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Post RE: Murder in Rohan (KEEP)
on: August 04, 2005 09:46
Glorfindel nodded in agreement, and joined his friend in a good long draught. But after a while, his eyes alighted to Ryn. There she was dancing with the King! That was wonderful, Glorfindel thought, it must be honour enough to be seated at his banquet table, but to actually dance with him.

Judging by the grin on her face, she was having the time of her life. Deciding that it was late enough and not wanting to disturb her, Glorfindel bade Hiligan and Skyla a good night, and left for his bed chambers.

Once in there he flopped down on the bed, simply staring up at the rafters. The main thought that was whizzing around in his head, was him and Ryn. Where would it all go from here? What was the next move? He would need to talk to someone about this, perhaps Fae or Earendel. They could offer a good view on the situation.

But not tonight, he thought, now's not the time to be thinking of such things.

So he rolled into a more comfortbable position, however it was hurridly reversed because of his arm, and he tried to sleep.

But sleep wouldn't come.
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Post RE: Murder in Rohan (KEEP)
on: August 05, 2005 10:36
(Btw, it's a bad time to be leaving I know, right before the attack. But could we postpone it a bit? I'm going to a ren fair in Seatle and I'd hate to miss everything. Here's my last post before I go )

Fae wandered the halls for a short while and strolled over to the stables to visit Jarred. She passed several sleeping horses, with their backs to the walls, an angry looking equine with rolling eyes.

She found her beloved stallion in his stall next to a white mare. He nickered softly and nuzzled her hand that she lifted to his head. "Hello my friend.' She whispered to him, his ears flicked forward and he grunted happily.

"I must go now Jarred, I don't trust the guards in this place. They're probably all drunk. Good night friend." She smiled and headed out to lope across the yard.
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Post RE: Murder in Rohan (KEEP)
on: August 05, 2005 04:19
(thats fine.. wish I could go with ya... sounds fun...
this feast was a midday meal, but I guess we're saying the partying continued until that night. the attack can certainly wait, but I'm just gonna stir things up a bit...)

Hiligan bade Glorfindel goodnight then stood himself, stretching. He had seen Fae leave and he considered following. He wasnt sure, exactly, he still felt anxious when he thought about her. Finally he decided against it- didn't want to seem over-eager, after all... Draining the tankard and sitting it down, he offered Skyla a quick bow.
"I suppose I shall see you in the morning hours, lady," he said, and headed to his own room. He knew he didn't need to say goodnight to Ryn- it was understood between them with a glance.

The dance ended and all the couples applauded the musuicians. Rynwyn smiled at Eomer and bowed before walking a little to the side. A quick glance told her that both Glorfindel and Fae had left the room. Their small group was dwindling down- it was no surprise though. This 'feast' had been going for a while, and they were probably tired. As for herself, she felt a little sleepy but had no desire to go to bed.
Suddenly, Eomer called everyone's attention.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, I thank you for coming!" he said, "I enjoyed myself as I hope you all did. Sadly, I must call and end to the festivities. I wish you all a good night and safe passage home."
Several shouts of "Hail!" and "Goodnight!" could be heard, and slowly the crowd dwindled. Rynwyn joined Skyla for a moment.
"Are you going to bed?" She asked, then noticed Eomer leaving the room. A man with a torch followed him, but also that counselor from before. Narrowing her eyes she nodded a 'goodnight' to her companion/assassin, then followed the direction the king had gone. She had no intentions of making herself known; she mainly intended to watch that man and make sure he tried nothing.
The torchlight was smallish before her as she padded behind the three men. Snatches of their conversation floated back to greet her; it seemed the counselor was still trying to convince Eomer that the 'ruffian's off the street needed to be put back there' and that 'elves were not for trusting', but the king replied with such comments as 'the ruffian's were better guests than most of the nobles' and 'we might not have defeated Sauron if not for the elves', but as they moved further ahead their voices faded. Rynwyn stopped walking when they did, and Eomer left the trio, going into a room and shutting the door behind him. The counselor and servant continued on in silence. Sighing in relief- the king was safe, at least, for one night!- the young woman turned to go back to the dining hall.

Without the servant and his lantern, the hallway was much darker. A few torches cast orange light here and there, but many shadows lay in her way. It didn't bother her; she had traveled in pitch darkness. Lifting the unfamiliar skirts just a tad to keep from stepping on them, she started back.

Suddenly someone grabbed her from behind, one arm wrapping around her waist and the other holding a blade at her throat. Fear bloomed in her immedietly and she struggled, but the blade was forced closer.
"If you value your life, and the life of your friends, you will all leave at dawn," a voice hissed in her ear, low and laced with malice. "This is none of your business girl. I would hate to kill a pretty thing like you- learn your place, and stay in it!"
The stranger shoved her forward and she nearly fell, then turned to hear rapid footsteps vanishing down the corridor, to see a black shape vanishing with them. Rynwyn stood trembling for a moment, too afraid to do anything at all; in the next instant, however, she wheeled and ran for the hall, bursting out of the hallway and nearly falling over. The few people that still remained looked at her strangely, but she ignored them and rushed over to where Skyla sat.
"Someone just threatened me," she said breathlessly, "but I didn't see his face. I think there may be more than one here who plot against Eomer- keep your weapon close and if you see the others, warn them. I'm going to tell my brother and Glorfindel."

Ryn went down the corridor where their bedrooms were, this time taking a torch from the wall and holding it in front of her, glancing over her shoulder often. She came quietly to the door that she thought was Hiligan's, so she knocked twice then pushed it open.
It was not her brother, but Glorfindel who lay in the bed. He looked up and she blushed, suddenly feeling shy- which was silly, in her mind. Her thoughts flashed back to their kiss..
Stop that! There are more important matters at hand!
"Glorfindel," she started and slipped in, not feeling safe with her back exposed in the hall. "We have a problem."

