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Post RE: Dark Times (please join. loosely scripted but free to join.)
on: January 16, 2004 01:17
Miki tried to keep a strait face as Elaine worried abut being reported, but he had to burst out laughing.
"I'm not going to report you to the Queen," he said when he could finally stop chuckling. "I want to ask you to help me. You seem good at sneaking around, and you, being a respectable Lady and not some idiot mage, can go places I cannot. I and Luke, have you met him? Well, anyway, we belive something is afoot, and I think you would be a wonderful help. What do you say?"
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Post RE: Dark Times (please join. loosely scripted but free to join.)
on: January 16, 2004 11:04
Elaine was stunned when Miki told her he wasn't going to report her, so she almost didn't catch him when he asked her to help spy for them. Her? Spying?!? It was absolutely laughable. After all, she was merely a ladies maid, and a proper lady at that. But Miki didn't look as if it was a joke.

Realizing she had been silently staring off into space for the last few minutes, she turned her attention back to Miki. "You are not trying to catch me in a trap are you? Tricking me into spying and then finding reason to report me?" she nervously asked the mage.

He chuckled again. "No no. I am serious," he assured her. "I really would like your help."

Spying was not something a respectable lady should be doing, but it was so intriguing and exciting. She was torn as to what she should do. And yet when she opened her mouth to reply, the words "I'd love to" tumbled out. There was no turning back now that she'd made a decision, so she said with more conviction, "Yes. I would love to help you Miki. What can I do?"


Stephen and Luke were still discussing all their misgivings about Lord Cartwright and his role concerning the trouble brewing in the castle when a group of four men rode by, kicking up a large cloud of dust behind them.

"That's Rafe and Cartwright!" Stephen exclaimed. "I did not catch who the other two were, but I'll assume one of them is the man from Norway who was here earlier."

"I think the other person with them is Robert. And they're riding as if the hounds of hell are at their heels," Luke observed. "Where are they going do you think?"

Stephen looked in the direction they'd ridden off to. There really was only one place they would go. "My guess is that they've ridden to the coast and are meeting up with the rest of the men from Norway."

Luke sat staring pensively at the ground, and then jumped up to his feet. "I'll go after them and see what they are doing. Maybe I can even get close enough to speak to Robert," Luke said.

"Good idea. I'll go speak to the castle guards and find out any information I can. Should we meet up again here after sunset to pool together any information we learn?"

With a nod, Stephen and Luke parted ways to find out what they could.


Rafe and the rest rode with speed to the coast to reach Greeve's men with enough time to inform them of the coming attack. They were hoping to ambush the Queen's men and barricade them all in the castle. A seige would be much easier to accomplish than an all-out battle.

When they reached the coast, Cartwright and Greeve stayed to organize the army, while Rafe rode out to the country to gather together more men. He took Robert with him.

Robert was obediently obeying orders and had not put in one word of protest the entire time. But once on the road to the neighboring county where a contingent of men was waiting to join Rafe, Robert voiced his confusion.

"Sir, where are we going and why have we ridden away from the castle?"

"I'm meeting some men. And there has been some trouble in the castle that has forced us to leave."

It seemed that that was all Rafe was going to say, but he spoke up, seemingly changing the subject. "How would you like to be knighted? You haven't been a squire for long, nor are you skilled in all the knightly arts, but you will do. We cannot go through all the formalities, not the fasting nor the vigil. Time is against us."

"Knighted?" Robert whispered. "Why is this necessary?"

"I may have spoken hastily about knighting you. But if you must know we will soon be at war. And we need all the able-bodied men we can get," Rafe answered.

"Who is going to war?"

"Denmark and Norway. And we are fighting on the side of Norway."

"What about the Queen?" Robert demanded.

"The Queen has chosen to be on the losing side, shunning the aid of Norway when it was most needed. You will learn that it pays to fight on the winning side. Years of battle have taught me that," Rafe told Robert. His voice had gone cold and detached. His hand gripped his reins tightly, his knuckles turning white with the pressure.

"But I am loyal to my Queen," said Robert defiantly.

"I am a loyal Queen's man also - to a certain extent. I am also looking out for myself. Fighting for Denmark will bring nothing but death and destruction. Norway is stronger and more powerful, therefore more worth fighting for.

"I do have one more thing to say to you. With me and with Norway will you actually get the opportunity to train as a knight and eventually have the honor of becoming one. If you stay with the Queen and Denmark, you will get nothing. You will be thrown back into being a nobody stableboy. Your only honor - mucking out the stables. Think about that for a while and then talk to me about loyalty," Rafe said roughly, riding ahead of Robert. It was up to the boy to follow after him or not.

[Edited on 18/1/2004 by lyrav9]
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Post RE: Dark Times (please join. loosely scripted but free to join.)
on: January 17, 2004 05:45
The ships pulled into the harbor just an hour after sunrise. The captain sent his first mate down to inform Aurora that they had arrived.
"My Lady, we are here."
"So soon?" she asked a little perplexed.
"Yes miss. The wind was excelent the entire journey. I will send down men to retrieve your bagage."
"Thank you." she said. She turned to Mika once the man had gone. "We're here."
They got their bags together and placed them in a pile in the middle of the cabin. When the men came they followed them up onto the deck where they beheld for the first time England. The plank was lowered and the men moved off, some with their bags, some carrying their own belongings. Aurora and her ladies were led by Elizabeth to a carriage that waited. Climbing in, they proceded to the castle.


Rupert had not slept at all that night. He had been working out the position of the men. At dawn he began to place them along the wall and in the towers. The infantry was massed in the courtyard before the gate. The men stood restless waiting for the attack. Then the Queen appeered hoping to give courage and spirit to them with her words.
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Post RE: Dark Times (please join. loosely scripted but free to join.)
on: January 17, 2004 06:28
Elisabeth stepped onto the dock, pausing for a moment to breathe in the salty air. Then she beckoned the other women to follow as they climbed into the carriage that awaited them. The carriage was luxurious, but quite crowded. No one had accounted for Miki or Anna to also come with the two royals, but the young women made light of the situation. After they managed to tuck all odds and ends inside the carriage, the footman shut the door. After a cheerful "Walk On!" from the driver, the coach went on it's way, pulled by four, smartly appointed and identical bay horses. It would be a long ride through the English countryside, leaving plenty of time for Elisabeth to think.
Part of her was thrilled to be back on English soil, but part of her dreaded the homecoming and the forthcoming explanation of her actions. She'd done the exact opposite of what she'd been told to do. She'd dismissed her father's men and handled negotiations by herself. Yet another thing she dreaded was her return to her dissheveled family life. She loathed returning to her step-mother's domoneering company and hearing again her step-sister's nagging and arrogent voice.
Either way, she could not avoid it she decided. She had to be brave, in a way most people were never expected to be. Resigned to her fate, she turned her attention to the others in the carriage. Anna and Miki were deep in conversation, for Anna had never seen a mage before. Aurora, however, was gazing silently out the window.

[Edited on 17/1/2004 by Beleg_Strongbow]
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Post RE: Dark Times (please join. loosely scripted but free to join.)
on: January 17, 2004 07:47
(OOC: Wow, lyrav, you did exactly what I was hoping for Robert....unfortuanately, I (like him) have no idea what he will decide, lol. But let's see how this goes...)

Luke took off in a sprint, cutting cross-country. He was a fast runner and knew the right shortcuts to take in order to get ahead of the four riders; even if they were galloping as if the hound of hell were on their heels.

He finally caught sight of Robert, by himself, riding slowly. The boy's head and shoulders were slumped forward.


Robert didn't know what to do; he was torn. One side of him said that loyalty to one's ruler and country came first. The other told him to trust Sir Rafe; after all, hadn't the man proved to be a fair master and more than that, offered Robert exactly what he had dreamed of his whole life?

The two sides warred against each other in the boy's heart and he didn't know what to do. He was gripping the riens in his hands tightly as the emotion he had kept bottled up in the last few weeks threatened to explode; his eyes were blurring and he hatefully wiped the tears away. No time for that!


