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Post RE: Rangers in the shire
on: August 05, 2005 07:17
((No, it’s perfectly alright, I like it! And I think it was first the kidnap, then the fishing trip, but I am not positive. I think that makes sense though.))

Fro was blushing scarlet at the talk and looked at the floor, it was one of those conversations which she didn’t mind between her and Den, but when everyone was sitting around talking about it becomes a bit embarrassing. At least that’s the way it went in The Shire. She looked up when Tanis walked firmly into the kitchen, and she glanced casually around the room for Caramon, who wasn’t there. Finally she decided on going out to look for him, to make sure he was alright. She slipped out the back door, looking intently around the backyard, making her way to the front yard, and glancing down the road in either direction. She peeked around the other side of the house, and upon not finding him, turned to go in the front door. Before she reached the steps, she heard something behind her rustle, and she turned to see what had made the noise. She stared into the forest, straining her eyes to see if it was Caramon, she heard nothing else, and saw nothing move. Figuring it must have been a squirrel or something of that sort, she pushed her way into the Inn.
Fro almost jumped when she saw Caramon reclined on the couch with a hand on his forehead. She half smiled and patted his shoulder, “You’ll get through this, Caramon. If you need anything, I’m here for you.” She smiled, and he nodded.
“Thanks, Fro.” He said, and Fro leaned over and kissed his cheek before turning to leave.


Fresky lifted his head quickly when he noticed Fro near the door of the Inn, and cursed under his breath, as he had made noise. She looked over at the bush he was under, and he held his breath and stiffened himself. As soon as she went inside again he let out his breath, deciding he had better get out of there as soon as possible, in case Fro was suspicious. He crawled silently backwards, out from under the bush, and soundlessly made his way away from the Inn.
He was shaken a bit from the two Rangers, but smiled that he had found out some of the Rangers were to leave tomorrow, Knowing for sure Den would stay, as would the ranger who was talking to the other, but how many others, he had no idea. He decided against coming back tomorrow, as it would be dangerous with everyone being outside to see some of the Rangers off. He needed to wait until they were long gone to come back safely.

((lol, I just noticed this, Fro’s father’s name is Halfred, not Hamfast…easy enough mistake, esp. since I didn‘t even notice. Heh heh. I‘m thinking Thon should send them to pack up or something like that.))
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Post RE: Rangers in the shire
on: August 06, 2005 09:08
Ooc - Right, Fro in a position to be kidnapped, that means having the Ranger busy away from her for a couple of days maybe. I can do that.

Ic - Thon shook himself mentally and changed the subject totally. "Well, I guess that gives our directionless little lives a bit of purpose. Those that are leaving go and pack. I know you're not going until tomorrow but if you get the work done today you can be a bit more relaxed about setting off in the morning." He shooed the men out of the kitchen. "Den, I want you to go into town today to find out about builders. Costs, hours, whatever else you might think of that could be useful."
"Will do!" Den sauntered off to his room to collect his cloak and, for a reason he couldn't quite put his finger on, his sword belt.
Downstairs he went into Carrey's office and began to rummage, calling as he did so, "Thon! Where did those plans end up!?"
"Drawer!" Came the helpful reply.
Muttering under his breath Den eventually recovered his drawings and made to leave via the kitchen. Thon however intercepted him with a money pouch.
"Lunch." He explained, "Just in case you end up busy."
"Thanks Thon." Just then Fro came back in, "Fro!" She turned, "I'll be gone for most of today I expect." He knelt and kissed her tenderly, "Don't miss me too much." And he winked rakishly as he left for Hobbiton.
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Post RE: Rangers in the shire
on: August 06, 2005 10:18
"I'll try not to, and I'll be waiting for you when you get back." Fro called after Den when he stepped out the door. He waved from the road, and she blew him a kiss and watched as he dissappeared from sight. She sighed and busied herself with a pen and paper, titling it "Wedding Invitations." She scratched down names of close family, like her mother and father, aunts, uncles and cousins, but soon she was having trouble remembering names. She needed some fresh air, and she wanted to stretch her legs. Getting up from the table, she grabbed an apple from the kitchen counter and left through the back door. She walked around the Inn and settled herself upon a nearby hilltop, the soft green grass beneath her and the sweet apple in her mouth, both comforted her and she relaxed against a small tree, watching the clouds drift slowly by. As soon as the apple was finished, Fro set it near her and drifted off to sleep.


Fresky went home and properly dressed himself, in nicer clothes. As soon as he washed his face and hands, he headed into town, taking the long way, in order to pass in front of the Laughing Robin. He didn't dawdle in front of it, but he did notice no one was outside.... except Frodurien. He almost smiled at the thought that she had settled herself down for a nap at the most conveinient place for him. But he wasn't ready for her yet, he was headed for Hobbiton to finish up a small house, which he could finish by himself within an hour. And he wasn't going to go slow either, he would rush through it, get a few things he needed and head back home, with or without Frodurien, he had no idea. At least not yet.
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Post RE: Rangers in the shire
on: August 06, 2005 10:48
Den was impressed how fast the cleanup from the previous night had gone. There was precious little evidence of the night's excesses beside a couple of tents waiting to be bagged up and stored wherever it was the Hobbits stored these things.
"Anyway, builders." He shook himself from his musings and made a beeline for the nearest Pub, hoping that someone in there would know where he could enquire.
"Master Ethoner?" The unexpected hail caused Den to look up as he ducked through the low doorway and brain himself on the frame.
"Ow! No, not Ethoner, his younger brother Denother."
"Oh! I am sorry! I didn't mean to startle you!" The barmaid rushed over, blushing furiously, and led Den to the only place he could comfortably sit down, which was on the floor in a corner near the bar, "Are you alright Sir? That was a nasty crack you got."
"I'm fine thankyou Milady, I've survived worse." He grinned charmingly.
"You are Ethoner's brother aren't you." It was a statement as the barmaid eyed Den up unashamedly.
"I take it you made Thon's aquaintence last night then?"
"Yes, he didn't seem to know many of the dances, but he was a fast learner."
"Where we come from that's a survival trait."
"Oh really? Well I wouldn't like to come from where you come from. Anyway, can I get you anything?"
"Bit early in the morning I'm afraid, I was actually coming in to ask if you knew of any reputable builders in the area?"
"Well..." The barmaid considered for a while, "The best around here would be the Derins brothers. Good work, good quality and good timekeeping. They built an extension to this place a while back. Yes, you're probably best going to them."
In the privacy of his own mind a string of curses to make a Corsair blush fired off at this pronouncement but on the outside Den smiled, thanked the barmaid, enquired when Lunch was and politely took his leave, making sure to avoid the woodwork as he left.

