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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part V
on: March 09, 2006 07:12
Hello Everyone,
Again it's been forever since I have visited the "tea room" known as FoF.
Minas TirithMS-Happy Birthday, Happy Spring Break! Me too! Same time and days even! I can't wait either, though it sounds like you have had a more stressful time than I have.

Swabby-Love your humor. It's always fun to read what you say!

Neenime-I saw a program on television about that artist you mentioned. He has not only done humans but also individual organs and animals. He has a very interesting collection of work and it is bizarre but oddly intrigueing. The program was on one of the educational channels here in the USA. Not sure which one.

Update on the baby calves-Since last writing we are up to 18 of the expected 45. Last night was horribly cold and windy. Of course one of the younger cows calved and while the calf was born alive he got so cold that he couldn't get up. We had to put him in a warm bath today and then we left him in the kitchen to warm up. I wish I hadn't been at work. I always like having the babies around. We took him down to his mama tonight and she wanted him but did not want us to help. He still can't use his back legs well but he has stood up. We fed him (mom was not happy about being milked and we had to hobble her), and got him in a nice warm place with her. While this was going on another cow had a calf. Gorgeous little charcoal baby. No idea what it is yet (boy or girl), but it is up and doing fine. It is fun to see but when the weather is bad you worry. Still, it renews the Spirit to see them born. Spring is just around the corner then.

Have a great Friday and weekend everyone.
Prancing Pony Moderator, Realm Head of Lórien & Grandmother who loves Tolkien
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part V
on: March 10, 2006 03:45
I got finished with my first therapy session yesterday. They said if I had let the shoulder go much longer there would have been a chance I would have frozen shoulder. They think we caught it in time. I have exercises I have to do twice a day and then I go to therapy twice a week. When I got back my next door neighbor's tree had been pulled up by it's roots and lying on the ground from the high wind we were having with the storms. It reminded me of FOTR.
I had been at Hardees ordering me something and the wind starting blowing things around including the advertisement stands. I tried to tell them but they could not hear me. I finally got up there and then the teenage girl was scared.

Brandywine I hope you have better weather for your calves. Spring is just around the corner. My spring break is Good Friday and 2 days after Easter.

Neenime,I can look at Egyptian mummies and not get freaked out but I don't know about that creepy art.

OTB and Swabby you two crack me up.

Swabby, I am glad you made it through the storms.

MTMS, I have never read CS Lewis but I plan to try and read him over the summer. I will pray for you and your surgery. I am sure things will be fine..
I have to go take a shower and do my exercises. Happy Friday!
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part V
on: March 10, 2006 05:17
First of all, I'd like to say that "civil service" here in the states may be very different from other countries. I certainly wouldn't want to offend any of my dear friends for which that term may have A different meaning. Also, not all of our civil service employees have died on the job. I was one for A while, right after I retired from the Navy. There were about 22 people in the work center I was assigned to, and about half of them carried the load while the others took up space and breathed our air.

Neenime and Old Tom, the US Navy was A completely different world than most folks have experienced. I think we did A lot of things that landlubbers would find unusual. We frequently got thrown out of Air Force clubs for "using bad language" or other things that were perfectly acceptable in the Navy. Those long periods of time spent out at sea, being deprived of privacy, female contact, good food and drink, etc all had A profound effect on our behavior, and that is no joke. So marvel not that A cold beer might pull A sailor back from the brink of oblivion. I knew one fellow who said he dreamt that he was back home in Missouri eating his mama's pinto beans and cornbread, but woke up and cried like A baby to find himself still on the ship.

To each his or her own, but to me, "art" is Michaelangelo, Leonardo DA Vinci, Rembrandt and Van Gogh.

I'm glad to have made you laugh, Brandywine, Awelyn and others. I can get pretty silly, as you know.

Here's A baby calf joke. In order to prove to the prospective buyer of some swamp land in eastern Arkansas that there were no mosquitoes on said land, the seller convinced the buyer to strip naked and allow himself to spend the night tied to A tree. (I know, I know, but it's A joke) The next morning the seller went out to check on the prospective buyer and found him looking very pale and barely alive. "What's the matter, did A mosquitoe bite you?" asked the seller. "No mosquitoes,------- but ain't that calf over there got no mama?"

