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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part IX
on: December 08, 2006 04:05
Hi all,

Thanks for your prayers. DH is fine and resting here on the couch. (The pain has yet to kick in.) I did get my cards done while I waited so you may expect them soon.

(TNT commercial: FOTR and TTT thsi weekend and ROTK three times next weekend....DH asks is there anyone out there who doesn't own their own copies? He's so cute.)

By the way Swabby, DH wanted to know who the man on the cycle was and what's this Sindy business :nono: ...I told him you are the artist, so you're OK with him.

Bye, got to watch Battlestar Galactica...

SindyE Nad dithen carnen an gwend.
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part IX
on: December 08, 2006 04:16
This year, I celebrated in an exceptional manner: Mr Morwin, the younger daughter, and I attended a concert by the Moody Blues - I believe that, at least the British here know the band.

I love the Moody Blues. Ironically enough, when I logged on today, the first thing that I did was start up my favorite Moody Blues CD that I have on my computer. I'm listening to it as we speak. The spousal unit got me tuned in/turned on :evil: (I'm bad, I know) to them when we first started dating, and I've been hooked ever since. I have very pleasant memories of " Nights in White Satin." :naughty: :naughty:

The weather was much more pleasant today. Tomorrow it's supposed to be close to 60. Man, crazy weather. And speaking of, did you all hear of the tornado in London?! Now, that's a rare occurrence!

The spousal unit and I got new curtains for the new windows today and put up the curtain rods. What an unmitigated disaster. I think you may have heard the blue speech coming from the spousal unit...even clear across the pond. I'm most unhappy with the stupid hardware, not the curtains. I don't know what we're going to do about them yet. Of course, I'm not sure whether we're the stupid ones or it's something wrong with the rods. :banghead:

I had an interesting experience today. I was asked to sub during my plan time...happens quite a bit actually...and I was substituting for the 7th grade Spanish class. I kept apologizing to the kids for my lack of knowledge. The Spanish teacher travels to my room for class, so I got to be teacher for the day. It was--shall we say--interesting. Poor kiddos.

Well, off I go. Have a good weekend all.
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part IX
on: December 09, 2006 06:30
The Moody Blues is a well-known group here in the US and had many hits including "Tuesday Afternoon", and "Nights in White Satin".

My son had a bit of a Christmas party here last night. There were two girls and about ten guys and they had video game systems plugged into TV's throughout the house and consumed large quantities of pizza and sodas. It was fun. A few of them wandered into the strange old guy's room and checked out his guitars, drawings and very odd fascination with LOTR. I think most of them decided I was OK after a while.

Scots, I have the solution to your hardware problem. Duct tape. (I've got to get all the mileage out of this that I can) Your SU will appreciate the ease with which those new curtains can be hung and his blood pressure will drop to 110 over 75 and all will be right with the world. Hey, don't worry, be happy!

And Sindy, I'm glad DH has sheathed his sword in regards to the ol' Swabster. Tell him I said "Peace, brother".

Now Mith, you must realize that there are certain lines one cannot cross in a relationship, like, what if your hubby prowled in your jewelry box for some nice shiny stuff to adorn his new Charlize Therron standee with? It would be exploding, bouncing off the walls, man-slaying time for sweet Mith, wouldn't it? A man's recliner really is sacred ground that must not be tread upon or sullied with another man's scent, even if he is two-dimensional. I'm just looking out for your well-being, ya know.

Rose, does this mean that I can't astral-project to your place and rummage through your frilly things drawer any more?

Thanks for the hat-less recognition, cirdaneth. I'm not a hat person either. About the only time I wear one is if I go out in the rain. My younger brother never wore hats untill a few years ago---now he wears one to cover his bald spot. (He never takes it off)

Have a good weekend all you fine folks! Love, Swabby

[Edited on 9/12/2006 by swabby]
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part IX
on: December 10, 2006 03:30
Nice to hear that, there are other Moody Blues fans in the club. Yes, they're still in the business, with three original members (Justin Hayward, John Lodge, and Graeme Edge). The concert was a nice combination of their older and newer music.

Cirdaneth, that's quite scary about the stalker! I don't wonder that you're careful with giving information about yourself.

Sindy, hope your husband recovers quickly!

:hug: to everyone - hope you've had a good weekend!

(goes to write some Christmas cards)
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part IX
on: December 10, 2006 05:36
Posted my cards yesterday, so they are winging their way to you.

Ah, swabby, I'll always make an exception for you. Lol!! Sounds like you had quite a night of it with your son's party. And what strange old man were you referring to..... oh, you meant you. Lol!!

Hope your hubby is fine soon, Sindie. et:

I've been plastering to day around my back room window. Next Sunday I can finally start to paint the walls. Was going to do some today, but I feel a bit whacked. So feet up, I think and a snooze.

