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Post RE: What makes you unique to CoE?
on: October 14, 2003 06:37
Hmm...I'm most likely the only girl here who doesn't drool over guys and really doesn't care much about Arwen and Aragorns romance...
And I'm probably wrong but I might be the one here who knows most about Eowyn and is a die hard Eowyn fan
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Post RE: What makes you unique to CoE?
on: October 15, 2003 11:41
Like eating mashed potato sandwitches

is that even physically possible?

hmm...am intrigued...must try
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Post RE: What makes you unique to CoE?
on: October 27, 2003 05:24
What's special and unique about me? Not much.

Oh wait, I am the only person I know taht can fall off a chair with arms..... sideways.

I am also one of the probably few people here who thinks an orc lives in my house... seriously, I hear him at night. So more later on that when I find that orc.

And I also believe I am the only one here besides JesusAngelGirl that lives in the Minneapolis / St. Paul, Minnesota area. Contact me if you do. I am in sore need of people to come over to my house and stop me falling off those chairs!!!
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Post RE: What makes you unique to CoE?
on: October 27, 2003 05:49
Well, I have pretty eclectic taste in music. I don't know too many people who can say they love Black Sabbath AND bluegrass music!! :dizzy:

I live for bluegrass festivals! But I drive to 'em listening to Jimi Hendrix, Grateful Dead, Rolling Stones, etc.
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Post RE: What makes you unique to CoE?
on: October 28, 2003 06:18
I'm unique in that I'm not unique in any way whatsoever....

Hold on.... *thinks* ....So that would make me unique. So by being unique, I wouldn't be unique anymore.

I'm unique in that the most confusing conversations I have are with myself.
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Post RE: What makes you unique to CoE?
on: October 29, 2003 06:09
I'm unique in that I'm not unique in any way whatsoever....

Hold on.... *thinks* ....So that would make me unique. So by being unique, I wouldn't be unique anymore.

But by not being unique again it would make you unique again....its a never ending cycle hehehe
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Post RE: What makes you unique to CoE?
on: October 29, 2003 11:38
Well, in that case....

I'm unique in that I can be unique and not unique simultaneously.

I always was good at multi-tasking.
Giver of Smores
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Post RE: What makes you unique to CoE?
on: October 29, 2003 09:34
I'm unique in that I'm not unique in any way whatsoever....

Hold on.... *thinks* ....So that would make me unique. So by being unique, I wouldn't be unique anymore.

I'm unique in that the most confusing conversations I have are with myself.

Catch22! lol I think you're unique in your own confoosing conversations! They're too complicated for me, I prefer simple confoosion!
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Post RE: What makes you unique to CoE?
on: October 30, 2003 03:59
Confusion and chaos never cease to keep me entertained.

It keeps my mind occupied on the silly things and stops it being concerned with the other stuff in life.

The more confusion the better!
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Post RE: What makes you unique to CoE?
on: July 10, 2004 03:40
- I might be (but hope I'm not) the only one who doesn't know what L&P is... sounds like a typo or something :dizzy:
-I'm the only LadyEowyn_of_Rohan
-No one else has my avatar so far
-No one else is crazy, knits, is currently wearing his or her hair in a pony tail, is going on vacation tomorrow, used to want to be a vetrinarian, is a vegetarian, wants to try scuba diving, AND is wearing chipping green polish on his or her toenails.
-No one else who is reading this is typing
-No one else has a thesaurus, Unfinished Tales, The Silmarillion, Lord of the Rings, a Tolkien biography, a gardening magazine, and a gardening book in front of her.

...I don't think any of those were very good...
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Post RE: What makes you unique to CoE?
on: July 10, 2004 03:53
Hmm...I'm kinda used to being ordinary and blending in but I'll give it a go:

-was one generation away from inheriting a castle (another branch of the family got it)
-have an unusual gift for giving advice, even if I have no experience in the matter...strangers find themselves telling their secrets to me, and they feel comfortable
That's all I can think of, lol
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Post RE: What makes you unique to CoE?
on: July 11, 2004 02:51
Wow Ranewen, a castle!!

