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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: April 25, 2006 02:42
My mom's a teacher, so I probably should have known it, but seriously, when someone needs three bags to bring home all their homework, it makes me wonder if the teachers of this era are quite sane.

Random question-ness: Are any of you younger than 14? I remember last time, in RD, I was the youngest of everybugger, and I'm wondering if this is still true. Ookies, enough randomness.

Anyone have a plan for our arch-villain? I'm not sure what should happen to Dia and Rolan when they get to the orc camp. Something tells me Ro will want to go harring off on his own like a maniac, and probably die the way Cele did. And, maybe it's just sentimental attatchment, but I think I'd like to keep Rolan alive. A little longer at least.
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: April 25, 2006 02:51
NOOOOO DON'T KILL ROLAN! *wraps herself around the boy*

Hey, can our baddie be a really really screwed up elf who wants revenge on something that Elrond did a loooooooong time ago. Indirectly would be very interesting, since I read a really good fic where apparently the bad elf was messed up because Elrond and Elros stole all the attention that Maglor was laying on them from him... er, yeah...

@Sirithros: Yeah, we tend to post really fast. We somehow manage to make time in our scheduals to get in posts whenever we can.
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: April 25, 2006 05:45
Having the villian as an elf is a really cool idea :evil:

Rolan must live!! *clings to him also* I'm not sure what Narmion is going to do, but he hopefully won't go off and get killed. I think I like him too much for that.

and I remember, Sal I'm 19, just to state that fact.

Sirithrose, I'd much rather write essays than do algebra! Let's switch classes!
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: April 25, 2006 08:56
What another Elf NASTIER than Glyndy??????! :evil: LOL

No, really, I agree , good idea.

Glyndy is due a good fight, He hasn't had a real go at anyone for ages! LOL

Off to work ! SEE YA!

OOH don't I hate living on the other side of the world!
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: April 25, 2006 09:16
I think that sounds like a good idea - sort of breaks the "elves are good and fair and etc" sterotype, doesn't it?

Yay let's switch classes DD! >< lol.

In response to the random question - nope, turning 16 this year. Now I can stop sneaking into NC16 movies... haha.

OOH don't I hate living on the other side of the world!

*coughs* Try living where I am. Where're you located, elflyn?
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: April 26, 2006 07:40
In response to the random question - nope, turning 16 this year. Now I can stop sneaking into NC16 movies... haha.

Hahaa.. SNAP!

Anyway, I'm really sorry guys, but I think I'm going to have to drop out of this wonderful rpg. I've scanned through the first few posts and it's all brilliant, but I don't have the time ot catch up, and I don't even have a decent character to use.

It's up to you what happened to Amata in the gap between RD and EA. You can kill her off, or make her have returned home. *Shrugs*

I may look in on you from time to time

And at least you have a new member now!

Bye, all!

*huggles all round*
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: April 26, 2006 07:59
NOOOOOOOOOOO ANDY! *holds on for dear life* Don't leave us!

Sal: I turned 16 a few months ago. I'm almost old enough to drive!

Okay, so lets start sketching out our character.

Name: ?? Age: ?? Race: elf Gender: ?? Reasons for attacking Imladris: ?? Appearance: ?? Personality: Basically evil... but we should have more detail.

Stuff like that.
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: April 26, 2006 09:18
*cries* NOOOO!!! We will miss you Andy. :cry:

Hmn. For name, I rather like 'Ondet', the translation from Norwegian into English being something akin to 'The Evil One'. Or we could use the German for evil, which is Übel... Or we could totally scratch that idea and come up with a regular Elvish name or something. That's open for discussion.

Age... Does a bazillion sound like fun???

Race: Elf or human. I don't think orcs would be smart enough to organize themselves. Again, open for discussion.

Gender: Most probably male, as Tolkien's world was comprised mostly of male characters in the foreground. And all his evil dudes were guys.

Reasons: That's a good one. Assuming it's an Elf, there would have to be something fairly twisted in the mind for them to attack one of the sanctuaries of their kind. If it's a human, the reasons could be simpler, like believing there is a potion to create eternal life, and the human is trying to make the Elves give it up.