Ooc - This will liekly be edited later. It's a bit late at night to be carrying on whith what might turn out pretty long once I've finished.
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Post RE: Rangers in the shire
on: August 06, 2005 04:14
((lol, funny stuff))

Fresky trotted down the road, knowing full well he would be a little late getting to the building site, but that wasn’t the reason he was hurrying. Although, thankfully, it would appear that way, and no one would become curious. As he turned the corner lane he bumped into a large hobbit. He quickly saw it was his brother, and got up, dusting himself off.
“Why are ya so late?” Gillihad asked, “It don’t got nutin’ ter do with that lass ya like, Frodurien, does it?” Fresky just stared at him, and walked next to him as they sauntered off to the house they were supposed to be building. Right before they got to the unfinished hole, Fresky began to get antsy.
“Why did you ask me that?”
“‘Cause yer gonna git yerself into lots o’ trouble by messin’ with ‘er, ya know.”
“No I’m not, it’s her that’s going to get in trouble by messing with me.”
“She don’t like you, ya know. She told me.”
“When did you talk to her? Why? What did you say about me?”
“Nothin’, don’t you worry. But yer gonna be sorry if ya don’t leave her alone.”
“I’m going to have her.”
“Ya is not.”
“Yes, I am! I am!”
“Ya know, I’ve never seen ya so determined before. Why is it ya want her?”
“Because, because I love her.”
“Ya do? I thought it’s cause she don’t like ya. I think tha’s why ya wants ‘er.”
“That has nothing to do with it.”
“Ok, whateva ya says, lets get ter work on dis here ‘ome, alrigh’?”
“Yes, lets.” Fresky stomped off and got to work, working double time because he was so angry about what his brother said. It’s not true, it can’t be true. I love her. Well, partly. Maybe more like want her, ugh. Maybe he’s right, no he isn’t right. Is he?
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Post RE: Rangers in the shire
on: August 07, 2005 09:49
Ooc - I was just wondering where Gillihad's accent's coming from? I'm getting an odd mix of Somerset, 'hired goon' and something I just can't place. Much giggles yet it works, it really does.

Ic - At the Robin Thon wandered aimlessly around for a bit, checking that everyone was packing and that they weren't leaving the place looking a tip. As he entered the common room to look for anything the lads might have left he heard a deep sigh emanate from a sofa near the fire. Curious he approached.
"Caramon." He gave his own sigh as he found the Rohirric sword master reclining dramatically.
"Hmm?" caramon didn't open his eyes.
Thon took a deep breath. This was going to take a lot of courage to say.
"Caramon, I just want to say... I understand. Well, maybe not all of it, but at least how you feel. We've all lost people we love but few of us have seen them torn away from us that we may never see them again. I have. I've known you since we were rookies together under Sergeant Hama and you've always been someone I would trust with anything."He paused for a second and seemed to be thinking. Caramon's eyes were still closed but he had taken on a demeanour of intense concentration, "It hurts me a little that you couldn't trust me with... how you are but I suppose I can see why you didn't. I... I guess what I'm trying to say Caramon, is that not amtter what I am your friend, just as we were when we used to sneak out of barracks at night to get drunk. I'm here for you Caramon."
"I know." The words were quiet but Thon heard them. "And anyway, you were always the one getting drunk!" Caramon sat up, some of his good humour restored.
"Was not! What about the pair of us staggering about the Second Level singing unlikely songs about Hedgehogs?"
"Oh yeah! I'd forgotten that." Caramon sniggered.
"Anyway." Thon was suddenly business like, "You go off and find Tanis. Yout wo need some alone time before tomorrow. I'll see to it that you aren't disturbed."
Caramon's jaw dropped. "You really mean that?!"
"Yes, I may not like the idea personally but that's no excuse to deprive you. Now scoot!"
"Woo hoo!" Caramon fair leapt from his seat and ran to Tanis' room while Thon chuckled to himself as he sat and contemplated the fire.


Den meandered his way along Hobbiton's streets checking shop signs, which wasn't hard as they were often at eye height. Soon he found the one he was looking for, 'Derins and Derins,Builders.' Well, that was a good sign, people that gave little hype often didn't need it so, much as he hated to admit it, Denw as probably on to a winner here.
He knocked on the door and ducked inside.
"Good...grief!" The Clerk behind the desk did a rather unsubtle double take and Den folded himself into the room. "I mean," He hastily corrected himself, "Good morning Master Ranger. What can I do for you?"
"I've come to talk to someone about some rather extensive modifications to be done to The Laughing Robin Inn, just outside town."
"Ah, you'll want to speak with Mr Derins for that Sir. He deals with new clients and jobs."
"Very well. Which Mr Derins by the way?"
"Gillihad Derins, the elder brother."
"Ah, good."
"Good Sir?"
"Oh, nothing. When could I see Mr Derins?"
"Well, he's out finishing a job at present but he said to expect him back in, oh, about an hour. Would you like to wait?" The Clerk guestured to some Hobbit sized chairs near the front window.
"I'll wait outside if it's all the same to you. I prefer to be able to stand up straight."
"Of course Sir."

[Edited on 7/8/2005 by Alsin_of_the_Forest]
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Post RE: Rangers in the shire
on: August 07, 2005 05:00
((yeah, it’s like a whole bunch of western accents strewn together in whatever order, along with a little english dropping of h’s and things along that line, I just tried talking like it, kinda hard actually, I was just thinking he should be almost opposite from his brother, ya know? Very smart in social matters, but very lazy about his speech.))

Taking about half the time it should have, Fresky and Gillihad finished the job and went through the house, checking to make sure everything was perfect. One of the owners, a Mr. Jarkins, stopped by when the two were outside, packing up.
“Everything finished? Already?” He asked, plainly bewildered.
“Yes, Sir. And I think you’ll find everything to your satisfaction.” Fresky said, bowing slightly. “Do you have the last payment?”
“Yes indeed.” The Hobbit reached into his deep pocket and pulled out a small sack of coins, handing it to Fresky. He took it, quickly looked over it and smiled at the Mr. Jarkins.
“Thank you, Sir. Everything seems to be in hand. If you have any questions or concerns, do feel free to stop by the shop anytime we are open.”
“Thank you, then. And I hope you have a pleasant day.”
“Oh, I shall. Good luck painting. We could do it for you, if you’d like.”
“No, Sir. My son and I can do that fine. Good day to you.”
“Good day!” Gillihad and Fresky called out together, disappearing down the lane together. They were in town after about five minutes, and headed straight for the shop.
Once Fresky and his brother could see the shop, they saw a tall man standing outside the door. Fresky stopped suddenly, causing his brother to bump right into him and they both clattered to the ground.
“Now what’d ya do that fer?” Gillihad glared angrily at his brother.
“Him.” He said, motioning for his brother to look in front of the store, he gulped. “That’s, that’s…”
“Frodurien’s Man.” Gillihad interrupted, snickering.
“Not funny. And how did you-- never mind.”
Fresky got up, brushed himself off and walked proudly to his store, Gillihad prancing behind him, carrying most of the stuff.
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Post RE: Rangers in the shire
on: August 08, 2005 11:31
Den did hsi best to keep his face civil, or at the very least expressionless, as Fresky passed without a word. Gillihad on the other hand was a different matter.
"Would you like a hand with that Mr Derins?"
"Oh, no Sir, but ta for the offer all the same." He kicked the door open and went into the cool dimness inside, Den followed. "Is there anyting I can 'elp ya with Sir?" Gillihad asked as he deposited his equipent in a corner, to be tidied when he had time.
"As a matter of fact there is..."