Well I'm probably the only 18 year old girl from England who likes playing rpg's like Baldurs Gate, never goes a day without reading for at least an hour, wants to live in a castle and have a huge four poster bed with curtains.

I'm sure theirs more....oh yes, and loves tomatoe source on toast.

Surely no-one else is like me

I think I'm the only person here called Lucy, correct me if I'm wrong
Illusionary Heart
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Post RE: What makes you unique to CoE?
on: July 11, 2004 07:09
-Has a guy named Zac given you the nickname Emilio? lol
-My avie, and my original signatures
-My psyhic abilities lol you can ask gwendeth or afitodorf
-My crazy obsession for Ben Del Maestro lol
-My journal entries about my day, usually unclude how guys do weird things lol

Edit! One more thing has a guy ever licked his hand then touched your face with his contaminated hand!?

I'll think of more...hopefully...

[Edited on 11/7/2004 by Lady~Eowyn]
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Post RE: What makes you unique to CoE?
on: July 12, 2004 02:25
I don't think that I am a good judge of what makes me unique. People tend to be a bit biased when judging themselves.

I post on another LotR forum (and have been for a year-and-a-half), so I'll just go along with what my pals over there say:

- I was a fast convert. (After two-and-a-half years of fandom, I've read LotR fifteen times and have read at least 20 other LotR-related books)

- I'm universal. (Some posters specialise in "The Sil." Some specialise in other areas. I have a sort of smattering in most areas)

That's about all I can think of. I'm sure I'm not the only student journalist and student filmmaker here, and I'm positive that I'm not the only young nerd in CoE.


*edit* Oh yeah, I'm also a Jew for Jesus. Are there any others around here?

[Edited on 12/7/2004 by ElvenShieldmaiden]
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Post RE: What makes you unique to CoE?
on: July 12, 2004 01:39
I thought my loathing of shopping made me unique, but I see I have plenty of company there.

I'm somewhat of a Luddite...I've never liked technology much. I don't have a cell phone, microwave, answering machine, and a lot of those other tech toys; I grudgingly have a t.v. I bought a dvd player only to play my LOTR dvds on. I've only had my computer for about a year. I bought that ONLY because of LOTR. Now we have a close relationship.:love: I'ts rather ironic that LOTR would bring a little technology into my life....

My favorite snack is swiss cheese and baby dill pickles.

Oh...and those little devil smilies make me laugh until I have tears coming out of my eyes:evil:

[Edited on 15/7/2004 by LinweSingollo]
"To the Hobbits. May they outlast the Sarumans and see spring again in the trees." J.R.R. Tolkien
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Post RE: What makes you unique to CoE?
on: July 14, 2004 09:45
I'm sort of an operator who links several Tolkien messageboards, and always knows where to go to look for an answer to something...

[Edited on 14/7/2004 by Morwinyoniel]
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Post RE: What makes you unique to CoE?
on: October 11, 2004 10:51
:disco: :disco: :disco: :disco: :disco: :disco: :disco: :disco: :disco: :disco: :disco: :disco: :disco: :disco: :disco: :disco:

Unique.......ummmmmmmmmmm....*puts om thinking cap*........ummmmmmmm.......*candle wick bursts in to flame on top of head (haven't invented the light bulb yet....the candle does cause annoying fires though...)*

- I'm the only person on CoE who is from Zimbabwe...or so I assume from the complete lack of replies to my post in Many Meetings!!
- Also..possibly I'm the only GCSE student here....if there is anone esle out ther PM me..I'd love to chat to someoneabout them and coursework etc etc etc
- Correct me if I'm wrong but am I the only Glen Miller fan here???
- I have a slight obsession with the disco smiley...as you will have gathered by now!!!!!!hehehehehe!!!
- Oh..I might be the only Christian Bretheren here as well.....I really need to check that out sometime.....