Did ok at the Dog Track last night, though. Ended up winning £90 which was nice. There were a group of men there celebrating the fact that one of them had won a million on the Lottery last week. Now *that* was nice. The long white limousines were waiting outside for them as Ian and I walked home.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend, my friends.


Rosie xxxx

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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part IX
on: December 10, 2006 06:18
That's quite a nice chunk of change you won, Rose. I'm happy for you. Thanks for making an exception for me, too. I have few pleasures these days and would sorely miss losing one.
Yes, I am the strange old man to which I referred. I'm easily old enough to be a grandfather to my son's friends.

Gotta run. Have a great Sunday. Swabby
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part IX
on: December 10, 2006 09:25
Hi everyone

Special Hi to Awelyn after her surgery and Old Tom - nice to have you back.

I am having a really busy time at work but am hoping to be off from about the 19th right through till starting back on 8 January. I didn't take much of a vacation in the summer so feel overdue for some R and R. However first there is Christmas to be dealt with. Mum comes and stays over with me form Christmas Eve through to Boxing day and then does the same at new year. I love having her but I only have one cable TV so of course Ma gets to watch what she likes and I don't always feel like sitting watching with her, especially when its a Soap I can't stand any of them!:cry: So I may be here a bit more over the holidays. I must say though that last year I persuaded her to watch the first half of FOTR and she quite enjoyed it. I did have to do a fair bit of explaining about what was going on. Perhaps we can watch part 2 this Christmas. Living on my own I am not too good at sharing my viewing but I would do anything for mum.

The family is invited on Christmas Eve for drinks and nibbles and I always feel relieved when that is over although I enjoy it the amount of preparation can get stressful.

I have done it again! Aragorn is out of the bath in Mirkwood but I have started another story. This one involves Aragorn coming to terms with being King and having to have a manservant. I would like to think its a cross between P G Woodhouse and Terry Pratchett but if I could write half as well as either of them and finish what I started I would be doing it for a living.

Anyway Everyone take care

Love and hugs to you all.

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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part IX
on: December 10, 2006 12:52
Just a quick hello here as I'm packing up and preparing to leave early tomorrow morning. Had planned on leaving Tuesday or Wednesday but had some news from home. The pipes burst in the apartment above ours and a section of the kitchen ceiling collapsed and also some minor flooding. Thankfully, a friend and neighbor found it before it flooded more. I'm praying the sofa is alright and our sound system. The water missed the TV by inches. They have experts in getting the water out of the carpet and our friends are cleaning up the mess. Hubby was not a happy camper. Glad I will be home first to get things in order. I'm thankful it was not worse and that I wasn't standing in the kitchen where I would have been had we not had our time extended here.

It may be a few days or so until I'm back on-line but will check in later in the week. Hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Love and hugs to you all. :heart::love: :hug:
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part IX
on: December 10, 2006 09:10
Ah! There seems to be a never ending line-up of small things trying to get in our way. Sickness, loss, and bad pipes and windows. At least we have each other to keep our spirits up.
Got online to check this site because I was not tired and now I find myself falling asleep at the computer.
So I will simply say that I wish everyone well with the troubles you may be having.
A few quick notes-Went to see The Holiday the other day. Well worth the ticket price.
Swabby the bike picture was great.

And now I a m going back to bed before I type something scandalous, gibberish or otherwise too loud.
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part IX
on: December 11, 2006 02:27
Catching up on the posts once again. This week has been so busy and continuing that way.

Glad your surgery went well Awelyn. I cannot imagine having stitches in my mouth. Itchy and irritating. My daughter has a tongue ring (hate them) and I cannot think of anything that would give me more angst than something I could'nt spit out! I hope you are having no more pain. My heart goes out to you.:heart:

Spent time last week nursing the younger son. He has a massive ear infection and has to go in for an op in January. This will be his eleventh ear operation and he is very frustrated. He is ever so slowly going deaf and as music is a very big part of his life (plays in a band), it is a real source of concern. It's also exam time for him, so its not good to be feeling nasty right now. Top that his computor hard drive went bye bye. He's taking computor engineering and needs it. So being a poor student, it was a desperate phone call to his mom. So, now its a poor mom. That was definitely his early Christmas present!

I too am not sending out cards this year. Decided I was going to do my part for the environment. Plus, I definitely have to go cheap this Christmas. Al Gore has given me a conscience on this and several other things. His documentary really hit home with me. So, however small, this my little gift to the big blue marble.

Speaking of music. I remember way back when I was a young thing, going to see The Moody Blues in England. Also remember slow dancing to Nights in White Satin with a very dashing and handsome Knight (at least he was then). Now if he had been wearing white satin, I think I might have had a small problem!

Rosie: So glad you won some cash. Definitely a bonus this time of the year.