Have A good weekend everybody! Swabby
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part V
on: March 10, 2006 08:10
:disco: I have the day off today! Yay Me! It's the end of the grading period, I've finished my report cards, so today I get to just do whatever I want to. Yippee!! Skippee!!

I heard from the superintendent of schools for the larger district that will absorb us when the consolidation takes place in June. We are having a meeting with him along with the other teachers that are going to lose their schools as well. Nice thing is, is that he's assured us that we do have jobs next year. One of the other teachers got me hook, line, and sinker. She asked me if my e-mail said anything about us being offered paraeducator jobs instead of teaching positions. That rumor has gone on around the small school teachers. I bit, said no while having a sinking feeling in my stomach (oh the loss of pay!) then she started laughing. I am so gullible. She said that she was going to have a job in the cafeteria with the cool hats since she *only* had her elementary endorsement on her teaching certificate. I told her that I'd be right alongside her as that's the only endorsement I have as well. There have been some rather nasty comments circulating about the state that teachers in small schools really aren't up to snuff to the teachers in the larger systems. After all, we're only farmer's wives. What else could we do? That's quote from the legislator who came up with the bill that closed us down. Okay...won't go down *that* particular road* :twitch: :angry: :banghead:

To each his or her own, but to me, "art" is Michaelangelo, Leonardo DA Vinci, Rembrandt and Van Gogh.

Can you say "AMEN", brother??!! At the art museum that is attached to the university here on the PoG, there is a painting that they paid over $2 million for. We had taken our kids there on a field trip, oh about 14 years ago now, and the docent was exceedingly (read obnoxiously) proud of that painting. One of my 10 year olds looked at it with a very quizzical look on her face and said, "You paid $2 million for THAT? WHY?" I just about choked from laughter. The look on the docent's face was priceless. It looked as though he had swallowed something nasty. I don't think we impressed him much. Too bad. Now come on...the painting was huge, completely painted bright yellow, with a red band going from top to bottom on one side and a big red dot on the other. That was it. End of painting. :rolleyes: :banghead:

I especially love DaVinci's work along with the great Masters. It just amazes me that someone can produce art like that. Of course, I don't even do justice to stick people.

A short funny story today from one of my kids. On our trek to school, my partner-in-crime and I go past a field that belongs to one of our families at school. There were all kinds of heavy equipment doing their busy bee thing this week, and we were curious as to what they were up to. We didn't think that they would have sold the land for development, but stranger things have happened. So we went right to the source--the 13 year old who is in my class-- to find out what was going on. She said...and I quote..."They're building terrorists to help prevent runoff." I couldn't help myself. I cracked up. She meant terraces. The land is on a hill and evidently erosion has become a problem. Now, I don't think terrorists are funny at all, but the comment just cracked me up. Kind of like the story about the preschooler who thought God's name was Howard. You know, "Our Father, who art in heaven, Howard be his name"......

*ducks and runs out of the room before rotten produce is hurled in her direction*
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part V
on: March 10, 2006 01:14
scots I hope it all works out OK for you and your fellow teeachers. I understand the frustration with people who pontificate about things without having any knowledge or the good grace to respect what others do.

Love the malapropisms. "Howard" was especially cute. Then there was "Hail Mary. full of grapes..........." and the kid who drew an Easter scene with airplane - because it contained Pontius Pilot.

OK, OK, I'll stop now.

Had a long meeting of senior staff at work, but very energizing. New manager really organizing things well but not in a rigid or oppressive way. I will learn a lot from her.

Now it's Chinese food for supper. Some house-cleaning, then watching NORTH COUNTRY on DVD. Also enetred the Eowyn Challenge so I have to record my mileage for this week. Great idea.

Tomorrow it's breakfast out with hubby, grocery shopping and then finish entering business records on computer in preparation for tax time. Yippee (not). Fortunately, my dear friend is taking me out to a Sushi place for a belated birthday supper. *ahhhh*

Happy Weekend, all. I hope to spend some time with you tomorrow. :cheers:
“Some believe it is only great power that can hold evil in check. But that is not what I have found. I have found that it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love. " Gandalf
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part V
on: March 10, 2006 01:19
Those long periods of time spent out at sea, being deprived of privacy, female contact, good food and drink, etc all had A profound effect on our behavior, and that is no joke. So marvel not that A cold beer might pull A sailor back from the brink of oblivion. I knew one fellow who said he dreamt that he was back home in Missouri eating his mama's pinto beans and cornbread, but woke up and cried like A baby to find himself still on the ship.

