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Post RE: Elrond's Message (PM or post in the OOC for pending approval)
on: August 18, 2009 04:27
Arvanion struggled to sit up, only to be pushed down by a stern-looking Eleniel. "I need rest, don't I?" he gasped. "No matter. I can sleep in the saddle. Well thrown, by the way."

"Where did your horse go?" Belegann asked.

"I have it," said Du-finnion stoutly. "I managed to catch the reins before it bolted.

Cirdan, looking concerned, looked to Arvanion. "You won't be riding for awhile in your condition, but we need to go on," he said. "I'll leave you and your companions here for now with a squad on horseback and go on with the rest. You'll be able to catch up to us once you've rested."

Arvanion nodded gratefully. "My thanks, Lord Cirdan." The silver-haired elf returned his nod and nudged his horse into a trot, calling orders in an even tone of voice as he rode down the line.

"Form up. Ithor, you and your squad will stay with Arvanion and his friends. Aran, organize a burial detail for our comrade. Infantry, move out."

As the noise of the marching army died away into the distance, Eleniel finally allowed Arvanion to stand. He did so with a wince. "The trolls must have had a lair nearby to hide from the sun... although daylight didn't seem to affect them. Truly, they are fell creatures. We should look into it... perhaps there were more. Ithor, stay here with your squad. The rest of you, come with me, but leave your horses. We need as much stealth as possible."


The troll lair was not far away and, thankfully, was empty of trolls. However, Arvanion and his friends did discover a large amount of gold there, mixed in with the bones of its former owners. Although he felt a great deal of distaste at seeing the grisly remains, he knew that the gold would be of great use later on.

They left the troll lair late in the evening, riding at a faster pace to catch up to Cirdan's army. As they crested a ridge, they saw the fires of the camp. Arvanion relaxed: the day's ride had been taxing, and he was looking forward to sleeping off the pain of falling from his horse.

They rode into the camp, greeted by elves who were busily cooking over the fires. Arvanion had brought some of the trolls' hoard with him (the rest, they had buried) and he showed it to Galdor and Cirdan. Both were impressed, and promised that he and his friends could take the lion's share of the wealth if they wished.

They left Cirdan's tent two hours before midnight and made sure that their horses were properly stabled. At last, their tents pitched, Arvanion, Radavik, and Du-finnion slept a dreamless sleep.

((Have conversation amongst yourselves while you can... after awhile, I'm going to do more action sequences. ))
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Post RE: Elrond's Message (PM or post in the OOC for pending approval)
on: August 18, 2009 03:17
After they rode to the troll cave, Naegauth took a look around to find anything that could be useful for the journey ahead. He found a nice, long, and curved dagger that was inscribed with many Elvish words. It even had a sheath along with it that he could strap onto his belt along with his other knife that he cherished. The dagger needed to be sharpened badly, but was otherwise well made and in good condition. He figured that the dagger would be of better use in his hands than in the hoard pile and took it with him.

Naegauth didn’t want to seem selfish, so he didn’t take any of the gold for himself. He wouldn’t have anything to buy with it anyway.


At last they came to a nice campsite to let themselves and their horses rest. Naegauth wasn’t very tired and decided to sit close to the campfire and sharpen the used knife that he picked up from the cave. The blade was pretty blunt and needed to be tended with if he ever wanted to kill anything with it.

After a couple hours he put the knife away when he thought that it was sharp enough and took out his pipe that he hadn't touched since the beginning of the journey at the inn where he met Arvanion and Radavik.

A lot has changed since then, Naegauth thought to himself, I can’t believe we started out with a party of three. Now look at us. We’re in an army!

Naegauth stared at the dancing flames in the fire. He wondered where Lucy and Merkawen went. He hoped that they weren’t in any trouble that they were unaware of. Naegauth knew that there must be a reason for their sudden departure, but he couldn’t guess what for.

