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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: April 30, 2006 11:04
Thanks for trying to warn me, elflyn, but I already know that plot bunnies can be lethal. Just look at Morgai! He freaks me out and he's my character! Just fyi, he's in the DB.

Known appearance: Tall. Pale hair and eyes (green or blue). He wears armor and most likely a dark colored cloak.
Unknowns: sword, bow, spear or all three for weapons? Does he smile, and if so is it an evil smile? Other things of interest?

Known personality: He's screwed up and bent on destorying Imladris for some reason or another.
Unknowns: Is he like Glyndy in some sense, or is he completely opposite Glyndy? Does he pretend to be nice or is he downright cruel? How does he act towards his human followers? Does he smile?

Known history: I think we've agreed that he was in the kinslaying and now hunts down Imladris for revenge.
Unknowns: Who did he lose? Who were the first humans that joined him? How many times has he attemped to take down Imladris? Other things of interest? His more recent history should certainly link into wha tis in the profiles of his human followers, like Morgai and the other three men who's names I can't remember for my life (sorry everyone!)

Sorry if it seems I'm pushing you guys, but Ondet is just to intriguing to let sit unfinished for long, you know?

And don't worry, Glyndy. Ondet may be a looker, but you're so much better looking and cooler than he is. *hugs Glyndr*
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: April 30, 2006 12:32
Woah! It's awesome, DD. I lurve whats you've all pulled together. I think meh likes Ondet, lotsies.

I think you're right Nimmy. Ondet is too awesome to let sit unfinished. And I think we may have the first truly evil Elf in the DB. *throws confettii* Celebrate!
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: April 30, 2006 01:08
Hey, people, contribute to Ondet and

Celebrate good times, come on! (Let's celebrate)
-Cool & The Gang
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: April 30, 2006 01:41
yay! I'm glad yall like the doll... I'll get him in armor soon enough

I think Ondet should have a twisted sense of humor. Let him be amused by the pain and suffering of others, and have a wicked grin. I'm not sure if he would ever have a genuine smile of happiness, other than joy to know how much chaos he's causing.

I'm thinking he could probably be able to put on a 'show'-- say the right things to the right people to convince them to follow him, even act friendly. Maybe he could go from one extreme to the other- be calm and cool one moment, and then lopping off heads the next.
I'm sure even if he 'tolerates' the humans working for him (because he knows he needs the help?), he certainly can lose his temper and kill any of them without remorse (and probably enjoy doing it)

As for the human followers, I'm not sure. Delven (my guy) is a disgruntled gondorian who was once a soldier, and is skilled in battle. I have a feeling he likes bossing others around, and he probably is hoping to make himself look better in Ondet's eyes by bringing back an elf captive. He wants power. I'd say he's probably been working for Ondet for a few years.

I'll say that Delven probably met our wonderfully evil elf after deserting the gondorian army, maybe in some random tavern or inn. If he heard that someone was recruiting he'd have hopped on the story and found his way to be recruited. Maybe Ondet traversed for a while to locate people who could serve him, rounding up those who would be willing to work with orcs and to basically just cause terror and join in senseless bloodshed.

Maybe, if he didn't orginize the tragic battle that started RD he had a large hand in it, willing to help the orcs wipe out the remainder of the elven race. That could have been before or after he started recruiting his own captains.

As for Ondet's loss during the kinslaying, maybe he could have lost a wife and children, as well as siblings and parents? Friends as well. That would cause enough grief to drive him crazy, I think.

That's all I have for now, and I think most if its rambling I've got to run... I'm working on my algabra exam. *stabs fractions*
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: April 30, 2006 01:46
Ooh nice doll DD!

... damnit I think he looks remotely good. LOL.

