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Post RE: Murder in Rohan (KEEP)
on: October 12, 2005 05:27
(since the guy Glory was fighting was knocked off the loft, and landed with just as much impact as our elf, I doubt he would have gotten up and made his way up the loft and gotten hidden so fast- remember, Ryn was standing there before Glorfindel started fighting. SO, even if it makes things seem a little weird, I'm going to have *two* adversaries for our poor characters to deal with- one on the loft, and the other on the floor.)

Rynwyn went to Glorfindel's still form and knelt beside him, giving him a shake until he opened his eyes and looked at her. His expression was one of pain and confusion. She was about to ask what had happened, when she heard voices from the loft above. She looked up and could just see Earendel, but not the person that the elleth spoke to. Warily Ryn turned her attention back to Glorfindel, bending to help him sit up- when she became suddenly aware of movement directly behind her. She turned, not releasing her grip on the elf, and saw another man- the one who had threatened Eomer openly in the Hall- slowly standing and dusting hay and other debri off. He moved stiffly, and that might have been some comfort, save that when he set eyes on Rynwyn and Glorfindel- the latter of which looked positivley helpless- a wrathful and wicked gleam came into that gaze. Working his shoulder as if it pained him, the assassin bent and swept up his sword from under a pile of hay, stopping only a few feet from them.
"He cares for you," the assassin said darkly, "but I'm afraid he's unable to fight for you this time."

Ryn glanced back at the elf, who had slumped back onto the floor again, and fear seized her. She made as if to lift the heavy sword she had brought along and swung it out at the assassin. Her blow was terrible, and he easily dodged, chuckling a bit when she stumbled. Cursing she tried again, this time releasing the sword. It spun toward him but once again he easily moved out of the way. Rynwyn cursed loudly and backed off as he lashed out with his own sword, two, three times, then she stumbled over a fallen bale of hay and fell over backwards, rolling out of the way just in time and- as if by some miracle- finding her hands on Glorfindel's sword. She scrambled to her feet and held it out, relieved to find it lighter than the other, and prepared to fight for her life...

(hope this meshes for everyone! lmm, you can play ryn's baddie if you wish, but if not, thats ok. *wanders off to find a hole to sleep in*)
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Post RE: Murder in Rohan (KEEP)
on: October 12, 2005 07:54
(let's see how much worse I can make this situation...:evil: )

Before the massive scuffle had even started, nobody noticed a redheaded woman slip out of the hall. She ran down a dark corridor and skidded to a halt before a wooden door.

Fae felt terrible about leaving the golden hall in the state it was, but knowing her luck, or lack there of, she knew that she would need her sword very soon. She moved as quickly as she could, snatching her sword and grabbing Hiligan's on the way out. She slid out a side door and was met by harsh wind and frigid rain.

Mud clung to her boots and the rain quickly soaked through her clothes. Fae rounded a corner and stopped. She heard some one yell...Ryn. She smiled briefly at the vulgar word and sprinted in the direction that the familiar voice was coming from, which was the stable. Once inside the lofty room, she wasted no time looking around. They were in a fight, and they needed help.

Fae dropped Hiligan's sword in the hay and held her own with cold hands. She heard another yelp from a corner and spun around to help, but her sword was suddenly met by another's. Two more traitors had joined the fray, and Fae had them all to herself!

Fae smiled at the rushed attack and quickly pulled out a dagger for defense. "One at a time please." She said, eyes glinting maliciously. Fae always went into a fight grinning. The turn coat guard lunged at this and Fae sidestepped the swing. "So how much did they pay you?" She said with a hint of malice. "More than you're worth pig!" Fae parried and their swords crossed, their faces coming very near. She reached up her hand and twisted his nose. "Rule 56, never let an opponent touch your face! That's bad defense."

The guard growled angrily and sped up his lunges, pressing her back until the fight was outside, on the hilltop in the freezing rain. "It's much nicer inside!" Fae yelled over the downpour, suddenly switching to offence. "But we'll have it your way pigdog!" And so the fight went on, raging against a darkening sky, both soaked through with cold.

(meh, not exactly the mood, but I'm feeling bored )

[Edited on 13/10/2005 by _mook_]

[Edited on 13/10/2005 by _mook_]
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Post RE: Murder in Rohan (KEEP)
on: October 13, 2005 05:14
The mans disdain for Earendil was appearent. "I dont think I few years of girly play make up for long years of real fighting."

Earendil took the offensive. Her first swing seeemed to totally take the man off gaurd. He was only able to keep her sword from his flesh by a few inches. Her next move was just as close. Then the mans anger made him stronger and he pushed Earendil backwards a few paces.

Earendil met his swing with solid defense move. THe clash of swords was ringing from other areas as well. There was more the one fight going on here.

Earendil know this was the moment for her best fight. Everyone of them would need to defeat their enemy or the others might be ganged up on.

This realization actually increased her calm and her determination. Her next swing was unexpected but her opponent manged to just barely deflect that as well.
His retailation was one she was accustumed to and she used it to her advatange. She was able to drew blood but not kill because of his move.

His yell in pain was much loader then it needed to be. He had hoped to throw her off balance by screaming. Plus if any of his comrades were in the area they would soon arrive to help. Earendil senced waht he was up to.

Her yell was equally load. "Watch your backs my freinds, expect more of them to show up soon."

Earendil saw his sneer at being under stood and swung again in a fast upswing. This caught he man off gaurd. Her sword ended up in his stomach. maybe an inch deep and 4 inches long. The kind of a wound that slowed one down quickly and allowed for bleeding ot death in a fairly short time.

Knowing his time was near an end the attacker went after Earendil witha vengence. She had not choice but to back up and be on the defencive for a few swings. His wild grin warned Earendil there was a problem but she had no time to do anything but react to his sword. She blocked his next swing. and his immedate follow up caused Earendil to take a step backwards. Even as she did so she knew why he was grinning. There was nothing for her to stand on.

She fell from the loft. She scream was born out of the shock of falling.
She landed hard on a hayl bail. The breath knocked out of her and her sword fell from her grip. Every thing went black.

The attacker up stairs was still bleding heavily. He put a hand over the stomach wound and started over to a ladder. Just a few steps down he fell. But he did not scream he was unconcoous even as he fell. From pain and lose of blood.
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Post RE: Murder in Rohan (KEEP)
on: October 15, 2005 07:59
((may be even more silent in the next few weeks - even though I have my new laptop I have rehursals every night next week, then the tech, then the dress rehursal... and then performances! I'll be free again on the 30th.))

Brenna cursed as everyone ran off, leaving the king unprotected. Well, his guards were still around, but they didn't count for much in her eyes. Grabbing a couple of knives from the unsuspecting men around her, she made her way close to the king, lingering at his side, her senses picking up the smallest movement around them. For some reason she was still paranoid of another attack, even now that all of the men's plans had gone awiry((Sp?)).

Brenna jumped when Hean appeared out of the shadows beside her, and then looked at him suspiciously, but he ignored her, standing on the other side of the king, looking just as protective as she did. But Brenna could almost sense that something was wrong with him, although she could not put her finger on exactly what it was.
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Post RE: Murder in Rohan (KEEP)
on: October 17, 2005 12:45
Mocking laughter echoed around the stables, as the dust from Earendel's fall settled. The assailant paused for a moment, his gaze fixed on Glorfindel, who was moving slowly towards Earendel. He was trying to stand, but as he did his legs gave way and he was only saved by clutching the side of a stall. At a snail's pace Glorfindel crawled towards the stricken form of his companion. But.....
Ryn was facing him again, her trembling hands clasped around the sword of the injured Elven Lord. However her stance was firm and determination was in her eyes, but also fear, fear for her friends. As well as the elf she loved.