[Edited on 6/8/2005 by dreamdancer]
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Post RE: Murder in Rohan (KEEP)
on: August 06, 2005 01:50
Brenna started when Rynwyn came running back into the hall. She'd been sitting sleepily in her place, waiting to raise the effort to rise, but she woke up at Ryn's news. She nodded once, showing that she understood and rose to go to her room, her steps cautious now.

As Brenna walked she saw Fae returning from the stables. She went to her and softly told her what Ryn had told her, before taking her leave.

In the relative saftey of her room Brenna sat down on her bed, and looked at her weapons, which she had left there. It had been quite nice not to carry them around, but, Brenna supposed, it was part of who she was to do so. She sighed and lay down on her bed.
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Post RE: Murder in Rohan (KEEP)
on: August 06, 2005 06:59
Ryn went down the corridor where their bedrooms were, this time taking a torch from the wall and holding it in front of her, glancing over her shoulder often. She came quietly to the door that she thought was Hiligan's, so she knocked twice then pushed it open.
It was not her brother, but Glorfindel who lay in the bed. He looked up and she blushed, suddenly feeling shy- which was silly, in her mind. Her thoughts flashed back to their kiss..
Stop that! There are more important matters at hand!
"Glorfindel," she started and slipped in, not feeling safe with her back exposed in the hall. "We have a problem."

Glorfindel tried to lean up and onto his elbows as Ryn entered, but soon back immediatley with a wince as his right arm gave way. But he soon forgot his pain once he saw Ryn's face. She was flustered and looked considerabley shaken.

For a moment he thought of crossing the room to embrace her and ask what was wrong. However the look is her eyes told him that buisness would have to come first and formost.

"What's wrong?" he inquired as he swung his legs out of bed and stared at her with a worried look in his eyes.
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Post RE: Murder in Rohan (KEEP)
on: August 07, 2005 04:11
"What's wrong?" he inquired as he swung his legs out of bed and stared at her with a worried look in his eyes.

Rynwyn quickly relayed what had happened to her in the king's corridor, from her following the three men to her encounter with the 'stranger'- feeling partially embarassed to have been caught off her guard when she came to that point in her hurried tale. She left out that she had been frightened.

"...I've told Skyla, and she's promised to tell Fae and Earendel- I came to tell you and Hiligan. I... well, I don't know what to do about this. We can't just leave... we must catch whoever is behind this, but now that will prove more difficult, because he... or they... know that we're looking."
The young woman noticed then that the elf was favoring his right arm, and his expression hinted at pain, though he was obviously taking in her words seriously. Ryn took a few steps away from the door.
"Has your arm healed at all?"
The question was completely off-topic, but she found herself suddenly concerned- they were all in danger here, and without the use of an arm Glorfindel would be more vulnerable to any attacker... she thought of Hiligan then- he hardly lacked an advantage- she had seen her brother fight before, and his missing arm never seemed to slow him down. But then, he'd been missing it for many years and was used to it....
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Post RE: Murder in Rohan (KEEP)
on: August 07, 2005 11:02
Glorfindel sat silently as Ryn relayed her tale to him, and when she had finished speaking he remained quiet, pondering her words.

"...I've told Skyla, and she's promised to tell Fae and Earendel- I came to tell you and Hiligan. I... well, I don't know what to do about this. We can't just leave... we must catch whoever is behind this, but now that will prove more difficult, because he... or they... know that we're looking."

He was just on the brink of replying to her, when something completey unexpected burst from her lips.

"Has your arm healed at all?"

Caught by surprise, Glorfindel flinched guiltily. In truth his arm was paining him, and it did not seem to be showing any signs of improvement. Deep down he was slighty worried, it should have begun to show some signs of improvment by now. However, it was clear from her shocked expression, that the last thing Ryn needed to be worrying about was him. She needed to concerntrate on other things.

"It feels alot better," he lied, "The pain's started to subside," then he switched back to the truth, "However, I do not believe I will be able to effectively wield my weapons, at least not as effectively as if I had both my arms."

He made to stand, but then doubled over, as a sudden jolt flared down the limb. Clenching his teeth tightly, Glorfindel stood up. He was not going to be sitting this one out, not even if Ryn begged him to.

"Like it or not you need me, Ryn," he told her, looking her straight in those deep brown eyes, "I swore to help you and Fae, and I'll be damned if a minor injury like this is going to stop me. So what's our next move?"
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Post RE: Murder in Rohan (KEEP)
on: August 08, 2005 05:09
Suddenly Brenna sat up, pulling on her knives and short sword, checking they were saftly sheathed, before rising and going to search for Earendel to warn her.

She searched quickly, not really sure where to look, hoping she'd come across the elf by chance, unwilling to ask if any had seen her.

Brenna slipped into the hall, where the fire was dying out, eyes searching swiftly for Earendel, but when she did not spot her imediatly she made to leave again. Sighing deeply, she leant against the wall and tried to think where she would be able to find the elf, mentally cursing her for 'hiding'.

The assassin flinched as someone grabbed her arm, but as she twisted away, her left hand going to her knife she looked at Hean, who grinned at her.

"Quick reactions for a simple country maid." He said, still smiling.

Brenna frowned, and then shrugged. "Says who? I was brought up during the war of the ring."

Hean laughed. "Of course, how could I forget. Well, run along then and sleep well."

Brenna bit back a sarcastic comment and bobbed a curtsey, before leaving him, returning to her search for Earendel.
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Post RE: Murder in Rohan (KEEP)
on: August 08, 2005 11:19
He made to stand, but then doubled over, as a sudden jolt flared down the limb. Clenching his teeth tightly, Glorfindel stood up. He was not going to be sitting this one out, not even if Ryn begged him to.

"Like it or not you need me, Ryn," he told her, looking her straight in those deep brown eyes, "I swore to help you and Fae, and I'll be damned if a minor injury like this is going to stop me. So what's our next move?"

