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Post RE: KEEP: "Going Home" (Permission by PM only)
on: September 28, 2005 09:49
Aeldrid hardly knew what to make of all of this. He had been so relieved when Rhyanna had run up to him, chatting just as happily as ever, her face bright.

Now this elf and...Aeldrid wasn't sure what it was. It was ugly and scarred, but man shapped. Not as deformed as an orc - indeed, Aeldrid was beginning to wonder what had happened. This pitiful creature was no orc - that could have been told from the way it seemed to cower fearfully.

When the elven woman appeared, Aeldrid finally let his hand fall from his sword hilt. There was no danger here. The elven woman carried a stick and turned to address the creature. Aeldrid could pick out a few words but not enough.

Rhyanna was staring wide-eyed.

"Good eve to you, too - I," The elf woman sounded hesitant and carefu,"need some assistance - I was traveling toward Imladris when my horse was stolen. If you could be so kind as to point me into the right direction..."

Aeldrid opened his mouth, but as expected, Rhyanna was quicker to speak. "You speak the Common tongue. Well, we are headed for Imladris also. You could join us and we could travel together. We have a map so we know the way,"

Imladris? Aeldrid stared at his sister, blue eyes blinking in confusion. Did the child really go off thinking she would somehow reach there without help?

"L-le... swe-sui-suilannon? Go-goh-go..... F-f-orgive... It has been... long... since I have used that speech. I - we - I... I am going to Imladris... I hope," What had Rhyanna called it-or rather him? Gwathur?

"Gwathur!! You speak the elves language??? I didn't know that. Why didn't you tell me? Well that's good, isn't it? You two can talk to each other on the way. Aeldrid, do you know how to speak like the elves? You've never told me too much about your meetings with them...at least not as much as Papa has told me." Rhyanna abruptly turned back to the elven woman. "Would it be too rude to ask your name, especially since you are going to travel with us? My name is Rhyanna, this silent man next to me is my brother, Aeldrid, and the man on this other side is Gwathur. He needs healing as he has been badly hurt. That's why we're going to Imladris...to find a healer."

So all the pieces fell into place. 'Rhyanna...you are too kind-hearted sometimes.' the man thought as he picked her up and held her closesly. He turned to Gwathur.

"My apologies for frightening you earlier, sir. My family was greatly worried; there was a misunderstanding. But she appears to be well." He turned back to the elvish woman and bowed as well as he could with Rhyanna in his arms; he didn't want to let her go just yet. "Mae govannen." he said, with much of the same difficulty that the woman had had with Common. "I am afraid I do not know much of your language, but if we all are heading in the same direction, then traveling togethor might not be a bad idea."
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Post RE: KEEP: "Going Home" (Permission by PM only)
on: September 28, 2005 11:53
Telerea was relieved when she finally heard someone speak. The ellon she had sensed seemed to be rather unsure – and his speech had a strange accent, as if his native tongue was something else…This puzzled her, but there was something else. She sensed a shyness and a sadness that she had never known in an elf. Elves were proud people, with a natural self confidence, springing from their various talents.

"F-f-orgive... It has been... long... since I have used that speech. I - we - I... I am going to Imladris... I hope," he stuttered. “It does not matter, you are not doing bad.” she replied kindly.

Then everything happened very fast. First the child – Rhyanna - spoke again, asking a lot of questions very fast. Not sure which to answer first, she still struggled with all the information the child had conveyed- on the one side Gwathur on the other Aeldrid… which side was which –she was confused. Nonetheless she smiled at Rhyanna, hoping the direction was not too far off. “My name is Telerea,” then she tried to bow in the direction of each of the others “You are most kind to let me travel with you.”

After a short while she could identify a new voice. This must be Aeldrid, Rhyanna’s brother. "Mae govannen." he said, with much of the same difficulty that the woman had had with Common. "I am afraid I do not know much of your language, but if we all are heading in the same direction, then traveling together might not be a bad idea." She turned into the direction he had spoken from and returned the greeting.

This will be interesting, Telerea thought, glad she had stumbled upon those people. “Well, “ she said “shall we be on our way then?” She was eager to be on the road…
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Post RE: KEEP: "Going Home" (Permission by PM only)
on: September 28, 2005 12:47
To say that Gwathur was 'confused' was an understatement. From threatening to attack, Rhyanna's brother had apologized for frightening him! Frightening him?

Well... yes, the orc-elf was terrified - but not for the 'reasons' that Aeldrid might suppose. 'Death' Gwathur did not fear... not after what he'd endured these past centuries.

No.. what Gwathur could not bear was the idea of Rhyanna witnessing his slaying; the thought of his only friend in the world being ripped away from him; the loneliness that would follow that happening; - and... the 'reactions' his deformed person caused in others.

Yet, when the she-elf spoke of moving on, the orc-elf agreed, and his spirits lifted somewhat to learn that Rhyanna would be accompanying them. " - I... would like that," he said in a low voice.

Since Aeldrid was still carrying his sister, Gwathur shyly fell in step with the man... and the elleth was on his other side. She walked... 'strangely' he thought, as if her staff was more than just a walking-stick. - And still, her face had shown no sign that he, himself, was 'different'.

But... he was 'different', and Gwathur knew it.

A bit... hesitantly, he glanced at Telerea, for he'd sensed her eagerness to keep going, in more ways than just her earlier question - despite the slow pace she'd set. And, Gwathur wondered what she'd say when he had to stop at daylight. As the 'elf' he'd been born, the sun didn't bother him - but as 'orc', his eyes could no longer handle it. He'd have to mention it - but shrank from doing so - yet. So, Gwathur addressed the first of his very deep concerns.

"Am... am man thel - am man theled*..." the orc-elf began, and then sighed, unable to remember anything more, he went on in the Common Tongue, "Why do you not 'shun' my company... Telerea?" speaking her name 'diffiedently', and then staring at the ground a few paces farther on.

Rhyanna's 'acceptance' of him, he had accepted, and it seemed that Aeldrid was willing to help - for his sister's sake, if nothing else. But the elleth? Elves abhorred and despised orcs - of that Gwathur was all too aware. Yet, she'd bowed towards him, as if he was a person that had 'meaning'!

* am man theled = 'for what purpose' - 'why'
"Tolo si, a tiro i cherth Eru" "Come now, and see the works of God"
RPG Moderator & Mistress of the Sea
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Post RE: KEEP: "Going Home" (Permission by PM only)
on: September 28, 2005 02:27
Everyone who had been so silent before began talking all at once....so fast that even Rhyanna could not get a word in edgewise. First her brother was apologizing to Gwathur for being so fearsome (and he had been, thought Rhyanna suddenly) and talking about a misunderstanding (what misunderstanding? She had left a note.) Then he was greeting the elf maiden in her language. When he finished with, "I am afraid I do not know much of your language, but if we all are heading in the same direction, then traveling togethor might not be a bad idea," Rhyanna's heart jumped. Aeldrid had picked her up and was holding her close to his chest.

"Aeldrid! You DO know their language. And you're coming with us? Gwathur, did you hear? Aeldrid is coming with us!" she was so excited she hardly noticed that no one was listening to her. They were continuing their own conversations. The elf maiden was reassuring Gwathur that he was doing well for not having spoken his language in such a long time. Then she was offering the group her name. Telerea. What a pretty name, thought Rhyanna. Before she could absorb just how pretty the name was, she heard the lovely elf maiden speak again. “You are most kind to let me travel with you. Well, “ she said “shall we be on our way then?”

"We're leaving now?" Rhyanna timidly asked of anyone. Then Gwathur's voice replied...not to her but to Telerea. " - I... would like that," he said in a low voice. As the group began to proceed, she was still in Aeldrid's arms, Gwathur on one side of him and Telerea on the other. Rhyanna felt a moment of loss....of what, she wasn't sure but it hurt nonetheless. She thought to herself that maybe it wasn't as much fun as she had first thought having Aeldrid with her, nor the beautiful elf maiden either. She had liked traveling with her friend Gwathur..just the two of them. No one was paying her any attention.

As they reached the road, she wiggled in Aeldrid's arms. "Please put me down, Aeldrid. I'm not a baby. Besides, you have to get your horse," she said, a slight pout on her normally cheerful face. As soon as she hit the ground, she reached out and grabbed Gwathur's hand in hers again. Though he held her hand, he continually glanced questioningly at Telerea. Finally, she heard his rumbly voice above her head.

"Am... am man thel - am man theled*..." the orc-elf began, and then sighed, unable to remember anything more, he went on in the Common Tongue, "Why do you not 'shun' my company... Telerea?"

Rhyanna glanced up at him to see the sadness and confusion in his eyes. Turning her head she watched the elf maiden, plodding along, putting her staff in front of her before each step. Rhyanna watched her take several more steps and a sudden burst of memory crossed her mind. The old man from the village, who was blind, used just such a stick to help him walk along. He was much slower than Telerea and less certain of his steps or direction, but she shared the same characteristics. Rhyanna knew why she did not shun Gwathur.

"Because she cannot see you, Gwathur." She squeezed his hand, and shyly glanced out of the corner of her eye at Telerea, speaking softly, gently and with great sympathy . "I'm right, aren't I, Telerea. You cannot see him, can you? You cannot see any of us."
Life is good! Live it to the fullest. Love well those near and dear. "You cannot step into the same river twice, for the waters are ever flowing on ....." Heraclitus I Aear cân ven na mar
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Post RE: KEEP: "Going Home" (Permission by PM only)
on: September 28, 2005 07:36
"Am... am man thel - am man theled..." the orc-elf began, and then sighed, unable to remember anything more, he went on in the Common Tongue, "Why do you not 'shun' my company... Telerea?"

Telerea was even more confused now – why should she shun someone who had just agreed to help her? Yes, the ellon was behaving very strange indeed, but she had met much stranger personalities in her travels. For some reason it puzzled her though. There was something that did not feel right about him, but it would be very impolite to ask – she would have to satisfy her curiosity in time with the bits and pieces the others gave her.
Forcing her mind to return to the question she was being asked she still tried to find the right words to explain something without knowing the reason for the question.

While she was still thinking she suddenly felt Rhyanna’s eyes on her "Because she cannot see you, Gwathur." she said and then continued. "I'm right, aren't I, Telerea. You cannot see him, can you? You cannot see any of us."

There it was again – the sympathy, the pity in the voice when they finally found out what was wrong with her… The next step was usually that they became overeager to help her and this was always the hardest part. For how could you tell someone who only wanted to do good out of good intentions that they should leave her alone and that she was quite capable of getting around without that kind of help.

She sighed, she knew she would have to say something. She could feel everyone looking at her, waiting for her to say something. “Yes, Rhyanna – you are right. In the real sense of the word I cannot see any of you – but I can ‘see’ with my other senses and in that way get along quite well…” She hoped this had answered the child’s question and that the others would know better than to ask anything further about that topic…

She walked on in silence, quickening her pace as if to prove her statement. However, Gwathur’s words were still ringing in her head and she still could not make sense of them – what did her blindness have to do with shunning the ellon? Finally she put caution and politeness aside and asked Gwathur directly, “Why should I shun you? You have been friendly to me and have shown me kindness. Lle naa mellon (You are a friend).”
Illusionary Heart
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Post RE: KEEP: "Going Home" (Permission by PM only)
on: September 29, 2005 04:22
((Hello everyone. I have permission to join this thread...so here it goes...))