Naegauth felt slightly out of place in the camp. He felt strange sitting in the camp with a bunch of Elves that he didn’t know. Naegauth felt slightly shy and nervous around all of them and tried to keep to himself most of the time. He hadn’t seen many of his kind for a long time.

Naegauth set his eyes on the stars and became lost in deep thought.

[Edited on 19/8/2009 by Passepartout]
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Post RE: Elrond's Message (PM or post in the OOC for pending approval)
on: August 20, 2009 11:15
Eleniel saw to the injured and then wandered off to the edge of the encampment by herself. The stars shone brightly overhead, twinkling and winking at her like old friends. She reflected on herself. A loner she was, now living like all the others but still not being very comfortable around them. She hid it well, but deep down she had a longing for the silence of the wilds. Eleniel seated herself beneath a draping tree and closed her eyes. Gradually, she shut out the chatter and noise of the others and breathed in the smells and sounds of nature around her. A deep calm settled over her. Then a stick cracked outside her refuge, startling her.
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Post RE: Elrond's Message (PM or post in the OOC for pending approval)
on: October 17, 2009 04:37
It was early in the morning. The cook-fires were being lit, and sleepy soldiers were emerging from their tents. Arvanion yawned and stretched, getting to his feet and buckling on his weapons again.

"Wake up, sleepyhead," he said, kicking Du-finnion lightly. The elven knight was up in a flash.

"I was just resting my eyes," he said, grinning as he reached for his sword. "How far do you think we'll march today?"

Arvanion's response was cut off by a long horn-call. Du-finnion blanched. "Attack? Here?"

Arvanion poked his head outside the tent flap, pulling it in quickly as a horse galloped past. The rider was blowing the horn: not an elf, but a grim-looking man with a salt-and-pepper beard and a weathered face.

Arvanion left the tent and set off after him at a run.

The Dunedain was speaking urgently with Galdor and Cirdan as Arvanion came up. Cirdan beckoned to him. "This man bears urgent tidings," he said, brow furrowed. "Arathorn's men are under attack."

"Then we must move the army straightaway!" exclaimed Arvanion, starting to run off again. Cirdan forestalled him.

"Arvanion, take your friends and a group of elven knights north. I will send a group of infantry your way as quickly as possible, but the main body of the army needs to go on to rescue Gildor and Glorfindel."

"But commander..." protested Arvanion.

"This was a difficult decision," said Cirdan, his face looking pained. "I am sorry."

Arvanion bowed his head. "I understand, Lord Cirdan. Du-finnion, get the knights together," he ordered.

((And, once again, I return after a long period of gone-ness to post...))
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Post RE: Elrond's Message (PM or post in the OOC for pending approval)
on: October 17, 2009 12:10
(OOC: Hooray! A new post!)

After a long night, sun finally rose over the horizon and lit the camp up. Naegauth sat in his tent, sharpening his knife. He could smell the food that they men were cooking and his stomach was growling at the thought of it.

Just as Naegauth was rising to go out and get a bite to eat, he received orders that Arvanion was moving out with everyone else to save Arathorn's army from attack. The time for action was now, and Naegauth did not want to miss it.

Naegauth threw on all of his armor on as quickly as possible when he heard the news. Naegauth grabbed his bow and ran swiftly to Arvanion, leading his horse by the reins along the way. He walked to where he saw Arvanion, bunch of elven knights, and his other friends congregated.

Naegauth jumped on his horse and awaited for the order to depart...