Mith: Sorry to hear about the pipes bursting. I hope everything will be ok with your place when you get back. Nice to have friends who are helping with the clean-up without being asked first. Those people are definitely keepers! :cheers:

Have'nt seen The Holiday yet Brandy, but would really like to. There's something about Cameron Diaz that always wants to make me smile. Went to see The Nativity last week with a friend. It was a beautiful movie, well worth seeing. With all the commercialism of the season, it makes you think what Christmas is really supposed to be about. Has anyone seen Mel Gibson's new movie yet? Thats one I definitely want to see along with the Eragorn movie that is out soon.

This week is shaping up to be one of those weeks that is out of sight busy!! Our church Christmas party at a local hotel is on, which I get to sing at (in a quartet). I sing back-up at an Elvis Gospel Concert (two nights running) and Saturday night I get to sing a combination of carols, rock and blues at a big bash for a lot of musicians at a friends house. The vocal cords will be screaming. Definitely a feast week. :dizzy: :disco: Now the week after is shaping up to be a famine week. Being the extrovert that I am, that is not good! Wanna party anyone! :disco: :angel:

Got to go get my second cup of java and some brekkie and then its time to hang my new drapes. I'm hoping these will be "the ones", having already returned a few and my frustration level is high. The place is decorated for the holidays and looking good. Would love to have you all over for cookies and brandied hot chocolate. Of course that would be after the sleigh ride and the snowball fight. Have a great day everyone and may you have so many laughs today that your tummies hurt!!
Prancing Pony Moderator, Realm Head of Lórien & Grandmother who loves Tolkien
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part IX
on: December 11, 2006 04:05
Hello FOF,
I was to tired last night to post. I had a nice time in Branson,the lights were magnificent and the Andy Williams show was fantastic but I am glad I am home. I missed my cozy bed.

Jess, your poor son. Is it a genetic condition? I am glad he had you to help him and nurse him.. Sometimes I don't care what anyone says your kids need their mom I don't care what their age or maybe I just like that feeling of being wanted. I love sending out the Christmas card e-cards that COE has surely Al Gore would not mind them if you have the time. I would love a snowball fight, and I have always wanted a sleigh ride and then your place a perfect plan.

Brandy, you have a great time and Florida. I would bring lights or buy some there are you driving or going by plane? If you were driving I would bring lights and a small tree. One of those little inexpensive ones.

Swabby, I loved the card I did not know we were having a photo exchange too. That was a cool picture . What a nice motorcycle.
I loved the Moody Blues. Nights in White Satin was one of my son's favorite songs .

Mith so sorry about your water pipes and I am glad you were not there. I agree with Jess what wonderful friends you have and nice that they take care of you.

HT,thank you for the special hi and it sounds like you are going to be one busy woman for the holiday but its better to be busy than lonely. Love and hugs right back at you.

Rose I don't know how much money that is but congratulations. I am waiting for your card. Rose your place is going to look just beautiful when you are finished.

Morwin I hope you had a good weekend yourself.

Scots that would be difficult teaching Spanish when you don't speak Spanish that would be like me teaching Algebra.

Sindy I am glad the DH is healing nicely.

cirdaneth how scary for you. Keep up your guard my dear. When you can I will love hearing details from the ballet. Thank you I am feeling better.

MTMS, I hope you have a great time with the grandkids. Missing the man of your dreams would be very sad I agree with you.

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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part IX
on: December 11, 2006 04:05
Ahhh - so good to finally sit down and have time to visit with you all. the weekend was a whirlwind of chores and shopping and hubby's birthday dinner with the family. All went well and now there are lots of left-overs for dinner tonight (and probably tomorrow).

Love the stories abound assorted standees and their adventures. What a fun-loving lot you are! Just makes me think of the good in humanity. (echo of Sam's speech here). I had a bad night Thursday - combination of hormones, fatigue and a family argument. The world just seemed a dark place for a few hours, but I bounced back, knowing that people like all of you make it a good place to be.

Attended an awesome service yesterday, based on the Virgin of Guadeloupe. Now you must understand that a lot of Unitarians are non-theists: many are agnostics, humanists and even atheists. yet, our minister found the common human message beyond the literal stories of miracles and crafted a heart-warming service. It was a blessing to be service leader and help to make it happen.

Mith thanks for the kind words about my role as a counsellor and to all of you who sent words of support during my crazy-busy time. It's a joy to do something I love for a living, even though it sometimes takes a lot out of me. This week and next will be quieter at work.

We are foregoing expensive dinners or meaningless office gifts and doing a pot-luck lunch, closing the clinic for the afternoon and making contributions to the students' food bank. Our manager suggested we play games - she's awesome!

Sorry to learn of your pipe disaster, []b Mith[/b]. I hope nothing important or precious was damaged!