"Thankyou Gillihad. I'm sure that everyone concerned will be more than happy with that."
"Don' mention it Sir."
"Den, please.
"Den then. I'll be seein' ya in three days then."
"I look forward to it." Den shook Gillihad's hand, ducked out of the shop and made his way back to that morning's Pub for lunch.
"Ah, Master Denother!" The barmaid called out as he entered, "I told Cook you'd be coming and he's made sure to have plenty for you!"
Den's eyes widened, 'plenty'? By Hobbit standards? He'd pop!
"Oh! Well, tell him thankyou but he didn't need to do that."
"Oh nonsense." The barmaid hustled him to his corner where a table had been placed, "A big Man like you, you'd be eating twice as much as us!"
"Not true I'm afraid. I must confess that I can't work out where Hobbits put all that they eat, you must have hollow legs or something because, despite appearances the portion sizes are more the other way around."
The barmaid looked taken aback but eventually shrugged, "Oh well, we're busy enough, we'll find someone to eat it."
Den chuckled, "I'm sure you will."
Lunch it turned out was a thick stew with prime beef cooked to a turn and all sorts of vegetables and new potatoes along with fesh baked, fragrent rolls and rich yellow butter.
The price was modest as well so, with a few coins still jingling at his belt and no-one expecting him back much before dinner Den decided to go and visit Oin the Smith to see how his order was coming along.


"Come in!" The gruff voice sounded in reply to Den's knock. "Den my lad!" Oin left his forge and come over to grasp Den's hand in a firm, sooty grip. "Come to check on your order?"
"Indeed Master Oin, and to ask whether you needed any of those forward payments you talked about."
"Well one would actually be helpful lad, I've got an order coming tomorrow I expect that'll let me actually start the thing, but you can see the other materials I have and listen to a few thoughts I've had on it."
"By all means."
Oin led Den to a little locker at the back of the Forge in one of the cooler areas. Opening it he drew out a slab or grey metal about the size of his hand and a imilarly shaped piece of a rosy orange colour. "Shire Copper is that." He informed Den proudly, "We don't have much of it round here but what we do have is damn good stuff and the steel is pretty pure weapons grade stuff, could make a very nice sword out of that metal if that's what you'd ordered."
"It seems rather a lot for the purpose."
"Aye, I got about three times as much as I'd need owing to the fact that I've had a couple of ideas about how to do the making and I'd like to try them out before I do the real thing. It's won't be costing you any more though, it's a technical challenge what you've asked for and it'll be nice to know if and how I can do it for future reference."
"Aye." Den nodded in pleasure, everythign seemed to be going nicely. "Anyway, how much money were you after?"
"Oh, not a lot lad, ten copper ought to do it. Just enough change so I don't have to dip into the gold coins I have about. I only like to do that if it's a big cost."
"I see what you mean." Den emptied the rest of the purse into his hand, exactly ten copper coins slipped out. "Look at that, cleaned me out you have! He smiled.
"Sorry about that lad. Any dates yet?"
"Two and a half months ought to be a safe bet."
"Right you are, more than enough time."
"Good good."Den made his way outside with Oin following. "Well, thankyou for letting me see that. Send me a message of some description if you need anything else."
"Will do lad. Will do." They shook hands and Den began to make his way back to The Robin at a leisurly pace.
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Post RE: Rangers in the shire
on: August 09, 2005 06:25
((I have to stop, my chars are all in love... lol, no just two of them. are we going for the gold in post length? jk))

Fresky left out of the back of the building in order to avoid Den as much as possible. The man made him so nervous! He stopped in a shop where he bought some rope and a small brown cloak. He peeked over to his store, seeing Den still there with Gillihad. He wondered what on Middle Earth could they be talking about. Grabbing his bag, he headed for the far side of town, setting out for Grammilda's cottage.

He spotted the place, not very attractive looking at all. It had a black door and a rusty door handle. Her outside flower bushes were all dead and the weeds around them horrific. He brushed past them, knocking sharply four times on the door.
"What do you want?" Called a shrill, gravelly voice from the inside.
"I am in need of your services, my dear. I have a dillemma. Let me in, I shall not discuss this through the door." He yelled back.
"Alright then, come in. The door is unlocked. I wasn't expecting any visitors today. Nobody needs a witch these days. I've cured everything from baldness to losing an inch here or there. Even warts and nasty cuts and scrapes. What is it that you need, you don't look too bad. You could do with a hair cut." Fresky made a face.
"My hair is perfectly fine, I like it this way. Now, tell me Grammilda darling, What do you have in sleeping potions and things along that line."
"You having trouble sleeping, boy?"
"No, I need something to make a person weak, unable to call out. Can you recommend something?" Grammilda raised an eyebrow and cleared her throat.
"What exactly do you want it to do?"
"Make someone fall in love with me." He muttered under his breath, unwilling for her to hear. He tried to say something else, but she cut him off.
"A love potion, eh? I wouldn't a thought you had trouble with the ladies."
"Something strong, very strong."
"Alright then. I have several potions. What's your dilemma?"
"The girl is getting married, to someone who isn't good for her. I need to stop it."
"Ah, you must care a lot for the lass then, eh?"
"Um, yes. Yes I do. Please hurry though, I need to get her away from him as soon as possible."
"Ok then. I have exactly the stuff you are lookin' for. If you'll just come back here." She walked into a small, stiffling room, filled wall to wall, floor to ceiling with potion bottles. He smiled. "This is what you need." She handed him a rather large purple bottle. "Only a few drops ought to do it. This stuff is strong."
"Can I take the whole thing, just in case I have to dose her more than once?"
"Don't let me interject, it's your money. But to tell you the truth, with as much as you have in that there bottle, I'd say that would last for at least five years of doses every day. Do be careful." She said, climbing off the small step ladder and leading to the front door.
"That there is fifteen silver, or three gold peices. Whichever way you want to split it up is fine with me."
"Are you serious? That seems a little much. But I guess it's worth it, if it works the way you say it does."
"It does."
"Alright then." He took out his money pack and emptied it into both his hands. He counted out one gold peice, ten silver and handed it to the woman, putting the bottle in his bag.
"Thank you, Sir. And come back soon!" She said, smiling.
"No, thank you." He said, grinning. He had what he needed.
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Post RE: Rangers in the shire
on: August 10, 2005 09:28
Ooc - That's nothing Fro, at one point I ended up with two different characters in love with two different women in two different threads, but the women were played by the same person! And they realised their feelings in the same way! That was surreal. And there was a lot of ground to cover in our posts, they grew!