So you mean to tell me that while I was forced to fly to Oahu, coerced into boarding a taxi cab to Waikiki, then dragged out to dining establishments where I had to eat fresh Mahimahi and drink pina coladas, you swabbies were out at sea living the good life? Dang, I shoulda joined the Navy! :banghead:

(Whistfully dreaming about mama's pinto beans and cornbread? I guess that's what the "adventure" they keep referring to in all those Navy ads. :rolleyes: )

Volunteering to join the Navy sounds like volunteering to go to prison. No wonder they used to have to shanghai conscripts into joining. *rimshot*

Well, swabby, you've survived all that and lived to tell the tale. You have my respect, sir. *salute*

P.S. I'm glad you find us so entertaining, awelyn. I hope you enjoyed this one, too.
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part V
on: March 10, 2006 02:09
Happy Friday to all. It's been a busy week, visiting and making the arrangements for the upcoming Michigan assignment living quarters.

It was very windy here, especially in the early morning hours. Visited a long time friend today so it went really fast. Traffic is really bad around Pittsburgh and gets backed up before the tunnels. Today was one of the worst I've seen and it wasn't even rush hour. Thankful I'm not driving in it all the time, plus finally bought the LOTR soundtracks and listened to them on the drive, very soothing and totally different from the loud music I'm usually drawn to.

Tomorrow we get to spend a whole day with 10 year old grandson, Kris, and his mom. So should be a fun day and will finally get some long awaited hugs! We may still go to the museum if everyone feels up it and wants to go. Kris and I could (and have) spend hours playing video games but wouldn't be fair to hubby and daughter-in-law.

Hope you all have a great weekend. Will check in on Sunday and catch up on the posts here. Love and hugs! :love: :hug:
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part V
on: March 10, 2006 02:12
You are right Old Tom! I enjoyed the first few cruises I went on, but it eventually became more like A prison sentence. So now you can see why ol' Swabby seems A wee bit crazy sometimes!
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part V
on: March 10, 2006 04:47
Oh swabby, but we love you just the way you are.:heart: We are so glad that you and OTB continue to grace us with your presence. You guys make life a bit more jolly. Hats off to you fine gentlemen.

I've never seen a calf being born, brandywine but caught the birth of a goat on a field trip once. When my class and I were on a trip to the zoo one spring, we fed the animals at the petting zoo area. One kid said "That goat's gonna have a baby!" Of course, I thought, it's belly is dragging the ground. I looked again to see it flop on the ground and bleat it's head off. (well,not really off, but very close to it) The kids gathered around to see legs protruding from the mother, who's really making noise. I sent one of the parents to get a "zoo person." Someone came and grabbed the feet of the unborn goat and pulled the baby out. We watched it stand on it's wobbly legs for the first time. "Bet that hurt!" was someone's comment. And they say that field trips aren't educational!

Like the idea of an elf-mobile Mith. Is there room for a ranger in the back?:love:

I'm so glad that your shoulder got some treatment before it became "frozen", awelyn. Frozen shoulder sounds very uncomfortable!! I'm praying for your healing and improvement in motion.

Happy Friday to each of you Fabulous FoF friends. Hope that you have a wonderful begining to your weekend.

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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part V
on: March 10, 2006 05:55
You are right Old Tom! I enjoyed the first few cruises I went on, but it eventually became more like A prison sentence.
Truthfully, those long flights back and forth to Hickam AFB for the weekend got to be a drag, too. That's about 11 hours in the air, plus all the time before and after the flights dragging bags, filling out paperwork, etc. Worst of all, though, was the politics! But we don't have to put up with that bull pucky anymore, do we?

I'm sure swabby will join me when I sing out:

Free at last! Free at last!
Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!

Speaking of which, I feel badly for those men stationed over in Iraq and Afghanistan far from home and their loved ones. I never had to go through anything nearly as bad as those guys. Yes, I admit I had it pretty easy. (One of the blessings of being wise enough not to join the Army or the Marines.)

I look forward to the day when that mess is over and our soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines can come home.
Prancing Pony Moderator, Realm Head of Lórien & Grandmother who loves Tolkien
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part V
on: March 11, 2006 03:46
Fabulous FOF friends. I like the sound of that MTMS . I have been working the shoulder. I have to put heat on for ten minutes and do the exercises I hate those,twice a day. I think it has helped so much already.