Sending :hug: :hug: :hug:to Sindy's hubby, Jess's son and Awelyn as they heal from their respective surgeries and illnesses.

Moody Blues and Medieval Nights -yes we know those in Canada , too. What an interesting combination that would be!

The film Eragon comes out this weekend. We may not see it as we are going away for hubby's birthday. Maybe our Roing-bunch will go together.

House lights for Christmas . I lo-o-o--o-ve lights, but they can be overdone We have some houses here that are lit up like airports. It's a wonder planes don't try to land there. Geeez.!

Has anyone watched PBS lately? There's an awesome sequel to Celtic Woman playing. It was recorded at a castle in Ireland. Jess told me about it. Wondrous music. The ladies have a Christmas album, too and we have ordered it. Given the Christmas onslaught, however, it won't arrive until after the holiday. That's OK. It's worth waiting for.
“Some believe it is only great power that can hold evil in check. But that is not what I have found. I have found that it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love. " Gandalf
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part IX
on: December 11, 2006 06:35
I'm glad y'all like the little picture of me on the bike that I've included in my Christmas card. I had originaly planned to get fancy and make my own card with a hillbilly/biker/ranger/sailor theme but just didn't get a "round tuit".

Brandy, why are you going to Disney World in Florida when the original "Disneyland" is so much closer?

I hope things will go better for you in the near future, jess. I know that life is often unfair, but I believe you deserve more than you're getting. Keep your chin up and I'll be rooting for you. Thanks for taking the time to write that nice post. I like it when people write substantial posts.

I'm sorry to hear about your pipes, Mith, and I hope you have a safe trip home.

I've recently discovered "youtube" and there is some great LotR stuff on there, including Annie Lenox's performance of "Into the West" from the Oscars. I saw a long series of clips from the three movies set to "Into the West" that gave me goose bumps.

I'm not feeling the greatest. My ticker has been acting up and I think Ms. Swabby finally succeeded in giving me the bug that kept her home from work all last week. I just hope Tommy doesn't get it. Love and friendly nods in your general directions, Swabby
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part IX
on: December 11, 2006 11:56
Oh oh oh! I just got my full score recordings of Fellowship. I've listened to most of disc one and I'm in a swoon. I had to keep stopping for a break to recover my composure. It's my Christmas present from "the shipwright". (I promised him I would always buy myself something from him) From myself I've bought the hardback UT and the Sibley/Howe maps. My stepdaughter is getting me the hardback Complete Guide. I have an original paperback which is now a collection of loose pages, so a replacement is a must. Blissblissbliss!

Jess ... your poor lad! The computer problems and exam stress won't be helping his immune system either. Lots of supportive and healing vibes heading your way. Plus more for all the others who need them.

Rose, what a stroke of luck (or genius) to win some money for Christmas. Are you still decorating? I am just waiting for the finishing touches to be done to the bathroom. It looks so clean and bright. Cheered me up no end.

Interesting to see you drink java, jess! I feel deprived if I can't get it. Nothing tastes the same.

Have written my cards today and have managed to cut the tally from 200 to 120. I just can't afford to send as many as I used to. The environmental repercussions worry me too.

Off to have my flu jab tomorrow, at last. Will do the last of my Christmas shopping and buy in a few goodies for my step-daughter and partner who will be here 18th/19th. Wonder what they want for a present. I got them two ornamental trees last year.

Going to have some toast and hot milk now and get to bed.
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part IX
on: December 11, 2006 12:54
£90 is around $170, I think, Awelyn and thanks everyone for your congrats. Definitely not genius, cirdaneth. Lol!! Just pick names of dogs that I like or have family and friend connections or even film connections.

There was a greyhound racing at the track we go to, a while back named Boromir .... yes, he got my bet everytime. Lovely dog and he won a couple of times.

Seems LotR even has influences in the horse racing world. Racehorses in the UK have names such as Gandalf the Grey, Aragorn, Mordor, Gimli's Axe, Frodo and Bilbo Baggins.

Jess: Your poor son. Ear infections are so terribly painful. Eleven operations, such a brave boy.

Have received MT's card and photo , Mith's and Morwin's. Thank you. Loved the little pic of you MT. Also didn't realise we were swapping pics. Next year maybe.

Sorry to hear about your pipes, Mith. What a pain.

Eragorn opens here in the UK on Friday, Neenime. Going to see it with Magoleth and have a Christmas lunch too.

Will be painting the walls and ceiling at weekend, the putting my decorations up. Time for tinsel and all things sparkly.

:hug:s for everyone I missed or didn't mention. :hug:

Take care

Rose xx
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part IX
on: December 11, 2006 04:55
Ara-baby...I'm home!!!

