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Frodo Fanatic and Head Oligarch
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Post Things that bug me... Mistakes of FotR
on: March 11, 2002 07:04
So. Hate to start off this forum with a negative thread, but what the hey. Having seen the movie in the theater 8 times, I'm finding that there are certain scenes or instances that bug me. Not changes from the book, but directing/acting/cinematography things. To whit:

1) Gandalf putting the smackdown upon Bilbo after the party. "I am not a cheap conjuror of tricks." Okay, then why did you just perform the cheap trick of making the room go dark? It just bugs me.

2) Gandalf breakdancing during the wizard battle. I'm not opposed to the battle itself, but he just looks so silly.

3) When Strider pushes Frodo up the stairs at the inn, it just looks really obvious to me that it's the little person, not Elijah. Actually, there are several times in the movie that it's obviously the little person--especially when they're walking. They move completely differently.

4) There's a couple of times in Rivendell when the balconies, etc. are the wrong size for the Hobbits (as in, normal looking).

5) Where the heck does Bill the Pony go during the Crebain from Dunland scene?? Maybe Frodo gave him the ring for that brief period.

6) Celeborn should never talk. Ever again. Ever.

7) Can't decide if Galadriel going wonky bothers me. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't.

That damn car showing up in the background when Frodo and Sam are leaving the Shire!!! I can't ignore it now...

But. I still love the movie

*** title edited by Elerrina ***

[Edited on 8/12/2002 by Elerrina]
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Post RE: Things that bug me... Mistakes of FotR
on: March 12, 2002 02:35
Wow! 8 times... ony twice here

Galadriel going 'wonky' only bothered me the second time for some reason... probably because I wasn't surprised by it like I was the first time (yeah... should have read FOTR before-hand)

My brother told me later on that you can see a car, but I never noticed it.... guess I'm gonna have to go see it again! (yippee!) lol
Queen of Orc Killers
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Post RE: Things that bug me... Mistakes of FotR
on: March 12, 2002 04:17
I still haven't noticed the car thankfully, I keep forgetting to look for it.

Things that bother me:

The sound is really bad, anybody else notice this? I have seen it in a few theatres and I've noticed unless your listening carefully for lines you can easily miss them

The scene where Boromir drops narsil after trying to toss back on it's beir. It's just weird and awkward. Why wouldn't he pick it up? he obviously hears the sound but just turns and walks away, I dunno even if I dropped something I thought was trivial I would pick it up. I know it's supposed to be a poke at Aragorn but supposedly he doesn't know who Aragorn is yet.

Legolas getting all hot and bothered and jumping up and down in the council, Elves aren't that melo dramatic usually and then he's all mr. ice cube the rest of the film

Saruman coming down the stairs to greet Gandalf. The blue screen effect is just terrible it looks 20 years old. Then can do an awesome Balrog but can't make the seem around Saruman's head dissapear?

Gandalf on Gwahir, his face is all squashed.

Them running across the bridge, it looks strange either animated or something. The movements aren't human like at all.

Aragorn's accent. Sometimes he has one, sometime he hasn't

Bill the Pony just appears with them after Bree no explanation.

At council it's very obvious they shot everybody seperately when they are all standing together. The height of the Hobbits is not consistant.

In Bree is everybody on stilts????? they sure as hell walk like it.

That's all I can think of for now mwa ha ha ha
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Post RE: Things that bug me... Mistakes of FotR
on: March 14, 2002 04:18
What's really bothering me? Balrog. All in all, the animated "demon" look was not only looking fake, but out of date and style; I think they could have come up with something better, than the computer for that scene. I agree with most of the oher stuff said here (although I never notised the car) but still love the movie.
Frodo Fanatic and Head Oligarch
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Post RE: Things that bug me... Mistakes of FotR
on: March 14, 2002 04:20
See, that's interesting, because I love the Balrog. Admittedly, I did see the movie before reading the book, so I had no preconceived ideas of what it should look like, but it really works for me. There's one part though, when it's facing Gandalf, where it looks really frozen and fake. And I hate that two seconds, lol. But other than that, the Balrog is probably my favorite creature in the movie. No accounting for taste, I guess
"We have done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
Queen of Orc Killers
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Post RE: Things that bug me... Mistakes of FotR
on: March 14, 2002 04:45
Actually I agree with Rivka the Balrog is one of the best CGI effects in the film, that black line around Saruman's head being the worste.

