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Post RE: Nimthir's Journey
on: August 14, 2010 12:16
Rydda sat silently beside the fire, staring into the flames as the other tended their wounds. Images passed quickly through her memory: Niluphel shoving her into the old cellar, looking back to ensure they weren't followed...the dagger spinning through the air...Naris telling her to run...her father telling her to run as Orcs charged into their village...

No! Rydda jerked the memories to a halt. No matter where I go or what I do, something horrible happens, she thought bitterly. I'm no good for anything except bringing bad luck. It would have been better if Lady Nimthir had never found me. Maybe I should leave so she can get safely to wherever it is she's going.

"Thank you for your help earlier. And you needn't worry; Silvermane is safe."

Niluphel's soft voice brought Rydda out of her brown study. "Oh - you're welcome. But I didn't really do anything. Naris came and killed the-- killed it, and I ran away, and I was so frightened! I was frightened and ran away," she repeated quietly. She stood suddenly and set down her cup of tea. "I think I should visit with Silvermane for while." She went a little way off to where the horses were tethered.

Rydda leaned against Silvermane's neck, breathing in the calming scent of horse. "You don't mind me, do you?" she whispered into his mane. "You don't care that I bring bad luck. Bad luck doesn't bother horses much. Would you mind leaving your new horse friends too much? I can't stay with Lady Nimthir and Lady Eodwyn anymore."

Rydda wasn't sure why she only mentioned the Elf-maid and the Dunedan but didn't stop to think about it. She untied the tether, slipped Silvermane's bridle over his halter, and mounted the still-saddled gelding. Turning his head north, Rydda kicked him into a canter.

((OOC: See OOC discussion for why I had Rydda try to run away.))
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Post RE: Nimthir's Journey
on: August 14, 2010 12:53
Nimthir's throat was dry, her body was deprived of water. She got up and left Berior's side, leaving the clearing to find her bags, which were with the tethered horses.

She jogged across the field and through the small patch of trees, and reached the horses. One of them was gone, she noticed immediately. It was Silvermane, and right way she knew. Rydda had gone.

She had neglected to check up on the girl to make sure she was fed, taken care of, she rarely even said a word to her. No wonder she ran away.

Nimthir untethered Bainons rope and jumped on his back, comepletely bare, without a bridle. She held onto the rope securely, and Nuged him into a canter

She could not have gotten far, she was small and only a child. And being neglected without care, she was most likely weak and tired. Nimthir raised her heel and nuged farther into a gallop.

In the distance, she could hear a smaller horses hooves thump on the ground. Ah, there she is. She saw the horse in the distance with the small girl on his back. She would catch up with her quickly, for she simply had to stop her.

"Rydda!" She yelled across the plains. The girl slowed her horse to a trot, craning her head back. Nimthir galloped across until she reached the small girls horse.

"Please, I ask you, please do not leave. You belong in this company now. I beg of you, do not leave us." Nimthir said, slightly out of breath. She felt a protective motherly lion roar inside of her. How could she let this girl go? She had no family! No food, no shelter. She was all alone, on the plains of Rohan, with Orcs on the prowl.

No, she would not let her go. If it was the last thing she did, she would not let Rydda go.
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Post RE: Nimthir's Journey
on: August 14, 2010 12:55
Eodwyn was standing off to the side of Niluphel and Naris, surveying the others and watching their surroundings. She turned her back on them the moment Niluphel peeled Rukhs shirt off, making her blush instantly.

Movement to her right caught her attention and saw Rydda untethering Silvermane, hopping on him and kicking him into a canter.

"Where is she going all alone?"

"I'll be right back," she muttered to the two behind them and went to Dolraen, untethered him and began following Rydda.

A few minutes later, Eodwyn caught up to her, nearly by her side.

"Rydda! It's not safe out here alone, come back to the group, there is still plenty of tea and some stew."

She waited for the young girls reply patiently.

In the distance she could see another horse coming upon them, it was Nimthir, soon she reached them.

"Rydda!" She yelled across the plains. The girl slowed her horse to a trot, craning her head back. Nimthir galloped across until she reached the small girls horse.

"Please, I ask you, please do not leave. You belong in this company now. I beg of you, do not leave us." Nimthir said, slightly out of breath

"Yes, please don't leave us."

[Edited on 14/8/2010 by OraedaDlynn]
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Post RE: Nimthir's Journey
on: August 14, 2010 02:44
Rûkh winced as Niluphel pulled his shirt off. Her hands were gentle, but the wound had been aggravated by his orc piling work. She began to tug the ends of the already snapped old stitches out and then resew the wound shut. Rûkh gritted his teeth at the pain, but otherwise made no other sign of how much it really hurt.

Eodwyn did not stay long. She seemed embarrassed by his exposed chest. He glanced down at himself. A little bloody, dirty and covered in sweat. No wonder she walked away.

Just then Niluphel spoke, drawing him from his reverie.

"You care for her- don't move" she kept her voice low to not be overheard, Rukh had started and had tried to protest, Niluphil shushed him. "She cares for you too, so you needn't be concerned with the other"

Rûkh cocked an eyebrow at the girl.

"I don't-..." he stopped. What was he going to say? That he didn't care for Eodwyn? Well of course he did or he wouldn't want to badly to be near and protect her. That didn't mean...well, it didn't mean anything would come of it.

So he finished his sentence with a grunt.

"And this cut is far worse then that on Eodwyn, so no more frets"

"I was careless," he replied, voice low, "And carelessness in battle leads to death. Too many which have been close to me have died. I do not wish for another."

"Do you think I could journey with you and your company?"

