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Post RE: The Hanging Horseman Pub
on: August 02, 2002 08:40
*catches killjoy's cloak before she can dash out of the pub. smiles with a mischevious air*

Hullo, there! What's underneath your cloak, that you draw it about you so closely? Might I have a peek, or would you have some convincing? *lifts the sharp tines of her trident dangerously close to killjoy's belly*
Wonderfully made, are they not? :evil:
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Post RE: The Hanging Horseman Pub
on: August 02, 2002 01:16
*Waking out of her bord daze she notices what has happend and a sudden burst of anger boils through her veins. Jumpin over the bar lightenin quick she squares up with Killjoy with a darker than normal glow in her eyes and with a particulary deep deadly clam talks

You dare to steal from me mellon?! :angry:

* not lookin at Silver detah she talks

It's ok ive got this one.....

*then talkin to killjoy again her face suddenly softens and a rather distrubingly sweet smile spreads to her lips

So you would like a drink my dearest of Wraiths? All you had to do was ask... come now you will join me in a drinkin contest... And if you win you can keep what you have taken from my storage. Dose this not sound fair to you?
Servant of the Valar
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Post RE: The Hanging Horseman Pub
on: August 02, 2002 05:09
Lol!! Mith, that's a good idea. I hope you've got a good stomach for liquor.
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Post RE: The Hanging Horseman Pub
on: August 03, 2002 05:20
That's a wonderful idea, mellon! What say you, killjoy? *prods the thief in the hiney a little with her trident*
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Post RE: The Hanging Horseman Pub
on: August 04, 2002 01:30
*Valaore leads Killjoy to a table while Fiend disappears into the back room and opens a hidden safe and takes out a dusty box and returns to the table with a waiting kill joy

Now my friend i keep this 4 speacail occassions for such as this.

*Opening her box inside it there are 2 shot glasses and a big blue bottle with a woren out lable. Fiend takes out the two glasses and opens the bottle beigns to pour

Are you ready? :evil: By the way it might be fair of me to warn you I've won the Modor drinkin competition fo rthe last 100 yrs running :evil: Ok you ready?

* A nervous lookin Killjoy nodds back and the two enage in heavy drinking of a very very very strong subtances. They are sat there for hours neither showin signs of giving up any time soon....
Hours on Killjoy starts swinging on her chair while Fiend is still sat smiling ..
An hour later and killjoy has passed out and Fiend just smiles back at the pretty picture

Ahh well theres no shame in lossing to the best m'dear

*Fiend cackles and tells Valaore to lay a bed out up stairs for the wraith who will be very store when she wakes up

Servant of the Valar
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Post RE: The Hanging Horseman Pub
on: August 04, 2002 03:06
*Vala scoops up the unconscious Killjoy and wrinkles her nose at the smell of the liquor on her breath. The maia gently carries the wraith to a bedroom and lays her on the bed. Vala covers Killy with a blanket, then blows out the lantern. She leaves the room, taking the matches with her , and quietly shuts the door.*
Local Drunk, & Guru Swami Extraordinaire
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Post RE: The Hanging Horseman Pub
on: August 04, 2002 04:41
*killjoy wakes with cotton mouth.....*


*...the events of the last few days float back...killjoy darts up and shoots back into the bub, jumping up on the bar...*


*sob sob...*

o well, *sniff* no point in being a sore loser...but you did have an advantage, Mith...i mean, you OWN a bar, for gods sake....hell, if I owned a bar, i'd have beaten you hands down! i wouldnt even BE in this bar! i'd be self sufficient!....well...actually...i'd probably drink all the stock and put myself out of business....(hmmm...not a bad prospect that....*no no....i have evil commitments...*)

and i DID leave the other 7 bottles of Vilya! i couldn't very well keep my poker buddies back at Evil HQ waiting, could i? here...i'll pay u back *gives 3 gold coins* hope thats enough....i'm kinda broke

so....the best woman won, i guess....but i still give myself brownie points for being the best drunk....

...o, and by the way.....i have laid eyes upon the stash....it calls to me as the One Ring calls to the Nine.....and i have but one thing to say....

ILL BE BACK :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
Servant of the Valar
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Post RE: The Hanging Horseman Pub
on: August 04, 2002 05:02
so....the best woman won, i guess....but i still give myself brownie points for being the best drunk....