Glorfindel could see it too. Ryn was losing her focus, she was more concerned with him and Earendel than she was with her opponent. He had to keep her focused on the fight, otherwise it was all over. But first Earendel, quickly he checked her pulse. Faint, but it was there, with any luck she had just knocked herself out. All he could do now was to make her comfortable.

Now, Rynwyn.

"Ryn," what was more shocking was how weak his own voice sounded, it was barley even a whisper, "Ryn, you have got to focus. She's alive, and don't worry about me. Plant your feet, keep both hands tightly on the grip. If you don't he stand the risk of disarming you. Keep you strikes strong and deliberate, then drive home with some shorter, faster ones. Keep.....arhhh!"

He stopped abruptly as a lance of pain shot through his head. Glorfindel seized it with both of his hands, his face contorted with the agony as hot tears rolled down his face. No, he had to focus, she needed him!

"Keep....both.....eyes.....on him," every word was now an agonizing effort, "Focus....only.....on.........him, and......remember.....I'm here for you."

"Well that was truly touching, well spoken Master Glorfindel," the assailant replied, however his voice was no longer mocking, it had become low and serious, "But I'm afraid my dear that you are going to die, and once you are dead, along with your friends, then will I be content. For you see, you have dared to interfere in our plans, you know too much. Up until now you may have shown some vaguely impressive detective work, however here it is your skill in battle which counts. Alas you, are a peasant girl, a virgin of war, ignorant of the harsh reality of the world, therefore be thankful that your death shall be quick, and that you shall not have to see what awaits your friends, your brother and the one you love. Draw now, Rynwyn, and pray for your meager soul."
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Post RE: Murder in Rohan (KEEP)
on: October 17, 2005 07:56
Ryn said nothing in reply to her attacker or Glorfindel- for one, she didn't think she'd be able to do more than squeak if she opened her mouth, and second- she was trying desperately not to think about anything but her fight, and finding it very difficult. She couldn't help being worried about the others- her concern for them was deep, and she couldn't throw it aside, no matter what Glorfindel told her. Fae was now outside, fighting under the growing tempest, she didn't know what had become of Hiligan and Brenna... and here were Glorfindel and Earendel.... she couldn't push them out of her mind. It was impossible!
So she stood silent, testing the sword a little and allowing herself to remember how her friends had been treated, what they had gone through- her thoughts went back to Reothed and the memory of his body hewn upon the ground.
It was enough to make her scowl, and an anger began to replace her fear, rising within like a slow- growing flame.

Suddenly, he attacked! Ryn brought up Glorfindel's sword and blocked the man's sword, and the impact shook her. He was much stronger than she- another strike, this time dodged only just in time. The young woman spun around and tried her luck, going for his throat. He beat off her sword, but it didn't leave her grasp- she stumbled back, forced to keep moving as he came at her swinging. The elven blade met his stroke for stroke and, though she was moving back, Ryn's confidence began to rise.
All at once she found herself backed against a wall. Giving a loud curse, ducked just as her adversary's blade drove into the wood. Doing the only thing she could think of, she gave him a hard shove then hurried in the other direction, glancing back to see him scrambling to his feet and giving chase. As she ran, she picked up a bucket of oats with one hand and, turning, slung it with all her might at the assailant. Unlike the heavy sword of before, this struck true, slamming into the man's upraised arms and halting him for a moment.

Ryn took the chance and ducked behind one of the columns that held up the loft, eyeing the lifeless form of the man Earendel had fought, and fighting to slow her breathing and the racing of her heart.

The laughter came again from the man and he came forward carelessly, not worried about the fact that she was hiding.
"Pushing and shoving," he said, "Throwing buckets? You truly don't know what you're doing, do you? Now hiding, like the cowardly girl you are. Come out and face your death, child. Come join your Reothed."

At the mention of her dear friend’s name, Rynwyn felt the flame that had been growing reach it’s height, and she stepped out of hiding, finding his back turned to her. This time she was the first to attack, but he moved and her sword only caught his shoulder from behind, coming from above and driving down. He cried out in pain and spun, coming at her with a rage hidden until now. Ryn did as well as she could but within moments she was against another wall, disarmed. Her attacker towered over her, his blade at her throat and a satisfied, wicked expression on his frowning face. Ryn’s fear was back tenfold, but as she met his dark gaze and shrank away from cold steel, she had a last desperate idea.

Acting on impulse she brought her left hand up and pushed away his blade as she had seen Brenna do, the force of it cutting her palm and bringing tears to her eyes. In another moment she had snatched a knife from his belt with her other hand and shoved it straight through his throat, jumping away as he faltered and fell, his sword under him.

Ryn leaned heavily against the wall for a moment, eyes wide and on the man she had just killed, before turning and heading for the door, holding her hand to her as she peered out.
Rain was flying inside and wetting her as she watched Fae’s fight. After a few more intense moments she saw the other woman’s opponent fall, and Ryn left the door, trusting that Fae was alright, going to where Glorfindel and Earendel lay. She checked the elleth hastily, finding her alive, then turned her attention to Glorfindel.
Gently, she shook him with her unhurt hand, too out of breath to speak.


The commotion had died down a great deal in the Golden Hall. The men in question were being well guarded, and the trecherous guards were being hauled off. Hiligan, still not free of the bench, had given up and was sitting on it, watching the going-ons and becoming increasingly worried about his sister. Sighing, he gave another useless tug at the chain.

As he sat his eyes went to the dias where Eomer stood, looking particularly exhausted and incredibly unhappy, and Skyla standing next to him, her keen eyes sweeping the hall.

They weren't, however, on the young man on the king's other side. She glanced at him every now and again, her look distrusting. Hiligan got to his feet, watching with hard eyes. At a moment when Brenna glanced away, the young man snatched a small knife out of his belt, then concealed it in his hand, seeming to study Eomer closely.

They're still going to try...

"Skyla!!" Hiligan cried out, making as if to run and getting jerked back by the chain, cursing. The young man froze and looked up, his eyes narrowed and his hand tense, the blade hardly visible as it jutted out between his fingers. Hiligan pointed right at him.
"Skyla- He's the assassin!!"

(let me know if this doesnt mesh with yall...)

[Edited on 17/10/2005 by dreamdancer]
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Post RE: Murder in Rohan (KEEP)
on: October 17, 2005 08:51
"Skyla- He's the assassin!!"

Brenna jumped, her eyes darting to Hiligilen, following his pointing finger, and realising whom he meant in a fraction of a second. Before Grey Coat was even able to react she was beside him, blocking his knife thrust, diving into him, knocking them both backwards and off the dias. They hit the ground hard, curling around each other to soften the impact, and then rolling, trying not to be trapped under the other.

The rolled away into the shadows, until Brenna was slammed into the wall of the hall. For a moment her vision faded to blackness, but when it returned Hean had leapt up and was fleeing, one hand tracing along the wall. Brenna forced herself to rise and rushed after him.

Hean pressed his hand to a lever hidden in the shadows of the side of the hall, and a section of the wall next to it slipped open, and he let himself fall through, Brenna hot on his heels.

For a while the two sped through the darkness, the only sound the rushing of their breath, Hean's heavy footfalls and Brenna's lighter ones, the only light from brief snatches high above or to the side. However both seemed to know the passage as though they had traveled along it a hundred times, taking the same twists and turns amost with out thought.