The boy turned in his saddle to see Luke running up, gasping. "Robert, are you all right? "

"I'm fine."

"Good. You've got to come back with me now." Luke's face and eyes were serious. "There's some plot afoot and Sir Rafe-"

"Is planning to help Norway fight against Denmark" Robert finished. "Yes, Sir Rafe just informed me." the boy paused. "He also offered to make me a knight, should I choose to fight on the side of Norway as well."

There was a silence as Robert toyed with his horse's mane and Luke stared up at him in shocked surprise.

"You? Now? But..." Luke blinked. Robert's fist clenched.

"Yes, now! Immediately; not even fasting or going through the vigil. He said I showed promise and that they needed all the able-bodied men they could get."

Luke stared at him soberly. "Get off the horse; I'm getting a crick in my neck."

Robert scowled, but did so anyway. Luke looked at him in silence for a moment, then put a hand on Robert's shoulder. "But you are going to say no, right? You're going to come back and fight with me and Stephen for the Queen and Prince, right?"

There was a silence.

"Robert?" Luke removed his hand as his eyes showed disbelief.

"I don't know what to do." Robert admitted, his voice low and barely controlled. "I really don't."

Luke couldn't grasp the thought that Robert might actually, in his mind, betray Denmark. He took a step back. "You don't know?" he asked, disbelief evident in his voice and face.

"No, I don't!" Robert cried, almost angrily. "I'm being given the chance to have the one thing I've wanted, dreamed about and worked for my entire life, all right? And if I go back to Denmark now, I'm only a stable boy. No, lower than that; I quit the job at the royal stables to work for Sir Rafe."

"At least the stable boy would have a clear concisous." Luke stated, a little harsly. Robert winced. Luke caught his eye. "I know you Robert; if you did go to Norway, you'd never be at rest with yourself. And what about Joan? What would she think of this?"

Robert looked away. "Joan is in England. I'll most likely never see her again." he said in a soft voice. Luke gritted his teeth, resisting the urge to go over and shake some sense into his firend.

"Fine. Whatever." he said in a hard tone, turning away. "But the point is, you know what the right thing to do is; you just have to be brave enough to do it. And if you're not...then you had me and Joan and a lot of other people fooled about who you really were." He stalked off.


Philip stood with in his mother's apartments as she finished getting ready. Today, the two of them would both speak to their people. It would be the first time Philip would make such an important address and the first time he spoke to the people without his father by his side.

He closed his green eyes; he had spent most of the night praying..and selfishly wishing that Aurora were here. Her warm manner and faith would be most welcome now...


Robert galloped forward, hoping to catch up with Sir Rafe. He knew what he had to do now...

Seeing the man ahead, Robert pushed his horse a little faster so that he was beside the knight. "Sir Rafe...I have come to a decision." he said quietly, in a controlled voice. "I have appreciated all you have done for me; please believe that. But I cannot do this. I must go back to the Castle."

(OOC: Whew! That was tough to write...*sweatdrop* Did I go too long on Luke and Robert's convo? *sigh* Sorry if I did. I really had no idea on what Robert would do, but I think it turned out okay...)
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Post RE: Dark Times (please join. loosely scripted but free to join.)
on: January 17, 2004 10:38
(OOC: Jaid, I'm so proud of Robert! I really like him - he's such a good person. But I suppose I was secretly hoping he'd choose to become a knight. :blush: It's such an evil thought, but anyway...)

Rafe had ridden off ahead of Robert. He was unreasonably angry at the boy for not having a clear idea of what he wanted. Rafe knew Robert desperately wanted to become a knight, and his ambition would tie him to Norway's cause. But, Rafe got the impression that Robert had a sensitive nature, whereby making the decision to turn against his Queen and countrymen all the more difficult.

Rafe smiled humorlessly. If he really wanted to be truthful he was forced to admit to himself that it was a difficult decision for any man with a conscience to make. Maybe that was where his real irritation lay.

Choosing to side with Norway was not exactly the easiest thing he'd ever done. He'd spent weeks struggling to make up his mind. With that done he would now resolutely stick to his decision of helping Norway, and in turn help himself out. Logically it made sense; money and power were all for the taking. And yet, he had told Robert the truth when he said he was a loyal Queen's man. Denmark was his home, he thought with a wistfullness and sentimentality completely unlike him.

With a grimace, Rafe quickly blocked all thoughts of that kind. Neither his Queen nor his country had ever done anything for him, he told himself, except to prove that time after time the only person he could depend upon was himself. He owed them no loyalty. He knew what it was like to be utterly defeated and left wanting, with nothing but a bruised body and battered soul as his only defenses against the world. Where were his countrymen then, when he most needed their aid?

But in the grand scheme of things, his experience with defeat would be nothing compared to how Denmark would feel. The humiliation of being crushed and conquered, knowing that they had carelessly discarded the generously offered support of Norway, would be enough to send Denmark on its knees begging the king of Norway for mercy.

Rafe would never do that again. His pride would not allow it. The thought of it left a bitter taste in his mouth. When he had been left with nothing, he was forced to painfully crawl, inch by slow inch, back up into the ranks of civilized society. It had taken years of pandering to the righteous nobility to get to the position he was in now and he was not going to give it up so easily.

So enthralled was he in his thoughts, Rafe did not hear or see Robert ride back up to him until the boy was right beside him. He turned to Robert without speaking.

"Sir Rafe...I have come to a decision," Robert said quietly. "I have appreciated all you have done for me; please believe that. But I cannot do this. I must go back to the Castle."

Rafe's expression was blank, except for a steely look in his eyes. "So," he said slowly and softly, "you've chosen the honorable path of stableboy. Congratulations. I'm sure you have stalls upon stalls waiting for you to clean." He turned away.

"Have you nothing else to say?" asked Robert.

That innocent question caused Rafe's anger to boil over. His voice was harsh when he answered. "What do you want me to say?" he snapped. "You made your decision. So what if you've chosen to throw your life away? Don't look to me to approve or disapprove. You've your own mind and I commend you on using it so wisely.

"But," he added, almost as an afterthought, "if you do have a change of heart you know where to find me. Now, if you would excuse me, I've pressing matters to attend to."

Without waiting to hear if Robert had anything else to say, Rafe rode away. He had to focus. There were men waiting for him to lead them back to Greeve and Cartwright.

But as he rode, Rafe could not suppress the odd bursts of - of what? Anger? No. Frustration? No. Jealousy? Jealousy. Yes. Because by choosing to remain steadfast to the Queen and to Denmark, Robert had the courage to do what Rafe never could.

(I'm so sorry this post is so long. I decided I wanted to elaborate a little more on Rafe's character. He's turning out to be something very different than what I had originally imagined. I'm not really sure what's going to happen to him.)

[Edited on 18/1/2004 by lyrav9]
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Post RE: Dark Times (please join. loosely scripted but free to join.)
on: January 18, 2004 07:05
" Well," Miki said to Elaine. "For starters, I'd like to ask you to keep an eye on your mistress. I think she's connected with all of this, and she won't let me come near her." Elain giggled, Cassandra was definitly not too fond of the young mage. "Here," Miki continued, pulling something out of his pocket. THe thing was a mirror, small enouhg to fit on the palm of your hand with metal roses around the edge. 'If you nee to talk to me, just tap the mirror three times and say my name, I should answer you in the mirror." Suddenly, Miki cocked his head to one side, as if listening to something. "I do belive I must go," he said to Elaine. "But if you need me, you know what to do." And with that, he vanished.
Miki reappered right next to Stephen, making him jump a little.
"Have you seen Luke?" Miki asked the young knight. "I think something my be wrong."


