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Gallery Admin & Realm Head of Estë
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VI
on: March 23, 2006 08:11
Swabby, a LOTR trilogy weekend at your house would be fabulous, but in real life, it would take me more than half a day's flight... But, in the virtual world, I can always join the bunch and bring a bottle of good red wine, in case anybody would like to have a glass.

Belle and MTMS, both my parents and my mother-in-law still want us to call them after we get home from visiting them. They will worry for us for as long as they live - and, probably, I'll be exactly like that regarding my own children.

Lovely spring pics, Rose! :heart: Hope your son manages to resurrect your computer!

Yikes, another working week done soon. Next Sunday, we'll change to summer time - which means that, I'll feel out of place for the next few days before I get used to waking up an hour earlier. :dizzy:

Have a nice Thursday, everybody. :hug:
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VI
on: March 23, 2006 08:12
Well, I'm back.No need for a APB, MT. :wave: Have been thinking of you and glad your surgery went okay.

Due to circumstances beyond my control, have been without a computer for nearly 2 weeks. We ended up buying a new laptop...other one was one month out of warranty and they wanted $300 to fix the problem plus need a new battery. It was only 4 years old so may try fixing it at some point if we can get it done with less $$'s. :killcomp:

Have missed you all lots. Does anyone know how or if I can view the posts I missed on the FOF thread that was just closed?

HT, loved your rationalization on eating chocolate. I think, too it is good for us. Well, it sure tastes great anyhow.

Swabby, your entertainment area sounds a lot like ours. We have recliners and the big screen with good sound. Would be a real treat to have someone else provide the nourishment and beverages. And like you, I'm pretty quiet during movies. Must confess it may be due to being lost in a fantasy with perhaps a ranger. But mostly, when I get into a good movie, it's because of identifying with the character(s) and feeling like I'm really there with them or part of them.

Awelyn, hope your shoulder is feeling better soon. Tried to call you last week but you were not home and have been busy.

We left PA on Friday...home in Ohio for 2 days then to Michigan on Monday. Things finally slowed down a bit today, perfect as there is lots to catch up on after being without the computer for awhile. Have to admit the only thing I really missed was all of you here! :heart::love: Take care and have a great day. It is so good to be back. :disco: :hug:
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VI
on: March 24, 2006 12:45
*Paddling on site from work again.*

Hey Mith :wave: good to see you. Seems you have been in the same broken computer boat I am in now. *sigh*. Funnily enough, I was looking at laptops last night, on my way home from work. I should know by Saturday, what the state of affairs is regarding my comp and I have a feeling that a laptop is going to be my solution. Although...my son says it might just be the on/off switchy thing (technical terminology there. Lol) and that he may be able to fix that. Well we'll see.

As far as looking at the posts in the old FoF threads, Mith. Just click on as usual. The padlock just means that you can't post anything, but you can read to your heart's content.

HT: Same here, regarding buses to Arizona. Would be good though, wouldn't it, if you could just jump on one.

Meanwhile, I'll do the virtual journey. Hutch over girls. *settles into the corner of the couch and hands out the chocolates* :love: Hoping OT comes with some corned beef and cabbage.

Awelyn: I must have missed about your shoulder. Sorry. Has the pain returned. Ooooh!! I truly hope it gets better quickly. *a particularly vivid blue light coming your way, dear*

Morwin: Thanks. I thought a bit of springiness would be nice following awelyn's suggestion.

Neenime: Rasberry tiramisu....yum, yum, yum. The LotR musical .... I am looking forward and hoping it comes to the UK. I would love to see it.

Well, times up, better trot. Hugs to all my fine Tolkien Devotees. See you soon.

:wave: :hug: :heart:
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VI
on: March 24, 2006 03:36
What a pain to have computer "issues". I feel for you Rose and Mith. I don't think I'd feel like myself if I couldn't get my daily "fix" of FoF frivolity and fun!! Hope things are rectified quickly.

That raspberry tiramisu sounds heavely, neenime. I'll bring a big spoon.

Chocolate counting as a veggie, HT-can't believe that I haven't thought of that one. I know that chocolate is good for pain relief, as it triggers the release of endorphins in our (mine, at least) brains.

Know what you mean about the change of work times Morwin. It takes so very long for my body to change when daylight savings time comes into effect. Not looking forward to that. Hope you transition to the new work times smoothly.