I had a most wonderful time visiting with my son and his family. We also went to my daughter-in-law's sister's wedding-the reason for them being in the US. Joseph (aged 6) caught the garter. He placed it around his head and wore it the rest of the evening, making the ribbons bounce as we capered on the dance floor. Yes, we danced the night away...I taught him some lyrics that his father (my youngest son..payback, dear child!) shook his head at. "Play that funky music, white boy!" The kids sat very well through the wedding ceremony, but Sammy couldn't help telling his mom (in a loud voice) "I want to go NOW. I want ice cream!" His mom had told him that there would be ice cream at the "party" after the wedding. Had to laugh at that.
I've come home with a full heart and sore arms from holding those precious children. God has been so very good to me. I am blessed!!

Didn't intend to begin a photo swap, but it's okay with me. I had some pictures made at the LA renaissance festival and felt it a crime not to share. You can use my pic for target practice or patching a hole in your fence.

Prayers continuing for both you and hubby, sindy.

You are gifted with healing of mind and spirit, neenime. How generous and gracious you are to share your talents and gifts. May you be blessed in so doing.

AWK!! Burst pipes and flooding are not good, mith. I'm glad that Ara-baby wasn't around when such a catastrophe occurred!! The words soggy and limp should never be used in connection with HRH (His Royal Hotness). I hope that there isn't much damage and that all will be quickly put back to it's former state, if not to an improved one. Wish I could be there to help.

How wonderful to have time off and to spend it with mum, HT. I'm sure she's as thrilled about your time together as you are. Your creativity amazes me. You have Aragorn doing so many things, I bet the poor guy is pooped out. Bet you're pooped out yourself!

You are a pretty cool old guy, swabby. For young folks to notice means alot.

What good fortune, rose. Have you made any plans on spending your "windfall"?

Maybe your son is getting all of his bad luck in one big dose, Jess. I pray that his hearing improves or at least is maintained. Elvis Gospel Concert??? Would love to hear that!!

Any romance this weekend, awelyn?? Perfect setting you had there this past weekend.:heart: Know it was good just to get away and enjoy something special.

Busy week at home and school. I'm off to bed to rest these tired arms (from holding/hugging grandbabies) and feet (from dancing with a handsome boy with a garter on his head and his 3 year-old brother) . Have been trying to make every day like Christmas in some way: Finding joy, sharing love, having hope. May each of you experience a little Christmas each day.

Prancing Pony Moderator, Realm Head of Lórien & Grandmother who loves Tolkien
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part IX
on: December 11, 2006 05:43
MTMS,sorry to say no romance:cry: . I will talk to you later about that fiasco. I am so glad you got to see and hug,and dance and just have fun with your grandbabies.

Well, good for you Rose a nice windfall. Well glad to hear I am not the only one that has not put up all the decorations yet.

Hi cirdaneth have a good night.

Thank you Neenime for the hugs. The stitches came out today and I ate a big meal. It was great. It sounds like you will have a great time at your office party.

I am going to bed now so TTFN.
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part IX
on: December 11, 2006 05:51
Sindy..WOW! 9 degrees!! * shivers* I get cold when it is much warmer than that!! Brrrrrr! Hope DH's surgery went well..
Awelyn...Hope your trip to Branson was lots of fun! It sounds as tho it would be!
Mith..WOW!! 3 degrees! *shivers even more!* sure hope it does warm up for you!
Vicarcat..you had me laughing about the Elven standees!
Brandy..Hope you are able to get your decorations up..I love to look at the Christmas decorations also!
Will post more tomorrow...if possible...I have a terrible backache right now...haven't stopped hardly all day...and it is bed for me....for now...:hug: to all of you and hope that you are all doing ok...
May the light of The Two Trees illuminate your paths and keep you and your loved ones safe!
Best wishes to all of you always...
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part IX
on: December 11, 2006 06:10
Yay! Christmas cards from Swabby and Morwenna arrived today. They are in a special place in my home.

Swabby looking especially grand seated upon his war horse. Look out Rohan! You take care of that ticker young man. No Selma-smooching until you feel stronger. :nono:

Rose congrats on the big win. I hope you get to indulge in something absolutely fun and impractical!

MTMS thanks for your kind words. :hug: Sounds like it was a great wedding. Glad that you got to fill your heart with more love from your kids and grandkids.

Hmmm, I am considering asking for an illustrated trilogy for my big 5 -0 in February, That would be a fitting and lasting gift Thought about a spa day, but that's here and then gone. A book would last many, many years and bring me joy many times over. What say you?

Jess I hope your son feels better soon. Do they have a doctor he could see at the college? Maybe he could get a medical note to excuse him from exams if he's not up to them.

