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Post RE: Dark Times (please join. loosely scripted but free to join.)
on: April 30, 2004 06:23
(I like your Irish soldiers already!)

They were forced to retreat yet again today. The only bright note Stephen could think of was there were fewer casualties and fewer wounded. He could thank God for that, but he was disappointed that Norway had so quickly responded to their threat.

Stephen had ridden back to camp downhearted, yet there was more trouble in store. After seeing the wounded to the medical tents, he received a report that the Prince was missing - well not really a report, but more a panicked cry of "His Highness is missing!"

He and the commanders set up search parties immediately, but it was dark outside already. They would also need to calm down the remaining soldiers, for without a leader to be loyal to, there might be trouble. And Norway might hear about the Prince's absence. It would be even worse if Norway captured the Prince.

The search parties slipped out into the chilly night. They had to find him as quickly as possible. Stephen would have headed a search party himself, but there was too much to do back at the camp. The men needed to get settled down, strategies needed to be formed for tomorrow, and he and the commanders needed to discuss the possibility that the Prince might not be found.

In the midst of all this chaos Stephen had almost forgotten his planned meeting with Luke. Finding a quiet spot, he pulled out the mirror from his pocket and Luke's face appeared.

"Stephen! Where've you been?"

"It's been a bad day. But what news do you have?"


Elaine had a somewhat relaxed morning, but late afternoon and early evening came the soldiers, bearing bodies of the dead and the wounded. There was a look of despair upon the faces of those who entered the tents. The medical attendants could barely clear enough space for all the wounded. Many times Elaine found herself in the midst of tears while helping one of the surgeons - but she was not going to leave. She would do all she could to heal these men.

It was well into the night when she was sent to figure out what the commotion was outside. Inside the tent they'd been hearing a man, with a thick accent, shouting about not seeing a "butcher." She went out to find a large, burly man being carried by a group of also large men. His leg was heavily bandaged. She also spotted Robert gingerly cradling his wounded arm.

"Robert!" she cried, sprinting towards him. "Why haven't I seen you inside the tents? You are wounded!" She grabbed a hold of his arm and began to slowly peel away his shirt sleeve. Flakes of dried blood cracked off, but his shirt was plastered in his wound. "Look at all the trouble you've caused," she admonished. "Now I've got to soak the blood to soften your sleeve before we can sew you up."

Robert was just sitting there with his mouth open at her surprisingly bossy tone. "And you," she snapped, addressing the other wounded man, "let me assure you that these fine surgeons are not "butchers," as you so delicately put it. They are talented healers, whom you should be grateful to for their skill and attention. Now have you broken a bone or is it a flesh wound?"

With eyebrows raised and gray eyes flashing, Elaine held herself almost as if waiting for a challenge.


Rafe spent the rest of the day planning how to kidnap Aurora from Denmark's camp, especially since she was disguised. But it was probably easier to capture Joan, who would be sailing in to Denmark in a day or so.

By early evening, the ships for Norway came in bearing men and arms in abundance. Denmark had been forced to retreat again this afternoon, and they would soon be begging Rafe for mercy when he finished them off.

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Post RE: Dark Times (please join. loosely scripted but free to join.)
on: May 01, 2004 12:24
(yes I like the Irish men. And other ideas are popping up.)

Aurora put her head down and fought back tears, even though one slipped out.
"It doesn't matter now. I'm here, and I'm going to save you."
She noticed he had a fairly bad cut on his head. The blood was dried but there was also mud in the wound. Taking the flask of water she began flushing it out. The removal of the blood and dirt opened the wound and it began bleeding again. She took her shirt and rippped the bottom off all the way around. Then she tied it around the wound.
The air was getting colder and soon she was shivering. Even Phillip under the heavy cloak shivered. The only way to keep him alive was to keep him warm. If he got to cold then that mixed with the loss of blood would lower his body temperature to much. She climbed under the cloak and moved close to him. Within minutes the heat bagan to build up even though Phillip still shook.


Rupert paced around the camp waiting for the search parties to return. The clatter of horses came as the two parties reentered the camp.
"It is too dark to see anything my Lord." One of the captains said. "We will have to wait till morning."
"Let us hope to God that His Highness is still alive by then."
He retired to his tent but could not sleep.
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Post RE: Dark Times (please join. loosely scripted but free to join.)
on: May 03, 2004 06:10
(*grins* Thanks!)

"Someone named Lady Aurora is heading for Denmark. Sir Rafe and his...council I guess, are planning to take her captive. There's something else going on, but I haven't had the time to sniff it out." Luke told Stephen.


Aiden chuckled. "Don't mind Kirin, lassie. He's more muscle than brains if ye take my meanin'. He'll settled down soon enough." the man brushed some of his wild brownish red hair from his face.

Robert was still open-mouthed. "It's not that bad...I just wanted to wait until the more serious cases were taken care off-" he began, but Elaine cut him off, much to the amusement of Aiden and his remaining men.

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Post RE: Dark Times (please join. loosely scripted but free to join.)
on: May 03, 2004 05:55
(MLG - I can't wait until Joan gets here! Things'll get so interesting)

Stephen was surprised at the news from Luke. "Lady Aurora? That's Lord Rupert's daughter. She was to have been married to a prince of England to ensure their support. You must find out more. We cannot have Rafe hold her as a hostage. That would be disastrous," he said worriedly. He knew Rafe was perfectly capable of abducting the young lady and forcing Denmark's hand with her as bait. And if Aurora was sailing home to Denmark, would England be following soon after?

"It's an impossible task, but it's important for you to stay and gather as much information as you possibly can. We need to know if Lady Aurora truly is sailing home and if England is sending their help." Stephen hesitated before continuing, "I hate to ask you this, but is there a way for you to enter Norway's military ranks? The information you can gain about their battle strategies could be vital to our success. Might sabotage also be among you line of work?"


Elaine was rolling her eyes at the man's explanation for Kirin's behavior. It seemed all men acted that way. She'd seen it enough times working in the medical tents. She was on the verge of calming down when Robert began his explanation for not getting his wound treated.

"You think your wound is not serious?" Elaine asked flabbergasted, cutting off whatever Robert was saying. "Right now I see a large wound, swollen to the touch, that is filled with unspeakable amounts of dirt and grime. And I don't want to even tell you what might happen if your arm becomes infectious."

She sighed, pushing a few stray strands of hair off her forehead. "I don't mean to scare you Robert, but any injury is serious. I've seen the effects of an infection and I was just worried about you," she said seriously, but softened her words by smiling apologetically at him.