There was something on the girl's face that Rûkh could not quite read. Wistfulness? Sadness? Or something else?

"I think you will find welcome among us. We are a strange and misfit band, tossed together by the hands of the unseen ones..."

He hesitated and then continued as she finished patching him up.

"You have done well today in healing our wounded ones. Each of us is grateful, I am sure, though perhaps we have forgotten to say as much."
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Post RE: Nimthir's Journey
on: August 14, 2010 02:58
Rydda halted Silvermane and looked from the Elf to the Ranger and back. "I have to leave. I'm nothing but bad luck. Ever since--" she choked up, gulped, and rushed on in a wavering voice. "Orcs came and destroyed the Gondorian village we lived in. They killed my mother and father. I went to Rohan to stay with my aunt and uncle, but then everyone got sick but me and a lot of them died. My aunt and uncle died too.
"They - the people there - said I had brought the disease with me and the plague was my fault. They told me to leave right away before I brought another curse on them. My uncle gave me Silvermane when I arrived, so I took him and a little food and left. Nobody would let me stay in their town once they knew what had happened, so I wandered around with Silvermane until you found me.
"Nothing good's happened to you all since. Rukh and you, Eodwyn, were hurt, and the Orcs attacked, and you got hurt again, and Niluphel was almost killed, and Lord Berior is in danger from his wounds, and--" Rydda finally stopped when her sobs couldn't be held back any longer.
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Post RE: Nimthir's Journey
on: August 14, 2010 03:56
Rydda slowed and began to talk, with small moments of sobbing..

"I have to leave. I'm nothing but bad luck. Ever since--" she choked up, gulped, and rushed on in a wavering voice. "Orcs came and destroyed the Gondorian village we lived in. They killed my mother and father. I went to Rohan to stay with my aunt and uncle, but then everyone got sick but me and a lot of them died. My aunt and uncle died too.
"They - the people there - said I had brought the disease with me and the plague was my fault. They told me to leave right away before I brought another curse on them. My uncle gave me Silvermane when I arrived, so I took him and a little food and left. Nobody would let me stay in their town once they knew what had happened, so I wandered around with Silvermane until you found me.
"Nothing good's happened to you all since. Rukh and you, Eodwyn, were hurt, and the Orcs attacked, and you got hurt again, and Niluphel was almost killed, and Lord Berior is in danger from his wounds, and--" Rydda finally stopped when her sobs couldn't be held back any longer.

Nimthir spoke in a low, calming voice.

"Do not blame yourself for what was not your fault. You must see that you are not the cause for any unfortunate event that you witness. Our company was ill, perhaps wounded, but we have tended to them and they will recover." She clicked her horse forward and beside Rydda and Silvermane, gently touching Rydda's hands. They were shaking from her sobbing, and her knuckled were going white from squeezing the reigns. Nimthir's soft, white hands slid over Rydda's, and held onto them. For a moment, it seemed as if nothing else mattered but the sobbing, helpless child beside her. She gently removed them from the reigns, and Rydda did not protest. She simply sat on her horse, slumped into a weeping shape.

"Let us go back now, Rydda. We will not go on without you." Nimthir glanced at Eodwyn, giving her a nod.

"Lady Eodwyn, we must take her back now. She is in no state to ride. Please take Silvermane, and I will take the girl."

She slid her hands around Rydda's shaking, rattling waist and lifted her from the saddle and onto her own. She sat, sobbed and held onto the pommel of Nimthir's saddle.

Eodwyn took the reigns of Silvermane and sidled up next to Nimthir and Rydda.

They nudged their horses into a canter, and flew across the field on the way back to the camp together.
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Post RE: Nimthir's Journey
on: August 14, 2010 04:31
Eodwyns heart went out to Rydda. She could see where the girl thought herself bad luck, but everything was just pure coincidence. She placed her hand on the girls shoulder.

"Nimthir is right, don't blame yourself. Especially in these dark days. Do not think Rukh's and my wounds or anyone else's are your fault, for we are all warriors and these things do tend to happen." She gave her shoulder a slight squeeze.

"Besides we all want you to stay, you're a joy to have around and if you were to leave, it would make this world of ours a lot darker." She smiled at Rydda.

"Lady Eodwyn, we must take her back now. She is in no state to ride. Please take Silvermane, and I will take the girl."

Eodwyn nodded and immediately took Silvermanes lead and tied it to the pommel of her saddel, making sure it was secure and followed Nimthir and Rydda at a canter.

As they were riding Eodwyn made a silent promise to herself that she would protect and care for Rydda as if she were her own little sister.
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Post RE: Nimthir's Journey
on: August 16, 2010 07:00
Rydda allowed herself to be pulled onto Nimthir's horse and tried to calm down. Her sobs gradually subsided as the Elf-horse cantered smoothly back towards camp.

"Do not blame yourself for what was not your fault. You must see that you are not the cause for any unfortunate event that you witness. Let us go back now, Rydda. We will not go on without you."

"Nimthir is right, don't blame yourself. Besides, we all want you to stay. You're a joy to have around and if you were to leave, it would make this world of ours a lot darker."

Nimthir and Eodwyn were right, Rydda knew, but it was easy to believe what the villagers had said. One bad thing had come on the heels of another. I'll prove them wrong, Ryyda thought suddenly. I won't be bad luck. I'll find some way to keep bad things from happening and I'll go back and show them they were wrong.

Somebody wanted her now. She belong with this company.

Rydda remembered what her uncle had once said about Elf-steeds. "Bold and swift as the North Wind, but gentle as any child's training mount." And she was riding on one! Drained from the release of her pent-up emotions and lulled by the smooth gait of the horse, Rydda snuggled against Nimthir and was fast asleep when they reached the camp.