They traversed the land, and off the road, guiding their horses on foot. They made no noise to the ears of men as they ventured farther and farther away from Minas Tirith, home of the King. Mîrion stopped and gazed back at
the golden-haired woman following him, his wife. Ever since they had left Minas Tirith she barely had said a word, not even to jestfully complain about the rough terrain of the land (at least to her), which she had often done when they were making their way to visit the King and Queen of Gondor. What was troubling her, he suspected he knew.

"Arthiel...", Mîrion murmured softly as he took her hand in his. Softly he looked into her eyes, "you've been much too silent since we parted with Arwen and Aragorn. Won't you tell me what upsets you?"

"You know all to well, husband. Arwen knows the joy of child now. I cannot help but envy her; to be able to hold her son in her arms, tell him tales of the valiant deeds his father had achieved, and most of all, watch him grow up and become a man," Arthiel paused and sighed wistfully. "I miss him
everyday..." Their son. Slain by the servants of Sauron when he had seen only the autumn pass but eleven times. "The desire to see my mother, my brother and our daughter's family again where they dwell in the Blessed Realm is stronger than ever."

"I know beloved. That time will soon come when we shall sail into Valinor." In that quiet, nostalgic moment, Mîrion heard the cry of an animal nearby. Turning his head, his eyes found a horse standing a few meters behind them.

"Is... is it tame?" Arthiel asked rather timidly, standing behind
Mîrion. She had never fared well with large animals, except her own horse. Farm animals, dogs, little rodents she was fine with. But horses? She knew all to well the physical injuries horses could inflict on mortals and Elves, having seen it herself.

"No need to worry," Mirion replied walking cautiously over to the creature. "It's equipped with saddle bags; I can only assume that it has an owner. It must have wandered away, but I'm sure not by any accident, though." He gently
began stroking the horse's neck. The horse grunted quietly. "We won't harm you lost one," he spoke softly, "in fact, my wife and I will even aid you in locating your owner."
Accounts Admin, Sindarin Mod & Head Stargazer of Varda
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Post RE: KEEP: "Going Home" (Permission by PM only)
on: September 29, 2005 04:28
"Please put me down, Aeldrid. I'm not a baby. Besides, you have to get your horse," she said, a slight pout on her normally cheerful face. As soon as she hit the ground, she reached out and grabbed Gwathur's hand in hers again.

Gratefully, Gwathur clung to Rhyanna's hand, yet it was the elleth who was still confusing him.

"Because she cannot see you, Gwathur." She squeezed his hand, and shyly glanced out of the corner of her eye at Telerea, speaking softly, gently and with great sympathy . "I'm right, aren't I, Telerea. You cannot see him, can you? You cannot see any of us."

Startled, Gwathur's strangely-colored eyes widened, and he stared down at Rhyanna. She can't see? he wondered, and then the elleth confirmed it.

“Yes, Rhyanna – you are right. In the real sense of the word I cannot see any of you – but I can ‘see’ with my other senses and in that way get along quite well…”

'Pity' was something Gwathur had 'reserved' for himself... for what else was he, but 'pitiful' in nature - besides being ugly in looks?

No... what the orc-elf felt sweeping through him... was relief. Relief that here was one person whose eyes would not be... 'burdened' with having to look on him! - Someone who he'd not frighten... someone of his... well... 'birth-kind' who would not be driven away, loathing his scarred appearance!

But, whilst he was contemplating this, Telerea spoke again.

“Why should I shun you? You have been friendly to me and have shown me kindness. Lle naa mellon (You are a friend).”

'Mellon'? How could she call him 'friend'? Gwathur wondered, and stopped in his tracks. Moments only they'd been in company! Tears once more slid down his face, and his grip on Rhyanna's hand tightened. Trembling, he looked at his small friend, seeking her support. Telerea might not be able to 'see' him - but certainly, her elven-senses could tell he was 'different'! Born an elf - yes... but no longer was he that. Would telling her what he was do what the sight of him did not? - Would knowing the Truth make the elleth 'retract' her offer of friendship?

After a few moments of inner struggling, Gwathur stared at the ground... unable to meet even the sightlessness of the she-elf's eyes. "I... am... not... 'wh-what' you might think," the orc-elf answered slowly, remembered pain 'tingeing' his low voice. "Five hundred years ago... as a child... I was captured, and - and - since then..."

His chest heaving as the orc-elf tried to contain his roiled emotions; the echo of his own terrified scream blazed through his mind as Gwathur-child had cried out for the rescue that never came: 'Nana!! Ada!! Yrch móbiel nin!!' *

"F-for f-five h-hundred years..." he finally got out, "I... am... orc."

Shivering, and though he now knew that neither Rhyanna nor Aeldrid would abandon him, it was the reaction of the elleth he now feared the most. If Telerea - who was blind - refused to accept his presence... what ill might that bode that the Healers of Imladris would refuse to render him their aid?

* Mama!! Papa!! Orcs have seized me!!
"Tolo si, a tiro i cherth Eru" "Come now, and see the works of God"
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Post RE: KEEP: "Going Home" (Permission by PM only)
on: September 29, 2005 05:59
After a few moments Telerea heard Gwathur speak. The way he was breathing told her that he was very, very nervous. "I... am... not... 'wh-what' you might think," the orc-elf answered slowly, remembered pain 'tingeing' his low voice. "Five hundred years ago... as a child... I was captured, and - and - since then..." Telerea could hear the labored breathing and sensed pain and fear. "F-for f-five h-hundred years..." he finally got out, "I... am... orc."

Telerea stopped. That would explain some of the riddle. She had sensed his strangeness. But was even more confused now. How could an orc, any orc be so…. nice. The thought puzzled her and she had to think about it. But that did not go together – everything she sensed was so unlike an orc… how strong must he be to resist 500 years of torture and still remain so much of what he once was?

She had heard the stories about the tortured elves who turned into orcs but the stories never told about anyone not changing. Sad stories they were and many she knew had lost loved ones that way. Once you knew that orcs had captured them, they were basically lost forever unless they could be rescued before they reached Mordor.

Careful to steady her voice and her movements she turned to Gwathur, who had also stopped. “May I look at you?” she said in a quiet voice, “I will have to touch you,” she explained while she slowly approached the orc-elf. The closer she got the more fear she sensed, and yet she knew that he had not moved.

When she finally stood in front of him she carefully extended her hands. She held her staff between her knees to have her hands free. Slowly and carefully she ran her hands across Gwathur’s face – feeling the rough skin, the scars, but also the mouth, softer and rather kind. She took her time, exploring his face until she knew exactly what he looked like.

Yes, outwardly, one might call him ugly – but even in the short while she had been with him, she had sensed so much more… and her senses never let her down. There must be enough of an ellon in him or else she would have sensed an orc, or at least smelled him. Orcs usually had such a distinctive smell…

After she was finished – she knew she would have to say something. Under no circumstance did she want to scare him away and she did not want to take her word back, but she knew that there would be trouble in the future – when they reached Imladris other elves would just go by his looks… This would be difficult.

In the Commen Tongue, for she knew this was easier for him she said, “Thank you for your honesty – but my words were true. You have been friendly to me and so you are a friend. And when we reach Imladris, I will do all I can to help you, as you now help me.” Slowly she turned and started walking again, slowly, hoping the others would follow her. She now thought it would be best to cover as much ground as they could before daylight – because under these circumstances they should probably hide during the day…
RPG Moderator & Mistress of the Sea
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Post RE: KEEP: "Going Home" (Permission by PM only)
on: September 29, 2005 09:48
(OOC: Welcome Lady~E....good to have aboard and great post.)

Telerea spoke, without any sense of self pity in her voice. “Yes, Rhyanna – you are right. In the real sense of the word I cannot see any of you – but I can ‘see’ with my other senses and in that way get along quite well…”

Rhyanna, who had been diligently trying to keep up with the long strides of both Telerea and Gwathur, grinned and then began to laugh. "I would say so. My legs are long for my age but you're moving along so fast, I can barely keep up with you." Looking over her shoulder, she called back to Aeldrid, "Brother, keep up! This amazing elf maiden may outrun all of us." She glanced at Telerea and reached out, just to touch her hand lightly, in a companionship way. She thought she could see just the touch of a smile on Telerea's face before they all passed under a tree that shaded the moonlight.

Then Telerea asked of Gwathur, “Why should I shun you? You have been friendly to me and have shown me kindness. Lle naa mellon (You are a friend).”

Gwathur stopped dead in his tracks, almost pulling Rhyanna off her feet, as he still held her hand and, indeed, was gripping it even tighter. She managed to right herself and stood at his side, a questioning look in her eyes as she stared at him. "Are you alright? He did not answer her but his hand continued to grip hers. Staring at the ground for a while, he finally did begin to talk, answering the elf maiden's question.

"I... am... not... 'wh-what' you might think," the orc-elf answered slowly, remembered pain 'tingeing' his low voice. "Five hundred years ago... as a child... I was captured, and - and - since then... F-for f-five h-hundred years..." he finally got out, "I... am... orc."

Rhyanna's small faced crumpled, close to tears, as she heard him struggle with those words. She knew how very hard it was for him to say them to a stranger. She remembered how hard it was when he first shared this with her back at the cave. By that time, Telerea had stopped as well. She seemed lost in thought, a puzzled look on her fair face. For what seemed forever to Rhyanna, who was holding her breath waiting for a response, Telerea simply stood. Finally, she began to walk towards Gwathur, asking as she did, “May I look at you?” she said in a quiet voice, “I will have to touch you,” she explained while she slowly approached the orc-elf.

When she finally stood in front of him she carefully extended her hands. She held her staff between her knees to have her hands free. Slowly and carefully she ran her hands across Gwathur’s face – feeling the rough skin, the scars, but also the mouth, softer and rather kind. She took her time, exploring his face until she knew exactly what he looked like.

Rhyanna watched her every movement, fascinated by the way Telerea examined the facial features of the orc/elf. She marveled at the thoroughness of her search. She touched his cheeks, eyes, nose, and lingered for a moment on his mouth, a strange look on her face. When she was finished, she once again stood for a long time, as though thinking about what to say. When she finally took a breath, preparatory to speaking, Rhyanna leaned forward, her one hand still holding Gwathur's, her other hand wrapped around his arm as though supporting him should he fall, which was totally silly, she thought, but somehow the words Telerea spoke were going to be very important to him....she just knew this.

In the Commen Tongue, for she knew this was easier for him she said, “Thank you for your honesty – but my words were true. You have been friendly to me and so you are a friend. And when we reach Imladris, I will do all I can to help you, as you now help me.” Slowly she turned and started walking again, slowly..

Rhyanna let out the air in her lungs that she had been holding for what seemed like forever. She looked up at Gwathur to see how he was reacting to this but he simply looked stunned. Letting go of his arm, she tugged his hand, pulling him along to catch up with Telerea, who was very determinedly striding down the road. She could hear Aeldrid and his horse clopping behind her and looked over her shoulder, smiling at her brother as if to say, "see, even the elves accept Gwathur is not a mean, nasty orc." They walked along as the moon began its decline into the western skies and a hint of light began to show in the east. Rhyanna's eyes began searching automatically for a place to spend some of the daylight hours in safety.

