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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 02, 2006 09:44
Oh all you talented people... Di'shan looks hot! but also freaky, in a sinisterly-handsome sort of way.

Nice banner, DD! Rivendell *does* look sort of early-night-ish, but I agree with otterling that the flare should be a little smaller 'cos it's sort of distracting...

Oh no I really pity the poor prisoners now that Di'shan is going to question them... And I'm not sure where Sakhar fits in, but otterling and I were thinking that since their backgrounds are so scarily similar Di'shan and Sakhar might have known each other beforehand... Sakhar could probably be one of those dangerous background types, perhaps a scout? (*rolls eyes at bad villain-playing skills*) AHRGH need ideas for that. ><

Real Life beckons.
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 03, 2006 02:37
otterling, he looks really really hot... but really really evil. Notice a pattern, anyone? Ondet is the same way! Althoght between the two, I really can't decide who I like more appearence wise.

DD, thanks making the banner for us. Is there any way you could make something red in it? Considering the nature of the thread, you know... Otherwise, I adore it! And I'm considering what's going to happen between Delvan and Morgai in my post... which I'll get up after school. Maybe Narmi will notice a resemblance between Arato and Morgai, since I tried to make it so they had some similarities... *grins*

Anyways, this is all the time I have for now, so I'll post more later!
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 03, 2006 02:51
Awesome guys! I love the pic, Otterling.
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 03, 2006 08:37
Wow. Longest post I think I've ever written. I just put it up and dang did it take a while to write. :/ I can't wait till Di'shan can really show off, I was going to have him be more violent right from the start but he told me otherwise. Di'shan decided all on his own that he was a smooth operator and that he'll get his hands dirty soon enough. Heh. I just hope it doesn't make him come across as looking weak in this post. Grr. I've been re-reading it so much that I can't get a good persepcetive on it now. I'm sure I'm not the only one who goes through it.

Oh, by the way, who is actually playing the part of Ondet?? I'm just curious so I know who I should be looking to as far as interactions are concerned. I don't want to go all "godmode" and say that Ondet gives Di'shan permission to torment the prisoners when that's not something we agreed upon. :/ Arg! I'm on-line alot and anyone who wants to talk to me about thier charcter's interaction with my pyschotic little Di'shan can use yahoo messenger to reach me. My username is dark_lords_moonpies.
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 03, 2006 09:23
otterling: I'm pretty sure we created Ondet to be a free character, meaning *anyone* who wants to play him may play him.

Anyways, I seem to be running low on postpoints, and they're not replenishing themselves...

EDIT: My valid point of the day, rather than waste more post points: how's the battle going to go, and who, exactly, will bear injuries for the people remaining in Imladris to worry over?

[Edited on 3/5/06 by Nimeneth]
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 03, 2006 09:35
Awesome post, Otterling! I love Di'shan already. I'm really looking forward to the progression of this RP. Lurve and huggles to all. And a mental note for moi: I need to start making valid points in OOc.

Ooh, here's one - Otterling, if Di'shan wants to hurt someone, Rolan's all up for being pushed around some. Di'shan'll have to be creative though; Rolan's seen quite a bit on the streets.

@Nimmy: Yuppers. Ondet is a freebie charrie. Or should I say a frisby cherry?
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 03, 2006 12:34
I may be able to post tonight, but it'll probably have to wait until tomorow *grumbles*

anyway, I've been asked by Berethedhellen to ask yall to edit the posts where the links to profiles are, and code them so they look like thiis:Delvan's Profile

This is the code: [url=http://the url of the profile goes here]profile[/url

and just stick a ] on the end
When the lines get so long they take up a lot of space, and tend to stretch the screen, which can be irritating when the mods are modding our posts

Back to business XD poor Narmion is just distraught. *evil giggles* I can't wait until I get another chance to post...
what sort of information is Di'shan going to try to get from them? Just general stuff on Rivendell's forces and how things stand?

ok, gotta run... busy day today! (and, as always, great posts everyone!!)
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 03, 2006 01:20
To quote Bruce Almightly: "B-E-A-Utiful" postage everyone!

Ondet is a freebie charrie. Or should I say a frisby cherry?

*shakes head* Uh-uh... Now now, we don't really want to call him names do we...?

Apologies to Diablo for Sakhar's absoultely horrendous treatment, but *he* is being totally unremorseful and rolling his eyes at me from over the computer screen so... Just so you know - he did it! I plead not guilty! (lol)

Fwee what a nothing-ness post.

who, exactly, will bear injuries for the people remaining in Imladris to worry over?