[Edited on 16/8/2010 by Lastande_Took]
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Post RE: Nimthir's Journey
on: August 16, 2010 07:54
Nimthir felt Rydda snuggle closer to her chest, and felt a strange feeling she had never felt before. At was as if, this child took comfort in her arms.

The camp came into sight, and Nimthir rode directly to where they had the tents.

Her tent was situated at the end of everyone else's, and she slid off the horse, carrying Rydda in her arms.

"You must go and sleep now, little one. When you awaken, please come and eat." She opened the tent door for Rydda and led her in the tent. She unfurled her blankets and made a small bed for the girl to sleep in.

Then she left Rydda sitting on her bed on the ground, stalked over to her bag, and sprinted back to where Berior lay, still.

She knelt down beside him and looked into his face. He was stirring, he would awaken soon. A small jolt of fear hit her, like the very first time she cantered on a horse as a child. That same feeling... waiting for it to happen, in fear, in excitement... in dread.

Whatever he may say, she must not be heart broken because of it. Because she was entirely expecting him to refuse her love. And so he should... who would truly want anything to do with her? She was solemn... she was torn... of course he would reject her...
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Post RE: Nimthir's Journey
on: August 16, 2010 02:51
When Niluphel woke Naris realized he was glad to have done something useful. He returned her smile, but when he heard the others approach he grimaced and turned away.

"Thank you for..." She looked down at the orc "saving my life"[quote/]

"Your welcome, it was my duty."

She started to reach out towards his shoulder, but withdrew her hand. "If you would allow me, I could help you with those"

"Thank you, but I think the others might have worse wounds, you can heal mine later," Naris answered, and moved towards Eodwyn; but when he saw the look she gave Rukh he just sat down as far away as he could get from them without looking sulky.

It seemed that no matter what he did for her Eodwyn would always choose Rukh, but Naris was not known for his willingness to give in. When Niluphel had dealt with his wounds he tried to speak with Eodwyn, but she seemed to have gone to find the girl, Rydda.

It took them a while, but Nimthir and Eodwyn returned with the girl. Naris moved closer to Eodwyn. "Eodwyn, I- I need to speak with you."
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Post RE: Nimthir's Journey
on: August 16, 2010 08:10
"I think you will find welcome among us. We are a strange and misfit band, tossed together by the hands of the unseen ones...You have done well today in healing our wounded ones. Each of us is grateful, I am sure, though perhaps we have forgotten to say as much."

"would you have done any different in my position?" she gave another small smile

"but I thank you for your kind words, and patience" it wasn't until he had said that, barring objections from the others, she would be welcome to travel, she had been clutching her dress. She relaxed her grip and her posture.

It had been an odd day; she'd woken up to facing atleast a week alone amongst her ruins. She had panicked and hidden down a well only to be found by Rûkh and subsequently his traveling group. There had been an orc raid, and healing... and she'd made up her mind to leave home. She rummaged through her bag and tried to yank a comb through the tangles that had taken hold of her long hair. While she fought through them, she thought about actually leaving her family-

eventually her absence would be noticed and Borinon and Melien would tell their father where she was.. or where they thought she was. Her mother and sister would cry and Borinon would try to be stoic like father, but fail; his eyes perpetually gave him away. Father would stalk around and not say a word, but would periodically collapse into a chair and rub his eyes as if exhausted. And they'd look for her, or try to.

She didn't much relish the thought of causing all that misery, and felt immensely guilty at thought of it. She supposed she could write a letter. Borinon would know where to look; her favorite building had been the one nearest the well; a small tree had taken root in the front room and most of the outside was covered in ivy. She supposed she could put it there. She put the comb away and pulled her knees up close enough to lay her head upon them.

Rûkh appeared deep in his own thoughts. Probably about Eodwyn, who had just re-appeared. And Naris, who was attempting to gain her attention. She watched him, unsure exactly why he was so interesting.

"Your welcome, it was my duty."

like she also wasn't sure why the word choice 'duty' had bothered her earlier. 'Duty' wasn't far from 'obligation' and the thought that she was nothing more than a mere task was probably it. But why should she care?

She turned her head away as Eodwyn and Naris stepped farther off for some privacy. She looked at Rûkh again. It was odd to feel so comfortable with someone she had only met hours ago; around him the silence didn't feel forced.

"what are you thinking?"

Mon coeur est genre, mais je suis un monster. (My heart is kind, but I am a monster.)
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Post RE: Nimthir's Journey
on: August 17, 2010 05:44
"but I thank you for your kind words, and patience"

Rûkh offered a quiet smile and nod to Niluphel, but then fell into silence. She too seemed to be thinking, so he let his mind wander.

Wander to the past. Fragments of memories, blurs of colors and emotions splashed through his mind. His parents. His wife, Nithil. The baby girl who only breathed the air of this world for a few short hours before she was taken from him. And the sea. The one constant element in his life.

And now Eodwyn.

She rode into camp with Nimthir and the child Rydda. Rûkh straightened up when she dismounted, but Naris approached her. Rûkh settled back against the ruin behind him. He glanced over at Niluphel to find her watching him. She had a beautiful face, with kind eyes. The open, sweet face Rûkh liked to believe his daughter would have had.

"what are you thinking?"

He blinked in surprise. He opened his mouth to answer, but then couldn't find the words. His infant daughter was the subject of his thought at the moment she asked the question, but it seemed to deep a subject to broker at the moment. He cleared his throat and stared into the camp fire.