I also don't like the dialated pupils of some of the elves, they look like they're high.

Also you don't get to see the Hobbit feet enough, I feel cheated.

The Orcs/Goblins were great though especially in Moria like beetles or something swarming up and down the walls. That scene where they surround the fellowship and then flee when the Balrog arrives is probably my fav.

It's too bad they changed Legolas and Gimili soo much that was one of the most dissapointing changes I think.

Frodo Fanatic and Head Oligarch
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Post RE: Things that bug me... Mistakes of FotR
on: March 14, 2002 04:51
Yeah, I want to see more Hobbit feet!

Maybe we'll see more of the Gimli-Legolas relationship in the next movie. That whole bit in Helm's Deep where they're competing over kills--I really hope that's left in the movie. Might be too lighthearted and bloodthirsty for PJ, though...
"We have done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
Frodo Fanatic and Head Oligarch
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Post RE: Things that bug me... Mistakes of FotR
on: March 14, 2002 04:53
Oh, and I wanted to comment on what you said about sound, M. The thing I've noticed is that the sound quality varies from theater to theater (having now seen it in 4 different theaters). I've heard some things in one theater that I couldn't hear in another--so I highly recommend trying the movie out in different cinemas so as to catch new things that you didn't/couldn't hear before.
"We have done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
Elven Huntress
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Post RE: Things that bug me... Mistakes of FotR
on: March 15, 2002 11:21

I am dissappointed that they cut the Australian release. I will be really annoyed if they cut the VHS release.
I'll agree with the Celeborn bit, although it doesn't annoy me as much as it did the first time I saw it.

When I first saw it the beginning bit (the journey to Rivendell) seemed really forced and cut, but I suppose that was because I was waiting for certain things to happen that happened in the book.

I was disappointed about the Gimli/Legolas relationship too, although I think that in the council the tension between the two races came across really well.

They must have tidied the Balrog scene up in the Australia release too because all the flaws my ICQ buddies have been telling me exist I can't see.

As for the height thing, it you look real close you can tell in several parts that the height isn't in proportion, but after the first viewing (at which I was originally a little disappointed) I decided to relax and take it all in the context it was meant. After all I suppose there is only a limited amount that can be done in 3 hrs.

Strangely enough the dilated pupils don't bother me, just makes their eyes look big and dark. I was a little upset that there wasn't much seen of Haldir. I would have to say that he is nearly exactly what I expected the elves to look like. He had the whole, ethereal/beauty/handsome/mysterious thing happening.

I expected to see more of the Hobbit feet too, but I don't feel cheated. The part that bothered me was that you had to know what to look for when Legolas was walking on top of the snow. So many people don't notice that and I think that it is an important part of the movie.

As for Bill the pony, I would have liked to see a bit more of him too...
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Post RE: Things that bug me... Mistakes of FotR
on: March 22, 2002 07:17
Hey hey
Yeah i totally agree with you! I would like to add two more things that bug the crap out of me.
1, Frodo's dance at Bilbo's party...what was that?!?!
2 Hugo as Elrond....or Agent Smith in Rivendale I should say. He had the exact same speech patter as he did in the matrix...esp in the Council scene....arggg that bugs me.
But i have seen the movie 6 times and i love it dispite its very very minor faults.
Frodo Fanatic and Head Oligarch
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Post RE: Things that bug me... Mistakes of FotR
on: March 22, 2002 08:23
Hey, I like Frodo's dance! He looks cute! But then, when doesn't he?
"We have done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
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Post RE: Things that bug me... Mistakes of FotR
on: March 23, 2002 07:12
Hey Hey
I thought of a new thing that bugs me!!! Ok gimli's fake crying and sams scene in the bedroom in rivendale....arggg i have always hated those.. Sams cause his acting is non exsistant in parts...and gimlis well because it is just soo fake!!!...sorry had to get it off my chest!
Lemba Chef
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Post RE: Things that bug me... Mistakes of FotR
on: March 26, 2002 03:24
What bugs me is...