Slowly, though, Hean began to push ahead of Brenna, his greater stride length giving him the advantage. Soon he vanished from the reach of her senses all together. She didn't give up though, pressing on, still taking the turns that she knew.

Brenna faultered finally as she ran into a chamber, dully lit by several holes high up at the sides. In the centre was a burnt out spot surrounded by a circle of stones. For a moment she paused, but then began to walk forward, her eyes fixed on the circle, her steps almost echoing around the chamber. Brenna seemed almost like a dreamwalker, as she squatted down at the side of the circle, looking at a fire that no longer burned in the centre.

Hean suddenly appeared out of the shadows, the knife still in his hands. His eyes were fixed on Brenna, narrowed slightly, until he lunged at her unprotected back.


Brenna limped back into the main hall, one hand clutched to a knife wound in her side, blood also dripping from the re-opened arrow wound in her leg. The other hand was clenched around a bloodied knife and a pendent. Ignoring the others in the hall, Brenna made her way to Eomer, kneeling before him, putting the knife and pendent at his feet.

"Hean, nephew of Siglean, is dead, my Lord." She said, softly.

(( :evil: I'll tell you what happened later.))
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Post RE: Murder in Rohan (KEEP)
on: October 18, 2005 03:52
([WOW! GREAT STUFF DD AND PFC! YOU HELD ME ON THE EDGE OF MY SEAT WITH YOUR POSTS! tawar_meldis too, fantastic! I loved every minute of Earendel's actions, and Mook, Fae was absolutely brilliant! Well now it comes down to me, I hope this dosn't disappoint. )

Darkness engulfed Glorfindel's eyes, his whole span and whirled away into an abyss. There was the vague sensation of falling, and then the dulled impact, but this all seemed so far away, so removed from him. He was detached from reality, adrift in a swirling mass of black.
Vague noises, snatches of battle could be heard. They clash of steel on steel, the deep labored breathes of the combatants, scuffling of feet, but it was separate from him. He knew it was there, he knew who it was, however these sense of detachment still lingered. Life was moving further and further away, was this the end......?

The end, battle, the sound of someone falling, he could hear it all. The last feeble beatings of their heart as they clung weakly to the unraveling strand of their existence. It had happened so many times before, and yet it still awed Glorfindel every time he had experienced it. The way the beating grew weaker and weaker, each one more pronounced than the last, like a marathon runner pushing himself on the last straight.
It continued to deteriorate, until silence. That single, blissful moment when the body shut down completely, when the circle of life was completed. Many argued that Elves simply continued and could not understand the ways of nature and life, after all they lived forever. But in his lifetime Glorfindel had come to realize that, as an Elf, he had a greater understanding for the ways of life than any man could ever achieve. For the wear of time in Middle-earth was slow, it's varied and subtle changes lost on most races, their lives too fleeting and brief to even appreciate the passing of the seasons.
In 6,000 years Glorfindel had seen so much, but now it seemed as though his time were up. For surely as he could perceive the footsteps of Ryn's vanquisher advancing onto him and Earendel. Now his understanding of the ways of life would be complete, death was all that was left for him. He needn't even fight it, for he was so detached from life already, why should he carry on?

But the cold touch of steel was not what he felt. Someone was shaking him.....a warm and tender hand......

Very, very slowly, Glorfindel opened his eyes. The stable ceiling broke through the gloom, the stench of blood was in the air, but there, her eyes wide, her hair the same disheveled mess it always was, Ryn.
Glorfindel smiled up and her, relief flooding his system to see that she was alive and well. Very slowly he raised his left hand and closed it around her's. A warm, golden light filled the stables for a moment, and when he removed his hand, her cut had vanished. Despite his headache, and the pain from his arm, plus a hundred other places, Glorfindel couldn't help but smile.

"Well," he whispered a smile crossing his lips, but his vision still swan, "You did it. I always knew you could."

Pausing for a moment, the smile on his face split into a wide grin, stretching from cheek to cheek. His hand reached feebly up and ran gently through Ryn's silky, but unkempt her and finally caressed her cheek.

"You Rohirric Scuff-bag."

[Edited on 18/10/2005 by LoremasterMiar]

[Edited on 18/10/2005 by LoremasterMiar]
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Post RE: Murder in Rohan (KEEP)
on: October 18, 2005 03:20
Earendil graoned softly. Her hands went slowly to her face. They rubbed over it a couple of time before slipping into her hair and on the the back of her head. Then she spoke" D*** rocks in the hay, you would have thought that the kings stable would be better then that."At this point she opened her eyes. Things were a tad blurry but having been knocked out before she knew it would get better in a few minutes. She turned her head slowly and saw Ryn and Glorfindel. She went to nod her head and winced when the movement brought her into direct contact with the rock again.

At that point she sat up slowly. Another slight moan escaped her as the stable wove slightly before her eyes. After it settled down. She spoke "if you are all ok I suggest we start working our way back to the golden hall. Or is there another fight going on yet?"

(sorry lacking inspriation today)
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Post RE: Murder in Rohan (KEEP)
on: October 21, 2005 06:43

"Well," he whispered a smile crossing his lips, but his vision still swan, "You did it. I always knew you could."

Pausing for a moment, the smile on his face split into a wide grin, stretching from cheek to cheek. His hand reached feebly up and ran gently through Ryn's silky, but unkempt her and finally caressed her cheek.

"You Rohirric Scuff-bag."

"What?" Rynwyn said with a smile of her own, no longer able to keep her own relief from showing in the form of a few tears, or nervous laughter, "You don't look so refined yourself right now, master elf. I'll forgive you the name calling this time, though."

She didn't want to release his hand; indeed, she didn't want to move at all, being a might sore herself, but they did need to get back to the Golden Hall. There was no telling what had transpired there... though Earnendel could probably walk, Glorfindel would have some trouble. Both elves were hurt...
"Wait for me just a minute," she said softly, after several minutes had passed, "I'm going on ahead to get some help. When Fae comes back in, please tell her that."

She delivered a quick kiss to his forehead then stood, giving the elleth's shoulder a squeeze before heading back the way she had come.

When she came to the Golden Hall she found it mostly empty. Hiligan was being (finally) released from the bench, and when he saw his sister he hurried to her and embraced her in a feirce hug.
"What happened?" he asked, pulling back, "Is everyone alright?"
"I say the same," she replied, looking on Skyla, who stood next to Eomer protectivly, with concern. "I came to seek help."

"All of the treacherous guards were taken away, or are being hunted on their flight out of the city. The assassin is dead."
Ryn raised an eyebrow. "By who's hand? I just killed him..."
"You-?" He shook his head in surprise, then continued, "Skyla did it- that young man, Hean, or whatever his name was, made a last attempt on the king's life. Maybe there were more than one."
"I suppose..." Sighing, she left him and went to where Eomer sat, looking grave and tired. Rynwyn explained what had happened in the stables. A dim look of surprise came into his eyes, but he said nothing of it- instead, he thanked them and ordered that his own healer see to their wounds, and also that they should be given rooms again- without guards, of course, and with more comforts.
After sending some able-bodied guards to help Glorfindel and Earendel get to their beds, he retired himself, saying that he would take trusted men to guard his door- just in case- and the traitors would be brought to trial much later, after they'd had a good long while to contemplate their fates.
"And tomorow--" he commented over his shoulder, "We will see about a reward for your valiant company, for you have done a great thing here..."
Then he was gone.