She looked up at the group of men and beckoned with a wave of her arm. "Come on then, men. Let's get you all patched up." Still holding on to Robert's arm, she led them into the medical tents.
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Post RE: Dark Times (please join. loosely scripted but free to join.)
on: May 04, 2004 05:25
((OOC: I'm gonna start the next day now, but yall can still finish your nights, ok?))

By the time Joan woke up the next morning, she could already see the harbour at a distance. Hurriedly her maids, or rather Lady Aurora's maids began packing up, rushing round and round the small cabin. But Joan felt ill at ease for the way she treated John the night before. He was just trying to help, she reasoned.

Up on deck she found John perched on the side of the ship, looking back into the water.
"John?" she said. He didn't even turn around. "I just wanted to say that.....that I was sorry for what I said to you last night. I didn't mean it, honest. I just wanted so badly to get home, and well now, I suppose I am."

He said nothing. He made no movements to even indicate that he had heard her.

"Please, John, say something."

"I hope you slept well my Lady," he said coldly, brushing quickly past her and down below decks.

They arrived within the hour near the shore and boats came floating out to take the passengers to the docks, since the ship was too large. Joan was loaded onto one of the last boats, and the men rowing looked at her with large grins that made her feel uneasy. Two maids were with her, and John. He still had not said a word to her at all. He kept his eyes fixed on the far horizon, as though trying to see England again. He probably regrets coming now. Serves him right, I never gave him any inclination that I wanted him to come.

When they got to shore, Joan's breath caught in her throat as she noticed Norwegian flags on the buildings and fort. Rough-looking military men stood guard along every dock, each of them with an eager sly grin as they tipped their heads lightly to her.

Worried about what she should do next, Joan was relieved to find John take her elbow and lead her quickly away from the docks.
"It's not safe...I told you Norway..." He never finished his sentence. The two of them were swiftly blindfolded and cries erupted at the docks.

((Ok Iyrav, this is where you come in!))
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Post RE: Dark Times (please join. loosely scripted but free to join.)
on: May 04, 2004 07:51
Luke grinned. "Leave it up to me, Stephen."

The two men exchanged goodbyes and Luke put away the mirror and blew out a breath. Now to find a way to get in among the soldier ranks...


Robert bowed his head and obediantly followed Elaine in. Aiden and his men followed; the boy could hear them chuckling among themselves.

Elaine fixed them up, admonished Robert once more (although it was in a more kindly manner) and they left.

"It's late lad; you can introduce us to Sir Stephen in the mornin'." Aiden told him. Robert nodded and said his farewell.


Philip opened his eyes as the sun peered over the horizon. Momentarily, he felt disoriented. Where was he?

The battlefield! Philip looked around quickly, then instantly regretted it as his head swam.


By the next morning, Luke had sprung a friendship with one of the commanders. When he expressed a wish to fight, the soldier told him that all availible men were welcomed and he was given a place.

Now he was standing in formation for a battle excercise and wondering what in the world he was going to do next.


Robert led the Irismen towards Stephen's tent. The knight was just outside and turned at Robert's called greeting.

"Stephen, this is Sir Aiden. He needed to speak to you; he and his men have offered their services to train some of our soldiers." Robert explained, motioning to the tall man behind him.
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Post RE: Dark Times (please join. loosely scripted but free to join.)
on: May 04, 2004 12:48
Before the night was over, the group of men who went out in search came back with no news. The Prince was still missing. Stephen went to bed heavy-hearted.

The next morning, rising early to meet with the commanders, Robert and a group of men stopped outside his tent.

"Stephen, this is Sir Aiden. He needed to speak to you; he and his men have offered their services to train some of our soldiers." Robert explained, motioning to the tall man behind him.

"Good day Sir Aiden," he replied in greeting. "Your help here is quite a boon. I've heard of your fighting skills and they are legendary. What have you planned as part of your training?"


The ships from England had come. A scout had spotted them sailing near the coast early in the morning. Rafe went out to greet his new prisoners.

Several small boats were rowed to shore, allowing Rafe and his men to quickly abscond and imprison them. The girl Joan was aboard one of the last boats to arrive on land. Rafe sent out some men to secure the ship and make sure all aboard were placed under watch.

He was there to personally capture Joan. It was too easy. They simple-mindedly walked right onto shore without guards or any kind of protection. He had her blindfolded, along with her companion, and they were led to his quarters.

The man was isolated in another room while he spoke with Joan. She was securely tied to a chair before her blindfold was taken off.

"So, you're the lovely Lady Aurora? Or is it Joan?" he asked, maliciously waving around her letter in front of her face.

She bit back a retort as she glanced at the sword at his waist.

"Now tell me, what are you doing back here in Denmark?"
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Post RE: Dark Times (please join. loosely scripted but free to join.)
on: May 04, 2004 12:55
Aurora felt Phillip stir and awoke. She felt his head to find that he had a fever now. Sitting up she found she could see across the battlefield to the Danes camp. The sun had not climbed to high in the sky yet so they could slip back to camp without being noticed.
"Phillip, can you stand?"
"I . . . I'm not sure."
She got to her feet and started to rock him up. It was difficult but soon he was standing. She wrapped the cloak around both of them. Phillip let his head drop and it swayed back and forth as Aurora staggered across the battlefield. After a time he spoke.
"Aurora, why did you come back?"
"Because I love you." Aurora did not hesitate in her answer.
A sharp noise and then a stir of movement startled her. She saw a hourse get to its feet though with great effort. Its wool blanket and heavy armor had kept it warm all night. There was a gash in its neck though not too deep. Aurora and Phillip staggered over to it and thankfully it did not move. She took its reins and moved them over its head. Then she layed Phillip over its back and lead the beast back to camp.
Comotion came from the camp as they entered. Sir Stephen and Robert were the first there at her side. Stephen took her for she was exhausted and Robert took the horse bearing the Prince. They were safe.
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Post RE: Dark Times (please join. loosely scripted but free to join.)
on: May 09, 2004 01:24
Joan stared at his sword and suddenly she realised exactly what she had gotten herself into. She'd been to exucutions before, when they'd bring out the prisoner, already beaten half to death, in a cart for the crowds to throw rotten food at and watch the axe fall, one, two, three, even four times before the head was severed from the body. And she'd seen a hanging once, when she was a little girl, but had to cover her eyes when the man's face started turning purple.

What could she do? He had the letter, he knew all he needed to know, not only to condemn her to death, but the real Lady Aurora as well. Just for posing as a courtier she could spend two weeks in the stocks, and that was back home in the city. The man that sat comfortably in front of her didn't seem the kind to just let someone rot in the stocks; he had the same glean in his eyes that the sword had. He had probably grown up by the sword.

She'd stick with the game. He would play with her, so she'd play with him. She was Lady Aurora and she knew nothing of the letter. Nothing.