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Post RE: The Hanging Horseman Pub
on: August 05, 2002 12:27
*Fiend laughed softly at the defeated killjoy

Well there is no other drunk that compaares to you Killjoy and I wouldn't except any thing less from you to come back..I'd be missing a great drunkk wouldn't I?

*Fiend laughs and pulls out a bottle from behind the bar.

This you can have this for free. It's not the good stuff that I do not give away easily...

*Suddendly the smile vanishes from Fiends face and it becomes very very stern and her voice carries a deep threat of warning as a dark shadow over throws her

But mellon if you ever go into my stock room again without my say so or try to give yourself a 5 finger discount I will not be as easy going... infact you will see a much darker side to myself :evil:

*Suddenly lightening up she smiles back at Killjoy, who looks slightly un-nerved

Now mellon go now and enjoy yourself we wil see you again later... and pass the message on to VoS.
Ruler and Court Jester of Planet Awesome
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Post RE: The Hanging Horseman Pub
on: August 05, 2002 01:22
*Trig walks in, looking tired as always. Her skin has reached new shades of pale. Looking at her, one can't help but notice that she looks rather sick but as to why, no one can put their finger on it.*

Well, I'm back.

*Before her knees give way and she falls to the floor, she manages to straggle over to a barstool.*

When do you want me to start again, Mith?

*Trig sways on her chair slightly, looking as though she might pass out any moment.*
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Post RE: The Hanging Horseman Pub
on: August 05, 2002 01:47
* Fiend laughs at Trig and gives her a huge hug

You are not workin in this condition. lol. Evil as I am m'dear I don't over work my staff I like them in top condition otherwise of use are you to me? :evil:
No I take of my staff. Rest now by the fire and i will fix you up a drink that will heal you of your hurts. Valaore dear you think you can handle the bar for a while?

* Fiend fixes Trig a drink and then heads back to her chair by the fire and the two talk of their time spent apart
Ruler and Court Jester of Planet Awesome
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Post RE: The Hanging Horseman Pub
on: August 06, 2002 09:32
God, Mith...the things I've seen. I'd rather forget them forever and always....

*Trig drifts into thought, but soon forces herself to snap out of it*

How've things been at the bar? It's still standing, at least...thank the heavens...*looks over at the Orc Table*

They're STILL here?
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Post RE: The Hanging Horseman Pub
on: August 07, 2002 07:49
*Hirilear stands behind Trignifty, placing a hand gently on her head. She wispers a blessing of strength for her heart, spirit and mind. She then goes back to sit at her table*
Servant of the Valar
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Post RE: The Hanging Horseman Pub
on: August 07, 2002 10:35
How've things been at the bar? It's still standing, at least...thank the heavens...*looks over at the Orc Table*

They're STILL here?

Of course they're still here, Trigs. They love the beer!

Don't worry about me Mith, I can handle the bar.
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Post RE: The Hanging Horseman Pub
on: August 07, 2002 11:33
*Fiend nodds her thanks to Valaore and tells Trig all that happend durin her absence with Killjoy

They are cheeky beggers but I wouldn't have it any other way lol :evil: Just as long as they whos boss round here

*Fiend cackles and grins to herself and sits musing in thoughts. Still she hears the Orcs ruff laughter
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Post RE: The Hanging Horseman Pub
on: August 07, 2002 12:12
*Solaris walks in her cloak wet and dirty from the rain and mud, she took off her hood when in the rain it did no good her eyes hurt from the salty rain and everything was blurry.
*Solaris looks for any sign of someone she knew but she couldn't make out anything, her vision was going black so only heard harsh voices all around her. her feet burned as her eyes did, her feet were cut and brusied, as were her cloths.
*Solaris puts her hood back on and stumbles to the nearest dark and unoccupied corner she casts herself down and falls into a harsh sleep.