Appearance: I could have lots of fun with this one, but for now, I'm thinking the bad guy should be fairly normal; no outstanding things about him. That would make his bad-doings all that much easier to accomplish and give our characters a bit of a longer hunt.

Personality: Basically evil, or entirely screwed up in the mind, like I mentioned earlier. Or maybe it's a person who is basically good, but has a prejudice against Elves, or something. We could have fun with this. And yet again, as always, it's open for discussion.

((geeze, I sound like my ELA teacher.... 'Open for discussion, class. Make use of your time and make valuable points...' BLEH.))
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: April 26, 2006 11:03
Name: I'm sure we can come up with *something* to call him if we put our heads together. There are 6 of us, so that should give us a pretty nasty brainstorm.
Race: I vote elf. You usually don't see too many elf baddies running around ME, you know?
Gender: I just can't see a female of any race using Orcs for minions... *shudder* Vile creatures, they are.
Age: If he were a bazillion, he'd be older than Eru... At least a few thousand years old. Three, maybe four.
Reasons: Agreed. Again, 6 heads, one nasty brainstorm.
Appearance: A hunt would be fun. So normal in appearance for the most part.
Personality: I think that's going to take some doing.

Contributions by anyone and everyone welcome!
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: April 26, 2006 12:57
I vote elf! Probably male, and I have half a mind to quote a dozen sexist jokes with the punchlines all implying something about the intelligence of the male gender. XD

Perhaps our villain, if he is an elf, could have been around since the first age - could give himi all the more reason to be all twisted up. (*cough* wars *cough* Morgoth *cough* tragedy *cough* kinslaying *cough* a hundred and one other situations that could lead to psychological problems and the accused pleading "diminished responsibility due to mental condition" or something along those lines...)

Ok have to go - using school comp. Will get back on little details tonight or something... ><
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: April 26, 2006 09:01
I agree with Sirithros .An Elf with attitude from the first age, with al sorts of grudges and revenge in mind.

Oh Sirithros, I live in West Sussex UK. and am usually going to bed when most of the others are getting up *SIGH*.


[Edited on 27/4/2006 by elflyn]
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: April 27, 2006 02:47
Am posting because if I have to identify and name another fallacy in this totally inane passage I'm supposed to be reading, I'm going to lose it.

This random idea popped in at the most inopportune moment during biology lab today, so as my hands were full of e.coli bacterium in those nifty little tube things I couldn't write it down... hope I remembered most of it. (Gosh I am being SO random XD)

If he'd been around during one of the kinslayings, I bet our villain could get *pretty* twisted, especially if he lost his whole family/friends/society in one fell swoop. Well, more twisted than if he'd been involved in the wars. The wars were bad, but they'd probably also have instilled in him the "normal" mindest that orcs are not friends, so he definitely wouldn't be using them, right? On the other hand, if you've just seen some people among the greatest of your kind killing your own people... Your values system and world-view just tends to get a little warped, IMO...

I was thinking the Kinslaying at Sirion would be the most probable, since if he was at Alqualonde then what would he be doing in Arda in the first place? He'd probably have something against the sons of Feanor, manifesting itself in a hatred of the Noldor as a race... then slowly festering over the ages to become an "I hate the world in general" sort of view... In the most direct line of thought I could think up, Galadriel was directly involved in the Kinslaying, Celebrian married Elrond, Elrond founded Imladris... He could have a vendetta against the Noldor, and as a result anyone associated with them (guilt by association)... Then comes the whole evil-laughter-plot-revenge-pick-them-off-one-by-one thing.

Just my rather convoluted two cents, yes.

Aww... England can't be *that* bad, Elflyn... try living in Southeast Asia. Really. Everyone here's awake when you're asleep, and when you're online just about nobody else is... ><
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: April 27, 2006 03:51
Oh, Andy, Narmion, Lalaith and I will miss you!!!! *clings selfishly*

Name: I like Sal's idea- Ondet.

Race: I like elf too. Someone who just happens to be a master warrior and of excellent stragetical mind couldn't hurt. (Well, technically he *could* hurt- hurt our characters- but they'll forgive us, right?)