Got an e-mail from the director of a local ren faire that a film crew will be using the grounds for an upcoming film. Extras are needed, and all are invited to come to the casting call on April 1st. I'm considering showing up and seeing what happens. May be fun. It also may give me an excuse to buy "peroid appropriate" clothes. If there is a scene for a shieldmaiden, IT"S MINE!!!!!
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VI
on: March 24, 2006 05:01
First of all, I must say that I'm hoping MT will be chosen as an extra for that ren faire. I mean, is there anyone more qualified? I don't think so.

As for the geographically-challenging problem of getting you all to my house, I'm thinking that the "Magic School bus" from that kiddies' show would be perfect. Just make sure it stops somewhere near the Ozark hills in Arkansas, then construct A slingshot from whatever is handy and fire some flaming cow-patties into the air. I'll be there to fetch you within the hour, guaranteed.

It's so great to have you back, Mith. Do you always have to move? And Rosie, we've been deprived of your presence for too long, and now A busted PC threatens to waylay you even longer. Foul! Foul I cry! I want to see that umpire!

Yes, chocolate is good for you. They are saying that it contains some of the same things as red wine. The darker, the better, but all of it is good, and what A blessing that is to someone like me with heart disease and an incurable sweet tooth. Awelyn, you should take vitamin B-12 for your joint and muscle problems. It takes about 90 days to start working, but it works. It worked for me, at least. You might consider taking A super "B" complex like I do, and that way you get all the "B" vitamins.

I forgot to say that Hugo Weaving plays the masked hero in "V is for Vendetta".
I saw another very good movie yesterday, which I want to recommend. It is A modern day western starring Tommy Lee Jones (and his directoral debut) called "The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada". It takes place in Texas near the Mexican border, and is an area with which I am familiar, having lived in south Texas for about 12 years. There are also some politics involved in this one that will turn some people off, but not me. I found it to be A very entertaining movie that is very well made and has A lot of humor in it, although some of it is dark. I think this movie is based on A book, but Tommy Lee Jones is so well-suited for his part that it could have been written for him. He really is from that part of the world, speaks spanish, and didn't have to "act" all that much. There are many reviews to be found online, and it receives mostly high marks. Keep in mind that in politically-polarized America, some reviewers will let their politics color their opinions. Have A great Friday, everyone. Swabby
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VI
on: March 24, 2006 05:25
Balrog - an LOTR calendar with important dates ? Cooool . I am so impressed. I have made a calendar of my own with LOTR images, but never put all that work into it. Wow. My aht is off to you.

Rose condolences on your terminally ill computer (please pardon the pun). "Lazarus"? Love it!

For those of you who can't wait for me to bring the Tiramisu, I will post the link when I get home tonight. I can almost recall it, but don't want to make a mistake.
“Some believe it is only great power that can hold evil in check. But that is not what I have found. I have found that it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love. " Gandalf
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VI
on: March 24, 2006 07:11
Just finished reading all the missed posts in the previous FOF thread. Think I had a mental block (not unusual) but finally remembered how to find it, lol. Anyhow, it is sooo great to be back on-line with you all!

Rose, hope you get your computer problems resolved soon. It is very frustrating when those things go wrong. The old (4 years) laptop was a Gateway and they certainly did not stand behind their product.

Looks like I missed so much chocolate and cabbage. Love them both although not together. But speaking of together....the photo of Viggo and Karl made me smile and brought thoughts of wanting to crawl in between them. :naughty: After which, I'd be in shock and most likely just have a silly grin on my face. Best left for dream fodder.

Swabby, we do travel/move most of the time. That is part of hubby's job and why I quit working several years ago. Keeps me busy and all goes much smoother. We prefer getting an apartment over a motel. Usually less expensive and more comfortable. We are on a third floor apartment in Monroe, Michigan. What a work-out moving in up all those steps. Thankfully we don't bring furniture! I have special things for our travels like a "kitchen bin" full of plastic plates, pots & pans, and all the kitchen essentials. But do miss cooking with my "good" pots & pans...sure you can relate to that. Anyhow, it has it's pros and cons but it's how we pay the bills, hubby loves his work, so try to be positive even when a big part of me longs for "home".

Good luck with the extra role, MT. Hope they have a role perfectly suited for a lovely shieldmaiden. It sounds like lots of fun!
Gallery Admin & Realm Head of Estë
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VI
on: March 24, 2006 09:20
Good to see you back, Mith. :hug: Hope you'll get the old laptop fixed at some point; there may always be some guy around who will fix it for a reasonable price.