"I do not know who this Joan is that you speak of nor what that letter in your hands contains," she said. "As for being in Denmark, that is my business, not yours."

The man's face hardened, he didn't like that answer. He stood up, crossed the space between them and struck her across the face with the back of his hand. Joan's cheek stung, and she could taste blood on her lip.

"You'll answer my question girl, or else next time it will not be the back of my hand I'll use."

It was going to be a long night.
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Post RE: Dark Times (please join. loosely scripted but free to join.)
on: May 10, 2004 05:48
(OOC: Sorry I haven't been on...Life's been going rather fast lately)

"Basic training for starters." Aiden told Stephen. "Yer trained men; now they can fight well enough. But the commen men...well, we've noticed that they could use help."

"That would be an understatement." The black robed priest said in a quiet tone. Aiden shot him a semi-reproachful glance.

"Father, please. I'm tryin' to be..er..."



"My apologies." The priest nodded slighlty, his sharp golden brown eyes mellowing somewhat. Aiden turned back to Stephen.

"At any rate, that's all what I have to offer. And beggin' your pardon, Sir Stephen, but the sooner we start, the better."


Luke sighed. After training excercises for the new recruits, he had nothing to do and was bored.

"Oi! Luke!"

The red-head looked up to see another new soldier, Nicholas comeing towards him. The young man was scarecly older than the thief; an earnest young man with black hair who had - in Luke's opinion - a little too much interest in the art of war.

"You have a job. Guard duty." Nicholas stated, brown eyes peering from behind his black bangs. Oddly, at times the young man reminded Luke of Robert. The theif mentally sighed; he was getting old if he was going to start going all parental on the younger boys he met...

"Guard duty?" he inquired as he stood and followed Nicholas into the camp.

"Aye. Some lady from Denmark."

Luke's eyes barely kept from widening. Lady Aurora then! He could scarcely believe his luck, but for the sake of appearences...

"How troublesome." He sighed. "I was hoping to get a nap."

"You sleep too much." Nicholas stated. "Guard duty will be good for you."

"I think sleep would be better." Luke scowled. Nicholas grinned at him merrily as they arrived in the makeshift prison.

"Have fun!" He said cheerily and waved as he left. Luke waved half-heartedly back and then entered.

"All right m'lady-" Luke stopped short as he saw the bedraggled girl in front of him. His jaw dropped and he knelt, sharply whispereing, "Joan!?"


Philip slept fitfully, fever interupting his sleep. He was dimly aware of being brought back to the camp and being placed in his own camp, but most of it was confused darkness.
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Post RE: Dark Times (please join. loosely scripted but free to join.)
on: May 11, 2004 02:17
All morning Aurora stayed by Phillip's side. Her father had told her to sleep but she couldn't. In fact the entire camp seemed to be murmering something about that boy William since the moment they returned. Nothing bad of course.
Phillip constantly tossed and turned as he slept. His brow was beaded with sweat and Aurora often dabbed his forehead with a wet cloth. His wound had been dressed and was healing but now he needed to fight off this fever. There wasn't anything else she could do but stay by his side and try and ease his discomfort.

The light began to brighten the sky as the sun rose higher. Aurora peered out through the tent and squinted in the afternoon light. Her eyes adjusted as she returned back to the dimness of the tent. Retaking her place at Phillip's bedside she noticed that he was not moving. But to her relief he was still breathing, his chest rising and falling in a steady manner. Touching his brow she found another relief, his fever was passing. There was a twitch beneath her hand and she looked to see Phillip's eyes flutter open. He staired at the roof of the tent for a time but then turned and looked at her.


"Some help over here!" Rupert shouted as he ran to meet the horse and its leader. Soldiers immediately bore the Prince into his tent and Aurora was brought in behind him.
"Is he alright?" he father asked.
"He is very weak."
"The surgens will look after him, my boy, you should rest."
"No I will stay and see to him, with all do respect of course My Lord."
Rupert looke warrily at the boy but nodded saddly. Such spirit made him remember his daughter. He left the tent and went to find Sir Stephen.
'Any news from our little spy?" He said quietly.
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Post RE: Dark Times (please join. loosely scripted but free to join.)
on: May 13, 2004 11:59
(So sorry I've haven't been here! It's finals week for me, and thankfully it's all over!)

Stephen and Aiden spoke a little more at length as to what he and his men were to do and how to begin training. He had led them over to a group of farmers and common men when he was summoned by a soldier. He told Aiden he'd check up on him in a few hours and left to see what the fuss was all about.

The Prince had been found and was slung haphazardly across his horse. The soldier William was leading the reins. Stephen dirrected the Prince to be carried to the medical tents for immediate attention. They all followed after the Prince. Stephen was going to have to question William about where he found the Prince.

Lord Rupert, after seeing the Prince was being taken care of, asked Stephen for news about Luke. "We have not received much new information, but we are doing our best to get some. Luke will join Norway's army and learn their numbers and strategies. He will be in contact with me later tonight," he told Lord Rupert.

Rupert nodded, his face tightening in worry. "We will succeed, my lord," Stephen said in assurance.


Elaine had been rebandaging a soldier's arm when a loud commotion sounded outside the tents. Two men came in bearing the injured Prince, while another two were directing the surgeons. The surgeons shooed the onlookers away and called for Elaine's assistance. She hurriredly brought over a clean bucket of water and some clean rags. They were not sure what injuries the Prince had, but there were no broken bones.

His forehead was hot and sweating, but his body was chilled. The surgeons worked quickly, cleaning and sewing up the large wound on his leg. They thought it might be infected, hence his fever. They cleaned the rest of his minor cuts and tended to his bruises. There was nothing left to do after that but watch and wait.

Elaine saw that the boy, William, who had found the Prince was sitting quietly in the corner. She went over to the boy. "Are you all right? You must have had a rough night out in the cold. Have you take an injury yourself?" Elaine asked. Now that she had a good close look at the boy, there was something familiar about him, something she couldn't quite put her finger on.


Rafe seethed with anger. The stupid girl Joan thought to play games with him by insisting she was Aurora. He'd been so furious with her that he slapped her. But she mutinously refused to answer any further questions he put to her. He left the room and set guards to watch her while he calmed down and worked out a strategy.

He knew she was scared. Her eyes had widened at the sword at his waist and she'd bitten back a scream after he hit her. Rafe was disgusted with himself. He'd never lain a hand on a female, no matter how angry he'd been. And no matter that all other men felt they could slap a woman around. He'd always had great control over his emotions, but something about this girl's attitude rubbed his nerves raw. Warring was making him into a man he depsised. He was turning into a man without dignity or pride.