[Edited on 17/10/2009 by Passepartout]
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Post RE: Elrond's Message (PM or post in the OOC for pending approval)
on: October 29, 2009 06:13
Eleniel joined the mustering forces, checking her knives once more. All were in place. Grimly, she set her jaw. War was coming once again. She waited with the others to move out.
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Post RE: Elrond's Message (PM or post in the OOC for pending approval)
on: November 03, 2009 01:00
Elurin pulled his horse next to Eleniel and pulled her up. "Another fight it seems." After the other night he and Eleniel felt oddly connected. They would work well together. Elurin waited for the orders to move out. His hand rested on Eleniel's hip while the other held the reigns.
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Post RE: Elrond's Message (PM or post in the OOC for pending approval)
on: November 05, 2009 06:27
Eleniel was glad to have Elurin behind her. The urge to lean back against his chest came over her and she surprised herself by giving in. For a brief moment, she thought her heart fluttered at his nearness, but then it was gone. However, it puzzled her and she pondered it in the recesses of her mind. Could she ever belong with another person or was she always destined to be alone. She turned the thought around but did not act on anything.
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Post RE: Elrond's Message (PM or post in the OOC for pending approval)
on: November 06, 2009 05:55
Elurn caught the scent of Eleniels hair as she laid back into him. He caught his breath. The scent was overpowering. He had never felt like this, he didn't want to be alone anymore.

Elurin shook the thoughts from his mind, he had a mission to do and he would see it done. Elurin rode up to Arvanion, "What has happened? Why are we splitting up"
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Post RE: Elrond's Message (PM or post in the OOC for pending approval)
on: November 10, 2009 01:18
"The main army must continue on to aid Glorfindel and his forces," said Arvanion. "They won't be able to keep up with us, and it's imperative that we reach Arathorn as soon as possible. Now we ride!"


It was a long night of riding, each knight in the party driven by the urgency to aid the valiant Dunedain chieftain. There was no question of stopping to rest: everyone knew that the slightest delay could cost the lives of Arathorn and everyone in his group.

"I think that I see something ahead of us," said Du-finnion as they reached the top of one of the Shire's rolling hills.

"That's not the Dunedain," said Arvanion darkly.

"Goblins!" said Radavik with a curse, as a shower of arrows flew towards them. Most fell short, but one narrowly missed killing him, its barbs catching in his hood.

"Advance!" shouted Arvanion, and the elven bugler blew the charge.

((It fight time! Yes, that grammar mistake was intended.))
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Post RE: Elrond's Message (PM or post in the OOC for pending approval)
on: November 11, 2009 07:06
Eleniel heard the swish of arrows and knew she would be of more use on the ground. "Please do not leave me after the fight is over," she said to Elurin and then swung off the moving horse, drawing her knives. With a single glance back at him, she plunged into the melee, slaying goblins left and right. Time was pushing on.
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Post RE: Elrond's Message (PM or post in the OOC for pending approval)
on: November 11, 2009 04:56
Naegauth took out his longbow. An arrow flew past his head, cutting into the side of it, leaving a wide gash. Naegauth swore, drew an arrow, and shot it at the goblin responsible for the cut. The arrow flew true and slammed into the evil creature's chest.

Naegauth rode his horse around, trying to avoid the arrows as well as he could while firing back. He saw some goblin infantry advancing towards them as they charged. This would not be a clean battle, that was for sure. Naegauth fired rapidly at the infantry, taking many down before they joined the fray.

Naegauth only hoped that this delay would not cost the lives of Arathorn and his men...
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Post RE: Elrond's Message (PM or post in the OOC for pending approval)
on: November 12, 2009 01:43
(Hi all! Just got Arvanion's message today that I can join you all!)

Eodwyn swore as a orc blade almost cut into her thigh, quickly she swung her blades over to block another attack from the same orc, kicked him and then swiftly defeated him. She then moved on to her next target.

Eodwyn looked around her for a moment, wondering where the messenger Arathorn sent is and hoped that he would arrive soon with some reinforcements. Taking down another haggard looking orc, she sighed in disgust as she pulled one of her dual knives out of the orc. Everyone one was in the heat of the battle orc and even some Wargs kept on pouring in. It seemed that no matter how many Eodwyn takes down two more always takes its place.