Yes,OTB,my brother and friends use to joke with each other and make me laugh. My son was in the Army and I would get so angry when I visited because I still don't think you have to use those techniques to make someone a man.

Mith, are you getting ready to move again? I don't know how you do it girl. It would drive me crazy. I have to have a feeling of permanence. I could never in one of those motor homes and travel around all the time. Vacationing would be fine because I would know I have my house .

I had thunderstorms last night and my new dog was so scared. I had to get up and sleep on the couch at 4:30 to comfort her. So, I am a little sleepy so I think I will go take a quick nap before I start my house cleaning and laundry.

Neenime I am glad your work is going so good. It is so good to have someone organized.

Scots, that was so funny.. I think you could out teach any of those teachers in the big systems. Your certification sounds different than Missouri's.

Have a good day.
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part V
on: March 11, 2006 07:26
A quick little story before I forget about it. Neenime's mention of Chinese food plus the military talk reminded me.
I spent about 7 months at the Kadena Air Force base in Okinawa in 1978. They used to have A little Navy section on that base where A squadron of P-3 "Orion" anti submarine aircraft operated from. That's how I came to be there. Anyway, I was in town one day and stopped by A restaraunt to try some of the local cuisine. Out of respect for local customs, I sat there doing my best to eat my rice, vegies, etc with chop sticks. I looked across the room and there sat what I assume was A local couple, and guess what they were eating? Hamburgers and fries! I thought to myself, "Now ain't this A switch?"

I'm so glad you all can accept the Swabster the way he is, with his bent rudder and eronious compass, 'cause I can't be no other way.

It does sound to me like you had an easy time of it in the AF, Old Tom, but there have been some in the Navy that "skated" as well. I would say that my experience was pretty typical. I had it harder than some, and easier than others. I would have almost certainly been drafted into the Army when I got out of high school in 1967 if I hadn't joined the Navy. That's how it was in those days, with the war in Vietnam and all. Considering the lousy family life I'd had and my own low expectations of myself at the time, it wasn't A bad move on my part. Some have said that I now have A better grip on life, in general, than the rest of my family, and if that is so, then I must give credit to the Navy for that. In there I found order instead of chaos and security instead of insecurity. I made friends, went places, learned A lot about the world and made just enough money to buy more than I needed. I certainly could have done worse.
I join with you, OT, in calling for an end to our (and our allies) involvement in that horrid mess in the Middle East. Let us not forget that it isn't just the military who is dying and being wounded, either. There are untold numbers of men, women and children who are being put through hell by no fault of their own. Any of us might have been born Iraqis or Afghans except for an accident of birth. In the words of Phil Ochs, "there, but for fortune, go you or I." There is suffering on all sides, and it needn't be so. Yes, let's bring 'em home.
My soapbox is starting to sway, so I'll wish everyone A happy Saturday and be on my way. Good day! Swa-bay.
Prancing Pony Moderator, Realm Head of Lórien & Grandmother who loves Tolkien
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part V
on: March 11, 2006 08:04
Well,I did not get that nap. I got to busy.

Swabby your story reminded me of my son . He was in Korea and they had an orientation and was told if you make friends with the locals and are invited to their house to eat then eat everything on your plate or it is an insult and they will lose face. So, my son made friends with a young Korean man that worked on post. He was invited for dinner at the young man's home. Brian went gladly because he thought it would be neat to learn some of their customs. My son hates cabbage and spinach. He was offered something slimy and thought he would just chow it down and it would be fine. He did that and the boy's mother gave him another heaping plate. He gulped down something they give him to drink and it turned out to be some kind of rice wine. He ate the other plate slower trying not to gag. He finished it and gave them a sign that he was finished. He never ate off the base again. It was octopus. I just laughed and laughed when he told me this story. He always refereed to my boiled cabbage as, that looks like a trash bag how can you eat it. He came back and never made fun of my cabbage again.:heart:
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part V
on: March 11, 2006 11:01
It is with a heavy heart that I announce the passing of a very good friend of mine. He's been a regular guest at our dinner table these past few months, sharing in the good times and bad, sickness and health, sunny days, and cold windy nights. Yet throughout that time he has remained steadfast, loyal to the end. We'll miss you, Chocolate T. Bear.

He was delicious.