Please excuse my muffled (but respectful) guffaws at the temperature discussion. Here up North, we don't consider it cold until it gets to about 20 degrees BELOW freezing. A paltry -3 or -4 is a reason to take OFF gloves and hats and maybe just go out in a warm sweater! Goodness, how we get used to different conditions. It's all relative. Ah well, keep your powder warm and dry, wherever you are. :wave:
“Some believe it is only great power that can hold evil in check. But that is not what I have found. I have found that it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love. " Gandalf
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part IX
on: December 12, 2006 02:32
I spent some time in Alaska once, so I know about temperatures being relative. The wind and humidity can also have a huge affect on how cold it feels. And speaking of that, it feels like Springtime again down here in Arkansas.

Your card, as well as the others I've received are also in a special place, Neenime. They are all precious to me.
Perhaps you are right and I'm not strong enough for a Salma kiss, but what a way to go!

Randi, my back would hurt too if I hauled hay, skinned out whole herds of deer and pigs and got bounced around in a truck all day. Ease up girl! Your gonna put yourself in a rocking chair before your time.

I'm happy for you, MT. It sounds like you had a great time and we all know that you deserved it.

Be careful if you eat any corn chips, Awelyn, I've found those to be really hard on teeth and gums. I'm glad it's over with and I hope you are pain-free from now on.

Rose, I think Eragon is opening here this coming weekend also, and I'm looking forward to seeing it.

Love, bear hugs and all the rest, Swabby
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part IX
on: December 12, 2006 06:55
I've got cards from Morwenna, MTMS, Rose, Neenime, and Swabby! Thank you all - and special thanks to MTMS and Swabby for the photos! You both look great!

Congratulations for winning at the Dog Track, Rose! Maybe not a huge sum, but money anyway!

Mith, hope your apartment didn't suffer badly from the flooding. Just make sure that everything gets properly and thoroughly dried.

I'm sorry for your son, Jess. Hope the operation will help. You sing in an Elvis Gospel Concert? Is it that, you perform the gospel songs that Elvis recorded, in his style?

Swabby, hope you feel better already. et:

Randi, rest your back properly now. Back pains are really nasty.

Eragon opens here on Friday as well. I think I'll go and see it at some point with the younger daughter, not at once though.

:hug: to Sindy, Neenime, Awelyn, Cirdaneth, Brandy, HT, Scots, Balrog, and Tom - and I'm sure I've forgotten someone so, hugs to everybody!
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part IX
on: December 12, 2006 05:34
Hi everyne.

Thought I would poke my head in and see what is going on. There is alot.

Pipes breaking, backs aching, sore muscles: I guess when we all get OLDER, we tend not to slow down. But when the bones start to ache we begin to feel our age. I know I do. It's like swabby said, Your gonna put yourself in a rocking chair before your time.

I, too, have decided to not do Christmas cards this year. I saw Al Gore on Oprah and it's amazing how much we all have put this earth in jeopardy. I didn't realize that it was in such a state. Ice melting, oceans rising, carbon dioxide levels rising, we might not have an Earth to call home anymore. So if I do my cards this year it is going to be by email. It's clean and easy. OH, and cheap.

Moody Blues!!!!!!!!!!!!: I grew up with them. I have a few of their albums and cassettes. They are awesome!!!!!!!! Right now I'm listening to Queen. I love their music also. I was saddened when Freddie Mercury died.

I, too, seen the Celtic Woman television show, neenime. It was great.

I think after Christmas I'm going to treat myself to a few LOTR things. I need the books to read. The ones I have are either too heavy or collectors to me. Walmart right now has the EE LOTR movies with the bookends. They are half price. If I can scrounge up enough I may have them in 1 month.

I've been helping a friend clean her basement so that when her daughter comes home for Christmas, she can put her two dogs, Greyhounds, in the basement. Tonight we got her tree up.

Anyways, I'm going to go computer window shopping. Hope everyone has a great week. Might ind myself a cheap set of LOTR books to read.

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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part IX
on: December 12, 2006 05:58
Greetings all.

Just a short hello from me tonight. It sounds like I'm not the only one that takes too much upon myself and then feels it the next morning. Darn. It's not easy having an 18 year old soul in a 50 year old body.

I watched the EE of The Chronicles of Narnia tonight. Truth be told, I didn't see much extended about it. I'm going to watch all the extras though. I like doing that. I was excited as I googled the young man who plays Peter Pevensie. They are in preproduction of Prince Caspian. Yay! The only thing that would make this Hobbit happier is if they were in postproduction for The Hobbit. *sigh* Will it EVER happen??

I'm going to spend the next week cleaning madly. My son and his girlfriend are fliying into the largest city in the PoG next Tuesday. I'm really excited and have actually taken a day off to go pick him up and just be with him. It's been a year and a half since I've seen him and I've never met her. I miss my baby. He's even sounding excited to come home. Gee! That's a switch. We're going to have a family party here on Christmas Eve for my nephew and him. My nephew is just finished with boot camp in the Army and will be on leave for the holidays. We're quite sure he'll be heading for the Middle East, and so the spousal unit and I thought that we ought to have a party for our military men.