And I think currently Arato seems the worst off of all the defenders.
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 03, 2006 01:29
Ok, I went back and edited all my posts so the links are done right. Yay.. Go me. Anyhoo, as for how the battle should go (sorry, I'm so wrapped up in my evil charrie I am having to WORK an not ignoring poor little Hanni) I would say that seeing as how they have already lost so very much, lets give them just this tiny little victory. It will make it that much harder for them all when they realize that despite killing the orcs, they have only scratched the surface and now are down two members and a few horses. It will give them the ability to re-group and since the orcs were just a distraction for the most part anyway, it wouldn't be much of a loss to Ondet if they were beaten back.

What do you say guys? Shall we toss our poor beaten, tired charries a cookie and let Laliath see her man again? On to the wounded. Unless I'm just remembering it all wrong and have simply become confused, I know we have Elenwen who has a damaged arm, Istale who has a flesh wound to her side, and Arato has damage to his leg. Narmion and Rolon are not only wounded but missing and in for more trouble. That leaves Hanni and Glyndr as the only two that are just nicked and scratched at this point, am I right? Hanni has some slight damage but she got lucky on the last go round because of the element of suprise (it's hard to gather your thoughts when a dwarf is suddenly trying to kill everything around it...) but if we need more wounded, I'm sure she can get banged up. Otherwise, she'll just keep plowing through like a cannonball: little tactical work and alot of bull dozing through.

Ok, on to information Di'shan will want. He'll want to know things like:

How many are still harboured in Rivendell?

The status of the twins.

Who has claimed leadership after the death of Elrond?

What is the status of Rivendell's supplies right now?

Do they have any way of getting a message to anyone that might come as aid?

Are there any back entries to Rivendell? (or are there any ways that the people there might be able to get out?)

What defenses does Rivendell have in place?

You get the point. He'll want full info on the comings and goings of Rivendell so as to better inform Ondet when they prepare for the final strike.
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 03, 2006 02:08
Sal, I know the 'cherry' thing was from me and my brain not reading all the letters in RD, but where did the frisby bit come from?

otter, I love the way your mind works. We desperately needed someone to think in detail the way you do. On top of it all, I already love and hate Di'shan, so this is going to turn out to be an interesting relationship with him. And meanwhile, Morgai is giving the back of my neck deathglares for saying that... *shudders*

Things we probably should discuss:

Tne numbers in Rivendell, the status of the supplies, who might come to aid, defenses, and other ways in and out of the valley.

Further, I agree with otter in saying that they should have a small victory, since Lalaith needs her Glyndy, and meanwhile Aiden's getting anxious about Arato and will probably need to mother him like mad to get over the shock that Arato got hurt. ... ^_^;;
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 03, 2006 11:54
I agree, we should decide what's happening in Rivendell, and the outcome of the battle.

I think a victory would be good, then Glyndy could lead what was left of the section back to fight another day (He hopes!)

And he'd get to see Lalaith :love:

I think supplies would be very low, and they would have to hunt , or send out to try to get supplies from wherever they could.

Glyndy will need a second in command to talk battle plans with....Anyone want to create one? or offer their chara? If not I could have him promote Telryn.

I will be computerless from Mon 8th till Saturday 13th :cry:
Nasssssty comp needs to be fixed.

I'll post for Glyndy when the decision is made about the outcome of the battle..

Let me know , Eager to posty before Monday!
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 04, 2006 12:36
I think Istale wouldn't mind something of a break too, and personally I would like more time to develop Sakhar as a character, so a bit of a victory would be good...

Had a quick look back at this project I did for school a couple of years ago on Rivendell, and just adding my two cents, which I hope will be of pertinence.

On the subject of numbers, it was mentioned in the appendices of LOTR that during the Second Age, before the Last Alliance (the battle), Gilgalad and Elendil and their troops marched to Imladris from Lindon and they mustered there for about 4 years (3431-3434) before going on to Mordor, so it could be inferred that Imladris had room for quite a large number of people and horses and supplies etc.

Book-verse, the majority of elves in Rivendell left with Elrond at the end of the Third Age, but if Elrond stayed behind I'm not sure how many would have left. Also, Celeborn and a small number of Galadhrim were said to have remained longer in Lorien, and since Tolkien said nothing about Thranduil and his Mirkwood elves leaving at all we could interpret it two ways - they stayed on in Middle Earth, or just left quietly a little later. So would either of these peoples be possible sources of help?

Like any large settlement, I think Rivendell would probably have been self-sufficient enough - they probably had a means of providing themselves with food, either by rearing animals (I believe they would have had the space) or hunting, and since the place was mentioned to have been built on "levels" of sorts, or terraces cut into the mountainside, I don't see why they couldn't have fields of some sort to grow domestic crops. *However*, we do need to factor in the fact that Imladris is currently besieged, so perhaps hunting and even some of the hypothetical fields would have been cut off. So maybe supplies aren't at an all time low yet, but the elves would likely been feeling the pinch already.