...Any of us might have been born Iraqis or Afghans except for an accident of birth. In the words of Phil Ochs, "there, but for fortune, go you or I." There is suffering on all sides, and it needn't be so...
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part V
on: March 11, 2006 06:23
Dear, dear! OTB you have my prayers and my heart goes out to you.

With respect,
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part V
on: March 11, 2006 06:45
Thank you, brandywine. I'm sure that Mr. Bear is content knowing that he fulfilled his destiny...

I wonder if my wife will get me a chocolate bunny for Easter? :drool:
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part V
on: March 11, 2006 07:39
Hi everyone.

Sorry about not being here for a while. I've been having problems with the computer. It seems to take forever to get on the internet and it has been driving me nuts. :killcomp: :sob: I don't know if I should throw it out or start it over again. I might start it over again. I like this computer.

Anyway, I like all the jokes and the laughter on what I have read. It made my day.

Hope everyone is feelig fine. If not, you will be in my prayers.

OTB: My "SALUTE" to Chocolate T. Bear. He must have been a good old soul. But I bet he will be resurrected in the future. Hopefully around Easter.

I will be on holidays the last week of March. Need to recharge my batteries. It does the body good to be away from work for a while. I can't afford it but I will have to tighten my belt a bit. Not as if I haven't done that before. :disco: I am going to become a hermit and not have to go out if I don't have to. I have spring cleaning to do. Hopefully we will have good weather where I can open all the windows and let the sun and wind shine through.

On a lighter note, I hope everyone has a great weekend and may all your smiles be grand ones and there is an extra kick in your step.

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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part V
on: March 12, 2006 04:49
Awelyn- I’m glad that your shoulder is getting treatment before it got worse. Do take good care of yourself

Swabby and Old_Tom, your service stories are good to see, but am most glad that you made it through your experiences safe and sound (even if a wee bit bent).

I am very sad and angry that that the American hostage Tom Fox was murdered. What is wrong with people who think they have the right to take an innocent life just to make appoint and get their way? What the &$## is wrong with us as a species?!?!?!?!?

On the other hand, I won’t miss Slobodan Milosevic, though part of me wishes he had lived through his trial so that he could serve a long and well-deserved sentence for his war crimes. I can only hope that there is something like judgment or karma for him. I suppose that I should pray for mercy for him, since I would want it for my own failings Of course, “failings” is a whopping euphemism for what he and his minions carried out. Is there a limit to divine tolerance? There’s a question we’ll probably never get answered.

I pray for the comfort of us all, because we are all touched by the death and destruction that is wrought here on earth.

Well,that's a heavy start to the day. It’s a glorious early spring day. the snow is melting. The dog and I break through it all the time on the trails. That’s a little disconcernting but a sure sign that the seasonal change is upon us. I’ll be taking my walk outdoors today. Then it’s decorating Easter Eggs in the traditional Ukrainian way. Here are some photos of my work. well, the big goose egg is my mom's but the rest are mine.

[Edited on 12/3/2006 by Neenime]
“Some believe it is only great power that can hold evil in check. But that is not what I have found. I have found that it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love. " Gandalf
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part V
on: March 12, 2006 05:20
Awelyn: I have suffered from frozen shoulders since I was a teenager. They are *very* painful. I am glad to hear that you seem to have escaped that pain.

OTB and swabby: Loved your stories, as always.

Neenime: It is sad about Tom Fox. As far as the human race is concerned, I don't know about being the superior species on our lovely planet, seems we are the worst. Animals kill to survive, we kill because we can. If that makes sense.

On a brighter note, I loved your pics. :love:

I hope everyone has/is having a good weekend.

Old Tom Bombadil had a chocolate bear.
It came to dinner to enjoy the fare.
Tables turned and the bear was ate.
Now there's just an empty plate.


I wonder why all the Easter bunnies are looking worried. Lol!!

Hugs to everyone

Rosie/Dracella :heart:
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part V
on: March 12, 2006 05:54
I don't blame you, Old Tom, I'd have eaten that bear too. Heck, I'd eat A likeness of JRR himself if it was made out of chocolate! (I got me A powerful sweet tooth)

Those are my sentiments exactly about ol' Slobodan, Neenime. Back when he was doing his Sauron imitation, I called him....... *warning* possible bad words ahead..... "Slowbegone Buttholesombitch". I'll never understand "man's inhumanity to man". I don't think anyone should ever take the life of another unless it is in defense of your life or the life and safety of others. There might be some rare exceptions to that rule, but being made of chocolate is about the only one I can think of right now.
Your eggs are gorgeous Neenime! (and so are your buns. Those were "buns" weren't they?) I didn't know you were so artistic, too. But then, we should know by now that Tolkein devotees do have A strong sense of creativity.