No mention of lembas, the specially woven cloaks of Lothlorien, the leaf brooches, or the elven cordial. And the overlooking of Gimli's dialogue with Galadriel and Galadriel's gifts she gave to the Fellowship.

I am glad, however, that Sam's super-soppy devotedness was toned down from the book. That actually always irritated me.

The sound at the theatre I went to is superb, of courses it's a brand new big-screen place only built last year. I shouldn't sat 3 rows from the front though, everything was a bit blurry.
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Post RE: Things that bug me... Mistakes of FotR
on: March 30, 2002 05:10
Ok i just saw it again for the trailer and i found some new things that bug me
1) the hobbits and Gimli's sizes keep changing...when they are close up they are taller and when they are silhouetted they are really little...and sometimes Gimli is just a tad bit bigger than the hobbits and other times he is really a lot taller
2) umm i agree with whom ever hated Celebron
3) Where is the car??? i looked and i looked..
4) why weren't the race of hobbits invited to the council of Elrond???
5)i still can't stand sam's scene in rivedale...arrgg
6)i hate the outfit aragorn wears in rivedale..it makes him look like he has a belly and my baby does not have a belly!
thats all i can think about for now... o wait have one more big thing that bugs me...

Queen of Orc Killers
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Post RE: Things that bug me... Mistakes of FotR
on: March 30, 2002 08:24
LOL well Frodo and Bilbo were both there (though in the film they left Bilbo out) and they are Hobbits.

I finally noticed the car, you can't really tell it's a car though it's more like a flashing light on the horizon only from the speed it is moving can you deduce it must be a car.

That thing with Saruman still annoys me to no end that's probably the thing that bothers me the most. I can suspend my disbelief with the hobbit sizes but that one scene of Saruman after he descends the steps of Orthanc is just really bad blue screen work and I can't stand it.

In this age I have come to expect far better effects especially if they can do such great things with The Balrog and minitures a good blue screen effect shouldn't be that hard.

Frodo Fanatic and Head Oligarch
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Post RE: Things that bug me... Mistakes of FotR
on: March 31, 2002 10:08
I noticed that Saruman thing two. And since you mentioned it bugging you, it's really started bugging me, too...
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Post RE: Things that bug me... Mistakes of FotR
on: March 31, 2002 11:49
I agree with Nuindaliel it's just too bad that we have to wait until December for TTT. Ah well. I guess that that'll be the only thing on my Christmas list.
Frodo Fanatic and Head Oligarch
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Post RE: Things that bug me... Mistakes of FotR
on: March 31, 2002 06:52
Just remembered another thing that bugs while seeing the movie for the 11th time:

When they're in Lothlorien and everybody's asleep, check out the pillowcases. I swear to god, they're very similar to ones we had when I was a kid. They're like something you would get from Target. They bug me every time...
"We have done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
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Post RE: Things that bug me... Mistakes of FotR
on: April 01, 2002 05:04
Ok i just remembered what really bugged me.!!! When Aragorn is fighting Lurtz at the end and he gets hit again and again and you see him stand up and his teeth and his mouth are all covered in blood when he cuts his head off. But right after that when he is talking w/Boromir his face is all blood free....that bothers me
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Post RE: Things that bug me... Mistakes of FotR
on: April 01, 2002 10:36

Aww, not really I actually found his death scene very touching, and I though Sean Bean was excellent. I was glad they showed that, unlike the books, which just mention it.

The only thing that really annoued me was Rosie Cotton I'm sorry, I just can't stand her - she is so fake! That's more like a problem I have with the books than just the film, though. But Sam could do so much better!
And it doesn't help that I'm a crazy Frodo/Sam shipper. (Am I going to get eaten for saying that?)