Something caught Eodwyns eye, looking over she saw Arathorn fighting wigh all his strength and surrounded, without a second thought she ran to his aid. Eodwyn fired an arrow into the back of one of the orcs, severly injuring them, gaining the attantion of about half of the group that was surrounding her Cheiftain. Arathorn quickly nodded in thanks before finishing off his opponents before moving on to the next.

Eodwyn continued on fighting with all her might, and hoping that soon reinforcements will arrive.

But a small voice in the back of her mind whispered 'Can we last that long...?'

She gritted her teeth and stabbed an orc through the stomach.

[Edited on 14/11/2009 by OraedaDlynn]
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Post RE: Elrond's Message (PM or post in the OOC for pending approval)
on: November 15, 2009 09:51
((Welcome to the fight, Oraeda. ))

Naegauth looked over the battlefield. The orcs were taking heavy losses from their bowman, but they were, nevertheless, advancing and the battle was turning into a bloody melee. Naegauth shot his bow at some of the orcs trying to run across the battlefield.

As he was riding, an arrow flew into his horses leg, causing him to fly off of it. He pulled out his knife and started to fight the enemies around him with fury. He turned to the horse.

"Hold on Horse, we'll get you some help soon!" he said over the battle cries. Naegauth readied his blade for the approaching orcs...

[Edited on 15/11/2009 by Passepartout]
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Post RE: Elrond's Message (PM or post in the OOC for pending approval)
on: November 16, 2009 04:54
"Look!" shouted Arvanion, pointing off into the distance, where Arathorn's retinue could be dimly seen fighting. "There they are!"

The elven knights cut through the orcs with disciplined fury, cutting many down. An orc darted forward with a spear, stabbing at the neck of a horse, but the point bounced off the interlocking armor plates at the neck. The elven knight slashed down at the orc, cutting through its crude armor. The way to Arathorn was clear.

"Charge!" shouted Arvanion again, whirling his saber in the air. "To Arathorn!"

The elven knights took up his cry, their horses springing into a gallop as they approached the fray.
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Post RE: Elrond's Message (PM or post in the OOC for pending approval)
on: November 17, 2009 06:37
"To Arathorn!"

Eodwyn heard the battle cry, her and her foe looked at the oncoming group of elves, the orc that paused with her looked on in astonishment and fear. Hope surged within Eodwyn.

"The Elves! The Elves have arrived!!" she cried and with renewed energy she cut down her foe. All around her, her fellow Dunedain heard her yell and they too fought with more energy and strength. Together they started pushing back the orcs.

Turning around Eodwyn came face to face with what she believed to be the largest orc she had the misfortune to meet. The orc snarled and lunged towards her with his crude orc blade. Quickly Eodwyn dodged his attack, and for a few minutes it continued this way. Until, Eodwyn misplaced her foot and slipped.

The Orc smirked at seeing his opportunity. "Die, She-Ranger." he said as he raised his blade.

Eodwyn closed her eyes waiting for the blow, she laid there waiting, only opening her eyes once she heard a gurgling noise.

She opened her eyes shocked to see that the orc still had his blade raised in the air but with a sword through his own stomach.

Her savior stood there as her attacker fell to the ground dead, lowering his sword and giving her his hand to help her up.

"Thank you." Eodwyn said greatfully as he helped her up

(I hope that is better now, sorry.)

[Edited on 17/11/2009 by OraedaDlynn]

[Edited on 17/11/2009 by OraedaDlynn]
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Post RE: Elrond's Message (PM or post in the OOC for pending approval)
on: November 17, 2009 02:39
Neaguath followed the army as quickly as he could as they charged with their cavalry towards the orcs. The orcs were being slaughtered by the Elves, but their numbers made up for it. Naegauth spotted a few orcs on a high point on the battlefield, firing at Elven captains. Naegauth pulled an arrow out of his quiver and shot it at the leader of the small archer group, killing him instantly. Naegauth smiled at the orcs' expressions as their leader fell over backwards dead.