The movie depiction of Rivendell has the place built over waterfalls, so I guess either the elves had the technology to divert the water or were just really good architects, and it also answers the question of water supply. Mountain springs are likely too (though if the source were to be located the word "poisoning" just springs to mind).

The architects who planned Rivendell did so just after Eregion had fallen and Sauron was still on the rampage in the western lands, so I don't think Rivendell is without built-in defenses. In a moment of whimsy some time ago I came out with possible natural defenses, though now I'm not sure if some of them are actually plausible; again I offer them up for scrutiny:

- Imladris looks like it was built on sheer cliff, which would be quite defensible on the cliff side. I imagined the valley to be of limestone/granite formations (limestone is smooth rock), making the prepice hard to scale.

- In some depictions it looks like the ledge/cliff that Rivendell was built on is entirely detached from the slope of the mountain. This would mean that there is something of a "moat" of air around the place, and there would be limited ways in and out. Perhaps it might have been so that Rivendell is just out of range of any arrows shot from the mountain side? (This, I'm not sure is entirely sound a theory, since we could always have sharpshooters, and longbows are supposed to have a very long range). The bridge that we most often see leading into the courtyard doesn't look all that wide either, and common sense says that a small entry is easier to defend against a large invading force since they'll be bottlenecked on the bridge and can't all come at you at once.

- Secret passageways seem to be a feature of most buildings in tumultuous eras, and the mountains surrounding the valley might also provide natural bolt-holes in the form of water-worn underground caverns and the like.

More input, anyone? *frowns and scratches head*

Hope your computer problems get solved soon and permanently, elflyn!
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 04, 2006 03:05
Frisby is my own silliness, Nimmy.

Siri, you're brilliant. I don't think I'd remember that much about Rivendell.

Otterling: I totally agree with you on Di'shan. He's awesome. And the questions you posted for him to ask are helpful. It'll give Rolan a chance to think while he's playing 'knocked-out' .

Off to postie...
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 04, 2006 03:19
.......Wow....that's....wow. You certainly did your homework, Siri. I'm afraid I know very little when it comes to all that. I would hazard a guess that at least there is an internal food supply (aka crops) that Rivendell would HAVE to have in order to maintain the sort of life that the elves lead. I couldn't imagine that they didn't have one. I would say that, under seige, the crops might not be as plentiful as they usually are but they are more than likely supplying enough food to keep the meager population of Rivendell up for the moment. With all the dead and wounded from previous battles, there can't be too many hungry mouths to feed. What defenses are really in place for the crops through? What would prevent our baddies from cutting off that food supply?

As for water, well, I would think that with the sheer level of technology the elves seem to posses, I would say they probabaly have an underground well or some sort of plumbing system to an extent (thus all the fountains) which would allow them a fresh source of water fairly easily. Rivendell may not have many people left to defend her but I agree with Siri in that I doubt it would have been built in such a way as to make attacking it easier. The small entries into the city as well as a defensible position on the mountain with steep sides to stop mass seige of the place sounds about right. By narrowing the entryways, they bottleneck all incoming aggressors and make it easier for smaller numbers of defenders to keep the walls from being breached.

Within almost any castle there is also, almost always, a sencondary way to get out that is not readily displayed to the outside, ie: secret passages. In most castles this was put into place so that the royal family could slip out un-noticed should the worst come to pass and the castle was over run. I would think that event he elves would feel this was prudent. It would give them a back door of sorts to get Elrond and family out if need be. Perhaps a series of tunnels leading down to a secret dock by the river? Boats could be maintained there to afford a swift escape.

As for rescuers, well we have several options to chose from. We could certainly go with the Mirkwood elves (heck, it's a lovely chance for some roleplaying with Legolas ) or we could look to Lothlorien. Don't forget there is also a dwarf now in your midst and if worse comes to worst, we could always play that card and bring in the dwarven rescue party! Hehe.

Oh and thank you to everyone for all the kind words about Di'shan. I'm so glad you all enjoyed him.

@Elflyn....Noooooooooo! I don't want you to go away! Dang, I wish I was where ever you are, I'm a computer technician and I would gladly fix your pc so you could go back to posting. :/ I'm too addicted to this thread.