"So you can work magic?" the young girl, Anna asked Mika.
"Yes," Mika smiled, and with a sudden thought, brought out a small hand mirror with a dark angel painted on the wooden back. After a few well placed words, the mirror's image had become one of the view from the tower window in Miki and Mik'as rooms in the palace in Denmark.
"That's my home,' she told Anna, whose eyes were wide with amazment.
"It's like a fairy tale, magic," she whispered, and then, turned towards the carriage window. "THis is my home," she smiled at Mika, taking in the English country side with a sweep of her hand.
"Your country's kind of like a fairy tale, too," Mika told her, gazing out the window. "I think I'm going to like it here."
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Post RE: Dark Times (please join. loosely scripted but free to join.)
on: January 18, 2004 07:46
The carriage clattered over the drawbridge and pulled into the stone courtyard of the English castle. Knights were everywhere lining the walls, the steps, stationed out in the courtyard. Aurora took it all in. She followed Elizabeth out of the carriage and across the stone ground. The knights did not move as the two women made their way up the steps. Aurora stopped and turned around. Mika was not with them.
"Mika." she called. Her friend hurried to her side. Aurora took her hand. "I would have you with me now."
She followed Elizabeth into the entry hall where there stood a woman dressed in a fine gown.
"That is the Queen." Mika whispered.
Aurora gulped nervously. She watched as Elizabeth embraced the woman.Image

[Edited on 19/1/2004 by PotbellyHairyfoot]
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Post RE: Dark Times (please join. loosely scripted but free to join.)
on: January 19, 2004 12:56
((Awww poor Robert! But yeah, Joan would have been mad at him! Muahahahaha! On with the tale...))

They had finally arrived in England, and Joan's first footstep onto the new land was an unsteady one. She attributed it to having been at sea, but she knew her fear of being in an unknown country guided her feet.

She made it to one of the open-topped carridges and sat with a few of the maids. Anna was with Elisabeth, Mika and Aurora in the royal litter. When the castle came into view Joan's breath was stripped from her lungs; it was even more spectacular and lavishly decorated than Denmark's. Footsoldiers tipped their hats at the maids and they acted coy and winked in return. But Joan was much too in awe to pay attention to them.

Finally they disembarked and were directed to the kitchens and given a tour of the castle. Once she was done arranging Lady Aurora's things in her room and cleaning it out, she took a tour on her own of the grounds, while ceremonies still went on between the nobles up at the castle.

She was sitting on a stone bench in one of the gardens when a young man came strolling up to her and sat down beside her. He was staring rather curiously at her, and was dressed in fine clothes, though he had a shabby look.

"Have I seen you here before? You look familiar," the man asked.

"I doubt so sir, for I have just arrived this day with the Lady Aurora."

"And how has England been treating you?"

"I should not judge so early on..." She was getting rather annoyed with him, his pompous attitude was an obvious trait of his noble blood.

"Well, if you ever need any help, or someone would cause you to judge us with bad flavour, you can always come find me, I'm John Steward, a teacher at the castle."
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Post RE: Dark Times (please join. loosely scripted but free to join.)
on: January 19, 2004 01:31
Elisabeth was surprised by the queen's actions. Never had she feigned such happiness at Elisabeth's return. It's all for show...
The sovereign managed a semi-sincere smile and put a cheerful note in her voice as she greeted Elisabeth, but the princess did not pretend to be fooled. After a stiff bow and a polite "Your Majesty" she declined.
Introductions were briefly made but the queen of England soon flitted away and left the young woman on their own.
"We are to have further introductions when my father returns on the morrow, but for now I go to find my brother. You may come along if you wish. Otherwise, Lady Aurora, I am afraid I must take my leave of you and Mika for a short while."
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Post RE: Dark Times (please join. loosely scripted but free to join.)
on: January 19, 2004 04:59
"Of course Lady Elizabeth." Aurora said curtsying. "Mika and I will be fine in your absence."
Elizabeth had two knights escort the women up to their rooms. Aurora found her things already up there and so she began to unpack. She hung her dresses in the large wardrobe against the wall. She came to the last dress in her chest and held it up couriously. I didn't know that this was packed. She thought with a smile. The dress was pale green with a row of pink rosettes around the neck. Immediately she thought of Joan. The girl had hardly anything with her and Aurora knew that this would be a delightful surprise. She layed the dress on the bed and ran to Mika's room.
"Mika, can you go fetch Joan? I have something for her."
Then she went back to her room to wait.
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Post RE: Dark Times (please join. loosely scripted but free to join.)
on: January 19, 2004 05:37
Rose found it extremely difficult to sleep that night. How could anyone sleep when war had just been declared upon them? It also didn't help that it had been she that had made the decision to stand up to Norway. If Denmark lost, it would be her fault. But then again, either way Denmark would have been doomed. They could only fight now, and fight they must.

She woke and ate a quick breakfast. She saw Philip only briefly before the two of them parted. Philip was to travel into the centre of town to announce to the people that war was upon the country. Rose went to the outer walls of the castle to show her appreciation to the soldiers positioned to protect her, and the people inside.

She returned to the courtyard to more infrantry. These soldiers were bound for the boarders of the city, and some were to go as far as the boarders of the country. At this moment, Denmark's (small) navy were massing at sea to try and prevent any enemy ships from landing. Rose knew that some had done so already, so an attack would definatley be coming.

"Gentlemen bound to protect Denmark, I wish you luck!" Rose began standing on some stairs slightly higher than the men so that they could see her. "You are the first of many, we hope, men to travel throughout the country to protect Denmark from the evil that is Norway. Be proud, that you are helping out your country and that your service will not go unnoticed. What you do in the close times to come, will change everything that we are. Whether it be for good or bad, Denmark as we know it will change. We count on you the help us protect Denmark. Think of the home that you leave behind, family, friends, and think of me too - I am extremely proud of you! I will not forget you for this duty you now take up. May the lord bless you, may you return safe and victorious!"

The men cheered for her.

"You will be the heroes of Denmark, in win or loss, don't you forget that!!!" she finished, to more roars of approval.

She waved them a kiss, and turned to go back inside. Her eyes watered as she realised that many of these men may not return home again...
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Post RE: Dark Times (please join. loosely scripted but free to join.)
on: January 19, 2004 07:33
After Miki vanished into thin air, Elaine examined the mirror. It was extremely plain, nothing a handmaiden would look suspicious carrying. And speaking of being a handmaiden, Elaine realized she'd been gone from her room for more hours than she cared to think about.

She rushed back to her room to find Lady Cassandra throwing a tantrum. She was too angry at missing all the excitement of the day that she barely noticed Elaine's presence, or rather lack of it.

Elaine and the other girls spent the rest of the evening soothing Lady Cassandra's ruffled feathers. She would hopefully be in a better mood the next morning.


After Luke left, Stephen went to the barracks and found that bad news travels very very fast indeed. They hadn't gotten official word of war yet, but rumors were flying all around. Stephen looked around for his fellow knights and found them gathered together off to one side. In fact, as Stephen looked a little closer, the barracks were looking somewhat bare.

He went over to his companions and they confirmed what he'd been thinking. The missing men were traitors and had snuck out to join the armies of Norway. There were about one third of the men missing. And five of Lady Cassandra's guard had gone missing as well, along with Rafe.

While one of these knights was telling him all that had happened, a fight broke out between on of the palace guards and one of Lady Cassandra's men. Seeds of mistrust had sprung up and each was accusing the other of being a traitor to their country.

Stephen strode up to the two men and broke up the fight. "There is no need to cause more trouble with these wild accusations," he heatedly shouted.

"If it weren't for your noble knight, Sir Rafe, there wouldn't be any trouble. All of you are traitors!" the guard yelled back.

"If you hadn't noticed, about a third of your men are missing. Where have they gone I wonder?" Stephen asked sarcastically. "All those who have gone are traitors and all who have stayed are loyal to the crown. We all are loyal to the crown. So why should we waste our energies fighting each other when we have a clear enemy to be fought tomorrow morning?"

Murmurs of agreement went round at that. Conversation started up again, and eventually the arrival of a commander brought some order to the crowd. They were to protect the castle against attack tomorrow morning.

Stephen sat down tiredly. He hadn't done anything physical all day, yet he felt completely drained of energy. Then out of nowhere some one popped up right next to him. He was startled, but composed himself when he recognized the palace mage. He'd never been formally introduced, but Luke mentioned that the mage Miki was helping in gathering information about the goings-ons of the palace. Looking inquiringly at Miki, the mage asked if he'd seen Luke.