Swabby, a "Magic Bus" would definitely be great, or an international version of the Knight Bus in the Harry Potter books. But, who knows - maybe the FoF:s will really meet one day, even us Europeans included.

MTMS, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you get the extra role.
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VI
on: March 24, 2006 03:54
OK, friends. As promised, here is the recipe for Raspberry Tiramisu. I have made it successfully with a mixture of frozen berries (I let them thaw and draian first) and have also substituted vanilla wafers when I could not find Ladyfingers.

Have fun!

Oh, BTW, I've posted some News about the LOTR stage play on the Home page. There's a link to a full article on CBC. Tolkien's granddaughter seems to have liked the production. That's a plus.
“Some believe it is only great power that can hold evil in check. But that is not what I have found. I have found that it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love. " Gandalf
Prancing Pony Moderator, Realm Head of Lórien & Grandmother who loves Tolkien
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VI
on: March 24, 2006 06:34
Mith and Rose so sorry about your computer problems.

Neenime what a delicious sounding recipe

MTMS you go girl. You should audition what do you have to lose. It is a once in a life opportunity. You would be great for the part I agree with Swabby.

Balrog, you are so creative. Have a good rest.

I went tonight to a local stage company production of Wilder's Our Town. It was so good. I was so impressed by the quality. I really enjoyed myself. I really think I am going to get involved with this local theater group.
How I hope The LOTR musical comes to the states and plays somewhere that is within my range.

I am so tired so goodnight all and sleep well.

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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VI
on: March 24, 2006 08:18
Happy Gondorian New Year!
And before the Sun had fallen far from the noon out of the East there came a great Eagle flying, and he bore tidings beyond hope from the Lords of the West, crying:

Sing now, ye people of the Tower of Anor,
for the Realm of Sauron is ended forever,
and the Dark Tower is thrown down.

Sing and rejoice, ye people of the Tower of Guard,
for your watch hath not been in vain,
and the Black Gate is broken,
and your King hath passed through,
and he is victorious.

Sing and be glad, all ye children of the West,
for your King shall come again,
and he shall dwell among you
all the days of your life.

And the Tree that was withered shall be renewd,
and he shall plant it in the high places,
and the City shall be blessed.

Sing all ye people!
'Yes, I am all right otherwise,' said Frodo, sitting and laughing in his turn. 'I fell asleep again waiting for you, Sam, you sleepyhead. I was awake early this morning, and now it must be nearly noon'

'Noon?' said Sam, trying to calculate. 'Noon of what day?'

'The fourteenth of the New Year,' said Gandalf; 'or if you like, the eighth day of April in the Shire reckoning.* But in Gondor the New Year will always begin upon the twenty-fifth of March when Sauron fell, and when you were brought out of the fire to the King...'

*There were thirty days in March (or Rethe) in the Shire calendar.
...and Happy Tolkien Reading Day!

From The Tolkien Society Events Calendar:

Tolkien Reading Day was suggested in 2002 and first held in 2003. It is an international event with participation from many people in many countries all around the world. Its exact content is very flexible; it can range from a small informal gathering of friends reading passages silently or aloud, to full-blown lectures at a college or university, or a school or library activity day. The Society has display panels that can be borrowed to help support such events.
Old Tom and his pretty lady are celebrating the day with a feast with our Tolkien Friendship Society friends in Sonoma County on Saturday evening. Each party attending the feast brings elements to fill the menu. For this occasion we're bringing appetizers (stuffed mushrooms) and a vegetable dish (baked asparagus).

I hope you all can spare a moment out of your busy schedules to think of King Elessar (like I know that will be hard! ) and the two halflings, Frodo and Samwise, whose sacrifices made it possible for him to claim his throne.
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VI
on: March 25, 2006 03:13
Thanks everyone for your condolences on the demise (hopefully brief) of my comp. *hangs head*. Still no news. I am here at my daughter's at the moment. Funny how you don't feel comfortable on someone else's computer. *shivers* Lol!!

Good luck on the 'extras' front, MT.

[align=center][size=4]♪♫♪Happy New Year ~ March 25 ♪♫♪[/size] [/align]

Well, got to dash, going shopping....be back as soon as I can.

Take care everyone....:hug: :hug: :hug:
Prancing Pony Moderator, Realm Head of Lórien & Grandmother who loves Tolkien
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VI
on: March 25, 2006 03:43
You know in honor of Tolkien reading day I have an idea and not just on this day. We are always talking about getting together and playing LOTR trivia pursuit. Why not play it here. I know I am not as good as some of you but I am ready to give it a try. Someone can ask a question and the one with the first correct answer will ask another question. Now I don't have that game but I would think as long as the question pertains to LOTR it would be okay. We could do a movie and a book version. What say ye?