"Telerea! Aeldrid! We must find a place to rest for the day....Gwathur has difficulty traveling in the sunlight. It hurts his eyes still." She looked up at her friend and said, "I do hope they can cure that, Gwathur. You are missing so many of the beautiful sights of the daylight hours. Flowers in bloom. Birds nesting and feeding their young. Waterfalls sparkling in the sunlight." Turning towards Telerea, she asked, "Do you think the elf healers can help him with that, Telerea?" slapping her hand across her mouth as she realized who she was asking and hoping she hadn't embarrassed or upset the blind elf, who had not been able to be healed by the elves. "Sometimes you should think before you speak, Rhyanna," her father's words echoed in her mind. She hung her head and refused to face anyone until the sky lightened even more and she lifted it once again to search for a hiding place.
Life is good! Live it to the fullest. Love well those near and dear. "You cannot step into the same river twice, for the waters are ever flowing on ....." Heraclitus I Aear cân ven na mar
Accounts Admin, Sindarin Mod & Head Stargazer of Varda
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Post RE: KEEP: "Going Home" (Permission by PM only)
on: September 29, 2005 10:55
(( Yay, L~E!! *hug* ))

“May I look at you?” she said in a quiet voice, “I will have to touch you,” she explained while she slowly approached the orc-elf. The closer she got the more fear she sensed, and yet she knew that he had not moved.

Gwathur had not moved, and his grip around Rhyanna's hand tightened further, until (afraid he might hurt his little friend) he consciously loosened it a bit. But... except for Rhyanna tending to his head wound... for so long, the touch of another's hand had meant only pain and agony.

Yet, in silence, the orc-elf bore Talerea to 'see' his face, and when she finished, it seemed an Elven Age before the elleth spoke again. What would she say? he wondered. What could she say?

When she finally took a breath, preparatory to speaking, Rhyanna leaned forward, her one hand still holding Gwathur's, her other hand wrapped around his arm as though supporting him should he fall, which was totally silly, she thought, but somehow the words Telerea spoke were going to be very important to him....she just knew this.

Grateful for his friend's support, Gwathur could do nothing but 'wait'.

In the Commen Tongue, for she knew this was easier for him she said, “Thank you for your honesty – but my words were true. You have been friendly to me and so you are a friend. And when we reach Imladris, I will do all I can to help you, as you now help me.” Slowly she turned and started walking again, slowly..

Stunned that Telerea had still accepted him as a friend, it wasn't until Rhyanna pulled him forward that the orc-elf moved.

The rest of the night was quiet whilst the group traveled, as Gwathur 'retreated' into himself to digest these past few days. Yet... daylight was coming soon, and as the sky began lightening, so did he begin searching for a place to stay.

"Telerea! Aeldrid! We must find a place to rest for the day....Gwathur has difficulty traveling in the sunlight. It hurts his eyes still." She looked up at her friend and said, "I do hope they can cure that, Gwathur. You are missing so many of the beautiful sights of the daylight hours. Flowers in bloom. Birds nesting and feeding their young. Waterfalls sparkling in the sunlight." Turning towards Telerea, she asked, "Do you think the elf healers can help him with that, Telerea?" slapping her hand across her mouth as she realized who she was asking and hoping she hadn't embarrassed or upset the blind elf, who had not been able to be healed by the elves. She hung her head and refused to face anyone until the sky lightened even more and she lifted it once again to search for a hiding place.

When they found one, Gwathur paused. "Over there," he pointed to an abandonded-looking building, "To the left - that barn should do," and looked down to smile wanly at Rhyanna. "There should be room for your brother's horse, too," he said and glanced quickly at Aeldrid.

Blinking against the dawn's light, the orc-elf led the way there, and hoping the blind elleth wouldn't think him being other than 'nice', he chose the smoothest path possible.

And once inside, Gwathur settled into the darkest corner he could find to wait out the day. "Rhyanna," he looked at his little friend with a small smile, and trying to think of a way to 'cheer her up' just a bit. "I hope they can heal my eyes, too. I'd like to see flowers again someday... in the daytime."

Yet, there were two others there, too... and watching Aeldrid tend to his mount, Gwathur's oddly-colored eyes switched from him, to his sister, and then back again. "Aeldrid..." he said, "You said there was a... 'misunderstanding'. Is Rhyanna in trouble? She said she left a note..."

And then, glancing to Telerea, with half-desperation in his voice, "Please... h-hiril*... how long since you were last in Imladris?" Gwathur asked, once more wondering if his parents might yet be there...

* hiril - lady

[Edited on 29/9/2005 by gwendeth]
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Post RE: KEEP: "Going Home" (Permission by PM only)
on: September 29, 2005 03:08
It was nearing dawn and Mîrion and Arthiel had yet not tracked down the owner of the missing steed. They had traveled many hours, and Arthiel was growing weary with their laboured journey through the night. She did not possess the physical strength, nor endurance to travel much further or longer, but her fëa was resilient, emotionally and mentally. She would be able to make it until they found a suitable place to rest. He scanned their surroundings with his keen Elven-sight - trees, fallen branches, clear skies, a few flowers in bloom, and a rather old-looking barn...it would have to do for now. The next village did not appear to be within a few leagues of their location and he couldn't take it for granted that there would be room availability at the inns.

"Do you see anything or anyone?" inquired Arthiel, waiting for him to respond, she let out an exhausted yawn. She was too fatigued to bother observing their now sunlit surroundings; all she really cared for at the moment was to let her body regain its energy. Guiding this horse proved to be more of a challenge than both of them had thought in the beginning. Clearly, it was very loyal to its caretaker.

"A barn. I'm not too sure that no one is using it, but there is a horse mounted there. I know it's not as comfortable or appealing as one of those village inns, but this appears to be the best we can hope for right now - just for a short while, only." Mîrion replied, pulled her into his arms and brushed his lips against her brow, as Arthiel sighed lazily.

"Very well. How far is it?"

"Half a league, it would seem." He answered her while calculating the distance. Mîrion reached into his horse's (Menel) saddle bag, foraged the bag for a few pieces of dried fruit and gave them to Arthiel. "Eat these for the time being," she simply regarded him, as if to say ' what about you?, "I'll be fine, I've no hunger. I'll eat when we can obtain something warmer." They hadn't eaten a warm meal in days...but then again, in the battling days of his and Middle-Earth, he sometimes hadn't eaten for days.

They neared the barn and were aware that it was indeed occupied, as opposed to what they had thought earlier. To rest there as he had originally planned was simply out of the question, not to mention completely intrusive. "It looks like we'll have to find some other place to inhabit for a short while - but it wouldn't hurt to inquire if they were looking for the horse we came across." Mîrion said.

"Yes..." Arthiel exhaled with slight annoyance, "I suppose it wouldn't." She crouched down near the lush, green bush and pushed aside a couple of protruding leaves; she didn't want anyone laying eyes on them just yet. "I see...men...a young man, and young child - a girl. And another of our kin - a woman. There is also another of the Eldar...but he looks ... so different - almost orc-like but that can't be. He has the height of our kin..." Arthiel observed with confusion. She glanced at Mîrion who merely shrugged.

Arthiel turned her head to check up on the lost horse, but found that it was missing. It was galloping with ease towards the recently found group of people!

fëa - spirit

[Edited on 30/9/2005 by Lady~Eowyn]
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Post RE: KEEP: "Going Home" (Permission by PM only)
on: September 29, 2005 05:07
"Aeldrid! You DO know their language. And you're coming with us? Gwathur, did you hear? Aeldrid is coming with us!"

Aeldrid smiled widely at his sister and hugged her tightly. They began to walk; Gwathur on one side and Talerea on the other.

They reached the road and Rhyanna began to protest. She seemed a little put out; probably cranky. It was getting late and Aeldrid worried about his sister's ability to stay awake much longer. But Imladris was a long way away and Aeldrid wanted to get to a village to send a message back to thier family.

"Alright, but you stay close." he said, releasing the girl. He walked over and took the horse's riens, leading him back to the group. Cerebil snorted in protest, obviously wanting to graze rather than walk.

Aeldrid kept himself mainly busy with his own thoughts; Rhyanna, Telerea and Gwathur engaged in their own conversation. Such was Aeldrid's way; he was usually silent around new people. Only his family generally saw the engaging, talkative side of him. Right now, the young man was more worried about accomidations for his sister and the danger of the stray orc or bandit along the way.

Rhyanna held up better than Aeldrid expected but it was getting towards dawn. He himself was tired, although he was more used to traveling without rest.

"Telerea! Aeldrid! We must find a place to rest for the day....Gwathur has difficulty traveling in the sunlight. It hurts his eyes still. I do hope they can cure that, Gwathur. You are missing so many of the beautiful sights of the daylight hours. Flowers in bloom. Birds nesting and feeding their young. Waterfalls sparkling in the sunlight." Turning towards Telerea, she asked, "Do you think the elf healers can help him with that, Telerea?"

Aeldrid shook his head and smiled. This blind elf...Aeldrid was intrigued by her. An elf with such a disability was not often seen. However, the young man kept his distance for the moment.

When they found shelter, Gwathur paused. "Over there," he pointed to an abandonded-looking building, "To the left - that barn should do," and looked down to smile wanly at Rhyanna. "There should be room for your brother's horse, too," he said and glanced quickly at Aeldrid.

Aeldrid nodded in agreement and the group headed for the barn. Aeldrid insisted on going first; who knew if the roof had fallen in? Or if it was weak enough to do so with his littler sister in there?

But it proved to be fine. Gwathur and Rhyanna immediately settled down, as did Telerea. Aeldrid sat near the door, to keep a watch. His blue eyes studied the outside.

"Aeldrid..." Gwathur said. "You said there was a... 'misunderstanding'. Is Rhyanna in trouble? She said she left a note..."

Aeldrid looked at him, then back outside. "No. Something went wrong with the note and it seemed as if Rhyanna had...been taken by orcs. That's why I was so foreboding at first. It is a good thing that you were holding her when I found you; else I might have killed you and only then known my mistake later."

He spoke simply, not intending to frighten the other, but as the words came out, Aeldrid wondered if those had been the best choice. He turned again and smiled; he looked quite like Rhyanna when he did so. "But it seems you are a friend to my sister. Therefore, you are my friend as well."

Aeldrid made sure that he met Gwathur's eyes before looking out again. "Get some rest Gwathur."

He heard the other speak to Telerea and inwardly envied Rhyanna's easy manner with people. Perhaps it was because she was a child that she was able to speak so easily. He would speak to her later about the heartache and fear that her actions had caused, but for now she could sleep and enjoy her adventure.

There was the sound of hooves and Aeldrid was instantly on his feet. "Cerebil?"

The horse snorted and pushed at his shoulder as another horse appeared. Cerebil's ears pricked forward and Aeldrid smiled. He looked beyond and saw some figures. The smile faded and his hand went to his hilt.

Gwathur had obviously spent a long time in abuse - which would leave him largely useless in a fight despite his intentions. Rhyanna was a child; she was out of the question. Telerea was mostly like able to defend herself in some manner, but Aeldrid could not fully depend on her should it come to danger.

But prudence was useful. It could be that they were the owners of the land this old barn sat on. Or perhaps they had found Cerebil. He would wait.

[Edited on 30/9/2005 by Jaid_Skywalker]
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Post RE: KEEP: "Going Home" (Permission by PM only)
on: September 30, 2005 12:16
It was Gwathur who found their shelter. "Over there," he pointed to an abandonded-looking building, "To the left - that barn should do," and looked down to smile wanly at Rhyanna. "There should be room for your brother's horse, too," he said and glanced quickly at Aeldrid. Her brother nodded and made them all stand outside while he checked out the interior.