I hope you don't have to tighten that belt too much, Balrog. Surely you can have some fun on one of those off days.

Hi Rosie! It's great to see you back. I love that disappearing bear!

Happy Sunday, my fine friends! Swabby

[Edited on 12/3/2006 by swabby]
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part V
on: March 12, 2006 06:28
Hi Rosie! It's great to see you back. I love that disappearing bear!
Me, too! *ROFL*

The bear lasted for a good two months untouched, but after we'd exhausted our other chocolate resources his time was up. To make it easier on both of us, I severed his head and ate that first so he wouldn't be staring at me. :blush:

Did I mention that he was dark chocolate? Rich and creamy dark chocolate? :drool:
Prancing Pony Moderator, Realm Head of Lórien & Grandmother who loves Tolkien
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part V
on: March 12, 2006 01:29
Rose, actually I have started to have pain since I have been doing the exercises. Maybe I am doing them wrong. I am going to have the shoulder x-rayed this week. I loved your ode to the chocolate bear and the way it disappeared.LOL

Neenime the eggs are beautiful. Is that a hot cross bun? What is the symbolism with the branches or was that just to make a creative picture? I will take care of myself.

OTB, now that my mouth is watering for rich and creamy and dark chocolate I don't have any. Thanks alot Well, I did not need it.

Swabby, happy Sunday. I agree 100% about man's inhumanity to man. I was so in shock when the be headings was going on, I was appalled and shocked and so angry that human life was considered without worth.

My sister's pub burned to the ground last night. She has another job and wanted to sell the place because it was to much for her but she did not want it to happen like it did last night.
Have a great Sunday
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part V
on: March 12, 2006 03:54
Oh my goodness, awelyn how terrible for your sister! I am glad that she has another job, but I can imagine the insurance paperwork will be a royal pain. My thoughts are with you both.

Sorry about the shoulder hurting. I wonder if it's just your body adjusting back from the improper compensation that it would have made for the original injury? I'm just guessing. Best let a professional take care of you.

Had a great belated birthday dinner at a super Japanese/Korean place last night. My dear friend and I "chatted" and ate for 3 hours! We always have these marathon visits over dinner! SHe's awesome, A real soul-sister and one of the the few people in my life who appreciate LOTR. She's the one who got tickets to the musical rehearsal and was just blown away.

Her presence in my life is gift enough, but she also bought me the co-o-o-o-lest necklace. It's handmade - a glorious yet delicate concotion of red beads and silver wire twisted into spirals. Very Middle-Eastern-looking (I love exotic-looking jewellry) . I o-o-o-o-ve spirals - very powerful spiritual symbolism in them. Wow. Can't wait to wear it.

MMMM- chocolate. You know, OTB that dark stuff is especially good for you heart! Enjoy.

Thanks for all the kind words about my Easter Eggs and my, *ahem*...buns. I've been working out. Oh.......you meant.......oh dear! :blush: OK, OK, I knew what you meant. It's a traditional sweet bread baked for Easter and called Paskha (the "kh" is pronounced like the "ch" in Bach or loch).

The branches are willows. . They're what Ukrainians used instead of palms for Palm Sunday and there are some stylized depictions of them on Easter Eggs. I guess it's because Ukraine is in a temperate climate and was historically very insular, so no palms to be had. Also, the willows are signs of new life in spring, which is one of the spiritual themes of that season.

(OK that's strange. I think I've just been cencsored! I typed in the name of the wilows (a nickname for cats) but it came out in Preview Post as all 8888's. HOw interesting!)
“Some believe it is only great power that can hold evil in check. But that is not what I have found. I have found that it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love. " Gandalf
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part V
on: March 12, 2006 03:55
OTB-I was really feeling sorry for Chocolate T. Bear until I remembered those peeps I finished off today. My daughter bought me three packages and I never felt a bit guilty about eating them until today. There was only one left and my daughter was playfully trying to get him from me when I bit off his head. I did offer her the rest but she declined saying I'd spoiled the moment by decapitating the poor chicken. We had a good laugh about it and then finished watching the incredible stunts of "Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle."