Well, he'd show a different side to Joan the next time he'd question her. He'd be soft and gentle and completely a gentleman. He wondered how she'd respond to that kind of attention.
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Post RE: Dark Times (please join. loosely scripted but free to join.)
on: May 15, 2004 04:02

Her eyes widened at the sight of him. She knew maybe she was imagining it, it had been hours since she'd last eaten. And she knew that even if it was him she should be wary, who knew who was on what side anymore in this war?

But something in her pushed away those thoughts. She hadn't seen a familiar face in weeks and Joan was ready to welcome whatever she could get.

"What are you doing here? How is the war going? How is everyone at home? Is Robert a knight yet?"

She almost didn't want to know the answer to her last question. If Robert was a knight...he would be above her, a nobleman. She'd still be a maid. Joan was aware of why nobleman liked maids, but could never marry them.

"Don't call me that!" she whispered to Luke, remembering how he adressed her as Joan and suddenly remembered the situation at hand. "Listen carefully, Aurora is in Denmark. She might even be fighting in the ranks. You must go back and find her and make sure she's alright. Mika's there too. Go back and make sure they're safe. And you cannot call me Joan anymore, I must pretend like I am Lady Aurora, for her sake...When will that man be back? He musn't know you know who I am, or else we'll both be in trouble."

[Edited on 16/5/2004 by MrsLegolasGreenleaf]
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Post RE: Dark Times (please join. loosely scripted but free to join.)
on: May 16, 2004 06:04
Luke knelt in front of her, trying to digest the information he had just heard. "I see..." He grinned slighlty. "Always knew you had guts. Let me see...I'm here as a spy, Denmark is getting its arse kicked, as far as I know your family is fine, and no, Robert is not exactly a knight but he's sort of a commander."

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Post RE: Dark Times (please join. loosely scripted but free to join.)
on: May 17, 2004 02:21
"Why did you come back?" Was all that came out of Phillip's mouth. He obviously had no idea that he was repeating himself. Aurora looked like a deer about to be shot by the hunter, scared but still calm. What could she say?
"I had to."
Aurora thought for a moment, not because she didn't know why but because it was hard to say. She paced one length of the tent and not coming up with an easy way to say why stopped suddenly. Turning furiously, tears in her eyes.
"Because I realized my place was not in England but here. I love you Phillip. I should have told you before but . . ."
She couldn't even finish before she slumped into a chair and wept hard.
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Post RE: Dark Times (please join. loosely scripted but free to join.)
on: May 22, 2004 06:55
William assured Elaine that he was feeling fine and that he was not hurt. A quick scan showed he was telling the truth so Elaine left him to return to her duties.

After going the rounds, it was nearing the noon hour. Elaine went out to fetch some lunch for herself and some of the other women assistants.

She walked through the bustling camp looking here and there. There were men sitting idly by cleaning their armor and sharpening their swords. Other men were eating and drinking and laughing. But most of the men were up and training. As she threaded her way through the crowded camp towards the cooking tent, she saw a large group of the commoners standing silently by while two large men were explaining something.

She reached the cook's tent and had her basket filled with some bread and cheese and a small packet of tea leaves. The women's tents had a small fire for making their own tea. Elaine was not in a hurry to get back for most of the women were still working, so she stopped to watch the group of training men. She saw that the men who were speaking were the large Irish men from last night. The one speaking at present was called Aidan. She also saw Stephen standing at the head of the group of men.


Stephen had finished his interview with Lord Rupert and decided to check on the progress of Aidan and his men. He reached the large clearing and saw them stading idly by with swords in hand. It seemed that Aidan had only just gathered the group together and had not yet begun. Stephen was interested to see what Aidan's technique for training was.

He walked up to the man and clapped him on the shoulder. "Is there anything I can do to assist you?" he asked.
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Post RE: Dark Times (please join. loosely scripted but free to join.)
on: May 25, 2004 05:53
Aiden turned. "Aye. I'm afraid me presence is causing some doubt; apprently they don't like a foreigner tellin' 'em what to do." the massive man shrugged a little. "I understand; we Irish don't take too kindly to it either! But I think Robert's having some small trouble keeping them in line and to tell the truth...I think something's wrong with that lad. Mebbe he ought to be sent back to the medical tent."


Philip swallowed and carefully stood. The room swam a bit,but he stagged to the chair and knelt in front of it. "Aurora." he whispered. She contineud to weep and Philip reached up a hand and cupped her cheek.

"Aurora..." a smile twitched at his lips. "You cut your hair" he said a little sorrowfully. She looked at him and he smiled this time.

"I'm sorry." he whispered. "I should have announced you as my bride that night."
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Post RE: Dark Times (please join. loosely scripted but free to join.)
on: May 26, 2004 05:32
Aurora could only stare at him. How did she answer that? I want that, but how do I tell you after all that has happened? She breathed heavily through the tears.

"I should never have gone. I thought that I could help my people if I sacrificed my own happiness. I guess I was wrong."

Phillip still held her face in his hands.

"If I could change one thing, it would be to have stayed here with you and be happy even if Denmark was lost. But there is no hope of that now is there?"

Deep down she hoped that she was wrong.


"There has been no word yet father. She must have reached Denmark by now. Why hasn't she written?"

"Henry, calm down. I don't think she ran away." The King said trying to reasure his son.

"Then why haven't we heard anything?"

There were many different reasons. Perhaps she couldn't with all the choas, or maybe Norway now controlled the coast and sending any letter would be dangerous. In the worst case maybe she had been captured or she was dead. The King didn't say either of those for he knew that Henry would go after her in revenge if that were the case.

"Darling, you musn't fret. She said she would return and she will, she is an honorable woman." The Queen embraced her son.

Then the great doors opened and in stepped the guards escorting a tall, dark haired woman.

"Hail to the Royal House of England." The woman said dropping into a deep curtsy.

(Lyrav guess who I brought back . . . :evil: let her do her worst.)
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on: May 26, 2004 08:20
(Oh dear Bronwynn! I'm guessing it's our lovely Lady Cassandra? Would you like to write her part or shall I?)

"I'll speak to the men Aiden. If they see me working alongside them, they may be more coopoerative," Stephen sugested to the larger man.

"Thank you. Inform them that we will begin with basic sword work," Aiden told Stephen as he stepped towards the group of men.

Stephen spoke up loudly so every man could hear him. "This man here, Aiden, wil instruct us in basic combat. We need all the advantage we can get to defeat those treacherous Norwegians. So I have given Aiden the authority to train us into deadly fighting men. I will be working with you today and inspecting your progress. Let us work together and we will succeed."