"There's no one here, Aeldrid." she called. But then she remembered how the roof had collapsed under Gwathur's weight and thought it was just as well that her brother was checking it out. When he came out and waved them in, they all wandered into the sheltering shaded areas of the barn floor. Gwathur found an old bale of hay in the darkest corner and settled himself and his small bag. Rhyanna, however, was beginning to miss the sun and even if she was going to be sleeping, she wanted to feel the warmth on her face. So when Aeldrid took up watch by the entrance of the barn, she laid her pack on the floor near his feet and curled herself into a comfortable position, with her face in the light of the rising sun. But somehow, sleep didn't come. She wiggled, and turned, and re-settled herself, then turned again....finally sitting up and staring towards the back of the barn. She thought of Telerea, which led to the Lady Arwen, to some of the other elven names she had heard from her papa. Staring at Gwathur, she mouthed his name. It didn't sound right. It didn't have the...the....what?, she thought. Ahh, the music..that was it..that elvish names had. Gwathur couldn't have been his name when he was young. Even the sound of it sounded .... more...orcish than elvish. So deep were her thoughts that she almost missed the exchange of words between Aeldrid and Gwathur.

"Aeldrid..." Gwathur said. "You said there was a... 'misunderstanding'. Is Rhyanna in trouble? She said she left a note..."

Aeldrid looked at him, then back outside. "No. Something went wrong with the note and it seemed as if Rhyanna had...been taken by orcs. That's why I was so foreboding at first. It is a good thing that you were holding her when I found you; else I might have killed you and only then known my mistake later. But it seems you are a friend to my sister. Therefore, you are my friend as well." Aeldrid made sure that he met Gwathur's eyes before looking out again. "Get some rest Gwathur."

Rhyanna's eyes went from Gwathur to Aeldrid then back to Gwathur during this exchange, noting the smile on her brother's face and the softening of Gwathur's as well. There was something very comforting about her brother's final words. She too smiled even as her thoughts went back to Gwathur's name. She tried to think what he might have been called once. She knew Elves were often named according to who or what kind of person they were. Papa had told her that once upon a time. She watched Gwathur from the corner of her eye as she tried to think what kind of name would fit him. She finally decided what she would have named him if it was up to her. She turned around to ask Telerea, noting she was sitting quietly, her eyes open and gazing into the far distance. Rhyanna had a funny thought.....would the elf maiden 'sleep' with her eyes open or closed? She began to giggle and then was ashamed of herself for finding such a thing amusing. She sighed deeply; growing up was very hard, she decided.

"Telerea! Could I ask you a question?" She kept her voice low enough not to wake the elf maiden should she actually be sleeping but loud enough for her to hear were she awake. "How would an elf say 'brave soul' or 'strong heart', especially if you wanted to call someone by a name like that?" She had decided she would give Gwathur an elvish pet-name, that only she could call him. But she wanted one that matched what she thought of him and she had long since decided that he had a truly brave heart.

As she waited for Telerea's response, she heard horses on the road. Her brother instantly stood and watched through the door, his hand on the hilt of his sword. Rhyanna crept up behind him and peeked out around his legs. Suddenly, a riderless horse broke free from the other two riders and cantered across the field toward the barn, whinnying as though calling to someone.
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Post RE: KEEP: "Going Home" (Permission by PM only)
on: October 02, 2005 08:58
Telerea noticed that Gwathur was very careful to select the smoothest way for her and the others. She was still puzzled over the fact that someone could have withstood torture for 500 years in that way. It was nothing short amazing.

This was also what the healers at Imladris would think, she thought, but when Rhyanna asked her whether she thought the healers would be able to heal Gwathur, she did not answer. She did not want to disappoint the small girl, whom she had liked form the beginning. But if she was honest with herself, she thought it quite unlikely that the could.

When they reached the shelter, Telerea tried to get comfortable, but sleep would not come. Once she had time to think she was worried - worried what had happened to her horse, worried how they were ever going to reach Imladris on foot and how Gwathur would be received, not speaking about the humans... It was then that she heard Ryanna come closer, careful not to wake her should she be asleep. Telerea smiled, despite herself.

"Telerea! Could I ask you a question?" She kept her voice low enough not to wake the elf maiden should she actually be sleeping but loud enough for her to hear were she awake. "How would an elf say 'brave soul' or 'strong heart', especially if you wanted to call someone by a name like that?"

Telerea turned herself around to face in the direction of Ryanna's voice. She took a moment to think about the best translation, then she said; " You know, little one - we don't have a name like that. All elves are brave, so it would make no sense to name somone that." she explained. After a pause she continued." I knew someone whose name was 'Tulcaráto' - that means 'strong champion'. This is the closest I can get to what you want. But 'brave soul' is a fitting name for your friend, for indeed he was very brave - few could have done what he did.
But try to rest now little one - we'll have to walk far tomorrow..."

When she finally had settled down and was starting to fall asleep she heard footsteps. She sat upright and sensed a horse drawing near. Hoping it would be her own horse she sat up. Then she heard Aeldrid talk to the horse. Slowly she got up and whistled a short melody. She heard the horse respond and come to her. Glad to have it back she murmured "Don't ever do that again!" while petting the horse's muzzle affectionately.
But there were still footsteps - light footsteps, but noticeable to her trained ears.

"Those are eldar approaching," she said to Aeldrid, who she knew had been keeping watch. She moved next to him leaving the horse in the barn behind her. "Be on your guard, but don't be rash - usually they should not mean harm." Then she turned to Rhyanna, who she knew had not been asleep yet. "Rhyanna, please, keep Gwathur in the shadows - there are people coming. Let me and your brother talk to them."

[Edited on 3/10/2005 by Liswen]

[Edited on 3/10/2005 by Liswen]
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Post RE: KEEP: "Going Home" (Permission by PM only)
on: October 02, 2005 04:17
Mîrion swore under his breath as he watched in realization that the horse had escaped them. He hoped that this situation would not cause any alarm or result in any violence, something his wife did not need to witness, especially in her exhausted state. Swiftly and gracefully he mounted his horse, Menel, and rode off. Arthiel followed him, riding her horse at a slower, more leisurely pace, knowing that Mîrion would resume the role of the peace-keeper, and diplomat. He was usefully adept at knowing what to say or do in almost every situation he ran into, unless one would dare to tempt his fierce anger.

Mîrion neared the barn and took aware that a young man and a woman of his kin were watching them. He slid off his horse and began a slow jog towards them. His eyes were lain upon the young man, whose hand lay tensely upon the hilt of his sword. He found this somewhat amusing, but kept the thought from being expressed on his firm face. He hoped that the man realized that it would be foolish to challenge him in combat of arms - Mîrion's skill with a sword was magnificently great through the many years of vigorous training and battling.

Calmly, he greeted the two, "I am terribly sorry. We didn't intend to frighten anyone, but the horse more or less escaped our watch for a moment," Mîrion caught a glimpse of the young man's hand still upon the hilt of his sword and added, "Nor do we mean any harm. Again, you have my apologizes."

Arthiel regarded Mîrion standing in front of the young man and Elven woman. She knew that her husband would be able to conduct his speech rather gently, but firmly and in an effective manner. She didn't know how the man would react, noticing where his hand lay. Arthiel would have to wait and see.

Mîrion cast a glance behind him. Arthiel had caught up with him and now stood beside him. She had tried to hood the fatigued look of her eyes, but failed. Her breathing was calm and she took a composed appearance. Proud little creature that she was.

"Er...the reason we are here, though is because we found this horse during our travels and we assumed the responsibility of finding its owner, as we thought that its caretake may have great need and use of it," Mîrion explained, suspecting that the two were wondering why he and Arthiel were "bothering" them, "You wouldn't happen to be its owner, would you?"

He waited for their response. "However, I am Lord Mîrion of Rivendell and this is my wife, Arthiel." His hand was extended to young man's, though he was aware of the woman's presence, he wanted to make peace with the male who probably viewed them as an unwelcome danger.
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Post RE: KEEP: "Going Home" (Permission by PM only)
on: October 03, 2005 07:45
Aeldrid allowed his hand to fall away from his hilt. Elves, not bandits or orcs. That was a relief.

He glanced at Telerea, then grabbed the strange horse's riens and gently turned it about, so it was close to the woman. He hesitated for a moment; he didn't want to call her by just her given name - that denoted a type of familiarity that he considered somewhat rude.

"Lady Telerea..." he stated, just a little hesitantly. "Is this horse yours by any chance?"

The male elf spoke again and Aeldrid turned to look back at him.

"Er...the reason we are here, though is because we found this horse during our travels and we assumed the responsibility of finding its owner, as we thought that its caretake may have great need and use of it. You wouldn't happen to be its owner, would you?"

There was a pause before the elf went on. "However, I am Lord Mîrion of Rivendell and this is my wife, Arthiel."

Aeldrid stared at the hand before reaching out and grasping it with his own. His cheeks burned as he did so; for him, that was a stretch of conduct that he was not used to breaching.

But Rivendell? Was that not another name for Imladris? Perhaps the Valar were watching over them...that is if this couple were heading towards their home...and if they would agree to let the small, bedraggled group accompany them.

They had not seen Gwathur yet. Aeldrid did not know much about elves and to shun one who had seen so much was almost incomprehensible, although he knew that some would do so. Despite Rhyanna's confidence in him, he knew very little about the way elves were.

"We ourselves are searching for Imladris." Aeldrid used the older, elvish name on purpose. "We have need for the healers there. If it would not inconvienence you too much, would you mind pointing out the best way on my map? I would not delay your journey, my lord, but I must ask for the ease of those in my party."

He kept his voice formal, although his face betrayed no emotion. Perhaps his blue eyes still appeared guarded, but the young man, as stated before, did not like to reveal his motives and thoughts to strangers.

Absently, he thought that Rhyanna would be up and hungry soon...travel rations would have to do for her now.
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Post RE: KEEP: "Going Home" (Permission by PM only)
on: October 03, 2005 01:59
Rhyanna listened closely to Telerea as she told her of how the name would be spoken.

" You know, little one - we don't have a name like that. All elves are brave, so it would make no sense to name somone that." she explained. After a pause she continued." I knew someone whose name was 'Tulcaráto' - that means 'strong champion'. This is the closest I can get to what you want. But 'brave soul' is a fitting name for your friend, for indeed he was very brave - few could have done what he did. But try to rest now little one - we'll have to walk far tomorrow..."

Tulcaráto, Rhyanna said softly to herself and thought that might do but it wasn't quite right. She wanted a word for soul or heart, not champion, but she could call Gwathur Tulca.....just strong....for that he was. She was about to join him in the loose hay in the deep corners of the barn when the riderless horse ran directly for the barn. Aeldrid took its reins but it obviously knew its owner for as soon as Telerea whistled a short melody, it immediately nuzzled the elf maiden. Then Telerea spoke to Aeldrid..

"Those are eldar approaching," she said to Aeldrid, who she knew had been keeping watch. She moved next to him leaving the horse in the barn behind her. "Be on your guard, but don't be rash - usually they should not mean harm." Then she turned to Rhyanna, who she knew had not been asleep yet. "Rhyanna, please, keep Gwathur in the shadows - there are people coming. Let me and your brother talk to them."

Rhyanna quickly ran to the shadows where Gwathur was resting and sat next to him. "Gwathur, there are elves coming. See the horse by the door? That's Telerea's missing one...the elves must have found it." Before he could move or respond, she began to tell him what Telerea had told her. She finished with, "So I think I can call you just Tulca, which means strong because you are very strong. But I have to find a word for soul or heart so I can finish your name. Would you mind if I called you just Tulca until then?" She was as chipper as a cricket and obviously very pleased with herself for finding a name that only she could call him. "I think the name Tulcaráto is a very nice name, too, but you haven't championed anything yet. Besides, it's your heart, your soul, that I want the rest of the name for." She smiled happily at him, contented to be sitting at his side, when there were voices near the opening to the barn. Looking at the door, Rhyanna noticed a tall handsome elf talking to Aeldrid and Telerea, and thus she missed the expression on Gwathur's face, as memories and thoughts flashed through his mind. What they were might have had something to do with the elf by the door but only he knew. Rhyanna patted his hand and said, "Stay here, Tulca, I'll go see what they want and who they are."