[Edited on 8/8/2002 by Solaris]

[Edited on 16/9/2002 by Solaris]
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Post RE: The Hanging Horseman Pub
on: August 08, 2002 02:29
*Fiend walks over to her Orc patorns and joins in with their laughter. As the evenin wears on. Krumluk getting a little to merry pushing Fiend in a joking manner sends her fyling into the corner where she falls over a small soft lump

KRUMLUK!!!!!!! :angry: :angry:

*Fiend stands tall and zaps Kurmluk knocking him back off his chair and his fellow Orcs brust into laughter. wipping herself Fiend looks back to see what she fell on and picks up a small hobbit by the scruff of its neck

Well well well..what do we have here now?
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Post RE: The Hanging Horseman Pub
on: August 08, 2002 03:56
*Solaris wakes up acheing more than ever before her eyes no longer blurring her vision look aorund frantically
*Solaris strugles :cry:

[Edited on 30/11/2002 by Solaris]
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Post RE: The Hanging Horseman Pub
on: August 08, 2002 04:16
*Fiend giggles at the struggling Hobbit

Be clam mellon.. lol... this is not a safe place to fall asleep.. espeacialy for a hobbit such as yourself

*Fiend puts the crying hobbit on its feet and leads her to the bar

Come now if you wish to board here we do have lodgings up stairs. I sugguest them if you wish to sleep... the Orc's over there don't take to kindly to hobbits

*Fiend nodds over at Krumluk and his band who are eyeing Solaris up evily

Narkuu Krumluk! not in my pub!
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Post RE: The Hanging Horseman Pub
on: August 08, 2002 04:22
*Hirilear had put her trident in a shadowy corner, and it clattered to the floor when the Orc pushed the Fiend. Seeing Krumluk, Hirilear pulls her hood over her eyes, and turns her head away. Yet she whispers to herself* If Krumluk decides that I am an easy target, he will have a hard lesson. But I shall only defend myself, and not begin anything too soon.
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Post RE: The Hanging Horseman Pub
on: August 08, 2002 04:48
*Solaris looks at Fiend but doesn't speak
as Fiend is leading her but unslings her back pack and begins to pull out her small money bag
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Post RE: The Hanging Horseman Pub
on: August 08, 2002 05:15
*Fiend laughs hardily at the quiet hobbit

Perian theres no need to fear me. I am your enmie here. Tis my bar you stand and I have one rule here which is respect me and my premises. Which them lot over wil do.. they wont harm you fret not.

*Fiend pours the hobbit a drink

it's on the house.. for abit of courage.

*Fiend smirks and tries to hide her laugh as the hobbit nervously sniffs at the dirnk
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Post RE: The Hanging Horseman Pub
on: August 08, 2002 06:05
*Solaris sniffs the drink and trys not to look at Fiend
*Solaris takes a small drink and chokes on it a little
::a bit strong :: she thinks
*Solaris looks up at Fiend and bows her head
then takes another drink
*Solaris , after a couple swigs of the drink becomes dizzy and starts to woble :dizzy:
*Solaris looks up at Fiend, tears fall from her face, then .plop.
*Solaris falls face first on the ground.

[Edited on 8/8/2002 by Solaris]
Lady of the Golden Wood
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Post RE: The Hanging Horseman Pub
on: August 08, 2002 06:55
*** a dark-cloaked figure sitting alone at a table eyes the Orcs trying to intimidate the small hobbit, but makes no move as Fiend seems to be removing her from harm's way... but seeing Valaöré minding the bar, calls out... ***

Vala? Would you bring me an ale? Nothing fancy...

*** as Vala brings the ale, Lady E comments... ***

This is not the place for being confused by liquor... those Orcs :evil: :evil: still look quite surly... but this will last me a long time... *she grins* and I am quite well armed...
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Post RE: The Hanging Horseman Pub
on: August 08, 2002 07:01
*Helps Mithrodwen carry Solaris to a comfy bed where she can sleep off the liquor. Hirilear looks at Mith* Can't keep her liquor can she?
*walks back to the pub with the proprietess*
What payment would you have for the ale I have drunk tonight? I have a few good sized pearls, but I fear they would be of no use to you.