Well, it's my bedtime. Take good care all. Keep the heating pads fired up and the Aleve in plentiful supply. We'll beat Old Man Old Age yet!

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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part IX
on: December 12, 2006 07:26
Suilad, Mellyn nin...
Just a quick note for now...thanks for your expressions of concern...my back is a wee bit better...maybe...tho still very sore...
another full day of work...and another little surprise!! Tho..a nice surprise! We have another new baby!! Tamara's speckled little filly was born between 3-4 pm...a strong..healthy baby!
I am babysitting with my grandkids again..so not much computer time atm...
:hug: to all of you...and will try to post more asap..tho the rest of the week...we are supposed to be hauling hay...
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part IX
on: December 12, 2006 09:57
Hello everyone. Grima seems to be on holiday, thank goodness, as I have not been here is a few days. Been very busy at work and all. I took my student's gifts in to school Monday morning and what a hit. I put them under the class tree and they were all so excited. Waiting for some books I ordered for them to come in. Busy at school getting ready for the Christmas Program which is tonight. Wish you all could see our precious little students singing and performing. We have a couple of kindergartners who are all smiles and so much fun to watch. They do a little dance and are just adorable.

Scots-Nights in White Satin is one of my favorite songs.
Awelyn-We are flying to FL so I am taking a string of lights, some pretty red ribbons, a table runner and a small wooden tree that is actually supposed to hang on the wall. Seems silly to some but I have to have Christmas. IF I can find room and am brave enough not to worry if it breaks I may even take my Santa praying at the manger statue that I made in a ceramics class.
Mith-I can sympathize with unwanted water. I have a leaky roof that leaks when we have a driving rain. It's being fixed in January.
Swabby-We are going to FL because we have done Disneyland a number of times already and we wanted to go ona really spectacular trip.
Randi-Take care of that back. (speaking from experience)

OK I am going to hop on my soap box for a minute.
I agree that we humans have done much to contribute to the current climate trends, however, I think we take too much on ourselves to say we are the cause of it. I watch a lot of Discovery Channel and National Geographic Channel Etc. and the current climate shifts are inevitable. It is part of a cycle our planet has been on since it became a planet. Movement of the tectonic plates, galciation, melting, etc. are all inescapable as our planet, sun and moon continue to change. Did you know that the mon is getting further away from us and that the sun is getting hotter? None of these are things we can control and also have a part in our dhifting, chaging world. Mt. Everest grows 1 1/2 inches a year as measured by GPS. I agree we all need to do our part to conserve and all that but I don't think we should take all of the blame.
Off my soap box now.
I love our planet and all of you as well.
Happy Holidays
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part IX
on: December 13, 2006 12:01
Thanks for the Christmas cards...
I will be mailing cards out over the weekend.
If you would like a card by email, then pm me with an email
and I'll send you one that way.... as I haven't quite figured out
how to put an image into one of these message boxes yet.

I hope the water damage is minimal Mith...

Jess your son is on my prayer list...

I don't think I qualify as a wise person...
though I could pick a few here who are.
Bell, and Rose, and Sindy, and Cirdaneth,...
and Neenime, and Calle, and Scots,...
OK basicaly everyone except me.

I finaly figured why we are getting so much rain here...
To may people would freeze to death.
I guess God doesn't want to deal with hundreds of frozen
homeless people after the spring thaw...
hence the weather in the 40s, at least until the new shelters open
some time after Christmas...

As for those standies....
I have no money but I do have a 4 color printer and
images of Reindeer and Angels on my comp...
So I was thinking of cutting out some decorations...
I am an art student so it shouldn't be beyond my abilities. Lol.

I just have to keep them out of Minky's reach...
She is a 20 lb cat with an attitude. And she would just love them to death.

We have just enough clear floorspace to roll out the sleeping mats.
I have plenty of 3d friends but my studio is only 15 by 30 feet square, including the bathroom and kitchen so I don't have much space...

I do have walls and windows to put sillouettes up on thought.
And one table top tree that is on a high shelf with room for an Elf or two, providing they are less the 12 inches high and don't mind tall Angels.

I also need to make a Nativity Scene so I will do standies for them...
I just have to find that bottle of tacky glue...

Hope your hump day goes well... :hug: :love: :wave:
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part IX
on: December 13, 2006 03:32
I am sitting in my dimly lit office, listening to old carolds (medieval, I think) sung by Loreena McKennitt (To Drive The Cold Winter Away album). *sigh of contenment* I love Christmas for its music and its lights a the backdrop to kindness and connection between us all.