I'll try to think of some more.... if my brain doesn't short circuit by the end of the week......school is really getting nasty.....toooooooooooo much homework and coursework!!!!

:disco: :disco: :disco: :disco: :disco: :disco: :disco: :disco: :disco: :disco: :disco: :disco: :disco: :disco: :disco: :disco:
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Post RE: What makes you unique to CoE?
on: October 11, 2004 06:32
Well, there's plenty of things about me that are unique. I tend to say really random things sometimes. Something though that I'm very sure is unique about me is... my username doesn't mean anything! Well, it did when I first invented it many years ago, but it kinda lost the meaning before long. Now it's just a name I like to use. That does give it the advantage of being adaptable to pretty much any place I go, since it really isn't themed to any one thing anyway. Oh, did I mention that I tend to start rambling once I get going on something?
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Post RE: What makes you unique to CoE?
on: October 12, 2004 10:52
hmm, well I don't know how to find out my member number.
Liv Tyler and I have what I call sibling similarities. I'd be comparable to Liv, My middle sister would be comparable to Mia, and My little sis and bro would be comparable to Chelsea and Taj.
Steven and Bebe = Liv
Dad and Mom = Me
Steven and Cyrinda = Mia
Dad and J.R.D. = Middle sis
Steven and Teresa = Chelsea and Taj
Dad and T.S. = Lil sis and bro

Actually I think my knowlege of Liv's family makes me unique too :rolling:

I have the same lastname as the actor who played Gil-Galad :disco:

My bday is "Three Eights and a Three" (8-8-83) It's the same in American and English format. Americans do the month first, then the day.

I have 3 siblings that I have never met in person

I'm 21 years old, and I ride a pony :dizzy:

I'm an animal magnet, they just come to me. I got 3 cats this way. I even had to return a neighbor's horse. :dizzy:

I have a crapload of royalty in my family tree

Um.. I have a bit of a "dent" in my head, from when I was abotu 5 and fell off a bridge and cracked my head on the concrete below. (you can't see it tho)

I can get my cat to do what I tell him. Stay, Jump, Get down, come here, go on the poarch...
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Post RE: What makes you unique to CoE?
on: October 13, 2004 05:23
my vinegar obsession- those who know me know what im like

nuh uh! I've got a vinegar addiction too. Probably the same thing... I drink white vinegar if I can... yummmmmm

I know far more than is healthy about garlic and goats. I sell garlic at our farmer's market, and I show goats...

I can balance stuff on my head really well? Does that count?

I'm that rarely found (outside of my People's Republic -- oops, I mean city) mixture of democratic-liberal-hippy-romantic-cynic-pessimist who has effectively made up her own religion. Democratic, raised that way. Liberal, my own beliefs in the world and myself-- I read slash, and I've gone to a few rallies supporting gay rights, abortion, anti-Bush, etc. I have a sticker on my waterbottle that says "one term president".... Hippy-- oh man. Walk barefoot, bike to school, won't drive if I can help it, won't cut hair, wear skirts and such, don't shave legs, etc. Romantic? How can I prove that... the first thing i bothered to translate into elvish was "I love you"-- Cynic. Oh please. Pessimist? The world is utterly messed up and I can't do anything about it. And as to my religion.. well, not really a religion. I believe that i don't exist.
Oh, and where I live, I'm a little past the norm, but not much. We've made up our own flag (Scarlet is the back, with one large yellow 5 point star in the bottom left corner, with four smaller yellow stars around it.)... and my friends and I joke about having effectively seceded from the States, we're so different from the rest of the state. "Welcome to Boulder: Expect the Absurd"... "Ten square miles of insanity in fifty thousand square miles of reality"... "The Hippy Bubble"-- AND PROUD OF IT, MAN!