The orcs on the mound shook with fear because of the loss of their leader and began to shoot clumsily and erratically. It definitely showed how useless these swine were without a proper commander. Naegauth moved along into the fray, seeing that he weakened quite a few of the orc archers by slaying their squad leaders. Neaguath picked off the orcs that the cavalry left behind, ending their lives quickly with a quick shot. As he was running, a seemingly dead orc grabbed his leg and tripped him, causing him to drop his bow.

He had been tricked! The orc grinned as it lifted its heavy blade loftily. It was fairly large for an orc. Naegauth pulled out his knife and dodged a quick slash from the orc. The orc charged at him and slashed furiously, cutting Naegauth across the chest. Naegauth yelled in pain and dived at the orc in desperation, knocking the disgusting orc to the ground and stabbing it in the throat.

Naegauth pulled his wet blade out of the orc and continued to follow the cavalry across the field, giving as much support as he could.

[Edited on 18/11/2009 by Passepartout]
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Post RE: Elrond's Message (PM or post in the OOC for pending approval)
on: November 19, 2009 05:51
Eleniel slashed right and left with her blades, feeling the impact of the sharp blades. She worked her way through the battle toward Arathorn. Her eyes landed on Naegauth, who was bleeding across the chest. No time! She knew that she could not stop and help him until the battle was over. Curses! One downfall of being a healer and having to battle at the same time was that she could not stop and help.
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Post RE: Elrond's Message (PM or post in the OOC for pending approval)
on: November 19, 2009 06:21
Elurin fought from his horse firing arrows into the fray trying to find key targets. He was soon our of arrows when his horse was slashed by a small orc. The horse collapsed and Elurin fell to the ground and saw the orc standing over him with a raised scimitar. Elurn rolled to the side as the sword fell within inches of his head. He threw a dagger at the orc piercing it in the hart. Elurin stood up and looked around. The fight was going in their favor. Elurin saw Eleniel slashing at a small group of orcs. An orc came up to the group and had a clear shot at her. Fire coursed through Elurin, there was a blind furry in him. He threw a dagger with a fierce speed felling the orc. Elurin ran up to Eleniel and stood back to back with her.

"Don't go dying on me... I couldn't handle it."

The two fought back to back slowly making their way to Arathorn's banner.
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Post RE: Elrond's Message (PM or post in the OOC for pending approval)
on: November 23, 2009 06:00
Eleniel gaped briefly at Elurin's statement, and then shook it off, turning her concentration back to the fight where it should be. Not paying attention could cause maiming or death. Elurin and Eleniel fought back to back, working their way toward the banner of Arathorn. Finally, they reached it.
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Post RE: Elrond's Message (PM or post in the OOC for pending approval)
on: November 24, 2009 03:53
Eodwyn saw the two Elves reach Arathorn's banner where she was also. She was amazed at their fluidity and grace in battle. Eodwyn has met Elves before but she just can't help but be amazed again and again every time she is in the presence of the beautirul race.

By this time, there were only about several dozen orcs left. Eodwyn breathed a sigh of relief, the battle was nearly over.

"I can't wait to take a bath after this." she heard one of her Dunedain companions laugh.
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Post RE: Elrond's Message (PM or post in the OOC for pending approval)
on: November 29, 2009 04:20
With most of the orcs dead, there was little left to do in the fight. Du-finnion and the elven cavalry fought with disciplined fury, driving the orcs back. At last, the cowardly creatures broke and ran. Arathorn bared his teeth in a wild laugh.

"Look at the filth run! After them, Dunedain! To me!" Waving his blade in the air, Arathorn raced after the retreating group. His banner whipped wildly in the air as its carrier raced after him.

Radavik saw the Dunedain charging after the orcs and exclaimed in dismay. "Stop!" he shouted, waving his bow. "There are sure to be more of them!"