*breaks out the candies and (non-alcoholic) drinks*

You think he could have lived among elvenkind for a while? Or worse - maybe he actually came from Imladris. He could've been one of those nondescript types who lurk around the place, the kind people know are there but don't really remember... Just always *there* in the shadows, learning as much about the place as possible, plotting revenge... bwahaha. (-.-") Or perhaps he had "friends in high places", making friends with people in the... uh... upper echelons of Imladris society so that he could find out more of the valley's little secrets [Quote SunZi's Art of War: Know your enemy and terrain.] ? And now that they're gone... He could have been waiting for the chance, and in the fourth age after Imladris started emptying out, he took it. Besides, having him live in Imladris for a while, some of our charries might know him, or even had some sort of relationship with him, say as colleagues, co-workers etc.

Maybe after that he just "disappeared" (not that many missed him; he was always too strange), and since east seems to be the general direction to find evil characters, he went there. Could've stayed a while in Gondor, or even gone further on.

He could probably have lost just about everyone in his life during the Kinslaying - family plus a lot of friends besides. To add an extra dimension of tragedy, do you think he'd loved someone before that? Married? Started a family?

I think he should have *originally* been somewhat like Glyndr, but where Glyndr is plain bad-tempered Ondet would take it to the extent of being cruel. Probably one of those entirely twisted types to want to plot against his own kind. Explosive temper? And I think he shouldn't have a... uh... "real smile", so to speak. Just that kind of cold, deranged grin which means he's going to chop someone's head off.

Ok that's all I can actually come up with for now. I really need to go do homework! *glares at big pile of sheets and unfinished essay*
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: April 30, 2006 01:56
Hm. Kinda reminds me of Morgai (my human dude - in DB *hint hint* Let me know if I need to edit him) I had Ondet start recruiting humans about 6 years ago thread-time, but I can always change that.

@DD: I do like the calm-and-collected to bloodthirsty bit in his personality. Makes him all the scarier. And the bit about him either organizing the battle or being a part of it would be very interesting, tying him into RD and making him have *history*. And DD, I totally agree with the loss, because that's probably the right amount to drive him mad and send him on a mission for revenge.

@Siri(can I call you that? You can call me Nim or Nimmy if you'd like.): Living in Imladris sounds like a *very* good idea. Makes it all the more chilling. Explosive temper sounds nice, but let's make sure he doesn't explode *too* much, because that just gets old and then he'd be out of followers. Chilling smile = check. All baddies should have one. I like your ideas!

Anyways, I'll post sometime tomorrow night, as I'm almost out of post points in the OOC Discussion forum for the day! Bye!
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: April 30, 2006 02:32
And I succumb to temptation and reutrn.

Eesh! I totally didn't realise DD had posted *minutes* before me, lol!

Great minds think alike - you had the same idea about Ondet losing everyone who mattered in his life to the Kinslaying. Haha. (But fools seldom differ too. ><)

And yes I agree he should be a many-faceted character, with deceptive appearances. Extremes sounds good too, and makes him all the more dangerous/unbalanced.

Morgai sounds evil! And twisted every which way, though I suppose Ondet should do it better with six deranged minds on his case (haha). And I'm perfectly fine with Siri.
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: April 30, 2006 03:11
I, too, give into temptation and return. Actually, I'm taking a late supper break from my evil algebra final, so I managed to edit the doll out of the sexy shirt and into some armor


Somehow, black armor seemed appropriate.

Love Morgai's profile, Nimmy :evil: I've still got to get one upfor Delvan. Six years of recruiting works for me and my baddie- Ondet has been planning his revenge for a long time, I'd think.

and I think that, far back in his history (before the kinslaying) it will add to his character if he loved someone and had a family. The fact that he's lost all he cared about because of his own race will give him that "oh, I think he needs a hug" element. Although I personally don't know if I'd risk hugging that one *snickers* but it will give him a good reason for being the way he is.

I can honestly say I have not posted this much on coe in one day for months yaaay for plotting
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 01, 2006 05:27
*peeks head around corner*

Uh...Hi there. I know I'm new and not part of this thread ( a situation I would LOVE to rectify if possible) but Siri is my newbie buddy and sort of recommended the "Ever After" thread to me. I would love to get involved in some role-playing and I promise, I don't believe in one word responses to anything. If I can't join because you guys are too far in, then it won't hurt my feelings, just let me know.