"Things long past. People long lost. But what of you? You looked in much thought only a little while ago."
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Post RE: Nimthir's Journey
on: August 17, 2010 01:53
For a while, Berior could not tell if he was alive or dead. During his unconsciousness, thoughts flew through his head, more vivid than a normal dream. It was like his whole life being played through once more. This seemed to last forever, and Berior knew this would be the end. However, his conclusions were wrong. Suddenly, his dreams were swept away and he suddenly awoke, returning from his strange slumber.

He opened his eyes slowly, staring up at a blurry sky. In many ways, he was relieved. He had somehow survived through his wounds due to the help of the others. Overall, he was a very lucky man. Berior noticed the presence of someone else near him and turned to see a blurry figure. After a few moments, his eyes finally adjusted and he noticed that it was none other than Nimthir.

"Lady Nimthir?" he asked, a little slowly. He did not know what to say. Would it be wrong of him to talk about what she had last said to him? He truthfully didn't want to talk about it himself, and felt that she didn't either, judging by the look on her face. For once, Berior did not know what to do.

"I...I want to thank you, for helping me..." Berior said to her. "I failed, and you were there to save me. I can't believe that I let you down like that... I apologize for that. Please accept the apology, Lady Nimthir. I should've been stronger. It's my duty to protect you after all. You shouldn't of had to protect me..."
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Post RE: Nimthir's Journey
on: August 17, 2010 02:08
Nimthir's heart skipped a beat when she heard Berior's voice, soft and calm, behind her.

"Lady Nimthir?" he asked, a little slowly.

"I...I want to thank you, for helping me..." Berior said to her. "I failed, and you were there to save me. I can't believe that I let you down like that... I apologize for that. Please accept the apology, Lady Nimthir. I should've been stronger. It's my duty to protect you after all. You shouldn't of had to protect me..."

She slowly turned around, her heart pounding like a hammer, and looked at Berior's nervous face. She had to face him. Yet she was frightened and did not know what to say first.

"Lord Berior, it is my duty and will to protect those that I lo-... those in this fellowship." She put her had to her mouth for a moment and then removed it, realizing that she looked like a fool. How could they avoid it? They had waited this long. She must apologize for what she had done.

She took a deep inhalation, and exhaled slowly, turning her gaze back to him.

"Lord, I must... there is something that I-I must say."

She had never felt more nervous and shaken in her life. Her heart practically quivered with fear, so she must get this over with now and get her heart broken as quick as possible. Prolonged pain was not what she desired.

"I am deeply sorry for the things I said, Berior, for I thought perhaps you may not have heard me but I know that you did. I had no intention of offending you... or hurting you... it was an impulse moment... I was a fool."

Her hands shook slightly.

"I will be honest, as honest as I can. I know what your response will be, and I understand. But my lord the words I spoke to you..."

She took another shuttering breath and put her hand to her face, shaking her head.

"Those words... were naught but the truth."

There, she said it. It was out in the open. She had done the damage and he would surely reject her words. At the very least, she anticipated for it to happen. She knew it would happen. Of course, what reason would he have to love a simple elleth that served the king.

And she waited, her breathing quick, her mind racing, her heart fluttering, for a response from the Ellon that she loved.
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Post RE: Nimthir's Journey
on: August 18, 2010 02:38
Nilûpil paused a moment. She was, for all practicle intents and purposes, abandoning her family. She took a deep breath.

"my family, my brother and sister specifically. And my father; he's a factor in why I seek to leave." She sighed again "I will miss them. But... I don't know if I could go back." She seperated a single strand of hair and twilred it around a finger.

"But I still feel guilty. This is perhaps the lone act of selfishness in my life and it makes me cringe to think of it, but the alternitive seems worse to me...
Do you think me a bad person for leaving behind what so many have lost and mourn?"

She wasn't accustomed to speaking so much, especially to someone who was still mostly a stranger. She felt awful and felt her eyes smart; she looked past Rûkh towards the sun that was now setting...
Mon coeur est genre, mais je suis un monster. (My heart is kind, but I am a monster.)
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Post RE: Nimthir's Journey
on: August 18, 2010 04:40
"Eodwyn, I- I need to speak with you."

Eodwyn was done tethering Rydda's and her own horse back with the other horses when Naris approached her. She kind of felt bad for him because all she has down was talk to Rukh, Rydda and Nimthir and barely with Naris.

"Of course, What's on your mind friend?" she smiled at him. He seemed nervous about something that was on his mind and Eodwyn ahd no idea what it could be.

They both walked a bit away from the others and Naris seemed a little more comfortable with the more private setting.
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Post RE: Nimthir's Journey
on: August 18, 2010 04:51
"my family, my brother and sister specifically. And my father; he's a factor in why I seek to leave." She sighed again "I will miss them. But... I don't know if I could go back." She seperated a single strand of hair and twilred it around a finger.

"But I still feel guilty. This is perhaps the lone act of selfishness in my life and it makes me cringe to think of it, but the alternitive seems worse to me...
Do you think me a bad person for leaving behind what so many have lost and mourn?"

Rûkh wasn't completely certain, but he thought he saw tears glistening in the young woman's eyes as she uttered her last question. His heart went out to her, and for a moment he struggled to think of what was best to say. He was not the most skilled at words.

The tumbling sea needed no words. It spoke in a language of the heart which no tongue could utter. Rûkh wondered if the sea could sooth every hurt as it did for him.

He shook his head. Niluphel was waiting for an answer.

"Your choice does not make you bad at all, I think," he said, his voice low like the deep murmurings of the sea, "No, there comes a time in each one's life when they must make their own way. Forge their own path. Find their own fate. It is not...selfish. It is nature."