As for a second in command, I think Arato or Narmion would work well. Seeing as how narmion is..uh...otherwise pre-occupied, perhaps Arato might take up the call? Hanni would, but, well, let's face it, THAT would be almost painful to watch. Poor Glyndr would have an apopleptic fit before long. LOL! Hanni seems best suited (considering her clumsier nature and lack of battle tactics) to simply being wound up and pointed in the general direction of what needs hurtin'. *grin*

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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 04, 2006 08:01
Narmion would gladly be second in command if he were around to fill the position, but I think Arato the best choice

Everything yall have discussed about Rivendell is awesome and very detailed! *Loves the details* :love: Depending on how Di'Shan works, Narmion may end up giving some of it away, so yall let me know how much he's allowed to tell :evil:

I'm about to get started on my post, but there's no tellnig if I'll finish or not- even though I'm finally out of college for the summer I'm still busy! *grumbles*


Well, I posted, but not sure if I'm happy with it. Wanted to make a note that when y'all are done with the fighting and you look around for Rolan and Narmion, you might find Narmion's bow and quiver in the orc-camp to give some idea of what happened to him

ok, gonna run!

[Edited on 4/5/2006 by dreamdancer]
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 04, 2006 09:21
Glyndy and I REALLY DON'T want to go :cry:

My *rude words* comp has a problem with a security update thingy..it happened once before , when a *NASTY* got it. It screwed the protection up and we couldn'r re install.
At least the full protection is guaranteed till Tuesday , so can work till then

I've taken holiday (Vacation to you lot LOL!) for those days..so won't be near a comp *WAIL!!!!!*
We are going to a Landmark trust castle gatehouse, so no TV let alone an internet access!

On another subject.

I need help and advice from you all.

I have a problem in that the thread is moving SOOOO quickly now, that 5 days away from it and I will never be able to catch up :cry:

Even if I 'lend' Glyndy to you to play while I am away.it will take forever to catch up

I don't know what to do....Glyndy and I really don't want to leave this thread. permanently...Glyndr and I were founder members of RD! and everyone here is our 'Family'


Glyndy and I need help

Oh and sorry my writing is nowhere near as good as everyone else's here....Well there ya go..

'flyn and glyn

PS Just spoke to DD on YM and she agreed to write a rundown of what has happened while I am away ,and Pm me with it ,,YAY for DD :love:

I have also given her my blessing to 'elf sit' my 'baby' Glyndy while I am away.

Anyone who needs to have Glyndy react to their charas can do that...I trust you all ..you all know the ice demon by now.

OOH I don't want Monday!

Please would you let me know 'Victory or not' for definite ..then I will posty for Glyndy getting the patrol back tomorrow

Still wish I could write as good as you lot.....
[Edited on 4/5/2006 by elflyn]

[Edited on 4/5/2006 by elflyn]
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 04, 2006 10:49
*hugs elflyn*

You write just lovely, dear. Don't worry. As for you not being here for some time, we promise to treat your charrie with love and respect. We will miss you and look forward to your return.

I am also taking the initative here, since it seems that thus far we all agree, and I'll say that Glyndy and company do indeed send the orcs a-packing. Party and hugs were had all around. Woo! *ahem* So, post away m'dear.

I'm so thrilled with this thread I can't even begin to tell you!
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 04, 2006 10:56
Really now. I leave my computer for 9 hours to go to school and tutor some kid, and when I come back, Arato has been nominated to be Glyndr's second in command... twice? Well then. He says it's an interesting turn of events. And he also says if that's what you guys really want, he'll do it... as long as Glyndy doesn't mind taking advice from a human. Which he probably won't considering Arato *has* been one of his companions for the last year.

@elflyn: good luck with the computer repair! And have fun on your holiday, don't worry, we'll all look after Glyndy, we love him!

@Siri: How do you do it? I could never do that much research on Rivendell - I don't know where I could get even half of that! I don't know where we'd be without you and your marvelous ideas, because those concerning natural defences seem plausible and would probably be something the elves would utilize

@otter: I must, once again, praise your mind. Great ideas!

@Sal: Okies, I understand the 'frisby' bit now.

Anyways, now for my two cents of research concerning the maps. There is only one point of entry into Imladris, which is the stone bridge, unless people want to descend cliffs into the gardens behind Rivendell, or ascend them underneath the house itself, with the Bruinen rushing below. Also, it appears that there is a narrow entry into Imladris after the bridge, which consists of stairs and a narrow break in the cliffs on which Imladris was built. Probably easily defensible.

Further, I think the best water supply would be the Bruinen, which is probably a bit difficult to poison. The stables and forge are about 500 feet from the House itself, if the scale is correct. Places for crops would be *behind* the house, meaning to get to them, the baddies would probably have to go through the defenses, in which case they'd be better off attacking anyways.

Siri, there is no "moat of air" around Imladris, as say the maps, which I'm inclined to believe. Nice thought, but unfortunately it doesn't appear to be true. Ledge appears intact to the mountainside, and although the map probably isn't the best representation regarding steepness of the cliffs, I think it'd be safe to assume that there's no entry from that area, if the baddies are on the North Bank of the river... Which I would like to assume, since the patrol rode north, and the only woods in the Rivendell area are the ones on that ledge where Imladris is, and the Trollshaws, which are mostly west of Imladris.