Rose I know what you mean I don't feel at home on other people's computers either. I hope your computer can be fixed. Have fun shopping.

OTB you and Goldberry have a good day and a good fun at your celebration.
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VI
on: March 25, 2006 03:45
Happy Gondorian New Year!

I hope you all can spare a moment out of your busy schedules to think of King Elessar (like I know that will be hard! ) and the two halflings, Frodo and Samwise, whose sacrifices made it possible for him to claim his throne.

To celebrate Gondorian New Year, I will contemplate the virtues and sacrafices of King Elessar the Beloved:love:, dear Samwise, heroic Frodo and the rest of the Fellowship. I plan to go to the morning meeting place of my small town wearing ME attire and proclaiming the Gondorian New Year and Tolkien Reading Day. I'm sure the owners will love me, as this coffee shop is also a book store. Hope I don't get thrown out!

Heartfelt thanks to Aragorn, son of Arathorn, Chieftain of the Dunedain of Arnor, Captain of the Host of the West, bearer of the Star of the North, weilder of the Sword Reforged, victorious in battle, whose hands bring healing, the Elfstone, Elessar of the line of Valandil, Isildur's son, Elendil's son of Numenor. Praises for Frodo, the ring bearer and Samwise the brave. Accolades to the dear Professor for giving us treasures that have become a part of our heart and souls.:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:

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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VI
on: March 25, 2006 05:19
For me to take on some of you in A game of LotR knowledge will be A bit foolish on my part, but what-the-heck! Here is A question from the movies, and one that probably isn't too difficult. PJ did A cameo appearance in all three films. Where do you find his first cameo? What other famous director made cameo appearances in his films? Obviously, this last question doesn't have anything to do with LotR, other than demonstrating where PJ may have gotten the idea.

Happy Saturday, all you groovy LotR devotees! Let your freak-flags fly! Swabby
Prancing Pony Moderator & Elf Laundry Mistress
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VI
on: March 25, 2006 08:52
Wracking my brain to answer the second one, but the first one is easy. Heh... He was one of the citizens in Bree that the Hobbits nearly got run over by in the rain. Scruffy lookin' he was. LOL...

Dang, I wish I could remember who did that originally, but I know George Lucas did it in the last SW movie. He was a blue Senate member in a tall hat in one of the Senate scenes.
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VI
on: March 25, 2006 09:00
:wave: Oooh, Oooh, Ooooh! Call on me! Call on me! PJ was eating a carrot and burping in the rain as the Hobbits went through the streets of Bree heading toward The Prancing Pony.

As for the other director, that would be Alfred Hitchcock. I believe that he did a cameo in all of his movies.

I don't know who here has read The DaVinci Code, but I was watching the trailers from the film version coming out in May. I am so stoked! It looks like it's going to be awesome! You can see the trailers here if you're interested.

Happy New Year to you all as well. Of course, in the LotR barren wasteland of the PoG, it's passing without any fanfare. I envy you, Old Tom, that you have such a lovely group to do LotR things with. I feel so all alone! *sob*
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VI
on: March 25, 2006 09:14
I knew it wouldn't take long for one of you make confetti out of that question. How about this one: Where was the "Dead Marshes" filmed? And now, how about somebody else asking one. Mine are too easy.
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VI
on: March 25, 2006 10:17
How about this one: Where was the "Dead Marshes" filmed?
In a parking lot!

I have one for you. What was the character of Tom Bombadil originally based on?
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VI
on: March 25, 2006 02:24
HAPPY GONDORIAN NEW YEAR! :disco: :cheers: :rolling:
All hail King Elessar. All hail Gandalf the White and his clever machinations. All hail the fine Hobbits and their deeds of valour. All hail the Fellowship and their many friends in Rohan, Gondor, the PAths of the Dead and anyone else who helped!

I had forgotten about that. One of my brothers was born in this day, but he's not a LOTR fan (Philistine! No not really. He's very talented in music and dance. Maybe I can convince him to check out the Toronto show).