Ic - Dinner at the Robin was a boisterous affair. Carrey had lifted her normal regulations on the consumption of alcohol in polite company in view of it being the last time those staying would see those leaving for a long time, perhaps even forever.
Tonight however was not a time to dwell on the risks Rangers take or the friendships that may be lost. It was a night for getting sloshed, professing undying love to your friends and making a fool of yourself. To this end the Rangers were giving their all, they had already treated the Hobbits to a rendition of 'A Wizard's Staff has a Knob on the End', 'The Hedgehog Song' as sung loudly by Thon and Caramon (who had surfaced just after dinner with Tanis, the pair of them looking slightly flushed and very happy) and were now moving on to try and remember the words to a song that Sorrel half remembered as having something to do with weasels and mufflers.
"When the weasel's cold he something something else!" Den declared.
"Nah! 'S wrong tune!" Tanis pointed out in inehbriated wisdom.
"My weasel isn't cold anymore." Caramon observed to no-one in particular earning him odd looks from those furthest gone or who hadn't been in on the conversation.

Ooc - I'm gonna let you get a look in Fro, put forward your views on this disgusting behaviour, or to join in of course!
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Post RE: Rangers in the shire
on: August 10, 2005 06:40
((Jolly good... sorry bout this, I forgot to tell you earlier, I am leaving for Busch Gardens in the morning, and I won't be back for three days... I'll be able to post on sunday...i'll miss you!))

Fro laid back on the couch, all giggley at the songs she had been dancing to, clumsily of course. She was drunker than she had ever been before, and had landed in several laps already this evening. No one remained somber in The Laughing Robin, even Carrey had sunk. Anyone could hear her shrill laughter, as she was flirting unashamedly with three rangers off in one of the corners.
Fro poured herself another sherry, passing a few to others as well. Of course, at this point the floor was getting the best of the drink, as she was seeing three glasses instead of just one. When she tried to walk back to her spot on the couch, she slipped on the puddle on the floor, and was having a time getting herself up again as she would lose her balance and fall over again and again. Finally she got up, tired from the insistant falling, and she tripped over to a spot to sit once again.
"Carrey!" She called. "Carrey, since 'ey can' decide whatta shing, why no' you trea'us to a song, eh?"
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Post RE: Rangers in the shire
on: August 11, 2005 10:17
Ooc - Fro! Talk about short notice. Hey ho. I will miss ya honey :hug: I'll just have to make use of three days to A practice scales on the piano bleargh! and b) breed numerous little plot bunnies!! Much more fun!

Ic - "She in't schingin'!" Quentin called happily from the corner, "She can't schtring two..." His brow creased, "Things... make talk with 'em... Words! Can't schtring two words together!" Beside him Carrey slid off of her chair with a hiccup.
"Wow! They don' call you Big Flolk for nuthin'." She observed happily.
Tanis had managed to remain the most sober of the group, while still losing enough inhibitions to allow him to spend the evening entwined with his lover with no fear, and he glanced at the clock.
"'S late." He observed.
"We gotta be up 'morrow." Marakion joined in. He had no great reason to be up and drinking with the lads but what sane military man would pass up the oppourtunity for a free p... knees up?
"We gonna be icky!" Caramon observed from his little cocoon of warmth in Tanis' arms.
"Simon already gone to be icky!" Quentin revealed with a sadistic little giggle, then promptly fell off his stool. "Ow! I'm a'right!" He made no effort to get up.
"Bed!" Thon barked, or tried to. It's is well known that alcohol does nothing for your voice so what came out was more of a strangled yip, to continue the metaphor.
"Yay! I like tha' idea!" Den tried to sweep Fro up in his arms and off to his room but an excess of drunkeness and a firm shove from Thon sent the pair of them sprawling on the sofa again.
"Not like that!" He clarified, "We gotta sleep. An' I'm goin' if no-one else is!" He stood and staggered slightly, "Grr. This floor's go' ideas! Fallin' away from me! An' look at it now, comin' up to meet it's superior! I'll show it who's boss!" And with very little ado Thon fell over. It was quite spectacular really, none of this soppy sagging at the knees or hitting anything else on the way down, just from ninety degrees to one hundred and eighty without apparently moving a muscle.
"'S gotta hurt." Den observed. "C'mon then. He pushed himself upright with a few false starts, "Deb, mean Bed! Somewhere, someone's bed. Bed!"
The healer in Den kept him in the room until everyone had staggered their way to wherever they were going to spend the night when he gently rolled Thon onto his side and threw a blanket over him so he didn't get cold. Then he made his wobbling way to his own soft, comfortable deb, I mean bed!

((This is pretty much plagarised from a Dragonlance book. I'm sorry. But I love the description so much and I think it may apply here.))

The sun rose with an ear splitting crack.
"Urgh!" Den lifted his head then fell back with a thud. A whimper sounded from the floor. Rolling over Den found Quentin had somehow managed to conk out in his room!
"'Lo Quen." The younger man groaned, "Do you remember last night?"
"Good. So long as I'm not the only one."
"What is that awful noise?"
Den looked over at the window and groaned.
"Good Morning Campers!!"
"Arrrgh!" Den clamped his pillow over his ears, Quentin made do with his hands.
Sorrel clapped his hands, earning another groan, and proceeded to pull the covers off of Den's bed.
"Up and attem Campers! We've got a big day today!"
Den lot forth a stream of expletives as Sorrel removed the bedclothes revealing that he had been at least sober enough last night to undress before going to bed, "Give that back!"
Sorrel chuckled, "Well, looks as if Fro's a lucky woman. Anyway, put some pants on man and get your yrros ediskcab to the kitchen," He instructed, borrowing a phrase Caramon favored, "Tanis is making a hangover cure." He added.
Den clutched his stomach, "Not the one with the..."
"Urgh! I'll have to come down won't I? Half the lads'll be needing my help once they've had that!"