Note: Woods = foraging, and maybe a little hunting, but they're small, so foraging would be the better idea.

I hope this made sense to you...
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 04, 2006 11:32
AHH! *scrambles to catch up*

I agree with the nominations so far that either Narmion or Arator would make good second-in-commands.

@ elflyn: Aw come on you write just great! *grins* I believe DD is more than capable an "elf-sitter", and we'll be nice to Glyndr... I think. >< (lol, jk.) Relax and enjoy your holiday!

@ Nimmy: That project was a whole six-month's worth of close reading and picture-trawling and comparison. Wouldn't have the patience to sit and think through everything otherwise... >< About the "moat of air", I suppose it would depend on interpretation because there are a few different ones going around according to different artists/researchers, so I guess we just won't... subscribe to that version then. A lot of everything is guesswork, really, and comparison with other structures/principles in the medieval Real World.

@ otter: *agrees*

Istale and I both think that yes, we should send the orcs packing, at least for today, and maybe we should start moving to get it done before elflyn has her little break?

[EDITED because I accidentally unsubscribed myself from the thread and needed to check that little box again...]

[Edited on 6/5/2006 by Sirithros_Lirenel]
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 04, 2006 12:00
YAY! TY TY TY everyone for your comments :love:

I am not the most confident of writers..I write as I feel , and tend to become, and 'live' my charas when writing.

So much so , I sometimes forget to come out of chara! LOL .(Scary at work, when I get Glyndrish with the pilots LOL!)

KK I will posty for Glyndy tomorrow ( Brit time)
At least I have until Monday to still play in the thread.
A lot can happen in 3 days!

Thank you all again :love:

flyn and glyn.

Glyndr...Captain of the former Kellquenti Guard and now Captain of the Elite guard of Imladris.....says...

"Oh and Arato... For valour, and dedication shown in battle, I hereby promote you to my second in command "

("Just act like an Elf and you and I will get along fine...if you don't ..weeeeeellll , just be warned!)

[Edited on 4/5/2006 by elflyn]
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 04, 2006 07:11
don't feel bad, elflyn, I'm not a confident writer either and a lot *can* happen in three days! (as we have proved...)

I'll do my best elf-sitting (thanks siri XD ), but I'll probably mostly do it when dealing with glyndy and lalaith We will all be very nice to him, and give him all the ice-cream and chocolate cake he can eat, so long as he promises not to lose his temper with us...

here's a second try at the banner- Nimmy, I tried to color the building red but I couldn't get it to look anything but really weird, so I took out the lense flare altogether and tried using the color red in a different way...

[Edited on 5/5/2006 by dreamdancer]
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 05, 2006 12:20
Hey everyone! Sorry about being so late, but can I still join? Siri just told me about this thread, and I think it sounds really interesting. Thought I’d just hurry up and ask, since you all post so fast, even though I’m not yet done reading all the wonderful posts. >.<

If I'm allowed to join, I'm thinking of playing a human (female) mercenary (even though I'm not particularly knowledgable about fighting. >.<); incidents in her past would explain her rather unusual choice of career.

Incidentally, just my two cents worth:
On the issue of food, I think it really depends on how many people are around. If there are a fair number of elves around, then there would be many mouths to feed, but more hands doing the work. Losing ground would then be a major issue. On the other hand, if very few elves stayed behind, then there could be problems with food quite fast. Currently it seems that Rivendell is getting short of warriors, so that means everyone could be roped in to help out. That would then leave few people to tend the fields, and naturally, less food. Unless, of course, the elves do not grow their own crops at all, and instead rely on others with whom they have a good relationship.

Secret passageways sound good, and very plausible. After all, there is flowing water nearby, and the elves may also have diverted some streams etc. in order to better serve their own needs. (Depends on how easy it is to get water from the river.) All sorts of eroded channels might be found then. (I think. I’m not entirely sure – not a geography student here. >.<)

Very sorry if I’m butting in!
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 05, 2006 12:49
*yawns* Oh hello Autumn you're online! (NAPFA test over already? Must've conked out for a bit there then. >< )

@ DD: Ooh nice! I like the way you've blended the edge of the Rivendell pic into what looks like a continuation of the rock/mountainside, and the effect of the "creeping" red haze. D'you think you could make the white foggy thing in the background of the pic of Rivendell tinted red as well, though, so there's a bit more cohesion? But that doesn't really matter 'cos it's a very nice banner already.

Nope, not the most confident of writers either, but there's plenty of room to learn, I suppose. I think I find this thread SO addictive 'cos it's "forcing" me to stretch and develop my writing skills...