(just trying to move things along... sorry if its a crap post, I had a much better one yesterday, but my computer ATE it ><)
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Post RE: Murder in Rohan (KEEP)
on: October 22, 2005 06:15
(Great post dd, anyway folks I am going to post Glorfindel’s actions for the night through to the next morning. For now it seems as though it is time for this loan ranger to mosey on outta town! If anyone else had anything planned then I will edit the post, but it is my express intention that Glorfindel disappear before the ‘reward’ tomorrow. He is not a glory seeker, nor does he crave the attention, so please don’t take it personally if he doesn’t stop into say goodbye. After all, he’s a loner at heart. J)

To be honest it was no great surprise that as soon as his head touched the pillow; Glorfindel Ingold sank at once into a deep and untroubled sleep. So good was his rest, or perhaps so glad he was that the task had been achieved that the prospect of what might come afterwards had not, or would not cross his mind. At least until he was well enough to think of it. However, at last, he did stir, for outside of his window the deep blue sky was growing pale and the light was grey. A gentle breeze stirred the curtains, and beyond the wide plains of Rohan rippled like the sea.
Gingerly Glorfindel edged out of bed, it was no great surprise that he was stiff, but the pain was gone and for the first time in days he had feeling in his right arm. A great feeling of content lay on him for the task was accomplished, Reothed was avenged and his promise to Ryn was fulfilled. In accordance with a time honoured tradition, which stretched back as far as he could remember, established through millennia of under going such quests as this, it was now time for his discreet exit.
He knew of course, of the King’s intentions to honour them today and knew the social penalties that sneaking out at the crack of dawn would bring up. Glorfindel, though, was not one for these sorts of formalities. In his mind there was only two sides to these tasks, you do it, then you leave when and only when, the task is accomplished or proven to be folly. These had been his guiding rules for a thousand times prior to this occasion, and as thousand prior occasions had taught him that they worked. After all, why mend what is not broken?
It was with a heavy heart, though, that he gathered belongings, dressed for the long ride ahead and finally faced his reflection in the mirror.

Mirrors are not simply items of vanity, they give a being the chance tom take a good look at themselves, which can at times be very helpful in his world. It was just this that Glorfindel did, stopping for a moment to ponder the image of a grim faced, fair haired elf, staring back at him with steely blue eyes. They considered each other for a moment: the faded, muddied boots, the worn breeches, the grey cloak with golden leaf broach, and the brilliant white jewel on a chain clasped in their right hands. All was exactly as they would have expected it to be, but for two things.
The first was the hair, for so long it had been, well, long. Straight down his back and almost to his waist, now it was short, only coming down to cover his ears. The second was the jewel; no loner was it hung around his neck, where it had been since that fateful day when his own kindred had taken from him the one person who mattered to him. It had hurt so much since then, but over time he had come to live with the idea of being alone. It wasn’t something he had at first wanted, but the style of his life had lead him further and further away. Now it was merely habit, no effort required.
Now he was alone, but it hadn’t ever mattered, had it? What did Ryn mean to him? That was a question not even he knew the answer to, but there was no denying that it hurt at the thought of leaving her. But there was no helping that, she was young and would find someone else. Wouldn’t she?
Turning away from the mirror, Glorfindel laid the jewel on the table beside his now made bed. With it he placed a small note:

For Ryn,
All my love,

It was as though it was a birthday present, but that did not stop him from doing it. Turning back to the door, Glorfindel stooped to pick up his bag. Wincing slightly as he picked up the backpack, he straightened up and left the room. Walking silently down the corridor, he came at least to Fae’s room. Judging by the sounds within, she was still abed. Here Glorfindel took a piece of parchment out of his pocket, and pushed it under the door. This was not a letter, which had just been written, but one he had drafted on his first night in Edoras.
Indeed he had long guessed the date of his departure, and so had prepared a statement to thank and bid farewell to Reothed’s sister.

I feel I must apologise for the abrupt nature of my departure. Please understand that now that our task is done, there is no further need of me and my oath to you and Rynwyn is accomplished. My dear, I cannot begin to commend the amount of courage and bravery you have shown in our short time together. I know all too well the position you are in, and I only wish that I could have coped with my own loss as well as you have with yours.

Although we have only known each other a short time, I have grown to love you as a sister (if you can pardon such a forward term, but I feel I must speak my mind here.) and it only seems right that I should give a proper account of my sudden absence to you. In truth, dear Fae, it lies in a matter of the heart. I have grown too close, and now feel as though it has gone too far. Pray ask Ryn’s pardon for me, and Hiligan’s too, for he was right about me. Understand that I am not the sort for a relationship, and it may be of some consequence that I am informing you of these feelings, and not Ryn. No more can said than I am sorry, and I hope…I hope it all turns out for the best.

I wish you a lifetime of happiness.



The note read thus, for Glorfindel had not the heart to tell himself, and a shame burnt in him at his cowardice. But this did not stop him from heading to the stables, saddling and mounting Lechend. Glorfindel Ingold rode out of the city, ere the sun climbed over the peaks of the White Mountains. He knew the guards would report his going to the King. It mattered not though, for by the time they had alerted him, Glorfindel would have vanished out westwards, towards the Gap of Rohan. The following day he would be through it and on his way to Lindon.
To home?
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Post RE: Murder in Rohan (KEEP)
on: October 22, 2005 08:22
(That's so sweet! :sob: )

Fae slumbered long, and had one dream, it was vague in the morning, but very clear the one time she worke durring the night. She watched her parents die again, the dream was a strange one, it seemed soundless and all in a golden-white hue. She saw herself kiss her dead brother's forehead in goodbye. Fae went back through their travels, everything.

She had the whole night to go back over the last few weeks. It was the strangest feeling when she woke, as if she had never really gone through any of it. She seemed to float as she walked, almost gliding. Fae crossed the room in darkness, her silken dressing gown just brushing the floor. Her blood red hair was loose and flowed freely down her back.

She had woken on some impulse, perhaps she heard the elf push the note under her door, or a voice told her he was there. She found the paper there, and read it with little surprise.

Strangely, she knew she would not see him again when she went to bed. She was correct, but Fae heard his voice clearly as she read the letter five times over, sitting on the edge of the bed, tears streaming down her face and a bright smile on her face.
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Post RE: Murder in Rohan (KEEP)
on: October 24, 2005 05:08
Ryn had no dream that night, and upon waking found that she was more sore than she had been the day before. Groaning she climbed out of the bed and went to get dressed. She was relieved to find that her own clothes- the shirt, riding skirts and breeches- still battered and torn, but now clean- had been brought to the room. Happily she put them on, relishing the sense of relief that she felt- it was all over, and soon she could go home, and return to her normal life.

After a while she left and went to Glorfindel's room, planning to check on his injuries, and knocked. Her soft rap on the door pushed it open just a bit, and she stepped forward, pushing it open.
"Glorfindel?" she asked, and took in the sight of the empty room, feeling herself grow hollow. He couldn't have- he wouldn't have...

She caught sight of the note on the bedside table. Rushing over, she picked up with trembling hands and read it, letting out a heavy sigh. The jewel she picked up as well, but didn't put it on.

He's done it again...

Turning, she hurried out of the room and went to Hiligan's waking him and finding that he had known nothing of the elf's doings. Ryn then went to Fae and entered without knocking, finding her sitting on the bed, crying over a peice of paper.

"What is it?" Ryn asked, though she had already guessed. Her thoughts were confirmed- Glorfindel had left again, without even a proper goodbye.
Hiligan didn't seem too upset by it, though he frowned deeply to see his sister so distressed.
"Will you not go after him again?" he asked, after following her back to her own bedroom, "You've done it before..."
"Not this time," she answered somberly, "Glorfindel said that he would leave once he had fulfilled his pledge to Fae and me- and he has. I will not stop him again."