The rangers, blind with battle-fury, didn't heed him. Caught up in the thrill of the chase, their booted feet pounding the ground, they sprang after the orcs, cutting them down as they went.
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Post RE: Elrond's Message (PM or post in the OOC for pending approval)
on: December 06, 2009 02:00
Eodwyn heard the elf's yell and tried to warn her fellow Dunedain that were running fast past her.

"Wait! He's right, there's probably more!!" A few stopped but the majority of her companions have past her and the clash of metal on metal was heard. Eodwyn tightened her grip on her swords and rushed in after then lending all of her strength to finally finish the battle.

Eodwyn made her way to Arathorn's banner making sure that he is always with in her sight so she can come to his aide if he ever needed it.

Arrows flew everywhere, most missing their target and some making the mark. At one point an arrow grazed her right cheek, she thanked the valar that the marksman wasn't a very good shot. And the battle went on...
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Post RE: Elrond's Message (PM or post in the OOC for pending approval)
on: December 06, 2009 06:01
Naegauth saw Arathorn and his men charging after the rest of the orcs. Fools, he thought as he walked briskly towards them. This is exactly how most armies get caught in an ambush.

Nonetheless, Naegauth continued to follow them and shoot any living stragglers he saw as he passed by, making sure not to waste too many arrows in the gruesome process.
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Post RE: Elrond's Message (PM or post in the OOC for pending approval)
on: December 14, 2009 09:21
Eleniel forced herself not to think about what she was doing as she continued slashing left and right. She lifted prayer after prayer for the safety of Elurin and herself and their companions as she fought on.
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Post RE: Elrond's Message (PM or post in the OOC for pending approval)
on: January 16, 2010 06:26
As Arathorn and his companions ran forward, the ground suddenly heaved up under them, throwing them backwards. An Olog-hai, wearing a cloak of moss that had made it appear to be a grassy knoll, lumbered to its feet, seizing a great iron warhammer. One blow of the hammer sent two Dunedain in front of it flying back, killed by the force of the blow.

Arathorn was no coward. Catching up his blade with both hands, he charged the troll. He skipped aside as it hammer struck beside him, sinking deep into the soft ground. He hacked at its arm with his blade. The keen Dunedain steel bit ino the troll's arm, causing it to drop its hammer. With a roar of pain and rage it lashed out with the other fist, striking Arathorn.

There was a crack, and the Dunedain chieftain's head bent back further than any mortal's was meant to. Then, the chieftain slumped to the ground, mortally wounded. The troll seized his dying body and threw it at his companions.

Arvanion watched in stunned silence as Arathorn's corpse crashed into the Dunedain ranks. "The chieftain of the Dunedain is slain..."

With a roar the remaining rangers charged the troll. Hacking at it from all sides, they began slowly wearing it down. Although several fell to wild blows of its fists, they overbore it and slew it. Then they continued in their headlong rush, driven half-mad by battle rage.

"Avenge our chieftain!" shouted one, waving his dripping sword. The others sprang after him, fleet-footed as deer, chasing down the goblins.
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Post RE: Elrond's Message (PM or post in the OOC for pending approval)
on: February 17, 2010 02:27
"No!" Eodwyns heart broke when she witnessed the death of her Chieftain. For a moment she stood in disbelief that some one she thought was so powerful and invincible had fallen to a dark creature. Anger rose within her nearly blinding her, tears rolled down her cheeks as she began hacking and stabbing at every goblin that was in her way.

She reached Arathorns body, fighting and breathing hard. Protecting his body from anything that might want to disgrace him. Eodwyns body shook with pure hatred and anger. At this moment she wanted nothing more but the blood of these foul creatures that slain her leader, her friend.

She cheered as more and more goblins had fallen, but she would only feel great sadness after this battle. She fought on and thought that she will never forget this day.
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Post RE: Elrond's Message (PM or post in the OOC for pending approval)
on: March 26, 2010 03:47
((Hurrah! On the road again...))