Downstairs the kitchen was full of Rangers looking various shades of white to green and Tanis, also looking illegally chipper after the previous night's excesses mixing away happily at something that, when he lifted the spoon, had the consistency of warm mucus and a colour to match. Many of the men were fighting back retches at the very sight.
"You babies!" Tanis cheerfully informed them, "This'll make you feel so much better once it's finished."
"Yeah." Simon put in, "It'll kill us. That would be a major improvement on how I'm feeling right now!"

Ooc - OK. Very long indeed. Have fun Fro!!! I wanna go to America but it's so far away! :cry: Luvs much!
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Post RE: Rangers in the shire
on: August 15, 2005 08:23
((I am back! yay for long posts!))

Fro heard yelling and ear-splitting screams from down the hall, and she covered her ears with a pillow, trying desperately to fall back asleep. The bright light in the room wasn't helping at all, and she got up slowly, tripped over the rug and fell into her dresser. She splashed some water in her face and winced as a door slammed obnoxiously loud down the hall. She started to shake her head, but stopped as her brain sloshed from side to side, which hurt like being shot with two arrows through the head. She tip-toed quietly to the door, opening it, and proceeding to close it as quietly as she could, but in the process it let out a horrible squeak and she covered her ears with her hands. She decided it had best be left open, and set off down the hall, towards the kitchen, where, for some odd reason, the smells of skunk were coming from instead of the normal inviting smells of breakfast.
She squinted at the light from the sun and pushed through the kitchen door, covering her ears from what seemed to be Simon yelling about being killed.
"Shhhh!" Fro hissed at him. "What is that disgusting smell? Where is it coming from?" She questioned the table, which made a few rangers chuckle.
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Post RE: Rangers in the shire
on: August 15, 2005 11:56
Ooc - YAY!!! Days of re-reading drunken Rangers, gets a little stangant lol!

Ic - "'S Tanis' hangover 'cure'." Den raised his head from the table long enough to catch Fro's eye, "Really I think it's just designed to make you hurl and get rid of all the alcohol."
"Nonsense!" Tanis cheefully shook the contents of an unmarked jar from Carrey's spice rack into the bubbling pot, "It's all proven herblore! Garlic, good for you digestion, makes you process it faster. Willowbark for headaches. Raw eggs for protein." Thon, who had been perched in a corner looking delicate bolted out of the back door heading determindly for the Privy, "Wimp. Anyway that's about it except for the cinnamon, honey, water and just a pinch of my secret ingredient to give it a little kick. Now," He placed hsi hands on his hips and looked around the assembly, "Who's first?"
"Go on." Simon raised a tentative hand, "Kill or cure, either is an improvement I suppose." He took a glass of the offending mixture, gently as though it might explode, held his nose and downed the lot in one. A collective gasp ran around the room as the young man was scrutinized for signs of dying a horrible death. After a few seconds Simon gasped as well and hit the table with his fist a few times while staring off into the middle distance. His face began to go red and he ran an uncomfortable finger around his collar. If this were a cartoon steam would have been coming out of his ears. After about fifteen seconds however he let out an sigh and appeared to be waiting for something.
"Well?" Den questioned.
"Not bad really." Simon was still looking at a random spot on the wall, listening to his body's reactions, "He wasn't kidding about the kick and it tastes vile but I don't want to throw up, my head doesn't hurt so much at all. Infact, I'm feeling pretty good!"
"Well in that case you can go and feed the horses while the rest of us partake of the elixer of life!" Thon had returned and was leant against the doorframe looking pale.
"Aww!" Simon protested but went anyway.
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Post RE: Rangers in the shire
on: August 17, 2005 07:27
Fro backed away slowly from Tanis and finally found one of the walls. After seeing Simon, however, she felt a little better about the mixture and sat down at the table next to Den. Quentin was the next to down some of the mixture, and he looked as if he were about to pop. He started to sweat, but after only about twenty seconds he started to breath normally again and his normal face color returned.
"I feel... better!" He said, wide-eyed and examining his fingers. "My head ache's gone, and I don't feel so wobbly."
Fro giggled and decided she didn't want to wait any longer to feel better, although she was afraid of the fact that she would be the first Hobbit to try it. She shrugged and looked over at the pot.
"I'll go next, I would give anything to get rid of this hangover." Tanis half smiled and presented her with a cup of the nasty liquid. Fro closed her eyes as she downed the cup, gaging periodically until it was all gone. She coughed a few times, suddenly becomeing very, very hot. She put her hands on her face and stared at the ceiling. Soon enough, her headache was gone and she was feeling downright chipper. She smiled at Tanis.
"Thanks for that, I feel much better."
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Post RE: Rangers in the shire
on: August 17, 2005 08:38
Three safe tests seemed to prove it and the Rangers fair piled onto the table amid delicate cries of "Gimme Gimme!". Soon all those present and suffering had been medicated and Caramon had set to cooking up a breakfast that would see those leaving through until their next meal near sunset.
Simon returned looking dusty and hot, reporting that the horses were fed and watered with their tack on the fence where they were tethered ready to be put on by their riders.
"I am not tangling with Mithraug!" The young man declared, reffering to Sorrel's mount who had a distressing tendency to bite where it hurt, coupled with very good aim.

Soon all that could be eaten had been, the horses were brushed 'til they gleamed and saddled with freshly cleaned tack. Packs had been tied onto saddles, all that remained to be done was the hard part.
"You men have been a pleasure to command." Thon stood before the gathered company, Caramon stood behind him with Den and Fro, the picture of a happy couple, completing the Robin's complement. "There isn't a lot left that any of us here could have taught you but all of you still have a lot left to learn. Only life can teach you that so go, remember your oath, remember us and enjoy yourself, life isn't worth it if it isn't fun!"
A ragged cheer went up from the men.
"Now, Tanis is in charge until you get to where your going when things may change. Take his orders like they were mine." He stepped back in line with Caramon, Den and Fro, "Godspeed."
The men began to drift to their mounts, their steps a little heavy but resigned. Suddenly Tanis broke from the group, darted back to those by the Inn and swept Caramon up into a fierce embrace and a passionate kiss. Whoops and cat calls broke out and both men were blushing hard when they pulled away.
"Have fun." Tanis whispered in Caramon's ear before running back to his horse and mounting up. "Pellanor or bust lads!" He cried before laying heels to his mount and leading the men at a gallop out of the dust yard and into the horizon.

Ooc - Soppy, cliche, call it what you will. It had to be done.
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Post RE: Rangers in the shire
on: August 20, 2005 02:26
((I think it is cute... sorry about not posting earlier, I don't know what to post, and I still don't. I am completely drained, but I hope you can work off this...))