As for the bad guy you all are discussing, may I offer a little input? Again, I know I'm not involved but as I was reading, I just kept thinking over what you were all discussing. I really like the idea of him looking like your typical "good" elf but being evil inside. I don't know that "explosive fits" of temper would be necessarily how he should act though. I think it would be more like....well....like playing with a large venomous snake. His lieutenants would have a respect that is tinged with fear. His is a cold intelligence (Tolkien always seemed to make the elves far more intelligent than other races and if he's THAT old, that would simply be all the more true) with little real feeling behind it save for a cold, calculating malice.

Instead of any real "fit of anger" it would be more like a snake strike. He would give you chills being around him because he would be so utterly calm and cold but you know that if you push your luck too far, he would strike. It would be swift and blinding violence, without remorse or pity. One second you would talk to him and the next, he would simply remove your head before you knew what happened but those witnessing it would simply see him ever so calmly pull out a cloth, wipe his sword down, and then, with the eternal patience of a parent teaching their children, he would explain to those present what the person in question did wrong.

In this way, he would ALWAYS seem like he was in control. It would be more like a culling of the herd than any real anger behind it. Seeing him angry should be a truly terrifying thing liked to more of a wrath than any real fit of anger. His real anger and hatred is expressed in his ruthless battle against his own kind. Mess with this guy and he'll not only kill you, he'll kill your whole family and since his life span is so long, he can take his time. As for his smile, well, that could be pleasant enough when he presents himself to the party. Heck, since he's so non-descript, he could actually fool them into thinking he's another elf joining the cause, then lead them all astray or into a trap. There are so many places you could take this.

Well, either way, I will be reading the thread anyhoo just to keep up with it as it seems to be pretty interesting so far.
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 01, 2006 06:05
Ooh now we're getting into deep, philosophical discussion. ><

I do like Otterling's ideas, and yes I did reccomend otterling (Very sorry. Are you a him or a her, 'cos your bio doesn't say... *sheepishness*) to this thread because it's so great. Hope nobody minds!

My goodness I can't believe how many posts I've used up today - haven't been this active in... months!

DD, is it psychological, or does Ondet still look like he has those six-pack abs under his armour? (jk. LOL)

The fact that he's lost all he cared about because of his own race will give him that "oh, I think he needs a hug" element. Although I personally don't know if I'd risk hugging that one *snickers* but it will give him a good reason for being the way he is.

*runs far, faaaar away*

Ok as you can probably tell by now this was one brainless post, but I was posting for Istale and dropped in for a bit.
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 01, 2006 06:34
Those abs werent meant to still be noticable lol

I like otterlings ideas too, but I'm still leaning toward the explosive anger. Maybe a little of both? Someone losing their temper and then becoming all calm a few moments later is scary. He's supposed to have been driven insane by his grief, not just driven evil. (does that make sense?) so I think its likely that he could very well have a frightening, wrathful temper tantrum when he's not his cold, evil wickedly-smiling self. I'm sure that he can strike like a snake when he wants to, but I'd still like him to be a bit unstable.

just finished my exam for computer class! *faints* college exams= evil!!
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 01, 2006 07:26
Hrm..... I guess I could see your point there DD. Perhaps you're right, maybe having a combination of the two? I guess I'm just a little worried about it coming across more like a childish tantrum than a random, sudden fit of rage. Judging from what I've seen so far, as I continue to read the thread, I'm less and less worried about that though. The caliber of writing I'm seeing has me pretty convinced it could be pulled off. (It's going to be a while until I finished reading all the posts and then I'm off to read all of "Red Dawn") I would really love to join up and hope that my writing meets the very high standards I've seen here so far. It would trulybe a pleasure to get to play with you all. This is one of the best roleplaying groups I've seen.