He fell silent, his eyes following Eodwyn as she walked with Naris.

"She cares for you too, so you needn't be concerned with the other"

Niluphel's earlier words whispered back to him through the wind and brought relief to the tension that had swelled in his chest. He turned his eyes to the horizon and decided that since the young woman had been open with him, he might do the same in a small way.

"I thought earlier of the daughter I lost," he murmured without looking over at her, "And I dreamed how she might look like you and act with as much grace and kindness..."

[Edited on 19/8/2010 by Sava-Tennoio]
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Post RE: Nimthir's Journey
on: August 18, 2010 08:12
((Ooc: not totally happy with this one, so I might edit it when I get a computer again))

"You do me more kindness than I deserve..far more" She flicked away a tear that had escaped "What were their names?" For where there was a daughter, there was a mother and a wife.

Though not surprising, imagining Rûkh with a wife and child was an odd act of imagination- the lonliness had etched itself onto his face and sometimes tinged his voice. And she had just spoken of leaving her own family. The shame deepened; but just then Hallon's face and that of her friend, grey and piqued, rose to the surface.

She listened to Rûkh, as much as he would say at any rate, the emotions evident on his face, as was the control he exerted over them.

There was a pause and staring straight ahead, her voice as flat as she could make it
"My father is forcing me to marry. The man he believes I should marry is named Hallon. He married my friend slightly more than a year ago" Nilûpil cleared her throat, voice still steady

"this past winter was hard. With the dark lands stirring, trade is drying up and food is a bit harder to come by, especially with the outlaying cities constantly being contested... and there was sickness. Niril had always been strong, defended me when needed, which was often... She lasted longer than most. Almost a month, and I was there. A lifetime of helping me and all I could do was watch her die. That was almost three months ago." She paused again. "The minimum accepted grieving time is two months. Two months before Hallon started persuing another.... I can't agree to be bound to someone who can forget the one they swore to love and protect so easily." Her voice dropped as she reached for the shell around her neck

"I will come back, just... I need to see what lies beyond the hills, and I'd like to see the other coast again and see the distant sea before I consign myself to home and hearth until the grave..."

Eodwyn and Naris were still speaking, things did not seem to be going the way he had desired. Rydda was asleep, lady Nimthir was talking to Berior, and Zamani was sitting by herself near the fire, staring into the flames. Without another word, for truely she felt like she had none left, she once more raised the flute to her lips and played her favorite lullaby- the one about the ship lost at sea that found its way home.
Mon coeur est genre, mais je suis un monster. (My heart is kind, but I am a monster.)
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Post RE: Nimthir's Journey
on: August 19, 2010 11:08
When Naris felt that they were far enough from the camp he stopped and turned to face Eodwyn. "After Amithil's death I was distraught, and I beg you to forgive for my irrationality."

Naris looked into Eodwyn"s eyes "I know that we have changed over the years, but do you think Amithil would approve of you and Rukh? You barely met him." Naris's hands gravitated towards Eodwyn's. "I- I think I love you, Eodwyn. I'm sure Amithil would approve." Naris smiled, waiting for her response.
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Post RE: Nimthir's Journey
on: August 19, 2010 11:59
"After Amithil's death I was distraught, and I beg you to forgive for my irrationality."

"It was a dark time for the both of us Naris, he was my brother and your best friend, you had reason to act like that." She smiled at him glad that he was past Amithils death.

"I know that we have changed over the years, but do you think Amithil would approve of you and Rukh? You barely met him."

Eodwyns had a questioning look upon her face once her once Naris' hand grasped hers. He was right on one part of his sentence. She did just meet Rukh, but just because she just met him doesn't mean that what she felt for him wasn't real.

And she was absoultely sure Amithil would approve. Rukh was such a strong, kind, handsome, and seemed to care for her very deeply. Slowly she pulled her handout of his grip.

"I'm absolutely, sure that Amithil would approve of who I love, Rukh is an honorable man and he carfes for me as much as I care for him." She kept a staright face as she admitted that she loved Rukh, and her heart soared with the truth.

"I- I think I love you, Eodwyn. I'm sure Amithil would approve."

Eodwyn sighed. "Naris...if things were only different, then maybe yes, my brother would approve, and maybe I would return your love."

She smiled weaklyat him. "I am sorry Naris, my feelings towards you are strictly sisterly."

She glanced at him with an apologetic smile and walked away. She felt bad for letting him down, but she could not give him what he wanted. It was for the best, he will find someone else to love.

Silently Eodwyn walked to the opposite side of camp and stood there looking out in the distance clearing her thoughts.

I love Rukh...She smiled.
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Post RE: Nimthir's Journey
on: August 19, 2010 04:24
"Those words... were naught but the truth."

Berior sat silent for a moment, not sure what to say. The words hit him hard on the inside, but he hardly showed anything on the outside. He did not know how to feel. He was torn between feeling happy or sad. Love was always something that was wanted by Berior, but why would she love someone like him? There were greater people out there, braver and stronger than him. She deserved someone like them rather than a failure such as himself. Then again, he did not want to hurt her by denying her... What could he say?

Berior turned his head, looking up at Nimthir. For moment he did not say anything. He just looked at her, trying to come up with words as he looked upon her beautiful face.

"Nimthir..." he said slowly, forgetting to call her Lady. "My mind keeps telling me this is a dream, but I know this is reality, though I can scarcely believe it. Nimthir... I have a feeling what you say to me is no lie..."

Berior sighed, not knowing how to continue. He bit his lip nervously.