Fro watched as the men rode off into the distance, until they turned a corner and disappeared. She leaned onto Den and sighed, "I thought they were going to stay long enough to come to our wedding. I sure am going to miss them." She shrugged. "But at least I don't have to watch you ride away. I wouldn't be able to handle it." She half-smiled and then turned to Caramon, who looked like he was about to collapse. "Get him inside, Den, quickly." He followed her direction and put an arm around Caramon, half carrying him inside the Inn, and plopping him down onto the couch.
Fro pushed Den away and sat herself down next to him. "Caramon?" she whispered softly. He didn't answer, but stared into the fire. Fro didn't want to push it, so she didn't say anything else, but wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him into a hug, laying his head on her shoulder.
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Post RE: Rangers in the shire
on: August 23, 2005 08:50
Ooc - It's fine, I'm sure I can do something with it. Sorry I didn't post yesterday, a set of cousins I don't see a lot suddenly appeared for dinner and I had to be social, much though I love 'em. lol!

Ic - As they came inside, smiling sadly, Thon tugged on Den's sleeve.
"Come on, leave them to it, I've got something to show you."
He led his brother into the cellar where an old char was in the centre of the room, a sheet covering it.
"Quentin knew he'd cry or something if he presented this himself, he really loved his time here and I suppose if he gave this to Carrey then he really would be leaving. He asked me to do it. I thought you might like to see it first so it's our surprise for the girls."
"Alright." Den grinned, he liked giving people surprises, "How did it turn out then?"
"Voila!" Thon pulled the sheet off of the thick slap of carved oak. Den gasped in wonder.
The wood had mainly been left natural, polished to a smooth shine, but Quentin had used different shades of varnish on different levels of the carving to pick out the important features. The Robin's brest was stained red, his tears of mirth and the snow around him were outlined in brilliant white and the name of the pub in its flowery script had been carefully gilt. The little tin nearby revealed it to be nothing mroe expensive than gold paint but it looked good all the same.
"Wow!" Den's eyes were wide, "I knew Quen had an artistic streak, but this?! It's incredible!"
"I know!" Thon agreed enthusiastically, "That's pretty much what I said when I first saw it. Put it this way, even if nno-one comes to the Pub once we put this thing up they'll all know where we are at least."

Ooc - I haven't moved it on much so you can have the choice of getting kidnapped, thread wise, today or tomorrow and how you get kidnapped.
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Post RE: Rangers in the shire
on: August 26, 2005 04:31
((kay kay... good job on your exams, thats exciting!! I started school yesterday, so I've been busy, but I shall post whenever I can... Caramon is mainly your charrie, but I shall have to use him a bit, to keep the story going...is that okiday?))

Frodurien let Caramon weep onto her shoulder. He held her tightly, looking for the comfort he found in Tanis.
"I know the feeling, Caramon, the feeling of having your lover walk himself into a fight, when you can't be there with him. But Tanis is a big boy, he can take care of himself... I am sure you'll see him again." She whispered comfortingly. He just held her tighter, as though he were a little boy trying to escape something scary, almost, it seemed to Fro, trying to hide himself from the world of lonliness he would now know for however long, maybe even forever.
She cried with him, remembering the horrible dreams she'd had when Den went with the other Rangers to save the Shire. The dreams of gruesome death's and horrible wounds. She shook the feeling off, and held Caramon as tightly as she could.
"You loved him, didn't you?"
"Uh huh." He grunted between loud sobs.
"And this is breaking you heart, isn't it?" He just shook at the thought.
"But you knew this would happen someday, didn't you? You knew he is married, has children. Oh, man do I wish we could control our emotions, and not let ourselves fall in love with those who are bound to leave someday." Caramon sighed glumily. The flood of tears had suddenly stopped. "All out of tears, Caramon? I swear it feels like I have stepped under a hot waterfall. I shall have to change at some point." She looked in his sorrow filled eyes and she felt pity for him. "I shall get you a drink, you will drink it here as I change my dress and then we will go out for some fresh air." She told him, and he nodded his head slightly, looking like a sad puppy.
Fro made him some strong cider, and gave it to him before scurrying back to her room to get changed. She peeled off her wet clothes and slid into put on a long blue dress and took down her hair as it was a bit of a chilly day. She walked around the Inn for a minute, looking for Den or Thon or even Carrey, but no one was around. She shrugged, took out a peice of paper, found a small pen and scribbled down a note to whoever came looking for them.
Taken Caramon out for a walk, will be back later.

She put the note on the kitchen table and went back to find Caramon had finished his drink, and was lying on the coach. "Come on. Up you get. We are going for a walk." She directed, and he dutifully got off the coach. She slipped her arm through his and escorted him out the door.
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Post RE: Rangers in the shire
on: August 27, 2005 09:51
Ooc - It's fine Fro, Caramon started out as a general character anyway but the tricksy beggar decided to grow himself a personality! I trust you not to make him run off with a one armed sword eater from Pelargir. lol!

Ic - Den and Thon emerged from the cellar just in time to hear the door close. Thon spotted the note and read it quickly.
"Oh well," He observed, "Caramon seemed to do most of his mourning yesterday and no-one can stay overly despondent around your Fro. He might be vaguely human by the time they come back."
Den sighed, "We can't expect miracles but if he's happy enough to eat something then I'm happy too."
"Good." Thon clapped his hands together, "We can't do anything much now. Well... I can, I have things to be setting up but I really don't want to. Not just yet anyhow. Wanna spar?"
"Why not?"
Both men collected their swords and made their way outside. Den glanced up at the sky thoughtfully for a second then removed his shirt.
"I'll get all hot and unpleasant." He explained, unnecessarily as it turned out as Thon followed suit.
"Your scar's looking good." He commented.
"Which one?" Den joked, guesturing to the network of fine white lines that covered his torso, his most recent aquisition had already faded to an angry pink with no puckering or distortion to speak of. "I know what you mean," He continued, "I've got to get that Dr Holied to teach me some of what he knows. If we had that potion stuff and the know how he used to stop me dying long enough to drink it then our numbers would near double!"
"Now don't exaggerate Den." Thon remonstrated as he began to limber up, "Now, are we going to talk or fight?"