OH, and we haven't seemed to have confirmed the actual number of inhabitants still left in Rivendell... Less than before (e.g. Third Age) seems to be a given, but otherwise...? Have looked back in on Red Dawn, and I think a battle of such a scale would have required quite a force. Am no logistician. Help here? ><
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 05, 2006 01:06
It appears we have Siri to thank for recruiting new members and thus giving us new ideas and thus expanding the thread! *applauds* Welcome, Autumn_Winds!

Also, must agree with Siri a bit there - any way to add a bit of red to the whitish rock behind Imladris, like it's been bloodstained or something? Not necessary, because I do like the banner, but it was just a thought.

There have to be enough elves to defend Imladris, including wounded, since they do count, they're just not on their feet... I can't tell you the numbers. We're going to have to think about that.

Anyways, I'll try to get a post in after school, depending on how well the creative juices are flowing, because I'm *exhausted* from this week.

Also, Arato has something to say:

"Captain, I'm honored to be your second in command. And as my first opinion offered as your second in command, I have to say that if you're calling this *waves his hand at the exhausted soldiers behind him* an Elite guard, we're clearly extremely desperate."

("I'll try to act like an elf, but after all, I'm only human." )
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 05, 2006 01:32
the white haze in the background is how the mountains turned out while I was trying to change the picture from daytime to night, and I actually did try to color them but it had the same effect as the building being colored- it just looked pretty bad and too 'graphic-fied', if that makes sense..

I guess I can try again, but it'll probably be later on. I've been bitten by an inspiration bug to start on another project (related to this thread, of course) and I can't rest until I've finished it. If ya'll are satisfied with the banner this way then I'll go ahead and make it bite-sized and sig-ready and who knows, maybe on a smaller scale the red mountains wouldn't look so weird...

Hoo, what a way to use up post points

[Edited on 5/5/2006 by dreamdancer]
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 05, 2006 01:35
To explain why she's here, I quote Autumn's previous comment to me in school (we're classmates, which is how I got about to infecting her with The Bug): "I can't believe this! Homework is at an all-time high, projects are due, backlog is piling up, and what do i ask you for? An RP."

XD Sorry Autumn dear, but I'm never going to let you live this one down, aren't I? *grins*

OK ok I'm going to be constructive now.

Retrieved a very interesting topographical map I'd found for that project on Rivendell, link is here. Autumn started a discussion today about whether the Misty Mountains were due to compression of plates or subduction, but I think we did agree that the valley is actually pretty young as it was said to be steep-sided, and therefore it seems it hasn't been long since the Bruinen actually carved it out (the longer the river's been eroding at it, the wider the valley and the less gradiented the slope, says Geography Textbook which I haven't consulted for *quite* some time).

Don't know how that is exactly relevant, but 1. It's interesting 2. it's random and 3. it might help us explain/infer the sort of terrain we're dealing with and the type of landforms/geographical features we're likely to find and make use of.

This map might come in handy in working out positions and routes and stuff.

Back to the Numbers Question, the Last Alliance seems quite a large force to be able to march up to Mordor and bang on the door, but so far what I've found doesn't give exact numbers...

But I think right now what we're dealing with is more along the lines of hundreds, because if a whole horde of orcs in every sense of the word was found recruited in Gondor and then swept on to flatten Rivendell, *someone* out there would have noticed, right? I don't think it's really *that* large-scale fighting, per se, more like something suddenly and subtly creeping up and catching them off guard, and while the elves of Rivendell are kept in, not enough noise is being made so that someone else realises and comes to help.

Ahrgh! Convolution! ><
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 05, 2006 07:21
Welcome Autumn _Winds.

Well got them back to Imladris.

Glyndy is going to ask arato to be his second in command, and if he wants to join him on the search for Narmi, Rolan and Diablo.

After he has seen Lalaith of course!:love:

DD Glyndy will find the Bow and things as we discussed, when he/they go back to try to find a trail to follow.

"Arato..Elves are never desperate..in this situation. we are just a bit unfortunate " *Glares*

[Edited on 5/5/2006 by elflyn]
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 05, 2006 09:22
AAH! I think I've fallen slightly behind on the OOc//. It took me about three minutes of solid computer-screen staring to catch up. So, heyla, Autumn_Winds. Love your username. It's really nice to have this whole thread expanding so fast. At the most when I'd set up Ever After, I'd hoped for maybe one or two decent RP'ers to join us and instead I get a horde of brilliant writers! So, welcome to the club.

DD, I love both the banners. I really can't decide which one I like best... I know how to do the 'flare' thingy in Illustrator because I just finished that computer class, so maybe I'm slightly biased towards it. However, I do love this newest one. They're both gorgeous.

Arato will make a fantastic second to Glyndr, especially if he isn't seeking to supplant his leader. *cough*KYND*cough* It just seems so similar. After all, Lyndgr trained with Glyndr, now didn't he?