Rynwyn's face was full of concern.
"Like it or not, you're not telling me the truth about your arm- but I won't ask you to hide in here when you clearly wouldn't listen anyway. As for our next move, I don't have any ideas. The king is safe in his bedroom until morning, as far as I know. Right now I'm worried about the safety of Fae, Skyla, Hiligan, Earendel, and you. But unless we're going to hide in our rooms until morning and wait to see if someone tries to kill us then, we need to try and find something out."
She walked over to him then, crossing her arms in front of her.
"The problem is where to look- there are still guards who won't want us snooping around. Any thoughts on that, master elf?"
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Post RE: Murder in Rohan (KEEP)
on: August 08, 2005 10:52
Glorfindel hung his head with shame. Of course she would know he was lying, Ryn was too estute for him, but she was clearly in need of his advice.

"Perhaps," he wondered, still not meeting her gaze, "Perhaps we could employ a certain element of subdefuse. Draw them out. It is clear at least that they have cottoned onto our intents, so we need to move first if we are to prevent our plans from falling into ruin. I would recommend that first we try to gather intelligence on who or what is behind this in the court, and then work on a way to lure them into the open. And it would also be a good idea to keep a close eye on the King and his family just in case."

At this he again tried to stand to meet her, but the sudden movement only worsened the pain, that was already gripping his limb. Collapsing backwards onto the bed, gasping Glorfindel again struggled into a sitting position, but this time he met Ryn's gaze.

"It's got to be down to you Ryn," he said suddenley, "It's you whose got to see this through. I can't help you beyond this point, and, as I'm sure you knew when I came to you in aid, that there would be a point that you would have to go on without me. Remember all you have learnt on this quest, and use that knowledge to your advantage. Therein lies your only hope of succeeding."
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Post RE: Murder in Rohan (KEEP)
on: August 09, 2005 01:48
It was soon after dark and other party goers were heading out. earendel abd the gaurd stood and were saying goodnight when. Out of no where a man rushed out of the golden hall. It struck Earendel and strange because he kept his face totally turned from her, even though he was hurring and it was not very safe to have his head turned in that direction.

As Earendel and the gaurd watched him he speed up e3ven more even though he stumbled due to not watching were ha was going. The gaurd spoke, "he looks very suspicious to me and vaguely familar as well."

Earendel was studying his back. It dawned on her why she felt the same way. this was the rude man from the banquet. There was no mistaking his clothes or his walk. Earendel was wonderig why he was running tring to hide his identity.

Earendel turned and went back into the golden hall. She was going to try and find out why he was running away hidding hide face.

The gaurd spoke "I am going to follow that one, mark my words he is up top no good."

Earendel went inside she was listening intently to all the convesations about tring to glean something..
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Post RE: Murder in Rohan (KEEP)
on: August 09, 2005 09:57
(hey I'm back, thanks for waiting guys)

Fae had taken in the news with a faint surprise, she knew that something was bound to happen, but she didn't care for the thought of her friend and the companions' livelyhood's being threatened. She immeadiatly headed back inside, to search for this mystery man who was bent on driving the ragtag group out of edoras.

Fae hurried through the gates and walked quickly down the dim halls, glancing cautiously about her. She felt utterly naked without her sword and armor, but she had no time to return to her chamber to change. The man was most likely still there. How else would he carry out his threat if he left the city, even the palace at that. Fae could at least sweep the area.

She rounded a corner and stopped suddenly. A torch beside her flickered and cast shadows up and down the hall. A cold lurch ran down her spine and her eyes narrowed. 'He's here...' she thought. Her ears strained to hear footsteps behind her and she reached for her bodice where she had, in prediction of danger, hidden a knife.

Fae pulled it out and held it within the folds of her dress, and continued to walk, at a slow pace, stopping now and then to pick up the tell-tale sound of footsteps. Someone was deffinitely there, trying in vain to match their steps to hers...
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Post RE: Murder in Rohan (KEEP)
on: August 10, 2005 04:34
"It's got to be down to you Ryn," he said suddenley, "It's you whose got to see this through. I can't help you beyond this point, and, as I'm sure you knew when I came to you in aid, that there would be a point that you would have to go on without me. Remember all you have learnt on this quest, and use that knowledge to your advantage. Therein lies your only hope of succeeding."

Rynwyn was silent at first; she was worried about him, and even more worried about having to leave that room alone. She was no warrior, not like Fae, Earendel or Skyla-- especially not like Hiligan or Glorfindel! Her skills with a sword still left much to be desired, and she didn't have a clue what to do now...
"Lure them out, you say. It is obvious that they want us gone- maybe if they see that we're not intimidated (which she was) they will show themselves again- to intimidate some more, maybe? If others were hidden to see them, their faces would be marked and blows could be dealt- or tales could be told, if Eomer King would believe us. That is so dangerous, though... There has to be another way... but I can think of none."
She slowly moved over and sat next to him, studying his arm. Silence seemed heavy between them for a long while.

"Glorfindel, I'm afraid. One part of me is screaming to leave Edoras- but I can't. I won't. There is too much at stake- the other part of me wants to stay, but niether side is really brave enough...." she blushed, embarassed to have revealed her fear to him. Quickly she stood, turning her eyes to the floor. "...I must go find the others- we'll need to think this out."
But she made no move to leave. The idea of returning to the dark corridor still daunted her.

* * * * * * * * * *
Hiligan could not sleep. Something in the back of his mind simple wouldn't allow it, and so he decided to take a short walk through the torch-lit corridors. He had not yet been warned of danger.

Pulling on the loose-fitting shirt and strapping the sword to his belt out of habit, he stepped out of the room, stretching and turning down the hall. His footsteps echoed; after a few more minutes of aimless walking his ears picked up the sound of more footsteps. Squinting ahead he saw a figure pass under firelight, then vanish again in the shadow.
He grinned to himself, suddenly nervous at the prospect of a conversation, but also pleased- then his eyes caught sight of a figure behind her, walking at the same pace she walked. He couldn't see clearly, but it was definatly not one of their friends.