Before he could say anything else, she shut the door in his face. He sighed heavily and leaned against it, batting the idea around in his mind. He knew Ryn well enough to know that she wasn't as accepting of the elf's departure as she said- he could see it in her face. But why should he light out after Glorfindel? He had not wanted his sister to get mixed up in that relationship in the first place....

Sighing, he returned to his room and threw on his coat. It would be a hard, fast ride to catch up with that stubborn elf, and it was likely to be a cool mornnig outside. Casting a glance at Fae's half-open door, and wondering briefly if she'd despair has such a departure by himself... headed for the stables.
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Post RE: Murder in Rohan (KEEP)
on: October 24, 2005 11:00
(great post dd and mook!)

However, Glorfindel had not ridden too far from Edoras. As the sun had climbed over the near peaks of the White Mountains and sent golden light cascading down onto the plains below, as the purple shades of night rolled back to give way to the glory of dawn, his stomach growled. But it was not this knawring sensation of hunger that bothered him, it was the hollow sensation filling every fibre of his being. Though he knew what was attributed to it, he would not bring himself to say so.

Instead he prepared a small campfire, and set about the makings of his breakfast. Thankfully rabbit was abundant in these hills, so no Lembas today. Even for Glorfindel, elvish waybread ran a bit thin at times. A few herbs and it didn't taste half bad, once he had recalled a hobbit friend of his saying that coany would go rather nicely with something called 'potatos?'

For some while Glorfindel busied himself with this though, while Lechend wondered some way off. The horse too, was in a sombre mood, and he did not seem to mind his master knowing that. After sometime of this huffy hurrumphing and back turning, Glorfindel lost paitience.

"Oh cut it out," he muttered, eyes cast down to the ground, "I know what I'm doing and I do not need you reminding me of the consequences. Again."

The steed said nothing, but merely turned it's head to face the elf, considering him with large black eyes.

"After all she can manage without me," Glorfindel pressed on, "It would not have worked out, all it was a silly crush. A girly crush. As for me......I just endulged that."

Lechend let on an indignent snort, and went back to his grass.

"So now you think that you know better than me?" now Glorfindel was on his feet, "Now you think you can tell me how to run my own life? Look, Hiligan was right about me, I am no good for her. The races for one, I'm an elf and she's......"

"......completely smiten by you," a third voice finished, Hiligan.
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Post RE: Murder in Rohan (KEEP)
on: October 27, 2005 12:11
Brenna finally left Eomer's side as night fully fell, returning to the small chamber that she had used before. Undressing, she curled up tightly under the blankets, closing her eyes. Sleep was a long time coming to her though, her thoughts lingering on a time that she had half forgotten, or at least hadn't thought about for so long.

But slowly sleep slipped over her, and with it, dreams.


Brenna twisted sideways at the last instant, almost too late. The knife stuck in her side, tearing from her as she fell, as a cry tore from her throat. She stumbled, unprepared for the sharp dash of pain, and before she had a chance to recover, Hean was on top of her, knife at her throat.

The pair were perfectly still for a moment, Brenna looking up, Hean looking down, green eyes meeting blue ones. "You never give up, do you?" He asked, softly.

Brenna shrugged her shoulders a little. "They get what they've paid for."

"They've paid for nothing."

"They paid in blood."

There was another long stretch of silence as the pair continued to stare at each other, until Hean slowly leant closer. For a moment, Brenna didn't move, but then she leant up a little, Hean moving the knife so she could, and they kissed gently. At first the kiss was soft, but Hean began to deepen it, loosening his hold on the knife.

Brenna felt that and twisted away from him, drawing two knives and grinning at him. "I thought you'd know better than to trust me." She said, scathingly, before darting at him.

They clashed together, but Hean managed to flick one blade out of her grasp. They were pretty evenly matched, Brenna's swiftness evening out his greater strength, and neither seemed to be able to get the advantage. "You've improved." Hean gasped as they pressed together, their blades locked.

"So have you." She responded, lashing out with one foot, knocking out his leg. As he fell, she pressed him into the dirt. "But still not enough."

Hean growled, the blade knocked from his grasp during the fall, and reached up with his hand, scratching at her leg.

She gasped as his fingers caught the arrow wound, but did not pull away, dropping her blade and pushing his hands down, pinning him. Again they watched each other wearily, waiting for the other to falter.

"What now, Little Raven?" Hean asked softly.

Brenna faltered, and in that moment, he reached up, and kissed her again. For a moment she closed her eyes, leaning into the kiss, but then tore away, rising from him.

"Go, Grey Coat. Just go."

The man looked at her for a moment, confused, but then he scrambled to his feet and fled. Brenna watched him go, and then with a sigh, stooped to collect their blades. She looked around the cavern one last time, and then limped off.


Brenna started up, sunlight blinding her as she looked around the room. It was late, almost half way through the morning, but she felt fresh and calm. She rose and went to the window, leaning on it slightly as she looked out.

"Look after yourself, Cuan." She whispered, before turning, a soft smile on her face, and starting to get ready to face the new day ahead of her.
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Post RE: Murder in Rohan (KEEP)
on: October 30, 2005 07:22
(gaah! Wonder if Brenna's made a mistake? )

Hiligan dismounted and walked over, letting his horse join Lechend. His expression was grim as he stood over the elf.

"You know I'm not happy about it- but it's the truth, and I don't like to see my sister hurt. I don't know who you thought you'd be sparing by running off without a word to any of us- after all we've gone through, and all that's happened? Such events may not be uncommon to your life, because you've always fought evil, but this whole affair has turned Rynwyn's world upside down. Yes, you've done what you promised to do, no one will argue about that- but you can't tell me that you're all set and ready to run off to some other great adventure and forget about my sister. She knows you have other places to be- but the least you could have done was give her an honest farewell, if you really don't intend on returning."

He stooped down to Glorfindel's level and rested his elbow on his knee.

"Rynwyn loves you, no matter what anyone else says- including me- and if you care about her at all you'll go back to Edoras, either to dash her hopes and tell her not to wait on you, or to promise that you'll come back to her, if you can. But don't leave her like this."

(meh, evil lack of inspiration > < grrr)
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Post RE: Murder in Rohan (KEEP)
on: November 01, 2005 02:27

Fae had watched Ryn leave. She shook her head to be rid of the dust of the last few weeks. She set aside the paper and put on some leggings and a dark red tunic. She braided her hair quickly and headed out the door after grabbing her knives.

"Jarred, we'll have to ride quickly, I can't let him leave Ryn like this you know." The horse's dark brown eyes rolled back to look at her earnestly.

She saddled up and cantered out of the stable. Once out in the open, she kicked him into a gallop and sped across the plain, determined and fier, a flaming arrow shooting over the golden fields.

Fae found Hiligan performing a very touching speech and sat quietly in the shadows, willing herself to be calm and wait. She felt a pull at her heart for Ryn and moved Jarred back a step. "Easy boy." She whispered in a gentle tone.
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Post RE: Murder in Rohan (KEEP)
on: November 01, 2005 05:23
Eendil woke up and put on her now cleaned leggings and tunic. She was planning on leaving but she know she would have to say good bye to her frineds and excuse herself from the celabrations.

She was surprised to learn that much of her group had already left. Earendil went toward the kings chambers she was not shocked to find Noldon standing gaurd.