Bye for now.
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part V
on: March 12, 2006 04:02
What a wonderful tribute you gave Chocolate T. Bear, Rose. In word and picture you captured his story. He will not be forgotten.

You did what you had to do, OTB. Any one of us here would've done the same. I'm sure Mr. Bear appreciated the fact that he couldn't see what was coming. You were thoughtful to consider his feelings.

I don't understand people's actions either, swabby. I guess there is evil in the world and some folks use it to get what they want. I'm glad that I don't have to mete out justice or punishment in the afterlife. I'll let God handle that; he's much better qualified than I.

Beautiful eggs and nice buns neenime. How long does it take for you to paint one? I have a hard enough time with the vinegar/dye pill treatment. You are talented. How wonderful for you to keep up the tradition.

Sorry to hear of the burning of your sister's pub awelyn. I hope that in some way this could turn out to be a blessing in disguise.

Tomorrow is blue jeans day at school, since we didn't get to be casual on Friday. There is also no faculty meeting, since we had 3 last week. This week will be a short one for me, as I'll be out having surgery on Thursday and Friday. Spring break immediately follows. I think I'll have a good week!! Hope the same for all you fabulous FoF friends of mine!! (and that means all of you!)

Prancing Pony Moderator, Realm Head of Lórien & Grandmother who loves Tolkien
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part V
on: March 12, 2006 05:49
My sister has a medical transcriptions business in her home and it was very time consuming but her husband wanted the pub. It became such a stressful time for my sister. She has been trying to sell it for 2 years. Her health was failing because of the pub. So, in a way it is a blessing in disguise MTMS. I will be praying for you and good luck with your surgery

Brandywine for years my husband would put peeps in my kids Easter baskets and they finally said to me mom please we hate them don't let dad put peeps in our baskets. He loves them.

Neenime, thank you my sister is strong and she will make it through this but I think she is in shock right now.Dark chocolate good for the heart huh. Yippee!
Have a good night.
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part V
on: March 13, 2006 02:33
awelyn: I hope you kept your head down yesterday and last night. I was watching the Weather Channel this morning and saw all the tornadoes in Missouri. Whew! It was a wild ride for those people.

Take good care, all.
Prancing Pony Moderator, Realm Head of Lórien & Grandmother who loves Tolkien
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part V
on: March 13, 2006 03:21
My husband came in this morning about 2:30 and told me about all the tornado. He keeps a close eye on the weather channel because he is a freight train conductor. The wind was really blowing last night and it is really humid outside now. The temp. is suppose to drop into the 30's tonight. Go figure.

Have a good day FOF friends.
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part V
on: March 13, 2006 04:02
I don't have much time to write, I've got to take my 14yo son to the doctor this morning. He has A slight temperature and bad cough, probably allergy-related.
The twisters went north of us last night and did A lot of damage. No one was killed as far as I know.
Sorry to hear that so many of you are having various problems. I give you all my best wishes. I've got to get the garbage put out and crack the whip on the slow ones. Perhaps I can write more later. Swabby

UPDATE; My son has the flu, so I guess he'll be missing some school. It was caught in the early stages so hopefully it won't be too bad.
Neenime, you seemed to have some doubt about how the words "eggs" and "buns" were being used. Surely you don't think that ol' Swabby would have deviated from the Tolkein way and used those words as metaphors, do you?:evil:

[Edited on 13/3/2006 by swabby]
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part V
on: March 13, 2006 08:51
Awelyn: So sorry to hear about your sister's pub and thankful that no-one was hurt. She will be in shock. I know, speaking from experience. Several years ago now, I suffered a fire in my home, the upstairs was badly damaged but nobody was hurt. It still doesn't feel like home up there. :twitch:

In respect of your shoulder. Yes, it could be the exercise you are doing. Maybe you have just overstretched a little.

swabby: I'm glad you seem to have caught your son's flu in time. There are so many viruses going around at the moment.

I hope anybody and everybody who might be affected by tornadoes and such keep safe.

Neenime: I am presuming that you typed *puss* with a *y*. CoE's technicalities, or whatever, will have picked it up and considered it a 'naughty' word. If such a word is detected it puts '888's instead. I typed the word 'd*yke' and that got *8*ed too. But of course it does have different connotations. Even though Tolkien uses it in his book. Lol!!

Well, we had snow on Saturday, rain on Sunday and sleet and hail today and it is bitterly cold. Brrrrrrr.