My thanks to you, Siri, for pointing me in the right direction. :hug:
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 01, 2006 08:20
Otterling great to see you here...

Hmm Glyndr and I are keeping out of the discussions on Ondet.

I have enough trouble controlling Glyndy's bad temper, I don't want to be responsible for helping to create another unpredictable chara LOL!

Whatever you all decide, Glyndy and I will be happy with. (Well Glyndr won't he is already as jealous as hell over Ondet!)

Will post again for Glyndr tomorrow...

Would Sal , or anyone let me know how the battle will end ..Victory? or not?

Just so I can plan around it :evil:
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 01, 2006 09:17
Woah! I think this is the most I've seen posted by this group for a looooong time. Welcome, Otterling. I'd love to have you join us. The whole point of starting a new thread, was, after all, to get new people into it.

Love the Ondet in Armour, DD. *bigbiggrin*

And with everything about his personality, well, I think you are all a step ahead of me. I'm not on quite as often as I'd like, so I have quite a bit of posty reading in the actual thread to attend to.

Lurve ya all.
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 01, 2006 10:57
So am I allowed to jump in? YAY!!!!! :disco: I'm so happy!!!!!!! Woo-hoo!


Sorry. Anyway, as I have not created a character yet, but have an idea, may I run it past some of you more experienced players to see if you would mind it? I have not yet read the Simarillion (I know *cringes* I ordered it and am waiting for it to arrive so I can read it) so some of the things you are discussing go over my head, however, I learn fast and welcome any input that would help make the character better.


My concept?
A female dwarf (a little out of place, but this COULD work...).

Hannalisa was born into the same clan as Gimli, though she bears only an extremely distant relationship to him (8th cousin, twice removed, or something to that effect). Hanni to those who have worked past her tough façade and found the warm heart hidden under all that tough hide, is a burly, surly bundle of bravado. She fights with the same overwhelming passion, seemingly born unto all dwarves, that she lends to her metalworking, though for all her readiness for the battles of old, she has never fought anything tougher than her brother Bjorman (pronounced Be-yor-man). Though devoted to her clan and her craft, Hanni proved a danger more real than any orc horde when her clumsier nature took over and she proved herself to be the bane of all those working on the finer details of their master-pieces. Frustrated and at a complete loss, her father implored their king to find something constructive for her to do that wouldn’t involve being anywhere near the forges.

When rumors of a war being waged upon the elves began to filter down through the dwarven halls, Hanni was offered up as a sort of emissary (though most dismissed the rumors as just that) and she was sent forth to make her way to Rivendell, asses the situation and report back. No one really expected her to come across an actual war and they all agreed that it would do her some good to get out and go on a character building trip. Her father is convinced that her clumsy nature is due to a lack of self confidence that she covers with an inflated sense of bravery. This bravery, while a strength in some situations can also prove to be her downfall in others as she accepts almost any challenge thrown her way just to prove herself against it.

She has bright orange/red hair and sideburns so long they could pass easily for the beginnings of a beard. Anyone talking to her would probably mistake her for being male at first glance. Clad in enough armor to hide any womanly attributes, it still, nevertheless, amazes her that other races cannot tell she’s so *obviously* a woman. (Please note the writer’s sarcasm)


I can easily pop her in there somewhere as she comes across the orcs, the men, or even the rest of the party. Let me know if you need a different character. I decided to play a dwarf just because you have humans, and a LOT of elves (for obvious reasons). Hope you like her! She’ll be fun, I promise.
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 01, 2006 12:12
HEY otterling Welcome to Ever After!

This will be great fun.. Hannalisa would just throw Glyndr completely! LOL!!!!!!!!!1

Welcome again.. Beware the Captain LOL

PS..Don't worry about not reading the Silmarilllion...I LOVE the book...but most others I talk to gave up after the first page...

Just live your chara...as we all do ours...

[Edited on 1/5/2006 by elflyn]
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 01, 2006 01:00
Oh no do i get the feeling we should all drop everything and back... away... slowly... from Glyndr...? (jk, jk.)