Drawing the sword he quickened his pace.
"Fae!" Hiligan called out, seeing a blade raised in the dancing torchlight behind the woman, "Look out!"
He broke into a run.

(ooc: hmmm... could Hean be one of our baddies? *wonders* )

[Edited on 11/8/2005 by dreamdancer]
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Post RE: Murder in Rohan (KEEP)
on: August 10, 2005 11:33
"Glorfindel, I'm afraid. One part of me is screaming to leave Edoras- but I can't. I won't. There is too much at stake- the other part of me wants to stay, but niether side is really brave enough...." she blushed, embarassed to have revealed her fear to him. Quickly she stood, turning her eyes to the floor. "...I must go find the others- we'll need to think this out."
But she made no move to leave. The idea of returning to the dark corridor still daunted her.

With a supreme effort Glorfindel got to his feet, and crossed the room to where Ryn stood. Doubt was now filling his mind, was she ready to handle such a task? But this emotion quickly turned to shame, he should be encouraging her, not doubting. Now what she needed was to be encouraged, not to be doubted.

Placing his good arm around her shoulder, Glorfindel embraced her to him, in the hope to quell the doubt and fear arising in Ryn's eyes.

"Fear is only natural," he began, "Fear is part of who we are, fear teaches us caution, helps us to recognise our boundries, even keeps us alive. Fear is nothing to be ashamed of, and it should never be hidden."

He then paused, and took a few moments to ponder his words. As much as he wanted to reassure and help her, Glorfindel was going to have to recognise his own limits here, he was going to have to. They had come too far, to back down now, too close to discovering the truth.

"But..." and at this he hesitated, here he was about to cross a line. A line between just being a casual observer in this affair, to being in the thick of it. He only hoped that it wasn't a step too far.

"You've got to stay here Ryn. We have all come to far, being through too much, to give up now. We are so close to getting the answers we need, so close, to finding out, not only about Reothed, but about Skyla as well. You've got to master your fear and see this through."

Bendind down, his kissed her gently on the forehead, hoping that she would see that his intentions, his interference was only for her own good.

However, sounds and cries had reached Glorfindel's ears. Something was wrong.

Letting go of Ryn, Glorfindel stole quietly towards the door, and pressed his ear to it. His keen senses could pick up movement outside, in the corridor, and had that been Hiligan shouting a warning?

Openning the door a crack, Glorfindel peeked out. Ahead he could espy, Fae, and behind her, a raised sword!

Without pausing to think, Glorfindel sprinted out of the doorway and down the hall. The asssailent was bringin down his weapon in an arched strike, ready to slice her open. But he never had the chance to, for Glorfindel threw himself onto him, knocking the man sprawling. The sword flew out of his hand and clattered to the floor.

Straight away, the pair began wrestling and grappling on the floor. Unfortunately for Glorfindel having an injured arm placed him at quite a disadvantage, as while he was using his good arm to restrain the assailents punches, he had no other way to grapple for the knife that had been produced.

"A LITTLE HELP HERE!" he bellowed to the others.

[Edited on 12/8/2005 by LoremasterMiar]
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Post RE: Murder in Rohan (KEEP)
on: August 12, 2005 12:42
((See OOC, DD!))

As Brenna wondered around she eventually became aware that someone was following her. Her hand on one of her dagger hilts, she turned. "Come out, now, Hean."

The young man stepped out of the shadows and for a brief moment his sheepish expression seemed familiar. "Why are you following me?" Brenna asked, calmly, watching him.

Hean shrugged. "Am I not allowed to stalk a pretty girl?" He asked, jokingly.

Brenna put her hands on her hips. "And the rest of the story, please." Something was bugging her about him, somemthing that had trying to get her attention all evening. She watched as he tucked his hair behind an ear and out of his face in a very familiar fashion. "Aiya, Grey Coat!" Brenna started.

"Shhh!" Hean said, quickly, grabbing her. "I left that behind me."

"What the hell are you doing her pretending to be a noble?"

"Can we go somewhere private to discuss this?" The man asked her.

Brenna looked at him, and saw all the little things that she had seen in him as a child. How had she missed him? Brenna nodded, and led him to her room, opening the door for him, slipping in and then closing it behind her. "Now talk."

Hean sat down in a chair and cast his eyes out side for a moment, and then turned his attention back to Brenna as she sat down on the bed. "I guess it began in the War of the Ring." He said, softly. "I was looking around, trying to find something to eat, when I found a boy and his father that had been killed by the orcs. I took what I could off them --"

At this Brenna rose and slapped him, leaving an angry red mark on his cheek. "We agreed not to take any more than we needed while the war lasted!"

Hean - Grey Coat - shrugged at Brenna. "They didn't need it any more. Anyway, one of the things I took was a medalion, which I took to wearing under my tunic. After you left the Rats I got bored with them, and decided to try something bigger, try something in the palace. I was caught, but Sigorléan found the medalion on me, and decided I was his nephew: the boy who died, Hean. And I thought that a place in court was fine enough, and decided to play along. So here I am."

Brenna thought about this. "Why didn't you say who you were before? And why didn't I see you..." She paused for a moment. "...when I was here before."

"Because I wanted to see how long it would take you, and that time *I* didn't notice you until you were about to leave. But I've had people following you ever since."

Brenna rose again, an angry look on her face, but they were disturbed by a call from Glorfindel. Immediatly, Brenna rose, her hand on a hilt, and left the room. Hean followed her.
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Post RE: Murder in Rohan (KEEP)
on: August 12, 2005 02:15

Fae spun around just as Hiligan yelled to her. She froze and looked at the man's face. She couldn't move, her eyes in a trance...when suddenly, Glorfindle barrelled over her would-be attacker, in seconds they were brawling in front of her, but she couldn't move.

Glorfindle yelled, but she didn't hear, she was trying to look at the other man's face. "Nalden?" She asked pointlessly, the two were fighting with an animal rage and they would never hear her...but they did!