Hmmm. Good Trivia question, OTB I'm going to take a wild guess and say it's the English folk character of THE GREEN MAN . (originally may have been from the pagan tradition, if I recall correctly)There you go, that's my guess.
“Some believe it is only great power that can hold evil in check. But that is not what I have found. I have found that it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love. " Gandalf
Prancing Pony Moderator, Realm Head of Lórien & Grandmother who loves Tolkien
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VI
on: March 25, 2006 05:15
Swabby Stephen King also is in the movies he girects and also N. Knight Shalylaman also is in movies he directs. Signs foe one. I am stumped OTB
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VI
on: March 26, 2006 04:47
Today's the big day! Both Brandywine and MT are another year older, er, I mean -----better! They're another year better! Let's hear A great big hoorah for these two lovely ladies! I hope they are both deluged with all kinds of nice things and that this will be A day they'll always remember! (For the right reasons)

On this day (in an unknown year)
there were born two girls so sweet and dear
In their birthday suits, they arrived quite nude
but soon wore bras and grew large...........brains.

There may be A number of directors who do cameos in their films, but as far as I know, Alfred Hitchcock was the one who started it.

I don't know who Tom Bombidil's character might have been based on. Is the answer found anywhere in the movies(including extra dvd's) or the books? (meaning "The Hobbit" and all three volumes of "The Lord of the Rings) If it isn't, then there is no way I could know the answer.

I saw A LotR Monopoly set on sale for $20.00 at A book store the other day. Instead of "Park Place" and "Marvin Gardens" it had "Bag end" and "The Green Dragon", etc.

Happy Sunday to all and happy birthday to our two beautiful girls! Swabby

[Edited on 26/3/2006 by swabby]
Gallery Admin & Realm Head of Estë
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VI
on: March 26, 2006 05:55
Happy Birthday, MTMS and Brandywine! :disco: :cheers: :hug: Hope both of you have a great day!

OTB, I think that one of Tolkien's two eldest sons (don't remember which one) had a doll named Tom Bombadil.

There's something good in March having been colder than usual - today, I was still able to go cross-country skiing, in a lovely late winter weather.

Have a great Sunday, everybody! :heart:
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VI
on: March 26, 2006 06:26
Hi everyone. Happy New Year to us all!

I will ask my LOTR Trivial Pursuit question. It is the one my poor DH got the first time we played. (He was hoping for 'who was the wizard?') His response was quite unprintable here!

Name the two Rohirrim children sent by their mother to Edoras when the orcs attack.

Now, every time we watch the movie, he points them out and mutters "damn brats"!

Mith, how often during the year do you get to be home in Ohio? Are you in most places a set amount of time? I think the moving sounds exciting but I'm sure it gets tiresome.

, of course you should get one of the extra roles. In fact, I am sure once they see your abilities, they will send one of the main actors packing and cast you as the brilliant, sword-weilding heroine.

Scots, are they closing your building or will you still be there and just be absorbed into the new district?

The daffodils can't decided whether to open or not...the weather folks promise 70 by Friday!

SindyE Nad dithen carnen an gwend.
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VI
on: March 26, 2006 08:14
Heh... My spellings all off but I believe the children's names were Eothen and Freyda. Heh... Don't remember the horse's name, but those kids name stood out after seeing it... oh, at least thirty times if not more. Hehehehe...
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VI
on: March 26, 2006 08:25
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MT & Brandywine!! Hope your day is special and filled with joys like rangers and whatever makes you smile.

Thanks for the welcome back, Morwin! :wave:

Umm, having to use the brain here. OTB, can't recall anything about Tom Bombadil's origin. Sindy, I think the children were Freda and Eothain although not sure this is the correct spelling.

Sindy, our time spent at home varies. It never seems to be long enough. It can be anywhere from a few weeks a year to 5 months at home. Several years ago we were only home a couple weeks out of the year total. The travel can be fun but more and more I long to be home. But then try and make wherever we go "home" while we are there. And it certainly makes me appreciate everything so much more. Hubby has tomorrow off and since we are relatively close to home we are going there tonight, yay!!!

Had not even thought about the new year thing but love the idea. So Happy New Year to us all!! Hope you all had a wonderful weekend! :hug: :heart::love:
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VI
on: March 26, 2006 10:33
OTB, I think that one of Tolkien's two eldest sons (don't remember which one) had a doll named Tom Bombadil.