And i agree that Ondet should have somethin of a balance between cool stillness and crazy wild anger. sort of like scaled-down bipolar disorder, lol.

Hooray for all the people who ploughed through the Silmarillion! I loved it to little bits and pieces (almost literally. Read my book in the bath and dropped it. Oops.)

I think the addition of a dwarf would be really novel!

P.S. Hope your exams went fine, DD!

[Edited on 1/5/2006 by Sirithros_Lirenel]
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 01, 2006 01:25
@everyone who wasn't present for RD: yes, beware Captain Glyndr, but don't be afraid of him! He's got a warm heart somewhere under all that cold armor he hides himself in. You learn to love him after a while (note the banner in most of our sigs.)

@DD: The abs aren't noticable under the armor. But I love the armor. And might I commission you for an 'Ever After' banner after finals and all that die down?

@Otterling: Welcome aboard! Your ideas for Ondet are something that I can really see become incorporated into his character, thank you for contribution. Your character seems interesting, too. What a rag-tag army we're turning into!

As for Ondet, we still have a *few* details that need to be worked out. What does he use for weapons? And further, do we want to stick him in the DB or do we want to leave him in the OOC thread? If we want to put him in the DB, I can post him and then edit him to death as more details are added. He'll wind up being a free character, however, since "sharing is caring", as my friend Parsley says.

Off to finish homework, but I'll probably drop back in later tonight to see what's happened in my absense.
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 01, 2006 01:28
welcome to the thread, otterling! A dwarf would be a very interesting addition to the plot, especially since we've so many elves running around.

Delvan's profile is up!
Delvan's Profile

I've recently been bitten by a dolling bug, so I may end up having to do all of the characters...

And the finals are going meh, but I'll live

As for the thread- any thoughts on what's going to happen to Narmion and Rolan (and Diablo, of course)? Are they going to be taken all the way to the hidden enemy camp and questioned? It seems that the rest of our company may need to return to Imladris before attempting a rescue mission, but that's just me rambling.

*brain fried from algebra*


I think we posted at the same time, Nimmy XD You can give me details on a banner now, and I can go ahead and get started on it. My request thread has more or less died (erk) but I still shall make stuff for all my dear red dawnies ^_^

And As old as Ondet is, I think he'll probably be skilled with many different weapons. I somehow see a two-handed sword being his favorite, though, but once again-- rambling

The first time I tried to read The Simlarillion I gave up, but I tackled it again my senior year of high school and couldn't put it down. I *LOVE* that book!

[Edited on 1/5/2006 by dreamdancer]

[Edited on 3/5/2006 by dreamdancer]
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 01, 2006 01:56
I'm so glad my charrie is being well received. Here's her link in the database : Hanni

Arg....sorry that's so freaking long.

Anyway, as for Ondet's weaponry, bows and swords seem to be the norm for most elves. How about a long bow, carved from the wood of Lothlorien's trees ( a gift of long ago). It was inlaid with the designs of his family's heritage but after the kinslaying, he re-covered those designs with an ornate sheath of wrought gold, through which only tiny bits of the orginal design can be seen. The new design is a low relief. On the bottom are the bodies of what appear to be two elves in an eternal struggle, one of them is hovering over the other and his left hand is reaching up toward the top of the bow, the other holds a sword to his brother's throat. The grip and notch for the arrow separate the scene from the upper half which depicts the most beloved stars of elven kind being pulled from the heavens by a dis-embodied hand. He can name it "Gwarth" (I hope I translated that right. It's supposed to mean "betrayer" in Sindarin).

He might also carry a set of small swords similar to those worn by Legolas but, again, changed to fit him.

[Edited on 3/5/2006 by otterling]
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 01, 2006 02:25
Ooh, interesting character, otterling. I like her. The description of her is very detailed. Also... whoo, you're really into details, aren't you? I can pretty much see how you picture Ondet's weapory, and I like the idea of the Lothlorien bow being that ornate. I mean, really, the guy has to have *some* sort of thing to set him apart from the others. But as opposed to two small swords, I like the two-handed one of DD's idea better.