[Edited on 8/8/2002 by SilverDeath]
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Post RE: The Hanging Horseman Pub
on: August 08, 2002 07:09
*Solaris wakes up in a bed far to big for her but comfy.
she looks for her pack but her head is trobbing so she cant see strait
:: So thats what acholhal taste like :: she says aloud
*Solaris winces, then starts shivering her cloths were still wet from her journey
she wondered where exactly she was
couriosity overcame her and she snuck out of the door and in to the common room :dizzy:
*Solaris looks for Elerrina
*Solaris looks at the people in the pub they seem big and cowering.
*Solaris looks around and sees a man witha bow straped across his back, she suddenly remembers that she to had a bow it wasn't big but it was usefull
*Solaris turns and rushes as fast as she can up stairs to see if her bow was taken. luckely it was not and she still had all of her arrows she put the bow on her and straped on her arrows. she searched her bag and the room for any spare cloths but there was none. Solaris returned to the common room.

[Edited on 8/8/2002 by Solaris]
Lady of the Golden Wood
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Post RE: The Hanging Horseman Pub
on: August 08, 2002 08:18
*** Elerrina sees the tiny Hobbit, Solaris, coming hesitantly back into the room... she seems very unsteady... quickly Elerrina goes and takes the small Hobbit's hand and leads her back to her own table... ***

Come... sit with me, little one. You will be safe with me...

*** Elerrina helps the small Hobbit into a chair ***

Would you like me to order you a 'virgin' drink, a drink with no liquor? And it looks like you could use a snack to eat... you look famished, little Hobbit!*smiles* Here...

*** she calls an order over to Fiend or Vala, some juice and a bowl of hot soup or stew, please... ***
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Post RE: The Hanging Horseman Pub
on: August 08, 2002 08:24
*Solaris looks at the elf in awe, for she had never seen one, she smiled and slowly she pipped up the courage to say
"Thank you"
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Post RE: The Hanging Horseman Pub
on: August 08, 2002 08:25
*after tucking the hobbit away and closing the door to sol's room . Fiend spoke

When I cacth VoS his in trouble not only dose he have the cheek to help himself to a discount. he neglects his duties as my door man! That hobbit should never have been aloud to stumble in here. Especaily ones that can't handle there drink!.

*Going into a deathly silence of anger she turned and looked at Hiliear her eyes softening.

Your right your pearls will not pass as payment here.

*fiend ponders for a moment then spoke at lenght

However Hirilear in a short few days there is matter of personal bussines which will bear me away from here. Trig is visibley too tierd to work and would be of no use yet to Valaore. You could work off your payment.....but i know you maians have quick tempers and having two behind my bar I am not so keen on though I like you both.....

*Fiend goes silent for a moment longer

I have decicded if you do not mind this task then you will work with valaore while I am away. I ask but one thing please would you leave me a pub to return to ?
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Post RE: The Hanging Horseman Pub
on: August 08, 2002 08:25
*Hirilear goes to the little Hobbit and smiles* Welcome, Halfling. I am Hirilear, Lady of the Sea. *puts her hand on Solaris' forehead and the cold chill leaves her,but her clothes remain wet. Hirilear smiles again,and though the perian cannot see her eyes for the hood, they shine with a happy light*
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Post RE: The Hanging Horseman Pub
on: August 08, 2002 08:28
*Solaris looks at SD and smiles
"hello" she says and then falls quiet
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Post RE: The Hanging Horseman Pub
on: August 08, 2002 08:40
*Hirilear laugh is long and clear as she throws back her head in merriment* And Mithrandir told me hobbits were irrepressable and their tongues wagged too much! I see now that times have changed!
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Post RE: The Hanging Horseman Pub
on: August 08, 2002 08:51
*solaris looks at Hirilear
"i'm not from the Shire i grew up alone i dont talk much"
Lady of the Golden Wood
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Post RE: The Hanging Horseman Pub
on: August 08, 2002 08:55
*** Looking up toward Fiend, Lady Elerrina says...***

Fiend, my friend... I am taking this little Hobbit under my care. Please make sure your staff knows this... and respects Solaris as my friend. I will brook no evil towards her...

* Lady El stands and smiles broadly...* Please don't make me do the Galadriel-going-bonkers thing again... it's quite tiring and my head almost hits the roof. Besides the young Hobbit here would be more terrified than she is now...

*** Lady El sits back down, and smiles at her small friend, pushes her stew closer to her ***

Come, child, eat...
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Post RE: The Hanging Horseman Pub
on: August 08, 2002 09:03
*Solaris eats the stew quickley and wonders to her self
:: Galadriel going bonkers::
"thank you Elerrina for your hospitality
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