She appraoched him and said, "I believe this is goodbye, freind. I thank you for everything."
He replied, "not if I can help it. All of you ar to remain here until Eomer is ready to celebrate. Your whole crew is to be honored you must stay here."

Earendil laughed out load, "do you not realized that 3 member of the group have already left?"

At that moment Eaomer stepped out of his chamber his expression was dark. "Lady Earendil, surely you jest. All of your freinds are about to be honor in just a few hours." He looked at the elf maden and he know she was not lieing. He went t the door and gave an order load enough for half the golden hall to hear. "NO ONE ESLE FROM THE GROUP THAT SAVED MY LIFE WILL LEAVE THE GOLDEN HALL UNTIL THE HONORING RITUALS ARE OVER!" At which he looked straight at the gaurd standing at the door. "See to it!"

He then stalked his way back to his chamber. Earendil tied to protest but he woas not listening.

((if there is a problem here let me know and ill edit it. lacking ideas yet.))
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Post RE: Murder in Rohan (KEEP)
on: November 05, 2005 01:48
Glorfindel couldn't believe this! How could Hiligan come galavanting out here on a whim to fetch HIM back! Glorfindel Ingold, an Elven Lord of the House of Fingolfin being commanded by a Rorrihic peasant. No matter what his motives nothing gave him the right to ride up and discuss such a delicate personal matter.
It was only a crush anyway, Ryn was simply hung up on him, the hero. Hundreds of she-elves swoomed for him anyway; the gallant warrior, the noble champion, the captain, the leader, the future king. Of all the women he could have, of all the women who wanted him, he would not settle for some peasant girl.

That is what his father would have said. The epitomy of elvish arrogance, that was Glorfindel's father. So were most of his Noldorian relatives. Thank Elbereth for his Sindarian Mother, and it was instead of this mindless dribble that Glorfindel merely said:

"Ok, I owe a good bye at least."

And went to his horse.

The ride back to Edoras passed all to quickly. For there seemed to have been no greater task that Glorfindel had ever undertaken. However soon he was stood outside of Ryn's door. For the longest time he just stared at the wooden frame, as if hoping the answer to this dilemia would suddenly reveal itself to him. Of course nothing happened. So tentatively he raised his hand and knocked three times.

Needless to say he was not expecting a warm reception.

No reply.

So again he knocked and knocked and knocked. Glorfindel bludgeoned the door with his fist until his hand was raw with the effort. Still no response, the silence within the room drove home a point of insanity into his mind. All he wanted was to see her, all he needed was to talk to her, to explain. Why did he delay? What had lead him to his dangerous action? WHY HADN'T HE JUST TOLD HER....


[Edited on 8/11/2005 by LoremasterMiar]

[Edited on 10/11/2005 by LoremasterMiar]
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Post RE: Murder in Rohan (KEEP)
on: November 10, 2005 07:09
Ryn had remained in her room, sitting on the bed and studying the white jewel forlornly. On one hand she was crushed, hurt that Glorfindel would rush off like that- no matter what his letter had said- and knowing that she’d miss him terribly—but on the other hand she had known he would leave- he had said so many times- and she didn’t expect him to stay. How badly she hoped he’d come back, though, no matter how long he was away before he did—she suspected she’d never feel the same for anyone else.

Sighing and closing her eyes, she fell back on the bed, deciding that she wouldn’t attend Eomer’s ‘honor ceremony’, and just wait until she could go home and try to forget all about it. A few tears slid down her cheeks.

After a while had passed, there came a knock at the door. At first she guessed it was Hiligan come to try and cheer her up, but she didn’t want to be cheered up- so she didn’t answer. The knock came again. Maybe it was Fae, wanting to check on her- but she only wished to be alone, so she didn’t answer.

The knocks kept coming, and they didn’t stop- becoming louder. Ryn sat up in the bed, wondering who would have the audacity to keep at it- maybe a guard come to summon her to the Golden Hall- but she still didn’t answer, deciding she didn’t care if whoever-it-was- beat until their hands were sore.


That certainly caught her off guard! She felt her heart leap into her throat and she was off the bed at once, rushing for the door- but she stopped with her hand on the knob, wondering if she’d be pulling the door open only to subject herself to another heartbreak--- but no, she’d chance it.

She pulled the door open just wide enough to look out, and she saw Glorfindel standing there, looking somewhat exasperated. Despite herself, a faint smile touched her lips.
“It took you long enough,” she commented softly.
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Post RE: Murder in Rohan (KEEP)
on: November 11, 2005 02:15
"I know. I know. I was an ignoramious not to see it, but I love you so much. There's not much to say, after all the messing about I've done to you, but I just realised and rode back....." this was amazing, he sounded like a small child, and the ending didn't help, "I just HAD to tell you."
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Post RE: Murder in Rohan (KEEP)
on: November 11, 2005 07:18
Ryn didn't reply at once- she didn't know exactly what to say or how to act. What she *wanted* to do was to cling the door open wide and throw her arms around him, but she didn't. Instead she stepped out and looked up at him silently for a few moments.
"I love you as well," she said at last, her voice still soft, "but I won't keep you from whatever task you have given yourself to. Just tell me if I should wait for your return after I've gotten back to my home, or if such waiting would be needless."
As she spoke she took his hands and waited for an answer. Before it could come, though, a man came striding down the hall dressed in very elegant robes.
"Eomer King summons his guests," he said, eyeing them a little nervously, wondering what they were doing, "As soon as the ceremony is ended you will be given an escort to your homes, if you wish. But please don't keep the king waiting- he is still easily wearied since taking his wound."

The man walked past without another word, going to inform the others of the summons. Ryn sighed and gave Glorfindel a wan smile.
"It looks like we have somewhere to be."
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Post RE: Murder in Rohan (KEEP)
on: November 11, 2005 07:36
"The only place I have to be is right here with you," Glorfindel replied firmly, "Look Ryn, I thought I had to do something, but I don't have to. I've spent enough of my life looking out for others, is it so bad that I should have what I desire so badly for a change? Is it so bad that I should just want to stay here with you?"
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Post RE: Murder in Rohan (KEEP)
on: November 12, 2005 08:04
Fae had followed the two back to Edoras, Hilligin was nearly left in the dust by Glorfindle's determination to say goodbye to Ryn properly. On arrival, she headed back to her room to get dressed quickly. Her mother and father wouldn't have wanted her to miss a ceremony as honorable and prestigious as this.

She came out garbed in a flowing white dress with gold and green embroidery around the edges and hems. It had been given to her and surprisingly, it fit!

Fae had a feeling she knew where to find Ryn and Glorfindle, and when she did, she wandered by them in a nonchalant manner and called with a slightly mocking smile "Come on love birds, you're making everybody wait." She winked at Ryn and then was gone around the corner, headed off to the golden hall.

[Edited on 12/11/2005 by _mook_]
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Post RE: Murder in Rohan (KEEP)
on: November 15, 2005 06:59
Hiligan had dressed that morning, and though he was slightly disheveled from the ride, he didn't bother changing. Instead he was close behing Fae, marveling silently at her beauty as she went. When he passed Glorfindel and Ryn he said nothing, but gave them a smile and a nod, then hurried on. Before they entered the golden hall he came up to the young woman's side. Blushing, he grinned at her and offered her his arm.
"You look lovely."


"The only place I have to be is right here with you," Glorfindel replied firmly, "Look Ryn, I thought I had to do something, but I don't have to. I've spent enough of my life looking out for others, is it so bad that I should have what I desire so badly for a change? Is it so bad that I should just want to stay here with you?"