I actaully thought the Saruman thing was quite interesting - I though maybe they were trying to make him look sureal and magical. He doesn't look quite human - he's got this bizarre shimmering appearance - so I thought maybe they did that on purpose?
Elven Huntress
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Post RE: Things that bug me... Mistakes of FotR
on: April 02, 2002 03:09
I still can't find that damn car...
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Post RE: Things that bug me... Mistakes of FotR
on: April 02, 2002 01:19
Where is the car supposed to be? Because I have looked, and I swear it isn't there! Maybe they edited out of some versions?
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Post RE: Things that bug me... Mistakes of FotR
on: April 02, 2002 01:23
hey hey
Ok so this doesn't really upset me or anything it's just a bit strange....Every one in the movie has blue eyes...all of the fellowship and even the other people...it's just so strange...at first i thought it was just the elves cause blue eyes is some elf thing...but then i realized that it's the men and the hobbits and the dwarfs....i was creeped out!!
....hmm yeah i can't find the car either but i was talking to someone who said that it was just a moving thing in the background that reflects the sun...but i haven't seen it myself so i don't know
Lemba Chef
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Post RE: Things that bug me... Mistakes of FotR
on: April 02, 2002 03:39
How odd. The elves are supposed to all be grey eyed. And hobbits should have generally have eyes of brown or hazel. At least that what Tolkien said!

[Edited on 3/4/2002 by Zoe]
Queen of Orc Killers
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Post RE: Things that bug me... Mistakes of FotR
on: April 02, 2002 04:41
Nobody has the hair and eye color nor clothing color they are supposed to

As for the car it's in the scene where Frodo and Sam are in the field it's off in the back on the right hand side it's a flicker on the horizon moving along the ridge of a hill
Elven Huntress
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Post RE: Things that bug me... Mistakes of FotR
on: April 03, 2002 03:47
Thanks for that helpful hint, I'll look harder next time...

As for the eyes... I was under the impression that elves ahd blue or grey eyes, but the hobbit eyes should have been brown...
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Post RE: Things that bug me... Mistakes of FotR
on: April 07, 2002 09:02
What bugs me is that Galadriel glows green. She didn't glow green in the book, and it makes her look very strange.
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Post RE: Things that bug me... Mistakes of FotR
on: April 07, 2002 11:22
That damn car showing up in the background when Frodo and Sam are leaving the Shire!!! I can't ignore it now...

Ack! there is a CAR!!!
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Post RE: Things that bug me... Mistakes of FotR
on: April 08, 2002 03:55
yeah the whole car thing bugs me, I didnt see it until the 6th time I saw the movie, but what is the big dust cloud on the right side of the screen? as far as the frodo dance, i love it, Also after lurtz dies, and legolas comes running up to help, LOOK on the ground and you can see an Uruk-Hai soldier lift his head up and quickly put it down as he probably forgot the camera was rolling and I wish they would have shown the river rope crossing with Haldir in Lorien!!
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Post RE: Things that bug me... Mistakes of FotR
on: April 08, 2002 07:20
Okay! I'm trying this for a third time as it wasn't posting before! Things that bugged me from the movie:

The car. I don't think it's a car, but it's distracting all the same.

Aragorn not putting the Shard of Narsil back straight. If it meant so much to him, he'd put it back neatly, right?

Some of the obvious continuity, like being able to see where the second arrow is going to hit Boromir before it's shot, or the fact that it's obvious in some shots that Billy Boyd's size double is female.

Lurtz. I have yet to figure out where they call him that. Plus, he changes colours more than a hippie's hair does.

Gimli's 'crying' in Moria. No comment.

Gally's freak-o dark queen glowy thing. Again, no comment.

Arwen moving her mouth while Aragorn is talking. It's more amusing than annoying, but they should've caught that.

Arwen in general. Whose bright idea was it to take Glorfindel out of the movie, and WHY on Middle-Earth is she at Helm's Deep??