The men nodded seeing the sense in his words. It would take time before complete acceptance would take place, but they were at least wiling to listen to Aiden's instructions. As Stephen walked among the men, splitting them up into smaller working bands, he spotted Robert off to one side looking very pale. He was going to speak to him, but someone else called his name first.

He turned to see a very fetching and lovely looking Elaine carrying a basket of bread. She was bright faced and eagerly taking in the sights of training men.

"Hello Stephen," she called in greeting. "I see that you are hard at work today."

He nodded in assent. "There is no rest for the wicked," he joked, smiling with pleasure as she laughed delightedly. "You are taking your lunch break now?"

"Yes. I was on my way back to the medical tents when I saw you training and I thought I stop to see what it was all about."

"We've only just begun, so there may be nothing to see at the moment. Although I do want you to do something for me. Aiden and I have noticed that Robert is not looking too well this morning. Might you bring him back with you to get checked out again? His wound may not be healing properly," Stephen said.

"Of course," Elaine said emphatically. She would not like to see Robert suffering from his wound. "Where is he?" she asked, already scanning the crowds for him.

"I'll take you to him."

Stephen escorted Elaine through the men and finally reached Robert, who was now standing straightbacked, his sword unsheathed, but still looking uncomfortably pale.

"Robert? Are you all right?" Elaine asked worriedly. "What is wrong?"

[Edited on 5/27/2004 by lyrav9]
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on: May 26, 2004 02:58
Robert turned as Elaine spoke to him. He attempted a smile, which dropped when she asked if he was feeling all right.

"I...I"m not sure." he answered, then flushed, realizing what an awful answer that was. The truth was that he had awoken that morning and his wound felt hot and angrily flushed; it hurt to touch it in the slightest. When Elaine gave him a slightly severe look, Robert's cheeks became redder.

"I think there is something wrong with my arm." he finally admitted, his voice dropping a little.

Aiden looked over; he could not hear what was traspiring, but Elaine, with her severe look and free hand on her hip looked rather like a scolding mother; Robert, with his cheeks flushed and head slightly bowed looked like a boy caught his hand in the cookie jar.

The black robed priest, Father Anderson followed his look and then smirked slightly before helping Kirin's brothers, Albert and Wallace form ranks among the men. He turned away; Sir Stephen would be along whne he was ready.


Philip was slient for a moment. "I do not know." he said softly. "I hope in my heart that Denmark is victorious, but I will die before I see her enslaved." He took her hand and smiled wryly. "Let us hope that I will not have too." He wiped the tears from her cheeks.

"Please do not weep anymore, Aurora." Philip softly begged, calling her by her first name with the honorary "Lady" for the first time since he had knonw her.


Luke was still nosing around the camp. Nicholas was proving to be an unwitting help; the boy's knowledge and naive enthusiams caused him to speak more freely to Luke than any of the other soldiers would. The theif first felt a little guilty about taking advantage of the boy's confidence in him, then thought of a Denmark enslaved by Norway, which strengthened his confidence.

So far, however, there was very little to get back to Stephen beyond the situation with Joan...and Luke wasn't sure how much that could help. He needed numbers, strategies...the theif sighed and felt like pulling out his red brown hair out. The rock he sat on was beginning to get more cold and hard.

The only thing he could look forward too was his turn at guarding the council tent. Hopefully he would overhear something then.
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on: May 26, 2004 04:23
"I will not weep." Aurora said smiling. "And know that untill the end of this war I will be at your side."

She kissed his hand and rose to her feet.

"Your men will want to see you." she said pulling him to his feet. "I will not be returning to England my Lord. If they want me back they can come for me but I will stay here."

She helped Phillip out into the Camp.
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on: May 26, 2004 05:03
With a hand on her hip and a deepening frown upon her face, Elaine looked like a formidable opponent. Stephen hoped never to be on the other end of that fury. But her compassion surfaced as she noticed Robert's drooping head. She sighed and lightly probed his wound.

"Ah I see the problem. The stiches must have begun to unravel during the night. Robert you should have come to the medical tents when your arm started hurting again," she reproved gently. "It is fortunate that Stephen and Aiden noticed your listlessness, otherwise you might be in more trouble. Come along then. I have lunch to pass out and you need to be checked for an infection."

Elaine said her goodbye to Stephen and steered Robert towards the medical tents. But she stopped along the way to say a "thank you" to Aiden for being so concerned about Robert. The older man looked slightly uncomfortable with her high praises, but graciously accepted them. Then, finally on their way, she looked anxiously at Robert, hoping everything would be all right with him.


Stephen watched Elaine and Robert leaving and rejoined Aiden and Father Anderson in the training. The men, now separated into smaller group, were practicing basic forms and stances required for proper swordwork. "There are quite a few men who are catching on quickly," he commented to Aiden and Anderson, after watching the men for a few minutes.


Seeing that her chances of success in Norway were fleeting after the untimely escape of that stupid girl Elaine, Cassandra flirted and bribed her way aboard a ship headed for England. She used her persuasive skills to get into the royal palace to be presented to the King and Queen.

Sweeping grandly into the council room, she dropped into a deep curtsey and intoned formally, "Hail to the Royal House of England." Holding to her curtsey for several seconds longer than necessary, she rose and meekly looked at the floor while she was being introduced to the King and Queen. It would look best if they thought she was a submissive woman who had thei best interests at heart.

"Lady Cassandra," the King addressed her, "it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, but what do we owe the honor? I am unfamiliar with your name and title."

"Your Highness," she said sweetly, "I have travelled long and hard to be of assistance to you. As you know I am a noblewoman from Denmark, whose country is now experiencing the ravages of war. I was forced to flee my home out of concerns for my safety. But I heard England was allied with Denmark and I now look to your country for my protection."


Rafe dismissed the guards who were watching over Joan. Hours had passed since his last, and unsuccessful, interview with her. Also he had made sure she was not fed, nor was given and water or drink.

But now seating himself across from her, he smiled benevolently at her. "My dear Lady Aurora," he said, playing along with her ridiculous ruse of pretending to be Aurora, "you must be dreadfully hungry. Things have been so chaotic after your arrival that I'm afraid I haven't given you a proper reception. I hope you can forgive my rudeness."

Her eyes widened at his change in manner, but she wisely kept her mouth shut. "I will leave you now, but a servant will be coming in soon with a pitcher of water and some towels to refresh yourself. After you have done, I will keep you company while we dine together. I look forward to your scintillating conversation." He rose and gave her a slight bow. He signalled to the stationary guard to bring in the water and towels and left the room to wait for her to finish.
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on: May 28, 2004 05:24
Robert obediantely followed Elaine and heard her thank Sir Aiden. As the two walked to the tent, he felt more than saw Elaine's glance. Robert let out a soft breath, then murmed, "Thank you."