Miraculously, they both stopped. "Nalden what are you doing here? We thought you were dead!" Ryn pulled Glorfindle away slightly, he clung to his arm. The other man, apparently Nalden, looked up at Fae. "Fae? If...if I had only known it was you! I..."

Fae stepped forward and grabbed his shoulders, suddenly out of her frozen confusion. "But you died!"

"No! No...Fae I was wounded and they left me, thinking that I was dead, but when I got back, I found out my wife had killed herself when she heard the news! Life was pointless, I needed money! This was the only thing I could do! They said they'd pay me!" The young man looked very different then, and Fae saw that his once brown hair was dull, his eyes were that of a hopeless man. He collapsed onto her shoulder and she glanced over at Glorfindle who looked as if he was still ready to lope off the man's head.

Fae shook her head silently, and continued to let Naldon sob onto her shoulder.

(hope you don't mind the twist, I was feeling dangerously creative, it's rather pointless but it might make things interesting)
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Post RE: Murder in Rohan (KEEP)
on: August 12, 2005 03:59
Hiligan wasn't fast enough to save Fae- but the elf was, diving into the attacker at the last moment. The rohirric man came to a halt and was about to come to Glorfindel's aid when the fight came to a halt. He glared at the man, angry that he had tried to hurt Fae- he didn't care about Naldan's sobs or excuses. In his mind it made no difference- what if it had not been Fae? It might have been Rynwyn, Skyla, himself or Glorfindel. The point to him was, this man had been prepared to murder in cold blood- until he had recognized his victim.
"I don't trust him." Hiligan grumbled, low enough only for the elf to hear.


Rynwyn followed Glorfindel but made no move to jump into the fight- when suddenly Fae recognized the man who had been about to kill her. Ryn couldn't recall his face or name, and could not remember ever meeting him. It was possible, but she stoof with her hand on the sword-hilt anyway, ill at ease to be out in the shadows again, even with her friends beside her.

A sideways glance at Glorfindel told her that the brawl had taken a toll on his injury, and she longed to comfort him and see to his arm, and while she waited for 'Nalden' to stop sobbing, she studied it from where she stood, marking that the sling had torn.
I'll have to fix that...
When the attacker's bawling had toned down to a few quiet tears, she spoke to him.
"So you're helping them try to murder the king?" She asked, eyes narrowed, her voice emotionless "Who hired you? Tell us that if you want to redeem your actions here, and tell us where to find them."

Although she felt a pang of pity to see the man greiving before them, she wouldn't dare trust him enough to let go of the sword hilt .

(plot twists good! :evil: )

[Edited on 13/8/2005 by dreamdancer]
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Post RE: Murder in Rohan (KEEP)
on: August 12, 2005 10:16

Naldon looked up at Ryn. "They wouldn't tell me his name, just that I was to...to help them. I was mad! I didn't know that I was to kill my own king! But I was as good as dead anyhow, I would have fallen on my sword had it not been for my son. But he died anyhow." His eyes were pained with a grief that Fae knew all too well.

"If I didn't help them...they said they would kill me...like they killed Reothed!" Fae stared at him. "What?"

"He was my best friend and they hired some killer to murder him, then I fell into the same pit as he did, we were lost. We had no idea what we were doing! We thought it was honest money. Of course, I didn't tell him it was me, everyone thought I was dead and I wanted it to stay that way. They said it was so dangerous that I most likely wouldn't come out alive. But Reothed didn't like the idea one bit, he left and plotted to rat on them, so...they, killed him. I didn't have the guts to turn back and I was about to kill you Fae! Will you ever forgive me?" He kneeled in front of her, a broken and hopeless man.

"Perhaps I can Naldon, if you help us I and my friends will consider you redeemed, and perhaps the valor will as well. But you must shake off your self-pity, or you will die of grief. Help us." she offered him her hand and he took it hesitantly.

But as soon as his fingers brushed her skin, a look of pain flashed across his face and Fae looked on in horro as he colapsed before her, an arrow in his back. "Naldon!" She cried, falling to his side, but he was bleading heavily, dying quickly. "I'm free, he whispered, I...see my wife! My beautiful Sheya! Denneg! My son..." blood dripped from his mouth and he lay silent, finally free of his cage of sorrow.

Fae jumped up with tears in her eyes. "No one is safe anymore."
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Post RE: Murder in Rohan (KEEP)
on: August 13, 2005 11:57
In his state Glorfindel had been rash to attempt any heroics, his arm was now throbbing with pain, so terrible that his eyes were now watering from it. Leaning hard against the wall, he did his best to keep up a brave face, and to keep abreast of the facts.

"But what does this all mean?" he chimed in as Fae finished speaking, "Or perhaps I should say, what is our next move?"

If Ryn lets me be apart of it, was he after thought.
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Post RE: Murder in Rohan (KEEP)
on: August 14, 2005 07:07
Earendel had been eavesdropping on conversations hoppong for info.
THen she heard"I should be done by now. Why hasnt he come back yet?" the reply was"I'll go check on him, if there a problem i'll deal with it."

Earendel followed the one who was going to check on things. She kept well back and to the shadows. At this point she still had no clue there was a problem.

It wasnt until the man had an arrow notched and flying the Earendel had any clue that he had a bow and arrow on him. As soon the the arrow flew he took off down a side corridor. Earendel took off after him. He was fleet of foot and know the corridors well.Earendel ran after him but he was soon back to a crowd of poeple. The bad news was that this one had had his back to her the whole time so she did nto have a face to know who she was looking for. The one he had been talking to before also seamed to have left this crowd.

Earendel went back to her freinds and reported. "i regrete that I lost the one who did this." She was much relieved to find that all of her friends were still alive. She had not taken the time to regester who he had shot before taking off after him. "I am glad you are all right."

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Post RE: Murder in Rohan (KEEP)
on: August 14, 2005 07:36
Brenna and Hean skidded into the corridor as the arrow hit Naldon. Brenna darted forward, but Hean froze.