The translations at the bottom of the screen. Somehow, their sub thing looks really....I dunno...old to me?

The troll's spear moving around. I mean, Frodo's hit in the upper chest/lower shoulder, right? So how, when he falls over, is it suddenly in the upper shoulder? And besides, it wouldn't have even LOOKED like it had gone into him, if he had Mithril on...it would've bounced off or broken.

(Oh, and two more things that bugged me:

The hobbit feet looked kinda fake to me for some reason, especially when they all fell down the hill and Merry says he broke something. That foot...the toes are too straight and crooked.

All the hobbits running from the dragon firework. There's some sort of...I dunno...digital-ness to it that doesn't sit too well with me. Plus, they should've figured out that it's a firework, as it exploded and got applause, then came back around as a dragon. Call me picky, I know.)

And to whoever was talking about Boromir dropping the Shard of Narsil...perhaps he assumed Aragorn (who wasn't Aragorn at that point) knew who he was, son of the Steward of Gonder. Being only a Steward, Boromir wasn't technically connected with the sword, yet he was making a big deal over it. Perhaps he got embarrassed? Or maybe it had nothing whatsoever to do with being son of the Steward, and maybe he was just embarrassed to be caught being sentimental over a hunk of metal. Who knows?

[Edited on 8/4/2002 by ~*Galadriel~and~Gollum*~]
Frodo Fanatic and Head Oligarch
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Post RE: Things that bug me... Mistakes of FotR
on: April 08, 2002 08:09
It's definitely a car--it's moving far too fast to be anything else. Some people get confused and think that the plume of smoke/dust to the right is the car--it's not. The car is to the left of the that, along the ridge of a field. You can't actually tell it's a car--it's just the reflection off of it, but it's moving far too fast to be anything else. Actually, I'll try to remember to take a screencap of it's location tonight and post it on here...

GG, Aragorn putting Narsil back bugs me, too! God, if that isn't a sign I've seen this movie too many times, I don't know what is...
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Post RE: Things that bug me... Mistakes of FotR
on: April 08, 2002 08:20
That's what happened at first, with me. ^^; The first time I heard about the car, I thought that plume of smoke was the car and was like, "Okay, you people are stupid. That is SO obviously a chinmey!" Then I saw what they were talking about. ^_^ But I thought they had the Shire set blocked off, so people couldn't come in?
Frodo Fanatic and Head Oligarch
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Post RE: Things that bug me... Mistakes of FotR
on: April 08, 2002 08:33
You would think so, wouldn't you? But it is pretty far off in the distance, so I imagine that for some reason they couldn't shut off all of the roads for miles around. What surprises me is that they didn't notice it, and reshoot it. Or edit it out later. They need more eagle-eyed fans like us to watch the movie a dozen times before releasing it, lol.

I really can't see it as anything other than a car. It's moving too fast to be anything else, if you ask me. But you know, this isn't the first movie this has happened to, lol. If you go to http://www.movie-mistakes.com you can see mistakes for just about any movie you can think of...

[Edited on 8/4/2002 by Rivka]
"We have done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
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Post RE: Things that bug me... Mistakes of FotR
on: April 08, 2002 08:36
Oh, yeah...I'd volunteer for that in a second! www.imdb.com also has a rather lengthy list of continuities in LotR...about twenty, I believe. Just don't look at the list for "Titanic"; you'll be reading for a few hours. ^_^
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Post RE: Things that bug me... Mistakes of FotR
on: April 08, 2002 09:17
Whoever was talking about how the railings in Rivendell seemed to be the wrong height for a hobbit, I found the following paragraph on a movie continuity site, under the heading "Misconceptions":

When Frodo is recovering in Rivendell he goes out onto a balcony, places his hand on the railing and looks out over the city. However, the railing for Frodo is waist high. Seeing as how he is a 3-foot Hobbit in a city of human-sized elves, the railing should be over his head. [He's in Bilbo's room, so everything will be Hobbit sized].

It could be possible, no? ^_^ Thought you might want to see that!
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