"I know how you feel for me, but I do not understand it..." Berior continued. "I am nothing more than a lowly guard, what would a fine and lucky woman like yourself want to do with someone as underclassed as me? I don't want to be a burden for you..."

Berior bowed his head, a little embarrassed and ashamed. He had feelings for her, but he knew it could never happen. He was destined to live and die as a warrior, and nothing else. He didn't want to be saying this, but he wanted Nimthir to be happy above all else. She could never be happy with someone like him.

"Nimthir...you deserve better..." he said slowly.
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Post RE: Nimthir's Journey
on: August 19, 2010 04:34

"Nimthir...you deserve better..." he said slowly.

Berior looked down, ashamed.

Nimthir knew in her heart that above all else, she perhaps would deserve, need, should have, someone different then Berior, yet she knew... she would not be happy with anyone else.

She shook her head hopelessly.

"Please, do not be pained, for I knew that the time would come when you would reject my love. I have expected it, my dear Berior."

She sucked in her breath, feeling close to heart broken.

"But you must know that, I cannot love anyone else, and have never loved anyone else in my thousands of years upon Arda... the way I love you. Decline me if you must, I understand. I will live on as best I can..."

She looked away for a moment. A small, cold, tear sliding down her face. She wished him not to see her this weak. But she loved him, and that was the frightening truth.
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Post RE: Nimthir's Journey
on: August 20, 2010 08:41
"What were their names?"

Rûkh bit his lip, his gaze growing distant.

"Nithil," he choked on the word, surprised at how much it hurt to speak the name aloud, "My wife was called Nithil. And our daughter lived not long enough to be named. Still...in my mind I call her Zâira."

His features twitched as he spoke the name he had given his daughter, the name he had never spoken aloud. He struggled to suppress the wave of sadness that crashed over him.

A moment passed and then Niluphel spoke again, drawing his mind away from beauty long lost.

She told the tale of her family and the man her father would force her to marry. Rûkh listened intently and wondered how a father could do such a thing. Surely the man must see how unhappy his child would be?

"I will come back, just... I need to see what lies beyond the hills, and I'd like to see the other coast again and see the distant sea before I consign myself to home and hearth until the grave..."

Rûkh's eyes lit up at mention of the sea.

"Truly if you have opportunity, I encourage you to travel to the sea. At her side I have lived my entire life and now that I have strayed from her, my heart longs to return. She will soothe you and calm you, a more tender mother I have never known. Only watch for her wrath is terrible at times."

Rûkh sighed.

"But who knows what our end may be or if we will ever see the sea once more? We may perish or we may conquer - I am glad only to have happened upon such kind people as are here gathered together."

His gaze strayed to Eodwyn who stood alone now at the edge of the camp. Something within him itched to be by her side again, but he did not move from his place. He did not wish to crush her. It was possible Niluphel was mistaken and the woman felt nothing for him.
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Post RE: Nimthir's Journey
on: August 20, 2010 12:48
"But you must know that, I cannot love anyone else, and have never loved anyone else in my thousands of years upon Arda... the way I love you. Decline me if you must, I understand. I will live on as best I can..."

This is not what Berior wanted to hear. She sounded so upset... He did not understand one bit. But he did not want her to live on the rest of her eternal life unhappily. He reached up slowly, wiping the tears off of her cheeks sadly. It pained him to see such a beautiful face like that wrenched by such grief.

"Nimthir...do not let such sadness enter your heart," he said to her, trying to comfort her. "It is nothing buy my wish to see you happy...to see your smile..."

Berior let his hand fall back to his side, realizing that he still had it placed on her cheek. Nervousness and sadness coursed through his body. What should he say? He didn't want to make his Lady upset, but was accepting her love the right thing to do?

"I...I can't say that I don't have the same feelings you have for me about you..." Berior said slowly. "I've always wanted to see you safe and happy, and I vow that I will never make you despair again because of a simple mistake I made. I will not allow you to live your life feeling unfulfilled or full of grief. As your guardian I will protect you and stay by your side until I one day fall in battle."

Berior looked up at Nimthir.

"Please, Nimthir," he said to her. "Allow me to keep following you by your side. I'm sorry I've caused you so much grief... Please accept my apology. I promise I shall never fail you again because....I care about you...deeply..."
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Post RE: Nimthir's Journey
on: August 20, 2010 01:39

"Please, Nimthir," he said to her. "Allow me to keep following you by your side. I'm sorry I've caused you so much grief... Please accept my apology. I promise I shall never fail you again because....I care about you...deeply..."

She felt small, innocent, like a child afraid of the dark. Weak and vulnerable. In all her years of strength and wisdom...

"You care... about..." she trailed off. In this time of darkness, hardship and strife, she felt a blossoming light in her heart. Would he care about her the way she cared about him? She wanted him to love her... to call her his own. It was a childish wish, how could one so wise and un breakable... so cool and removed... feel such a strong emotion?

What happened to her? Yet the tide pulled her this way... she tried to fight it, yet couldnt find the strenght. Her, so strong, tough, un crackable.

"Am I to understand that... if you... you... would you..." She did not know how to say exactly what she was feeling.

She simply must say exactly what she was feeling.

"I am childish... a fool... for bringing this upon you... please, let ME apalogize. And I hate myself... my every nerve... for feeling this way... but..." She felt shaky, nervous...

"I am telling you... asking you..."

She felt unlike herself.

"beggin you..." She breathed.

"That perhaps, you may be something else, something different to me... more than... a guardian." She held her breath.

She realized... she wanted Berior in her life. Always... and perhaps he could feel the same way...
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Post RE: Nimthir's Journey
on: August 20, 2010 05:50
"I have seen the distant sea before... once, years ago. I traveled with my father. I was to go a second time, but fell ill. When he came back, he had brought me this" Nilûphil gestured to her necklace- the simple, small, white shell strung on a leather cord.