"What happened?" Brenna asked, quickly, sheathing her dagger when she realised that there was no danger imediatly. But looking around she thought she could guess, at least some of it. She looked at Naldon again, and the arrow in his back. Suddenly she frowned and knelt beside the fallen man and drew the arrow from his back, examining it. "I've seen arrows like this before." She mused. "We all have."

In her mind the arrow that killed their elven prisoner before they had come to Edoras sped before her eyes again.

"It's one of the same make as killed the elf." She told them. "A new piece of the puzzle." Brenna added, musing aloud to herself.
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Post RE: Murder in Rohan (KEEP)
on: August 14, 2005 08:34
Fae jumped up with tears in her eyes. "No one is safe anymore."

"But what does this all mean?" he chimed in as Fae finished speaking, "Or perhaps I should say, what is our next move?"

Earendel went back to her freinds and reported. "i regrete that I lost the one who did this." She was much relieved to find that all of her friends were still alive. She had not taken the time to regester who he had shot before taking off after him. "I am glad you are all right."

I've seen arrows like this before." She mused. "We all have."

In her mind the arrow that killed their elven prisoner before they had come to Edoras sped before her eyes again.

"It's one of the same make as killed the elf." She told them. "A new piece of the puzzle." Brenna added, musing aloud to herself.

"This pit has deepened considerably since we've arrived in Edoras," Rynwyn shuddered, stepping away from the blood that spread from Naldon's body, "Whoever is behind this is trying to scare us away now- Fae, I'm sorry for your loss. As close as I was to Reothed, I don't remember this fellow. Earendel, we are glad that you are alright."

She cast a sideways glance at Glorfindel. He was clearly in pain, but determined. Of course she would have liked to scold him for diving into a fight when he had just said he would have to 'sit this one out', but it was not the time or place.
Her eyes went to the arrow in Skyla's hands. Yes, she remembered too the shaft that had killed their elven prisoner on the plain.
"I don't know what to do," Ryn sighed, leaning heavily against the wall, "but we are all in too deep to run now. I would think our next move should be to find the one with those arrows. Perhaps we would find out something if we question the one who has been killing our informants."
She paused.
"But our situation has grown more dangerous. There are more than one who want to see us gone, or dead- we must decide what to do, and we need to decide now."
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Post RE: Murder in Rohan (KEEP)
on: August 14, 2005 11:43

Fae nodded, still slightly stunned. Naldon had never been a close friend, but the amount of death that she had witnessed over the past week had shook her considerably.
She closed her eyes momentarily and sighed, looking away from Naldon's bleading body. "Perhaps, splitting up isn't he best idea right now, they may try to pick us off. Maybe an open space would be a good place to go to talk. The golden hall perhaps." She mumbled slightly and glanced around, a tight grip on her dagger.

"That way," she continued. "if anyone tries to sneak up on us, we will hear them or see them before they get anywhere. I need to get out of these shadows."
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Post RE: Murder in Rohan (KEEP)
on: August 14, 2005 11:49
"Agreed," Glorfindel said, and made to lead them off down to the hall.

However as he made to move down the passage way, his body finally failed him. His legs gave way and he fell backwards, grabbing Ryn for support. Again he tried to stand, but he arm gave a such a flare of pain that he released his grip on Ryn and hit the wall with a thud, where he slide down to the floor.

"I'm ok," he muttered, "Just a little tired, all I need is a good fight to eleviate some of this fatigue."

Now he could barely summon the energy to stand, he simply leant againist the wall, his breathing shallow, his contentence pale and contorted from the pain.

"I'm sorry Fae," he whispered through gritted teeth, "I don't think I can...help. My arm....the cut I took, it's weakened me. I think there might have been some kind of poision on the blade."

"Not fatal," he added quickly, "It has weakened my body from the effort I have exerted recently. You've got to go on without me."
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Post RE: Murder in Rohan (KEEP)
on: August 16, 2005 12:57
"I'm sorry Fae," he whispered through gritted teeth, "I don't think I can...help. My arm....the cut I took, it's weakened me. I think there might have been some kind of poision on the blade."

"Not fatal," he added quickly, "It has weakened my body from the effort I have exerted recently. You've got to go on without me."

"Are you insane?" Ryn asked, frowning at him, "There is no way we can leave you here in the shadows with this body! For one, you're obviously hardly in any shape to defend yourself, and two, we really don't need anyone to think we're murderers! Like Fae said- we need to stay together, or we may be picked off one by one."
"She's right," Hiligan put in, re-sheathing his sword, "lean on me, Glorfindel- whether you're any help in the Hall doesn't matter- you're not staying here alone."
The elf made as if he would protest, but Rynwyn glared at him until he fell silent, then turned to lead the group down the darkened corridor. Of course, she was frightened- but like Fae, she was more than ready to leave the shadows. Every moment she feared that an arrow would speed out of some dark corner and fell one of them- namely her brother, who was defenseless while helping the elf along.

In a shuffling manner the small company did make it to the Hall at last, to find it half-lit by a small fire. There were still many shadows- but with the large room vacant, the smallest sound echoed. There was hardly any way someone could sneak up on them without their hearing it.
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Post RE: Murder in Rohan (KEEP)
on: August 17, 2005 10:01
Hiligan helped Glorfindel down into a seat, at one of the tables, and let go of him. Shaking a little Glorfindel turned to survey the hall. It looked so different without the light of torches. Tall rows of pillars rose ominously out of the gloom, and the ornate stone carvings had an almost daemonic look to them. All in all, it did not look very encouraging, but Glorfindel had to admit that this was as good a place as any to defend. However he was vexed with Ryn, she was placing him above the success of their mission. Jeopardising it.

Catching her by elbow as she passed him, Glorfindel pulled himself up and whispered in her ear, so the others wouldn’t hear.