"I'm afarid you just missed him. Luke left to go after Robert, who was riding with Sir Rafe and Lord Cartwright. I know it was a dangerous thing to do, but I'm sure he can take care of himself. He will be meeting up with me later in the evening, if you can wait that long?" Stephen asked politely.


Rafe had gathered together him men and led them back to the coast. Now that he had something to do, he'd managed to push his problems away completely for the time being. Cartwright and Greeve had already informed all their troops of the coming attack against the castle. Greeve had sent back several small ships informing the king of Norway what had occurred and also requesting they send more troops quickly to Denmark and that they should defend their coast and attack any ships from Denmark.

"We will gather our strength this night and storm the castle at dawn tomorrow. We will have to take them by surprise," Cartwright told Rafe as evening drew near.

"My men are fully armed and ready to go at any minute. I see that a number of the palace guards have arrived. Will they cooperate?" Rafe asked.

"They know what is at stake and they are ready. Now we must wait for the morning."

[Edited on 20/1/2004 by PotbellyHairyfoot]
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Post RE: Dark Times (please join. loosely scripted but free to join.)
on: January 20, 2004 09:47
(OOC: I'm glad you all approve of Robert's choice. ^__^ lyrav, that post about Sir Rafe was very enlightening and I came to like him more. ^__^ *sigh* Now I have to figure out what Philip should say to the people. O.o)

Philip looked at the people gathered around the makeshift stage he stood on. This was it; he squared his shoulders and stared solemnly out at the people.

"My people," he began in a clear, loud voice so that they could hear. "Many of you know that there have long been rumors that Norway may attack us. I regret to tell you that those rumors are no longer idle gossip, but the truth."

A murmer ran through the crowd. Philip continued. "A day ago, Norway demanded our surrender and the replacement of our Queen. Queen Rose has refused."

He paused, allowing the words to sink in. "We will fight. I cannot tell you if we will win. But even if we lose, then we will have the assurance that we stood our ground."

Nods and muttered assents went through the crowd. Encouraged, Philip went on. "Norway may think that it come here and take our land easily. But we will prove them wrong and God willing, we will also prove that Denmark is it's own country!" Philip took a breath again, his green eyes sharp as he looked out on the crowd. "I ask you all to help me defend this land and our rights as the proud, strong people I know. Are you with me?"

A loud chorus of "yes!" was shouted back at him. Philip allowed a smile light up his handsome face.


Luke walked back to the barracks, head bowed. For once in his life, he wasn't sure of Robert and that frightened him. Robert has always been so predictable; a stable point. Now...Luke didn't know if he would see his friend again. And if he did, would it be as an enemy.

The lanky red-head entered the barracks and saw Stephen standing with Miki. He approached them.


Robert stabled the horse he had been using and put the bridle and saddle away. He stood in the tack room, brushing his blonde hair from his face. The morning light was coming through the window and Robert felt tired all of a sudden. He sank to the floor.

Tears ran down his face. Sir Rafe's words about forever being a stableboy finally hit and Robert curled up into a ball, too exhausted to care that he was now homeless and jobless...he shut his eyes tightly and eventually, sleep came.

[Edited on 1/20/2004 by Tasar_Took_Nualda]
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on: January 25, 2004 10:10
As Aurora waited a knock came at her door. She smiled thinking it was Joan but was surprised when one of the knights entered and bowed.
"My Lady, Their Majesties request your presence."
Aurora did not want to leave when she had just sent for Joan but she could not keep the King and Queen waiting. "Very well." she said. "Will you wait for my maid and let her know that I have been called away?"
The knight bowed and took his position by her door.
Aurora made her way down the halls to the grerat stairs. She stopped at the top suddenly nervouse. She did not want to make a bad impression. There was also a question in the back of her mind that constantly came up. Had she done the right thing? 'You can not ask yourself that now.' she thought. She was here and so she would do what she could to keep her home safe.
She entered the great hall which was decorated with elaborate tapestries and candles everywhere. A voice came from behind her and startled her a bit. "The Lady Aurora of Denmark!" Aurora walked forward looking around at all the faces staring at her. She looked quickly at the king and queen seated at the far end of the hall. Two boys stood on either side of them. Elizabeth stood near the younger of the to with a worried look on her face. Aurora stopped three feet from the throne platform and dropped to a curtsy and stayed down on the floor.

Rupert stood next to Phillip as the prince was being armored up.
"You have many men that are loyal to you your highness. There is nothing to fear there."
Phillip looked at Rupert and suddenly looked like a young lost child. "Lord Rupert, I must ask you something."
"What is it your highness?"
"If I had married your daughter, would you have been happy?"
"Whatever course God chose for my Aurora I would be happy for her in it. I wil be honest and say that I would have been proud to see her by your side as your support and confident but there is nothing that we can do about it now."
Phillip nodded and took his sword from the noble. Rupert followed him out of the castle to their horses where they would ride forward to confront the Norwegian army.
They army rode onto the field and stopped some distance away from the enemy. Lord Rupert and the prince exchanged one last glance as the army awaited the Norwegian attack.
"It all in God's hands now." Rupert said.
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on: January 25, 2004 10:34
Mika found Joan talking with another maid.
"Joan," she said, the girl turned and smiled. "Would you come with me for a second? Aroura has a surprise for you." Joan arched a brow, and after nodding to the other maid she hurried Joan back up the stairs, only to be met by a gaurd standing outside Aroura's room.
"What's wrong?" Mika asked him.
"The lady has been called away, she asked me to wait for you." He replied.
"well, thank you, you may go," Mika told him, and he left with a bow.
"I guess your surprise will have to wait," Mika told Joan. "But maybe we can talk for a while? I'd like to know more about you."
Miki sighed, but nodded. "I can wait, It seems I have no other choice, I suppose you have heard the rumors circling the castle like hungry vultures?" Stephen nodded.
"Your name is Stephen, right?" Miki asked, Stephen nodded once again. "Well met Sir Stephen," miki told him, and they shook habds briefly. "But," Miki added. "YOu look as though you've taken a walk on the other side of the grave. Has this news taken such a toll on you?"

[Edited on 26/1/2004 by Abraon]
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on: January 27, 2004 08:39
Rose finished her speech and walked swiflty down one of the palace's many wide and tall corridors. Four male advisors followed at her pace as they made for the Prince's compartments.

Rose knocked on her son's door but recieved no answer. "Your Majesty, His Highness bid me tell you that he was not going to return to his rooms after his speech to the people," a young maid spoke up. "He took all the things he needed this morning and has gone out with the soldiers as they leave, rather than catch up with them later".

"He...he's what?" Rose whispered. "He will not even bide me farewell? What if he never returns?" Rose said in a hushed tone. She wiped her eyes and bit her lip and nodded.

With that she turned and took off in a run towards the palace stables. "Your Majesty! Your Majesty!" a voice called out to her. She held up her skirts so she could gather up some speed, but someone's feet followed at the same pace. "Please, M'am!"

Reaching the stables she headed to where her horse was kept, a white mare. She had not ridden it in a long time. The last time she rode it was when her husband was alive and the two of them would go riding together. Nowadys, the mare was ridden by the stable hand that looked after it. By chance this day, Rose's horse was saddled and ready to go. She lept onto the horse's back and took off for the palace gates.

Looking behind, Rose could see someone else on horseback behind her. She quickened her pace. She headed towards the township and to where Philip had made his speech to the villagers. She slowed her horse down to take a look around. The streets were empty, the army had already left. She slumped over and began to sob.

"Your Majesty, please. The streets are not safe! I beg you, return immediately!" a man's voice said. He stopped his horse beside hers and took her hands in his and tried to calm her sobs.

He had dark brown hair and gray eyes. He looked to be about forty or so, but Rose had never met this man before. He possessed facial features that looked similliar to someome she had known, but could not place. He sobs lessened. Because she had ridden so fast, her hair had come out of the bun it had been placed in and now fell about her back and face messily. (Ok, this is when you think of Kate Winslett when her character in Titanic is crying at the beggining).

"There," the gentleman's deep voice said calmingly, "That's better. Now please M'am, I beg of you, return with me. Like I said, these days the streets are not as safe as they could be. Especially after the kind of speech your boy made today".