That distinctive enough for you?
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Post RE: What makes you unique to CoE?
on: October 13, 2004 05:54
Well, I have pretty eclectic taste in music. I don't know too many people who can say they love Black Sabbath AND bluegrass music!! :dizzy:

I live for bluegrass festivals! But I drive to 'em listening to Jimi Hendrix, Grateful Dead, Rolling Stones, etc.

*giggles* I wouldn't say I love both Black Sabbath and bluegrass, but I really really really like both. Haven't heard a ton of the former, though, but they're really good. Were?... anyway. Pete and Joan Wernick, anyone? They played at my parents' wedding when I was six; I climbed the tree above them and dropped sticks/leaves/small apples on them. I think I'm the only one who can claim that!!
I DROPPED APPLES ON JOAN AND PETE WERNICK!!! SO THERE!!! not that many people here have probably heard them. Or even of them. Oh well.

Another example of contradictions in music tastes. I absolutely love (to the point of obsession) both Simon and Garfunkel and Bad Relegion. To the point of being able to recite their albums. Literally. Song and lyric. And I like Josh Groban and am attempting to translate Oceano with my basic Latin learning. So, again, what's "naufragare" mean? *frowns* Oh, and I like honky-tonk country/bluegrass whatever-you-call-it... *giggles*

I'm a really good speller. Not to brag or anything... but I got to Regionals two years in a row, and got second place the second time around (first would have sent me to Nationals).

"But what's the good in something if you can't have it until you die?"
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Post RE: What makes you unique to CoE?
on: October 14, 2004 11:02
I think I am the first person to ever use the name Poldambo.

I know that no one else here uses it.

I am learning Quenya and I love it so far. I know I'm not the only Christian
so I know I'm not unique in that way. But I may be the first hearing impaired person.
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Post RE: What makes you unique to CoE?
on: October 14, 2004 10:15
Well, let's see...hnnn...

- No one using 'Oni-chan' as their screen name here....I think.

- I'm using a japanese name but I'm not a Japanese It just because I am an otaku, meaning: I'm obsessed with anime aand manga and bishounen!

- I draw LoTR fanart in manga style, and I have my own folder here --thanks to CoE crew :heart: --...and I draw a bathing Haldir...:love:

- I made my own avatar --she's the original character from my own story--

- I lived in Bandung City, that's Indonesia for you *see the world map by your own, hehehe.* but I haven't met people from Indonesia here...or maybe because I rarely come to forum ??

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Post RE: What makes you unique to CoE?
on: October 15, 2004 03:19
think....think......think(taps head with her index finger)
i am unique because i used winnie the pooh in a reply to forum-y stuff.
ok that unique thing sucked, i'm unique because i have my own beliefs, and i'm very logical (and i mean very).
For instance any article in the newspaper - no matter how horrific, i can see it from the victims and the villians perspective. Does this make me unique????? I think it does my friend thinks it does, when we're in R.E. (Religous Education) and we read an article about rape, or something, and i say logically why the person raped another, it scares my friend.

ermmmm this reply is stupid as i think i went off track, and before anyone thinks it just because i can see why people do stuff etc; i do not think what they do is right.

your nonsense speaking me

[Edited on 15/10/2004 by nathadagendaen]
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Post RE: What makes you unique to CoE?
on: October 17, 2004 12:29
Well, let's see...hnnn...

- No one using 'Oni-chan' as their screen name here....I think.

- I'm using a japanese name but I'm not a Japanese It just because I am an otaku, meaning: I'm obsessed with anime aand manga and bishounen!