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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 05, 2006 09:29
*sneaks in through back-door*

Umm... due to elflyn's request... I would like to re-join the rpg..

zat ok?

My only condition is that someone writes me a summary of what's been going on.

Oh, and Amata wants to know if the handsome Narmion is still around...

[Edited on 5/5/2006 by anduril269]
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 05, 2006 10:14
Oh. My. Goodness. IT'S ANDY!!!!! :hug: :cheers: :disco: :love: :wave: :rolling: :disco:

I missed you sooooooooooooo much! Welcome back!

*cough* Maps much appreciated, thanks Siri!

DD: If the banner looks weird with the cliffs red, that's fine. It's a great banner as it is, so go ahead and bite-size it!

Okies, not very constructive, but my other post will be! I've got nothing really to say, since my brain is fried and is recuperating from the brainstorming process of the sonnet I have to write this weekend.
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 05, 2006 10:22
*sigh* Sorry for taking so long to post. I usually am on top of the OOC thread and I'm almost always on the verge of running out of posts. Today I have 6! Arg! Hehe. Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed the long freaking post I did for Di'shan. :/ I tried to keep it entertaining considering it's length.

@anduril269, don't know who you are but if elflyn likes ya, then you're alright with me! *hugs* Yay! more friendly people!

@Autumn_winds, I agree whole-heartedly with Sal. You have a lovely name. If our wonderful Siri recommended you, then we are all in for a treat. She has a great writing style and I can't wait to see your posts on our thread.

@elflyn, thank you for kicking our butts in gear and pushing us back towards home. We are lost without our Glydy to guide us! *runs to hug Glyndy....stops dead at the look on his face...backs away slowly* Aheh. I'm looking forward to the many...uh...entertaining conversations Hanni will have with your icy elf!

@Siri, you never cease to astound me with the depth of information and research you manage to pull from seemingly no where. You are an invaluable source of info and a pleathora of Tolkein lore. I hug thee. :hug: Ok, I agree with you about the numbers here. I think Rivendell, considering it's former size, should have at least 100 or so defenders still there. Now, mind you, this is including the wounded, the children, the women, EVERYONE. The orcs could march in smaller numbers to converge on Rivendell, thus hiding their true numbers. The rumors at least of such an attack have been heard (unless you want me to adjust my post) and this can suggest that the movement hasn't gone utterly un-noticed, it's just been downplayed quite a bit.

I would have to say that anything small than 100 people left in Rivendell and that would make things REALLY difficult. That would mean that, when taking the wounded into account, there simply wouldn't be enough elves to gather food, mend armor, tend horses, maintain watches, and act as any sort of guard for the home gates. I wouldn't think there would be many MORE than that though as Glydy does seem pretty pressed for help.

Any thoughts?

@DD, lovely job on the banner, may I interject a little bit of critique? I went to art school and got used to all the constructive critisism so PLEASE let me know if anything I say offends. I only want to help. I promise. I always worry that it will be veiwed as a lack of respect for your considerable talent. I want you to know first, that the opposite is true. If I didn't admire the work, I wounldn't bother offering an opinion. Ok, now that I'm done fretting (I DON'T want to hurt feelings!) here are a few tips on things I see as needing a bit of adjustment:

1, the red and the nighttime scene seem to clash just a bit. the darker blues of a starry sky are hitting those vibrant heavy reds on one side a little heavy. I would honestly recommend that we either go with a red theme or a night theme, not try to do both. I really like either one. If we want to go with red, why not do the whole thing in a tint of red? I don't know. You're very talented and I'm sure you'll look at it and find some perfect way to make it all come together.

2, I know the white mountains in the background are something you addressed earlier so I'll just leave it at, I think they should be dark or should go. :/


I REALLY hope you take the critique in the spirit it was intended, with love from one artist to another.

Ok....I think that was it. Forgive if I missed anything or anyone's valid and ever so insightful comments. ou all never cease to amaze me.


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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 05, 2006 10:24
Andy! good to see ya, welcome back!

And welcome, Autumn Winds!

I'll bite-size both versions of the banner so yall can take your pick. And yes, Andy, Narmion is still around. It just so happens that at the moment he's been taken prisoner, along with Rolan and Diablo, by our mean, mean baddies. :evil:

I agree with Siri on the words about the numbers of Rivendell being hundreds- but I believe there should be more than just 100.

Maybe we should try to get a runner out to go somewhere and fetch help!

I'm not being very constructive either... its been a long day, and still many long hours left to go. *prances off*


we posted at the same time I think, otter. I did a night/red theme because Nimmy requested it. Originally there was no red, but I put it in as it was suggested, and I personally like the way it looks. The red is intended to be more like a red mist creeping over Rivendell, and an over-all red tint wouldn't work with that idea. I don't think it would have the same dark feel if I'd left the picture in daylight.