"It is all my doing," Rose said quietly. "The streets should be safe, but because of me they aren't. But I cannot help it now. After this war, my rule will be over. It will be up to my son to make things right," Rose said, proudly.

The gentleman nodded and smilled to the beautiful woman in front of him. He picked up Rose's horse's reigns and handed them to her. She managed a smile, and the two of them headed back towards the palace.

Upon reaching the gates, their horses slowed. "Thank you sir, I will be forever gratefull. I should not have taken off like that. I just feared that I would not see my son again. I wanted to say goodbye, so that if he did not return I..."

"I know Majesty..." he replied.

Rose smiled awkwardly at him. "Why are you sir not at war? You appear to be that of nobalty?"

"Ai M'am, I am. In fact, I am to go to war this day. I was rather, erm, late arriving..." the gentleman replied just as awkwardly.

"Arriving? From where?" Rose wondered.

"Oh, just anywhere..."

"Ah, I see..."

The two of them got to the palace gates and dismounted their horses.

"I fear I must leave nowt Your Majesty. The war will have started, and I am not there!"

"Please Sir, may I ask your name?" Rose asked him earnestly.

"Ah, now that would be telling..." he replied.

Rose was confused by this remark. The gentleman mounted his horse again and Rose noticed he wore a sword and armour beneath a coat. He started to ride out toward the gate.

"Please, sir, a name?!" Rose shouted, the need to know his name growing.

"When I return!" he called back. And with that, he was gone...

(Sorry, it's so long. Please see occ for a better explanation of this post )

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on: January 28, 2004 10:17
Luke walked up to Miki and Stephen. "Hello you two. Anything new?" he asked, trying to keep his tone light. "I hear the army is pulling out soon. We'd better be prepared to go out with them."


Robert had started awake; why he was not sure. Standing, he brushed some loose blonde hair from his eyes and went out to the stable yard. He hadn't slept long...

Suddenly he remembered Luke and took off for the barracks. Hopefully, he'd get there before all the soldiers pulled out.


Philip signed the parchment and sealed the letter. It was a farewell to his mother; he knew it had been rather harsh to simply leave, but to tell the truth, he hadn't been able to tell if he could leave her alone and go off with the army.

The prince stood and called for a messenger. They weren't far from the capital and this letter would be in his mother's hand by tonight, he was sure.
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on: January 28, 2004 12:44
"Welcome Lady Aurora." The King's voice rang throughout the hall. "We are pleased to see that you have arrived safely." Aurora kept silent not knowing the traditions of this court. The King rose and stood before her. He reached out a hand and raised the girl to her feet. For a moment he just looked at her as if searching her soul for some answer to all his questions. "Henry." A boy left Elizabeth's side and stood by the King. He took Henry's hand and stood inbetween the two. "This is my son's bride. In one month they will be wed but the union between England and Denmark will begin today." Aurora stole a nervouse glance at Henry who was looking at her. Activity returned to normal in the room and the King turned to Aurora and Henry. "She will make a fine wife my son. Just looking at her you can see her spirit and strength. Now let us eat." The King went and offered the Queen his hand, Henry held out his hand and Elizabeth hurried to his side taking it. Aurora was surprised that Henry did not take her hand. However within a second the older boy was at her side and offered his arm. Aurora took it graciously and went to the table.
The royal family had decided to eat alone that evening in the hopes of getting to know Aurora better. As they took their seats the queen kept her eye on Aurora watching her every move. It made Aurora a little uncomfortable. Then still staring at her, the queen adressed her daughter.
"Elizabeth, I hear that you left your escourt and arrived at the palace alone and that you carried out the deplomacy on your own." Her gaze shifted to Elizabeth. "Where you not instucked to let them carry out the negotiations and only serve as the royal eyes and ears of his Majesty?"
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on: January 28, 2004 01:20
Elisabeth felt her step-mother's gaze and paused, laying down her fork. The girl had not in fact touched her food but suddenly felt very ill. "Elizabeth, I hear that you left your escourt and arrived at the palace alone and that you carried out the deplomacy on your own." she heard the sovereign say. "That is true." answered Elisabeth, not daring to look up.
"Where you not instucted to let them carry out the negotiations and only serve as the royal eyes and ears of his Majesty?" said the queen in a biting tone. The princess let out a barely audible sigh. "I was commanded to do as much, though I still do not know why someone...more informed... was not chosen." said the girl, careful to keep her tone level and hushed. "Informed?!" said the queen, sounding insulted.
"My heaven's child! Have you no whit? It's not for you to know such things. As a woman of the king's household, you were there merely to observe. Imagine! Informed! The very idea is absurd! With such childish thoughts, we ought to have found someone better!"
Elisabeth was apalled by the queen's behavior, especially in front of Aurora, but she could feel the color rising in her cheeks. Raising her head she looked straight at the queen.
"Then why did you send me?" said the young royal in a hushed but venomous tone.
The king could see the fray growing before his eyes and decided that now was the best time to intercede.
"You were sent," he said, pausing to make sure his interruption had been affective, "because your brother had more pressing matters to attend to and I, of course could not leave."
"So you mean you sent me because no one suitable could be found?! That makes me feel so much better!"
"That's enough!"
The whole table turned to see it was the young Prince Henry who had spoken. The Queen looked positively cross and Elisabeth looked slightly embarrassed, but relieved.
The prince continued. "No harm was done in these dealings. The alliance has been struck. The ties are firm. Why trouble yourselves how it was done?" he said. "besides, I've always thought the embassadors were a bunch of obnoxious peacocks anyway." he added with a wink to Elisabeth.
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on: January 28, 2004 05:35
(OOC: So sorry guys for being away so long! School started and I've been so busy...)


Stephen glanced up as Luke appeared. "Hello you two. Anything new?" he asked. Stephen thought he sounded oddly cheerful, especially during a time like this, but chose not to comment on it. At least with Luke's arrival, he was saved the trouble of airing out all his problems to Miki, even though he did kind of want to talk about them. Anyway from the way Miki had looked at him, Stephen guessed that Miki already had an inkling of what was bothering him.

"I hear the army is pulling out soon. We'd better be prepared to go out with them," Luke continued.

"Well," Stephen answered, doing his best to match Luke's light tone, "you just missed a rousing fight between one of my men and one of the castle guards. At least now they're getting prepared for the coming battle. We've finally heard word, officially, of the war." He shook his head. He still could not believe his country was going to war. When setting out as one of Lady Cassandra's guards, he considered this trip to be one of pleasure. And now he was not sure what would happen.

"Are you coming with us then Luke? Are you prepared to fight? And what about you Miki?" Stephen asked.


Lady Cassandra had risen early only to find that all the men were prepared for battle and the Prince was gone and so was the Queen. This was absolutely a horrible day. And Rafe was a traitor. That was what peeved her the most. How could she fail to see his treacherousness? Well she had a few more cards up her sleeve. The Prince obviously did not want her, so her time here at the castle would now be a waste.

Cassandra quickly called together her retinue of maids and servants and sent a dispatch to the second in command of her guard. The maids had packed up all her things and were ready to leave when the second in command to her guard showed up.

"It is unsafe, my lady, to ride out at such a dangerous time. Would not you rather stay here within the safe confines of the catle walls?" he asked.

"No," she shouted at him, "if I want to go home, then you'd bloody well take me there. You can desert me and fight for the Queen after you've seen me safely off."

"My lady, I cannot allow you to do so-" he cut off as she glared at him. "But if you have set your mind thusly, then I will gather who I can to ride back with you. If you'll excuse me, my lady." With a bow, he left the room.


While Lady Cassandra was arguing with her knight, Elaine quickly rushed back into her room and frantically located the little mirror Miki had given her. She silently called his name and he appeared. "What is it, Elaine?" he asked.

"Lady Cassandra is leaving this afternoon. It is very dangerous and foolhardy, but she insists. I want to stay at the castle, but I will have to leave with her. We leave in an hour. What should I do?"