DD, also an interesting character. We must think of how Morgai and Delvan interact. As for dolling the characters (the new ones), go right ahead with Morgai. As for the banner, I'll PM you with specifics once I think of what might work for the thread, DD, okay?
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 01, 2006 04:49
I love the bow description

And I think the two-handed sword would set him apart. Something akin to a broadsword, but with an elvish flair. If he's going to be as strong as I think he is then such a sword would do serious damange, and I think he'll like to take out a few enemies in one fell swipe. :evil:

I visualize something a bit more wicked looking than the ones the Lothlorien elves used in TTT movie- a shortler handle and larger, longer blade. It could either keep this viny curve or have a leaf-shaped blade like Sting, just a lot longer.

Here's an image of those swords.


Along with the sword, which would probably be his main choice for close-range combat, he could have several daggers, probably some with poisoned blades.

Here are some really cool dagger-type weapons from a website that I love ( http://www.mwart.com check it out!). They may be too far-out, but I thought I'd share them. I guess I can give one of them to Delvan... he'll be thrilled

Image Image

[Edited on 2/5/2006 by dreamdancer]
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 01, 2006 09:06
Wow otterling you really know how to think in detail! *admires*

Actually I think Ondet should have a bastard sword - the big, heavy (and remotely ugly) kind, wielded with two hands. And the bow is something of a requisite for elves, isn't it?

Ooh, I like DD's three-pronged hooked thingy. It looks evil!

Still in school, so my evil! charrie's profile will be up when I get home today. And he's going to be from Harad. Haha. ><

Oh, and Sal - can you update us on how the battle's going to go?

EDIT: Evil guy is now up in DB - opinions more than welcome!

[Edited on 2/5/2006 by Sirithros_Lirenel]
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 02, 2006 02:47
Hrm.....actually I still think I prefer the thinner blade DD suggested. A heavy bastard sword is a bit much for the normally graceful elves. I also rather like one of the daggers, though I prefer the single bladed one as opposed to anything that has numerous sharp prongs coming off it. I think that is more suited to one of the men, perhaps.

@Siri, Thank you. I apprecaite that. I do have a tendancy to think in minute details, you'll probably see that in alot of my writing.

@Sal, yes, please do let us know how the battle should go so I can appropriately bring in my charrie without interrupting the story flow.

I have not yet come up with a bad guy, though that isn't too hard. I have a rather scary ability to come up with some truly nasty characters when the need arises. I'll try not to put too much of a hurting on anybody's charrie. Mwahhahahahahah! *ahem*

Oh, and one more thing, can anyone tell me when the forum posts reset? I started posting yesterday but this morning I'm finding that I'm still being told I only have 3 posts left. :cry:
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 02, 2006 03:02
*blinblink* We seem to be growing pretty fast. Each time I look here, I'm reminded of how hard it is for me to get to a computer. So, I have a post ready for Rolan, Dia and Dirk (my new charrie), but I just need the time to type it all up. Maybe I'll skip class one of these days to do it.

As for the battle, well, I'd call it a stalemate. Both sides draw off, maybe?
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 02, 2006 04:33
Mwa..mwa..mwahahahahahahahahaha. *ahem* The creative bug bit me and this nasty little character popped out. I hope you all enjoy him. Let me know what you think:


@Siri, I JUST read your character bio and realised that there is a bit of a resemblance there. Wow....it's getting scary how much we think alike. If you need me to change mine, I'm happy to do so, just let me know.

The stalemate sounds like a fine idea to me. I'll just toss poor Hanni in there now and see how much chaos she causes! Woot!

[Edited on 3/5/2006 by otterling]
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 02, 2006 04:34
KK Sal ....Miss class????

Well I know what I would do too! :evil:

I'll post for Glyndy getting what is left of his battle worn patrol re grouped and in the charge..