I had to mess with using three duplicate layers and making one negative colors, and then erasing half of it to even get the mountains in there. There was no way to turn the sky into a night sky and leave the mountains the way they were. The result is eerie looking, which I also like. Trust me, I've fussed with those mountains for hours and had much frustration over them. I like the way they look.

Thanks for the critique, though.

bite sized siggy banners, if anyone is interested

[Edited on 5/5/2006 by dreamdancer]

[Edited on 5/5/2006 by dreamdancer]
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 05, 2006 10:39
Noooo!!! :cry: Poor Narmion, Rolan & Diablo!

Maybe Amata could help with the rescue? (there is going to be a rescue, isn't there?)

Um. Basically I was thinking that Amata returned to Rohan after Glyndy & Lalaith's wedding, and is only just returning - that'll account for her not being up to date with the rpg. The only problem (if it is a problem) is that she'll be approaching Rivendell from the outside, and I have no idea where anyone is, or where the orcs are, etc. So maybe someone could help with this?

I skimmed through a couple of pages... don't really know what's going on exactly, but I'm loving what I'm seeing. I love your writing, otterling... (name sounds familiar... have I rpg-ed with you in the distant past?)
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 05, 2006 11:19
ANDY!!!!!! *HUGE HUGS* welcome home!

Yep there will be a rescue attempt Glyndr is going back to try to find Narmi , Rolan and Diablo..(after he's seen Lalaith that is!)

otterling....Glyndy is looking forward to many er...as you say entertaining conversations with Hanni.
and Yep , the Captain needs all the help he can get!
Let's press gang some Elves!

On a serious note, I agree there would't be that many eft in Rivendell, if as Sal intended it was devastated by a massive attack.
Glyndr has pulled together whatever , and whoever he could to make up his section, (There could be more warriors I suppose??)

Anyway , I am keeping quiet, and await the decisions !
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 05, 2006 11:34
Personally, I like the red mist creeping in from the side. Looking at it in bite-size, I really get the feeling that the red is *reaching* for Imladris, like it wants to grab it. Hey, DD, can we have the codes for those?

@Andy: There will be a rescue attempt... when, we don't know. But we'll get there eventually. Anyways, as for the issue of Amata coming back from Rohan, I'm sure we can work something out. Maybe have someone out there scouting in alone... or maybe one of the boys (Aiden or Eadoin) is just being reckless and going out on his own and maybe happens to encounter Amata while he's out... I don't know. Although I'm pretty sure that neither of them are that stupid... *stares at them over her computer screen. They shake their heads* Good.

Anyways, Imladris does seem in a dire situation, so 100 residents seem understandable. And to fetch help, maybe we could send a birdie out! The way I did at the beginning of the thread, when Arato sent a message to Keene and assumed that they were smart birdies. HAH! My early randomness with the birds might turn out to be a benefit after all!

Anyways, to be helpful to andy, here's a ickle summary: Imladris is under attack, and has been since a bit after Amata left - seeing as her leaving when there was fighting would not only be dangerous, but probably something she didn't want to do if her friends were staying. 'Specially Narmi... Okies - Elrond's dead, Elrohir has gone mad with grief, Elladan's blind, and Arianna is in charge of the city. Glyndr is in charge of the troops, and leads many patrols out of Imladris, leaving poor Lalaith behind to be all sad. Rolan blamed himself, but then changed into Mr. Robot and went on the most recent patrol with Glyndr. 'tis a bit amusing, because most of the thread so far has been dealing with the patrol, and then our camp of baddies.

That's the summary, now here are the new characters, with player names as well.
Ondet - leader of the baddies, and an elf. Free character.
Morgai - one of Ondet's seconds. Gondorian, Arato's older brother. My character.
Delvan - Ondet's other second. Gondorian as well. He captured Narmion Note: Morgai and Delvan *don't* get along. Played by DD.
Dirk - one of Ondet's men. Rohirrim. He's the one who took Rolan and Diablo. Played by Sal.
Sahkar - Haradhrim, another of Ondet's men. A scout. Played by Siri.
Di'shan - also Haradhrim, and the guy who gets information from captives for Ondet. Not sure how he does it yet, but I'm not sure I want to know. Otter's charming character.
Hannalisa - Otter's other character, and quite an interesting one at that. A dwarf. On the side of the elves, seeing as she helped them out in the battle.
Elenwen - elleth. Played by Linwe_Saralonde, and on the side of the elves. She joined Glyndy's patrol just as they were getting ready to leave.
Istalë - Siri's character who's on *our* side. Elleth. She's supposed to be a scholar, but she got pulled into this mess with the attack.

That's basically it. Hope it helps, andy!
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