She crept toward the door in time to hear the handsome elf say, "I am terribly sorry. We didn't intend to frighten anyone, but the horse more or less escaped our watch for a moment. Nor do we mean any harm. Again, you have my apologizes." As Rhyanna crept even closer, she now saw another beautiful elf maiden join the one at the door, as he continued, "Er...the reason we are here, though is because we found this horse during our travels and we assumed the responsibility of finding its owner, as we thought that its caretake may have great need and use of it. You wouldn't happen to be its owner, would you?" Rhyanna watched the horse still nuzzling Telerea's neck and shoulders and thought to herself what a silly question to ask, seeing how the horse was obviously Telerea's.

She giggled and crawled a little closer, and heard, "However, I am Lord Mîrion of Rivendell and this is my wife, Arthiel." His hand was extended to Aeldrid's who stared at it silently. Rhyanna wanted to scold him for being so suspicious of a pair of elves when she noticed that he finally reached out and grasped it in greeting. Finally Aeldrid replied to the Lord and Lady from Rivendell.

"We ourselves are searching for Imladris." Aeldrid used the older, elvish name on purpose. "We have need for the healers there. If it would not inconvienence you too much, would you mind pointing out the best way on my map? I would not delay your journey, my lord, but I must ask for the ease of those in my party."

Rhyanna had had enough. Waving to Gwathur in the corner to stay where he was, she got to her feet and ran to Aeldrid's side. He looked surprised to see her, she supposed he had thought her asleep, but how can one sleep with all this excitement going on. Telerea's horse had returned, there were two more elves standing with them, but most of all, she figured she might find the word for soul or heart to finish Tulca's name.

"Hello Lord Mîrion and Lady Arthiel, my name is Rhyanna. This is my brother, Aeldrid," she said, holding his arm, and this wonderful lovely elf maiden is Telerea. We have another with us but he is resting right now. Part of his name is Tulca but we haven't figured out the rest of it yet. Are you staying for a while? Perhaps you can help me with it." In her usual high-spirited fashion, totally foregoing formalities, she had introduced her entire group and was now waiting to see what happened next. Meanwhile, it is to be imagined that her traveling party was at a loss for words, wondering themselves how the two formal elves from Rivendell would react to this cheerful greeting from the small child.
Life is good! Live it to the fullest. Love well those near and dear. "You cannot step into the same river twice, for the waters are ever flowing on ....." Heraclitus I Aear cân ven na mar
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Post RE: KEEP: "Going Home" (Permission by PM only)
on: October 03, 2005 03:48
Although he dozed some, Gwathur was well aware of when the horse came... followed by the other two elves. From his darkened corner, he watched apprehensively, and... a bit ashamedly as first Aeldrid, and Telerea, and then Rhyanna seemed all bent on protecting him - emphasized by the blind elleth's words.

"Rhyanna, please, keep Gwathur in the shadows - there are people coming. Let me and your brother talk to them."

Rhyanna quickly ran to the shadows where Gwathur was resting and sat next to him. "Gwathur, there are elves coming. See the horse by the door? That's Telerea's missing one...the elves must have found it." Before he could move or respond, she began to tell him what Telerea had told her. She finished with, "So I think I can call you just Tulca, which means strong because you are very strong. But I have to find a word for soul or heart so I can finish your name. Would you mind if I called you just Tulca until then?" She was as chipper as a cricket and obviously very pleased with herself for finding a name that only she could call him. "I think the name Tulcaráto is a very nice name, too, but you haven't championed anything yet. Besides, it's your heart, your soul, that I want the rest of the name for." She smiled happily at him, contented to be sitting at his side, when there were voices near the opening to the barn.

Looking at the door, Rhyanna noticed a tall handsome elf talking to Aeldrid and Telerea, and thus she missed the expression on Gwathur's face, as memories and thoughts flashed through his mind. What they were might have had something to do with the elf by the door but only he knew. Rhyanna patted his hand and said, "Stay here, Tulca, I'll go see what they want and who they are."

Tulca? - No. That wasn't it... nor was - was - was 'Tulcaráto'. That name belonged to... and - and Telerea had KNOWN him! And... his name was... and abruptly, Gwathur closed his eyes as more long-buried memories crept into the daylight of his mind. He began to think - even if the Healers of Imladris denied him... that Rhyanna had done so much already, perhaps he could bear the life he now had to live.

Yet... the two elves were from Rivendell! Hope again stirred within Gwathur as his friend's brother spoke.

"We ourselves are searching for Imladris." Aeldrid used the older, elvish name on purpose. "We have need for the healers there. If it would not inconvienence you too much, would you mind pointing out the best way on my map? I would not delay your journey, my lord, but I must ask for the ease of those in my party."

Rhyanna had had enough. Waving to Gwathur in the corner to stay where he was, she got to her feet and ran to Aeldrid's side. He looked surprised to see her, she supposed he had thought her asleep, but how can one sleep with all this excitement going on. Telerea's horse had returned, there were two more elves standing with them, but most of all, she figured she might find the word for soul or heart to finish Tulca's name.

"Hello Lord Mîrion and Lady Arthiel, my name is Rhyanna. This is my brother, Aeldrid," she said, holding his arm, and this wonderful lovely elf maiden is Telerea. We have another with us but he is resting right now. Part of his name is Tulca but we haven't figured out the rest of it yet. Are you staying for a while? Perhaps you can help me with it." In her usual high-spirited fashion, totally foregoing formalities, she had introduced her entire group and was now waiting to see what happened next. Meanwhile, it is to be imagined that her traveling party was at a loss for words, wondering themselves how the two formal elves from Rivendell would react to this cheerful greeting from the small child.

Gwathur could take no more. 'Strong of heart' Rhyanna had called him - and 'strong' he needed to be. Slowly he rose from the shadows, and keeping to the shadows to spare the two elves the sight of his face, he came forward just a bit. Bowing slightly, and grateful that his long, black hair helped obscured his disfigured countenance, the orc-elf spoke.

'Gravelly', yet still somewhat 'elven' in tone, "F-forgive me. I am the... 'reason' we seek direction to Imladris. It is I who needs... 'Healing'. - If you can help, it would be kind of you."

And then retreating back to his corner Gwathur went on, "Rhyanna... may I talk to you for a moment?" and waited for his little friend to join him.

Kneeling down, it wasn't quite so dark that she couldn't see his eyes, which glowed 'strangely' in the dim light. A small, but happy smile touched the orc-elf's lips, and what he said was for Rhyanna's ears only, for he wasn't 'ready' for everyone else to know it... yet.

"You're right," he said very quietly, and held on to her hand. "'Tulca' isn't 'quite' my name, but if you want to, you can call me that. 'Tulcaráto' isn't either. That... was my father's name. My name," and he leaned closer to whisper it into her ear, "is 'Tulcendor'. It means 'strong soul'. Thank you, Ryanna!"

Still holding his friend's hand, Gwathur again got to his feet to see what answer the Imladrian elves might give...

[Edited on 4/10/2005 by gwendeth]
"Tolo si, a tiro i cherth Eru" "Come now, and see the works of God"
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Post RE: KEEP: "Going Home" (Permission by PM only)
on: October 03, 2005 05:03
"Hello Lord Mîrion and Lady Arthiel, my name is Rhyanna. This is my brother, Aeldrid," she said, holding his arm, and this wonderful lovely elf maiden is Telerea. We have another with us but he is resting right now. Part of his name is Tulca but we haven't figured out the rest of it yet. Are you staying for a while? Perhaps you can help me with it."

Mîrion was quite surprised by the child's abrupt entrance and introduction of herself, her brother and the others. He hadn't been in presence of such a bright, cheerful little child since...since their son. Their child had an enormous zeal for life, always wanting to learn new things and go off on noble and brave adventures with his father. He shook his head very slightly, to bring himself out of nostalgia and focus on the situation at hand.

Arthiel smiled and bent down to eye level of the child, "We're very pleased to meet you Rhyanna, your brother Aeldrid and Telerea. You have a very pretty name." She looked back up at Mîrion, "I don't know how long we're going to stay, though."

She stood back and up and remembered that Aeldrid had commented that they were in need of a healer. She opened her mouth to mention that she was a healer, but closed her mouth when she noticed a tall, dark-haired figure emerge from the barn. He stopped in the shadows of the barn, cast by the son.

The orc-elf spoke, "F-forgive me. I am the... 'reason' we seek direction to Imladris. It is I who needs... 'Healing'. - If you can help, it would be kind of you. Rhyanna... may I talk to you for a moment?"

That must be Tulca, whom Rhyanna had mentioned earlier. Arthiel's sharp Elven glance had picked up his disfigured facial and other physical features that he had tried to mask with the shadows and his hair and she was sure Mîrion had also noticed as well. He had very orc-like features, but yet he still resembled the Eldar, partially. What was this thing, exactly? And why would they be in company of...this orc? Surely for no evil reason...it simply didn't add up. But she made sure that her suspicion was kept to herself, if not her husband.

Mîrion's eyes observed the orc-elf very intently. There was something very, very different about him. Unlike the other orcs of Sauron that he'd encountered in a number of battles, Telca was different. It wasn't that he was tall...there was just something about him that Mîrion couldn't explain. He certainly didn't look evil, nor did Mîrion presume Tulca a threat.

Tulca's request (sort of) was still ringing through Arthiel's mind and she was almost at a loss for words, wondering what he could need healing of. She also was reluctant to speak because she despised orcs, not only because they had slain their son, but because of the almost fatal wounds that had been wreaked upon her husband at one point in time. Mîrion had told her that it was the nature of warriors and battle, but it did not help to dissolve her hatred of orcs, remembering staying by his bedside, weeping endlessly and praying to the Valar that they would spare him. Clearly, he was fine now. Mîrion cleared his throat and said loudly enough so that Tulca and Rhyanna could hear, "My wife is a healer. I'm sure she'd be able to heal your wounds or whatever it may be."

"Yes, I am," Arthiel confirmed Mîrion's statement passively. She watched Tulca and Rhyanna saunter back towards the group, "What would you have me do? You don't appear to sustain any observable physical wounds." Despite her loathing of orcs, she held a compassionate tone to her voice and expression in her eyes. Perhaps this orc was not like all of them...she couldn't hate this one...for some reason.

[Edited on 4/10/2005 by Lady~Eowyn]
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Post RE: KEEP: "Going Home" (Permission by PM only)
on: October 03, 2005 06:30
As Rhyanna was busy introducing everyone, she had left Gwathur back in the deep shadows of the barn. When she finished, Arthiel smiled and bent down to eye level of the child, "We're very pleased to meet you Rhyanna, your brother Aeldrid and Telerea. You have a very pretty name." She looked back up at Mîrion, "I don't know how long we're going to stay, though."

Rhyanna was about to invite her to travel with them when a voice from behind her surprised her into silence. "F-forgive me. I am the... 'reason' we seek direction to Imladris. It is I who needs... 'Healing'. - If you can help, it would be kind of you." Rhyanna turned on her heels, staring in total amazement at Gwathur. He had actually come almost into the sunlight and had spoken to the two newcomers.

Mîrion cleared his throat and said loudly enough so that Tulca and Rhyanna could hear, "My wife is a healer. I'm sure she'd be able to heal your wounds or whatever it may be."

"Yes, I am," Arthiel confirmed Mîrion's statement passively. "What would you have me do? You don't appear to sustain any observable physical wounds." She held a compassionate tone to her voice and expression in her eyes.