She had loved the sea; it had haunted her dreams and thoughts since, the love made only stronger by stories from her Grandmother, who hailed from the coast originally. She once more stuck the flute in her sleeve as Eodwyn and Naris once more came into view.

"I think it odd that I have said more to you this afternoon, than many more have heard in my entire lifetime." Their eyes moved towards the other pair, the contrast on their faces plainly evident even from this distance.

Rûkh's eyes strayed to Eodwyn.

"Go to her, if you mistake her affections then you are blind. Those whom loved you would be glad to see you smile once more."

Naris looked lost, crushed. Nilûphil's eyes followed him, still not sure of the motivations behind her wanting to watch him, or what she should do currently; though she felt like she should do something. She watched him pace slowly, off to the side. She watched him a moment longer before she got up and approached him uncertainly; did her prefer to be alone at this moment? what would she even say to a man that she might as well be invisible to?

He seemed startled at her approach, as if he had not been aware of anything up until that moment.

"if you mind me, I shall leave... but, I am willing to listen, should you have need to talk"
Mon coeur est genre, mais je suis un monster. (My heart is kind, but I am a monster.)
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Post RE: Nimthir's Journey
on: August 21, 2010 06:09
"I think it odd that I have said more to you this afternoon, than many more have heard in my entire lifetime."

Rûkh only smiled in reply, a faint, distracted curve of his lips.

"Go to her, if you mistake her affections then you are blind. Those whom loved you would be glad to see you smile once more."

Rûkh hesitated a moment longer, torn by the feelings that swirled like a tempest within him. But perhaps this young one was correct, perhaps he had mourned long enough and Nithil would bless his attempts to find companionship in another.

"You are wise for one so young," he said to Niluphel as he stood.

He crossed the camp with a slow, purposeful stride. His dark eyes never strayed from the beautiful form of Eodwyn. He had no intention of bringing up his feelings yet, nor anytime soon, but he needed to be with her again. To look in her eyes and know that she had not been offended by the straying of his blade.

He stepped up beside her and offered a gentle smile, but no words. He didn't really know what to say. But that didn't seem to matter. So he stood at her side and watched the red sun sink below the horizon.
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Post RE: Nimthir's Journey
on: August 21, 2010 01:01
Eodwyn stood there enjoying the peace and the setting sun, she turned her head when she heard footsteps behind her. She smiled at Rukhand her heart fluttered in her chest.

The sunlight danced off of his hair giving it a red glow, enhancing his features. Eodwyn's face flushed and she looked back towards the sun.

"I love this time of day, it's the last chance the sun has to grace us with its beauty until morning." she looked back at Rukh.

She reached her hand out and gently placed it near his wound, gently rubbing the cloth there.

"How are your new stitches?" She waited for his reply with her had still on his shoulder.
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Post RE: Nimthir's Journey
on: August 21, 2010 04:20
"I love this time of day, it's the last chance the sun has to grace us with its beauty until morning."

Rûkh's lips curved with a smile.

"You fascinate me - how you can fight with the passion and skill of a warrior, and then speak the next moment with the tongue of a poet."

She lay her hand gently on his shoulder then, flooding his heart with warmth. He leaned into her touch until their shoulders brushed.

"How are your new stitches?"

"They are well. The young one - Niluphel - is a most skilled healer. She asked if she might travel with us, and I hope I was not overstepping my bounds in saying she could. I think she will be a good companion..."

His voice drifted off as he gazed at the slowly darkening sky.

"Such a strange group of companions we have all happened upon. I wonder what fate holds in store for us..."

His mind changed tracks quickly.

"Eodwyn...have you ever been to the sea? Seen the sunset glittering on the waters?"
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Post RE: Nimthir's Journey
on: August 21, 2010 07:25
"That perhaps, you may be something else, something different to me... more than... a guardian."

Berior closed his eyes, thinking about Nimthir's last comment. It was clear that she had her eyes set on no one but himself. Again, he did not know whether to be happy or sad at the moment. But, if this was what Nimthir truly wished and it made her happy, he would be happy. Berior let out a long breath.

"I will do anything to make you happy, Nimthir," he said. "Nothing pleases me more than to see happiness shine on your face."

Berior opened his eyes once more, making eye contact with Nimthir.

"But I will not have you begging at my feet for me to love you," he said. "If someone's begging, it should be me, begging for you to forgive me for my unforgivable failure."

Berior smiled, but he could already feel the fatigue wearing down on him. He needed more rest, as his wounds weren't fully healed yet. By the next day he would be able to move about, but any heavy fighting would be madness. He looked up at Nimthir, unsure of what to say next. He did not want to respond to her comment, as he was not sure what to say. He carefully avoided it with his words, but he knew that she probably sensed that. This was too soon for him. He sighed and rested his head back down, staring up at the sky.

"My eyes are getting heavy and my head dizzier by the moment," Berior said. "I...I think we can continue this conversation later, Nimthir. I am...very happy we had it... Truly..."

Berior closed his eyes, his muscles relaxing. Before he dozed off to sleep, he opened one eye, looking up at Nimthir. He finally knew the answer to her last comment.

"Nimthir..." he said to her slowly. "When I said I cared about you... I meant it."

