wraps herself firmly around the man's leg* Don't hurt Rolan! Eadoin's about to pitch a spaz because he just found out Rolan was captured. And Eadoin pitching a spaz is a scary thing to watch, and believe me, it's going to be worse the moment he finds out Rolan was hurt... he's a protective bugger sometimes.
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 09, 2006 02:27
Well, I am not yet terrified of Di'shan. *hides from glare* Ookies, maybe just a *little*. But only a little.

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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 09, 2006 02:34
Narmion is certainly not liking Di'Shan... and he's on the verge of spazzing as well. No one wants Rolan to be hurt *hugs him protectivly*

except, of course, Di'Shan and the baddies :evil:

and I'm not sure if my elfy will ever forgive me for this XD

I'm thinking that Narmion will probably cave and give away some information, but I wanted to check and see what all he's allowed to give away. Like, should he admit how small Rivendell's numbers are, or that an elleth is in charge, the condition of the twins, etc. etc.? and he asks pleadingly when we're going to get him rescued. poor little captives

I'm considering bringing in a new character- his name is Bellas and he's an elven blacksmith. He's been around forever but has never been in an rp... I'd like to try him out, if everyone is ok with that. We need someone to forge swords, don't we?

okee, I'm gonna run... *hugs and chocolate all around*
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 09, 2006 02:41
ooh chocolate! *pounces on the chocolate and drags away five or twelve pounds of it* hehe. Chocomaniac here.

I've sent otterling a PM over how badly hurt little Rolan can get, and you'll all find out when the postie comes! MUAHAHAHA.

We loveth Bellas, DD. I forgots to tell you.... I know you asked me to look at him. He look like fun!

For DD: I'm thinking along the lines of Narmion saying Ari is in charge. That would make Di'shan think that Imladris is really really weak because he doesn't really see the value in females, does he? And for small numbers, I'd assume they knew because of such a small force coming and the way in which they fought detailing the fact that most of them were unfamiliar with the sword. *shrigs* Just my take on it.

[Edited on 10/5/2006 by Salkiethia]
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 09, 2006 02:43
The queasy feeling hasn't left my stomach yet... I'm getting worried about what's going to happen later, especially to Eadoin who just pulled a stupid stunt, as you'll see when I post.

But now for the good news - I may have just figured out a way to incorporate Amata into the plot again... you'll see. I'm just going to finish my section with Morgai and post.

*takes something to settle her stomach and hurries off to post*

No worries, Narmi, help is on the way! It'll get there eventually.... *Doppler effect kicks in*
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 09, 2006 02:50

@Nimeneth, hang on to your stomach sweetie, it's gonna get worse before it gets better. Di'shan is just warming up. He hasn't really gotten to the whole "asking questions" thing. As for Eiodan, trust me when I say that I am looking forward to someone taking Di'shan down. He's one of those bad guys that will most likely die at the end just because he's so nasty.

@Sal, hehehehe. It's ok if you aren't scared of him but it is hoped that you like/hate him.

@DD, it has been so much fun posting with you. I agree on the whole rescue thing. I would really like to see the guys out of Di'shan's clutches before he hurts them too much. The best part of the whole torture thing, is the rescue and retribution that will follow. HOw about one of the good guys tries to sneak out and get help for Imaldris and comes acorss the big camp. THey don't get caught but they see the orcs and hear the horrifying screams of Rolan and Narmion. That would send them back with news of the camps whereabouts and the news of the things going on there. Then a small rescue party could slip in under cover of darkness to save the captives. Just some thoughts. Oh, and I would love to meet your new charrie! I promise to treat him better than Narmion!

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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 09, 2006 03:02
@otter: ... :love: Did I ever tell you that you that I love you? You're seriously reading my mind here! Check my post to understand what I mean.

Anyhoo, I'd best stop posting, I should be reading 'Romeo and Juliet' right now.
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 10, 2006 12:53
HOORAY! REJOICE! For I have made the DUMBEST, STUPIDEST mistake EVER in the history of chemistry examinations... I FORGOT THAT IRON IS THE CATALYST FOR THE HABER PROCESS. :banghead:

*rants some more, looks around at strange stares, decides to stop and get on with the real purpose of this thread before she gets kicked out*

Crazily awesome postage! Di'shan is freaking me out, and yet I still find myself asking "OOH quick tell me what happens next!" Poor, poor Narmion! >< *shudder*

Not being very constructive at the moment, but I like the ideas, and besides I'm too fried up to do any better... Post quality is probably down today, but I promise I'll get back on track after all this... *sighs*

@ DD: Think your charrie is interesting - it would be nice to meet him!
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 10, 2006 06:07
*pats Siri on the head* It's ok, hon. Mistakes happen.

@Nimeneth, I love you too. :love: Hehe. I read your post AFTER I had posted here so we are starting to think alike. Scary huh?

Okies people, I am going to be posting the very edited version of my next post soon and I'll happily send out a longer version to all those who asked. I will warn ahead of time that hte long version is not for the faint of heart. :evil: Also, I need to know what info Narmion is allowed to spill (or Rolan for that matter) as it will make writing the long version harder without that. Now, mind you, Di'shan can just torture them with no remorse without asking a single question, chalking this up to "round one" as it were, but I need to know before I can finish writing. Thanks!

[Edit]: Ok, I have some good news and some bad news. The bad news (sort of) is that I am heading up to Atlanta for my birthday which is on Friday. i'm soending it with some friends and have to leave tomorrow night. Most of the weekend we'll be camping so no internet and no posts. :cry: On the good news side, I am going to finish the long torture post one way or the other either tonight or tomorrow night and I'll send it to any who want it. I am sure I can get access on-line tomorrow night. If you want a copy, please just send me your e-mail addy so I can send it on to you.

[Edited on 10/5/2006 by otterling]
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 10, 2006 11:18
Looksie here... http://councilofelrond.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=My_eGallery&file=index&do=showpic&pid=21842&orderby=titleA
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 10, 2006 04:24
three things...first of all..the doll(I think it is Ondet) looks awesome in armor...
second...*fanning self over the evil Di'shan*-now Neth wants to be captured, lol!
third...DD I cannot get the link for the banner to work...HELP!

Edited to add: after a little bit of work...I finally managed to get this pic up of Nethraueth:
Okay I think I may have gotten the banner to work now but I am not sure...
[Edited on 11/5/2006 by Iell-daughter-of-elves]

[Edited on 11/5/2006 by Iell-daughter-of-elves]
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 11, 2006 01:07
I tooooooooold you they had birds!

... not really, but I figured they did. So, are we going to send birds out with messages to Mirkwood and maybe Lothlorien for help? Or the dwarves, now that we know they *do* have messenger birds?

Anyways, I tried to write a post last night, but I wasn't satisfied with the quality, so I'll try to get one in tonight if I've got the time.

Anyways, what exactly is going to happen from this point in? Glyndy's patrol's been smashed, and we're not really sure what's going to happen...
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