"Just keep this mirror with you. You can still use it from a very far distance. I have a feeling that you might still need it and that Lady Cassandra is up to no good. Follow her closely," Miki said and then vanished from the mirror.

Within the hour, Lady Cassandra and her retinue were gathered in on a small path leading away from the castle and into the village. They would be able to avoid most of the trouble if they kept out of sight.

It was nearing nightfall when they stopped. Lady Cassandra was to stay at the manor of a close friend of hers, Lord and Lady Winters. She sent the guards on their way back to the castle and the rest of her servants would be escorted back to Lady Cassandra's manor by the Winters' personal guard. Lady Cassandra would keep only a few essential servants. Elaine managed her way to being chosen. She wondered what Lady Cassandra was going to do. This was not just a casual meeting.


Lord and Lady Winter were old friends of Cassandra's, in fact she might have been Lady Winters if things had turned out differently. They were as devious as she was, and took every opportunity to move up in the ranks. This war interested all parties. While sitting down to a sumptuous dinner, they discussed the best way to charter a boat and how they would avoid the armies in the sea.


Rafe and their men were ready. Dawn hadn't broken yet, but they were all prepared to storm the castle. At a signal from Cartwright, the contingent began to march.

[Edited on 1/29/2004 by Tasar_Took_Nualda]
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on: January 30, 2004 09:34
Miki slipped the mirror back into his pocket, and looked back at Stephen and Luke.
"That was Elaine," he told them. "She says Lady Cassandra is leaving, today. That doesn't bode well with me. And to answer your question Stephen," The mage said, turning to the taller soilder. " I have been trained as a war mage, and as an ancient magiacain once said.: 'Dark times call not only for strong men, but strong magic.' I think now, my place is in battle."
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on: January 30, 2004 01:09
"And you once told me that you could use sneaky men in battle." Luke smiled a little. "I'll be coming too."


The red-headed young man turned as Robert ran up. "You're still here! I thought have missed you!" he gasped .

"Robert?" Luke grinned and suddenly hugged his friend. "I knew you'd come back!"

"Luke! Stop!" Robert said uncomfortably. Luke let him go and stepped back.

"Well, Robert, this is Sir Stephen and Miki. We're getting ready to ride out; are you joining us?"

Robert hesistated, then nodded slowly. "Yes." he answered. There was really nothing else for him anyway...

[Edited on 31/1/2004 by Abraon]
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on: January 30, 2004 06:42
Aurora was surprised at how openly the Prince spoke and how he defended his sister. All through the rest of the meal he continued to look at her as if searching for something. It made her a bit uneasy. Like a horse about to be bought at market that was being looked over to see how good it was. The meal began to draw to a close but Henry had not stopped watching her. "Please forgive me your Majesties but if I may take my leave."
"Of course my lady." The King said.
Aurora gave a quick curtsey to the King and Queen and then a bow of the head to the three siblings and then went back to her rooms. Joan and Mika were there waiting for her. "Oh Joan, I have something for you." she said trying to cover up how upset she was. She took out the dress that she had brought and handed it to her. "I want you to have this. You had hardly anything with you when we left Denmark that I thought you could use it." Joan's face was so bright at recieving the gift. Aurora was glad that she liked it. Suddenly she dropped to her bed and began to weep unable to hold in her emotions any longer.
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on: February 02, 2004 12:26
Stephen smiled at the outpouring of patriotism by Luke and Miki. They were ready to go when Robert came running up. "You're still here! I thought have missed you!" he gasped.

Stephen was surprised at Robert's arrival. He desperately wanted to ask where Rafe was and what he was doing. Robert might have some information that could help in the fighting. But at the same time he was reluctant to hear any more bad news about his friend - no, his former friend. So Stephen kept his mouth shut about Rafe.

"You are fighting with us then?" he asked Robert again.

"Yes," he said, nodding vigourously.

"Good choice," Stephen said grimly, trying to banish his doubts about Robert. He wanted to become a knight, and yet, his only chance of that was with Rafe. He either must be a fool and hopelessly loyal to his country, or he was spying for Norway.

Stephen must have been looking at Robert a little too closely for he blushed and ducked his head. Well, he'd think about that another time. "Let's go then. The battle won't wait for us."


Rafe turned to Cartwright as they both assessed the might of their men, and the looming shadow of the castle. The sun was weakly pushing through the pre-dawn mists and it looked to be a fine day. How ironic, Rafe thought, that it was going to be a perfectly beautiful day, and yet they were going to ruin it with bloodshed.

"Are we ready to attack?" he asked Cartwright.

"When we get word from Greeve, we will go."

They were waiting, somewhat impatiently, for an hour or so, when a rider hurriedly rode up to Rafe and Cartwright and addressed them both. "My lord, I have news from the coast. The army you left behind to defend the harbor has defeated and conquered the Danish army quartered near the docks. The harbor is ours. No ship or man will enter but the good ships and men of Norway," he reported.

"That is very good news." Rafe had thought the messenger was from Greeve, but in any case, this was good news.

The messenger melted away into the crowd as Cartwright answered, "We will not have to worry about Denmark trying to summon aid. Since we have the port, we also have the power."

"We will need to bring in more men and aid from Norway. There are still Danish ships in the ocean that we must defeat."

"We will deal with that later. Now we must focus on taking the castle."

They were waiting yet again, wondering what was taking Greeve so long to set his men up properly. It was well into the afternoon by now. A messenger finally rode up with a message from Greeve. His men were stationed on the other side of the hill they were hiding and sheltering behind. The scouts he had sent forward had found some of Denmark's men on lookout, but they were killed. They'd needed to take the time to ensure that any outriders were dealt with, but now the field was theirs. They were ready to attack.

Rafe signalled to the nearest man and he lifted a large horn to his lips. A triad of long notes filled the air, and a few seconds later the answering call from Greeve's men. With a loud roar from the men, they began their steady ride and march towards the castle.


It was the break of day and Lady Cassandra had bribed the dock master into letting their ship leave the harbor. Lord and Lady Winters were also joining them. In the hushed whispers that Elaine overheard, they were making their way to Norway. They had some friends there waiting for them.

Once aboard the ship, Lady Cassandra retired to her room. Elaine, as the only lady's maid left, went to attend her.

As she was brushing out Lady Cassandra's afternoon dress, Lady Cassandra turned to her. "All the servants aboard this ship have been personally hand-picked by me and are all devotedly loyal to me. The only one I've ever had doubts about was you. And that is why I've chosen to keep you close by me."

"You have doubts about me, my lady?" Elaine whispered. "Why? I have been a most loyal servant to you. I owe you my life and livelihood. You have given me more opportunities than I could have dreamed of. I am most grateful to you, my lady."

"Yes, so you say. But I will keep my eye on you. As you know, we are heading for Norway. This warring business in Denmark is too chaotic for me and a change of scene would be nice. If you cause any trouble for me, I'll leave you there to fend for yourself," she said with a steely look in her eyes.

"I will do as you command, my lady. I do not wish to anger you," Elaine said meekly. Although, she really was planning on finding a way to sneak away so she could contact Miki. She had to stay away from the rest of the servants for they would be sure to spy on her and report her to Lady Cassandra.

Lady Cassandra smiled, and beckoned her over. "Ah, you are a good girl," she said reaching out to stroke Elaine's hair. "You are my favorite of my handmaidens. So lovely to look at. That is another reason why I chose you on this trip. In fact, I was hoping to match you with a handsome young man in Norway - a very advantageous match. It is exciting is it not?"

Elaine could do nothing but nod.

[Edited on 25/2/2004 by lyrav9]
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on: February 02, 2004 04:08
"Aroura!" Mika exclaimed, leaning down to embrace her frend as she cried. "Aroura, what's wrong? What's going on? PLease, tell us."


[Edited on 2/3/2004 by Tasar_Took_Nualda]
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on: February 05, 2004 12:52
(OOC: Hey, that's brilliant, lyrav! lol, I didn't think that Robert might be suspected if he came back. ^__^)

Robert rode behind Luke as they set off towards the army. He rested his head on Luke's back, shoulders sagging a little. He still felt so tired for some reason...