“What are you playing at?” he hissed, “I’m a liability, you should have left me back in that hallway. Your letting your feelings cloud your judgement, and I’ve told you a thousand times that our…your mission is more important than that. Don’t be foolish, now I’m going to tell you know. You and the others are going to go on, and your going to do it without me, I can’t fight, so what use am I to you?”

[Edited on 17/8/2005 by PotbellyHairyfoot]
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Post RE: Murder in Rohan (KEEP)
on: August 17, 2005 01:58
Catching her by elbow as she passed him, Glorfindel pulled himself up and whispered in her ear, so the others wouldn’t hear.

“What are you playing at?” he hissed, “I’m a liability, you should have left me back in that hallway. Your letting your feelings cloud your judgement, and I’ve told you a thousand times that our…your mission is more important than that. Don’t be foolish, now I’m going to tell you know. You and the others are going to go on, and your going to do it without me, I can’t fight, so what use am I to you?”

She glared at him for a very tense moment, then snatched her elbow out of his grasp.
"How could you expect me to leave you behind?" She hissed back, "After all I've done to keep you around, you think I would just let you sit by yourself and wait to be killed? We're not going anywhere for the moment- we're here to decide what to do!- so just sit and wait!" She pointed a finger at him, shaking it as if she were scolding a child, continuing in the hissing whisper, "If we even get a chance to leave this hall, we'll worry about your predicament then. You're very heroic, Glorfindel, but incase you have not noticed, you mean more to me than this so-called 'mission', more to me than even Eomer. If you want the flat truth, I love you too much to leave you behind, so just resign yourself to being helped..... and don't call me foolish!"
By now she was blushing bright red- her mouth had run ahead of her mind as it did when she was annoyed. She turned away from him, looking to the others and waiting for suggestions on what to do.

Hiligan stood with his sword drawn, looking out for anyone to approach. Since the sound was echoed in the hall he could hear well the words of his sister, and they made him chuckle despite the darkness of their situation- she had scolded him in a similar manner on many occasions. He wondered how Glorfindel would react.

[Edited on 18/8/2005 by dreamdancer]
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Post RE: Murder in Rohan (KEEP)
on: August 18, 2005 09:41
“You don’t understand do you?” he said, a normal voice now, “It’s because that you love me that places you in danger. Love clouds your judgement, if someone you love is in danger you will do anything to save them, and it is that…foolishness that is precisely what I feared would happen if you fell for me. No, no, no! Now you listen to me Rynwyn, I am NOT doing this to be a hero; I am doing this as a veteran of battle, as someone who knows what war is like. There is no time for feelings in the field, no time, they distract, and they make you weak. Because of love some of the greatest people in this Middle-earth have been lost, they let their feelings cloud their judgement.” Now his voice was shaking, tears rolling down his cheeks, “How dare you stand there and lecture me about how important I am, how important we are! Because we’re not, in the grand scheme of things, we mean nothing. This isn’t you little homestead any more; we’re in the real world. And in the real world it MATTERS if Eomer dies. Now either you get a grip of yourself, or I will do what you’re too afraid to do.”

At these last words he stopped and froze on the spot.

“No,” he whispered, “Not what your afraid to do, what I’m afraid to do. I’m afraid that I’ll lead you to more harm than good Ryn, that’s why I kept trying to leave. Maybe if I didn’t love you like I do, then you would be able to avoid the life I’ve had, the suffering, and the pain I’ve to endure. I couldn’t inflict that on you, but I’ve never loved anyone as much as you. Never, I’ve never know what it was like to feel like this, everyone I was close to was taken from me by…Valar I couldn’t bear it if they took you too. Love is a sore issue for me.”
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Post RE: Murder in Rohan (KEEP)
on: August 18, 2005 04:27
Ryn fell silent at his words. She was somewhat hurt by them, but she could see why he believed what he did. She couldn't bring herself to see things the same way, however. It was in her nature to do all she could to protect those she loved- if it meant putting herself in harms way, or giving up something, or running in the wrong direction. She was no warrior- she lived by her heart, and there was no way it would let her leave Glorfindel behind. He wouldn't accept that, though.
"It doesn't have to be a sore issue." She finally said softly, meeting his gaze, her own softened considerably, "and nothing is going to happen to me."

"Not so long as I'm around," Hiligan put in, "Now, could you two stop arguing like a couple of hens and get back to business? We need a plan of action."
"Right. We need to know how many enemies we have here, what they intend to do, and where they intend to do it. So, the question is, what-"
She was cut off when an arrow sped out of the shadows and slammed into the column next to her, shaking back and forth with the impact. Jumping, she held out the sword and peered into the shadows. Now the sound ot footsteps resounded throughout the hall. They couldnt tell who or how many- but someone was coming.
"No time for questions!" Hiligan said with a curse, and shoved Rynwyn behind the column, turning with his own blade.

(hope this is alright.. I have absolutely no inspiration. >.< argh)

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Post RE: Murder in Rohan (KEEP)
on: August 18, 2005 11:19
((This'll be my last post for a while: I'm being dragged to Wales for a couple of days. I'll get back and online as soon as possible.))

As the others rose to go back to the Great Hall, Brenna also rose, looking around for Grey Coat, but the young man had vanished into the shadows. Brenna frowned, but shrugged, and trotted after the others, one hand resting uneasily on her sword hilt.

When they got to the Hall she quickly claimed a stool by the fire, sitting there looking out at the hall.

She jumped up as the arrow thudded into the column, moving automatically to grab her own bow and an arrow, and cursing when they weren't there and drawing a knife instead, holding it cautiosly by the handle, ready to slip it into her other hand to throw if needs be. Suddenly, she realised what a target she was making, outlined by the fire, and with a quick movement, flicked her hood over her hair, and then slipped into the shadows. Two could play at sneaking around. Silently she kicked off her shoes, and then began to make her way around the hall, looking for their attacker. He -- or she, would know that she was coming, but hopefully wouldn't notice until it was too late.
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Post RE: Murder in Rohan (KEEP)
on: August 20, 2005 11:51
Glorfindel met Ryn’s gaze for a second, then looked away in shame. What was wrong with him? Lately he seemed unable to even think straight, and to add insult to, a very literal, injury if it did come to a fight then he would be unable to do much to help his friends.