Last night I went to a pagan celebration of the winter solstice (a bit early). The night was rainy and miserable but our hearts were warm from fellowship, candles and incense. We had meditations on bringing forth the light from our own inner selves and making the world anew after the darkness. It was a gift. Then we danced and chanted and feasted. *another sigh of contentment*

Cirdaneth What a lovely idea to have a gift from your shipwright each year! That just warmed my heart.

Jess I bet you'll enjoy singing for Christmas. Isn't it a great way of opening up your heart and releasing all the stress?

Scots I am glad for you that your son is coming to visit. Just don;t waer yourself out with the cleaning, eh? He's not there to do dorm inspection

Cat Don’t sell yourself short on wisdom, Woman. :nono: You not only have academic qualifications, but you are wise in ways of the heart and spirit. The older I get, the more I realize those ways are the most important.

Mith thanks for the card.

balrog I hear you about saving the paper on cards. We all know you wish us well, anyway. I suppose we could all do e-cards on FoF.
“Some believe it is only great power that can hold evil in check. But that is not what I have found. I have found that it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love. " Gandalf
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part IX
on: December 13, 2006 04:16
Have received Randi's card. I love listening for the postie.

*hops up on soap box next to Brandy*

I so agree with you dear. I think it is cyclical. After all, we only have records that go back, weatherwise, a couple of hundred years or more. Who knows what the weather was like 10 thousand years ago or more. Oh, I know it can tend to be a bit controversial, like politics and religion, but do we really think that the emission we make actually cause anything but a burp. Animal flatulence can do more damage. Lol!!

Mars is movings away from the earth too and has a huge effect on weather and people. The planets movements must have an effect of our own blue marble, as Jess called it.

The total eclipse of the sun a good few years back now had a huge effect on the earth's orbit and I'm sure I read that the tsunami of Boxing Day 2005 actually shifted the earth off it's axis by a quarter inch. Scaryyyyy!!

But it is still good to save trees and be environmentally friendly. Anything we kill or disturb has a knock on effect. It's called evolution, isn't it. Or am I being too controversial. :naughty:

*steps down off soap box*

Better go, Orcs thundering down the office. Lol!!

Take care everyone. :heart:
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part IX
on: December 13, 2006 07:01
I think you will find that the vast majority of scientists agree that our current unusual weather patterns are being caused by man's activities and not by any natural forces.

I'm waiting for a phone call from my family doctor, and I expect that I will be getting hospitalized shortly, possibly today. They're trying to get me in for a nuclear stress test to see how much trouble my heart is in. I believe the vessel they unblocked with a little balloon back in '93 may be closing back up on me, or I may have a new, different problem. I've been getting some mild chest pains for a while now, sometimes even being awoke by them at night. I was hoping I could put it all off untill after the holidays, but it looks like I didn't make it.
Prayers are definately in order and will be appreciated. If things go the way I think they might, I'll probably be absent from FoF for a while. Love and bear-hugs, Swabby
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part IX
on: December 13, 2006 08:42
Oh, swabby, I am really sorry to hear about your heart. You have a special place in my prayers, my dear man, do not doubt that for a second. We'll be here waiting for you, hurry back. Keep strong, sailor man, keep strong.
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part IX
on: December 13, 2006 08:59
Hi everyone

Swabby I wish you a speedy recovery and all the best. I am sure all of us here will be thinking of you and hoping you are OK. Please if you can keep us posted.

Hi to everyone else

Love and hugs especially to our sailor man

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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part IX
on: December 13, 2006 09:50
Swabby...I am very sorry to hear about your renewed heart problems :cry: ...Will be praying for your speedy recovery...and we will miss you while you are recooperating ..Hurry and get well...
May the light of The Two Trees illuminate your path and keep you safe ...:hug:
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part IX
on: December 13, 2006 09:58
Oh dear, swabby! Here's hoping it's only a stent that's needed and that's that! Eeee... Definitely sending all my good vibes and prayers your way. :hug:
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part IX
on: December 13, 2006 11:09
seems every day I frantically try to read all the posts and promise myself I will respond later but later I am knackered. working to hard.
But as i read the last few posts...I just have to take a minute.
Swabby, your heart is so precious to us :heart: please take care and do what the doc says and you know you have my prayers. we just want you to get better.
I have been recieving your cards and its so nice. Mine have been posted but justa a few days ago, so i hope they will reach you soon. Lovely cards, and Swabby and Mt your photos are lovely.
thinking about you all. I promise I will post more very soon.
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part IX
on: December 13, 2006 11:55
Oh Swabby! What a shame! It's a dreadful time of year to poorly but it's best to get it sorted out soonest.We'll miss you, so don't be away too long. love n hugs n healing vibes.
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