He made no response to Arthiel, turning back to the shadows. He called out softly to Rhyanna. "May I talk to you for a moment?" She followed him with her mouth hanging open, wondering what was happening to Gwathur. First he mustered up the nerve to speak to the two elves, then it was as if he had forgotten he had, instead asking to speak to her alone. Here he had a healer at hand, so what could be more important than that? When he told her, she had all she could do to keep from jumping up and down with joy.

Kneeling down, it wasn't quite so dark that she couldn't see his eyes, which glowed 'strangely' in the dim light. A small, but happy smile touched the orc-elf's lips, and what he said was for Rhyanna's ears only, for he wasn't 'ready' for everyone else to know it... yet.

"You're right," he said very quietly, and held on to her hand. "'Tulca' isn't 'quite' my name, but if you want to, you can call me that. 'Tulcaráto' isn't either. That... was my father's name. My name," and he leaned closer to whisper it into her ear, "is 'Tulcendor'. It means 'strong soul'. Thank you, Ryanna!"

Still holding his friend's hand, Gwathur again got to his feet to see what answer the Imladrian elves might give...

Rhyanna squeezed his hand, whispering to him, "Tulcendor....strong soul. That's just what I wanted to call you and it really IS your name. That is soooo wonderful, Gwa...Tulcendor," she changed it, smiling with happiness. Proudly at his side, she walked back with him to face the two elves, one of whom was a healer. She decided she'd wait to see if he would answer Arthiel about what his problem was. After all, he had a strong soul....she grinned....and she knew he could do it. But if he didn't, she certainly would. Now was the time to see if anything could help her friend.
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Post RE: KEEP: "Going Home" (Permission by PM only)
on: October 03, 2005 06:47
Mîrion cleared his throat and said loudly enough so that Tulca and Rhyanna could hear, "My wife is a healer. I'm sure she'd be able to heal your wounds or whatever it may be."

"Yes, I am," Arthiel confirmed Mîrion's statement passively. She watched Tulca and Rhyanna saunter back towards the group, "What would you have me do? You don't appear to sustain any observable physical wounds." Despite her loathing of orcs, she held a compassionate tone to her voice and expression in her eyes.

Rhyanna squeezed his hand, whispering to him, "Tulcendor....strong soul. That's just what I wanted to call you and it really IS your name. That is soooo wonderful, Gwa...Tulcendor," she changed it, smiling with happiness. Proudly at his side, she walked back with him to face the two elves, one of whom was a healer.

Nervously, Gwathur faced the two newcomers, and tried to think of just... 'how' to answer. He'd heard the compassion in the elleth's voice... yet, he knew that - this close, they couldn't 'miss' seeing what he was really 'like'.

Yet... the strength he'd gained from his little friend... and now remembering his true name, 'helped'.

"I am... T-Gwathur," he said, still not wanting to speak his real name yet. "I am... was... from Imladris, a long time ago. I was... 'taken' by orcs... as a child. I have been with orcs for five hundred years. I tried not to be 'orc'. I don't want to be 'orc'. I want to go home again. I want to be 'elf' again."

Falling silent, Gwathur-Tulcendor looked down at Rhyanna, knowing that if he had not put things... 'correctly', that his young friend would add what she felt he'd not said very well...
"Tolo si, a tiro i cherth Eru" "Come now, and see the works of God"
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Post RE: KEEP: "Going Home" (Permission by PM only)
on: October 04, 2005 02:56
Telerea was taken by surprise. Before she could utter as much as a 'mae govannen', Rhyanna already had finished with the introductions. Did the child not know that her forwardness could prove disastrous in other situations?

Luckily the two eldar,Lord Mîrion and Lady Arthiel, seemed to be friendly enough, even when they met Gwathur. Yet she could sense the elleth's fear. She must have had bad experiences with orcs - as most people had. She had heard of Lord Mîrion and Lady Arthiel, although she had not known them herself. If they indeed accepted Gwathur and traveled to Imladris with them, they would have a chance to find help in Imladris.

Then Gwathur came from the back of the barn and started talking to the elves himself. Telerea was amazed. This needed a lot of courage - a strong soul he was indeed. After a short while she could pick up something Gwathur was obviously saying to Rhyanna.
"You're right," he said very quietly, "'Tulca' isn't 'quite' my name, but if you want to, you can call me that. 'Tulcaráto' isn't either. That... was my father's name. My name," this was only a faint whisper, hard to detect even for elven ears, but it was no problem for Telerea's well trained ones, "is 'Tulcendor'. It means 'strong soul'. Thank you, Ryanna!"

The past minutes had been an upward road of amazement and surprise for Telerea, but this was more than she had expected. Tulcaráto had been known to her and her parents. They had first met when her father and mother had taken her to Imladris for education. She knew the story of how Tulcaráto's son Tulcendor had been taken by orcs and had never been seen again. Among others in Imladris Tulcaráto had been one of her teachers. She had not seen him in years, but she could imagine what would happen if she arrived with his son - in whatever form. The loss had been deep and Tulcaráto had never been the same it was told...

Telerea was lost in memories now. Not only did she remember her teachers and Tulcaráto, but also her parents Nowë - her father and Brandariel - her mother. All of her childhood the had lived near the sea with their kinsman Cirdan. When she had been about 10 years old, her parents had decided for her to move to Imladris to get the best education possible. They had brought her their and after a while left as not to hinder her progress. She had seen little of her parents after that - but there love and the sea always remained with her.

She was drawn back to reality when Gwathur - no, Tulcendor started to speak again. She listened carefully - interested in the answer the elves would give him - so much depended on their acceptance. She had unconsciously moved closer to Aeldrid and had put her hand on his arm - for some support.

(ooc : let me know if that post is ok, or if I took too much liberty there - I have no problem with editing!)
Illusionary Heart
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Post RE: KEEP: "Going Home" (Permission by PM only)
on: October 04, 2005 03:38
"I am... T-Gwathur. I am... was... from Imladris, a long time ago. I was... 'taken' by orcs... as a child. I have been with orcs for five hundred years. I tried not to be 'orc'. I don't want to be 'orc'. I want to go home again. I want to be 'elf' again."

Mîrion could not recall any Elf of Imladris by that name, but perhaps he'd been too involved in his own or Arthiel's affairs to notice the young Elf. It did seem that Gwathur had several names and now that he thought about it, the name Tulca did ring a slightly familiar bell. He couldn't match any faces with the name, though.

There are many things we cannot control, nor change, Arthiel thought quietly. She couldn't imagine that any living being would want to be an orc. The stories of Elven torture were described too vividly, too horrible for her to even comprehend the
physical pain of such an atrocity. She could not deny him her help.

"You would have me transform you back into an Elf? Such a request is almost unheard of...unencountered...I have never heard of a tale when an orc had been changed back into its original lifeform." She said and pondered deeply. Lord Elrond had never brought up the topic when he had instructed her in the ways of healing. Could it be done? Arthiel searched her mind to find some sort of clue or indication that Elrond might have given...nothing.

"I am not sure if I can grant you what you seek... please give me a moment..." Arthiel trailed, scanning her brain. She was positive that Lord Elrond had never brought up the topic, and now she thought back to her days in Valinor, under her apprenticeship to Estë the Gentle. Yes! The Vala of rest and night had mentioned that there in fact was a way to return orcs to the way they had been previously. But that took great skill and knowledge. Arthiel knew that she did not possess the latter and perhaps not even the former. What knowledge she did have of the subject was very little, and surely not enough. "What you ask for can be accomplished Master Gwathur, but I do not know if I am up for the task, as I lack the information about the process.

"Back in Rivendell is a massive library, and the books there must include information on how to change you back into an Elf. I would gladly search the books to try and fulfill your wish. This the is best I can offer you for now..." Arthiel did not want to disappoint Gwathur, nor crush his hope of ever being an Eldar again. She felt Mîrion's hand give her right shoulder a soft squeeze, and was grateful for it, while they awaited his reaction.

((Is this post okay? I mean if you wanted a more "sure" or "guranteed" answer from Arthiel, please let me know so I can change it.))
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Post RE: KEEP: "Going Home" (Permission by PM only)
on: October 04, 2005 03:51
(OOC: You have all got to stop asking if your posts are good enough, long enough, brilliant enough....because the all are, all the time. I am soooooo pleased with the way things are going....it's gone from 2 great minds thinking as one to 5 great minds thinking as one. I couldn't be happier.

But...I cannot post tonight. I am exhausted so if anyone else wants to, I'll catch up in the morning. Thanks to one and all for a great thread)
Life is good! Live it to the fullest. Love well those near and dear. "You cannot step into the same river twice, for the waters are ever flowing on ....." Heraclitus I Aear cân ven na mar
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Post RE: KEEP: "Going Home" (Permission by PM only)
on: October 04, 2005 05:03
"You would have me transform you back into an Elf? Such a request is almost unheard of...unencountered...I have never heard of a tale when an orc had been changed back into its original lifeform."

"I am not sure if I can grant you what you seek... please give me a moment..."

'Transform'? Gwathur bit his lip anxiously and the tenuous hold on his hopes began to waver. Keeping his eyes on the Healer's face, the orc-elf felt Rhyanna's hand squeezing his tightly. How One so young could give such support, Gwathur could not understand, but she did - and it helped.

"What you ask for can be accomplished Master Gwathur, but I do not know if I am up for the task, as I lack the information about the process.

"Back in Rivendell is a massive library, and the books there must include information on how to change you back into an Elf. I would gladly search the books to try and fulfill your wish. This the is best I can offer you for now..."

Relief flooded Gwathur's heart, and he gave Rhyanna a smile. Bowing to Arthiel, in the soft 'gravelly'-tone of his voice, he gratefully thanked the elleth. "You have strengthened my hope," he added, and wondered if he ought to 'share' his true name with these people. If he was a chance, even, to be his own 'self' again... would it then be... 'polite' for them to call him 'Tulcendor'? - And yet... what did it mean... 'transform'? What part of 'elf' might be restored? - Would he be able to 'see' as he should - in the daylight? - Or...

"I know," he went on slowly, "I mean... I am... will I..." and then faltered, not quite sure how to say what he wanted. While the hope was stronger that there could be (at the least) 'inner' healing, he was quite afraid that... 'outwardly' there would be little change. Scars were scars, and Gwathur hated the idea that he would never again have the 'elven-fairness' he saw in Telerea, or Arthiel... or her husband... and that even in his Healing, he would continue to frighten others merely with his looks. Would the Healers of Imladris be skilled enough to fade them just a bit? Perhaps?

Looking down at Rhyanna again, Gwathur-Tulcendor's eyes seemed to 'plead' for her help... for he was quite sure his young best friend would know 'exactly' what he was trying to ask...

[Edited on 5/10/2005 by gwendeth]
"Tolo si, a tiro i cherth Eru" "Come now, and see the works of God"
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Post RE: KEEP: "Going Home" (Permission by PM only)
on: October 04, 2005 05:41
(OOc: Well, you heard Granny! We're all brilliant! Sorry, suffering serious lack of sleep...)

Aeldrid was silent, as per usual, during the exchange between the elves and his sister. Rhyanna was so vivacious; but perhaps it had been a bit rude to burst in like that?

The lord and lady seemed hardly to mind. For that Aeldrid was grateful. Rhyanna would be getting a scolding from him later as it was; he did not want to add to it.

"I know," Gwathur's stuttering brought Aeldrid from his thoughts. "I mean... I am... will I..."