Caramon and Fro had been walking for a while when they reached the banks of the river. Their walk had continued mainly in companionable silence and neither broke it as they settled beside the water and watched the Dragonflies skimming the surface. A fish leapt after one of the massive insects and Caramon chuckled as it flopped back into the mirror surface.
"What's funny?" Fro questioned quietly.
"Oh, nothing." Caramon smiled warmly as he stared into the river, "I was just remembering the time Tanis developed his fear of water."
"No! Tanis, afraid of water?!"
"Yeah, most Rangers have their foibles and it's alright to have them so long as you don't let them interfere with your duty. The boys back at base for example are both terrified of heights, to tell the truth I don't think that Thon likes being as tall as he is! Tanis was fine until one time we were patrolling together around Amon Hen." The tall man lay back more comfortably and his face took on the warm glow of nostalgia, "We'd been out for a week and only had Cram left to eat 'cause we got stuck at a swollen ford and couldn't cross safely for a couple of days. Eventually we decided to risk it, I went across first and was fine as my horse was built like a brick outhouse and about as excitable. Tanis on the other hand had a featherlite colt that wasn't fully trained. Halfway across it reared and bolted tossing Tanis off into the river. I caught the horse and found Tanis flapping about a little way downstream, he'd never learned how to swim and seemed to be staying afloat by sheer willpower. He never really liked any body of water larger than a bath after that." He chuckled again.

[Edited on 31/8/2005 by Alsin_of_the_Forest]
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Post RE: Rangers in the shire
on: September 07, 2005 07:54
Ooc - Fro, where the heck are you? I know you've started school again but couldn't you come and visit at weekends or something? You've gone quiet hon and I'm bored stupid over here!!

Language, Alsin, language! I've edited one word of this post to 'heck'.


[Edited on 7/9/2005 by berethedhellen]
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Post RE: Rangers in the shire
on: September 15, 2005 05:26
((I'm so sorry, Alsin, I got a new job, and school and drama club at two diff. schools, and karate and voice and drivers ed, and piano. I've just been really, really busy, but I promise I'll try really hard to post as much as I can, its just, I need some sleeping time too.))

Fro giggled, "So that's why he wouldn't go past that tree over there when everyone was down at the river bank. I always wondered about that." She giggled again and scooted close to Caramon, giving him a big hug. "You know, Hobbit's aren't meant to swim. My father wouldn't let me learn, I had to sneak swimming lessons from my cousin Barty up in Buckland. When father saw me swimming one night, he almost died. I had to stay at Barty's house for a month before it was safe to come back to the house." She smiled at the thought of how she had loved to make him angry, just because that way she could get whatever she wanted from him just by being good.
"Daddy was still red-faced when I came home, and he wouldn't talk to me. Thought I was too far gone to ever come back again. Thats what I heard him telling Mother. That was about the time Frodo came back from his adventures. I spent loads of time sitting with him, listening to his stories. I knew they were true, but hardly anyone else believed him, it was just too scandalous!" Fro giggled. "They were terribly adventurous, those stories. I'm sure you've heard all about them, of course, from Rohan and Gondor. But I think what he wrote down in the book is best. You should try reading it sometime. I keep it on the bookshelf across from the fireplace."
Fro smiled out at the bird flying over the water, and the conversation stopped for a long while. She looked up at the clouds and laughed aloud, remembering a game she used to play. Perhaps now would be a good time for it. "Caramon? Aren't the cloud's beautiful? I could sit here all day and watch them as the roll on by. You know, if we sit and look up at them for a while, we can see shapes. Like, ooh! Look! Over there, that lookes like a rabbit being pulled from a little hat! Do you see it? OH! And that one looks like two bears kissing." She giggled at the thought. "What do you see, Caramon?"
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Post RE: Rangers in the shire
on: September 16, 2005 09:23
Ooc - It's fine honey! I did miss you lots and am glad you're back but you had good reason. I started college last week and have two shows and piano lessons to deal with so I likely wont be on as much as I'd like either. But we're here now and that's what counts.
Oh, and sorry Bereth. *Grins sheepishly and slaps wrist*.

Ic - Caramon sighed, "I see... A dragon. A huge dragon curled around a mountain top and screaming defiance to the sky. And one of those huge smiley fish they have around Pelargir that chase boats and play with swimmers. And..." he chuckled and felt at least some of his loneliness leave him as he lay beneath the sky with a young Hobbit Lass who was not afraid of him for being a Ranger or disgusted with him for being gay. As far as he could be happy so soon after losing his love, he was.
"Say." He put in after a while, "Those sword lessons with Carrey fell through a little didn't they? Do you think I'd get much response if I put up a note in the square advertising lessons?"
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Post RE: Rangers in the shire
on: September 16, 2005 09:46
Fro thought about that for a minute. "I know of at least three Hobbit's in town who'd love to get themselves involved with this. Maybe a couple others as well. You'd get a better result if we were housed in Buckland, or Tookland. It's the Brandybuck in me that attracted me to you rangers in the first place." She smiled at him and got to her feet. "Up for a swim?" She asked before she walked a few feet into the cool water. The bottom of her dress was just touching the top of the water when she turned around to gesture Caramon to come in with her.
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Post RE: Rangers in the shire
on: September 16, 2005 12:02
"Whyever not?" Caramon removed his boots, stood and stripped off his shirt and sword belt leaving him clad in just leggings. With none of the hesitancy of Fro, inching her way into the cold water, Caramon took a running jump and sliced cleanly into the water at its deepest point. He surfaced, shaking teh excess water from his hair.
"Well, maybe I could take a few class with your friends then, get them into it, and then run residental courses over weekends or whole weeks for people from further afield. They could stay in the Robin, train for a few hours a day and sample what delights this area has to offer the rest of the time."
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Post RE: Rangers in the shire
on: October 03, 2005 07:41
Fro gave up getting used to the temperature of the water, as she had just been completely drenched. She ran in after him and soon found herself unable to stand. "What an absolutely wonderful idea!" She said when she was able to catch her breath. "Carrey'll love it! Oh, I hope this is a monumental success, as we Hobbit's need this, I mean. What happens if we fall under attack? All we would be able to do is throw stones, and pots and pans." She almost giggled at the thought.
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Post RE: Rangers in the shire
on: October 03, 2005 08:47
Caramon laughed as well, "Now that I would have to see!" He ducked under the water again and swam clean to the other side of the bend, when he surfaced he continued, "That's settled then. I'll put up a notice in the square as soon as we get back and start lessons tomorrow."