Then that gives everyone a chance to post orc bashing again before Glyndy commands the patrol to withdraw.

See ya later

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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 02, 2006 07:46
Woo-hoo! I have made with the orc bashing! I will be posting Di'shan in there as soon as I feel a good opening is available. I hate to just toss him in without finding the right moment for it.

In the meantime, I hope you all enjoy Hanni!
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 02, 2006 09:40
@otterling: The posts reset as you go. Example: you post at 6:49 on 5/1, you'll get that point back at 6:49 the next day. Also, in the process of reading your new character, and whooo does he sound hot... even if he is evil.

And I've just realized that we're adding a whole slew of really evil baddies to the DB... which is a little scary, considering the nature of these characters... Di'shan *really* scares me, otterling. Nice post, too.

Well. I'll try to get a post in using Morgai, and maybe introducing Ondet as well. Even though he's not quite finished. Oh well.

EDIT: I forgot to ask - what's the pecking order of the men with Ondet? As in, who's Ondet's second in command and who falls after the second? Or should they all be equal and he has no second?

[Edited on 2/5/06 by Nimeneth]
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 02, 2006 10:35
Seems like Glyndy has his work cut out with all these bad guys appearing!

"Just let them try!" he says...

Ah well , there's no talking sense to him LOL

Oh, I made contact with Andy.....She is considering re joining us..YAY!

[Edited on 2/5/2006 by elflyn]
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 02, 2006 01:15
great posts, everyone :evil: I'm going to try to get a post in later tonight for Narmion, and I'll try to think up something for Lalaith too. She wants her Glyndy home so badly! *pets her*

As for 'pecking order', Nimmy, maybe Delvan and Morgai could be Ondet's right and left hand men. I'm thinking those two might have the same amount of power, but probably hate eachother with a passion XD I know that Delvan will want all the power for himself.

yay on Andy!
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 02, 2006 01:35
DD, Morgai and Delvan being Ondet's right and left hand men might work, if everyone else agrees with it. If not, we'll figure out another pecking order that fits everyone's approval. If the right and left hand goes into effect - everyone else beware... :evil: They're going to be at each other's throats.

Now, I should go edit my post with Morgai...

Also yay on Andy!
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 02, 2006 02:05
I am perfectly happy with Di'shan taking a back seat. He's happy so long as he has someone to torment. Just toss him a victim now and then and he'll happily get any "information" out of them you want! Mwahahaha. :evil: Wow...I keep doing that now. :/ Anyway, I also wanted you to know that I made a picture of Di'shan (it was nagging at me and wouldn't let go till I had finished). My back is now yelling at me for sitting in front of my computer with little support, clicking away for three hours while I whipped this puppy up! Let me know what you all think. I can move the image later if need be, for now it can also be found on his profile.


Dang it....now that I'm looking at it...I keep seeing things I need to work on.......*sigh*
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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 02, 2006 03:01
very cool, otterling from one pixler to another! what program did you use?

I'm getting ready to start on my post- but had a question. Is your baddie going to be resposible for questioning our poor captive characters? I don't need to know for this post, but 'twas just wondering

And this is the beginning of the banner. I had serious issues trying to change the picture from day-time to night-time, but this is how its looking... I'll make a smaller, sig-sized version as I'm able, and once I have it really finished. input?

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Post RE: OOc// Ever After
on: May 02, 2006 03:11
I rather like the banner. I think it came out well. I would say make the lens flare a bit smaller though as it is a little bright. I think you did a good job getting the picture to depict night time. I use Photoshop CS on my own works.

As for the thread, I would indeed enjoy having Di'shan (and I know HE would enjoy) being the one that questions our prisoners. He's got a knack for getting info and I think he'll be VERY good at it. Heheheh. If no one else has a problem with that, then I'd like for his position to be as the "Information gatherer" of the group. He isn't the left or right hand, he just "questions" prisioners very well. :evil:
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