Aiden was a little surprised as the young lady Elaine thanked him for thinking of Robert and then watched as the two walked away. Father Anderson seemed amused by his discomfort, so Aiden sent him a slight glare. The priest was unfazed and faced the practicing men.

"There are quite a few men who are catching on quickly." Stephen commmented.

"Aye." Aiden agreed. "That's encouraging."


Luke entered the room with the towels and water as Sir Rafe exited. He silently handed them to Joan but said nothing. He did look at her with concern.


Philip smiled in answer as Aurora pulled him out to the camp. Still somewhat dizzy, he cluched her arm tightly. "Not so fast, love." He whispered.

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on: May 30, 2004 09:11
Aurora slowed and laughed to herself on how childish she was acting.
"We should go see my father. He will be glad to know I am home."


"My Lady Cassandra," the King said. "what protection England can give to you as our allie you can be sure of. It is thanks to one of your own that you can rely on such hospitality. The Lady Aurora has done much for her country already."

"Ah yes, the Lady Aurora. . ." Cassandra said a sly look on her face. There was much she knew about her now.
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on: June 02, 2004 09:25
Ah yes, the Lady Aurora," Cassandra said slyly. "I am breifly acquainted with her. She is in England, I heard. It would be a delight to see her again."

She was watching the faces of the King and Queen very closely to see how they would respond. She already had heard word that Aurora had fled the country.


Rafe gave Joan a count of 60 seconds before he entered the room again. She'd just picked up her towel from the red-headed guard kneeling at her feet.

"I can attend to the lady," Rafe said firmly. The guard flicked a startled glance at Rafe's abrupt reappearance. He seemed about to rise, but hesitated as he turned back to look at Joan. Rafe frowned, not liking how this insolent soldier was not immediately obeying his orders. "You can bring us our dinner," he snapped, and watched in satisfaction as the guard hastily jumped to his feet. He gave Rafe a quick salute and left the room.

Rafe turned to watch Joan.


Stephen sighed deeply. "I do wonder, though, if they will be ready when the fighting begins again. It is a completely different feeling training and sparring for practice than it is to be in the heat of a battle." While he admitted that there were some catching on quickly, his gaze over the group of men caught many more who were struggling with these basic directions.


Elaine and Robert walked back to the tents in silence. After she handed off her basket of food to the waiting women, she gently led Robert into the tents to get checked out. A surgeon came over to inspect the wound, while Elaine went to get some clean water and clean cloths.

She noticed that the Prince had left his pallet. She wasn't sure that was a wise idea, since he was in great pain and feverish the night they brought him in. But his presence among the troops would definitely raise everyone's spirits.

She walked back to Robert as the surgeon directed her to clean the wound. She smiled reassuringly at him as she began her work. Robert's face was pale with pain, but he stoically stayed silent. Elaine felt a surge of pride for him. He was truly growing into a worthy man and soldier. She turned to the doctor and asked, "His wound is not so bad, is it? There is no infection?"
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on: June 02, 2004 10:21
"The Lady Aurora, I am sad to say, is not with us. She has returned to her home to care for her father." The King answered.

A sly smile crossed Cassandra's face but her head was lowered so as not to be seen.

"We would delight in you company though, Lady Cassandra, even if your acquaintance is not here." The Queen quickly added not wanting to make the woman feel unwanted.


As they walked around to her father's side of the great tent Aurora slowed their pace.

"My Lord, I am no soldier and therefore find no pleasure in fighting, but I love my country. As I am here I would rather stay here as myself and give this army what I can, to give you what I can. Let me stay at your side, to raise the men's moral if nothing else."

They had stopped just at the entrance to her father's lodgings. She looked at Phillip her eyes filled with hope and love but in the back of her mind was still the knowledge that they were at war and that took the most presidence.

"Maybe, when this is over . . ."
She stopped herself. She couldn't ask him that nor even make mention of it. She did not have the authority to ask Phillip if he would still marry her even after she had refused the first time. She thought differently now, knowing her mistake.

Phillip, without a word, entered Rupert's tent and Aurora followed.

"Your Highness. How are you feeling?" The old man asked.

(Jaid, you can write for Rupert, anyone can. It might get some more interaction happenning.)
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on: June 02, 2004 02:48
(OOC: Okay, Bronwynn)

Philip looked down into Aurora's eyes. "I would rather you be at the castle, safe for the time being and with my mother." he admitted. "But I will grant your request for now; I would have you by my side, even though it could be dangerous."

They walked to Lord Rupert's tent and enterd; the elderly lord asking how Philip was feeling.

"Much recovered." Philip answered Lord Rupert, sitting in the stool he was offered. He looked at Aurora, still dressed as a man, questions in his green eyes. Did she want to reveal herself to her father right now?


Luke walked about outside, mentally scolding himself for hesitating back there; what was he thinking? He needed to remembere he was here as a spy, not as Joan's caretaker. He sighed, sitting on a stone.


The young man looked up as he saw Nicolas running back at him. "How was guard duty?"

"Boring, at least until I was let inside." Luke grinned at him. Nicolas looked interested.

"Really? Is she as pretty as rumored?" the boy asked.

Luke shrugged. Nicolas looked a little miffed that he didn't give up more information but sat on the grouned beside the stone.

"I heard we're going to attack tomorrow; they are saying that one surprise attack should decimate Denmark enough for us to easily take over."

Chills went down Luke's spine. Already? He kept his tone even. "Really?"

"Yeah, I can't wait. It's been dull sitting about with nothing to do."

Luke glanced at Nicolas then stood. "I have to get the prisoner's and Sir Rafe's dinner. I'll catch up with you later, Nick."

Nicholas waved as he walked away. Luke clenched his fists. He would have to contact Stephen later tonight.

Aiden followed Stephen's gaze. "Aye, that is always somethin' to think about." the big man nodded. "But it's a risk we'll have to take. At least those who keep their heads will be better prepared."

Robert bit the inside of his cheek as the surgeon studied his wound.

"Yes," the man answered Elaine's question. "Surprised it got infected so quickly, but it's good we caught it early." he took up a knife and nodded to Elaine. "Hold up that bowl there, girl. Good." He slit open the wound again and then Elaine put the bowl up to catch the blood and any pus from the infection. Robert looked away, sure he would be sick if he watched. Instead he concentrated on the keeping the pain at bay.

A few minutes later, his arm had been cleaned, restitched and rebandaged.

"We should have you spend the night here." the surgeon stated. "In case you get a fever."

Robert nodded and stood. The surgeon looked at Elaine. "Mind showing him an empty mat? If we have one..." the man sighed and brushed away his gray hair.

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on: June 02, 2004 04:45
"I am glad to hear it." Rupert said. "It appears my aid has done more than what I expected of him."