The boy wondered why Stephen had looked at him so queerly. 'Probably because he knew Sir Rafe...' the boy decided, then thought about it no more.


Philip sighed and rubbed his eyes. A report had just come saying that Norway had sucessfully taken the docks and such. He ground his teeth a little in frustration. He had no idea what to do...He needed help. Standing, he had a servant go and get Lord Rupert. Surely between the two of them, they could manage to figure some plan of action to take.

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on: February 07, 2004 07:56
Rose was seated at her dining table, with her ladies, when a note was sent to her. She put down her toast and opened it dreading the worst. The docks had been taken over by Norway, now preventing any food and other goods being exported or imported by Denmark. This wasn't good. It now meant that Denmark's economy would drop. They could now only send and recieve things by road, no longer by sea.

She now worried about any ships at sea that would carry Denmark's (and any other allies) army. Because the docks had been taken, this would mean that soon Norway would have total control of the seas.

"Bad news, Your Majesty?" spoke up one of her ladies.

"I fear so. The docks have been taken ... not good at all," she said no more than this. Palace ladies can be wonderful gossips and if she said anymore, by the end of the day it will have been warped into all sorts of terrible things.

She left the table and went to her desk. She sat and drafted another letter to England. She had not yet recieved any replies to her last letter. She wrote now to hurry a reply and to get England's help immediatley.

She also wrote to the Lady Aroura hoping she had a pleasent journey and that she was enjoying her new life so far. She wrote optimistically - when Rose had come to Denmark, her mother had written negatively and this certainly didn't help her much. She was determined to make Aroura happy because Rose knew she was only marrying England for her country - not her heart.

Signing her name at the bottom, she had both letters dispatched immediatley.
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on: February 08, 2004 01:51
"Lord Rupert, Prince Phillip requests your presence."

Rupert put down his pen and followed the soldier to Phillip's tent. The Prince looked more like a boy now than a leader, lost and confused about what he should do.

"Your Highness." He said entering and then bowing to Phillip.


Aurora had finally finsihed crying. Mika and Joan stood there wanting to help her but didn't know how. Suddenly she laughed realizing how foolish she had been.
"Look at me." she said with a laugh. "I can't believe I am acting like this."
At that moment a knock came at the door. Aurora went and opened it herself. A servent stood there with a paper in his hand. Without a word he handed it to Aurora and left. She shut the door and looked at the letter in her hands. It had the seal of the Royal House of Denmark. Violently she opened it wanting desperately to read its contents.

My dear Aurora,

I hope that your journey has come to a plesent end. I can only think of how lucky you are to see the land of England. I would give anything to see my home again. You have my envy at the moment. I can not express how much my heart is thankful to you for the sacrifice you made. I hope and pray that you will find happiness in your new home.

I do not want to burden you with news from here but I also know that you would want to know. Things are not looking good for our country. I must ask you to urge the King to send his troops to help us. Norway is taking the outer territories and unless England acts they will overrun us.

I would very much like to hear from you. If you could spare a few moments to write me a few lines it would bring some sunshine to these dark days.


Aurora lowered the letter and looked at Mika.
"Denmark needs our help."
"What are you going to do?"
"I must speak with the King. I need to know what he plans to do."
Another knock came to her door. The same servent was back.
"My Lady, I do apologize, Prince Henry requests an audience with you."
"I will be right there." He walked out of ear range and Aurora turned back to her companions. "I need both of your help in this. Somehow we must get Denmark the help it needs." With that she left and followed the servent to Henry's private meeting room. He stood when she entered and bowed slightly trying to be a gentleman. "My Lady." Aurora dropped a bit. "My Lord."
"I hope that everything is satisfactory for you?"
"Yes your highness, everything is fine. Thank you." She didn't know what to say to him. Both of them were uncomfortable, that much was obviouse. Henry reached out his hand to her. She took it and he led her to the window. From there he showed her the castle grounds. Aurora thought it was beautiful but the Queen's letter was still on her mind. "My Lord, what does England plan to do to help Denmark?"
Henry looked at her confused by this question. "I am sure that my father is massing troops to send there."
"Forgive me, but I see no evidence of a force being formed. In fact His Majesty has avoided my every question pertaining to my country's situation."
Henry's face was passed with a shadow and his expression grew cold. "So you think that England has lied to your Queen." It was more a statement than a question. He turned violently and went back into the room his frustration rising. Before Aurora could appologize he continued. "You dare to speak out against my father? You dare disagree with me?"
"Your Highness, my people are dieing. They need your help. If England does not act my country will succomb to Norway."
"Your Country! Your country is now England!" Henry was red now. Aurora kept silent during the next few minutes as Henry went off. Her heart beat wildly as she began to fear for her actual safety. After a few moments the Prince was silent and fell into one of the arm chairs. Aurora went next to him and dropped down before him.
"I did not mean to offened you Your Highness. I ask your pardon in that but please understand, my only consern at the present moment is the safety of my homeland. There are people there that I love and care for. I must know that your kingdom is willing to defend them."
Henry's face seemed to flush again but it passed. He could see the fear in her face but also the determination. He reached out and touched her cheek, feeling her tremble beneath it. He kept his hand there and fixed his gaze on her. "I do not want you to fear me." he whispered. Aurora dropped her gaze feeling helpless in his presence now. "I will do what I can to help defend your people."

(sorry this is so long.)

[Edited on 9/2/2004 by Bronwynn]
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Post RE: Dark Times (please join. loosely scripted but free to join.)
on: February 09, 2004 07:31
Philip sighed. "Thank you for coming so promptly, Lord Rupert. To tell the truth, I have no idea of how to proceed. Norway has sturck sooner than I expected. I am at a loss...I had hoped that together we could form some sort of plan."


It was evening by the time Robert, Luke, Stephen and Miki arrived at the place where the rest of the army was. Robert had fallen asleep by this time, but Luke didn't feel like waking him just yet. Instead, he turned to Stephen. "You're the highest ranking knight in our group; we're all following your lead, so I suppose you should be the one to announce our presence."
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Post RE: Dark Times (please join. loosely scripted but free to join.)
on: February 09, 2004 11:48
Elizabeth was so frustrated she could hardly see strait. Moments earlier she'd clattered into the stableyard astride Leandor, her tall chestnut hunter, after racing madly back from the hunting grounds where she'd been looking for her brother. The girl's glossy sable hair was hopelessly tangled from the wind and her riding habot was in dissaray, but she didn't care. Handing Leandor's reigns to the stableboy she dashed off towards the castle, praying with every bound she wasn't too late. She didn't get the answer she'd hoped for...
A servant informed her that Henry had requested a private audiance with Lady Aurora. No! I'm too late!
Elizabeth sank back against the wall, suddenly feeling faint. The servant looked worredly at her when he saw the color drain from her face, but she waved him off and started briskly down the corridor on the path to her rooms. She passed her father's cheif advisor in the hall and glared at him. He was the one who said Henry had gone hunting. He probably did it just to spite me!
Elizabeth flew into her bed chamber, scarcely noticing Ana before flopping breathlessly on the bed.
"M'lady? What on earth have you...?" Ana said. The servant girl's brown eyes were wide. Elizabeth mumbled something inaudible and sat up unexpectedly. Ana just stared at her, unsure what to do next.
Elizabeth sprung off the bed and stood beside it, looking at her reflection in the full length mirror. She groaned at what she saw. "Oh, Ana! What am I to do?!" she whined. Before the girl could answer, she spoke. "Help me out of this! Quick!"
With Ana's help and swift work, Elizabeth was dressed in simple garnet colored gown and her hair was tamed in a matter of moments, caught up in a gold net. She fairly flew down the halls, heading for Henry's appartments. She slowed just just before she came to her destination. She cleared her throat, squared her shoulders and smoothed her dress, before knocking softly on the door. A hushed word from within propted her to enter.
She found her brother alone. He was standing at the far end of the room by the window, one hand resting on the back of an armchair, the other resting lightly against his brow as if he had a headache. She could tell as much by his comflexion as by his stance that something was wrong. Without a word, she drifted swiftly to his side.
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Post RE: Dark Times (please join. loosely scripted but free to join.)
on: February 09, 2004 01:20
Aurora had taken her leave of Henry in the hopes of avoiding another situation like the last one. He had seemed to calm down but she didn't know how long that would last. Now alone in the room Henry returned to the window and looked out over the grounds his mind lost in thought about the woman he had just seen. He hadn't been there more than a minute when Elizabeth was at his side.
"How can I do this sister?" He said not looking at her. "How can I go through with this marriage when there is no connection between me and her?"