Aeldrid walked over and clapped a hand on Gwathur's shoulder. "Forgive me for interrupting, but it is early still and we have not broken fast. Perhaps we should eat and then begin on our way. Imladris is quite far and losing daylight might not be adventageous."

He hoped he didn't sound like he was giving orders. But he was hungry himself; he had eaten little when looking for Rhyanna. Besides, the lack of sleep was beginning to catch up to him. Training didn't take away tiredness, even if it would take more than the lack of one night's sleep to bring Aeldrid down.

But he was concerned about Rhyanna as per usual - the little girl had barely slept. She needed food and some decent rest. Aeldrid hoped that would be found once they reached a village. It would not do for Rhyanna to fall ill.

(I'm sorry it is so short. I feel like I fall a little behind sometimes in length. ^^)
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Post RE: KEEP: "Going Home" (Permission by PM only)
on: October 05, 2005 05:08
Rhyanna's mind was quick to grasp much but the events of the past few days were weighing on her small frame. Her eyes were beginning to droop as she absorbed all that the people around her were discussing. Most interesting to her was the Lady Arthiel's words and the impact it might have on Tulcendor....her mind wrapped around the name of her friend and she was pleased, as it so much more fit the inner person that was Gwathur.

Her young heart winced when Arthiel said, "You would have me transform you back into an Elf? Such a request is almost unheard of...unencountered...I have never heard of a tale when an orc had been changed back into its original lifeform.
I am not sure if I can grant you what you seek... please give me a moment..."

She felt Tulcendor's hand grip hers tighter and she squeezed his in turn. This was not what either of them wanted to hear, most especially Tulcendor. But when the elven healer finished her thought with, "What you ask for can be accomplished Master Gwathur, but I do not know if I am up for the task, as I lack the information about the process. Back in Rivendell is a massive library, and the books there must include information on how to change you back into an Elf. I would gladly search the books to try and fulfill your wish. This the is best I can offer you for now..." Rhyanna's heart danced. She knew it had given hope to Tulcendor as well when he gave her hand one more quick squeeze and then the pressure eased.

She smiled up at him as he added, "You have strengthened my hope. I know," he went on slowly, "I mean... I am... will I..." and then faltered, not quite sure how to say what he wanted. No one spoke as no one seemed to know what he was asking until Rhyanna felt once again the rough surface of his hand holding hers and looked at the people surrounding him. A flash of thought filled her mind and she spoke directly to Lady Arthiel, the compassion of her young soul almost pleading.

"I think he would like to know, m'lady, if his scars can be healed as well as his soul. I don't think he likes being not the handsomest elf in the world," she continued, grinning at her friend. "Right, Tulcendor? You want to look like the rest of your people, don't you? And I must say, I like you just as you are but a pretty face would not be a bad thing. It would be hard to find a lady elf who will like you the way I do when you look...well, sort of....grubby." She was laughing but her voice was full of affection and Gwathur could not take offense, though the elves and her brother might not understand the relationship between the two. What did surprise the rest of the group, however, was her use of the name Tulcendor. She had inadvertently blurted it out without thinking, as her mind now thought of him as 'strong soul/heart' rather than the unappealing name he had been carrying for so many years.

As everyone exchanged bemused glances with one another, Aeldrid approached Tulcendor and clapped a hand on his shoulder. "Forgive me for interrupting, but it is early still and we have not broken fast. Perhaps we should eat and then begin on our way. Imladris is quite far and losing daylight might not be adventageous."

Rhyanna lightly scolded her big brother with her next words. "Aeldrid, Tulcendor is still an orc and daylight hurts his eyes. We must wait a while to journey on. But I will say that I am very hungry and a little sleepy." Looking around at the group, she continued, her voice pleading, "Could we all eat something and perhaps rest for a little while? The sun will be setting in a few hours and then we can travel comfortably." Without waiting for an answer, she tugged her beloved friend back into the shadows and rummaged through their packs to find the remains of their food.

"We have enough food to share with all of you for now but we will need to find more," she called out to the rest of the group. Jumping to her feet, she ran over to Aeldrid's side. "Aeldrid, do you suppose we can find a village this evening where we can buy more food?" She wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged him tightly. "I am so glad you came to find me, though I was not really lost, you only thought I was, but I am glad you are here." Pulling him down to her level, she whispered in his ear, "You must take care of Telerea. Be sure she has enough to eat and take care of her horse along with yours. She is very tired as she has been walking forever. Promise me?" Hugging Aeldrid around his neck, and almost toppling him over in the process, she turned and disappeared into the already darkening corners of the barn to sit with Tulcendor and share a meal. She had barely eaten a piece of bread and some cheese, however, when her tired body finally gave up the fight. Laying her head on Tulcendor's shoulder, she fell sound asleep.
Life is good! Live it to the fullest. Love well those near and dear. "You cannot step into the same river twice, for the waters are ever flowing on ....." Heraclitus I Aear cân ven na mar
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Post RE: KEEP: "Going Home" (Permission by PM only)
on: October 05, 2005 01:44
Gwathur spoke, "You have strengthened my hope. I know, I mean... I am... will I..." and then faltered, not quite sure how to say what he wanted. Arthiel was not quite sure what to decipher from his message and that was when Rhyanna spoke up.

"I think he would like to know, m'lady, if his scars can be healed as well as his soul. I don't think he likes being not the handsomest elf in the world." Arthiel was going to answer when Rhyanna went on, "Right, Tulcendor? You want to look like the rest of your people, don't you? And I must say, I like you just as you are but a pretty face would not be a bad thing. It would be hard to find a lady elf who will like you the way I do when you look...well, sort of....grubby."

Arthiel could not help smiling, even the tiniest bit. Tulcendor (apparently that was his name now) seemed like a very suiting name for the orc. There was now doubt that he had a strong soul, from all the years of his torture. And obviously she had to answer their questions. That depended on the skill of the healer, but not all wounds could be healed or just disappear. There were many things that time, in itself, could not heal.

The exhaustion was to beginning circulate in her body, again. Her eyes were beginning to droop due to her weariness. Mîrion too was staring to feel the fatigue of their very long day.The group, well Rhyanna, had decided that they should get a bit of rest and eat before continuing.

"We may as well get some rest too, Arthiel," Mîrion had said, taking her hands in his and gazing into her grey-blue eyes. She murmured something indecipherable and caught Tulcendor and Rhyanna going back into the barn, for rest most probably.

"Yes, just a minute, though. I need to speak to Tulcendor for a moment, to answer some of his questions." Arthiel replied, lifted her heels off the ground and shifted her weight onto her toes, and planted a light kiss on Mîrion's cheek before entering the barn.

She saw that Rhyanna was fast asleep already, but Tulcendor was still awake. Arthiel walked over to him and took a seat in front of him.

"Before...you wanted to know if I or the healers of Imladris would be able to heal your scars and your soul. Well...that largely depends on the skills of the healers, obviously. You know that you will never be the same as you were before, that you will never completely look like our kin...but I think that I or the others may be able to fade your scars for the most part.

"I can offer you no healing for your soul, though I am afraid...physical wounds can be healed and mended with the medicine of time...but the pains of the heart will likely last forever," Arthiel cast her eyes down, feeling a slight swell in her throat, "I know the wounds of the soul, too. Nothing physical. My husband, Mîrion and I had a son in the early, blooming years of our marriage. I loved him dearly; he reminds me very much of young Rhyanna. When he was eleven...he perished...I would give anything to have him alive again. With me and my husband."

Mîrion waited patiently outside of the barn, with his back pressed against the bark of a nearby tree. His thoughts immediately turned to his sword - he hadn't practiced with it in quite awhile, and that desire suddenly rose within him. Carefully, and quietly he unsheathed it and tilted it back and forth, letting the sun's gentle rays play with the shiny and hard metal of his sword. He'd had this sword for as long as he could remember, and he'd used it in every battle he'd been in. A most beloved possession of his. However, he had never truely known its origin or its smith, giving it the name Essevalta or Nameless.
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Post RE: KEEP: "Going Home" (Permission by PM only)
on: October 05, 2005 03:37
As Gwathur had known she would, Rhyanna nearly immediately entered the conversation, and explained his meaning quite thoroughly.

"I think he would like to know, m'lady, if his scars can be healed as well as his soul. I don't think he likes being not the handsomest elf in the world," she continued, grinning at her friend. "Right, Tulcendor? You want to look like the rest of your people, don't you? And I must say, I like you just as you are but a pretty face would not be a bad thing. It would be hard to find a lady elf who will like you the way I do when you look...well, sort of....grubby." She was laughing but her voice was full of affection and Gwathur could not take offense, though the elves and her brother might not understand the relationship between the two.

No... Gwathur wasn't offended - how could he be by his little friend? Rhyanna meant no harm... but what she'd said about a 'lady elf' made him drop his gaze. He'd not minded her using his real name... and, perhaps it was best for Gwathur to begin using it.

Yet, before Arthiel could give her answer, Aeldrid walked over and clapped a hand on Gwathur's shoulder. "Forgive me for interrupting, but it is early still and we have not broken fast. Perhaps we should eat and then begin on our way. Imladris is quite far and losing daylight might not be adventageous."

Wincing, the orc-elf wondered what he could say. He could not leave the protection of this barn! His eyes would not bear the sun's light! Yet, he didn't want to seem rude to these people who all seemed to willing to help him. Perhaps if he kept them shut? No... it was too 'easy' to accidentally open them. He... Gwathur... Tulcendor had no cloak, even, where a hood might help guard against the pain of such happening.

Yet... and without letting anyone else get a word in edgewise (and drawing a small, grateful smile from Tulcendor), Rhyanna again 'took over'.

Rhyanna lightly scolded her big brother with her next words. "Aeldrid, Tulcendor is still an orc and daylight hurts his eyes. We must wait a while to journey on. But I will say that I am very hungry and a little sleepy." Looking around at the group, she continued, her voice pleading, "Could we all eat something and perhaps rest for a little while? The sun will be setting in a few hours and then we can travel comfortably." Without waiting for an answer, she tugged her beloved friend back into the shadows and rummaged through their packs to find the remains of their food.


Rhyanna was well-asleep, exhaustion having taken over from the boundless energy his little friend seemed to have... yet Gwathur... Tulcendor... could not. Hopes of his healing were running too strongly through his mind.

Could Arthiel find what she needed? Struggling with his memory, the orc-elf tried to envision the Great Library at Imladris. Many hours he'd spent there, Tulcendor remembered that much...

With the girl resting against his shoulder, the orc-elf was also musing on her earlier words.

A 'lady elf'? Tulcendor shook his head inwardly. Healing he hoped for... but 'love'? That idea was one he'd never considered... and was quite certain such would never happen. It would be... 'enough' that he was accepted by elves as one of them.

Arthiel walked over to him and took a seat in front of him.

"Before...you wanted to know if I or the healers of Imladris would be able to heal your scars and your soul. Well...that largely depends on the skills of the healers, obviously. You know that you will never be the same as you were before, that you will never completely look like our kin...but I think that I or the others may be able to fade your scars for the most part.

"I can offer you no healing for your soul, though I am afraid...physical wounds can be healed and mended with the medicine of time...but the pains of the heart will likely last forever,"

Carefully, Tulcendor listened, his oddly-colored eyes never leaving the elleth's face. - But what she said, was disheartening... for it was the orc-elf's soul he truly wanted to be healed. What was 'outward' was important, too, but...

Arthiel cast her eyes down, feeling a slight swell in her throat, "I know the wounds of the soul, too. Nothing physical. My husband, Mîrion and I had a son in the early, blooming years of our marriage. I loved him dearly; he reminds me very much of young Rhyanna. When he was eleven...he perished...I would give anything to have him alive again. With me and my husband."