Lost in thought, he began to ponder Hiligan’s words. Perhaps he could still aid in the planning, providing he stopped feeling sorry for himself, and worrying about upsetting Ryn. As Ryn and Hiligan began to debate a course of action, something changed in the room. Glorfindel was suddenly aware of a slight creak, and then a twang, the sound of a bow being notched and fired. Sure enough with a whoosh, an arrow whistled past his head, and struck quivering in the nearest pillar.

Having left his weapons in his room, and being unable to use them, he’d better just get out of harms way. Immediately he overturned the table in front of him, and set it’s load of cutlery, plates and candles crashing and rolling to the floor, as he flung himself off his stool behind this new piece of cover. Winded slightly by the fall, he lay still and listened.

His acute hearing could at first only pick up the heavy panting and scuffles of his friends, but then a detected a new noise. Again he heard the sound of a bow being notched and aimed, and he lay very still, thanking Elbereth that he had the table for cover. But where were the others?
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Post RE: Murder in Rohan (KEEP)
on: August 20, 2005 07:46
Rynwyn stood behind the column with her sword drawn and Brenna had vanished into the shadows. Hiligan, however, was standing and trying to see who had fired the arrow- and when the shaft sped in his direction, he jerked to the side only just in time, dropping behind the table with Glorfindel. He wanted to tell Ryn to join them, but it wouldn't be wise for her to expose herself- so he hissed for her to stay put.

"You were warned!"
The voice came from before them. It belonged to a man, but Rynwyn couldn't distinguish age. She carefully peeked from around the column but could see no one.

"You don't want a fight with us!" Hiligan replied hotly, "You'll pay for your treacherous acts!"

"Will we? Indeed- your ragged company is hardly in any position to fight. What have you? Three women, a one-armed man, and injured elf?"
Laughter then, the laughter of more than one voice- maybe three, from the way it sounded. Rynwyn gripped her sword, wishing that they would step into the light so she could see them. They were right though- even if her small company outnumbered their enemy, they weren't well equipped. As for herself, the thought of battle still make her nervous. She noticed then that Brenna had vanished- the young woman assumed that the other girl was using her talents as an 'assassin' to get around behind their enemies.

If she was, then their attention needed to be away from the shadows. Peeking around again, she sped to the over-turned table and nearly fell on top of Hiligan getting there. Another arrow just missed her, slamming into the table.
"What are you doing?!" Her brother hissed, but she ignored him, scrambling for one of the tankards that had been knocked from the table. In an instant she had sat up and hurled the mug at their attackers, then dropped back down behind the table as it made impact with something- probably not one of the men. It brought more laughter from them, though. They made no move to advance.
"What are you doing?" Hiligan asked again, this time grabbing her elbow and preventing her from sitting up to throw another tankard.
"We've got to do something!" she replied.

(if it sounds stupid, forgive me XD its 1:45 AM and I'm half-alseep)
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Post RE: Murder in Rohan (KEEP)
on: August 21, 2005 09:36
((It's good, DD, don't worry. I've hijacked my godparents' connection, so I *will* be able to post after all.))

Brenna crept round cautiously, using a mixture of natural skill, childhood training and deadly practise. She froze at Rynwyn's odd movements, for a moment confused as to what she was doing and then she realised, sending silent thanks to the other rohirric maid.

Brenna pulled one of her knives from a sheath, holding it cautiously by the handle, making sure that the tip was facing away from her. She did not want to get spiked by this particular blade.

Working her way closer to their assailents, hugging her cloak close to her with her free hand, she suddenly noticed one of them shift his weight, close to the door. Grinning, she slipped around him, and then creaping closer, nicked the blade on his arm, pulling away quickly. The man frowned, and shooed one hand at his arm as though he had thought the nick was a fly of some sort, but then began to fall limp. Brenna slipped forward again to catch him and lay him down so he would make no noise.

A second small movement attracted her attention, and she repeated the same prosedure, again. Suddenly, she was aware of someone close to her. She span around, replacing her dagger for her sword short, just in time to catch the blow aimed at her back. Ducking a second blow, she reached out quickly with her feet, catching the man off guard and almost knocking him to the ground. As he tried to retain his balance she pulled another dagger from a sheath down the back of her shirt and struck along his arm. The man recoiled automatically, stumbling and falling to the floor. Immeditatly, Brenna was beside him, disarming him, and then dragging him into the light.

((I'm not sure what's acceptable, so if you think this is too much, or not what you expected, I'll edit. The two men aren't dead, just unconcious, but the third doesn't need to know that. And Brenna hasn't seen them and doesn't know who the other two are. The third man had posion inside him, and Brenna carries the antidote, which could be used to get him to speak.))
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Post RE: Murder in Rohan (KEEP)
on: August 22, 2005 06:14
(so how many badguys are left standing in total? Lol, I've missed a bit, but Fae's here to help. Well as much as she can wearing a dress. )

Fae had run behind a wall that sheilded her from the company's assailants. She cursed the day that she put on a dress. Which happened to be today.

All she had was a dagger, and she was in no position to fight. She looked around helplessly for a weapon and grinned when she saw a display on the wall. Two swords hung criss-crossed, under the familiar heraldry of Rohan.

Fae pulled one sword out of it's sheath, thanking the valar it wasn't wired in. She held it aloft and thanked the gods once more that it was balanced well. She peaked around the corner quickly. One man was talking. She saw movement behind him and smiled knowingly, Brenna was at work.
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Post RE: Murder in Rohan (KEEP)
on: August 23, 2005 12:30
(I dunno what ur complaining about Mook, Glorfindel can't use a sword, so what use is he! :mad
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