"I will give what I can your Highness. Come." He gestured to the map that was rolled out on the table. He and Phillip walked over and now leaned over it. "Norway has taken all the eastern docks but not the few that lay to the west. If we can send a small force to those towns there is a chance they can keep them in our hands. That will give us open passage to England if we need it. Now as far as retaking the others a direct attack will not work, Norway's forces are to great. In a week it will be winter. Snow is already covering the ground making it hard to fight anyways. If we can keep Norway at bay long enough for the season to change then we will have the advantage. No one fights in Winter, there is too much ice and it is dangerous for the men. A night assult on the docks during this time might be the best. But again it means waiting another week and hoping that they do not throw everything they have at us before that."
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Post RE: Dark Times (please join. loosely scripted but free to join.)
on: February 09, 2004 02:15
Elizabeth studied her brother's face, marking the distress she saw there. "How can I do this sister?" He said not looking at her. "How can I go through with this marriage when there is no connection between me and her?"
"Connection? How would you know? You've hardly given the poor girl the time of day." said Elizabeth, trying her best to be a voice of reason.
"What?!" The Prince turned suddenly, and he looked slightly offended, but it didn't phase Elizabeth.
" There will never be a connection between you and Aurora if you don't get to know her. She probably feels the same way about marrying an Englishman! The girl left everthing and everyone she loves, and sailed across the ocean to marry you! I know you're not ready to be married, Henry, but before you say you can't be her husband, you should try being her friend..."
The princess paused and followed Henry's gaze out across the castle grounds, buildings of thatch and stone bathed in late afternoon sunshine.
"As much as it hurts me to say this, " said Elizabeth in a hushed tone, "it's time for you to grow up. You can't be my childhood playmate forever, Henry. You're a man now. You should have better things to do than fence with your little sister and race her through the woods on half-trained horses!" When she said this she smiled and they both laughed, but it died quickly.
"Dig down deep inside and find that kind and charming man I know you can be. Be a friend to Aurora. And for heaven's sake don't yell at her! If you ever lose your temper with her I'll...I'll...." she turned to him playfully with her hands on her hips "I'll slap you myself!" She was jesting, but Henry knew all too well: his sister didn't make threats, she made promises.
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Post RE: Dark Times (please join. loosely scripted but free to join.)
on: February 09, 2004 03:54
Henry thanked his sister and went off to get ready for dinner. Be her friend? How can I? Aurora's words came back to him. He heared the concern in her voice for her home. It would be a starting place. I will speak with father tonight.

Back in his dressing chamber he donned a Navy colored tunic and black leggings. His overcoat was grey and black lined with fur to keep him warm. Taking one last look in the mirror to make sure he was presentable he left his rooms and headed for the dining hall. As he passed the stairway heading towards Aurora's rooms he stopped, hoping to catch a glimps of her. Know that she would not be down for a while he entered the hall. His brother and the King and Queen were already there. Now I can talk to them. he thought.
"Good Evening My Lord, My Lady." he bowed to each of them. "Father, while there is a moment I would like to speak with you on the situation in Denmark."
The King nodded, a bit surprised that Henry would bring this up now.
"Now that the Lady Aurora is here Denmark and England are in alliance, are they not." A nod. "Then why do we not send them aid immediatley? We know that Denmark can not defeat Norway alone."
"Henry, I have sent word for soldiers to be massed and sent out before the end of the week."
"But that may be to late. Send some men now or even just a note letting them know we are coming."
The King smirked. "You have never taken an interest in our alliances, why does this one entrigue you so?"
"Because I feel that I owe it to her father. I want her to feel certain that we will help her people."
"Very well, before the sun rises a ship will lsail to Denmark carrying a letter of promise and 500 men from our palace guard. That should be enough to raise the Dane's spirits."


Up in her room Aurora was deciding if she should change or not for dinner.
"My Lady, I think you should wear this." Joan said holding up a red and navy dress. "In my opinion you should put aside your dark clothes for the night to show the King and Queen you are ready for your new life."
"I am not sure I am ready Joan. Every moment that I am alone my heart goes back home to Phillip. I stil love him."
Joan's face showed sorrow for her but there was also a sterness.
"I know Joan, I can not hold on to the past. Tonight I will take the first step towards my new life."
She took the dress form Joan and changed quickly. Joan and her other servent fixed her hair up into one braid around her head. Then giving each of them a kiss on the cheek she hurried down to the hall. The royal family was already there when she arrived. To her surprise Henry came over to greet her and offered her his arm as they went to the table. They sat quietly as the food was brought out.
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Post RE: Dark Times (please join. loosely scripted but free to join.)
on: February 09, 2004 08:46
"I will see if I can speak to the council, Luke," Stephen said. "It's best if you find a comfortable place for the rest of the night. By the looks of it, we won't be fighting tonight. Although I'm sure we will have orders by sunrise tomorrow."

Luke led his and Robert's horse off into the night. Stephen noted where they were staying so he could return with more information later. He then spotted the commander's tent in the center of the field and made his way over there. The rest of the army was haphazardly spread out, as if most of them had just arrived and dropped down where there was an empty space. If this was Denmark's army, they were in a depressing situation.

He finally reached the tent and addressed the two men standing guard outside. "I wish to request an audience with the commander of the army."

One guard nodded. "Your name?"

"Sir Stephen."

The other guard entered the tent to relay the message. "You may enter, Sir," he said when he came back out.

Stephen ducked under the tent flap that the guard held up for him and found two men seated at a low table near the center of the tent. To his surprise, the Prince was one of the men.

"My pardon, Your Highness," Stephen said, kneeling and bowing. "I was not aware that you would be here on the eve of battle. I only wished to have a word with our commander in chief, Lord Rupert. Please excuse me if I have interrupted your meeting."

(This part of the story is a little behind the rest of the story since they're still doing stuff the night before. But we're catching up!)


Elaine found to her satisfaction that she was not seasick and that she enjoyed being on a boat. But the problem was that Lady Cassandra was seasick and she had to attend to her every needs. Therefore there was no opportunity to contact Miki through the mirror.

Blessedly they were landing. It was near dusk when they reached the shores of Norway. Somehow Lady Cassandra's friends knew of her arrival and they were quickly escorted to a nearby manor.

"Lady Cassandra and Lord and Lady Winters, it is a pleasure to have you stay with us for the night. It has been too long," the man said on their way to the carriages. "You will be taken to the palace the first thing tomorrow morning. I will endeavor to get you an audience with the king."

That was all Elaine could hear before she was bundled off in the servants' carriage. She was too exhausted to think about where she was going, but managed to keep her eyes open to look out the window. The carriage ride was long, about three quarters of an hour, she estimated. They passed by the rough wooden houses on the wharf, but were soon riding on a well-beaten track surrounded by trees. The night sky was a little hazy, but showed the stars clear enough. The air was much cooler here than back home, she thought.

They finally reached the manor house and Elaine was sent up with Lady Cassandra's many boxes and patiently waited for her to come in. It would be too risky to use the mirror now since Lady Cassandra could come in at any time. She would probably have to wait until morning.

Lady Cassandra came in and Elaine was immediately busy preparing her for bed. "Tomorrow I am going to have an audience with the king. Take out my rose colored gown and press it. I must warn you, I will not look like a beggar woman in front of the king, so do a good job. You must dress nicely as well, since you are to attend to me," Lady Cassandra ordered.

Elaine sighed as she carefully took the gown out of the box and shook out some of the wrinkles. It was going to be a long, long night.


(OOC: I'll wait until the denmark camp has reached the next morning before I have Rafe attack them. Will it be a surprise attack or will they be waiting for him?)
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