By now Rynwyn was positivly beaming, but she shook her head at him.
"'Right here' is dwadling in a hallway in Meduseld when we've been summoned- and we should probably move on to the golden hall before we get someone mad at us- but I'm still not asking you to stay around Rohan for me- particularly not my little village. Its too small for you. But, if I may be so bold, I will demand that you come back and visit, and I will promise that I won't lose my heart to anyone else."
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Post RE: Murder in Rohan (KEEP)
on: November 16, 2005 11:11
"I'll hold you to that," Glorfindel replied, with a laugh.

The burden had been lifted, it was ironic how all he had ever seemed to have wanted should have come from such.......an unlikely place. Yet his travels through Rohan had been perhaps his most testing yet, trials and challenges unknown before had reared up. However, he had survived them all and now had found.....Ryn.

There were no words to decribe her being, her significance to him and her glory.

Glorfindel openned his mouth, intending to proclaim to this fair maiden her radiant beauty, her eyes like deep pools of desire and and.....her.....
Instead he just kissed her, after all actions speak louder than words.

"Come on," he whispered in her eas as he broke off, "The King is waiting."
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Post RE: Murder in Rohan (KEEP)
on: November 17, 2005 06:28
Earenldil got up when the summons came and seh went to the chamber were the ceramony was set to take place.

She was Glorfindil int he hall and guessed that the others may well have returned as well.

She entered and waited pateintly for the rest of her new friends and the king.

During her wait she saw Noldon.

She spoke" so it would seem the members of my party have returned. Soon all this fuss with be over and I'll bea ble to head out."

Noldon looked sad, "Are you sure you dont want to stay. You would be most welcome."

Her reply."No my freind I do believe it is time for me to head back to the domain of elves agian"

Noldon frown"The one area of middle earth I wouldnt be confortable accomplanying you. I will miss you a lot my dear freind"
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Post RE: Murder in Rohan (KEEP)
on: November 22, 2005 04:59
Although he wouldn't admit it to anyone there, Glorfindel had to admire the Rohirrim's sense of ceremony. Many would have thought that due to his aristocratic upbringing that he, of all the people assembled there, would have been most comfortable in this senario. How wrong they were.

However, on the whole it did not go off that badly, and upon later reflections Glorfindel confessed to Ryn (and her alone) that he had actually 'mildly indulged in some of the vague elements of pomp and circumstance. In contrast to what he later admitted his attire was perhaps the scruffiest there, having brought no such regal clothing as there had not been even the slightest inclining that the events of the past few weeks would have unfold. Still he loved surprises, and this past month had been full of them.

Led into the main hall by an honour guard of Rohan's finest soldiers (many of whom had been less than hospitable to the travellers less than a day before), to a truly amazing sight. As soon as the doors were flung wide a great roar of cheers rolled out to the meet them, the hall was packed with people from every walk of life. Peasants, lords, warriors, house wives, all had turned out to honour the heroes. Down the centre an aile had been laid, marked by a carpet of deepest red and, as the travellers moved down this, the ceiling rained down cascades of white symbelmonim (ooc: I hope I spelled it right as I haven't got my copy of LOTR to hand right now). Catching one, Glorfindel tucked it into one of Rynwyn's hair braids, and smoothed her hair tenderly as he did.

"It befits your radiance lady," he whispered in her ear, and he entwined his hand around her's as he spoke.

Finally they came before the great dias at the end of the chamber. On which sat Eomer, son of Eomund, Lord of the Mark, once again at full heal. He said nothing, but watched them with a keen eye. Each was presented in turn to the King and he spoke words of thanks and gratitude to them all.

"Lord Glorfindel, Rohan owes the Elves a great debt once again. Let this be a sign that friendships shall never wain between our two peoples. Surely it was by the will of the Valar themselves that you chanced upon Lady Rynwyn on that starry night."

"Indeed it was my Lord," Glorfindel replied as he bowed low, "But my part in this affair was....minimal. It is to my comrades and friends that the thanks belongs. However...." here he turned to look directly at Ryn.

"I was lucky to meet her that night."
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Post RE: Murder in Rohan (KEEP)
on: November 22, 2005 02:31
Finally they came before the great dias at the end of the chamber. On which sat Eomer, son of Eomund, Lord of the Mark, once again at full heal. He said nothing, but watched them with a keen eye. Each was presented in turn to the King and he spoke words of thanks and gratitude to them all.

"Lord Glorfindel, Rohan owes the Elves a great debt once again. Let this be a sign that friendships shall never wain between our two peoples. Surely it was by the will of the Valar themselves that you chanced upon Lady Rynwyn on that starry night."

"Indeed it was my Lord," Glorfindel replied as he bowed low, "But my part in this affair was....minimal. It is to my comrades and friends that the thanks belongs. However...." here he turned to look directly at Ryn.

"I was lucky to meet her that night."

Rynwyn smiled brightly, beaming at the elf as he spoke of her and reddening slightly, happy as she never thought she would be after all that had transpired.

The ceremony took some time- there were many fine words and a few songs, and Eomer passed around a golden cup among the travelers, bidding them drink. Hiligan's eyes were on Fae throughout most of the proceedings, and whenever she caught him looking at her he would blush a little but not look away, smiling instead.

When the festivities were drawn to a close and Eomer gave them permission to leave when they wished, Ryn bowed in what she hoped was a proper manner, blushing again at the wave of applause and cheering from the rest of those present. Turning to Glorfindel, she took his hand again.
"I'm ready to go home as soon as may be," she said softly, so that only he could hear, and with a teasing grin, "Won't you escort me there, my lord?"

(sorry, I dont have time for more >< I have to run *grumble*)
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Post RE: Murder in Rohan (KEEP)
on: November 23, 2005 04:20
Fae sat with Hilligan for the majority of the ceremony. Flashy speeches and long serious proceedings weren't really her thing, however she did manage to listen attentively and look pretty when she was told to stand.

Fae would have much preferred to be out riding with Hilligan and Ryn, but she would have to wait. When the ale was finally passed around she watched how much she drank, after all, drinking and riding didn't mix. (( :naughty)

Many people spoke, and the celebration became more free and informal. Music was played and many got up to dance. She was reminded of the very same party that had gone on in this hall less than a week ago, it seemed so far away.

Fae took a long drought from her tankard and looked over at Hilligan, with Ryn and Glorfindle at his side. "Well, what next?" What a question that was, how does one go on after all this?
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Post RE: Murder in Rohan (KEEP)
on: November 25, 2005 02:25
"Well, what next?"

That sudden remark by Fae took Glorfindel quite by surprise, and yet he wondered exactly why it had. For a moment he said nothing but simply turned and stared straight at Fae, his half full tankard poised precariously mid lift. For the first time since he had met her, Glorfindel took a good, hard look at Fae. Then he shifted his gaze onto Hiligan and finally onto Rynwyn.
Each in turn returned the Elf’s stare, either slightly bemused or alarmed. Glorfindel’s eyes were narrowed to slits, almost as though he was expending every last ounce of energy on the meticulous task of taking in every last detail of those seated around him. On Ryn his gaze lingered longest, his deep blue eyes locked straight onto her own. She alone did not show any sign of alarm or surprise, she just returned his stare, eyes matched to his own.

It was Glorfindel who broke off first.

Sliding his hand over Ryn’s own, he caressed it gently, whilst with the other he drained the remainder of his ale. Setting the tankard gingerly down on the bench, he focused back on Fae, a small smile playing on his lips.