Warm Hugs


[Edited on 14/3/2006 by Rosearialelven]
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part V
on: March 13, 2006 09:23
Hi everyone

I don't lolok in for a couple of days and there are dozens of posts to catch up with! I liked the misheard lines the one I have heard mentioned before is that God is called Harold
as in "Harold be thy name" Then there is the story about the little boy who told his teacher that he thought God lived in his bathroom and when asked why said that every morning his Dad would go and knock on the bathroom door and say
"God! Are you still in there?"

Swabby I hope your son gets over his flu and that you don't catch it. (BTW loved your calf joke)

Take care everyone

Love and hugs


PS did you know that misheard lyrics are called mondegreens?

As in thae line from Lucy in the sky" The girls with collitis goes by" If you look on the web there are loads of these.

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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part V
on: March 13, 2006 11:23
That thingy that's supposed to keep us from writing dirty words wouldn't even let me type the other word for "Richard" one time. You have to be inventive to talk dirty around here.

Thanks for teaching me A new word, HT, I hope I'll remember it. There's A fancy word for the following sentence, does anyone know what it is? "No evil did live on"
I once mis-heard some one when they said "Birds of A feather flock together". I thought it was A pretty cool and wise-sounding saying, so when I got A chance to use it later and show my wisdom, I said "A bird and it's feathers flop together". All who heard me knew they were in the presence of A very wise 22 year-old, I'm sure.
When I was even younger, I confused the words "Casket" and "Gasket", which got some laughs.
Isn't it funny when we get our words corn-fused? Swabby
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part V
on: March 13, 2006 01:40
Good new word, HT. I'm always interested in improving my vocabulary. I wonder about the origin of it. There must be someplace on the web I could look that up. I'll bet the Professor could have told us!

I am presuming that you typed *puss* with a y*.

Rose that's exactly what happened. Lesson learned.

Swabby isn't that called an anagram?

Risqué metaphors? Goodness, me. I would ne-e-e-ever expect that of you, Dahling.

Glad that your son only has flu. I wonder if Zinc 50 mg every 4 hours would help that, too? It boosts my immune system when I am catching something.

I love malapropisms. Remember Slip Mahoney of The BOwery Boys? "I resemble that statement." I think the Three Stooges used this style of humour sometimes, too.

Well, I've had a day and half! :twitch: Had a busy schedule anyway then had three people show up in crisis, who needed to be seen. They all turned up at once! Of course, today the other two counsellors happened to be off on holiday. Man! Must have done something right nasty in a past life to pick up so much bad karma.

Good thing I can dance it off tonight. My usual class is cancelled -just as well, snowstorm out there. But my basement is available and I will dance all that stress right out of my body after supper has setttled a bit.

[Edited on 13/3/2006 by Neenime]

[Edited on 13/3/2006 by Neenime]
“Some believe it is only great power that can hold evil in check. But that is not what I have found. I have found that it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love. " Gandalf
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part V
on: March 13, 2006 02:31
*dashes in*

swabby: It's a palindrome .... something that can be read either way, like...'Was it a cat I saw'. It can also be a single word, such as ... 'madam' or 'civic'.

*dashes out again*

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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part V
on: March 13, 2006 03:10
Well, well, my vocabulary would be growing by leaps and bounds if I could remember anything!!

Love that joke about God being in the bathroom, HT. Think I'll use it at church tomorrow night. The pastor wil get a big kick out of it.

So you're experiencing crazy weather as well, Rose? Thankfully awelyn and swabby haven't blown away yet. May have to send them some elven rope to stay "grounded."

Be careful treating the sick Dr. Swabby. Wouldn't want you coming down with flu yourself. My dad's cure for any illness is honey and whiskey (Southern Comfort Bourbon is his preference). Guess if you take enough of his "magic elixir" you'll either feel good or not feel anything at all. I say go the zinc, chicken soup and fluids route. Got any sweet athelas?? Now if I had a ranger handy, I'd send him to find some and quickly deliver it to you. (I'd want him back in a hurry, ya know)

Heard on the news that the 3rd cow in the US to have mad cow disease was in my state. He/she is no longer with us and didn't enter the food chain. Also learned that it was in the northern part of the state. Of course it was, the beach cows down here would never go for that sort of mad cow thing. (Good thing I eat alot of seafood and poultry)

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