Hesitantly, it was Gwathur who leaned forward, and diffidently grasped Arthiel's hand. "If..." he said slowly, and hating the possibility that it was, "if it was... orcs... who killed him..." and the orc-elf lowered his eyes to the ground, "If... for myself - and though they who took me would never be so... I am sorry for your loss..."

Letting go, Tulcendor shifted farther back into the shadows again. "Orcs have no mercy," he said sadly, and resting his eyes on Rhyanna, swore inwardly that no orc would ever come close to harming his very best friend...
"Tolo si, a tiro i cherth Eru" "Come now, and see the works of God"
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Post RE: KEEP: "Going Home" (Permission by PM only)
on: October 06, 2005 09:12
Rhyanna had been right. Aeldrid had inwardly winced but he was unused to traveling at night and in the company of a half-orc. To be honest, he had been thinking of so many things that Gwathur's plight had escaped him.

Lord Mirion was outdoors practicing with his blade. And as interested as Aeldrid was in watching him, sleep called his name.

Rhyanna had fallen asleep next to her new friend and he couldn't tear them apart right now. So Aeldrid smiled and then took care of Cerebil and Telerea's horse. He found a spare patch of hay and sank down. He glanced over at Telerea, who was nearby and smiled, before he remembered she would not see it.

"Lady Telerea." he said quietly. "I would know your horse's name. It is a very gentle creature."
Illusionary Heart
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Post RE: KEEP: "Going Home" (Permission by PM only)
on: October 06, 2005 01:49
Tulcendor grasped Arthiel's own hand and said, "If..." he said slowly, and hating the possibility that it was, "if it was... orcs... who killed him..." and the orc-elf lowered his eyes to the ground, "If... for myself - and though they who took me would never be so... I am sorry for your loss. Orcs have no mercy."

For a moment Arthiel couldn't speak, afraid that she would lose her self-restraint and the tears would flow down like a quiet, subtle stream, but she caught her breath and managed to speak, "Th-thank you," Arthiel replied softly, wiping her hand from under her eyes, "You don't know what your words mean to me."

Arthiel then recalled that disheartened, disappointed look upon Tulcendor's face, "You wish truly for soul to healed, preferably over your physical scars? We might be able to heal your soul a small bit...and your wound may possibly be able to heal itself. The only guarantee would be to sail to the Undying Lands...Valinor." She threw a quick glance over her shoulder, "I must get back to my husband as I've kept him waiting...sleep well." Arthiel smiled quickly at Tulcendor and left the barn to catch the view of her husband playing with his sword. How he loved the sport of battle, the clash of metal against metal, and the physical workout.

"What kept you?" Mîrion asked sweetly with a cocked eyebrow as he sheathed his sword, "I've been standing here for an hour...a nice way to keep your husband waiting!" He jested comically. There was no trace on Arthiel's face that might have suggested that she had almost cried, but Mîrion had known and guessed that she must have told Tulcendor about their son.

Arthiel giggled, "Don't be silly. I'll wager you it was seven minutes at the most, and if you don't mind, some rest would be very nice, don't you think?"
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Post RE: KEEP: "Going Home" (Permission by PM only)
on: October 07, 2005 03:30
"Th-thank you," Arthiel replied softly, wiping her hand from under her eyes, "You don't know what your words mean to me."

Arthiel then recalled that disheartened, disappointed look upon Tulcendor's face, "You wish truly for soul to healed, preferably over your physical scars? We might be able to heal your soul a small bit...and your wound may possibly be able to heal itself. The only guarantee would be to sail to the Undying Lands...Valinor." She threw a quick glance over her shoulder, "I must get back to my husband as I've kept him waiting...sleep well."

Soberly, Tulcendor watched the elleth leave. She'd appreciated his comment - that, he could tell... and he'd sensed how close the tears had been.

But... she'd given him hope - in more ways than one, and clinging to that, the orc-elf closed his eyes to rest.

How long he slept, Tulcendor wasn't sure, but a small movement woke him abruptly. - And... oh! Yes... it was Rhyanna turning slightly in her own sleep. Feeling like he'd rested enough, Tulcendor opened his eyes to look at his little friend.

As he did so... a puzzled look came into his oddly-colored eyes. Rhyanna, yes... and blinking to make sure he'd seen what he thought he'd seen, Tulcendor stared at his small companion.

A 'flash' only it had been, yet it had been as clear as day... or 'night', rather. Rhyanna, most certainly... but not as the child who was sleeping on his shoulder.

The long blonde braids were golden locks... falling nearly to her waist. Her huge brown eyes were still that... but with a 'sparkle' and 'warmth' to them that made him catch his breath. As sweet a child as she was now, Tulcendor knew Rhyanna would grow into a young woman of incredible beauty. - Full of life... as kind, and talkative as she was now... and - and... unable to sleep again, he literally shook his head in confusion at the Vision of his friend as an adult.

When Rhyanna stirred again some time later, and opened her eyes to bid him a 'good evening', Tulcendor's smile was a 'distracted' one. What he'd 'seen' could NOT have been real! Could it? and he said nothing about it to anyone at all...
"Tolo si, a tiro i cherth Eru" "Come now, and see the works of God"
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Post RE: KEEP: "Going Home" (Permission by PM only)
on: October 07, 2005 05:51
The sun had fallen so far into the west that the shadows outside the barn were long extended ones. In the east, the sky had become a dark blue and the moon was already rising, even though the sun had not quite fallen below the horizon. Rhyanna had slept peacefully for several hours and might have slept even longer if her stomach had not been grumbling. Her eyes slowly opened and she looked around the barn. It was already almost too dark to see anything but outlines against the waning light from the doorway. Her still sleepy eyes took in her surroundings and she noticed that Aeldrid and Telerea were resting next to one another on one side of the doorway and Arthiel and Mîrion were close together on the other side. Feeling the warmth against her shoulder, she turned her head up and looked at Tulcendor's. He was staring into the distance and her eyes followed in the direction of his, but seeing nothing out of the ordinary.

"Tulcendor? Good evening." There was affection and warmth in her dark chocolate colored eyes and her blonde braids had bits of hay stuck in them. She rested her hand on his for a moment, smiling at him and waiting for an answering one from him but when he finally looked at her, Tulcendor's smile was a 'distracted' one. Puzzled, she stared at him for a moment and then thought, "Poor Tulcendor, he's had so much to think of today. Maybe Arthiel has told him more since I fell asleep. He'll be alright when we've eaten something and gotten back on the road." Patting his hand, she stood and searched for a way out of the barn other than the main entrance. She really needed a private place to do the necessities. Noting a small door at the back end of the barn, she crawled over Tulcendor's legs and made her way to the opening. Pulling the small door open, she slipped through into the bushes behind the barn. When she was finished, she went back into the barn, waiting for a few seconds for her eyes to adjust to the dark shadows. She stepped across the bales of hay and other debris until she was close to Aeldrid, where she noticed his eyes were closed.

"Aeldrid, wake up," she said, shaking his shoulder gently. "It's dark enough for us to travel but I'm hungry. Tulcendor and I are almost out of food. Do you have any to spare? Otherwise, we must find a town before morning and hope that some small market is still open. Or if not a market at least an inn or a tavern. My stomach is growling very nastily at me." She shook him again as he was too slow, in her mind, to rise. "Will you tell everyone else it's time to go? Or shall I? Maybe Mîrion and Arthiel...or Telerea....know of a town as they have traveled these roads before. Please, Aeldrid, I'm so hungry."
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Post RE: KEEP: "Going Home" (Permission by PM only)
on: October 08, 2005 07:31

Telerea listened quietly to the exchange, wondering again about Rhyanna and her courage. She also thought a lot about Tulcendor and his father and her past. It seemed almost too much to be pure accident. It seemed more like fate. Again she wondered if her old teacher would still be in Imladris.

In the middle of her thoughts she heard Aeldrid ask after her horse’s name. “It’s Berioreth. It means protector. She and her mothers were specially trained for me. Her I trained myself though – she is very special and I am really very glad to have her back.” She thought for a while, then she turned back to Aeldrid.

“Please, don’t think think me too forward, but I would like to know what you look like.” As she had done with Gwathur – no, Tulcendor, Telerea carefully approached Aeldrid. She reached out with her hands and in careful, deliberate motions guided them across his face. Telerea smiled when she was finished. “Thank you.” she said simply.

She returned to her place and the warm cloak she had left there and sat intently again, listening to the voices around her. With her trained ears, she had no problem following everything that went on. But after a while she closed her eyes, snuggled back into her cloak and let the voices sooth her into sleep.

She woke to Rhyanna’s words "Aeldrid, wake up. It's dark enough for us to travel but I'm hungry. Tulcendor and I are almost out of food. Do you have any to spare? Otherwise, we must find a town before morning and hope that some small market is still open. Or if not a market at least an inn or a tavern. My stomach is growling very nastily at me." And after a short pause. "Will you tell everyone else it's time to go? Or shall I? Maybe Mîrion and Arthiel...or Telerea....know of a town as they have traveled these roads before. Please, Aeldrid, I'm so hungry."

Telerea had to smile despite herself. Slowly she got up, felt her way to her horse and the saddle that was lying nearby. She opened the right saddle bag and took out the lembas she had been traveling with. “Good morning Rhyanna,” she then said. “Here, I still have food left and it should fill our stomachs for some time. … Here, give this to Tulcendor when he wakes up – and this is for your brother. And if you want to give it to them, this is for Lord Miron and Lady Arthiel.”
With a very small piece of lembas in her hand she sat back down and started to eat. Before food had touched her mouth she had not realized how hungry she had been. When she had finished, she went to the door of the barn, and smelled the fresh, clean air of the night.

(ooc: sorry, not one of my best posts, but I had to get in again, somehow...)
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Post RE: KEEP: "Going Home" (Permission by PM only)
on: October 08, 2005 09:05
As Rhyanna went to wake her brother, Tulcendor made his own way outside. Standing enveloped in the new evening's darkness, he couldn't help but wonder if - ever - he would be able to look upon a landscape in the daylight.

He'd tried several times already... hoping that if he could just bear the dawn to come fully for a few days, his eyes would begin to adjust from the centuries of being underground. But, the 'burning' sensation that came with the brightness, coupled with the the searing headache it caused, had swiftly disabused Gwathur of that idea. - And, the few times he'd accidentally been 'caught' by the sun's rays before finding a safe place to spend the long daylight hours had been unbearablly painful.

And... in musing on his eyesight, Tulcendor was confused. What, then, was this... 'vision'? Why had he 'seen' Rhyanna as an adult? Had something like this occurred before? Some time in that long-lost childhood past, perhaps? - Or, had he just 'imagined' it? If he had, there was no 'point' in saying anything; it would only 'add' to his strangeness his new friends already had to endure in his company.

True, even the Healer and her husband had apparently accepted him... and Arthiel had offered to help. - But what would his companions think except his hopes were 'affecting' his reasoning?

With a sigh, Tulcendor went back inside, to see if the others had shaken off their sleep... and found Aeldrid's small sister handing out pieces of a strange-looking bread. Lembas she called it? Oh! and with a smile, the orc-elf thanked Rhyanna gratefully, and Telerea as well, for sharing her supply.

Sitting down again whilst they ate, Tulcendor quietly told his small friend, "I'd forgotten how good this tasted!" and... "I know it's only a small piece... but I think it will keep you from getting hungry for quite some time, Rhyanna... give it a try!"
"Tolo si, a tiro i cherth Eru" "Come now, and see the works of God"
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