“You choose,” he finally said, “Either you settle back into the same day in day out life style that you enjoyed right up to this all happened. In a sense you go back to the way things were before, back to your old life. For you have all under gone radical change, but there in lies the choice. Can you go back? Either the change is so great you cannot physically go back, or you are mentally unwilling to go back.”

Now again his gaze flitted around the ring, like a moth performing it’s dance of death with a candle. He again gazed each one of his companions in the eye.

“However,” he continued, a sly tone now sliding off his tongue, “What if you go forward? What if you all embrace change, look into the face of the unknown? Stride off down that dark road to places new and wild? Adventure? Excitement? After all that has happened do you now yearn for them? Do you feel that you need them? Are they are necessary to your existence as air, food and water? Out of wanderings across the wild plains at night, plunging into the depths of ancient forests, with trees so vast and tall that they seem to form pillars of a great and incomprehensibly sized hall. To set your eyes upon the great hewn caverns of Moria, to behold it’s mighty depths and marvel at it’s faded glory.”

All around people had stopped; all were listening intently to the Elf’s words, some leaning forwards with mouths hanging a gap, as if the talk of these far off places was as tantalizing as the smell of roast pork. Looking slyly from side to side, the corners of Glorfindel’s mouth curled into a satisfied smile. Letting go of Ryn’s hand, he pushed the bench back and stood up. Casting one more look around at the assembled mass, his face broke into a broad grin, but it was to Fae that he turned to give his parting words.

“What happens next? Well Fae, only you can decide that. However Glorfindel Ingold will say this to you, life is always moving, so don’t stand still.”

With that he let go of Ryn’s hand and made to move off down the rows of seats and tables, making for the door.
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Post RE: Murder in Rohan (KEEP)
on: November 26, 2005 03:50
“You choose,” he finally said, “Either you settle back into the same day in day out life style that you enjoyed right up to this all happened. In a sense you go back to the way things were before, back to your old life. For you have all under gone radical change, but there in lies the choice. Can you go back? Either the change is so great you cannot physically go back, or you are mentally unwilling to go back.”

Now again his gaze flitted around the ring, like a moth performing it’s dance of death with a candle. He again gazed each one of his companions in the eye.

“However,” he continued, a sly tone now sliding off his tongue, “What if you go forward? What if you all embrace change, look into the face of the unknown? Stride off down that dark road to places new and wild? Adventure? Excitement? After all that has happened do you now yearn for them? Do you feel that you need them? Are they are necessary to your existence as air, food and water? Out of wanderings across the wild plains at night, plunging into the depths of ancient forests, with trees so vast and tall that they seem to form pillars of a great and incomprehensibly sized hall. To set your eyes upon the great hewn caverns of Moria, to behold it’s mighty depths and marvel at it’s faded glory.”

All around people had stopped; all were listening intently to the Elf’s words, some leaning forwards with mouths hanging a gap, as if the talk of these far off places was as tantalizing as the smell of roast pork. Looking slyly from side to side, the corners of Glorfindel’s mouth curled into a satisfied smile. Letting go of Ryn’s hand, he pushed the bench back and stood up. Casting one more look around at the assembled mass, his face broke into a broad grin, but it was to Fae that he turned to give his parting words.

“What happens next? Well Fae, only you can decide that. However Glorfindel Ingold will say this to you, life is always moving, so don’t stand still.”

With that he let go of Ryn’s hand and made to move off down the rows of seats and tables, making for the door.

As Glorfindel started on his way Rynwyn glanced at Eomer, who was seated and speaking with someone else. He caught her glance and gave a quick nod, as if giving her permission to leave, and she went after the elf, catching up with him outside and falling into step beside him. They were silent as they descended the steps to Meduseld, but finally she took his hand and smiled up at him.
"I know what's next for me. I don't need adventure, Glorfindel," she said, "I don't need to travel and see all the great sights of middle-earth, or to fight and look for excitement a thousand miles away-- all I need is to be home, and to have you."

Hiligan watched the elf leave and shrugged at Fae, setting down his own tankard and giving her a crooked smile, feeling himself grow a little anxious.
"That's a simple question, but it gets a complicated answer. But I think what's next is going home- if you want to."
He thought again of the fact that both of her parents had been killed days before, and that she had little left to go home to at all.
"Whatever you decide to do," he finally said, standing and pulling her to her feet, "I'll be at your side, if you'll have me."

Smiling and reddening slightly, he glanced at Brenna and Earendel.

"Are we all ready to go? I think we'd better head off, or we'll get left behind."

(ooc: I think once we've all left Edoras, we can call this thread a done deal- you know, the whole 'riding off into the sunset' ending. I think we're out of plot, and we don't want to keep it going until it just dies without ending, so.. *huggles thread* I guess that means we should start posting our last posts *sentimental tears* )
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Post RE: Murder in Rohan (KEEP)
on: November 28, 2005 02:12
ooc- I agree one last post to get my char out of rohan than..bye bye thread.

ic- Earendel had accepted teh long ceremony as a matter of course. After ward she sat with the others.

After Gorfindel and Ryn leave she speeks. "Yes, it is time for me to head back to Lothrien or maybe mirkwood. I have family in both. If I kow anything about my race any more, there is still going to be relations who will be waiting patently for my group to return. After 125 years it believe it is time for me to give an accounting of my self." With that she got up slipped into her room picked up her belongings and headed for the stables. She was soon riding off. Noldon did manage to meet her in the hall for a quick god bye.

ooc- that are other threads further along on her journey. Who knows maybe some day she will bumpinto some old freinds again... good luck to all.
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Post RE: Murder in Rohan (KEEP)
on: December 04, 2005 08:11
((Aw, I'm going to miss this thread! Even if I have been pulling so many excuses... :cry: ))

Brenna had wandered around for a while, looking for the others, before giving up and returning to her room. She found a maid tidying things up and laying some clean clothes for her on the bed: a beautiful, elaborate green dress for the ceromony and - Brenna smiled when she saw this; Eomer knew her too well - a set of clean, mended clothes in the style that she favoured, with the dagger that the guard had taken from her cleaned, sharpened and sheathed beside them.

The young woman spent a short while packing her bags with the new clothes, putting the dagger and her other weapons there so that she could leave as soon as possible, but then pulled on the dress, letting her hair fall in front of her face, hoping that it would be so different from her usual image that no one would notice. Brenna then making her way to the hall, knowing better than to try and escape her fate.

Brenna endured the ceremony by blanking most of it out. When it was over she sat herself with the others, watching them but not speaking herself. Finally she rose slightly, going to Fae.

"Fae, I realise that nothing I can ever do can excuse what I did that night. But this might help you." Brenna held out a small, obviously hand made pendent on a piece of leather. "Hang it in your house, and you won't be troubled by my kind. If you ever need help show it and ask for Pois'dbllade." She bowed her head slightly. "I wish you and Hiligan luck."

Next she turned to Glorfindel and Rynwyn. "Good luck to you as well. I don't expect you'll see me, unless you seek me out." And so she hoped, not wanting to be reminded of this, and her failure.

With that she bowed again and then slipped out of the hall. It was a matter of moments to gather her belongings, change, and leave.
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Post RE: Murder in Rohan (KEEP)
on: December 10, 2005 01:51
It was something strange which made Glorfindel follow Brenna back to her room. A hard decision to make given the circumstances, especially as he was so close to Rynwyn, however the elf had lived long enough to know when things needed to be said. Just as Brenna made to towards the stables, bags packed, weapons holsted, a stern look in her eyes, he sidled up along side her.

"Pardon me Skyla," he smiled pleasantly, "I was hoping for a word before you departed. Pray stay a while so we can speak."
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