Gender: I'm thinking male, for the obvious reasons

Age: I think yall's ideas about his witnessing the kinslaying are good. I'd say if he started out as a normal elf and then lost his whole family and several friends, his grief/anger/despair would be enough to drive him insane. Like Sirirthros said, he'd most probably start hating the ones responsible, which would lead to hating the rest of his people, eventually. Maybe we could pretend he had something to do with the terrible war in RD that claimed so many elves already.
Reasons: Well, I just put reaons in the wrong place, didnt I? O_O

Appearance: He should look like a normal (good looking?) elf- but he can look "normal" and still look really evil at the same time. All he needs is a devious smile. :evil:

Personality: These are just random thoughts, but I see him as being mostly calm and cool... you know, extremely dangerous in a quiet way. Of course he'd lose his temper from time to time (and watch out when he does!!) even killing his own men (erm- orcs?) when he does. He'd probably be arrogant and have a general disdain for everyone else- especially other elves, if he sees them all as sinners who need to be wiped off the face of middle-earth.

and a random note- might he have some men in the ranks? Captains and such? Just power-hungry people he can boss around (and more baddies for us to create)

I shall try to post soon... like I've said, final exam week O_O

we're scattered all over the world, are we not? I'm in southeast USA... way down there in Georgia.
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: April 27, 2006 10:11
Sirith, I loves the way thou doth think. ((Been reading a little too much old Shakespearean stuffs, I do believe. ))

Seriously, the Kinslaying idea is brilliant, and I also like DD's idea about that one Elf being involved, indirectly perhaps, in the Last Battle of RD.

I rather do like the idea of him being a good-looking Elf; it may make the character more confusing and give more depth. But hey, I'm used to looking at stuff from a novelist's view. Gosh darn NaNoWriMo has me all screwed up still.

Men in the ranks would be lots of fun. Especially if we get a wide variety of them from different places of Tolkien's; it would help 'ground' the RP in ME, you know? Umbar, Harad ((hopes I spelled that right....)), maybe even places like Gondor and Rohan had people who were evil and decided to join this Elfy-dude.

Hmn. Thinking: do we want a profile for this guy? If we do, I vote DD makes the piccy! She rocks, seriously. I loveth thou dolls DD! *cough* Erm, yeah.
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: April 27, 2006 10:22
I'm flattered, Sal :love: I'd love to doll our baddie!

As for posting, when I post do I need to go ahead and start whacking orcs, or should I wait?

and I'll start on the doll as soon as we decide on hair color and stuff
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: April 27, 2006 10:38
Yep DD I vote you do the 'doll'
I agree with everyone else's ideas on the baddie.
UMMMMMMMMMMMM DD doesn't he sound a tiny , tiny ...um bit like Glyndy??? LOL

Devious smile????? LOL!!!!!!!!!

Maybe he is Glyndr's ancestor or something?? Sounds like it LOL.

Whatever..I'll go with what you all decide.

And YEP I agree .........Siri ...your posts are AWESOME! great stuff (as we Brits would say! lol)

LIke DD, I'll wait for the right time to post for Glyndy..just tell us when!
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: April 27, 2006 10:41
Lol, yeah, we're scattered. I'm in New England personally.

Anyways, I do believe that we'd all be grateful if DD put her dolling magic to work, but to do so, we need details. If you all want me to, I suppose I can put together a profile in the DB about him when we get there.

Eyes: Hm... sea green, since he is seeming to be of the Teleri... maybe he traveled across the sea after the Noldor to get revenge...
Hair: I generally think of the Teleri of having silver hair, personally.

I likes the idea of there being humans from Harad, Umbar, maybe Rhun and Khand (Rhun is NE of Mordor, Khand is SE of Mordor. Variags (from Khand) were thought to be men. Ah, I love my 'Complete Guide to Middle Earth.')
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: April 27, 2006 11:09
I completely forgot about Rhun and Khand! I have a map of ME around here somewhere, but I'm too lazy to find it at the moment.
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: April 27, 2006 01:07

Yeah, now that I come to think of it, the villain *does* sort of sound like Glyndr... Oh dear... ><

Personally, I sort of think that silver hair would make him a little conspicuous... There weren't that many mentions of elves with silver hair, so I suppose it could be inferred to be a rarer thing... Maybe he could be an avari, with a nondescript sort of look... Or at least more common dark hair? I dunno. (Sorry. I nitpick.) But I agree he should be good-looking.