With that, Berior closed his eye and let sleep slowly come upon him. He hoped that Nimthir would get the meaning out of his indirect answer. He deeply cared about her, though he did not think he had a truly proper answer for her. This would have to do for now. He knew it was unavoidable that a discussion like this would occur in the future. That's when this would have to be resolved and settled. Thoughts slowly left Berior's mind and he drifted off to sleep, letting the pull of fatigue take him.
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Post RE: Nimthir's Journey
on: August 22, 2010 01:02

"Nimthir..." he said to her slowly. "When I said I cared about you... I meant it."

Nimthir felt a serene peace and happiness spread over her mind.

"Rest, Berior. We shall speak once you are well." She watched as his breathing became rhythmic, slow, paced. He was asleep.

Without thinking, she placed her hand gently on his face, tenderly stroking his cheek. He felt warm, and his skin was dirty. She took a piece of cloth she had ripped earlier, and quietly wiped his face.

His skin glowed pleasantly, she thought. It had a beautiful tone... she admired it. He truly was quite agreeable.

Her eyes strayed to his lips, they were perfectly placed upon his face, perfectly carved... perhaps she would get a closer look at them one day... one day... in a very long time she brusquely removed herself from the day dream.

There was work to do, she must clean her own few scratches, and prepare her weapons. She also must see to Rydda.

With that, she rose from his side and stalked off to the others.
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Post RE: Nimthir's Journey
on: August 25, 2010 03:28
"They are well. The young one - Niluphel - is a most skilled healer. She asked if she might travel with us, and I hope I was not overstepping my bounds in saying she could. I think she will be a good companion..."

"Aye, she would be a good companion. I believe that everyone's healing skills could only go so far. Though we may have to teach her a few defensive skills."

"Eodwyn...have you ever been to the sea? Seen the sunset glittering on the waters?"

Eodwyn smiled remembering the time she went to Dol Amroth. A time when she fell in love with the sea, feeling the sand between her toes and the sea breeze blowing through her hair.

"Yes, I visited Dol Amroth about ten years ago visiting a family friend. It was then that I felt that when I don't have to worry about orcs and trolls or wildmen, I could finally go back to the sea and raise a family."

She looked at Rukh and flushed a little, suddenly shy.
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Post RE: Nimthir's Journey
on: August 26, 2010 03:32
Nimthir walked across the rugged, grassy landscape until she came to their tents. Hers, at the very end, of course, contained Rydda. She felt the need to go and check up on her. She had been sleeping for a little while.

She slid the knot free and gently wiggled her hand behind the curtain, pulling it back; it revealed a perky, wide awake Rydda with sleep in her eyes and her hair gently messed.

"Come, let us watch the sunset. Do you desire food, or drink, perhaps?" She tried to be supportive, offering her the options she may need. The girl would need food, she had not been properly looked after for days. She would need drink, and it was about time they all bathed in a nearby stream. They were dirty and bloody from the battle, still, and needed fresh water to bathe in.

Rydda got up slowly and Nimthir held the tent door open for her. They walked side by side until they reached the top of the hill, overlooking the sunset and the fire that the company had going. Nimthir was so close to the childs body, she almost felt her heat. She was a small bundle of young, warm, free emotions, Nimthir thought. Perhaps they had more to know about each other.

"Rydda... I feel the need to say that... perhaps, even though in the hardest of times, and it may seem like I could not see it, but I understand, what it feels like. Without your very own family, your mother, your father... with them gone. It is as if the ground was taken out from under your feet, and you have nothing to hold onto any longer. I feel your suffering, your pain. And I hope that one day you and I may see eye to eye on this matter... and on other matters."

She finished, clearing her throat awkwardly. She hoped she did not seem stupid to the girl. All she wanted was to help, to ease some of her suffering, to let her know that she is not alone.

For hereafter, I hope not that she will wander the plains alone...
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Post RE: Nimthir's Journey
on: August 26, 2010 06:58
"Yes, I visited Dol Amroth about ten years ago visiting a family friend. It was then that I felt that when I don't have to worry about orcs and trolls or wildmen, I could finally go back to the sea and raise a family."

Rûkh kept his face straight, even as Eodwyn blushed. He stared at her face, captivated by how beautiful she was. Standing there, cheeks flushed and eyes glittering, bathed in the amber light of the setting sun - she was nothing less than breathtaking.

Rûkh realized he was staring and quickly dropped his gaze.

"Perhaps if such a time comes, when all our work is finished, I may accompany you back to the sea. Or else, perhaps we shall meet there. I know a good many spots on the shore more beautiful than the others."
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Post RE: Nimthir's Journey
on: August 27, 2010 09:50
"Come, let us watch the sunset. Do you desire food, or drink, perhaps?"

Rydda followed Nimthir out of the tent. "I'm not thirsty; I have my water-bottle, and it's full. I am hungry, though. Do you...could I..." She hesitated. "My uncle knew all kinds of stories about Elves, and he said they had a special bread they carried when they traveled. I don't remember what it was called, but only a few bites would satisfy hunger. Do you have any?" Rydda was determined to try as many Elvish things as possible while she had the chance. Maybe she could even learn some of their special language and use it to talk to Silvermane!

Walking side by side, Rydda and Nimthir reached the top of the hill. The sunset's orange and gold light fell on their faces. After a moment, Nimther spoke.

"Rydda... I feel the need to say that... perhaps, even though in the hardest of times, and it may seem like I could not see it, but I understand what it feels like. Without your very own family, your mother, your father... with them gone. It is as if the ground was taken out from under your feet, and you have nothing to hold onto any longer. I feel your suffering, your pain. And I hope that one day you and I may see eye to eye on this matter... and on other matters."

Rydda was somewhat taken aback. An Elf know what it was like for your whole family to - die? That was impossible - Elves didn't die. Nimthir had put into words exactly how Rydda felt; but how?
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