Her father nodded to her and Aurora had to hold herself back from running to him. Instead she stood there trying to think of the words to say.

"You are far to kind my Lord," she said, "but I am no him."

Rupert looked at her and then at Phillip who's face had not changed since he had spoken with the elder. Confused by what was just said he too began to search for words.

"Then that means . . ."

"Yes, my lord, I am a woman but more importantly . . ." she was shaking by now and counld not finish her sentence. "Father."

Rupert was shocked and Phillip looked releaved. Aurora waited for what seemed the longest moments of her life for her father to speak. But instead he staggered towards her and wrapped his arms about her.

"My girl." She could feel his tears on her head. "We will need to speak later, I have so many questions." He pulled away and stepped back. "But I must insist this. You will stay here tonight and in the morning will be sent to the safety of the castle."

"No father. Phillip . . . His Highness has granted me permission to stay here at his side."

Rupert looked at the Prince who had been watching the episode very intently. Now he straightened to address Rupert.
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on: June 05, 2004 08:24
"I am highly honored by your attention, Your Majesties," Cassandra said smoothly, dropping into a deep curtsey. "If I can aid and assist you in any way, I would be happy to. I have many connections in Denmark and can offer you information on the ensuing war."

"My lady, we cannot ask that of you. You are our guest here," the King protested.

"But I would be glad to. You are Denmark's ally, and you need to be as well informed as possible."

"We will think on this later, Lady Cassandra," the Queen said. "I am sure you are much fatigued after your journey. Someone will show you to your room. But we offer you an invitation to join us for supper."

"Thank you again. I am much obliged," Cassandra said with triumph in her eyes. If she was invited to dine with the King and Queen, she was sure they would jump on any "information" that fell from her lips. Things were looking up.


A messenger ran up to Stephen and informed him that the Prince had risen and was meeting with Lord Rupert. The other commanders were also being summoned to meet with the Prince.

"The Prince seems to have recovered from his wounds. This is surely a good sign. Everyone's hearts will be lifted by his presence among the men," Stephen said joyously. He was very happy to know that the Prince was well enough to be active. They needed his leadership desperately.

He said to Aiden, "The Prince will want to meet you, as you are training our men. If you can find someone to oversee these men, we can be on our way."


Elaine led Robert to an empty pallet after the doctor had ministered to his wound. She left to bring him something to eat. When she got back to his pallet he was sitting slumped against the wall. She silently handed him a hot mug of tea and settled herself on the foot of his pallet, taking a brief respite from her work. Her mug of tea was on the floor, and a basket of bread and cheese was between them.

She sipped her tea, watching Robert over the rim. He was so quiet. And she assumed it wasn't just the wound that was bothering him. They sat quietly for a few moments, but the somber atmosphere of the tents caused her to ask Robert, "What do you think you would be doing if not for this war? I would have been an illustrious hand maiden to Lady Cassandra, doing nothing but waiting on her and hoping to make an advantageous marriage. What a life compared to nursing injured men." Her tone was somewhat sad and somewhat bitter at her naivete and ignorance of the world. There was no note of wistful sentimentalism in her words. She'd spoken so low, almost as if speaking to herself, that she wasn't sure he had heard her comments.
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on: June 05, 2004 03:24
"I understand that you may be concerned for Aurora's safety; as am I." Philip stated, quietly but firmly. "But, since she has taken such extremes to be here, I feel it would be an empty practice to send her home."


Aiden nodded. "Of course." Turning he shouted, "Wallace!"

A younger man jogged over. "Aye?"

"Keep the men going; Father Anderson and I are goin' with Sir Stephen." the man stated. Wallace nodded and Aiden turned to Stephen. "I hope you don't mind the Father comin' with me, but I rely on his advice quite a bit and I would like him to come along with us."


Robert blew out a breath. "I would be learning how to be a knight." he said quietly. "And if I had decided, I still could..." he drew up his knees to his chest and huggged them. "If you could, would you still want to be working as a handmaiden?" he asked, looking over at her with his blue eyes.

(OOC: Lyrav, I kinda like the friendship between Elaine and Robert; it's developing nicely. ^__^)
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on: June 06, 2004 04:35
Joan was stunned. Rafe was being polite to her now, it didn't add up. She watched in silence as he left and Luke entered, knowing she couldn't say anything to him. As Rafe re-entered and ordered Luke to leave, Joan shot him a pleading look before he left.

It was a hopeless situation she was in now. Her plan backfired on her, Joan hadn't expected to be treated as a lady. John had been right, a return to Denmark as Lady Aurora was foolish. Now what was she to do?

She looked at the pitcher of water, reasoning that if she used it as a weapon...But no, it was too much of a risk to attempt to escape, besides she wouldn't be able to get far, and how would she get John away? She owed him now, for it was her fault that he had gotten dragged into this. She wondered where he was now, if he was even still alive, and a wave of guilt swept over her.

Joan finished washing herself and sat down at the table. Rafe waited to seat himself until after her. Sitting down gave her some strength back, for her knees had been shaking under the folds of her gown out of fear.

On the table stood an array of silverware, four forks and three knives. Uncertain at which to use, she diverted her attention.

"My Lord, I should wish to know the whereabouts of my companion. An English scholar, by the name of John Steward."

((OOC: Iryav, I was thinking Rafe could find out that Joan wasn't Lady Aurora if she committed a faux pas during the dinner, maybe she could use the wrong fork or the like, what do you think?))
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on: June 08, 2004 02:06
Stephen, Aiden, and Father Anderson headed for Lord Rupert's tent. When they arrived, the guards waiting at attention outside informed the people inside the tent who had arrived. A few minutes later, they were allowed inside.

The three men bowed low to the Prince and then were bidden to rise. Stephen looked around and noticed the young man William was also in the tent. They seemed to have been in the middle of a discussion.

"My lord, if we are interrupting, we will leave until summoned again. We are just all so very glad to see you up and about," Stephen said to Philip.


(OOC: Jaid, I like Elaine and Robert's friendship too. It kind of came up out of nowhere.)

Elaine sat quietly for a few moments thinking about Robert's question to her. "No, I don't think I would want to go back to being a handmaiden. I used to think it was the greatest thing that had happened to me. I was the companion of a grand and beautiful lady and surrounded by gallant lords and knights. I lived a good life, one of some luxury and relaxation.

"But now that I've seen some of the world, I don't think I would be happy being a servant for the rest of my life - or at least until my mistress married me off to some unknown gentleman. Being a woman in this world is difficult, but if I get even the smallest chance for independence, I will consider my life fulfilled and having been worth living for."