I like the idea of taking on bad human extras from all sort of remote places (though on a more random note I think Tolkien was a *teensy* bit ethnocentric when he cast his baddies from the far east...). Harad and Umbar at least have been associated with villains in the books. Not that sure about Rhun and Khand, but then you get evils types *anywhere* so...
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: April 27, 2006 02:59
As far as I know, Teleri had very light hair: Silver or light blonde. Think Cirdan: he was the one elf to look *old*, so thus you think of silver hair. Also, Celeborn was kinsman to Elwe, one of the leaders of the Teleri, and he has silver hair, so... Our baddie wears a hood all the time? Or he dyed his hair brown? EDIT: By dye I mean some sort of plant matter... or mud.

Well, although he does sound a bit like Glyndy, Glyndy's in love and he's not twisted. Too much.

[Edited on 28/4/06 by Nimeneth]
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: April 28, 2006 05:44
maybe instead of having silver hair he could just have very light blonde hair? that's not 'too' wild... and I know quite a few people with that natural color.

and he does sound like glyndr but maybe if they're similar that would make a confrontation more interesting?

I've got to pick up my brother from his college today, and I've got many errands to run-- but I shall try to post later tonight!

and will anyone mind if I go ahead and start cooking up a baddie from Gondor to play? I think its possible for men from anywhere to be corrupted, and Its been ages since I came up with a new character

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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: April 28, 2006 09:15
Go right ahead, DD. It sounds like fun to make up a new baddie character... Maybsie I will too.

@Nimmy: hehe. I remember that whole thing with hair being bleached and dyed and everything. Lotsofun.
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: April 28, 2006 09:34
Light blonde sounds fun, DD. This is what we have so far:

Name: Ohtar
Age: very old (I think we all agree)
Race: elf - Teleri to have been a victim of the Kinslaying.
Appearance: not much to put here yet, but moderate height, maybe even tall?

Hey, maybe everyone can make up their own baddie character and then we can have two groups that have some characters developed to play around with! That would make this RP interesting!

@Sal: Haha, I remember that. That was really fun. Now, who gets to take credit for that idea?
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: April 28, 2006 10:42
Yeeesssss DD a confrontation between Glyndy and the 'baddie' would probably throw the whole website of line for a month! sounds a good idea though.

What if a few (or even one or two) of our charas got captured by this 'whatever baddie during a battle or something?'

Another idea on things???

Anyway...I'll get a post in for Glyndr tomorrow...Will someone tell us if we can go ahead and sort these evil thingys at the camp?

Glyndy is geting too difficult to control!:evil:

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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: April 28, 2006 01:41
Dyed/ Light blond hair sounds good to me! (Did they have henna in Middle Earth? It dyes pretty well, though it *does* have a sort of distinct smell...)

From a "lit" point of view, we *could* make him look really similar to Glyndr, except he'd be light/fair where Glyndr is dark. It's doubly ironic, sort of like having a character foil to Glyndr but then the villain has the features commonly associated with "good" while Glyndr is all dark and sterotypically evil looking. You know, like "What Glyndr *would* have been like if he'd gone the other way". Just imagine the confrontation... *evil grin* We'd have Glyndr not only confronting a villain but also himself, in a way...

Ok I'm not sure that was understandable. >< Tell me if it's "huh?" or just plain incoherent.

Ooh yes I'd like to try playing a villain...
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: April 28, 2006 03:01
I likes the way Siri is thinking. A copy of Glyndr with inversed coloring! Whoo--fun.

So, nows we have:

Name: Ondet
Age: Really old
Race: Teleri Elf
App.: Well, Elves were generally around six feet tall, or so I've read somewhere or other... It all blends together after a while. It seems to me that we're leaning towards pale hair for our baddie Elfy. And possibly an opposite to Glyndr in other ways as well?