Back at the Robin Thon and Den's sparring match had descended from noble and sportsman like into an all out wrestling match.
Thon had just pinned Den to the dusty ground and had nearly finished his count when a quiet cough made the pair of them jump.
"Not interrupting am I?"
Den raised his chin so that he was looking upside down at the newcomer.
"'Lo Pippin, how's you this fine morning?"
"Alright thankyou, wondering quite what you're up to."
"Sparring." Den looked at his brother, "Thon, you can let me up now."
"Oh, sorry." The Rangers disentangled themselves and sat on the ground.
"We need to keep practicing to keep ourselves sharp. What can we do for you?"
"Oh, nothing much." Pippin smiled, "I just saw the rest of your lot leaving and wondered if you'd want some company."
"That'd be nice." Thon answered, standing, "Just give us a chance to get cleaned up and dressed and we'll be with you. Make youself at home in the meantime."
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Post RE: Rangers in the shire
on: October 08, 2005 05:29
Fro smiled brightly, "I can't wait!" She said as she swam to the middle of the lake and went under for a while. She surfaced, and found herself a whole lot closer to Caramon then she had been before, that must have been his doing, as she was still near the middle of the lake. She giggled and splashed at him. He splashed back.
They went on with a splashing fight and then giggled themselves silly as they swam towards the shore again, both being half-drownded. Fro trudged out of the lake, slowly climbed the hill and layed out among the grass, soaking in the warm sunlight. Caramon layed beside her, and they dried themselves out, mostly, as they talked of what would happen during the lessons.

"It'll grow in popularity I'm sure," Fro was saying. "As the lads decide its a good idea. And maybe it'd be a good way to show off, huh?"

((Sorry, i really don't know what to write today...))

[Edited on 9/10/2005 by Frodurien]
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Post RE: Rangers in the shire
on: October 09, 2005 10:16
Her long black hair was pulled back into a braid that hung down her back, warrior braids at the temples. Her midnight blue eyes didn't miss a thing as she rode toward the inn.
She needed some rest and relaxation, a comfortable place to unwind and have a few ales. She had been through a very long and arduous journey, following the trail of a former friend who needed to be brought to justice for a crime he had tried to pin on her.
Justice had prevailed, although in a far different way than she had first thought when she set out to take care of the issue.
As she rode closer, her elven eyes picked up on two males rolling around in the dirt, and then stopping, apparently due to the sudden appearance of a hobbit. She smiled to herself. Now this was a very pleasant surprise.
She rode closer to them and then dismounted silently, leading the horse and then letting it go toward the water coming out of the pump as the two men cleaned up. The horse nudged first one, then the other, out of the way, and their shouts of surprise ended in "Den, I recognize this horse."
"Well, I would hope so. You shelled out enough gold to get her for me."
She couldn't help but smile at the expressions on the faces of the men as they turned toward the familiar voice.
"Well, well. I certainly was not expecting the both of you shirtless and dirty, but I must say, you're a sight for sore eyes."

[Edited on 9/10/2005 by Iell-daughter-of-elves]
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Post RE: Rangers in the shire
on: October 09, 2005 10:35
"Menel!" Thon swept her up into a bear hug, "You little harlot you. How've you been?" As soon as he released her she found herself wrapped in a more genteel, but no less welcoming embrace by Den.
"It's good to see you again mellon nin." He smiled as he released her.
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Post RE: Rangers in the shire
on: October 09, 2005 10:43
Menel smiled at Den. "It's good to see you again too, Den." She kissed his cheek and then turned and looked at Ethoner.

A flood of emotions came at her, and she bit her lip and smiled in spite of the fact that her eyes were welling up with tears.
"I've been better, Thon." She looked down and saw that she was now smeared with mud from Thon's bear hug.
"Oh, and now I need a bath. Great." She cracked a half smile at him and said, "It's been a long time.I..." Menel swallowed hard against the lump forming in her throat. "I've missed you." She looked evrywhere but at him. "Try as I might, I couldn't help myself. I found myself thinking about you and how we parted constantly." Her eyes flicked over him but would not rise to meet his face again.
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Post RE: Rangers in the shire
on: October 09, 2005 11:04
Den backed away from the pair. "I'll go keep Pippin company. You two seem to have a lot of catching up to do." The younger man turned and made his way back into the Robin.

Thon rested his hand on Menel's arm, not forcing her to look at him but bringing them together, "As have I Menel. I found myself wishing we had never parted at all. There must have been better ways to day goodbye than we got the chance to." He embraced her again, this one full of meaning and tenderness, "I missed you so much Menel."
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Post RE: Rangers in the shire
on: October 09, 2005 11:14
It felt good to be in the tall ranger's protective arms once again. Menel could not help agreeing with him.
"Well, shall we go inside? I need a room to relax in." She stepped back as she was just feeling a tad overpowered. Even though they had fought viciously, and parted on not so good terms, Menel knew it was only a matter of time before she would give in to Thon's charm.
She reached up and touched his face and then leaned toward him. She kissed him softly. It was more of a test than anything, to see if the same spark was there as had been beofre.
It most certainly was.

[Edited on 10/10/2005 by Iell-daughter-of-elves]
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Post RE: Rangers in the shire
on: October 10, 2005 10:22
Fro and Caramon were splayed out over the grass, smiling and chatting about nothing at all, really. She felt a bit of worry in the back of her mind and tried to push it away, what could she be unhappy about now? She had everything she could ever want.
"Caramon? I'm hungry, it must be about lunchtime now." She looked over to him and got up quickly, a little too quickly. Blood rushed to her head and she stumbled forward, rolling down the hill. She giggled at her stupidity and the look of concern on Caramon's face as he ran down the hill towards her. She got up carefully and ran up the hill, catching Caramon's hand and pulling him towards the Inn.

Fro kept ahold of his hand as they neared the Inn, and she burst in the front door, smiling as she sniffed the tasty smells drifting in from the kitchen. She pulled him into the kitchen and they both sat down, next to Den and Pippin.

"Pippin! How've you been? It's so good to see you again! What are you doing here?" She slid over to him and hugged him tightly.
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Post RE: Rangers in the shire
on: October 10, 2005 11:35
"Oof! It's good to see you too Fordurien." Pippin returned the hug. "and this must be Caramon who I got told so much about the other night."
"Aye this be he." Den guestured Caramon over from where he had been rummaging for a quill, ink and parchment, "Caramon, this is Peregrin Took, better known as Pippin. Pippin, this is Caramon, our swordmaster."
"Pleased to meet you Pippin." He shook hands and sat at the table, "If you'll excuse me, this may take a lot of concentration. I never was much of a man of letters." And with great care and a tongue poking out of the corner of his mouth Caramon began to write.
"What's that?" Pippin asked.
Den looked over and began to read as Caramon wrote.
"'Interested in the poetry of the sword in motion? Want to learn a new skill and tone up as you do?' This isn't bad Caramon, keep going. 'Tomorrow morning at ten a class in baisic swordsmanship willl beging for all those interested of any level of skill at the sign of The Laughing Robin.' Well, that says it all really."


Outside Thon pulled away from the lingering kiss, dizzy from the emotions that had washed over him, along with the memories.
"Come." His voice was soft as he moved his hand to her elbow, "Let's see if we can't find you a room inside. Oh, and mind your head on the doorframes, solid wood they are."
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