She wondered if Robert would understand exactly what she was feeling. Elaine wasn't even sure if she completely knew what she wanted from her life.

Another thought struck her as she looked at Robert. "You said you would have been training to become a knight. With Sir Rafe?" she asked tentatively.

Robert nodded his head slightly.

"I knew Sir Rafe when he was commander of Lady Cassandra's guards. He was always a perfect gentleman towards me. And he was a great fighter and leader. The younger knights looked up to him and the older ones all respected him. I cannot imagine him as a traitor. And he took you on for training when you were only a stableboy. How well did you know him? Would you have been happy if you had continued your training?"


Rafe did not answer Joan's query about her companion right away. The guard had re-entered carrying a tray of food. "I will serve the lady myself," he told the guard and dismissed him.

The fare wasn't grand - nothing you'd find in a royal dining hall - but it was good and hot. Rafe doled out some meat and bread and then turned back to Joan/Aurora. "Your companion is being housed in another area. He is being treated with as much courtesy and respect that is due to him. Do not worry about him. Just enjoy your meal," he said smoothly, letting her know that he would not answer any further questions about the man.

He was watching her closely. He knew from the confiscated letter that this girl was Joan and she was impersonating the Lady Aurora. But he needed sure proof that this was the case. So far the girl had not made any mistakes.

"Try this wine. In times of war, wine this quality is very hard to find. But I found some, my lady, just for you." Rafe poured two goblets of the dark red liquid and handed one goblet to Joan.

Well-bred ladies usually watered their wine, for drinking it straight would be too potent. This girl did not and took a sip. If it was Aurora, she might just like her wine strong.

Rafe took a sip and almost gagged. The wine was not the high quality drink that he had told her. It was the common stuff that the guards passed around the campfire and drank out of dirty skins. He smiled. "Delicious, isn't it?"

Joan - he was sure it was her now - gave him a weak smile and nodded, taking another tiny sip.

Rafe kept up an endless chatter of the weather, old gossip, and other inanities, while closely watching Joan the entire time. She said very little, and there was no sign of recognition when he mentioned people that the Lady Aurora should know.

They had finished their first course and were moving onto their fish course. Rafe noticed that all the fork, but one, were untouched. A true lady knew to use a different utensil for each course, and for seafood, the three-pronged fork, not the four were always used.

He devised one last trick, just to be sure. He filled two small bowls with clean water and placed one at her elbow. He waited to see what she would do. She looked at him and then at the bowl. He watched with sheer delight as she lifted the bowl up to her lips and drank the clear water.

He almost laughed aloud. The only sign of victory he would show was by deliberately placing his fingers in the bowl and dabbling them in the cool water. The bowls were finger bowls, used to wash one's fingers after a meal, or in between courses. Again, any well-bred lady would know the function of these.

Rafe gave Joan a wide and knowing grin. "It's been a delightful evening, hasn't it?" he asked, his voice deceptively pleasant. He wanted to tell her he knew she wasn't Lady Aurora, but he wanted her to tell him that. "Would you care to play some music later this evening?"

(OOC: MLG, I hope this is ok with what you were thinking of. And sorry everyone, my post is kinda long - as usual, I suppose. )
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on: June 08, 2004 04:55
(OOC: That's why I like it so much lyrav. ^__^)

Philip hesitated, then smiled. "Thank you for your words, Sir Stephen. But by all means, please introduce me to your companions. Am I to understand that these are the men who are training ours?"


Robert was silent for a moment before answering. "I suppose I did not know him well; not personally at all. But he although he was always stern with me, he still showed a certain amount of kindness. He seemed to think that Denmark was mistaken in not joining with Norway. He wanted me to come with him...but I couldn't." Robert paused. "I don't think I really would have been happy." he finally said. "But...there are times I regret it."

He looked at Elaine. "It was always my dream to be a knight; although it was something that was impossible for a poor farmer's son. I was sent to the palace by my grandfather; he hoped by that some trick of fate, or blessing of God, that I would fullfill my dream. It's all I've thought of or worked for, for as long as I can remember." He fell silent.


Luke went to a secluded area and pulled out the enchanted mirror. "come on Stephen; please answer..."

(OOC: Just to let everyone know; Bronwynn asked me to take over leadership for the thread for a little while until her life is resettled.)
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on: June 12, 2004 11:23
"Yes, my lord Prince, these two are leaders of the group of men we have hired to train our soldiers. Aiden and Father Anderson," Stephen replied, waving the men forward. "We have already begun training. It will be a lot of hard work, but any improvement will be a benefit to us."

Stephen was about to say more, but something was burning in his pocket. He belatedly realized that it was the mirror he used to communicate with Luke. Fearing that there might be trouble for Luke, Stephen hastily excused himself. "If you will excuse my, I will round up the other commanders and we will return to set up a meeting to discuss tactical plans."

The Prince bowed him out and Stephen rushed to a solitary location and pulled out the mirror. Luke's worried face appeared. "Are you in trouble?" were the first words out of Stephen's mouth.


"Look at you now, Robert. Even though you aren't a knight under Sir Rafe, you aren't a stableboy any longer. You are a Queen's man, a soldier fighting for his country. Who knows what will happen to us during this war. You might evenl get another opportunity to prove your worth and become knighted," Elaine said.

"I'd always thought wars and battles were utterly romantic and glorious. The knights who fought in them were so dashing and valiant, saving the kingdom from evil. And the wars and battles they fought in were just means to show off a knight's greatness. Then after their victory, they would ride back to the beautiful ladies waiting for them at home and live happily ever after. But it's hardly that, is it?" she mused, smiling slightly at the innocent picture she'd painted. She knew things would never be the same after the war, and there was no hope wishing things would go back to the way they were. The world was changing and she had to adapt to these changes if she was going to keep up.

"I just have to believe that God has a purpose for us and that there is a purpose to this war, otherwise I would not know how to manage. It's just a little light to keep me going," she concluded in a whisper.
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on: June 17, 2004 03:47
Luke shook his head. "No, but if you don't take action soon, you will be." He stated, then quickly told Stephen of the surprise attack that was to take place tomorrow.

"Also, well...remember Joan?" Luke asked. Stephen nodded and Luke grimaced. "She's here and she's been pretending to be Lady Aurora. We need to figure out where the real one is and soon; before that Sir Rafe figures it out."


Robert looked at Elaine and smiled. "Thank you." he whispered. "I guess...I don't know." he looked down. "I have seen more suffering and blood than in the last few days than I thought possible. But I have seen courage too...and loyalty. I suppose I was simply discouraged." the boy smiled wanly, then hesitantly reached out a hand and put it on Elaine's shoulder in a friendly way. "Thank you again." he said sincerly. "You've...you've become an important friend to me."
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