@elflyn: I like the idea of someone getting captured, or even several someones. Rolan is just about messed up enough to make the kind of stupid mistake that may make a captive of him... Or we could find someone else to get taken. Like, oh, Peregrin Took, because he's always getting into trouble. (JKJK)

@Sirith: Dunno if they had henna or not, but we used it (or something simiilar) in our last RP because *someone* had to go fall into a bucket of bleach and then dye their hair pink. I think we still have links to good plant-dye sites on the Red Dawn OOc// board.
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: April 28, 2006 05:52
I will get to a test-run doll very soon :evil:

and its been a looong day >< I don't think I'm awake enough to post tonight *grumbles* but I promise I'll have one up by the end of the weekend. no one else has to wait on me, if you'd rather go ahead I can catch up!

And Narmion is willing to be captured- it seems likely, since he's not exactly 100%. if anyone else wants to do the honors and have him taken captive, feel free.

Still working on my baddie... :evil:
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: April 29, 2006 01:41
GO DD! *huggles DD* We love your dolls.:love:

Anyways, when I get back from work, I'll try to post, and I'll try to make a baddie and stick him in the DB. I'm going either for an Easterling or a Variag...
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: April 29, 2006 10:48
Hey.. this new RD continuation thread is working out fine!

The battle scene is just soooo well done by everyone!

Here's to Ever After!

Hmm must go think of some other ideas!

Keep up the great work :love:


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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: April 29, 2006 05:21
Well, I've posted and I'm really cringing over this one ><

But anyway, here's the test-run of Ondet! In casual clothing, of course, with the dagger he used to murder some poor unsuspecting someone.. not sure if I'm happy with it or not. I can't remember where I got this base, but I'll let you know when I find it


[Edited on 30/4/2006 by dreamdancer]
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: April 29, 2006 08:05
Cringing? Aw DD that post was good - I can *never* get into a baddie's mind... >< I *still* haven't satisfied myself as to the profile of my villain yet. hmph.

Ooh Ondet looks... nondescript. Which is good. Except for the evil! dagger, but otherwise he fits the "any other elf" look... Cool!

Ok I realise that was TOTALLY unconstructive , but nevermind.
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: April 30, 2006 03:50
Ondet, despite the dagger, could blend in with a crowd. Very nice, DD!

Now I've got to get my behind into motion creating a baddie of my own. I'll try to get a post in later today, if I finish my homework, that is.
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: April 30, 2006 04:34
thanks yall, but I'm still not too happy with the first one so here's another try. Basically the same, just with him looking more... evil. :evil: Please ignore the fact that he's exposing his chest... his shirt isn't exactly elvish, but if yall like this one then I can go edit it and give him some armor


*this* base is by atumn pixels, I think
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: April 30, 2006 07:23
:drool: I think you made him look too sexy to *not* stand out in a crowd, DD. *wants to poke his abs so bad* Is that a six pack? Whooo... *melts into a puddle of goo*

*pulls herself together* Okay. Ignoring the open shirt, he does look pretty evil, DD. *puts her stamp of approval on this doll*

EDIT: I hope it's okay that my new character is the one that killed Elrond. If that's *not* okay, I'll edit his profile in the DB. I'm still working on it, and making it up as we go. And as a quick question to everyone, what's the pecking order of Ondet's human followers? As in, who's the most trusted and who is the one that Ondet relies on most heavily?

Also, we still haven't decided on Ondet's history or what his personality is like. Shouldn't we do that if Mr. Elf is going to start playing a large part in Ever After?

[Edited on 30/4/06 by Nimeneth]
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: April 30, 2006 10:46
Hey DD Glyndy has competition!!!!!!!!!!!! And he is NOT happy LOL!
But it will just add to the 'confrontation' thing.

Glyndr and I can't wait till he and Ondet meet.
Great doll DD!

Nimmy take great care , Plot bunnies can be lethal!

Mr Ondet's history can be decided by all of the RD/ EA team...Glyndy and I will go along with whatever you all decide

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