- I draw LoTR fanart in manga style, and I have my own folder here --thanks to CoE crew :heart: --...and I draw a bathing Haldir...:love:

- I made my own avatar --she's the original character from my own story--

- I lived in Bandung City, that's Indonesia for you *see the world map by your own, hehehe.* but I haven't met people from Indonesia here...or maybe because I rarely come to forum ??


i'ma otaku too. it's the whole bases of my life!!!
i'm writing a manga and have designed several of the characters., unforunately i don't have much time to write as im studing for A-levels @ the mo.
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Post RE: What makes you unique to CoE?
on: October 18, 2004 12:42
I came, I went, I concurred! I came to this thread, then I left (went) this thread, then I came back to concurred on what to write on What makes Me unique. This is not ease to write :nono:, about yourself.

OK, I think my user name, hobbitmom is unique, because someone told me that no one would ever use a name like that but you :twitch:. I looked at her and said, "Isn't that the Idea of a different user name?" I like it and a lot of my friends here on CoE like it.

I try to do everything I can to help the web site and newbies and oldbies, lol here :love:. I'm just a out right LOVING :heart:, Caring , person.
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Post RE: What makes you unique to CoE?
on: October 18, 2004 02:07
I am unique because I am the only one who has the name outlawgirl09. I am also unique because I am one of the only people on this board whose name is the absolute opposite of what she is.
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Post RE: What makes you unique to CoE?
on: October 18, 2004 03:12
I´m definitely unique XDDDDDDDDDDD
The first one who dares 2 be the Steward of Gondor at CoE and nobody understand t´ xat language I write. Joé XDDDDD
My english is not that good, I´m from an unique country with no name, and even tought I´m here writting .
And I´m unique coz my mind works different from the rest, can see beyonf facts, forsigut the future, and people fall in love with me:love: coz I´m sexy ( but Im married already) but some others scold me :love: and make me a kind of banished Steward.

The Steward has spoken XDDD
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Post RE: What makes you unique to CoE?
on: October 21, 2004 04:26
I'm the only MK (missionary kid) on Coe. At least I think. noone replied to my thread. I'm another otaku!!
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Post RE: What makes you unique to CoE?
on: October 21, 2004 08:27
Hmmm... unique...?

Well, I know I'm not unique being finnish but at least we are a minority here

I'm born in a same day as Howard Shore and I share a last name with Ian Holm :disco: :disco:

But this should be at least weird: Sometimes I'm logged on here for over 12 hours per day... Non-stop, checking quite often what's happening here... And being here that much, I have seen that there aren't many doing that (you lucky ones still have something left of your sanity )

Btw, I also have a slight obsession to :disco: -smiley. I love it!
:disco: :disco: :disco: :disco: :disco: :disco:
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Post RE: What makes you unique to CoE?
on: June 05, 2005 04:19
TRUCKing this quite unique thread

Hmm... maybe my Crazyness...:killcomp: Insanityness(lol its not a word:dizzy I'm obssessed with the BALROG:love:
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Post RE: What makes you unique to CoE?
on: June 05, 2005 05:57
What makes me unique...

I don't have too many things that many many other CoErs don't share. But I guess I'm a very strange mix of nerd and domestic woman. Here's an example:

I do digital art
I like to cook
I make websites
I'm learning to make clothes
I am learning Quenya
I am learning Dreamweaver
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Post RE: What makes you unique to CoE?
on: June 05, 2005 06:14
maybe I'm a 3 year doller? I own 20+ cats, I have the only doll/graphic/animation request thread! which I really need to get to work on...
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Post RE: What makes you unique to CoE?
on: June 05, 2005 07:19
- Correct me if I'm wrong but am I the only Glen Miller fan here???!

Nope, I'm a huge Swing fan. Glenn Miller, Tommy and Jimmy Dorsey... I could go on.
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Post RE: What makes you unique to CoE?
on: June 06, 2005 01:29
Well, for starters, I'm the one and only ABotS!! :disco: And proud of it! I'm funny (or try to be) slightly insane (very insane), I love my CoE (a lot), I love Frodo (a lot), and I do try to take a pretty active role on this site. I love ER and Lost, and drawing, and reading... Stuff like that.
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