Bingo! Great job, Morwinyoniel! :cheers:

I believe the original source for this information is Humphrey Carpenter's 1977 book, J.R.R. Tolkien: A Biography:
...Tom Bombadil was a well-known figure in the Tolkien family, for the character was based on a Dutch doll that belonged to Michael. The doll looked very splendid with the feather in its hat, but John did not like it and one day stuffed it down the lavoratory. Tom was rescued, and survived to become the hero of a poem by the children's father.
John was Tolkien's eldest son, Michael was the next eldest. That story has since become legend.

We had a great time at yesterday's New Year feast. We had stuffed mushroom appetizers, roast turkey, a dish with potatoes and yams, baked broccoli, bread, wine, beer, tea, and a very delicious Harvey Wallbanger cake shaped like a castle complete with flags of Minas Tirith and Dol Amroth.

There should be some pictures forthcoming, and there may even be a post at TORN. I'll let you know when I have more information.
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VI
on: March 26, 2006 12:36
Good question OTB and a sweet story for the answer.

Wow, you folks are amazingly devoted fans. I know that I DO NOT know that much detail about our beloved films. Gives me a whole new reason to watch them again.

Minas Tirith cake? Totally cool! You and Goldberry are so creative!

And Happy Birthday to our celebrants - MT and Brandywine!
“Some believe it is only great power that can hold evil in check. But that is not what I have found. I have found that it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love. " Gandalf
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VI
on: March 26, 2006 04:01
Here are some images from our celebration:




Doesn't Goldberry look pretty in those pictures? :love:

Our host, the woman with the long silver hair, made the cake.
Prancing Pony Moderator, Realm Head of Lórien & Grandmother who loves Tolkien
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VI
on: March 26, 2006 04:34
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday MTMS and Brandywine,Happy Birthday to you.
MTMS, don't overdo tomorrow.

Swabby, you should have bought that game. I think I would have liked that game.

OTB,Goldberry just glows in the photo's You look so happy.
Great trivia questions.

Hi,Sindy and Morwin great answer and have fun skiing .

Mith how are you ? Have a great visit home.
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VI
on: March 27, 2006 03:48
Joyous and belated happy birthday greetings, MT and Brandywine. :love: :hug: Apologies for no pictures, but I am compless at present still and also am at work.

Éothain and Freda ride Garulf. Morwen, the mother, puts them on the horse to ride to safety and that's when Freda cries and says that her brother isn't big enough to ride Garulf.

I had the privilege of seeing and listening to Robyn Malcolm, at the Manchester Convention, Master of the Rings in 2004. She and Craig Parker (Haldir) had worked together before on NZ soaps and they were an absololute hoot to listen to.

I think your pics are wonderful OT, thanks for sharing them. And the costumes are great.

:wave: hi Sindy, hi Mith....Hi to anyone else. :hug:

Gotta fly, bye bye. :hug:

Rosie xxxx
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VI
on: March 27, 2006 05:37
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MT & Brandywine!! Hope your day is special and filled with joys like rangers and whatever makes you smile.
Happy Birthday indeed, lovely ladies of FOF! :cheers:

How about this?! Our little ol' Tolkien Friendship Society made the news for 3/26 at TheOne Ring.net.

Have a great week, everyone! :wave:
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VI
on: March 27, 2006 06:38
Wow, Old Tom is it just my imagination or do women look more beautiful and men more handsome in Middle Earth outfits? Goldberry and you look especially great.

I watched Disk 1 of FOTR last night. Went back and forth between film and commentary a bit. Such a delight!

Gorgeous spring day out there. Going for a wee jog at lunch time with my Sweetie. Then probably will have to ice my hip. Hmm, maybe I'll just start by power-walking.

“Some believe it is only great power that can hold evil in check. But that is not what I have found. I have found that it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love. " Gandalf
Prancing Pony Moderator & Elf Laundry Mistress
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VI
on: March 27, 2006 07:41
How cool is that, OTB? You all look wonderful.

Oh, and happy belated birthdays to MT and Brandywine!
Prancing Pony Moderator, Realm Head of Lórien & Grandmother who loves Tolkien
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VI
on: March 27, 2006 08:31
Swabby you started something talking about games. I found a LOTR trivial pursuit game and bought it on line last night. I could not help myself. It was calling to me and I figure if we ever get together I want to know the answers too. Does anyone know if they have a game based on the book?

It was a beautiful Spring day here today. Sunshine and blue sky and then it became cloudy and chilly. Oh, Spring where are you?

Rose I know you miss your computer. Poor Rose:cry:

OTB, you are a celebrity Just don't let it go to your head.

Neenime I hope you had a good walk.
Hi Belle :wave:
I have to get back to work now. See you later.
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