Arvanion and the elven knights held their ground around the corpse of Arathorn as the goblin ranks crashed against them uselessly. Some, rather than fleeing, had chosen to stay and fight. It was the last decision they would ever make.

As the last goblin fell, and the Dunedain began trickling back, Radavik knelt beside the body of his slain chieftain. "Accursed fate," he murmured, "that this meeting should be our last." He shook his head. "When I left off in the service of the rangers, Arathorn was the one who bid me farewell. Now it is I who must farewell him..."
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Post RE: Elrond's Message (PM or post in the OOC for pending approval)
on: April 01, 2010 02:30
Eleniel cursed to herself. So many if onlys! She stood at a respectful distance from the slain chieftan and bowed her head. She sensed Elurin coming up beside her. "Alas for us all," he said softly in her ear.

"Could not be helped, I suppose," she said. "We will pick up the pieces and move on again."
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Post RE: Elrond's Message (PM or post in the OOC for pending approval)
on: April 02, 2010 09:28
Merkawen paused at the top of the hill, Lucy beside her. She wrinkled her nose as she tried to make out the distant outline of a camp.

"I can't tell who that is," she said. "Either it's the others and we've made it in time, or it's the evil Orcs and we're dead."

Merkawen pursed her lips. "Alright, let's go see. But," she added, turning to the hobbits, "be ready to run as fast as you can back this direction. Or, if need be, to fight Orcs. " In an aside to Lucy, she added, "although I must admit, I'm leaning more towards the running away plan myself."
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Post RE: Elrond's Message (PM or post in the OOC for pending approval)
on: April 03, 2010 03:39
Du-finnion was on the first watch that night. His keen elven eyes were the first to pick out the shapes of small figures atop a distant hill. He grabbed his war-horn and blew the call that signaled the approach of friends.

Belegann was the first one to dash up the hill. He stood before Merkawen with a slightly perpelexed expression: it looks like he was torn between shouting at her, hugging her, and praising her for bringing reinforcements. The other elven guards grinned as they watched their nonplussed leader.

"These reinforcements are welcome," said Du-finnion, standing next to Arvanion. "Glorfindel's forces may be skilled, but they are not many. Such a force, even of halflings, will be a strong aid in the battle that is to come."

"Aye, that it will," said Arvanion with a smile.
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Post RE: Elrond's Message (PM or post in the OOC for pending approval)
on: April 03, 2010 04:17
Naegauth couldn't help but smile as he saw the little people marching towards them. It was strange to be getting reinforcements of hobbits, but any would be welcome by now. Even Naegauth knew that these people, though small, were a force to be reckoned with. He spotted Lucy and Merkawen marching with them. Naegauth walked forward and stood next to Arvanion and Du-finnion.

"It's about time those two returned," he said. "Even I was beginning to get worried about their whereabouts."

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Post RE: Elrond's Message (PM or post in the OOC for pending approval)
on: April 05, 2010 02:27
Eleniel sat back and let those in charge meet the halflings and Merkawen. "I am glad they have returned safely," she murmured to Elurin.

"So am I," he agreed softly. "So am I."
Mother Goose of Vána & CoE Volunteer
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Post RE: Elrond's Message (PM or post in the OOC for pending approval)
on: April 05, 2010 05:04
Merkawen beamed at Belegann as she hopped out of her horse's saddle and landed in front of him. Then she remembered she was being humble now, so she dipped her head and forced a blush. She was proud of her blush; she thought it felt quite natural, although she wished she could keep the corner of her mouth from grinning a bit.

"I'm glad to see you all again!" she said cheerfully. "Anything exciting happen while I was away?"
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Post RE: Elrond's Message (PM or post in the OOC for pending approval)
on: April 06, 2010 04:25
Lucy rode up,behind Merkawen,catching the lighthearted moment. "We brought help. Not what you'd normally see,but we want the orcs away from our land,too."

"Where do you need us?"
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